Environmental campaign at the preschool educational institution “Feed the birds in winter. Environmental campaign in the preschool educational institution “Feed the birds in winter Stage I – preparatory

"Give the Birds Life"

Completed by educators: Tyabokina T.S. And Vorozhtsova I.A.

Feed the birds in winter! (A. Yashin)

Feed the birds in winter!
Let it come from all over
They will flock to us like home,
Flock to the porch.

It’s impossible to count how many of them die,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And it's warm for the birds.

Train your birds in the cold
To your window
So that you don’t have to go without songs
Let's welcome spring.

The relevance of the campaign is to help birds survive the cold winter.

Goal: developing ecological knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds.

Project objectives:

  • expand children's knowledge about birds
  • develop bird watching skills and abilities
  • cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult times
  • increase the level of environmental activity of parents.

The implementation of the campaign involves carrying out educational work with children for 4 months (November 2016–February 2017).

Project participants: teachers, children, parents of the group.

Our environmental campaign consists of three stages:

  1. Organizational stage (determination of the goals and objectives of the action, development and accumulation of material and literature on the topic).
  2. Main stage (making feeders, hanging them in the group area, educational activities,).
  3. The final stage (processing of the results obtained, registration of the results of the action in the form of a presentation).


  • Children learned about wintering birds;
  • We learned to observe and take care of them;
  • Parents became active participants in the educational process;
  • Participation in the municipal competition “Let’s make a house for birds” as part of a national holiday "Larks" .

Our group underwent organized educational activities on cognitive development, dedicated to the problem of feeding birds in winter. As a result of the work, the children learned about three wintering birds - a sparrow, a tit and a bullfinch; got acquainted with the types of feeding, realized that they needed human help.

A particularly important part of the environmental campaign is the involvement of parents in the work. With their help, feeders were made, hung on the site, and supplies for feeding the birds were replenished in a timely manner. Parents are our helpers!

The children really enjoyed watching the birds arriving. Observing the life of birds helped children become closer to nature and helped them understand that it is necessary to take care of the world around them. The children also remembered the names of birds - tit, sparrow, bullfinch. We learned to distinguish them by external signs.

Exhibition decoration in the reception group "Feeders for little birds" . Parents took a very active part, everyone responded and brought a feeder or bird food. Visual information for parents was also placed in the reception area - a folder, booklets.

This year, the ecological center “EcoSphere” in Lipetsk began feeding birds in December 2016. The promotion started on January 9, 2017 and will continue until March 9, 2017. Students from children's associations at the EcoSphere EC in Lipetsk made feeders from cardboard blanks provided by the Telemir company, our social and pedagogical partner. Participants of the action watched an educational film about wintering birds, took part in a quiz, and once again remembered the rules of feeding birds. The opening ended with hanging feeders on trees near the center. Young reporters gave interviews to correspondents of the Lipetsk Vremya television company. Anyone can join the action: both children and adults.


To participate in the campaign, you need to make bird feeders and organize regular feeding during the winter.

Address Email for photo report: [email protected]

1 - 3 photos in *.jpg format, - in the file name the name of the educational institution N.jpg or FirstNameLastName.jpg should be sent before March 10, 2017

Action coordinator: Likhovozova Galina Aleksandrovna

methodologist for environmental education and upbringing 27-02-69, 89066812917

What to feed birds in winter?

Birds willingly eat the seeds of watermelon, melon, pumpkin, sunflower (not fried), weeds, rowan berries, as well as waste from our table: crumbs, pieces of unsalted lard and meat, crackers and others.

You should not give birds black bread or very salty foods!

The importance of bird nutrition in winter

Many people have thought about how difficult it is for birds to survive in winter?
It has long been known that many birds die in winter not because of the cold, but because of the lack of their usual nutritious food. Therefore, to maintain the bird population, many of them need feeding.
Winter is a difficult time of year for all birds, but not because of the cold and frosts, but because with the onset of cold weather their food supply disappears or is significantly reduced. In order to avoid freezing, they require a lot of energy to warm themselves. To do this, you need to constantly eat, more often and more than in summer period time. “A well-fed person is not afraid of frosts” - this can be said about birds. The winter day is short and birds have little time to search for food. Therefore, birds tend to go where it is easier to find food and where they can hide from winter cold– to cities, towns, villages, closer to people.

Feeding birds in winter is caring for nature

Bird feeders are not just about taking care of our little brothers, but also about taking care of ourselves.
Imagine if all the birds that destroy insect pests disappeared at once - the consequences would be simply catastrophic and would threaten humanity itself.
First of all, this applies to small representatives of the feathered family remaining for the winter. The diet contains plant foods, as well as various insect pests. In winter, many of these birds move closer to humans, to cities, towns and villages, because here it is easier for them to feed and survive.
Properly organized feeding will help you survive in winter more birds, their gratitude in the summer - the destruction of insect pests in forests, parks, squares and garden plots.

Wintering birds or which birds remain for the winter

Birds, whose main diet is insects, are most vulnerable in winter. Usually these are representatives of the passerine order and need human help more than others. These birds can be classified as city birds and as inhabitants of parks, alleys, gardens and other urban green areas of cities and towns.

Khara Natalya Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 5 "Droplet"
Locality: Krasnoyarsk region, Kuraginsky district, Krasnokamensk village
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Environmental campaign “Feed the birds in winter”
Publication date: 06.06.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Environmental campaign “Feed the birds in winter”

MBDOU No. 5 “Droplet” middle group “Spikelet”

Head of the environmental circle “Rodnichok” Khara N.V.

Children participating in the action middle group 4-5 years

Relevance: Really,


harsh and snowy. A hungry bird suffers greatly from the cold. Need support

birds in winter, make feeders for them and do not forget to pour food into them.

For many years, with the onset of cold and heavy snowfall in

our group , based on the environmental circle "Rodnichok" , has already become a tradition

holding events “Feed the birds in winter! »



traditional campaign “Feed the birds in winter!” Such promotions are great

an opportunity to show empathy and kindness.


formation of environmental culture among children and parents;

environmental education and upbringing of the population;

instilling a love for nature;

nurturing a caring attitude towards her;

formation of cognitive competence and cognitive abilities

children preschool age.

Preliminary work:

Cognitive development- Conversations: Where does the bird live? Describe what the bird looks like?

(body parts) What devices did humans come up with to make life easier for birds?

Are birds afraid? Who and what? What benefits and harms do they bring? How you can help

birds and when? “What does it take for wintering birds to survive the winter?” "Which

food and what kind of bird needs to be prepared", "Who needs beaks for what?" "We

responsible for those who have been tamed?" "Do we need birds?"

Observing crows, sparrows, and bullfinch while walking. View the presentation

"Birds of our region", Use of media resources (videos, cartoons about birds,

Experiments and bird watching in winter.

Social and communicative development- Manufacturing of feeders in collaboration with

parents and teachers of the activity Placement of feeders in the children's area

garden Feeding the birds. Didactic games, exercises “The third wheel”,

"Wintering and migratory birds", "Guess by the description."

Speech development - Reading the story by G. Skrebitsky “Long-Tailed Robbers.”

Poem by A. Yashin “Feed the birds in winter”, M. Glazkov “Feed

birds.” Reading stories by M. Prishvin, V. Bianchi.

Making riddles, learning poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs.

Compilation descriptive stories“Describe the bullfinch”, “A sparrow flew to us”

“What kind of bird is a little titmouse?”

Artistic and aesthetic development – Drawing “Sparrow”, Applique

“Bullfinch”, “We made a feeding trough, we opened a canteen” (collective)

Modeling – “Sparrow”. Construction from natural material "Owl" - owl"

Physical development– outdoor games - Outdoor games “Birds Flight”,

“Birds in Nests”, “Owl - Owl”; "Birds and Cat"

Finger games “How many birds are there for our feeder?” Has it arrived? » «Sparrows

– sparrows”, “Bird feeder”, “Woodpecker”, “Magpie”.

Expected Result:

Children have developed a system of knowledge about wintering birds;

Plan of activities with parents:

Booklets: “Feed the birds in winter.”

Reminders: “Menu for birds.”

Instructions for making feeders.

Making bird masks.

The final events were:

1. Evening of riddles “Birds are our friends”.

2. Posting leaflets on propaganda billboards in your village for the purpose of campaigning

population to help birds.


Children have developed a system of knowledge about wintering birds.

The necessary conditions have been created in the group for the formation of a holistic

ideas about the life of wintering birds.

The children developed a desire to help birds in the winter season.

Parents became interested in educational process, desire to communicate with

nature, participate in group life

The children spent a week watching whether the birds flew into the feeders, and it turned out that

“feeders - dining rooms” are very popular among birds, and this indicates that

that the work was not in vain!

Our children are not indifferent. You just need to help them understand this, guide them

their inquisitive mind and childish energy in the right direction. And spring will come to us with

It’s more pleasant to hear the thought that we helped preserve this restless and

restless happy chorus.





These are the feeders

made by children together with


Children called on adults and children

feed the birds in winter.

Birds come to us.

We are very glad to have guests!

“We made feeders.

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor

We arrived for lunch."


Preschool age- an essential stage in the formation of an individual’s ecological culture. IN

At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from environment develops emotionally

A value-based attitude towards the surrounding world, the foundations of moral and environmental

positions of the individual, which are manifested in the child’s interactions with nature, in awareness

inseparability with her. Thanks to this, it is possible to form environmental awareness in children.

ideas, norms and rules of interaction with nature, fostering empathy for it,

activity in solving some environmental problems, developing emotional

moral and effective attitude towards nature. Ecological culture is the result

education, which is expressed in the individual’s ability to achieve harmonious relationships with

the nature surrounding it.

My goals is to create conditions for the formation of an environmental

culture of preschool children. Formation of an ecological culture of personality –

complex and lengthy process. Children need to be taught environmentally friendly behavior

life. Work in this direction should begin from early preschool age,

when the foundation of cognitive activity is laid in children.

To achieve the set goalspedagogical activity I decide the following tasks: 1.

Creation of an ecological development environment. 2. Formation of a system of elementary scientific

environmental knowledge,

accessible to the understanding of a preschool child through an integrated approach.

3. Development of cognitive interest in the natural world.

4. Formation of initial skills and abilities in an environmentally friendly manner

competent and safe behavior for nature and the child himself, the ability to observe

natural objects and phenomena.

5. Fostering a humane, emotionally positive attitude towards the natural world and

the surrounding world as a whole.

6. Formation of mental processes: memory, attention, thinking,


7. Development of children's cognitive and creative abilities.

8. Increasing the level of information culture and pedagogical competence of parents in

issues environmental education.

9. Formation in parents of the need for knowledge about environmental culture in life and

desire to pass them on to children by example.

As a theoretical and methodological basis for solving set goals and objectives

environmental education of preschoolers, I use the results of domestic research,

positive experience of working with preschoolers in the field of environmental education:

The program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A.

Vasilyeva, who contributes to the creation of the most favorable conditions for full-fledged

residence of a child in preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of environmental culture in

according to age and individual characteristics preschool children;

The Security program edited by N.N. Avdeeva, N.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkina,

promoting the formation of the foundations of environmental culture, healthy lifestyle values, norms

safe behavior of preschool children.

The program “Our Home is Nature” edited by N.A. Ryzhova

Program “Young Ecologist” edited by S. N. Nikolaeva;

“Welcome to Ecology” edited by O.A. Voronkevich,

“Ecological activities with children” edited by T.M. Bondarenko

“Enter Nature as a Friend”, edited by Z.F. Aksenova

“Ecological window in kindergarten” edited by V.M. Kornilova.

My work method with children is based on the emotional impact of nature on the senses

child - surprise, shock, admiration, aesthetic pleasure.

Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment. Children are constantly in one form or another

come into contact with the natural environment. Contents of work on environmental

I organize the education of preschoolers according to the following blocks: Me and nature. Water. Air. Sand,

clay, stones. Sun. The soil. Plants. Animals. Forest and its inhabitants. Human and nature.

In my work on environmental education of children I use a variety of forms and methods.

in complex. The choice of forms and methods of teaching and the need for their integrated use

determined by the age capabilities of children, the nature of educational

problems that the teacher needs to solve.

Forms of organizing environmental education for children:

Direct educational activities (Educational areas “Cognition”, “Labor”,

“Artistic creativity”, “Socialization”, “Music”, “Safety”, “Health”.

"Communication"; “Reading fiction”, “ Physical Culture"and their integration),

didactic games, creating pedagogical situations, observing the work of adults,

nature, on a walk; seasonal observations, etc.

Joint activities between the teacher and the child (targeted walks, excursions into nature;

discussion with children about the rules of safe behavior in nature: “Wild animals: friends or

enemies? ", "What are the dangers of mushrooms?", "Rules for friends of nature", "Bring back purity to nature";

heuristic conversations, during which children have the opportunity to prove their opinions,

using accumulated experience; feasible work in nature, research and design

activities, etc.

Independent activity of children in an ecological development environment (conducting and

filling in the nature observation corner, looking at books, pictures, albums, sharing

natural phenomena in drawing, modeling, applique, board and printed games, theatrical

games, children's activities in the experimentation corner, caring for indoor plants,

monitoring seasonal changes, etc.).

In my work on environmental education I use the following methods and techniques: method

observations with the connection of various analyzers, experiments and experiments, problematic

situations or experiments that allow “discovering new knowledge”; verbal methods

(conversation, problematic questions, stories - description, Practical activities in nature (work in

nature, environmental campaigns, visual activities depicting nature), games

methods, practical work and search activities; project method.

Ecological and social situation today presents us with the task of searching

universal means of environmental education in modern conditions. One of these

funds are project activities. Using design technology helps

me in my work in the chosen direction of teaching activity, since it is

an effective way of developing, personality-oriented interaction between an adult and

child. Project activities ensures the development of creative initiative and

independence of project participants; opens up opportunities to form your own

life experience of communication with the outside world; implements the principle of cooperation between children and


The ecological corner of the group is one of the favorite places of the children in our group. It focuses on:

indoor plants that require different ways care, care materials

plants, “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” for organizing observations of plant growth and

consolidation of knowledge about growing garden crops (onions, parsley, dill, etc.) and caring for

them. Weather calendar with diagrams depicting weather conditions, created for

daily work with children. In a natural corner, children enjoy caring for plants,

collected various natural material. I actively use labor in nature: in the fall - cleaning

dry leaves, twigs; in winter - clearing the area of ​​snow, buildings made of snow; in the spring - participation in

processing shrubs, planting flowers in a flower bed; in summer – participation in planting and weeding of the garden,

flower beds.

The environmental education corner contains educational games about nature, pictures and

illustrations for the section “Natural World”, books about the inhabitants of a corner of nature, encyclopedias,

environmental fairy tales and stories compiled by children, which we compiled in the form of books, etc.

Organized Forms educational activities on ecology include

theoretical and practical parts (experiments). To develop a child's interest and

Various methods are used to develop a positive attitude towards natural objects:

Independent work with handouts;

Didactic games and game exercises: “Who is the odd one out”, “What has changed?”, “From what tree

sheet?”, “Find the mistake”, etc.

Individual work;

Observations while walking;


Visual, verbal and practical teaching methods and techniques are used comprehensively.

By completing tasks, children become familiar with natural objects, their diversity, and interactions.

with each other, can easily establish cause-and-effect relationships between actions

man and the state of nature.

Work on environmental education for children led to the following results and as a consequence:

The formation of the beginnings of ecological culture in preschoolers, which is revealed with the help of

monitoring (2 times a year);

Formation of an emotionally-friendly attitude towards living beings in the process

communication with them;

Developing interest and love for native land, formation of ideas about environmental

problems of your hometown;

Clarification, systematization and deepening of ideas about living and inanimate nature;

Understanding cause and effect relationships within a natural complex: familiarity with

features of animal life, the relationship of plants and animals with each other and with the environment

a habitat;

The ability to create and maintain the necessary conditions for plant growth and animal life in

Responsible and careful attitude towards pets, plant wealth of our

Developing responsiveness and sociability, the desire to sympathize with other people,

support them in difficult times, respectful attitude towards the traditions of their people;

Formation of ideas that humans are part of natural objects, and their preservation

- direct responsibility of a person;

Protecting and strengthening the health of children, their proper interaction with nature;

Formation of ideas that a person’s health status depends on the condition

environment and own behavior.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the formation of an ecological culture is awareness

a person of his belonging to the world around him, unity with it, awareness

the need to take responsibility for implementing self-sustaining

development of civilization and conscious inclusion in this process. Ecological culture as

part of general culture is a process that is associated with the development and expansion of knowledge,

experience, technology and their transfer to older generations to younger ones in the form of moral concepts.

In the same time ecological culture is the result of education, which is expressed in the ability

the individual to achieve harmonious relationships with the outside world and himself. In childhood this

the skill is formed in the process of assimilation of special knowledge, development of the emotional sphere and

practical skills of environmentally appropriate interaction with nature and society.

Irina Krutskikh
Environmental campaign at the preschool educational institution “Feed the birds in winter”

In our preschool educational institution started promotion« Feed the birds in winter» . Target stock– attract the attention of children and adults to winter birds to make the period easier for them wintering, and also increase the level environmental population activity. Winter for birds- the most difficult time of the year: many birds die from cold and hunger. Birds fly to our homes for help, and we must help our feathered friends survive the winter.

Such work contributes to the development of cognitive activity and moral self-awareness of the child through environmental education, and are a great opportunity to show empathy and kindness. And the involvement of parents helps strengthen family ties, form good family traditions, and makes children feel proud of themselves and their family.

Feeding wintering animals birds benefits not only birds, but is also significant in the education and upbringing of children. Children through conversations, educational activities and observations learn about various types birds of their area, learn the characteristic features of appearance and behavior. They learn to take care of birds and experience the joy of realizing that by feeding birds, you can save them from death.

As part of the implementation stock parents and children made from waste material feeders for birds. Each one turned out different, but they were made with soul and warmth.

These feeders were hung on our site and regular feeding was organized birds.

Feed the birds in winter

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

It’s impossible to count how many of them die

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And for birds warm.

Teach birds in the frost

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring!

Publications on the topic:

The world of birds is very amazing. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with their beautiful singing and varied plumage. Without.

Campaign “Feed the birds”“Feed the Birds” campaign The “Feed the Birds” campaign was held from November 2, 2015 to November 30, 2015. Its purpose is to make feeders.

in January, our kindergarten hosted the event “Feed the birds in winter”, in which our children also took part senior group No. 12. Together.

With the onset of winter, in parks and squares you can see various small birds: titmice, sparrows, bullfinches, and waxwings. These birds stay with.

For eleven years now, Wintering Birds Day has been celebrated in Russia. Winter is the hardest time for little feathered friends. We dedicated this year.

Birds need our help in winter. Winter is a difficult time for birds, especially if it is harsh and snowy. The bird is very hungry.

Our pre-school group took part in the environmental campaign “Feed the Birds in Winter” and the traditional feeder competition “Create.

Natalia Bezrukova
Campaign “Feed the birds in winter!”

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 6 "Sun"

In the preparatory group


Teacher Bezrukova N. G.


Explanatory note.

Despite the fact that winter has already entered its second half and the days have begun to increase, it is especially gloomy in the forest at this time. It’s especially hard for those who spend the winter birds. You look out the window, and there is a titmouse sitting there, looking at you with pleading eyes and as if saying - “I’m freezing, starving, I won’t live until spring”!

Watching on a walk with children birds, we unanimously decided to help our feathered friends and organize a traditional share

« Feed the birds in winter.

Together with the parents of our students, an exhibition of hand-made feeders was organized; each of the participants came up with their own special feeder, showing talent, creativity and compassion for winter residents birds. The children enthusiastically told each other about the difficulties in making bird houses.

We were pleasantly surprised by the number and variety of feeders brought! Moms, dads, grandfathers and grandmothers of the children did their best! An exhibition was organized where everyone could look at the participants’ works and choose the most interesting, functional feeder.

Target stock:

to form in children a generalized idea of ​​wintering birds birds birds


Strengthen children's knowledge about wintering birds(name, habits and behavioral characteristics, etc.) ;

Continue to formulate rules of behavior in nature;

Improve coherent speech

Participants: children and teachers preparatory group, parents.

Integration of educational regions: Speech development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development

Preliminary work:

Observing crows, sparrows, and bullfinch while walking.

Reading the story by G. Skrebitsky "Long-Tailed Bandits".

Poem by A. Yashin “ Feed the birds in winter”, M. Glazkova « Feed the birds» .

Didactic games ( "Cut pictures - birds» , "In the Poultry Yard", "Martin").

Game exercises ( "Birds", "Birds in Nests", "Find differences", “Who gives their voice?”, "Who flew away?").

solving riddles.

Writing descriptive stories and conversations.

Questioning parents "What do you know about wintering birds»

As a result stock children get acquainted with habits, living conditions, learn about the benefits birds on earth.

Wintering birds birds starve and even die.

They fly to our homes for help.

And you and I must help our feathered friends survive the winter.

Nastya R. showed a desire to give her report.

"Wintering birds They are not afraid of frost and manage to get food even in the coldest weather. They look for insects hidden in cracks in the bark, in the crevices of houses and fences, they look for fruits and seeds of deciduous plants, cones of coniferous trees with seeds. But during snowfalls, blizzards and severe frosts birds they starve and even die.”


Questionnaire for parents.


Dear parents!

We ask you to answer our questions.

1. Do you feed regularly? winter with your baby birds? If not, when?

2. At what time of day do you add food?

3. Where, in what place do you fertilize? (on the balcony; on a feeding trough that was hung up; near the house; in a kindergarten or other).

4. What to feed birds?

5. Who is the initiator feeding: You or the child?

6. What birds Do they come to you to feed?

7. Are you able to observe behavior with your child? birds at the feeder? How often?

8. If you don’t supervise feeding birds, what is stopping you?

9. Does the child have an interest in feeding? birds, how is it shown?

10. Have you noticed any changes in the child’s behavior and character after starting feeding? birds?

11. Do you use fiction to maintain interest and cultivate a love for birds?

12. Do you watch television programs about nature with your child? If yes, which ones?

13. Have you and your child made feeders for birds? Who was initiator: You or the child?

14. Would you like to take part in a competition for making feeders and join your child in winter feeding? birds within the kindergarten?


Riddles, poems:

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again. (Bullfinch)

Motley fidget,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird,

The most chatty one. (Magpie)

This everyone knows the bird,

IN warm region doesn't fly away

This bird - all year round

Lives in our yard

And she tweets

Loud since the morning:

Wake up quickly. -

Everyone is in a hurry. (Sparrow)

With a yellow breast at the window

Quickly collects crumbs

Guess what bird?

It's called...


This one has been wanted since childhood bird

Become a famous singer.

Day and night restless

“Kar-kar-kar!” - sings...

(Crow) .

All the trees with interest

The forest doctor studies.

If a tree is eaten by a beetle,

Doctor immediately: KNOCK-KNOCK!


He lives in the squares

On trees and branches.

He coos, he doesn't sing,

He vigorously pecks at the seeds.


Feed the birds in winter!

Feed the birds in winter,

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich,

One handful is needed

One handful is not scary,

It will be winter for them.

How many of them die?

It’s hard to count, it’s hard to see!

But in our heart there is,

And it’s warm for them.

Is it possible to forget:

They could have flown away, but they stayed spend the winter.

Together with people.

We made a feeder.

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,

Will you winter lunch!

Visit on the first day of the week,

Two tits have flown in,

And on Tuesday - bullfinches,

Brighter than the morning dawn!

There were three crows on Wednesday

We weren't expecting them for lunch.

And on Thursday from all over the world -

Ten greedy sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room

The pigeon was enjoying porridge.

And on Saturday for pie.

Seven forty arrived


Conversation with children.

Subject: « Feed the birds in winter»

Target: to form in children a generalized idea of ​​wintering birds; develop children's cognitive interest in the life of winterers birds; develop a caring attitude towards birds, the desire to help them in difficult winter conditions.

The teacher talks about how winter has long come into its own. rights: cold winds are blowing, frost has frozen the ground, there is snow all around, bare trees are holding together from the cold.

How is life? birds in winter? (Hungry birds, insects in hibernation, fruits, berries, grass seeds - under the snow. Little food is found birds in winter. From morning to evening they look for crumbs of food. Downy, warm, feather coats protect from cold, but not from hunger).

In harsh years, out of ten tits, only one survives the winter. Nine die of starvation.

It's a pity? (Very sorry)

Listen to a poem by N. Gribachev.

Well, it's frosty, well, it's frosty,

Nose out - oh - oh - oh!

Even white birches

Icy in a gray crust.

Even squirrels are restless

Waiting for the warmth

They don’t scurry off the branch onto the branch,

They don’t crawl out of the hollow.

And a hungry tit

Crying quietly by the window:

“There’s nowhere to warm up and feed,

No boogers, no grain.

The day smokes in the frosty distance,

The nights are cold and dark,

I'm freezing, I'm starving,

I won’t live to see spring!”

Guys, who can help the hungry? birds?

Right, birds people must come to the rescue. And we must hurry! Every hour is precious!

Listen to the continuation of the poem.

And Seryozhka said: "OK!

Don't wait too long..."

And he took it out of the closet

Long nail and hammer.

Crunching on the snow crust,

Where the foxes trailed,

Secured by an old Christmas tree

There is a plywood sheet on the stump.

And on the leaf there are grains,

And on the leaf - millet,

Two handfuls of hemp -

Get ready, guests!

Guys, do you want to help? birds? But as?

That's right, you can make and hang feeders.

The teacher offers different variants feeders. Children consider and share suggestions about what kind of feeder they will make at home with their parents for "Bird Cafe". You can invite the children to make two feeders, one for kindergarten and the other for home.

But what will we feed them? It is good if seeds of weeds, trees, and fruits of shrubs are collected in the summer. And if not? What to do? I must say that in winter birds They become less picky about food and eat things that they wouldn’t eat in the summer. Therefore, food from our table is suitable for feeding. You can hang pieces of unsalted lard, fat, meat, and cottage cheese. Can you suggest birds leftover cereal porridge and bread crumbs. Crows love peeling vegetables and any food, sparrows love cereals, seeds, bread. Bullfinches – watermelon and pumpkin seeds; waxwings - rowan, olives; pigeons - cereals, bread.

To feed properly birds, it is necessary to comply with some rules:

During feeding, do not litter, do not leave on the street. plastic bags, cans, boxes;

Feed in the same place, preferably at the same time, birds they will arrive by this time;

Feed birds regularly, daily, you cannot feed from time to time, it is in frosty weather that you need food every day in order birds to survive;

Put in a little food, just to feed and support in difficult times.

The teacher says that during feeding birds It’s interesting to watch them, how they quickly fly together, as if communicating to each other.

Which appearance at birds? What behavior? What do different people eat? birds?

If you stand quietly, without moving, without making noise, you can discover many bird secrets.

Guys, listen to A. Yashin’s poem.

Feed the birds in winter,

Let it come from all over

Coming to you is like coming home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich,

One handful is needed

One handful is not scary

It will be winter for them.

How many of them die?

It’s hard to count, it’s hard to see!

But in our heart there is

And it’s warm for them.

Is it possible to forget:

They could fly away

And they remained spend the winter

Together with people...

If we take care of birds in winter, in summer birds will take care of our gardens, forests, parks, etc.

What kind of winterers? birds you know? (Sparrows, pigeons, tits, magpies, crows, bullfinches, woodpeckers, etc.)

Wintering birds with our help they will survive until spring and...

They glide merrily across the sky,

Feathered friends are flying

And they will sing, tweeting:

“Thank you very much!”


Game library

"Sparrows and the cat"

Outdoor game

All players pretend to be sparrows and are behind the circle. The driver - the cat stands in the middle of the circle. The sparrows jump in and out of the circle. They are collecting grains (chips are scattered inside the circle). The cat runs in a circle and tries to catch them. The sparrow, touched by the cat, pours out all the collected grains, then begins to collect them again. At the end of the game, the most agile sparrows are celebrated.

"It flies - it doesn't fly"

Word game

Didactic task: develop auditory attention in children, cultivate endurance.

Game rule: You need to raise your hand only if a flying object is named.

Game actions: patting the knees, raising the hand, winning back forfeits.

Progress of the GAME

Children sit in a semicircle, placing their hands on their knees.

The teacher explains the rules games: I will name objects and ask: “Does it fly?”, For example: “Does the dove fly? Is the plane flying?, if I name an object that actually flies, you raise your hands. If I name a non-flying object, you should not raise your hands. You need to pay attention because I will raise my hands both when the object is flying and when it is not flying. Whoever makes a mistake will pay a forfeit.

Patting their knees, the teacher and children speak "Let's go - let's go", then the teacher begins game: “Does the jackdaw fly?”- and raises his hand.

Children answer: "Flies", - and also raise their hands. “Does the house fly?”- the teacher asks and raises his hands. The children are silent.

Many guys, at the beginning of the game, involuntarily, due to imitation, raise their hands every time. But that’s the point of the game, to stay in time and not raise your hands when a non-flying object is named. Those who could not resist pay a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

"What the bird

Folk game

Didactic task: teach children to describe birds recognize them by characteristic features and description.

Game rules: describe the one who has arrived bird it is necessary not only in words, but also by imitation of her movement. Who will name it correctly bird, he becomes the driver.

Game actions: imitation of the movements of different birds, guessing which one the bird is told. The choice of driver is a counting rhyme.


Photo report on the event stock« Feed the birds in winter

Our group "Sunny Bunnies" of the kindergarten conducted an environmental share"Feed the birds in winter! "

We posed a problem: Help those wintering birds. The children wrote letter: "Dear winterers birds! We invite you to our kindergarten We have prepared a lot of feeders and food for you. You will have a good time with us, we are waiting for you! "Parents and children made feeders. They made countless feeders, there are all kinds of feeders here. Made of wood, plastic, and much more. But most importantly, with soul! We will please the birds, we will definitely in winter! "

Our children came up with motto:"We are rescuers and friends birds!