Air delivery. Timing and methods of implementation. Determining the optimal aircraft loading option and the route for transporting commercial cargo Flight for the purpose of delivering cargo

Air delivery has one important advantage - speed. But not everyone understands exactly how transportation occurs and what is included in it. In this article we will analyze the main stages and features of this type of transportation, and also consider its advantages and disadvantages, the types of cargo that should be sent in this way.

Air transportation stages

Two companies are directly involved in air transportation: a transport company (carrier), with which the customer (sender or recipient) enters into an agreement and communicates directly, and an aviation company (for example, Aeroflot). The carrier may partner with several airline companies that are willing to provide space on an aircraft flying in the desired direction and at the desired time.

Cargo can be transported on cargo, passenger or charter aircraft. Charter flights are organized upon request. The cargo itself can be (on one plane - several packages for different recipients), it is also possible to rent the entire space on the plane or send a small parcel. The type of cooperation and the aircraft itself affects the order of delivery.

General stages of air transportation:

  • Delivery from the sender's warehouse to the airport. This stage is present if the carrier organizes delivery according to the door-to-door scheme. to the customer’s warehouse, accepts the cargo after paperwork (contract, insurance) is completed. The sender may be required to provide additional documents for the cargo.
  • Registration of export documents for cargo. At this stage, the documents necessary to clear customs in the sender’s country are prepared. This is necessary if the cargo crosses state borders.
  • Direct transportation. After customs clearance the cargo is placed on the plane and sent to its destination (the nearest airport).
  • Customs clearance. If the cargo crosses the border, it is sent to customs post at the airport, where they are searched and documents are examined. If necessary, duties will be paid.
  • Delivery to the recipient's warehouse. The cargo is reloaded onto vehicles at the airport terminal and then sent to the recipient. The recipient signs the documents and accepts the cargo.

As you can see, air delivery is no more complicated than rail and sea delivery: here you will also have to use additional view transport to deliver the cargo to the warehouse, but is carried out directly at the airport.

Advantages of delivering cargo by air

Air delivery is the only way to quickly deliver cargo when it comes to distances over 2-3 thousand kilometers. Even if the destination and departure points are not separated by an ocean, cargo can be delivered by plane several times faster than by car or train. Speed ​​is the key and absolute advantage.

“Relative” advantages include safety. Yes, plane crashes happen in the sky, but this happens, contrary to popular belief, many times less often than on highways. Even less insured against a crash than an airplane. In terms of safety, air travel can only be “beaten” by railway transport, with which problems still occur, but much less frequently.

Another important nuance, which is difficult to attribute specifically to advantages: in some cases, you simply cannot do without an airplane. For example, if we are talking about delivering cargo from Vladivostok to Kamchatka or Chukotka: land communications here are poorly developed (even winter roads are not the most the best option), and sea routes may be closed for much of the year.

Disadvantages of air routes

The main disadvantage is one thing - high cost. However, in some cases this turns out to be even cheaper than any other methods (for example, delivering goods to the north Far East and Siberia). High price due to expensive fuel and equipment maintenance.

The second disadvantage is the small number of airports. Not all regional centers of Russia have airports. In addition, it is not always possible to send cargo from the nearest airport in the direction you need. So, sometimes you have to transport cargo not 100-150 km, but 400-500 km, to a large airport. However, with sea transportation everything is even worse: there are very few ports in Russia, and the carrier has little choice, so you have to use auto or.

What should you transport by air?

As you can see, despite the high cost, air transport is used for... And there are reasons for this, including economic ones.


Route Almaty - Bonn Payment currency: tenge Passengers 10 adults, 2 children aged 5 years, 2 children aged 13 years Luggage 19 pieces / 330 kg (11 paid) Hand luggage 44 kg Transported cargo - 39 kg (fresh flowers)Book an air ticket for children (age 1 year)


Freight transportation- this is a process as a result of which valuable, fragile, large-sized, and indeed any objects are moved to some place using some kind of transport. Among carriers, as well as customers, the concept of cost, as a rule, refers to one-way payment for any transportation. Also, you should not connect the concept of cargo transportation with the rental of special equipment or its services, these are different areas of activity.

Over the entire existence of mankind, three revolutions in the development of cargo transportation can be distinguished:

The time when man invented the wheel. After this, the process of cargo transportation itself became much easier.

The period in which man managed to domesticate some animals (livestock appeared). A person did not have to spend as much effort as he previously spent on transportation, exhausting his body.

Naturally - the invention and manufacture of vehicles. This made it possible to reduce cargo transportation time several times and, again, reduced the cost of human effort. Nowadays, when technology is becoming more and more sophisticated every day, cargo can be transported in any quantity and over any distance.

Main types of cargo transportation:

Sea container (ships, vessels).

By rail.

By road.

By air (plane, helicopter).


Shipping- This is one of the most complex and difficult types of transportation. It is necessary to strictly comply with all requirements for this type of cargo transportation, both from the customer himself and from the company that provides these services. Sea freight transportation requires a considerable amount of energy and labor resources. But it can be noted that all sorts of difficulties with organizing sea cargo transportation are compensated by all the possibilities it provides. First of all, they are associated with the geographical location of various points of delivery and loading of an object. This type of transportation is the slowest and cheapest among all possible types of cargo transportation.

Freight transportationcarried out using railway transport

They are very, very economical and provide great opportunities for transporting fairly large objects. Almost all vehicles are inferior in terms of their carrying capacity. railway transport. It allows you to be this species cargo transportation is one of the most popular in mining and heavy industry.

Cargo transportation carried out using vehicles

This type of cargo transportation is one of the most popular. Main advantages:

Very fast and timely delivery.

During transportation, full control over the cargo is ensured.

Flexible route planning.

High efficiency.

Cargo transportation carried out using air transport

Air cargo transportation- This is a more expensive method of transportation than road, rail or sea transportation. But also the most quick way delivery, especially of large or dangerous goods.

There are also three types of cargo transportation:




When organizing distribution channels for finished products, an enterprise, firm, or concern has to resolve many issues related to the delivery of goods. First of all, you need to choose the type of transport, methods of organizing transportation and the type of vehicles.

When making a rational choice of transport, experts pay attention to its compliance with the properties of the goods being transported. The main criterion is the safety of cargo, the best use of the capacity and carrying capacity of transport, and the reduction of transportation costs. Cargo transportation by air is the fastest and most reliable way to deliver goods. Wide geography of flights, the ability to fly long distances in a short time and the non-aggressiveness of the transportation environment make the use of air transportation very profitable and convenient.

Despite the relatively high cost of air transportation compared to other types of transportation (land or sea), the use of air transportation is especially actively used when transporting goods over long distances, for the delivery of which speed and safety are important (products, urgent cargo, expensive goods, medicines, etc. .).

Cargo transportation by air can significantly reduce the overall cargo delivery time and solves the problem of transporting goods to almost any place on the globe.

The purpose of my course work is to talk about the organization of cargo transportation by air.

To achieve the goal course work Goals I solved the following problems:

Basic principles of organization freight transport;

Cargo accepted for air transportation;

Features of processing cargo sent by aircraft;

Processing of incoming cargo;

Transportation of goods under special conditions;

Malfunctions during cargo transportation;

The object of this course work is the transportation of cargo by air.

The course work was written using literature on the organization of transportation, rules for the transportation of goods on air lines of the USSR as amended by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of August 23, 2005 N GKPI05-732; specialized sources covering this topic. The bibliography is presented at the end of the coursework.


Airline- is any air transport organization that carries out air traffic or offers its services in this area.

Agent- legal or individual, which, in accordance with a written agreement (power of attorney), is authorized to act on behalf of the Carrier.

International airport- an airport providing international air transportation, where customs, border and quarantine controls are provided.

Departure airport- airport (point) from which, according to the air carriage agreement, transportation begins.

Air transportation- transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail on aircraft on the basis and in accordance with the terms of the contract of carriage.

Aircraft-This aircraft maintained in the atmosphere by its interaction with air.

Air line- this is an established line defining points between which regular air transportation is carried out.

Cargo -any property, products or goods, with the exception of mail or other property transported under the terms of international postal agreements, passenger baggage or carrier property, transported or accepted for carriage on an aircraft. Baggage, the carriage of which is documented in an air waybill, is also considered cargo.

Shipper- the person whose name is indicated on the air waybill as the party who entered into an agreement with the carrier(s) for the carriage of goods.

Consignee- physical or entity, whose name appears on the air waybill as the party to whom the carrier must deliver the goods.

Cargo compartment- the space on an aircraft, defined by the ceiling, floor, walls and bulkheads, used for the carriage of cargo on the aircraft.

Freight agent- a person or organization authorized by the carrier to receive cargo, issue air waybills and collect fees for the carriage of cargo and related services. IATA Cargo Agent a person or organization recognized and registered by IATA as meeting the IATA Cargo Agent Requirements

Mixed cargo- cargo consisting of various goods, objects or property, packed together or contained in separate packages, for the payment of transportation of which different tariffs were applied.

Transit cargo- cargo delivered to a certain point and transported from it on the same intermediate flight.

Transfer cargo- cargo delivered to a certain point along the transportation route on one flight and transported from this point further on another flight of the same or another carrier.

Packing group- the term is used in the practice of packaging dangerous goods to determine the comparative degree of danger presented by various objects and substances within a class or category. Roman numerals I, II and III are used to represent “major danger”, “medium danger” and “minor danger” respectively.

Dangerous cargo- an article or substance which, when transported on an aircraft, is capable of causing a threat to health, safety, property or environment and which is specified in the list of dangerous goods and the current ICAO Technical Instructions

Sender- a legal entity or individual indicated in the cargo waybill as the sender of the cargo.

Carrier- Joint-Stock Company which issues a transportation document, carries out or undertakes to carry out air transportation, and also provides or undertakes to provide services related to such transportation, in accordance with the transportation or payment document issued by the airline or other carrier, which is recognized as valid on the airline’s routes.

Platform- part of the airfield of a civil airfield intended to accommodate aircraft for the purpose of boarding and disembarking passengers, loading and unloading luggage, cargo and mail, as well as for other types of services.

Flight- this is an aircraft flight performed in one direction from the initial to the final point of the route.

Regular flight- this is an aircraft flight carried out along a route in accordance with the established schedule.

Charter flight -This is an aircraft flight performed in accordance with the charter agreement.

Strong-smelling cargo -cargo, which, due to its strong odor, is accepted for transportation only when packed in sealed airtight (waterproof) containers so that the odor does not escape from the packaging.

Perishable cargo- cargo that loses its quality after a limited period of time under the influence of environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.), which requires compliance special conditions and rules for their transportation. Typical perishable goods include food, live plants, breeding eggs, medical supplies, fish seeding material.

Valuable cargo- any cargo that has a declared value for transportation of 1000 US dollars (or its equivalent) or more per kilogram, for example, silver, gold and platinum in various types, precious stones, pearls and products made from them, banknotes, traveler's checks, insurance policies and so on

1. Rules for the carriage of goods

Organization of freight transportation.

Cargo transportation is carried out:

Regular scheduled flights; charter flights on established air lines, as well as to points where regular flights are not operated; in direct mixed transport by carriers different types transport according to one document involving air transport.

We accept for transportation on registered flights cargo that cannot be transported on regular flights according to the established schedule. Cargo transportation on registered flights is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of cargo on USSR airlines.

Cargo transportation in direct mixed traffic involving air transport is regulated special legislation of the USSR on such transportation, as well as the Rules approved by the MGA together with the relevant transport ministries and departments.

Cargo is transported along the shortest routes and, as a rule, by direct flights. If it is impossible to send cargo on direct flights, its transportation is carried out with reloading at intermediate airports (transfer transportation) to other flights, which must be noted in the cargo bill of lading by the carrier.

Cargo transportation is carried out in the order indicated:

in pursuance of the approved transportation plan;

in pursuance of a special agreement with the sender;

in excess of the approved plan;

For one-time requests from state enterprises, organizations,


The following cargo is transported out of turn:

on government orders;

intended to prevent or eliminate the consequences of natural disasters, epidemics, accidents, catastrophes, etc.;

special purposes (election, sowing, harvesting);

accepted for transportation based on one-time requests from citizens (personal property of citizens);

erroneously sent or temporarily detained during transportation.

In pursuance of the transportation plan, the carrier is obliged to provide the means of transportation specified in the plan, and the sender is obliged to present the cargo specified in the plan for transportation.

In the event of failure to provide the means of transport necessary to fulfill the monthly transportation plan, the carrier, at the request of the sender, is obliged to provide means of transport to make up for the shortfall during the next month of the given quarter. Transportation facilities not submitted in the last month of the quarter must be provided in the first month of the next quarter.

The procedure for providing transportation means to make up for the underload is established by agreement between the carrier and the sender. In case of violation of the agreed procedure, the carrier for the lack of transportation means and the sender for failure to present the cargo for transportation bear the responsibility established for failure to fulfill the transportation plan in accordance with the Rules for the transportation of goods on the USSR overhead line.

Cargo accepted for air transportation

1 Requirements for cargo transported by air

The VP accepts cargo whose packaging and properties allow for its safe transportation, subject to prolonged exposure to the following factors:

ambient temperatures from -60 to +60 degrees C;

decrease in atmospheric pressure (up to 145 mm Hg);

vibrations with a certain amplitude from 5 mm at a frequency of 7 Hz

2 Packing of goods

The shipper is responsible for packaging suitable for VP. The carrier has the right to inspect the packaging and contents of any cargo shipments. Packaging must comply with the rules and be:

dry and clean, without sharp protrusions and corners;

ensure the safety of cargo for the entire duration of the VP;

containers for liquids must withstand internal excess pressure when external atmospheric pressure drops;

Packaging may not be standard when transporting agricultural products, subject to the safety of the cargo:

the packaging must be sealed when transporting goods with declared value;

transfer cargo with poor packaging is repacked in the transfer AP with costs charged to the departure AP;

Abrasive materials in poor or damaged packaging are not accepted, household appliances, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, bulk cargo, etc.

It is prohibited to accept packaging or mooring cargo, the properties and configurations of which do not guarantee the safety of the airframe, into the airspace.

3 Cargo marking

Each package must be legibly and securely marked by the shipper with the same name and address as on the waybill. Markings and signs must be clearly visible and retained during transportation. It is recommended to use a special marker. The marking must contain the following information:

main inscriptions (full name of the recipient, destination, number of batch places and serial number of this place);

additional inscriptions (full name of the sender, point of departure, inscription AP of departure, which consists of 11 characters, including the invoice number, three-letter code of AP of departure, number of places in a given consignment;

information labels (gross and net weight in kg, overall dimensions, cargo volume in cubic cm).

If any of the cargo dimensions does not exceed 0.7 m, overall dimensions are not indicated.

markings (signs of manipulation) - dark on a light background and, conversely, the inscriptions “open here”, “caution”, “do not turn over”, etc.

Markings are applied on the following places of the cargo package:

on boxes - on one of the sides of the box;

on barrels, drums - on the bottoms of a barrel, drum;

on bales - on the side surface of the bale;

on bales - on the end or side of the bale.

In some cases (lattice containers, bundles, coils) marking labels with an area of ​​at least 60 are used.

Peculiarities of processing cargo sent by aircraft

1 Acceptance of cargo for transportation

Cargo for transportation is accepted by airports and transport and forwarding enterprises that perform intermediary functions between the sender and the carrier.

Cargo is accepted for transportation at the airport warehouse directly from the sender or from a representative of the transport and forwarding enterprise. By agreement between the carrier and the sender, cargo can be accepted for transportation at the sender's warehouse or at another point.

Delivery of cargo to the airport is carried out by the sender's transport. The carrier may undertake to deliver the cargo to the airport from the sender's warehouse with payment at the established tariff.

All work related to unloading cargo from vehicles, as well as carrying cargo before handing it over for transportation, is carried out by the sender. The carrier may undertake loading and unloading operations from the sender's vehicles for a fee at the current rate.

Centralized delivery of cargo to the airport is carried out by a transport and forwarding company. The carrier is obliged to accept cargo delivered to the airport and unload it from vehicles.

The transport and forwarding enterprise is obliged to pay the carrier the due payments in accordance with the agreement concluded between the transport and forwarding enterprise, the sender and the carrier.

Acceptance of cargo for transportation is carried out after the sender has made all payments for transportation in cash, State Bank checks or payment orders accepted by the bank. Carriage of cargo on credit or with cash on delivery is prohibited.

Cargo is accepted for transportation on the terms of its delivery to the destination within the established time frame in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of cargo on the USSR overhead line without determining the flight and date of dispatch. However, the carrier may accept cargo for transportation with a specified date for its dispatch on a specific flight. In this case, the sender is obliged to deliver the cargo to the airport or other point agreed upon with the carrier by the time specified by the carrier. The carrier is obliged to accept the cargo and send it on the agreed flight.

In case of violation of these conditions by the carrier or sender, the violating party bears the responsibility provided for by the Rules for the transportation of goods on the USSR overhead line.

Only cargo that, in its volume, quality, weight and properties, satisfies the conditions for its transportation by aircraft in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the transportation of cargo on the USSR overhead line and special conditions of transportation is accepted for air transportation individual species cargo established by MGA.

The possibility of accepting cargo for transportation by aircraft is determined by the carrier. Before handing over the cargo for transportation, the sender is obliged to inform the carrier of all necessary information related to the cargo.

Individual pieces of cargo accepted for transportation must have a weight, size or volume that ensures their free placement and securing in the luggage and cargo spaces of aircraft, as well as in containers and on pallets.

The weight of an individual item must be no less than 5 kg and no more than 200 kg, including containers or packaging. The dimensions or volume of an individual piece of cargo accepted for transportation in containers and on pallets must comply with the requirements of the Rules for the transportation of cargo on the USSR overhead line.

Acceptance for transportation of individual pieces of cargo with deviations from the maximum weight, size or volume may be carried out under a special agreement with the carrier. Payment for their transportation is made in accordance with the rules for applying tariffs.

Dangerous, perishable cargo, animals and other special cargo are accepted for transportation in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Rules for the transportation of cargo on the USSR overhead line and the instructions of the Moscow Civil Aviation Authority on the transportation of such cargo.

The carrier is obliged to refuse to accept cargo for transportation if:

The cargo waybill filled out by the sender does not contain the information required by the Rules for the transportation of goods on the USSR overhead line.

The weight, size or volume of an individual piece of cargo exceeds the standards established for transportation by aircraft operating on the airlines on which transportation will be carried out;

The container or packaging of the cargo does not comply with the requirements of the Rules for the transportation of cargo on the USSR overhead line.

The sender did not present the goods necessary documents required in accordance with sanitary, quarantine and other rules;

Due to its properties, the cargo is not allowed for transportation;

There are no transport or special markings on the container or packaging;

There is a restriction on the carriage of the presented cargo government agencies;

There is no agreed decision on declaring the value of the cargo.

In all cases when the sender, according to a plan, agreement or preliminary one-time application, presented cargo for transportation in violation of the Rules for the transportation of cargo on the USSR overhead line and the carrier refused to accept the cargo for transportation, the cargo is considered not presented for transportation, about which a bilateral act is drawn up.

2 Delivery times

The carrier is obliged to deliver the cargo accepted for transportation to its destination within the specified time period.

The delivery time of cargo by air is calculated from the moment it is accepted for transportation at the airport of departure and until the recipient is notified of the arrival of the cargo at the destination airport, taking into account the time standards for storage, processing of cargo at the initial, intermediate, destination airports and for transportation by aircraft.

Calculation of the delivery period begins at 00 hours of the day following the day the cargo is accepted for transportation.

Delivery times for heavy, oversized and small consignments of cargo accepted for transportation to points where regular aircraft traffic is not established are determined by the carrier by agreement with the sender, about which a corresponding note is made in the cargo waybill.

Delivery times for periodic bulk cargo transportation by air are established by civil aviation enterprises by agreement with the sender and are specified in contracts.

The cargo is considered delivered on time if the carrier, no later than 12 hours after the expiration of the established delivery period, sent the recipient a notice of the arrival of the cargo at the address indicated in the cargo bill of lading.

The delivery time of the goods is considered not to be violated if the delay occurred due to the following reasons:

natural disaster;

impossibility of flights due to meteorological conditions;

flight restrictions ordered by government agencies;

for other reasons beyond the control of the carrier.

Not included in the cargo delivery time:

the time of delay in sending cargo due to the fault of the sender, if loading is carried out by his means;

waiting time at the airport for the transfer of cargo departure on the next flight to the destination airport according to the established schedule, but not more than 24 hours;

time of cargo delay at the airport of departure or at the airport of transfer at the request of government authorities (sanitary, quarantine, etc.).

In case of direct multimodal transportation of cargo, the delivery time is calculated separately in accordance with the rules in force for the relevant modes of transport participating in the direct multimodal transportation of cargo.

In the event of an interruption or cessation of aircraft movement, the carrier is obliged to notify the sender and recipient about this and seek instructions from the sender.

In the event that the carrier is unable to deliver the cargo to the destination airport and, within 5 days from the date of sending the notification in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of cargo on the USSR overhead line, does not receive instructions from the sender or recipient on the disposal of the cargo, he has the right:

transfer the cargo to other modes of transport for its further transportation to the recipient;

place the cargo for safekeeping in the warehouse of any organization;

sell the cargo in the manner prescribed by the Rules for the transportation of cargo on the USSR overhead line.

The carrier is obliged to inform the sender and recipient about his decision. The sender is obliged to reimburse the carrier for expenses incurred as a result of these operations.

If the cargo has been transferred for further transportation to other types of transport, the carrier is obliged to return the amounts to the sender in the amounts established by the rules for applying tariffs.

3 Information on cargo movement

The carrier is obliged to inform the recipient and sender at their request:

about the time of shipment;

about the location of the cargo if its delivery to the destination airport has expired.

In cases where the carrier does not know the location of cargo whose delivery period has expired, he is obliged to search for the cargo, inform the recipient and sender and take measures to deliver the cargo to the destination airport.

The sender and recipient can apply for information about the movement of cargo and its search, both at the airport of departure and at the airport of destination. The carrier does not charge any additional fees for information about the movement of cargo and for its search.

Transportation of perishable goods

Perishable goods can be divided into the following groups: - Products of plant origin: fruits, berries, vegetables, etc.; - Products of animal origin: meat of animals and birds, chilled and smoked fish, eggs, caviar, etc.; - Processed products: oil, fats, frozen fruits and vegetables, sausages, cheeses, etc.; - Live plants, flowers, seedlings, tubers, seeds; - Live fish seed: fry, fingerlings, etc.; - Canned blood, vaccines, biological preparations, etc.

16.3. Only good-quality perishable goods are allowed for transportation by air, which, when transported within the time limits provided for by the aircraft schedule or stipulated by the contract, will not lose their quality. 2.16.4. Perishable goods are accepted for transportation upon presentation by the sender of quality certificates or certificates of the established form. 2.16.5. Perishable goods of animal origin are accepted for transportation in the presence of veterinary certificates (certificates) or certificates. 2.16.6. From areas declared under quarantine, cargo can be accepted for transportation upon presentation of quarantine documents by the sender.

16.7. Quality certificates (certificates) must be issued on the day the cargo is delivered for transportation and presented by the sender separately for each cargo shipment. Quality identification documents and certificates must indicate the terms of cargo transportation. The carrier is obliged to refuse to accept perishable goods for transportation if he cannot ensure their delivery within the time period specified by the sender. 2.16.8. If for some reason beyond the control of the carrier, perishable goods cannot be shipped on time, the carrier is obliged to immediately notify the sender and return the goods and transportation fees to him. 2.16.9. Transportation of perishable goods, as a rule, should be carried out on the basis of agreements concluded between the civil aviation enterprise and the senders. These agreements stipulate the obligations of the parties and provide for a clear procedure and time for the delivery of goods to airports of departure, the need to escort or transport goods under the responsibility of the civil aviation enterprise, the procedure for checking the quality of goods and containers presented for transportation and other issues related to ensuring the quality and safety of goods during transportation .

16.10. When transporting perishable goods without contracts, the latter can be accepted for departure with an accompanying person or with mandatory sealing of each individual item. 2.16.11. Perishable goods must be packed in standard containers and meet the requirements of technical specifications, which is confirmed by a quality certificate. 2.16.12. Perishable goods from individual citizens can be accepted for transportation with the permission of the head of the civil aviation enterprise.

16.13. Transportation of perishable goods is carried out, as a rule, by direct flights. In exceptional cases, with the prior consent of the transfer airport, it is allowed to accept perishable goods for transportation with one transshipment en route.

16.14. The carrier may sell goods in the prescribed manner without waiting for the sender's decision, if a delay in the sale of goods may lead to their damage or complete impossibility of using them for their intended purpose. The carrier is obliged to notify the sender and recipient about the sale of these goods. 2.16.15. Transportation of fresh flower cuts is carried out only on direct flights. The sender must submit applications for sending cut fresh flowers no later than 10 days before delivery of the cargo to the airport. Depending on the volume of passenger and postal loads, the airport has the right to change the agreed norm for sending cut fresh flowers. The sender has the right to adjust the request downward three days before the aircraft departure.

16.16. Flowers are accepted in packaging (cardboard, plywood, fiber boxes or boxes), which excludes access to the contents and must be sealed, and are sent without an accompanying person, under the special supervision of a flight attendant or an aircraft crew member responsible for the acceptance and delivery of commercial cargo. After handing over the flowers for shipment, the sender is obliged to submit a telegram to the addressee informing the date of dispatch, flight number, invoice number and weight of the flowers being sent. Upon arrival of flowers at the destination airport, the SOPGP (SOP) is obliged to notify the recipient by telegram or by telephone within 1 hour. 2.16.17. Transportation of crayfish intended for breeding or acclimatization, valuable commercial fish, food organisms (fertilized eggs), fish seeding material (fry) is carried out by regular and special aircraft with an accompanying person. As an exception, it is allowed to transport small consignments of cargo with an accompanying person in aircraft wardrobes and passenger cabins, when, at the request of the sender, constant monitoring of living organisms along the way is necessary.

16.18. Perishable cargo transported on a passenger aircraft in quantities of 2 tons or more are accepted only with an accompanying person. 2.16.19. When transporting early vegetables and fruits on passenger aircraft as an additional load, it is allowed to take them in mesh bags without sealing under the following conditions: - fruits must be hard (cucumbers, apples, etc.); - the size of the bag cells should not exceed 10x10 mm; - bags should not have breaks and should be securely tied. The flight attendant accepts cargo directly from the scales at the warehouse, unloads it at the airport of arrival and delivers the cargo to the warehouse no later than

Live animals (horse)

Live animals and birds are accepted for transportation on airline flights only with the confirmed consent of the airline and permission from the country of arrival or transit for international flights. When booking transportation, the passenger must indicate the type, quantity and weight of the live animal or birds being transported.

The airline is not responsible for the lack and/or incorrect execution of documents necessary for their transportation, as well as for refusal to import or transport them into/through a country or territory. Live animals and birds are accepted for transportation subject to full responsibility for them by the passenger or shipper.

When transporting animals and birds in the passenger cabin or luggage compartments, the weight of animals and birds is not included in the free baggage allowance and is paid at the rate for excess baggage, taking into account the weight of the container (cage). Payment for transportation of animals by plane as cargo is made according to cargo tariffs.

In the cargo cabin of the aircraft, certain places with reliable fastening are allocated, where barrels for drinking water and boxes (nets) for hay, as well as equipment.

Each aircraft transporting animals is equipped with a removable, lightweight, but quite durable ladder, covered with a continuous flooring of corrugated rubber or felt with wooden slats at a distance of 320 mm from one another, preventing the animals from slipping. The width of the ladder is at least 1500 mm with a length that ensures its installation at an inclination angle of no more than 20°. The ladder must support the weight of animals up to 1000 kg and the accompanying guide up to 100 kg.

Before loading, the animals are examined by a representative of the veterinary service, which is noted in the documents. Large animals must be tied. The need for feeding and watering them depends on the time of transportation. Animals during transportation must be accompanied by a guide and veterinarian or veterinarian.

Horses are transported on airplanes in container containers 2-2.2 m long, 80-90 cm wide, 150-160 cm high, with front and rear doors. Usually horses are brought onto the plane along a special ramp with blank side walls and are placed in a designated pen in the cabin. The machines are placed one after the other, usually in 2 rows and firmly fixed. As a rule, the doors are located at the end of the fuselage, so the horses are loaded first, which should occupy the front looms. To do this, they are led through open other pens, and then the remaining animals are loaded one by one. In specially equipped aircraft for transporting animals, loading into the pen is carried out outside of it, and then the pen with the horse is rolled into the cabin along a rail device, where it is secured. This significantly speeds up the loading and unloading of animals and allows it to be done directly from the bus to the pen and vice versa. Horses in pens are tied firmly and with such a length of reins that they do not rear up and do not try to overcome the wall of the pen. Particularly stubborn horses are additionally secured with abdominal straps, which allow the animal to be raised above the floor, depriving it of support.

Specially equipped airplane containers are also used to transport horses. Before boarding the plane, the horse is brought into a special ventilated container. One container is designed for three horses. At the request of the owner and depending on the character of the horse, only one horse can be sent in one container. The internal structure looks like a batman, with internal partitions, separate frames, and a special ladder for loading and unloading. After the horses have been brought into the containers, the containers are loaded onto a specially equipped transport aircraft. Combination aircraft are sometimes used, with containers located at the rear of the aircraft and passengers or staff at the front. Inside the plane, the containers are positioned so that the horses look ahead of the plane's movement.

Taking into account the various difficulties in organizing the flight itself, transporting the horse to the airport, preparing various veterinary documents, etc. all transportation care is entrusted to special companies.

Specially trained personnel from the transport company fly with the horses, but if you wish, you can also send your own horse handler. During the flight, horse handlers have access to horses, this is especially important during takeoff and landing. Temperature, pressure and ventilation are clearly controlled during flight. Turbulence does not cause any particular problems for transported horses, because they are already accustomed to the harder “bumps” on an ordinary road in a horse trailer or batman.

The person accompanying the animal (horse) must have and provide upon registration documents (certificate) on the health of the animal, issued by the competent authorities in the field of health care, as well as permission for export, import and transit during international air transportation.

Documents issued only by state veterinary hospitals are recognized as valid within 5 days from the date of issue and before the start of transportation, sale, and storage. To transport an animal by air, it must be vaccinated against rabies no earlier than a year and no later than a month before transportation.

Description of transportation documents

Air waybill (AWB) - is a set consisting of 12 copies (3 originals, with the text of the agreement on the reverse side, and 9 copies):


1 copy (green) - intended for the Carrier

copy (pink) - intended for the consignee and arrives along with the cargo

copy (blue) - intended for the shipper.

copy (yellow) - remains with the Carrier after confirmation of the consignee's signature, as a receipt for receipt of the cargo.

7 and 8 copies (white) - intended for the third carrier (if any), or in cases where the cargo is sent in parts and one of them remains at the airport of departure

copy (white) - intended for the sales agent.

11 and 12 copies are additional copies that accompany the cargo when the cargo is sent in parts and remain with the carrier.

The warehouse agent weighs the goods and enters the weight, quantity, weight and dimensions in the AWB. Also, the air waybill must have an airport warehouse stamp, an airport security stamp, an agent's stamp stating that he knows the nature of the cargo, and a stamp indicating payment of airport taxes.

There are 2 types of air waybills - the main air waybill MAWB (Master Air Waybill)and home HAWB (House Air Waybill). The MAWB (Main Waybill or Outer Waybill) carries a serial number with an airline prefix and is assigned by the airline itself. This waybill indicates the names and addresses of agents of those countries from where the cargo is sent and where it arrives. HAWB - (house or domestic waybill). Has a serial number assigned by the agent himself. This invoice contains all information about the sender and recipient according to the attached invoice. Option 3 is most often used - a combined invoice, in which case MAWB and HAWB are simply combined.

Cargo manifestthis is a list of all cargo transported on board the aircraft, filled out in 5 copies, which are intended for the airport of departure, destination airport, carrier, customs office of departure and customs office of destination. The form of this document and its use are specified in ICAO Annex 9. The cargo manifest contains the data necessary when loading the aircraft, which ensures the availability of complete statistical and income information. Errors made when describing cargo may result in sanctions from customs services, not declaring the weight of the cargo can cause serious problems related to safety requirements and aircraft loading. Entries in the “nature of cargo” column should be kept in accordance with customs and operational requirements, and entries such as: unknown cargo, general cargo, mixed cargo, samples, etc. should be avoided.

Shipper's application- for each shipment of cargo sent, a separate Shipper's application (ZG). Upon registration Shipper's requests The sender must fill out all relevant fields legibly, with detailed and correct information. All graphs Shipper's requests filled out without abbreviations, in detail and without corrections.

Description of the fields filled in by the Sender:

Count Sender's name and address - full is indicated mailing address Sender, full name the individual or name of the company sending the goods, as well as the telephone number.

Count Recipient's name and address - indicate the full postal address of the Recipient, full name. the individual or the name of the enterprise to which the cargo is sent, as well as the telephone number.

Count Departure airport - the departure airport is indicated, Almaty . cargo transportation horse delivery

Count Destination airport - indicates the destination (airport/city) where the cargo is sent.

Count Requested route - the item is indicated transshipment , if the cargo is not on a direct flight.

Count Full name of the cargo - the exact and complete name of the cargo is indicated in accordance with the existing directory of cargo names, otherwise the sales agent will not be able to issue Waybill and the shipper will have to re-register ZG .

Count Number of seats - indicates the number of pieces of cargo being shipped.

Count Total weight - indicates the total weight of the cargo being shipped.

Count Description of cargo - indicate the type of container in which the cargo is packed (for example, box , box , bale ), dimensions (e.g. 110mm*60mm*50mm) and notes are made on how to pack the items (e.g. edged with metal tape ).

Count Information on cargo handling and transportation - special instructions are introduced for the handling and transportation of cargo that may be required during its loading, unloading, transportation and storage (for example, Certificate for transportation of live animals , Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods is attached , Afraid of the cold Caution glass if there are appropriate markings and handling signs, etc.).

Count date - the date of completion is indicated Shipper's requests .

Count Sender's signature - the signature and full name of the person filling out Shipper's request.

Note: Generalizations:Common consumption goods, FoodNOT ACCEPTABLE!


In this course work, I covered the topic of organization and technology of cargo transportation by air transport. Air transport is the fastest and at the same time the most expensive mode of transport. The main scope of application of VT is passenger and freight transportation. Air cargo transportation allows you to quickly deliver various cargoes to the right place. However, not all goods can be transported by air. Depending on the type of aircraft, the maximum cargo weight is determined.

I described in more detail the transportation of live animals and understood that in order to transport animals, it is necessary to have the confirmed consent of the airline and permission from the country of arrival or transit for international flights. Specially equipped aircraft containers and a certificate confirming the health of the animal are also required.

I also described transportation documentation and the transportation of diplomatic pouches.

List of used literature

1.Transport and loading and unloading equipment: a textbook for universities. Ed. S.A.Shiryaeva. - M.: Hotline- Telecom, 2007.- 848 p.

2. Freight road transport: Textbook for universities / A.V. Velmozhin, V.A. Gudkov, L.B. Mironov, A.V. Kulikov. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Hotline - Telecom, 2014 - 560 pp.: ill.

3. Freight road transport / Vorkut A.I. - 2nd ed., - K.: graduate School. Head publishing house, 2009-447p.

Similar works to - Organization of cargo transportation by air transport

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Determining the best optionloading itselfsummer and routetransportation of commercial cargo


Purpose test work is to consolidate in students the basic concepts that make up the subject of automated control systems, as well as testing the ability practical application engineering methods for calculating transport problems outlined in the course.

The task requires determining the optimal option for loading the aircraft and the route for transporting commercial cargo that brings the maximum profit.

To solve the problem, you should use the branch and bound method of the traveling salesman problem and the simplex method of the linear programming problem. For methodological purposes, the solution is carried out manually (therefore, the task was chosen to be extremely simple). The solution obtained by the simplex method must be supplemented by geometric construction.

1. Task conditions

For this type of aircraft, the following are known: the maximum payload Q and the useful volume V in conventional units. The plane must serve 5 points on the route in one flight (with intermediate stops) and return to the starting point, while receiving the maximum profit. The matrix of the cost of a point-to-point flight is given in Table 1; due to various discounts, it is not symmetrical.

A flight can carry two cargoes: one is more expensive, but heavy, the second is lighter, but cheap. The cost per unit of weight of the first type of cargo is S1, the second is S2. Attitude specific volumes cargo

where n 2 is the second digit of the student’s code.

Ratio of useful volume to

where n 3 is the third digit of the student code. The maximum commercial load Q is equal to

where n 1 is the first digit of the student’s code. Respectively

where n 4 is the fourth digit of the cipher.

It is required to determine the cheapest route to fly around all points and the amount (by weight) of cargo of the first and second types, which is most profitable to send on this flight.

2. Calculation part

Table 1


Let us define the upper bound of the route Z in (T). It will consist of routes (1,4); (2.5); (3.5); (4.2); (5.6); (6.4)

Z in (T)=88

Cost of the optimal route Z(T)?88

Let's find the lower bound of the entire route H

We perform a reduction by row and column.

table 2



Let's calculate the penalty for all links

Table 3


Table 4

Link (I; j)

From Table 4 we note that max(Фij)=Ф 1.4 =10

We choose (1,4) as the reference link.

Recalculation of the lower cost limit Z (T:)=52+10=62

To determine the lower bound on the cost of routes including link (1,4), it is necessary to transform the cost matrix. Since link (1,4) is included in the route, then line 1 and column 4 must be excluded from further consideration (we will not fly anywhere else to node 4 from node 1). In addition, obviously, it is necessary to exclude link (4.1), so we accept

Table 5


We carry out the same actions with this matrix

Table 6


The new lower bound for T including (1,4) is:

Z (T:1,4)=52+0=52

Now we can start drawing the decision tree (containing two short branches for now).

The nodes of the tree indicate the links included or not in the routes, and next to them are the lower boundaries of these routes.

Table 7

We carry out the reduction

Table 9


We find fines

Table 10


The new lower bound for T including (2,1) is:

Z (T:2,1)=52+0=52

Table 11

The new lower bound for T including (5,6) is:

Z (T:5,6)=52+0=52

Finding the values ​​of fines

cargo flight reduction penalty

Table 13


Table 14

The new lower bound for T including (6,2) is:

Z (T:6,2)=52+5=57

Table 17

The resulting route includes the following links:

(1,4); (2,1); (5,6); (6,2); (4,3); (3,5).

It remains to check whether it is the cheapest.

The constructed complete route will be optimal if its cost does not exceed the cost of any route corresponding to other branches of the tree.

We notice that Z(T)=71>Z (T:)=62

It follows that it is necessary to explore a subset of routes that do not contain link (1,4).

2. Oprahdivision of optimal aircraft load

Let us determine the amount of cargo of the first and second types that gives the maximum cost (profit). Let's denote the weight of the first type of cargo - x 1, the second - x 2.

Then, according to the conditions of the problem

X 1 + x 2? Q.

Limitations on cargo dimensions lead to inequality:

Q = 100+20=120, . In numerical form, the conditions - restrictions will be written:

X 1 +x 2 ?120

3x 1 +x 2 ?320

Where x 1, x 2?0.

The cost of the cargo is S 1 x 1 + S 2 x 2.

Let S1 = 2, S2 = 1. Then the maximum winning condition will be written as:

f (x) =2x 1 + x 2 > max.

We received a mathematical representation of the linear programming problem: constraints and objective function. To solve it, we will use the simplex method, but first we need to write down the conditions of the problem in canonical form. To move from inequalities to equalities, we introduce weak variables:

120's 1 - x 2 = x 3

320-3x 1 - x 2 = x 4

where is x3? 0; x4 ? 0.

X 1 (0,0,320,120) f=0.

In the new basis x 2, x 3 we rewrite the problem in the form:

X 2 = 320's 1 - x 4

X 3 =120-2x 1 +x 4

F=-120-x 1 +x 4

Therefore, x 2 = (0.120,120.0), f = -120.

In the new basis x 1, x 2 we rewrite the problem in the form:

X 1 =60-1/2x 3 +1/2x 4

X 3 =60+1/2x 3 -3/2x 4

f=-260+1/2x 3 +1/4x 4

x 3 =(, f=260

Since in the objective function all the coefficients for the unknowns are positive, the possibility of further minimizing f has been exhausted, and we have arrived at the optimal solution:

X* = X3

Therefore, f 1 (x)=-f(x)=260>max, with x 1 =60, x 2 =60.

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Requirements for containers and packaging of goods

The concept of containers and packaging.

Cargoes presented for transportation, depending on the packaging and cargo carrier, are divided into groups:

    transported in containers;

    transported without containers;

    transported in containers or without containers, but with partial protection of individual components.

According to their purpose, packaging is divided into consumer and transport.

    Consumer packaging is packaging (bottles, jars, boxes, etc.) that is used to package goods and present them after delivery to the consumer.

    Additional containers (cardboard boxes, bags, covers, etc.) are used to protect products from climatic and aggressive environmental influences.

    Transport packaging is an element of packaging (boxes, barrels, flasks, bags, etc.). It is intended for packaging various goods that can be pre-packaged in consumer or additional containers.

Transport containers serve to accommodate gaseous, liquid, bulk piece products, as well as individual products; transport containers, as a rule, absorb external mechanical and climatic influences, provide the possibility of transporting and storing products, protecting them from loss and theft, create the ability to perform loading and unloading operations, as well as stacking during storage.

Depending on the design of the container and the ability to maintain its original shape, it is divided into hard, semi-rigid and soft.

    Rigid containers include: barrels, boxes, cans, tanks, bottles, etc. Rigid containers are made of metal, wood, plastic, glass, paper pulp and a number of other materials.

    Semi-rigid containers include: baskets, boxes and boxes made of cardboard, polymers or plastics.

    Soft containers are made from various fabrics, films polymer materials and paper.

Types of packaging:

The packaging process is the production of packaging by combining the product and its own packaging made using a certain technology using packaging machines, devices and devices or manually.

Packaging is understood as a set of protective measures and material resources for the preparation of industrial and agricultural products, transportation and storage, to ensure a transportable state.

When packing cargo into containers, cushioning and wrapping material is used, which is designed to cushion and protect the cargo from damage. For this purpose, shavings, paper, cardboard, cotton wool, foam plastic and other materials are used. During transportation, cargo is influenced by three main groups of internal and external influences:

    mechanical – shocks, shocks, friction, vibration, statistical loads;

    climatic – precipitation, temperature changes, air humidity, solar radiation, etc.

    biological – vital activity of microbes, insects, rodents, etc.

Based on these conditions, it is necessary to choose a method of protecting goods from damage during transportation. Packaging should not only protect the cargo, but also ensure the convenience of transshipment operations.

Responsibilities for complying with standards for containers and packaging and selecting new types rest with the sender.

Requirements for packaging and packaging of goods transported by air.

Goods transported by air must have serviceable containers and packaging that meet current standards and technical specifications. Cargoes, the containers and packaging of which are required to be packed in serviceable containers, ensuring the possibility of their reliable mooring and safety, upon agreement with the carrier, can be transported without packaging.

The packaging of cargo presented for transportation by air must be dry and clean, the cargo must not have sharp corners, protrusions or anything else that could infect or damage the aircraft premises and their equipment, as well as baggage, mail and cargo.

Packaging of dangerous goods for transportation by air must comply with the requirements established by the standard and the “Rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by air.” Packing dangerous goods in one container together with any other goods is prohibited.

Metal, glass, ceramic, wooden, plastic and other containers in which liquid and other cargo to be transported by air are packaged (filled) must withstand an internal excess pressure of 145 mm Hg, depending on the flight altitude and temperature ± 56 ° C, and fully guarantee against leakage, spillage or spillage of the containing.

Loads with soft packaging must be tied with strong ropes, the packaging is protected with identical threads without knots. The ends of the threads must have the sender's standard seals with clear imprints of digital or alphabetic images.

The container or packaging of items handed over for transportation with a declared value must be standard, have clear marks about the sealing of the cargo and the name of the shipping seals is indicated in the cargo waybill.

Perishable fruits and vegetables and other cargo can be transported by air in packaging accepted for transportation by other modes of transport, taking into account the reliability of containers and operating conditions of aircraft stated above.

Cargoes whose packaging does not meet the listed requirements are not allowed for transportation.

In order to ensure the safety of aircraft flights, as well as to eliminate the possibility of damage or contamination of aircraft premises or places of cargo, mail and luggage, it is prohibited to accept for transportation without packaging (containers) unsuitable for air transportation, or mooring, the properties and configuration of which are not guaranteed air transportation safety.

Cargo marking and handling signs

Marking is the application of signs, signatures and drawings to cargo to identify it and indicate methods of transportation, processing and storage.

Main purpose of marking:

    Ensuring the safety of cargo during loading and unloading operations, transportation and storage by applying handling inscriptions to cargo items;

    Establishing the relationship between the cargo and the accompanying transport documents;

    Compliance with special conditions for transportation and storage of cargo.

Each piece of cargo must have transport markings, and special-purpose cargo must have special markings. Transport markings, in addition to the inscription of the transport organization, are applied by the sender before presenting the cargo for transportation.

Transport markings must contain handling signs, main, additional and informational inscriptions:

    The main inscriptions must contain:

    full or conditional name of the recipient registered in accordance with the established procedure;

    name of destination;

    the number of pieces of cargo in the shipment and the serial number of the piece in the shipment (indicated as a fraction: the denominators are the serial number of the piece) 3\4 is indicated in cases where dissimilar or different types of cargo are transported in the same type of container.

Additional inscriptions must contain:

    full or conditional name of the sender, registered in accordance with the established procedure;

    name of the point of departure;

    inscriptions of transport organizations applied by the airport of departure (number of air cargo, pasted three-letter code of the airport of departure, number of seats in a given shipment).

Information labels must contain the following data:

    gross and net weight of the cargo item;

    overall dimensions of the cargo (length, width, height or diameter and height);

    volume of cargo space in cm³.

The overall dimensions of a piece of cargo are not indicated if they do not exceed 0.7 m. When marking goods with a declared value, the weight of each piece and the amount of the declared value are indicated.

Manipulation signs.

Handling signs are images indicating methods of handling cargo.

It is allowed to accept warning signatures if it is impossible to express the way of handling the cargo with handling signs.

Booking cargo shipments

Booking – agreement on the allocation of tonnage (quota) for a certain cargo on one or more flights from the point of departure to the point of destination. The term tonnage (quota) means both the weight and volume of a cargo shipment.

To increase the volume of air transportation of goods by air transport, the fastest and highest quality passage of goods, and, consequently, to reduce the delivery time of goods, a certain procedure is provided for registering the transportation of goods by pre-booking tonnage for each specific flight along the entire cargo route.

Cargo bookings are carried out in such a way as to ensure continuous and accurate accounting of available tonnage on each flight in strict accordance with the expansion and planned tonnage of flights. The amount of tonnage (guaranteed cargo carriage) to be sold is determined as the difference between the planned maximum commercial load of the aircraft for each flight and the standards for the sale of passenger tickets with a certain amount of reserved baggage and the postal limit. Cargo transportation is booked within the smooth free tonnage, which is established along the route sections of each flight at the departure airport.

The reservation is made by the reservation (sales) agent upon receipt of the following data from the shipper or his agent:

    point of departure/destination;

    specific dispatch date or required delivery period;

    number of seats, weight and dimensions of cargo;

    consolidation of cargo or contents of cargo shipment;

    type of packaging, largest overall size;

    additional information on a specific category of cargo and special conditions transportation of this cargo.

Booking and sale of freight transportation is carried out through our own agencies, through representative offices at sales points, or through carrier agents for the sale of freight transportation when customers contact us directly, or by telephone or on the Internet.

A flight for cargo booking usually opens 14 days in advance and closes 2 days before the flight departure.

The agent books the tonnage for the date desired by the client, or offers the nearest date where there is free tonnage. Confirmation of cargo booking is carried out by the control center according to the existing and predicted passenger load.

The reservation is considered provisional until the shipper pays for the transportation.

When transporting transfer cargo, confirmation of booking must be received for all sections of the cargo route (including sections operated by other carriers).

The fact of concluding a contract for transportation is considered completed after the air waybill is issued and signed by a representative of the carrier and the sender.

Reception of goods into a temporary storage warehouse

On the timing of delivery of goods to the warehouse, the shipper consults with the freight dispatcher, airline representative or booking agent. When transporting goods on international airlines, to determine the time for delivery of goods to the airport (to a temporary storage warehouse), the time for customs and other types of control is taken into account.

Cargo is delivered to the warehouse no less than 6 hours before the scheduled flight departure, but no later than 18:00 of the current day. Customs cargo must be presented no later than 17:00 on the current day.

In the event of an interruption in aircraft movement due to weather conditions and other reasons beyond the control of the carrier for a period of more than 2 days, the airline or its agent promptly notifies the sender about this in order to stop the delivery of cargo to the airport (to the warehouse). Reception and registration of transported operational cargo at the warehouse is carried out in the same way as at domestic air transport lines, with the exception of certain types of control, such as:

Customs clearance. The customs inspector will check the availability of documents, carry out customs control in accordance with customs rules, if all documents are available and they comply with accepted standards, he will stamp “EXPORT ALLOWED” on the air waybill, which gives the right to accept the cargo into the warehouse.

Veterinary and phytosanitary Cargo clearance is carried out accordingly when transporting animals, animal and plant products (flowers, seedlings, etc.).

After acceptance of cargo for transportation, export cargo is placed in a customs warehouse, where it remains until it is transferred on board the aircraft.

Picking cargo on flights and transferring them on board the aircraft

The loading is completed 3-4 hours before the scheduled flight departure. Then, no less than 2 hours before departure, the aircraft informs about the actual amount of cargo packed for the flight and is transferred to the department for calculating the commercial load of the flight.

The process of picking and transferring cargo from the warehouse to the aircraft is similar to the operations carried out by cargo transported on domestic aircraft, with the exception of the form and completion of transportation documentation.

Priority for shipment of goods

If it is impossible to send the entire booked cargo

(limitation of the maximum payload of aircraft, a large number of luggage, etc.), the priority of the cargo being sent is determined based on the list:

    human remains, subject to obtaining permission from the Carrier;

    urgent service cargo;

    human organs (LHO), subject to approval from


    live animals (AVI);

    perishable goods (PER);

    cargo booked but not previously dispatched;

    cargo accepted from an agent on the basis of long-term annual contracts;

    booked general cargo;

    cargo accepted for transportation at the last moment.

When completing a commercial load for a specific flight, the person completing the load (senior loader, PSG) verifies documents for the cargo; (AGN, certificates, quarantine certificates, and permits, etc.)

Transportation of goods in containers and packaging equipment

Having received information about the arriving aircraft, a customs inspector, a border control inspector, a team of loaders headed by a senior or PSG, and in some cases a representative of the airline company operating the flight arrive at the aircraft.

With the permission of border control and customs officials, cargo is unloaded from the aircraft and placed on a vehicle for delivery to the warehouse. The PSG (senior loader), having received copies of the cargo manifest and other documents for the cargo from the flight attendant, verifies the actual data with the manifest data. Also, one copy of the manifest is handed over to the customs inspector.

When delivering the cargo to the warehouse, the condition of the packaging, the presence of seals, markings and the actual number and weight of items with records of the cargo manifest and AGN are checked. Having accepted the cargo from the loader, the warehouseman (PSG) notes in the AGN, the place of storage of the goods, the registration number and the date of receipt of the goods at the warehouse, signs the cargo manifest for each item, the cargo is accepted with a note, puts a note against the entry of the cargo in the manifest about filling out the “Commercial act" or "Defect report".

As a rule, imported goods are placed in a customs warehouse and are subject to customs control until they are released to the recipient.

Notifications are recorded in the journal and noted in the AGN

Practical exercises No. 3,4 The procedure for preparing transportation and flight documentation when organizing the shipment of goods.

Placement and securing of cargo on board the aircraft

Loading the aircraft and securing baggage, mail and cargo are part of the commercial support of the aircraft at the initial and intermediate airport.

The main task of this stage of commercial support of the aircraft is its timely loading in strict accordance with the CG and the loading scheme; reliable fastening of luggage, mail and cargo, which is a guarantee of flight safety.

The start and end times of aircraft loading at the initial airport are determined by technological schedules - preparing the aircraft for departure. Loading of a transit aircraft at an intermediate airport begins immediately after unloading and ends no later than 10 minutes before the scheduled departure.

The general procedure for loading an aircraft is as follows:

    the aircraft should be loaded only after it has been refueled;

    First of all, it is necessary to load the cargo, then the mail and lastly the luggage;

    loading should be carried out in strict accordance with the CG and the aircraft loading scheme in the order of numbering of cargo compartments (trunks) and their sections;

    The center of gravity of the load must be in the middle of each section of the cargo compartment or the compartment as a whole.

At the command of the PSG, the airport driver or loaders hook up the vehicle to the vehicle and deliver it to the aircraft parking lot and install it at the cargo compartment.

After receiving permission, a team of loaders reloads cargo from the aircraft vehicle based on the alignment schedule and loading diagram.

The flight attendant or airline representative responsible for commercial loading accepts the cargo, inspecting the packaging, and checks the actual number of pieces of cargo with the entry in the postal cargo list (PGV)/cargo manifest.

When accepting cargo under its own responsibility, the BP/AC representative pays special attention to the compliance of the booked route specified in the PGV/manifest with the flight being performed in order to prevent them from being sent for other purposes, and inspects the integrity of the cargo packaging.

After loading is completed, the loaders load the cargo into the aircraft. Mooring is carried out in accordance with the instructions for loading and securing cargo, luggage and mail for aircraft.

Securing cargo in the luggage and cargo compartments of passenger aircraft is carried out using:

    fastening nets with locks;

    fastening nets - partitions;

    mooring frames with carabiners;

    mooring ropes with fastening points on the power floor.

On cargo aircraft, cargo in the compartments is secured using steel cables. In this case, it is necessary to observe the calculation of centering, as well as the distance between the compartment ceiling, side walls and cargo - 15 cm, between the front wall and cargo - 50 cm, and between the cargo and the edge of the cargo hatch - 30 cm.

To hold a heavy load, you need to use mooring ropes, the number of which is calculated using a special formula.

Upon completion of loading and securing cargo, the BP signs all copies of the PGV/cargo manifests for the accepted cargo, mail and the presence of accompanying documents. One copy of the cargo manifest for embarkation points is returned by the GSN.

Along with the actual weight of the shipment, its volumetric weight is determined. The larger one is used to calculate the cost of freight transportation. The concept of volumetric weight is due to the fact that any aircraft has restrictions on free space. For calculations, the weight indicated in the invoice is multiplied by a factor of 167. The minimum payable weight is 30 kg. The maximum depends on the type of aircraft and the availability of free capacity on it. There is also such a term as “heavyweight”: the weight of 1 piece of cargo is more than 80 kg. It is different for each airport, so the transportation of heavy cargo is subject to agreement.

What is the approximate travel time to a particular locality?

Delivery time is 1-2 days. In all directions. Depends on the time of delivery of the cargo, because any flight closes 7 hours before departure. When delivered to our warehouse in Moscow, delivery time increases by 1 day.

How do you inform the client about the location of the cargo?

The arrival airport terminal must notify the recipient of the arrival of the cargo by phone indicated on the air waybill. All information on departure is provided at our company office.

Do you have different types of air transportation contracts for legal entities and individuals?

Our contract is the same for everyone.

What documents will be required when delivering the cargo?

When handing over the cargo, a passport and documents for the cargo are required. In general, the package of documents depends on the category of cargo. For example, dangerous goods require a safety data sheet. If an air transportation service is ordered by a legal entity, then a power of attorney is required for the person who will deliver the cargo. The document is drawn up according to a standard template. If the cargo is delivered by an individual, he will need to present a valid passport.

When will the client know the exact information on the final cost of air cargo transportation?

After delivery of the cargo at the terminal.

Do your rates include terminal cargo handling and terminal fees at the departure airport?

They come in. The recipient pays for terminal processing at the airport of arrival. In this case, it is possible to pay everything to the sender. This service is not available in all areas. Factors such as destination airport and route distance in a particular direction do not affect the cost of transportation; everything is also taken into account in the tariffs.

What cargo do you accept for transportation?

We accept cargo of ANY categories. Transportation of live animals, birds, fish, insects, flowers, seedlings, eggs, medicines, perishables, special, oversized, heavy and dangerous goods is carried out by prior agreement and at an agreed price. If it is discovered that undeclared dangerous cargo has been delivered, a fine of 10,000 rubles per air waybill is established. The fine is assessed regardless of the fact of cargo transportation. The basis for charging a fine will be the Act of the departure airport service company.

What is the fee for using your storage warehouse?

The fee for using the warehouse is 3 rubles/kg. We deliver the cargo placed on it to the departure airport ourselves.

Is cargo stored at the departure airport terminal for a fee or free of charge?

There is a fee for storage at the airport terminal. Free first 3 days, including the day of delivery. Storage of perishable goods is paid from the very first day.

What determines the cost of an air waybill to a particular destination?

The cost of issuing an air waybill for domestic air routes is the same for everyone - 600 rubles per waybill. By international airline (international – 1500 rubles).

When calculating the total cost of air transportation, are partial kilograms rounded up to the next full kilogram?

Yes, it is rounded.

What types of additional cargo packaging do you use?

Packaging in the warehouse is carried out in: bag with seal – 120 RUR/bag, edging – 60 RUR/piece, box – 120 RUR/box, box (0.5*0.5*0.5) m -850 RUR/box lathing – 1000 RUR/m3, stretch – 60 RUR/place

Do you have an extra charge for re-registration of cargo?

Receiving cargo at Sheremetyevo Airport – 20 rubles/kg. (min. 2,000 rubles). Further registration for the flight occurs as a normal shipment.

Can you order urgent delivery? If yes, what will be the extra charge and in what time frame will the transportation be organized?

Express delivery of cargo is possible, +20% of the tariff is charged. The flight closes 4 hours before departure. Under normal conditions - in 7 hours.

Do you have extra charges for transporting perishable goods?

Handling of perishable goods and cargo with temperature conditions at Sheremetyevo airport - 4 rubles/kg (min fee 1320 rubles).

Do you have additional fees for storing cargo?

Payment for storage of perishable cargo and cargo with temperature conditions is charged from 00:00 hours of the day following the date of placement of the cargo in the warehouse in the amount of 16 rubles/kg per day. The minimum fee is RUB 1,481. Additional fee for storage of cargo: 2 days free of charge (including the day of delivery), the first 5 days – 10 rub. kg/day. Over 5 days – 18 Minimum fee – 575 rubles.