Dymkovo toy step by step drawing. Dymkovo painting on toys and interior items. Types of Dymkovo toys

Plasticineography based on Dymkovo toys "The Young Lady". Step by step

Master class: modeling and painting "Dymkovo young lady".

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: work can be done with different children preschool age simplifying or complicating the process of work. The material may be useful for additional education teachers, teachers, and preschool teachers.
Purpose: The work will serve as an excellent interior decoration and children's creative exhibitions.
Target: creating an image of a Dymkovo young lady using plasticineography technique followed by painting the product.
-introduce children to the technique of modeling and painting using plasticine;
-learn to independently choose painting techniques and elements, color combinations, convey your attitude towards the toy;
-develop children's imagination and creativity;
- cultivate interest in folk art, respect for the work of folk craftsmen, national pride in the skill of the Russian people.
Dymkovo clay toy is one of the most striking and original folk crafts of the Vyatka region. For four centuries, Dymkovo toys reflected the life and lifestyle of many generations of craftsmen. The craft originated in the Vyatka settlement beyond the river Dymkovo, hence the name of the toy. The first Dymkovo toys were whistles made for the annual spring festival “Whistlers”.
There is a legend that the origin of the fishery is connected with events of ancient times. One night, two friendly troops met near the city and, not recognizing each other in the darkness, entered into battle. Many people died in that random battle. Since then, the tradition began to celebrate a funeral feast for the dead every spring. Over time, this story was forgotten. The celebration, having lost its tragic meaning, turned into mass folk festivities - a whistling festival, or pandemonium, where people were supposed to whistle and throw painted clay balls.
What is Dymkovo famous for? With your toy!
There is no smoky color in it, that gray is gray!
There is something in it from a rainbow, from a drop of dew.
There is something of joy in her, thundering like bass!
We will bow to the clay miracle more than once,
I’ll tell you a story about the Dymkovo toy.

Russia has many fabulous places,
Russia has countless cities,
Maybe somewhere it’s more beautiful,
But I’m proud of Dymka for the hundredth time.

Near the Vyatka River, Dymkovo-village,
A cheerful corner bordered by forests,
He is four hundred years old, a lot has happened.

They loved songs and dances there,
Miracle fairy tales were born.

Men used to get together.

And after managing the house, the women came,

With the daring of a familiar dance they started.
The holiday was celebrated and the Swistop dance was played.

Somehow Vyatichi friends
We sat down by the river for the holiday.
Clay under your hands -
A layer of three arshins.

They started rolling balls,
Like snowballs it used to be...
Feel the clay, crush the clay -
Fat as lard!

Someone made a turkey -
Fluffy sides
Someone's clay suddenly became a peacock.
Someone sculpted a tit -
It immediately became more fun.
Masters and craftswomen
They live in Dymkovo - a village!

Toys are made from clay,
They burn in the oven,
They paint with cheerful colors,
And they tell a lot of fairy tales about that.

Look how pretty this soul girl is.
Scarlet cheeks are burning, amazing outfit,
The kokoshnik sits proudly,
The young lady is so beautiful.
Circles, squares, stripes -
A seemingly simple pattern
But I can’t look away.

Materials and tools:
-sheet of thick paper (1/2 landscape sheet)
-plasticine (can be old)
-stack, brushes
-water jar, cloth
-varnish (optional)

For kids, you can use drawing templates.

Or offer to draw a simple silhouette of a young lady yourself.

Progress of the master class:

Let's start sculpting this young lady with her hairstyle. We will sculpt the lower part of the hairstyle from pieces of plasticine in the form of droplets, and the upper part from sausages, and form the desired silhouette with our fingers.

Then baby, we will sculpt a head from the flattened ball. We stick the baby's plasticine hair on top. We will make handles from sausages. All parts must be well smeared onto a sheet of paper.

Let's sculpt the young lady's hands. Then we will decorate the dress; we need a fairly large sausage, which we will flatten with our fingers.

This is a blank for the skirt apron frill. Now we need to stick it to the product, creating small folds; a stack will help us connect the frill with the paper.

Using the same principle, we sculpt the second frill of the apron. Then we will degrease the plasticine and cover all the plasticine parts with a thin layer of toothpaste.

While the toothpaste dries, we will decorate the background; you can choose any light background. Then we'll color the characters' hair.

We decorate the frill of the apron with red, the blouse and the ornamental elements on the skirt with orange.

Now we are working with the green color. First, the boy’s pants, then the stripes on the skirt and the circles on the apron. Let's decorate the child's shirt and the young lady's kokoshnik red.

We add details of the painting elements, draw faces and the young lady is ready.

Here we will also start with the hairstyle, but we will create it differently. We need thin sausages, we will flatten them and twist them into spirals, then stick them to the base of the paper.

Then the headdress, first the lower brim of the hat.

The top of the hat is made from a flattened ball. And we make blanks for decorating the dress, for frills.

We place frills on the collar and sleeves of the dress, and on the top of the skirt.

Then we degrease the plasticine, paint the background and begin painting the young lady.

And another simplest option for making a Dymkovo young lady using the technique of modeling and painting on plasticine. The main goal is to introduce children to the technology and work process, to show all stages of work. Talk about how interesting and difficult it is, that the work requires attention, patience and accuracy, but at the same time there are always positive emotions and the joy of creativity. Children are given complete freedom in choosing shapes and colors.

In Rus', pottery art originated in ancient times. At that time, our ancestors attached great importance to ritual holidays. The “pandemonium”, a celebration honoring the sun god Yaril, was no exception. On this day, the participants of the holiday threw painted clay balls and made full use of clay whistles. This is precisely what caused the appearance of ritual accessories, among which the Dymkovo toy took pride of place.

History of the fishery

The Dymkovo toy was “born” in Kirov. Five centuries ago, across the Vyatka River there was a small settlement of Dymkovo, where Tsar Ivan III ordered the resettlement of residents from northern regions Russia. Among them were many talented pottery masters, who developed active work for the production of toys. Whole families were involved in the work process: some mined clay and made mixtures from lump chalk; others made toys; still others were burned; the fourth - whitewashed and painted.

The Dymkovo fishery has been developing for four hundred years. During this time, its own themes, images, and characteristic drawings developed. There was no place for inexpressive ornaments or dull shades. The Dymkovo toy is the embodiment of life in the most joyful colors. It is not surprising that by the beginning of the 19th century, whistles from Dymkovo won the love of residents throughout Russia. More than 100 thousand toys were produced per year, which were sold in the capital and Orenburg province. 59 families from Dymkovo worked on their creation. Among the most famous names were the Koshkins and Nikulins.

(Mezrina Anna Afanasyevna - craftswoman Dymkovo toys )

At the beginning of the 20th century, “dark times” came for the Dymkovo toy. They ceased to enjoy their former popularity, so famous families of pottery artisans began to look for other options for earning money. Exclusive whistles began to be replaced by cheap plaster options. Only one craftswoman, Anna Mezrina, remained faithful to traditional clay making. It is to her that descendants can be grateful for the preservation of the Dymkovo fishery.

(Master E. A. Koshkina and artist A. Denshin)

The artist Alexey Denshin played an equally important role in continuing the traditions of his ancestors. From a young age, he was fascinated by Dymkovo toys, carefully sketching all the known ornaments. Even after the October Revolution, he did not lose hope of attracting attention to folk art: he released handwritten albums and collected collections of toys. His efforts were crowned with success: in the 30s of the 20th century, the Dymkovo fishery began to revive in Kirov.

Types of Dymkovo toys

Traditional images of Dymkovo toys - a lady, pets, a turkey. All of them are made in bright colors, calling to show the joy of life. Collectors value figurines with which they can create certain plot compositions.

The Dymkovo toy, despite its canonicity, is exclusive. The fact is that every craftswoman tries to bring her own signature developments into the product. Therefore, it is impossible to find two absolutely identical toys.

Among the most popular images that are “played out” in the Dymkovo toy are the following:

Turkey- colorful, like a peacock, with a characteristic beard, decorated with gold leaf. Sizes can vary: from tiny 5 cm to an impressive 40 cm;

Lady- this is both a sophisticated city lady and a traditional young lady in a kokoshnik. There may be children around her. Gold leaf also adorns individual details;

Lamb- figures of this animal can have different sizes of horns. Distinctive feature is their gilding. The lambs can be ordinary or in elegant funny clothes;

horse- a traditional image of an animal in bright blue or “bull’s-eye” colors.

Male images in Dymkovo toys are most often played out in the form of a rider on a horse, a walking city or village “gentleman”. Figurines of pigs, birds, and bells are popular.

Manufacturing technology

The process of creating a Dymkovo toy consists of two stages: forming the figure and painting it.

Clay and river sand are used to create the figurine. According to the rules, it should be Vyatka red clay. Each part of the toy is created separately: a body is formed from a spherical lump of clay, onto which the remaining parts are “assembled” (legs, arms, head, accessories, etc.). All parts must be held together with smooth transitions. This helps avoid chipping in the future.

Let the finished image dry in the open air for several days. Then it is burned on fire. Previously, a Russian stove was used for this. Today - muffle, where the temperature reaches 1000C.

When the workpiece cools, it is bleached with tempera paints. Our ancestors used milk for this purpose.

At the next stage of creating a toy - coloring - only pure colors are used without mixing. In the old days, natural dyes based on eggs, milk, soot, vinegar, and tempera were used for this. Today there are ready acrylic paints. The main requirement: brightness and naturalness. Be sure to use gold leaf for individual details.

Painting a Dymkovo toy

The Dymkovo toy is a symbol of joy and vitality. The ornaments that are depicted on it are smooth painting combined with geometric patterns. The colors are selected based on the principle of contrast and highlighting each other. Birds' tails, animal horns, and details of people's wardrobes are covered with copper leaf (in the old days, thin sheets of gold leaf were used for this).

Traditional colors of Dymkovo toys: blue, red, yellow, emerald, light blue, green, orange. White and black paint are used in minimal quantities to add emphasis to individual areas.

Each color that is used in the Dymkovo toy has its own meaning: white - symbolizes purity; black - false; green - nature; red - strength, health; blue - sky.

(Sketch by artist Alexey Denshin for a toy)

Long-time masters diluted paints with egg yolk. The recipes were kept secret. Coloring was carried out in strict sequence:

  • hair;
  • eyes and eyebrows;
  • mouth and cheeks;
  • headdress;
  • ornaments on clothes.

The patterns in the Dymkovo toy are closely related to amulets and symbolism of nature. There are solar and lunar signs as a symbol of the origin of life; rhombuses - as a sign of fertility; waves - as a sign of sky and moisture.

The final touch to the painting was the application of gold leaf.

Today, the Dymkovo toy continues its development. New technologies appear, fresh ideas are born. But production traditions remain unchanged.

Maria Kurilova

Target: teach children to decorate product silhouettes with elements Dymkovo painting, choosing a color when composing a pattern. Generate interest in drawing.


Educational: continue to introduce children to folk arts and crafts (painting based on Dymkovo toys) . Strengthen children's skills paint simplest elements Dymkovo painting(circles, stripes, wavy lines). Select paints (combination of colors to make the toy bright and elegant). Exercise in looming circles with continuous lines with the entire bristle of the brush, rings in one circular motion, drawing dots and lines with the end of the brush.

Developmental: develop creativity, a sense of color, aesthetic feelings, hand motor skills, the ability to highlight beautiful works, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions.

Educational: to cultivate neatness, aesthetic taste, love for Russian applied art, to evoke a desire to do something yourself, adopting simple techniques from folk craftsmen.

Material and equipment: Dymkovo toys(for demonstration, paper silhouettes horses, tables with images of elements Dymkovo painting, drawings - variants of patterns on toys, gouache paints, brushes, pokes, napkins, jars of water.

Preliminary work: conversations about Dymkovo toy, about the features of the pattern, composition, color combination, examination of products of decorative and applied art, drawing elements of Dymkovo painting. Learning poems on the topic.

Individual work: teach Dima F. draw wavy lines, continue to teach Roma R. paint with the end of the brush.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: - Guys, today we came to the toy workshop, and what kind guess:

Clay horses are racing

On stands as best we can,

And you can’t hold on to your tail,

If you missed the mane.

Look how pretty this soul girl is

Scarlet cheeks are burning, amazing outfit,

The kokoshnik sits proudly

The young lady is so beautiful!

Like a swan floats.

Sings a quiet song.

About what toys we're talking about in these verses?

Children: - ABOUT Dymkovo toys.

Educator: - That's right, children, people wrote these wonderful poems about Dymkovo toys. Name them.

Children list: - Horse, young lady, turkey, deer, goat, cow...

Educator: - Okay, well done, the masters really depict in their toys what they see around them, what they found funny and cheerful.

Guys, what colors do they use to paint such beautiful toys?

Children list colors: - Blue, red, orange...

Educator: - Well done, everyone answered correctly, but what is the most important color left in the painting?

Children: - White color.

Educator: - That’s right, the white background of toys is never completely painted over, but is always actively involved in painting, making the colors of the paints sound especially bright.

Masters use a wide variety of colors in painting, but there are only five elements, name them.

Children list: - Circle, straight and wavy lines, pea dots, diamond and checkered).

Educator: - Well done, guys, you named all the elements correctly. Now I'm offering in the air draw a circle, straight and wavy line...

Children complete the task.

Educator: - And now we are starting to paint Dymkovo horse. First we will draw small details - the mouth and eyes. What will we be draw eyes, and what paint?

Children. - We draw the eyes with black paint, using a thin stick, using the “poke” technique.

Educator. What else can we paint with black paint?

Children. - We will also paint the hooves, tail, and mane with black paint.

Educator. - And also, what kind of paint can you use? draw the tail and mane?

Children. - You can use brown paint.

Educator. - What will you decorate your horse with?

Children. - We will draw different rings, circles, dots, stripes. On the chest you can draw the sun symbol.

Educator:- Well done. Now I suggest you put a silhouette in front of you horses and color it, like a master. Get to work.

Russian folk music sounds. In the process of work, I provide the children with the necessary assistance.

Physical education minute:

I ask you to rise - this time.

The head turned - that's two.

Hands up, look forward - that's three.

Let's spread our arms four wide.

Squeeze and unclench your fingers with force – that’s five.

All the guys sit down quietly - that's six!

Children finish work and wash their hands.

I create a panorama from painted silhouettes « Dymkovo horse» .

Educator: - Guys, look what a wonderful holiday fair we have turned out to be. What's good Haze!

Children: - Yes! The toys are bright and festive.

Educator: - Since we have a real holiday, tell poems about Dymkovo toys.

1 child:

What is famous Dymkovo?

With your toy!

There is no smoky color in it,

What grayness is gray.

There's something of the rainbow about her

From dew drops

There is something of joy in her,

Thundering like bass!

2 child:

Through the mountain spurs,

Over the rooftops of villages

Red-horned, yellow-horned

A clay deer rushes.

3 child:

Here's a smart turkey

He's so foldable

At the big turkey

All sides are painted.

Look, bushy tail

He is not at all simple.

5 child:

What a horse!

Just touch -

Together with the rider

Let's gallop two hundred miles away!


At the end classes all painted silhouettes are exhibited horses. The teacher offers to admire them, choose the one you like, and say why you liked it. When analyzing, note the location of the patterns, color, and neatness of the work.

Educator: - Our toys lit up. The soul becomes joyful and festive. Thank you for your work, masters.

On this class is over.

The Dymkovo young lady amazes with the brightness of her colors, amazing ornaments, and the feeling of the fullness of real Russian life. It may seem that a modern person, a resident of a big city, is unlikely to be able to make one with his own hands. But that's not true. It can be molded from clay - in accordance with the traditions of the Vyatka town of Dymkovo (where the craft originated), or from salt dough, which, of course, is much easier in a city apartment. After all clay toy you need to not only sculpt it, but then carefully burn it - preferably in a special oven, although a kitchen oven will do.

We sculpt at home. Which character to choose

For modeling, red clay purchased in a specialized store, or mined with your own hands from a garden plot, is suitable. It is important to prepare well workplace. You will need:

  • oilcloth on the table at which the modeling will take place;
  • a glass of water that can be moistened when gluing parts of a future figurine made of clay or dough;
  • rags to wipe your hands with;
  • wooden spatula, in order to trim the resulting figures.

Choosing the character you want to create is an individual matter. But in the Dymkovo toy, as in any craft with traditions, the set of heroes has long been quite strictly defined: the Dymkovo toy lady, a rider on a horse and just a Dymkovo toy horse, a turkey with a huge tail, a plump pig, “a deer with golden horns,” a cockerel , as well as all kinds of whistles.

The lady begins with a "bell"

The creation of each of them is an interesting process that will captivate both adults and children. For example, you can make a figurine of a lady with your own hands like this.

  • The first thing that needs to be molded from clay or dough is a dress for the Dymkovo heroine. This will be a bell-type hem that is hollow inside.
  • Next, two strips are twisted from clay - the future hands of the lady, a strip of a kokoshnik in the form of an accordion, a circle for the future head (on it only the nose is indicated with a convex triangle, and the eyes and mouth are drawn with paint).
  • All parts are connected together and carefully secured.
  • Small but important details are added to the figure: stripes of braids on the head, frills on the dress, and round earrings on the face.

How to make a frill

To make a frill, take a piece of material: it is rolled out into a flagellum, and then, by lightly tapping the edge of the palm, it turns into a clay “ribbon”, which is folded into equal segments like an accordion.

In the lady’s hands you can add a rocker with hanging buckets made of clay (or salt dough), a baby in an envelope, or a couple of children at once (the lady holds them with both hands). The modeling is completed: we set the toy aside and wait one or two days for it to dry. It should be dried at room temperature, but under no circumstances near the radiator.

When the toy is already dry...

The fact that the toy has dried will be clear from the color - the clay will become light. Now the toy can be sent to the stove or oven, where it will be fired. After this, the toy is whitewashed (simple waterproof paint that does not contain varnish will do). The whitewash must be applied in two layers, and after that, begin painting with tempera paint. The ornaments of the Dymkovo toy are circles, diamonds, rings, multi-colored stripes. By the way, the ornaments of ladies and young ladies are different: city dwellers often paint themselves with circles, while peasant women’s aprons and skirts are decorated in a more formal checkered or striped pattern.

Lady or young lady?

You can make the figure of a Dymkovo young lady with your own hands according to the same principle by which a young lady is made. They differ from each other in their headdresses: if we sculpt a kokoshnik for a peasant woman, then a city woman may well be wearing a hat. When sculpting, the basis of a headdress can be a small pancake (made of clay or salt dough), which is then placed on the head of the toy. To make the hat more impressive, add a flower or an interesting frill to it. In the hands of a young lady - unlike a lady - there may be a handbag, a flower or even a fan.

Let's sculpt a horse

Another common Dymkovo figurine (perhaps no less common than Dymkovo young lady) is a horse. First of all, from the material chosen for work, we sculpt the torso, then the cones of the legs, as well as the head with a mane and a small tail.

All parts are combined into a single whole and glued together. The toy is sent to dry, which will also be followed by baking in the oven, whitewashing and painting.

Dymkovo toys are also called Vyatka or Kirov toys. They have a long history, and appeared more than 400 hundred years ago in the settlement of the same name near the Russian city of Vyatka.


A few words from the history of Dymkovo toys...

Initially, Dymkovo toys were dedicated to the Whistler holiday. To mark this day, folk craftsmen made whistles from red clay, fired them and painted various patterns on them.

They were made in the shape of various animals. Here were:

  • and a cockerel
  • and a duck,
  • and deer,
  • and turkey,
  • and a horse,
  • as well as figurines of a young lady.

However, over time, the purpose of the holiday was forgotten, but the fishery resumed in the 20th century and became a real business card this region. Dymkovo toys began to be made as Russian souvenirs.

How to make it?

First, red clay is taken, mixed with brown river sand. This type of clay exists precisely near Vyatka. A figurine is sculpted from it, for example, a rooster, turkey or horse. You have to sculpt the figures in parts. Then they are glued together using liquid clay, and the figure is adjusted by the master. The toy is then dried and fired in a kiln at high temperature. Then they begin to paint it. The patterns are painted with white paint. Previously, paint was made from chalk mixed with milk. Today there are special paints. In addition to white, toys abound in blue, green, and yellow colors, which give them a special cheerfulness. The top of the toys was covered with whipped egg white, which gave them a bright shine and elegance. Each toy is unique because it is made by hand. Among the many figurines collected in museums, you will not find two identical ones. The largest toy museum is located in Kirov.


Probably, you guys also wanted to create such toys for yourself?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to do this at home, even if you know how to sculpt with clay. But you can try to color the silhouettes of Dymkovo toys. On our website you will find photos, pictures and coloring pages for children depicting Dymkovo toys. They can be downloaded and printed. You will be met:

  1. cheerful cockerel,
  2. important duck,
  3. puffy turkey,
  4. graceful horse
  5. and a lady dressed in elegant clothes.
  6. Also here you will find numerous patterns that decorate the Dymkovo toy.

However, don’t rush into coloring books. First, carefully look at the photos of the toys, remember what colors the figures are painted with, since the colors on the figures have their own pattern. Photos will help you draw your own conclusions, and coloring pages for children will help you practice. Probably the most favorite toys of children are the cockerel and the turkey; sometimes the children mention the lady. Why? They are the brightest, most elegant. Think about what a rooster looks like, what colors you use to paint it, because in the old days a rooster was a symbol of the beginning of a new day, the sunrise. His figure contains all the colors of the rainbow. The photos and coloring pages offered on our website will help children become more familiar with this unusual Russian folk craft, show their imagination and ingenuity, and learn to draw. Acquaintance with any ancient craft enriches a child, connects him with his ancestors, with Russian roots. And getting to know toys is doubly interesting. From time immemorial, they reveal their secrets to children, share their joy of life, create good mood and creative inspiration.

A selection of materials on the topic

click on the picture below to download a collection of pictures depicting Dymkovo toys: And you can also download individual pictures of Dymkovo toys at your discretion: lady Horse Rooster Turkey Duck