Unified state register of managerial positions. Qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and other employees. What positions can be

Where does any company start? From an idea and people who implement it together. Each participant has a specific role, a list of responsibilities and competencies. All this is determined by the position held. This article examines what positions there are in a company depending on the industry and area of ​​activity, the minimum composition of the staffing table, as well as a brief excursion into the responsibilities of management positions, specialists and workers.

What positions can be

Positions in a company are like the roles of actors in a theater - each has its own work scenario, responsibilities, competencies, tasks, functions. Each individual position requires a specific person with a specialized set of knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities. In any organization, all existing positions can be divided into three groups:

  • specialists;
  • working positions.

Each group requires certain knowledge and skills, experience and education.

The most important position

Any group of people united by common goals and interests cannot function normally without a leader. One person or group of people must be at the helm of the company, make important decisions, adjust the course of the organization's development and solve internal problems. IN Russian companies this role is performed by the person occupying highest position in company. Depending on the type of company, its legal form, the number of owners and accounting policies, the leading position may have different names. In limited liability companies - director or CEO. IN joint stock companies- board of directors or shareholders. In agricultural production cooperatives - the chairman.

An LLC can be opened by one person. In this case, the founder of the company and the director can be the same person, make decisions individually and independently manage all processes of the organization. It is already more difficult in OJSC and CJSC. In joint stock companies, directors are elected by the board of shareholders. While carrying out his official duties, he is obliged to listen to the opinions of the company's shareholders.

Managers in the company

A newly opened LLC, whose staff does not exceed two or three people, is unlikely to need large quantities leadership positions. But if the company grows, departments appear that perform fundamental different functions, the staff increases to tens and even hundreds of people, then it is simply impossible to do without middle managers. A person holding such a position does not have absolute power over subordinates, does not make single-handed important decisions, and does not manage the company as a whole. His task is to monitor the work of his department, coordinate the employment of his people, and resolve issues within his competence. Some of the most common leadership positions include:

  • financial director, or head of the financial department;
  • Technical Director;
  • director of production and production;
  • Chief Engineer;
  • head of HR department;
  • Chief Accountant;
  • head of trade department;
  • Head of Purchasing Department;
  • Head of Public Relations Department.

Of course, every organization has the right to include in the staffing table positions that are needed specifically in their area. The names of departments and positions of the people managing them may differ, but the functionality of the employees is quite similar.

Chief engineer's work

Chief engineer is a position that is found in organizations that produce products and maintain their own fleet of vehicles specialized equipment: agricultural organizations, plants, factories, transport companies and so on. The job of a chief engineer requires higher technical education in the organization's field of activity. It depends on him technical equipment enterprises with spare parts, fuels and lubricants, necessary equipment and machines, coordinated work of mechanics and maintenance personnel. With his proposal, all technical units and their spare parts are purchased, and people who service all these machines and devices are hired. Working as a technical director has similar functionality. In some organizations these are identical concepts.

Production Director

Production Director is a position that makes sense in organizations that produce any product. This official is busy exploring the structure of the market, supply and demand, studying competitors' offers, determining what needs to be produced, at what prices and in what volumes. The volume and quality of products produced, their price and placement on the sales market depend on the effectiveness of its work. His tasks include searching for suppliers of raw materials of proper quality and at an acceptable cost, launching the release process and monitoring it throughout the entire production cycle.


Positions in the company are not limited to managers at different levels. Without ordinary specialists, there will simply be no one to manage it. Specialists are usually called applicants with higher or intermediate vocational education who graduated from an educational institution in a certain specialty. In organizations, specialist positions include: accountant, managers in various areas, operations officers, engineers, doctors and others.

Job positions

There are also working positions in the company. Unlike the positions described above, workers do not require specific education, experience, or characteristics. Such work usually requires the performance of certain physical actions: loaders, order pickers, drivers, cleaners. To perform these jobs there is no need for higher education, work experience, organizational or leadership abilities. It is enough to have physical health and endurance.

New Qualification Handbook designed to ensure a rational division of labor, create an effective mechanism for delineating functions, powers and responsibilities based on clear regulation of the labor activities of workers in modern conditions. The directory contains new qualification characteristics employee positions related to the development of market relations. All previously existing qualification characteristics have been revised; significant changes have been made to them in connection with the transformations being carried out in the country and taking into account the practice of applying the characteristics.

In the qualification characteristics, the standards for regulating the labor of workers were unified to ensure a unified approach to the selection of personnel with appropriate qualifications and compliance with uniform principles for the tariffing of work based on its complexity. The Qualification Characteristics take into account the latest legislative and regulatory legal acts Russian Federation.

Profound socio-economic transformations Russian society in the conditions of transition to a market economy, they require fundamental changes in the regulation of labor relations, labor organization and regulation of the labor activities of workers.

Changing the technological method of production based on widespread implementation computer equipment and informatization, the increasing role of science and scientific and technological progress as a factor of economic growth, strengthening social orientation production activities, the implementation of privatization, the development of entrepreneurship, including medium and small businesses, determined the evolution of property relations and types of management in the direction of the diversity and plurality of their forms, the relationship between the employer and employee, activation of their participation in share capital and management, development of collective bargaining relations.

The program of social reforms in the Russian Federation provides for the creation of economic and social conditions for a significant increase in labor productivity, labor activity, development of entrepreneurship and business initiative, as well as the introduction of reliable compliance mechanisms by enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms in the sphere of labor and labor relations as the main tasks ownership of legal guarantees provided to employees. The solution to these problems can be achieved through qualitative improvement of systems and methods of leadership and personnel management, the fullest use of the professional and creative potential of employees, rational organization their work and increasing its efficiency, as well as competence, discipline, and exactingness. At the same time, in order to overcome crisis phenomena, the formation and effective functioning of the market mechanism, maximum mobilization of economic growth reserves, activation of organizational, economic and socio-psychological factors is required, adherence to the principles of correct selection, placement and use of personnel based on the establishment and compliance qualification requirements to them, a clear distribution of responsibilities of employees, increasing the level of their professionalism and the responsibility of each for the assigned work.

This Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers) is designed to ensure a rational division of labor, create an effective mechanism for delineating functions, powers and responsibilities, and clear regulation of the labor activities of employees in modern conditions of development of market relations. Being a normative document, the Qualification Directory ensures continuity with the previously valid one.

The qualification characteristics of employee positions used so far were mainly developed and approved ten or more years ago. They reflected the organizational, technical and economic conditions that had developed by that time, and, consequently, the level of professional qualifications, as well as the official division and organization of labor. The task of the developers of the Handbook was not only to create it at a qualitatively new level, to eliminate the shortcomings and gaps identified during the application process, but also to supplement it with the characteristics of positions that appeared in the new economic conditions.

The enormous changes that have taken place over the last decade in economic, social and organizational-technical relations, as well as in the practice of applying current standards of labor organization, what are the qualification characteristics of employee positions, have necessitated their revision and further improvement taking into account the new stage of development of society, new requirements for employees, their knowledge and qualifications.

This Handbook has been supplemented with new qualification characteristics of positions of employees whose functions are related to the formation and development of market economic relations. These, for example, include the qualification characteristics of the positions of auditor, auctioneer, broker, dealer, manager, appraiser, marketing specialist, etc. New characteristics reflect modern requirements and meet the objectives of the reforms being carried out in the country.

The characteristics of the manager's position require special attention. In countries with highly developed market economies, managers are professional managers with special education, often obtained in addition to engineering, legal, and economics. Managers carry out qualified management of the enterprise’s activities ( senior management), its structural units (middle management) or ensure the implementation certain activities and the business sector (low level).

Top and middle level managers in relation to the current job structure can be considered all managers - directors of enterprises, institutions and organizations and other line managers - heads of workshops and other structural divisions, as well as functional departments.

As for lower-level managers, in conditions of development commercial activities, small and medium-sized businesses, there was a need to determine their place and functional role as organizers of this activity, ensuring its compliance with the conditions external environment(economic, legal, technological and other requirements).

In the context of the transition to a market economy, the role of workers carrying out appraisal activities at facilities owned by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities. Establishing the value of valuation objects is necessary during their privatization, carrying out accounting, commercial use, which requires the determination of balance sheet, rental, liquidation, insurance, borrowed and other types of value depending on the specific needs and goals. In this regard, the Handbook includes the basic qualification characteristics of the position of an appraiser. Taking into account the demands of life, this edition of the Directory is supplemented by the qualification characteristics of the position of intellectual property appraiser approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

At the same time, there was an objective need to review the current qualification characteristics of traditional positions, introducing significant changes and additions to them in connection with the transformations that have taken place, as well as taking into account the practice of applying these characteristics. In all qualification characteristics, both new and revised, labor functions are regulated various categories employees in order to ensure a unified approach to the selection of personnel with appropriate qualifications and compliance with uniform principles for charging work based on their complexity. When selecting personnel and determining requirements for the level of qualifications of workers, changes made by federal legislation. Thus, for positions whose qualification characteristics require the presence of higher education, you must be guided by No. 125-FZ of August 22, 1996 “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 35, Art. 4135). In accordance with this, higher professional education has three levels: bachelor, diploma, master.

When hiring and conducting certification, one should proceed from the fact that the qualification (degree) “bachelor” is assigned to a graduate of a higher education institution. educational institution after 4 years of mastering the basic educational programs higher professional education; qualification "certified specialist" - after 5 years of mastering the basic educational programs of higher professional education; The qualification (degree) “master” is awarded after 6 years of mastering the basic educational programs of higher professional education.

The qualification characteristics of employee positions included in the Directory have been revised taking into account the Russian Federation, as well as those adopted for last years legislative and regulatory legal acts.

Each qualification characteristic is a normative document that defines the employee’s labor function and regulates its content, helping to ensure optimal technology for the work performed, rational division of labor, high organization, discipline and order at each workplace, as well as improving the personnel management system. As regulatory framework qualification characteristics of employee positions are intended for use in enterprises, institutions and organizations various forms property, organizational and legal forms and sectors of the economy, regardless of their departmental subordination.

Based on the qualification characteristics, job descriptions are developed for specific employees, the drafting of which specifies the responsibilities provided for in the characteristics, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management, and the technology of performing labor processes. At the same time, it is important that both in the qualification characteristics and in the job descriptions of the personnel management service, labor organization and wages, training and advanced training of personnel ensured exact correspondence of the names of positions with the professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories.

This Handbook includes the qualification characteristics of mass positions that are common to all sectors of the economy and are most widely used in practice. Qualification characteristics of positions specific to individual industries are developed by ministries (departments) and approved in the prescribed manner.

A new stage in the development and improvement of the entire legal framework of labor relations was the adoption and entry into force of the Russian Federation on February 1, 2002, which legislated the rights and obligations of both employees and employers. The Labor Code pays much attention to the issues of labor regulation of employees, which means the establishment and strict observance of certain rules, regulations and standards in accordance with which the labor activities of personnel are carried out.

Labor regulation of workers and its components - the names of professions and positions determined by the job function performed, as well as qualification characteristics and qualification reference books - are in close connection with the most important areas legal regulation labor - labor relations, employment contracts and wages. Yes, in the Code labor Relations defined as a relationship based on an agreement between an employee and an employer about personal performance by the employee for pay labor function(work in a certain specialty, qualification or position), the employee’s subordination to internal labor regulations while the employer provides working conditions provided for by labor legislation, collective agreements, agreements, and employment contracts.

The Labor Code establishes that one of the essential, i.e. mandatory conditions The employment contract concluded between the employer and the employee is the name of the position, specialty, profession indicating qualifications in accordance with the staffing table of the organization or a specific labor function. If in accordance with federal laws Since the performance of work in certain positions, specialties and professions is associated with the provision of benefits or the presence of restrictions, then the names of these positions, specialties or professions and the qualification requirements for them must correspond to the names and requirements specified in the qualification reference books approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Thus, when determining the content of an employment contract, it establishes the following three important conditions: firstly, in the contract the names of positions, specialties, professions must be indicated in accordance with the labor function that characterizes them, stipulated by agreement of the parties; secondly, the names of positions, specialties or professions, if by federal laws the performance of work on them is associated with the provision of benefits or the presence of restrictions, must correspond to their names and requirements specified in the qualification directories; and thirdly, these qualification reference books must be approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The plan for the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation necessary for implementation (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 17, 2002 N 516-r, paragraph 6), in particular, provides for the establishment of a procedure for approving the Unified Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees ( Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 16, Article 1596).

The correct application, in accordance with qualification directories, of the names of positions, specialties and professions determined by the labor function, provides employees with the right to established by law various benefits, guarantees and compensation, receiving them in the form of: additional leave and shortened working hours for work during harmful conditions labor; preferential pension provision; free issuance to them special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment, etc.

Labor Code The Russian Federation (), along with the instruction on the use of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS) for tariffication, also provides for the use of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees (hereinafter referred to as EKSDS). And if the ETKS of workers has been used in practice for many years when calculating work and assigning tariff categories, i.e. significant experience in its application has been accumulated, then the Unified Qualification Directory regulating labor activity managers, specialists and other employees are currently absent.

As practice shows, there is now a need, taking into account the accumulated experience and new labor legislation to revise the current industry tariff and qualification characteristics and qualification reference books for employees, especially those adopted many years ago, to create a Unified Qualification Directory of employee positions similar to the ETKS of workers. The General Agreement between all-Russian associations of trade unions, all-Russian associations of employers and the Government of the Russian Federation for 2002 - 2004, in particular, provides for the development of a national system professional standards, as well as prepare proposals with appropriate justifications for giving this Qualification Directory a status mandatory for use in organizations regardless of their legal form and form of ownership (Bulletin of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, 2002, No. 2, p. 80).

When developing a Unified Qualification Directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees, it is important to ensure a clear and reasonable establishment general principles pricing of all work performed, primarily in terms of complexity, taking into account the specifics of managerial work and grouping of these works, based on their functional purpose in the management system. Taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of work of employees, determined by the nature and content of the labor functions they perform, the Qualification Handbook must provide a description of the work and determine the requirements for knowledge (education), skills and the necessary experience (experience) for employees who will occupy the relevant positions.

The preparation of the Unified Qualification Directory of positions for managers, specialists and other employees should be based on the accepted division of them into three categories: managers (carry out general and functional management, accept management decisions and organize their implementation, coordinate the activities of structural units and performers, etc.), specialists (engaged in solving engineering, technical, design, economic, information, planning, supply and other tasks) and technical performers (perform accounting, copying and duplicating work, conduct primary processing and transmission of information, carry out timekeeping, etc.).

The development of a Unified Qualification Directory of positions for managers, specialists and other employees can be facilitated by research work carried out by the Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, as well as in the framework of its cooperation with scientific organizations CIS countries.

Currently, the main industry-wide regulatory document, the application of which creates the possibility of establishing unity in the definition job responsibilities employees and qualification requirements for them is the published Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, developed by the Institute of Labor and approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 21, 1998 N 37, with additions made to it. Along with this Qualification Handbook for public sector workers, which covers 15 million people, or every fourth busy worker in the country, industry tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements) are applied. To such regulations, which determine job responsibilities and other requirements for employees, include tariff and qualification characteristics for positions of employees of educational institutions, health care workers, workers of science and scientific services, etc. In a number of sectors of the economy, there are qualification reference books for managers and specialists. An example of such a directory would be

The qualification characteristics included in this issue of the Directory are normative documents intended to justify the rational division and organization of labor, the correct selection, placement and use of personnel, ensuring unity in determining the job responsibilities of workers and the qualification requirements for them, as well as decisions made on compliance positions held during certification of managers and specialists.

2. The construction of the Directory is based on job characteristics, since the requirements for the qualifications of employees are determined by their job responsibilities, which, in turn, determine the titles of positions.

All-Russian classifier of workers' professions, employee positions and tariff categories OK-016-94 (OKPDTR), put into effect on January 1, 1996.

3. The qualification directory contains two sections. The first section provides the qualification characteristics of industry-wide positions of managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers), widespread in enterprises, institutions and organizations, primarily in manufacturing sectors of the economy, including those receiving budgetary funding. The second section contains the qualification characteristics of positions of employees employed in research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations, as well as editorial and publishing departments.

Since qualification characteristics apply to employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their industry affiliation and departmental subordination, they present the most typical work for each position. Therefore, when developing job descriptions, it is possible to clarify the list of works that are characteristic of the corresponding position in specific organizational and technical conditions, and establish requirements for the necessary special training of workers.

In the process of organizational, technical and economic development, mastering modern management technologies, introducing the latest technical means, taking measures to improve organization and increase labor efficiency, it is possible to expand the range of responsibilities of employees in comparison with those established by the corresponding characteristics. In these cases, without changing the job title, the employee may be entrusted with the performance of duties provided for by the characteristics of other positions that are similar in content of work, equal in complexity, the implementation of which does not require another specialty and qualifications.

Can a HR specialist with three years of work experience be awarded a qualification? What documents are needed for this?

Apparently, the issue is connected not simply with the assignment of qualifications, but with the possibility of increasing wages in connection with the assignment of qualifications.

According to Part 5 of Art. 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) the system of remuneration of employees of state and municipal institutions are established taking into account the unified tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers, the unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees or professional standards, as well as taking into account state guarantees for wages, recommendations of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations (Part 3 Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and the opinions of the relevant trade unions (associations of trade unions) and associations of employers.

The professional standard for HR specialists has not yet been developed (it was not possible to find a draft). Therefore, before its introduction, to determine the required amount of knowledge and skills of a human resources specialist, his experience, as well as for the purpose of drawing up job descriptions or conducting certification, the employer can rely on the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37 (as amended on February 12, 2014; hereinafter referred to as the Qualification Directory). However, in this document the position we are interested in is not categorized, and there is only one requirement for a personnel specialist: higher professional education without any requirements for work experience.

At the same time, the Qualification Directory establishes three levels of training engineer qualifications:

  • category I personnel training engineer: higher professional (technical or engineering-economic) education and work experience as a category II personnel training engineer for at least three years;
  • personnel training engineer category II: higher professional (technical or engineering-economic) education and work experience as a personnel training engineer or other engineering positions filled by specialists with higher professional education for at least three years;
  • personnel training engineer: higher professional (technical or engineering-economic) education without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical or engineering-economic) education and work experience as a category I technician for at least three years or other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education of at least five years.

Similar qualification requirements are established by the Qualification Handbook for the position of labor economist.

If we reason by analogy, a HR specialist with three years of work experience can be assigned category II.

Note that municipal autonomous institutions has the right to develop and apply their own tariff rates(salaries).

Arbitrage practice

The court came to the conclusion that in satisfying the claim containing demands to bring the staffing table into compliance with the Unified Tariff Schedule approved by the authority local government, the establishment of a salary in the amount according to the Unified Tariff Schedule, taking into account the tariff coefficient, the accrual of bonuses was rightfully refused, since the defendant, being a municipal autonomous institution, has the right to develop and apply its own tariff rates (salaries).
Determination of the Irkutsk Regional Courtdated 04/03/2012 in case No. 33-2938/12

For government and budget organizations Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 29, 2008 No. 247n (as amended on December 11, 2008; hereinafter referred to as Order No. 247n) approved professional qualification groups for industry-wide positions of managers, specialists and employees, including HR specialist. The criteria for classifying blue-collar professions and white-collar positions into professional qualification groups were approved by Order No. 525 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 6, 2007 (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 525).

After the entry into force of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.08.2008 No. 583 “On the introduction of new systems of remuneration for employees of federal budgetary, autonomous and government institutions and federal government agencies, as well as civilian personnel of military units, institutions and divisions of federal executive authorities, in which the law provides for military and equivalent service, whose remuneration is currently carried out on the basis of the Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of federal employees government agencies"(as amended on January 14, 2014) departments, guided by Orders No. 247n and No. 525, issue orders to introduce new system remuneration of employees, which lists professional qualification groups general industry professions workers and positions of managers, specialists and employees, indicating positions and recommended salaries (official salaries).

Thus, by order of one of the departments the following positions were established for personnel service employees:

  • in the group of general industry positions of level II employees - position Leading HR Inspector IV qualification level;
  • in the group of general industry positions of level III employees:

Job title HR specialistCategory I III qualification level;

Job title leading HR specialist IV qualification level;

Job title chief HR specialist V qualification level.

According to clause 2 of Order No. 525, the professions of workers and/or positions of employees included in one professional qualification group can be structured according to qualification levels this professional qualification group depending on the complexity of the work performed and the level of qualifications required to work in the profession of a worker or occupy the position of an employee.

The same profession of a worker or position of an employee can be assigned to different qualification levels depending on the complexity of the work performed, as well as taking into account additional qualification indicators confirmed by a certificate, qualification category , work experience and other documents and information.

Organizations not related to the public sector have the right to independently resolve issues related to wages and, accordingly, to determining the level of qualifications of employees and assigning different categories to one position.

According to paragraph 6 of clause 5 of the Procedure for applying the unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and employees, approved. By Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 02/09/2004 No. 9 (as amended on 10/25/2010), qualification characteristics serve as the basis for the development of job descriptions containing a specific list of job responsibilities of employees, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management, their rights and responsibilities.

Thus, the employer must approve job descriptions for employees who have different categories for the same position. Taking the Qualification Handbook as a basis, the employer must provide in job descriptions exactly those functions that are required for employees occupying specific positions, exactly the knowledge that employees need to perform the duties of these positions, taking into account the assigned category.

To assign an employee a certain category, you need to carry out certification. In this case, the employer must determine the employees whose qualifications need to be assessed, the list of knowledge, abilities, skills and work experience necessary to perform a certain job function and subject to assessment, and formulate questions that the employees will have to answer during the certification.

To carry out certification must be approved by local normative act , which is adopted with mandatory consideration of the opinion of the representative body of workers (Part 2 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), for example, the Regulations on Certification. This document establishes the procedure, conditions, terms and frequency of certification, categories of certified workers, methods and methods of verification, evaluation criteria, options for decisions made based on the results of certification.

In addition, a certification commission must be created, a certification schedule must be approved, and employees must be warned about the certification at least a month in advance.

To develop regulations on certification, the employer can use, for example, the Regulations on the certification of state civil servants of the Russian Federation, approved. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 1, 2005 No. 110 (as amended on March 19, 2014).

The employee must submit documents confirming the required level of education and work experience, and the immediate supervisor of this employee- characteristics of it. These documents will allow certification commission make an informed decision.

Finally, the employer must make appropriate changes to the staffing table, providing for different wages for different categories.

For many personnel service workers, the qualification directory of positions has become reference book. Let's talk about the use of ETKS and EKS, as well as their upcoming abolition in connection with the final transition to professional standards.

From the article you will learn:

Qualification directory of positions - managers, specialists, workers - a set of characteristics of the main types of work in professions related to a variety of sectors of the economy. Due to his duty, any personnel officer with experience had to contact him. The development and updating of unified tariff and qualification reference books is carried out by the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation together with executive authorities regulating and coordinating certain economic sectors (clause 2 of Russian Government Decree No. 787 of October 31, 2002).

Qualification reference book for positions of workers and employees - 2018: procedure for application

Don't miss: the main article of the month from a practical expert

5 main misconceptions about professional standards.

The status and procedure for the practical use of tariff and qualification reference books is determined by Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, according to Part 8 of Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when grading work and assigning tariff categories to employees, the following are applied:

  • a unified tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers;
  • unified tariff qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and employees;
  • professional standards.

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There are even separate regulations, describing in detail the rules for applying the ETKS (see “Procedure” approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 9 of February 9, 2004). Along with the provisions of the reference books, state guarantees for wages, fixed by federal legislation, are taken into account, as well as the recommendations of the tripartite commission on the regulation of social and labor relations and the opinion of trade unions. Details are in the notes “How to use " And How ».

Important: the requirements of the ETKS and EKS apply primarily to labor relations, therefore, when concluding a civil contract, the employer is not obliged to check the contractor for compliance with the criteria established in the reference books.

Types and current editions of tariff and qualification reference books

Currently, two types of qualification reference books are used - for workers (ETKS) and for employees, managers, specialists (EKS). The need to develop two separate documents arose due to significant differences in the specifics of the work assigned to different categories of personnel. Therefore, when establishing tariffs or qualification requirements for blue-collar professions (fitter, foundry worker, welder, etc.), employers turn to the ETKS, a directory of blue-collar professions.

If we are talking about a managerial or official position, the Unified Qualification Directory of positions for managers and employees is used. About tariffication different types works, read the article “How to install ": you will find out why it is so important to know the exact minimum wage, how often salaries should be indexed and whether it is legal to set different salaries for employees occupying the same position.

Unified qualification directory of worker positions

The tariff and qualification reference book, used to determine the complexity and payment of work, as well as to assign categories to workers, consists of more than 70 issues.

Each issue is dedicated to certain areas and areas of the economy, for example:

  1. No. 5 - geological exploration and topographic-geodetic work (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 16 of February 17, 2000);
  2. No. 16 - production of medical instruments, instruments and equipment (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 38 of March 5, 2004);
  3. №24 - general professions chemical production (approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 208 dated March 28, 2006);
  4. No. 50 - production and processing of fish and seafood (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 73 of October 12, 2000);
  5. No. 52 - railway, sea and river transport (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 68n dated February 18, 2013);
  6. No. 57 - advertising and design, restoration and layout work (approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 135 dated March 21, 2008).

Some sections have lost their relevance (issues 30-31, 34, 38-39, 61-63, 65, 67-68), some were put into effect a very long time ago, even by Soviet regulations. For example, the sections “Dry cleaning and dyeing” and “Works and professions of laundry workers”, approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions No. 320/21-22 of October 31, 1984, have not yet been updated.

Qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and employees

The unified qualification reference book for positions of specialists and employees (US) developed by the Institute of Labor was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 of 08.21.1998. Since its approval, the document has been amended and supplemented more than ten times. The current edition of the ETKS is mandatory for all state and municipal organizations (in relation to positions for which professional standards have not been developed). Table "Categories and state civil service"will be useful to personnel officers of government agencies.

The requirements for commercial companies are not as strict. However, Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges all employers, without exception, to refer to professional standards or ETKS when introducing positions into the staffing table that involve restrictions or the provision of benefits. In other words, if the enterprise has positions that give the right to certain guarantees (early retirement, compensation for “harmfulness,” etc.), their names must exactly match the wording of the ETKS or professional standards. Read more about providing benefits to employees in the articles “How to register an employee’s exit from " and "What compensation is an employee entitled to for work during ».

In total, the document has thirty sections. General characteristics positions applicable to employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations of all industries are given in the first section, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 of August 21, 1998. Sections for individual industries follow:

  • research, design, engineering and survey areas;
  • healthcare;
  • education, including vocational;
  • culture, art and cinematography;
  • labor protection;
  • electric power industry;
  • architectural and urban planning activities;
  • the sphere of civil defense and protection of the population from emergency situations, ensuring the safety of people at water, mountain and underground sites;
  • geology and subsoil exploration;
  • physical education and sports;
  • tourism;
  • Agriculture;
  • state archives and documentation storage centers;
  • military units and organizations of the RF Armed Forces;
  • centers of metrology, standardization and certification;
  • state material reserve systems;
  • legal protection of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization;
  • youth affairs authorities;
  • road facilities;
  • hydrometeorology;
  • countering technical intelligence and ensuring information security;
  • nuclear power and floating nuclear power plants;
  • conflictology;
  • rocket and space industry;
  • translation activities;
  • forensics;
  • authorities of the Federal Migration Service.

If you pay attention to the dates of publication of orders and regulations approving sections of the CEN, you will notice that the most “recent” provisions of the directory came into force in 2013. And since then they have not been updated, although previously new sections were added almost every year. The reason for this state of affairs was the transition to professional standards - more convenient and modern system qualification assessments. Details are in the note “How to use ": the expert will explain who will be primarily affected by changes in legislation, how often qualification standards will be updated and how to check an employee for compliance with new requirements.

Question from practice

How in work book Write down the employee’s position if it is not indicated in the classifier of positions and professions?

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors

Ivan Shklovets answers:
Deputy Head Federal service on labor and employment

Indicate the name of the employee's position in the work book in accordance with the organization's staffing table. At formation of staffing to arbitrarily indicate the positions of employees for whom benefits and compensation are established.

For example, work in a particular position may entitle an employee to early retirement. The list of positions in which work gives the right to an early pension is listed in the articles And Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ. If the position in the work book does not correspond to the qualification directory, Pension Fund may deny an employee the right to early retirement...

Ask your question to the experts

Unified qualification directory of positions as a predecessor of professional standards

From the system of professional standards, in connection with which additional norms appeared in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 195.1-195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the unified qualification reference book for the positions of managers, employees and specialists differs not only in format. Professional standards contain clearer and more structured information about the labor functions performed by employees and are fully consistent with the spirit of the times.

Previously, a specialist who received a specialized education could work all his life on the same equipment, using familiar technologies and knowledge that he received at a university or technical school. But modern technologies are rapidly developing, dramatically changing the content of work and the qualification characteristics of the position. We have to radically revise existing norms and introduce new standards. As ETKS and EKS (unified tariff and qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and employees) gradually lose relevance, employers are increasingly turning to professional standards for:

  • personnel selection;
  • training, retraining, certification and career planning of employees;
  • drawing up job descriptions and staffing schedules;
  • formation personnel policy and the tariff schedule for the work performed;
  • development of remuneration systems.

Important: a professional standard is a universal document that establishes requirements for the conditions and content of work, as well as for the skills, knowledge and experience of a specialist.

It takes an average of 9-12 months to develop a “standard” for each individual position, so today, despite active work in this direction, new standards for a number of specialties and types of work have not yet been approved. Consequently, in 2018, it is too early to write off the unified qualification directory of employee positions and the tariff and qualification directory of blue-collar specialties.

But if there is a choice between ETKS (EKS) and the current professional standard (and there are already more than a thousand such positions), preference should be given to the latter. At least because the final abolition of reference books and a complete transition to a system of professional standards, applied taking into account individual industry requirements, is planned for the coming years (see letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 14-0/10/13-2253 dated April 4, 2016).

Transition to professional standards: step-by-step instructions

For commercial organizations professional standards are advisory in nature. They become mandatory only in two cases (like directories):

  • when the legislator has established compensation or benefits for a certain type of work, or restrictions are provided for its implementation (Article 57, 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • when the requirements for the employee’s work experience and qualifications are established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal legislation or other regulations (Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In the first case, you should make sure that the name of the position in the staffing table, employment contract, hiring order and other local documents coincides with the wording of the professional standard. Other aspects - features of the labor function, requirements for the level of education and work experience in the specialty - remain at the discretion of the employer. Detailed analysis difficult situations- in the articles “How to maintain the category of a worker according to ETKS, if ", "How to check if professional standard" and "How to overcome the 6 main problems that arise when ».

As for the second category of workers (which includes legal workers, teachers, doctors, and even private detectives), the requirements of professional standards apply to them in full. To understand what specific positions we're talking about, look at the table " , for which the law establishes qualification requirements.”

Organizations, enterprises and institutions of the public sector, as well as all extra-budgetary funds, corporations and companies with a state share of more than 50%, are obliged to switch to professional standards, whether they want it or not. To make the transition less painful, it is allowed to introduce new standards in stages (until January 1, 2020, as required by clauses 1.2 of the Russian Government Decree No. 584 of June 27, 2016). To help the personnel officer - articles “When , and when the professional standard. Six controversial situations" and "How will professional standards affect ».

Since the legislator does not regulate the procedure for transition to a system of professional standards, the employer himself decides how to act, based on the needs of the organization and the specifics of its activities.

The whole process can be divided into five successive stages:

  1. formation of a working group or commission, in which representatives of key departments (legal and personnel services, accounting, etc.) participate;
  2. development of a work schedule for the implementation of professional standards;
  3. familiarizing heads of departments and services with the schedule and legislative framework, in accordance with which the transition is carried out;
  4. implementation of activities provided for in the schedule;
  5. summing up the work of the commission and approving the report on the results.

Practical situation

Staffing: how to enter information without errors

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors of the magazine " »

Nina KOVIAZINA answers,
Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of the Russian Ministry of Health

We have a small organization, and there are departments that employ one person at a time. If an employee is a manager, should there be subordinates in the department?

Formally, the Labor Code does not prohibit an employer from creating structural units, which consist of only one employee, in particular the head of the department. At the same time, the position of “manager” involves leadership of subordinates. For example, the Qualification Directory provides for such an obligation for the position “Head of the Human Resources Department” (approved ). Qualification reference books are advisory in nature. But there are exceptions...

The full answer is available after free

The first step is to issue an order to establish a commission. The order lists by name all members of the commission (working group), and also indicates the time frame allocated for familiarization with regulatory documentation and development of a schedule.

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Each protocol is certified by the signatures of members of the working group, including the chairman.

To change the job title, make additions to employment contract or approve new local standards, the director of the company gives a written order (see article “ does not meet the professional standard: what to do"). Fortunately, the law does not prohibit combining orders of the same type into one order and thereby saving resources. The article “Tricks that will make it easier for you to work with » will help minimize labor costs associated with the preparation of orders, contracts, introductory sheets and other documentation.

List of typical positions ( Job Descriptions)

Top company managers

1.1 General Director

1.2 Executive Director

1.3 CFO

1.4 Commercial Director

1.5 HR Director

1.6 Marketing Director

1.7 Logistics Director

1.8 Quality Director

1.9 Chief Operating Officer retail network

1.10 Branch director

1.11 Technical Director

Administrative staff

2.1 Office manager

2.3 Head of Legal Department

2.5 Dispatcher

2.6 Secretary to the General Director

2.7 Department Secretary

2.8 Secretary-receptionist

Research and development and information technology personnel

3.1 Chief designer

3.2 Head of laboratory

3.3 Constructor

3.4 Laboratory assistant

3.5 Head of IT Department

3.6 System administrator

3.7 Senior programmer

3.8 Programmer

Logistics and purchasing staff

4.1 Logistics and procurement personnel

4.1.1. Head of product department

4.1.2. Director of logistics Department

4.1.3. Head of Procurement

4.1.4. Logistics Manager

4.1.5. Purchasing Manager

4.1.6. Head of the customs group

4.1.7. Foreign trade specialist 4.2 Warehouse logistics personnel

4.2.1 Warehouse manager

4.2.2 Deputy warehouse manager

4.2.3 Storekeeper

4.2.4 Loader-collector

4.2.5 Loader

4.2.6 Forklift driver 4.3 Transport logistics personnel

4.3.1 Head of the motor transport department

4.3.2 Delivery driver for heavy vehicles

4.3.3 Forwarding driver for passenger cars

4.3.4 Heavy vehicle driver

4.3.5 Car driver

4.3.6 Forwarder

5.2 Marketing Manager

5.4 Merchandiser

5.5 Promoter

5.6 Designer

5.7 Copywriter

5.8 Layout designer

Customer service staff

6.1 Restaurant/cafe director

6.3 Bartender-cashier

6.4 Wardrobekeeper

6.5 Waiter

6.6 Maid

6.7 Concierge

6.8 Head waiter

6.9 Receptionist

6.10 Doorman

6.11 Ironer

6.12 Service Manager

6.13 Tailor

Development staff

7.1 Development Director

7.2 Development Manager

7.3 Project Manager

7.4 Project Manager

HR staff

8.1 Head of Personnel Department

8.2 HR Manager

8.3 Training Manager

8.3 Manager personnel records management

Finance and accounting staff

9.1 Head of Planning and Economic Department

9.2 Chief accountant

9.3 Deputy Chief Accountant

9.4 Senior accountant

9.5 Accountant

9.6 Store accountant

9.7 Warehouse accountant

9.8 Financial manager

9.9 Economist

9.10 Labor economist

9.11 Accounts receivable specialist

9.12 Senior cashier

9.13 Cashier

Corporate Sales Personnel

10.1 Head of Sales Department

10.2 City Sales Manager

10.3 Regional Sales Manager

10.4 Key account manager

10.5 Sales representative

10.6 Sales Administrator

Retail sales staff

11.1 Supermarket director

11.2 Store director

11.3 Deputy Store Director

11.4 Head of department (food products)

11.5 Head of department (non-food products)

11.6 Administrator trading floor(food products)

11.7 Sales area administrator (non-food products)

11.8 Senior Seller (Food Products)

11.9 Senior salesperson (non-food products)

11.10 Seller (food products)

11.11 Seller (non-food products)

11.12 Salesperson-cashier (food products)

11.13 Salesperson-cashier (non-food products)

11.13. Cashier-operator

11.15. Transceiver

Production personnel (management)

12.1 Production Manager

12.2 Chief engineer

12.3 Chief technologist

12.4 Chief mechanic

12.5 Chief power engineer

12.6 Workshop manager

12.7 Head of the section

12.8 Production Planning Manager

Technical personnel (food production)

13.1 Chef

13.3 Confectioner

13.4 Marker

13.5 Baker

13.6 Meat cutter

13.7 Packer

13.8 Worker food production

Technical personnel (non-food production)

14.1 Foreman

14.2 Production foreman

14.3 Technologist

14.4 Engineer

14.5 Quality Controller

14.6 Master

14.7 Mechanic

14.8 Process equipment operator

14.9 Serviceman

14.10 Carpenter

14.11 Locksmith

14.12 Turner

14.13 Milling operator

14.14 Electrician

14.15 Electric and gas welder

14.16 Non-food production worker

14.17 Construction equipment operator

14.18 Car mechanic

14.19 Installer

14.20 Auto electrician

14.21 Safety engineer

14.22 Refrigeration unit operator

Support staff

15.1 Head of Security

15.2 Head of Administrative Operations

15.3 Security Officer

15.4 Driver-bodyguard

15.5 Controller (security guard)

15.6 Controller on the sales floor

15.7 Health worker

15.8 Castellan

15.9 Porter

15.10 Janitor

15.11 Courier

15.12 Cleaner

Engineering and technical personnel

16.1 Head of Standardization and Control Department

16.2 Standardization specialist

16.3 Head of customer service

16.4 Head of the design and technical department

16.5 Slinger

16.6 Head of the environmental department

16.7 Ecologist

16.8 Chief surveyor