Job responsibilities of the head of the department. Job responsibilities of the head of the sales department: requirements, example and recommendations. What a specialist should know



[Job title]



[Name of company]

________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"____" ____________ 20__


Head of department

1. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the head of the department [Name of the organization in genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The head of the department belongs to the category of managers, is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The head of the department reports directly to the head of the Company.

1.4. A person who has:

  • higher professional education in the specialty “Industrial and civil construction”, “City construction and economy” and professional retraining in the direction of “Pricing and estimate regulation in construction”;
  • work experience in the field professional activity at least 3 years;
  • advanced training at least once every 5 years and the availability of a qualification certificate for compliance with the position held.

1.5. The head of the department must know:

  • laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation in area urban planning activities, administrative, methodological and regulatory documents in the field of pricing and estimate regulation in construction;
  • building regulations; standards in construction;
  • organization of the development of project documentation, the procedure for its coordination and approval;
  • fundamentals of architectural and technological design of buildings and structures;
  • Materials Science;
  • types of building structures;
  • technologies of construction processes and production;
  • organization of construction production;
  • rules for concluding construction contracts and government contracts for construction;
  • composition, content, procedure for development and approval of estimate documentation at various stages of the investment and construction process;
  • construction financing procedure, basics accounting and taxation in construction;
  • industry economics;
  • labor organization;
  • basics of construction management;
  • applied software products to automate the process of preparing estimates;
  • labor legislation;
  • labor protection and fire safety rules.

1.6. The head of the department in his activities is guided by:

  • company charter;
  • this job description.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of the head of the department, his duties are assigned to [name of the deputy position], who is appointed in the prescribed manner, acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

2. Job responsibilities

The head of the department is required to perform the following labor functions:

2.1. Develops budget policy for the organization.

2.2. Checks the validity of the cost of construction and installation works and other costs of the general contractor according to tender documentation or proposals for a contract for the construction of a facility, taking into account possible increases in costs during the construction period due to inflation, scientific, technical and social progress, and costs for environmental protection measures.

2.3. Participates in the preparation and approval of a contract for the construction of a facility.

2.4. Organizes the preparation and substantiation of proposals for the initial price of the contract during bidding for the placement of orders in construction, including state and municipal ones.

2.5. Checks the estimate documentation received from the customer and prepares an opinion on its composition and quality.

2.6. Together with representatives of subcontracting organizations, agrees with the customer and design organization local estimates, individual estimated resource standards and prices for construction and installation work, cost estimates material resources, cost of machine-hour of operation construction machines(including new highly efficient, imported machines), individual standards for overhead costs and estimated profits, calculations of the cost of work and expenses provided for by the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction.

2.7. Calculates the cost of construction, including its individual components.

2.8. Participates in the selection of the most optimal payment scheme for work performed between the customer and the contractor, accounting for work performed paid for by the customer, control measurements of completed construction and installation work.

2.9. Organizes the preparation of estimates for additional types works, the costs of which are not provided for in the relevant prices, and coordinates them with the customer and the design organization.

2.10. Participating:

  • in preparing draft contracts for the supply of material resources with their suppliers (manufacturers, intermediaries), in coordinating changes in conditions on pricing issues under concluded supply contracts;
  • in preparation necessary documentation to consider claims in arbitration;
  • in the formation, updating and storage of data on indicators of expenses and the cost of resources (labor costs of construction workers, operating time of construction machines, requirements for materials, products and structures) at the facilities built by the contractor, necessary for the creation of branded elemental and enlarged estimate norms and prices;
  • in the preparation of data necessary for the formation of an act of the state acceptance commission for putting the facility into operation.

In case of official necessity, the head of the department may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

The head of the department has the right:

3.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the head of the company.

3.2. Manage the financial resources and property entrusted to him in compliance with the requirements determined by legislative and regulatory legal acts and the organization’s charter.

3.3. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

3.5. Conduct quality checks and timely execution of orders.

3.6. Demand cessation (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance established requirements), compliance with established norms, rules, instructions, give instructions for correcting deficiencies and eliminating violations.

3.7. Submit for consideration by the head of the company ideas on the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, on the encouragement of distinguished employees and on the application disciplinary sanctions to employees who violate labor discipline.

3.8. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed by him.

3.9. Require the head of the company to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The head of the department bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions from the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of your labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of the head of the department is carried out:

4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of the head of a department is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in this job description.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work schedule of the head of the department is determined in accordance with the internal rules labor regulations established in the Company.

5.2. Due to production needs, the head of the department is required to travel to business trips(including local significance).

5.3. To resolve operational issues regarding provision production activities The head of the department may be allocated official vehicles.

6. Signature right

6.1. To ensure his activities, the head of the department is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues within his competence by this job description.

I have read the instructions ____/____________/ “__” _______ 20__

I approve

[position, signature, full name.

Manager or other

Official authorized


[organizational legal form, job description]

name of organization, [day, month, year]

enterprises] M.P.

Job description

head of the real estate department [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The head of the real estate department belongs to the category of managers and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the immediate manager].

1.2. A person with a higher legal education and work experience in the real estate field of at least [value] years is accepted for the position of head of the real estate department.

1.3. The head of the real estate department must know:

Principles and methods of personnel management;

Fundamentals of housing and land legislation, laws and regulations regulations, regulations, instructions and other documents regulating real estate transactions;

Fundamentals of a market economy;

Fundamentals of psychology, rules for establishing business contacts and negotiating, ethics of business communication;

Real estate market conditions and market research methods, the procedure for collecting and processing information about the real estate market;

Organization of real estate transactions;

Document flow at all stages of real estate construction;

Rules and procedure for registration necessary documents related to obtaining a construction permit, commissioning and registration of purchase and sale of real estate;

Basic requirements for real estate, technical, quality and other characteristics of real estate;

The procedure for systematizing, recording and maintaining control of documentation using modern information technologies;

Internal labor regulations;

Labor protection rules and regulations.

2. Job responsibilities

The head of the real estate department is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Planning of department activities.

2.2. Control and analysis of the department's work.

2.3. Participation in the development of the organization's development strategy.

2.4. Organization of work on the development and implementation of technologies and methods for increasing real estate sales.

2.5. Conducting business negotiations.

2.6. Analysis and monitoring of the real estate market.

2.7. Distribution of work among department employees.

2.8. Legal support in the process of obtaining land plots for construction, as well as registration of rights to land plots.

2.9. Obtaining permission to build real estate.

2.10. Legal support for the construction of real estate (monitoring the compliance of the work carried out with the received design and estimate documentation, interaction with regulatory authorities).

2.11. Obtaining permission to put real estate into operation (preparation of necessary documents, interaction with authorized bodies).

2.12. Implementation state registration rights to newly constructed real estate.

2.13. Search potential clients, establishing business contacts with them, conducting negotiations.

2.14. Selection of optimal real estate objects that meet client requirements.

2.15. Organization of familiarization of clients with real estate objects.

2.16. Advising clients on all issues related to the conclusion and execution of contracts, as well as the execution of real estate transactions.

2.17. Assisting in the timely preparation of documents necessary for clients to conclude a transaction, ensuring their safety.

2.18. Preparing and conducting transactions for the purchase and sale of real estate.

2.19. Interaction with authorities and officials involved in the execution of real estate transactions and related procedures.

2.20. Drawing up established reports on the work done.

2.21. Resolving personnel issues in the department.

2.22. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

The head of the real estate department has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.2. Make proposals to senior management to improve the organization's work.

3.3. Make decisions independently within your competence and organize their implementation by department employees.

3.4. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in fulfilling its professional responsibilities and exercise of rights.

3.5. Conduct civil transactions and represent the interests of the organization by proxy.

3.6. Interact with heads of departments of the organization, obtain information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

3.7. Monitor the activities of employees subordinate to him.

3.8. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

3.9. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

Many business owners mistakenly believe that in order for sales to be high, they only need to equip an office, formulate a plan, recruit a department of “sales people” and put a boss at the head of this department to implement it. However, practice shows that the work of any specialist must be directed in the right direction, and not only by total control of management, but also by assigning direct responsibilities and rights to him. All these provisions must be approved in the relevant documentation. This means that you should not take a formal approach to creating job descriptions. The instruction must be a regulation that clearly defines the actions of each employee and his powers.

Range of duties

The head of the sales department is a professional with a wide range of responsibilities, with employees directly subordinate to him. The amount of profit of the enterprise and the absence of complaints about the company’s brand depend on how well the head of the sales department performs his duties and at what level his professionalism is developed.

The main goals that a person faces in this position:

  • team management, training of new personnel;
  • strategic search for new consumers of products and services, work with them;
  • accounts receivable management;
  • Formation of a sales plan, monitoring its implementation;
  • implementation, together with the marketing department, of the company's development strategy.

The breadth of responsibilities of the head of the sales department depends on the specifics of a particular enterprise and the number of employees. In principle, the position has great prospects; you can “grow” to commercial director or even become the chief manager of a company or office.

Personnel management, training of new personnel

The functional responsibilities of the head of the sales department are, first of all, the management of the personnel entrusted to him. A good specialist must have an excellent understanding of the specifics of his industry and understand the principles by which modern sales channels operate, that is, he needs to be able to attract a client, establish cooperation with him and not let go of the old one. He must teach this to his subordinates as well.

Setting goals

The boss must clearly set tasks for the staff and adjust the priorities in their work. A specialist needs to be able to correctly distribute responsibilities among all employees. Sales representatives and sales managers must clearly understand who is responsible for what. At the same time, the assigned tasks must be realistically achievable.

Execution control

Before monitoring the completion of tasks, it is necessary to explain to subordinates what criteria will be used to determine the effectiveness of their work. Depending on the results of the intermediate control, the head of the sales department may be faced with the task of correcting current plans. The responsibilities of the head of the sales department also include eliminating conflict situations between employees.


Fairness should be a top priority for every leader. It is impossible to achieve successful work in a team where only those who are close to management are rewarded, and “strangers” are scolded, even if they have the best high performance in sales.

When choosing incentives for your subordinates, you need to take them into account individual characteristics, keeping in mind the overall interests of the entire department.

Strategic search for consumers of products and services, working with them

This paragraph of the instructions should be drawn up depending on the specifics of the enterprise. In any case, knowledge modern technologies sales across key distribution channels is a fundamental factor when selecting a candidate for the position of chief. In addition, the job responsibilities of the head of the sales department require the ability to negotiate high level. The specialist must have presentation skills. Ideally, the candidate should have an MBA education.

The head of the department must cope with the settlement of all controversial situations that may arise between the manager and the client. He will also have to analyze incoming complaints in order to identify existing shortcomings in the work of both his department and the entire enterprise.

Accounts receivable management

The main responsibilities of the head of the sales department include managing accounts receivable. The set of actions in relation to this paragraph consists of the following provisions:

  • selection of optimal sales conditions that will ensure a uniform and guaranteed cash flow;
  • determining the level of premiums and discounts, depending on the purchasing category of consumers;
  • limiting the permissible level of debt;
  • reduction in the number of debts.

Practicing marketers know for sure that this task is much more problematic and even a priority than expanding the sales market. Timely repayment of debt is a guarantee of the successful functioning of the enterprise in the future.

Formation of a sales plan, monitoring its implementation

Perhaps no one will argue that planning is one of the main tools for achieving any goal. Can a sales department exist without a plan? It can, but you shouldn’t expect efficiency from the staff’s work.

Responsibilities of the head of the department retail sales- planning. When doing this work, you should not rely solely on the results of past periods. In this case, managers will have nothing to strive for. The analysis will determine the seasonality of sales, but nothing more. The plan is regulated by strictly limited deadlines, and employees, based on it, must receive real and achievable goals from the manager.

Implementation of the company’s development strategy together with the marketing department

The main function of the marketing department is to support sales, but this does not mean that marketers report to the head of the sales department. These two divisions must be equal, and no one is obliged to obey anyone.

Personnel management, training of new personnel The functional responsibilities of the head of the sales department are, first of all, the management of the personnel entrusted to him. A good specialist must have an excellent understanding of the specifics of his industry and understand the principles by which modern sales channels operate, that is, he needs to be able to attract a client, establish cooperation with him and not let go of the old one. He must teach this to his subordinates as well. Setting tasks The boss must clearly set tasks for the staff and adjust the priorities in their work. A specialist needs to be able to correctly distribute responsibilities among all employees. Sales representatives and sales managers must clearly understand who is responsible for what. At the same time, the assigned tasks must be realistically achievable.

Job Descriptions


The Head of the Department bears full responsibility for the quality and timeliness of completing the tasks assigned to the Department, as well as other responsibilities assigned to him by this Job Description. 4.2. If the above duties are not fulfilled to the specified extent and within the established time frame, as well as in case of violation of labor discipline, the head of the Department bears responsibility in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and corporate regulations of the Company (regulations, rules, instructions).

I have read and agree with these Instructions (full name) (signature) » » year.

Department head. his functions and responsibilities

Initiate administrative measures against department employees carrying out delivery (expedition) of goods for failure to comply with regulations on the organization of pharmaceutical activities. 771 Responsibility The head of the expedition site-pharmacist is personally responsible to the General Director XXX for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of his functional responsibilities in achieving established goals, as well as improper use of the rights granted to him: - in accordance with the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, internal regulatory documents, employment contract the worker bears disciplinary liability; - in accordance with the agreement on full individual financial liability the employee bears financial responsibility.

Job description of the head of the general department

II. Functions The head of the general department is assigned the following functions: 2.1. Organization of reception, registration and processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence.

Management of the secretariat and typing service of the enterprise. 2.3. Participation in the organization and control of the activities of economic services.

Organization of methodological work on document flow issues. 2.5. Contact with the work of accounting, personnel and legal services.

2.6. Ensuring healthy and safe conditions labor for subordinate workers. III. Job responsibilities The head of the general department is obliged to: 3.1.
Ensure the implementation of standards for a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. 3.2.

Responsibilities of a boss: a reminder for all occasions

Many business owners mistakenly believe that in order for sales to be high, they only need to equip an office, formulate a plan, recruit a department of “sales people” and put a boss at the head of this department to implement it. However, practice shows that the work of any specialist must be directed in the right direction, and not only by total control of management, but also by assigning direct responsibilities and rights to him.
All these provisions must be approved in the relevant documentation. This means that you should not take a formal approach to creating job descriptions.
The instruction must be a regulation that clearly defines the actions of each employee and his powers. Responsibilities The head of the sales department is a professional with a wide range of responsibilities, with employees directly subordinate.

Job description of the head of the department


The responsibilities of the deputy head of the sales department should be formed depending on its structure. If several directions have been created in a department, then there may be several deputies.

The deputy head can monitor the timeliness of product shipments and analyze the advertising strategy. If the department works in several directions, then the deputy involved in a specific task can draw up plans and distribute clients among employees, search for new clients and control the receipt of payments, and be responsible for information support for others structural divisions enterprises. The deputy also manages the maintenance of the register of shipments and expected payments, and prepares contracts.

Responsibilities and job description of the head of the sales department

Strategic search for consumers of products and services, working with them This paragraph of the instructions should be drawn up depending on the specifics of the enterprise. In any case, knowledge of modern sales technologies across key sales channels is a fundamental factor when choosing a candidate for the position of chief. In addition, the job responsibilities of the head of the sales department require the ability to negotiate at a high level. The specialist must have presentation skills.

Ideally, the candidate should have an MBA education. The head of the department must cope with the resolution of all controversial situations that may arise between the manager and the client. He will also have to analyze incoming complaints in order to identify existing shortcomings in the work of both his department and the entire enterprise.

Job description of the head of a structural unit


You can download the job description for the head of the department for free. Job responsibilities of the head of the department I approve (Last name, initials) (name of the organization, its organizational and legal form) (director; other person authorized to approve the job description) 00.00.201_g.


JOB DESCRIPTION OF THE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT (name of institution) 00.00.201_g. No. 00 I. General provisions 1.1. This job description establishes the rights, responsibilities and job responsibilities of the head of the department (hereinafter referred to as the “enterprise”).

Name of institution 1.2. The head of the department is responsible for organizing and improving the work management system for department employees. 1.3. A person appointed to the position of head of a department must have higher education and work experience in the specialty of pricing and estimating for at least five years.


Functional responsibilities of the head of the sales department

Organizes and participates in training branch staff to work with computer equipment and software; 758.2.16 Participates in the hiring process of new IT employees; 758.2.17 Provides interaction with functional divisions of State Enterprise XXX on IT support issues; 758.3 To achieve the established goals, the head of the department interacts with other organizations: - XXX “ССС” on customer service issues; — Internet providers on the provision of Internet services to the branch, review tariff plans; — Telecom operators on the provision of communication services to the branch, revision of tariff plans; — With organizations providing warranty and post-warranty services maintenance and repair of branch IT equipment; — With organizations providing services for installation and modernization of SCS in the branch.

Functional responsibilities of the head of the HR department

Education Secondary in specialty - pharmacy 7.2 Work experience At least 1 year 7.3 Professional skills Ability to organize pharmaceutical activities in a pharmacy warehouse in accordance with legal requirements Special requirements 7.4 Knowledge of special software, technical systems Consultant Plus; Guarantee; GOST; Microsoft Word; Microsoft Excel 7.5 Knowledge of regulatory documentation Legislative and by-laws regulating pharmaceutical activities (including the circulation of controlled drugs and substances) 7.6 Knowledge of methods Checking compliance with licensing requirements and conditions at a pharmacy warehouse 773 Dictionary of special terms and abbreviations Term, abbreviation Definition of a term, abbreviations 8.1 OCS Department Central warehouse 8.2 ATO Department of Commodity Operations The instruction fully reflects the content and specifics of the activities of this official.

Functional responsibilities of the head of the department

The amount of profit of the enterprise and the absence of complaints about the company’s brand depend on how well the head of the sales department performs his duties and at what level his professionalism is developed. The main goals that a person faces in this position:

  • team management, training of new personnel;
  • strategic search for new consumers of products and services, work with them;
  • accounts receivable management;
  • Formation of a sales plan, monitoring its implementation;
  • implementation, together with the marketing department, of the company's development strategy.

The breadth of responsibilities of the head of the sales department depends on the specifics of a particular enterprise and the number of employees.

In principle, the position has great prospects; you can “grow up” to commercial director or even become the chief manager of a company or office.

The sales department is the heart of a trading company. Without it there is no profit, which means there is no point in economic activity commercial organization. At the moment, sales managers are needed almost everywhere, and all these managers must be managed by someone. This is precisely the responsibility of the head of the sales department. We will look at all the features of the position in more detail below.

Basic provisions of the job description

This position is classified as a management position. The head of the sales department reports directly to the director or to CEO. All orders relating to the work of the head of the sales department must be issued and signed by him. If an employee goes on vacation or sick leave, he is replaced by the person specified in the order of the director of the organization. On leadership positions usually appoint people with higher vocational education and with at least 1 year of experience in the specified field. A specialist must know from the inside all the specifics of the work and be able to quickly respond to emerging situations. If a specialist does not have experience, most likely, decision-making will be slow, which in the field of trading can significantly reduce profits. And the job description of the head of the sales department prescribes that the specialist should increase profits, not decrease them.

Main responsibilities

The range of responsibilities of a sales manager may vary depending on the structure of the organization, the number of employees on staff and other factors. Below is the most general list of workplace responsibilities found in most companies.

In his activities, the head of the sales department must be guided by the following provisions and documents:

  • state legislative acts;
  • Articles of association;
  • orders from immediate management;
  • labor regulations and other provisions adopted in the organization.

To the main labor responsibilities the following can be attributed:

  • control over the work of the department;
  • solving operational problems;
  • making proposals to improve the working conditions of the department;
  • decision on hiring, dismissal, bonuses and relocation of employees of the controlled department.

Tasks and functions of the employee

The job description of the head of the sales department requires the employee to perform the following tasks and functions:

  • control over the sales of the organization's products;
  • pricing, promotions, special loyalty programs;
  • product sales planning now and in the future;
  • provision of sales personnel necessary means, equipment, office, software;
  • control over debts in relations with counterparties;
  • maintaining, controlling, maintaining and expanding the organization’s client base;
  • calculation control wages department employees;
  • organizing and conducting exhibition events and other advertising campaigns;
  • organizing trainings, courses, coaching for department staff;
  • demand analysis, assortment development;
  • control over the supply of retail outlets;
  • receiving and analyzing client feedback on the work of subordinates;
  • contact and building long-term trading relationships with key clients;
  • motivating department employees, increasing sales plans;
  • analysis of competitors’ activities and ways to increase the attractiveness of your company against their background.

Personal qualities of the applicant for the position

The job description of the head of the sales department, as seen in the last paragraph, implies wide range competencies, responsibilities, areas of control and interaction. In order to properly perform all the duties, functions and tasks of the head of the sales department, the applicant must have a number of personal qualities. It is precisely because of their character traits that this profession may not be suitable for many applicants for the position. So, what should a person who has expressed a desire to get a job in this position be like? The following are particularly important features of personnel services:

  • stress resistance;
  • processing ability a large number of heterogeneous information at the same time;
  • Analytical mind ;
  • ability to creatively solve problems;
  • social activity, sociability, sociability, ability to find a common language with everyone;
  • ability to work under pressure;
  • charisma;
  • leadership skills.

What should a specialist know?

Knowledge in certain areas helps a specialist to successfully perform the functions of a sales department manager. There are always much higher requirements for the management of an enterprise in the field of professional knowledge and education. The head of the sales department should know the following:

  • organization structure, staffing and departments;
  • legislation regulating civil and economic activities;
  • rules and methods of financial planning;
  • plans for the long-term development of the organization;
  • reporting documentation forms and rules for filling them out;
  • marketing and pricing;
  • office rules;
  • rules of commercial relationships with counterparties;
  • fire safety and labor safety requirements.

Employee rights

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a number of rights for workers in any field. The head of the sales department is no exception. At his workplace he has the following rights and privileges:

  • be aware of the decisions of superiors regarding the department under his control;
  • make decisions independently within your competence;
  • assign tasks to your subordinates and monitor the progress of their implementation;
  • submits ideas and proposals for consideration by management to improve the work process;
  • reward or fine your subordinates;
  • participate in the development of documents important for the organization’s activities;
  • obtain information necessary for work from the heads of other structural divisions;
  • sign documents related to the work of his department;
  • demand from the director to comply with instructions on labor legislation, workplace design and working conditions.

Employee Responsibility

What does the head of sales do in an organization? First of all, it regulates the activities of its division. Based on the duties assigned to this position, responsibility is formed. The following points can be identified for which the head of the sales department is responsible:

  • fulfillment of the sales plan, divisional activities;
  • violation by an employee or his subordinates of regulations adopted by the company;
  • implementation of planned programs on the market;
  • improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s duties, as well as the duties of subordinates;
  • responsibility for independently made decisions and their consequences;
  • negligence and failure to comply with safety regulations;
  • disclosure of trade secrets, theft of the customer base;
  • violation of internal discipline and labor regulations.

Head of Regional Sales Department

It is no secret that most economic sectors belong to huge holdings with a branch network throughout the country. They are the ones who set the tone in the product sales market. At the same time, they assign a special role to the sales department. Only here there are also regional managers who control the work of several branches and divisions at once. In relatively small organizations, the job description of the head of the sales department is replete with the number of duties and the scale of responsibility; it is difficult to imagine what will happen at the regional level. But it's not all that scary. The head of the regional sales department has a whole staff of deputies under his command, who are entrusted with part of his functions.

Courses for sales managers

In large organizations, it is common to conduct a lot of training and coaching for sales managers. They study various psychological methods of influence, rules of negotiation, ways to retain and attract clients and much more. Such courses are useful not only for managers, as individual parts of the mechanism of the selling structure, but also for their boss. The manager must be aware of all training programs that his subordinates undergo. In addition, it would not be a bad idea to increase your own productivity. To do this, you can take courses on leadership, time management, and improve your skills in your main area of ​​activity. Behind a successful team there should always be a successful boss.