Etx drilling. Etc. driller for production and exploration drilling of oil and gas wells. Oil and gas drilling rig operator

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Issue No. 6 ETKS
The release was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation dated November 14, 2000 N 81

Driller for production and exploration drilling of oil and gas wells

§ 1. Driller for production and exploration drilling of oil and gas wells

Characteristics of work. Management of the watch work. Carrying out preparatory work before drilling begins. Maintaining technological process drilling wells for oil, gas, thermal, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals using deep drilling installations and all related work in accordance with the geological and technical along with the regime and technical map and technological regulations. Laying and assembling drilling tools. Perform lowering and lifting operations using automatic mechanisms. Performing directional drilling work. Management of work on the preparation, weighting and chemical processing of drilling fluids. Monitoring compliance with drilling fluid parameters and the operation of the drilling fluid cleaning system during the drilling process. Equipping wellheads with blowout prevention equipment, using blowout prevention equipment in case of an emergency. Carrying out work to kill gas and oil shows, sealing the wellhead. Well control during gas, oil and water shows. Operational monitoring of the technical condition of surface and underground drilling equipment. Checking the operation of instrumentation, automatic machines and safety devices, the condition of blowout prevention equipment. Preparation of wells for geophysical surveys and participation in their implementation. Elimination of complications and accidents when drilling wells. Preparing a well for lowering formation testers and participating in formation testing work. Core sampling in a given mode using all types of core sampling equipment. Preparation of wells and equipment for lowering casing pipes. Management of work on laying and templating casing pipes, lowering casing pipes into the well. Participation in work on cementing casing columns, installing cement bridges, and testing columns for leaks. Carrying out work on developing production wells and testing exploration wells. Carrying out final work on the well. Preparing drilling equipment for transportation. Participation in preventive maintenance of drilling equipment, installation, dismantling, transportation of the drilling rig when the team moves with its rig. Maintaining primary documentation on drilling mode and drilling fluid parameters. When drilling offshore wells from floating drilling rigs (FDU), participation in the installation and operation of a complex of underwater blowout prevention equipment (BOP): preparation before launching the BOP complex or before lowering the BOP at the wellhead - a hydraulic power unit with the main control panel; driller's control panel; remote control remote control; control panels for multi-channel hose reels; auxiliary hose reel control panel; choke manifold control panel; throttle remote control; ship unit of the emergency acoustic system for controlling preventers; wellhead connector block; blowout prevention equipment OP540x210, OP350x700 offshore riser tension system; guide rope control systems; diverter. Participation in leak testing components PPVO when it is on the test stands, when it passes through the doors of the shaft opening; in crimping the air defense on a stand for working pressure, functional testing of the air defense on a stand: Stage I - checking the operation of all functions on both control systems from the driller's console, Stage II - from the auxiliary console in the drilling foreman's station, Stage III - from the multi-channel drum control panels hose with control of compliance of activated functions on the block of preventers; Stage IV - checking all functions of the emergency acoustic system for controlling the preventer from the ship's acoustic system control unit and a portable sensor. Lowering the BPW at the wellhead. Participation in the hydraulic testing of the PPBO after joining the preventer to the casing head, after cementing the casing. Monthly check of the position of the valves of the choke manifold and adjustable fittings, the remote control of the throttle, as well as checking on the driller’s air defense control panel the position of the valves of the killing and throttling lines, preventers, monitoring the battery charging pressure, air pressure, pilot pressure and control pressure of ram and universal preventers, control pressure of telescopic compensator seals, light and sound alarm. Disconnection from the wellhead in extreme situations (hydrometeorological, technical): preparing the open part of the wellbore for long-term downtime (preservation); freeing the wellhead from drill pipes; preparing offshore riser tension systems for disconnection from the wellhead; dismantling of the deventor, telescopic compensator of the sea riser. Disconnection from the wellhead due to the “Emergency disconnection” alarm. Preparation of wells for geophysical surveys and participation in their implementation. Monitoring the position of the MODU above the wellhead and communication with the dynamic positioning service. Control over wiring technology regarding project documentation, the actions of watch members on the "Burst" alarm, the implementation by watch members of instructions during the direct liquidation of gas, oil and water intrusions (GNEP), maintaining the air defense system and related devices in constant readiness. Fulfilling the requirements of the geological and technical control service (GTC) to remove the technological parameters necessary for calculating well killing, and taking measures to seal the wellhead when GNVP is detected and when notified by the geological and technical control service. After each storm layup of a drilling vessel, participation in a preventive inspection of the drilling rig. Control over the working of the traveling rope.

Must know: current rules and instructions on technology, equipment and organization of production; basic information on the geology of deposits and the technology of production of oil, gas, thermal, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals; geological and technical work order and operational and technological map; geological section of the drilled area, information about the well design; modes of drilling operations in offshore conditions; purpose, device and specifications drilling and power equipment, air defense, automatic mechanisms, safety devices; installation of electric drills and turbo drills; ways to eliminate possible malfunctions of a turbodrill, electric drill and current supply; design and purpose of the tools and devices used, methods of lowering and orienting pipes, electric drills and turbo drills with whipstocks for directional and horizontal drilling of wells; arrangement of small-scale mechanization devices used, instrumentation, drilling mud cleaning systems; physical and chemical properties of drilling fluids and chemical reagents for the preparation and processing of drilling fluid, methods of its preparation, recovery and reuse; methods for monitoring parameters and ways to reduce the consumption of weighting agents and chemical reagents; standard sizes and principles of rational use of used bits; causes of accidents and complications when drilling wells, measures to prevent and eliminate them; permissible loads on the equipment used; design, purpose and use of fishing tools; type, dimensions, thread markings, strength characteristics of casing, drilling and tubing pipes; requirements for preparing wells for casing and cementing; methods and means of protecting the productive horizon from contamination during the drilling process and when cementing columns; well cementing technology and conditions ensuring the quality of cementing and tightness of casing strings; consumption rates of materials used; purpose, design of formation testers, packers of various designs; technical requirements to prepare wells for lowering formation testers and conducting geophysical research; piping diagrams and design of sealing devices; technology and methods of carrying out work on developing production and testing exploration wells; construction and use of surface equipment for flowing and pumping wells; surface and underwater equipment, measures taken in the event of storms in operating conditions in water areas; rules for rejecting working tools, used instrumentation and safety devices; special safety rules when working in fields containing hydrogen sulfide; orders, instructions and other governing documents ensuring labor safety when drilling wells; Charter of service on sea vessels.

Secondary vocational education required.

When drilling wells up to 1500 m deep inclusive - 5th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of over 1500 m and up to 4000 m inclusive, as well as when drilling directional wells with a depth of up to 1500 m inclusive - 6th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of over 4000 m and up to 5000 m inclusive, horizontal wells with a depth of up to 2000 m inclusive, directional wells with a depth of over 1500 m with complicated geological conditions, during the drilling process of which technical measures are used to prevent the absorption of drilling fluid, rock falls, and narrowing wellbore, gas, oil and water shows, provided that a weighted drilling fluid with a density of 1.6 g/cubic is used. cm and above - 7th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of over 5000 m, horizontal wells with a depth of over 2000 m or when drilling wells with a PDU - 8th category.

Characteristics of the work. Management of the watch work. Carrying out preparatory work before drilling begins. Conducting the technological process of drilling wells for oil, gas, thermal, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals using deep drilling installations and all related work in accordance with the geological and technical along with the regime and technical map and technological regulations. Laying and assembling drilling tools. Perform lowering and lifting operations using automatic mechanisms. Performing directional drilling work. Management of work on the preparation, weighting and chemical processing of drilling fluids. Monitoring compliance with drilling fluid parameters and the operation of the drilling fluid cleaning system during the drilling process. Equipping wellheads with blowout prevention equipment, using blowout prevention equipment in case of an emergency. Carrying out work to kill gas and oil shows, sealing the wellhead. Well control during gas, oil and water shows. Operational monitoring of the technical condition of surface and underground drilling equipment. Checking the operation of instrumentation, automatic machines and safety devices, the condition of blowout prevention equipment. Preparation of wells for geophysical surveys and participation in their implementation. Elimination of complications and accidents when drilling wells. Preparing a well for lowering formation testers and participating in formation testing work. Core sampling in a given mode using all types of core sampling equipment. Preparation of wells and equipment for lowering casing pipes. Management of work on laying and templating casing pipes, lowering casing pipes into the well. Participation in work on cementing casing columns, installing cement bridges, and testing columns for leaks. Carrying out work on developing production wells and testing exploration wells. Carrying out final work on the well. Preparing drilling equipment for transportation. Participation in preventive maintenance of drilling equipment, installation, dismantling, transportation of the drilling rig when the team moves with its rig. Maintaining primary documentation on drilling mode and drilling fluid parameters. When drilling offshore wells from floating drilling rigs (FDU), participation in the installation and operation of a complex of underwater blowout prevention equipment (BOP): preparation before launching the BOP complex or before lowering the BOP at the wellhead - a hydraulic power unit with the main control panel; driller's control panel; remote control; control panels for multi-channel hose reels; auxiliary hose reel control panel; choke manifold control panel; throttle remote control; ship unit of the emergency acoustic system for controlling preventers; wellhead connector block; blowout prevention equipment OP540x210, OP350x700 offshore riser tension system; guide rope control systems; diverter. Participation in the tightness test of the components of the air defense system when it is on test stands, when it passes through the doors of the shaft opening; in crimping the air defense on a stand for working pressure, functional testing of the air defense on a stand: Stage I - checking the operation of all functions on both control systems from the driller's console, Stage II - from the auxiliary console in the drilling foreman's station, Stage III - from the multi-channel drum control panels hose with control of compliance of activated functions on the block of preventers; Stage IV - checking all functions of the emergency acoustic system for controlling the preventer from the ship's acoustic system control unit and a portable sensor. Lowering the BPW at the wellhead. Participation in the hydraulic testing of the PPBO after joining the preventer to the casing head, after cementing the casing. Monthly check of the position of the valves of the choke manifold and adjustable fittings, the remote control of the throttle, as well as checking on the driller’s air defense control panel the position of the valves of the killing and throttling lines, preventers, monitoring the battery charging pressure, air pressure, pilot pressure and control pressure of ram and universal preventers, control pressure of telescopic compensator seals, light and sound alarm. Disconnection from the wellhead in extreme situations (hydrometeorological, technical): preparing the open part of the wellbore for long-term downtime (preservation); freeing the wellhead from drill pipes; preparing offshore riser tension systems for disconnection from the wellhead; dismantling of the deventor, telescopic compensator of the sea riser. Disconnection from the wellhead due to the “Emergency disconnection” alarm. Preparation of wells for geophysical surveys and participation in their implementation. Monitoring the position of the MODU above the wellhead and communication with the dynamic positioning service. Monitoring the wiring technology in relation to the design documentation, the actions of the watch members in response to the "Burst" alarm, the implementation by the watch members of instructions during the direct liquidation of gas, oil and water intrusions (GNVP), maintaining the air defense system and related devices in constant readiness. Fulfilling the requirements of the geological and technical control service (GTC) to remove the technological parameters necessary for calculating well killing, and taking measures to seal the wellhead when GNVP is detected and when notified by the geological and technical control service. After each storm layup of a drilling vessel, participation in a preventive inspection of the drilling rig. Control over the working of the traveling rope.

Must know: current rules and instructions on technology, equipment and organization of production; basic information on the geology of deposits and the technology of production of oil, gas, thermal, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals; geological and technical work order and operational and technological map; geological section of the drilled area, information about the well design; modes of drilling operations in offshore conditions; purpose, design and technical characteristics of drilling and power equipment, air defense, automatic mechanisms, safety devices; installation of electric drills and turbo drills; ways to eliminate possible malfunctions of a turbodrill, electric drill and current supply; design and purpose of the tools and devices used, methods of lowering and orienting pipes, electric drills and turbo drills with whipstocks for directional and horizontal drilling of wells; arrangement of small-scale mechanization devices used, instrumentation, drilling mud cleaning systems; physical and chemical properties of drilling fluids and chemical reagents for the preparation and processing of drilling fluid, methods of its preparation, recovery and reuse; methods for monitoring parameters and ways to reduce the consumption of weighting agents and chemical reagents; standard sizes and principles of rational use of used bits; causes of accidents and complications when drilling wells, measures to prevent and eliminate them; permissible loads on the equipment used; design, purpose and use of fishing tools; type, dimensions, thread markings, strength characteristics of casing, drilling and tubing pipes; requirements for preparing wells for casing and cementing; methods and means of protecting the productive horizon from contamination during the drilling process and when cementing columns; well cementing technology and conditions ensuring the quality of cementing and tightness of casing strings; consumption rates of materials used; purpose, design of formation testers, packers of various designs; technical requirements for preparing wells for lowering formation testers and conducting geophysical research; piping diagrams and design of sealing devices; technology and methods of carrying out work on developing production and testing exploration wells; construction and use of surface equipment for flowing and pumping wells; surface and underwater equipment, measures taken in the event of storms in operating conditions in water areas; rules for rejecting working tools, used instrumentation and safety devices; special safety rules when working in fields containing hydrogen sulfide; orders, instructions and other governing documents ensuring labor safety when drilling wells; Charter of service on sea vessels.

Secondary vocational education required.

When drilling wells up to 1500 m deep inclusive - 5th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of over 1500 m and up to 4000 m inclusive, as well as when drilling directional wells with a depth of up to 1500 m inclusive - 6th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of over 4000 m and up to 5000 m inclusive, horizontal wells with a depth of up to 2000 m inclusive, directional wells with a depth of over 1500 m with complicated geological conditions, during the drilling process of which technical measures are used to prevent the absorption of drilling fluid, rock falls, and narrowing wellbore, gas, oil and water shows, provided that a weighted drilling fluid with a density of 1.6 g/cubic is used. cm and above - 7th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of over 5000 m, horizontal wells with a depth of over 2000 m or when drilling wells with a PDU - 8th category.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Issue No. 6 ETKS
The issue was approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2000 N 81

Section "Drilling wells"
Driller for production and exploration drilling of oil and gas wells
Derrick welder
Derrick electrician
Laboratory assistant-collector
Oil and gas drilling rig operator
Cementing unit operator
Motor operator of a cement-sand mixing unit
Operator-motor operator of cementation control station
Well testing operator
Well cementing operator
Pipe crimper
Assistant driller for production and exploration drilling of oil and gas wells (first)
Assistant driller for production and exploration drilling of oil and gas wells (second)
Assistant driller for production and exploration drilling of wells during electric drilling
Drilling mud preparer
Drilling rig maintenance mechanic
Tool joint installer
Electrician for drilling rig maintenance

Section "Oil and gas production"
Well workover driller
Driller of a floating drilling unit at sea
Diesel operator of a floating drilling unit at sea
Well flow rate meter
Operator of units for servicing oil and gas field equipment
Operator of a pumping station for pumping working agent into the reservoir
Operator of a steam mobile dewaxing unit
Operator of a steam generator unit for pumping steam into oil reservoirs
Mobile compressor operator
Lift operator
Washing unit operator
Dewatering and desalting plant operator
Hydraulic fracturing operator
Oil and gas production operator
Well testing operator
Operator preparing wells for major and underground repairs
Reservoir pressure maintenance operator
Underground well repair operator
Gas collection operator
Control panel operator in oil and gas production
Well chemical treatment operator
Well workover driller's assistant
Assistant driller of a floating drilling unit at sea
Mechanic for installation and repair of foundations of offshore drilling rigs and racks


This edition of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS) was developed on the basis of the previously existing ETKS, issue 6, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 16, 1986 N 13/2-36. Its development was caused by changes in production technology, the increasing role of scientific and technological progress in production activities, increasing requirements for the level of qualifications, general education and special training of workers, quality, competitiveness of products in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as changes in the content of labor.

The categories of work are established according to their complexity without taking into account working conditions (with the exception of extreme cases that affect the level of complexity of work and increase the requirements for the qualifications of the performer).

The tariff and qualification characteristics of each profession have two sections.
The section "Characteristics of work" contains a description of the work that the worker must be able to perform.
The “Must Know” section contains the basic requirements for the worker in terms of special knowledge, as well as knowledge of regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the worker must use.

The tariff and qualification characteristics provide a list of jobs that are most typical for a given category of worker’s profession. This list does not exhaust all the work that a worker can and should perform. The administration of the organization can develop and approve in agreement with trade union committee or another representative body authorized by employees, an additional list of works corresponding in complexity to those contained in the tariff and qualification characteristics of the professions of workers of the corresponding categories.

In addition to the work provided for in the section "Characteristics of work", the worker must perform work on the acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning the workplace, devices, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition, maintaining established technical documentation.

Along with the requirements for theoretical and practical knowledge, contained in the “Must Know” section, the worker must know: rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety; rules for using personal protective equipment; requirements for the quality of work (services) performed; types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them; industrial alarm; requirements for rational organization labor in the workplace.

These sections include professions of workers specific to the production of wells and oil and gas production, which require knowledge of the rules for carrying out safety measures environment and subsoil Workers whose professions involve driving a car, tractor or other transport must have the appropriate documents.

Working more highly qualified in addition to the work listed in his tariff and qualification characteristics, he must be able to perform work provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of workers of lower qualifications, as well as manage workers of lower grades of the same profession. In this regard, the work listed in the tariff and qualification characteristics of lower categories is, as a rule, not given in the characteristics of higher categories.

When filling work book worker, as well as when changing tariff category the name of his profession is recorded in accordance with the ETKS.

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ISSUE 6 Sections "Drilling wells", "Oil and gas production"

LLC "Znak-B"

Spas-Klepiki 2001

Appendix and resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2000 No. 81


Sections “Drilling wells”, “Oil and gas production”

LLC "Znak~B"



4th category

Characteristics of the work. Installation, dismantling and transportation of drilling rigs, rig structures, mechanisms for raising and lowering derricks, equipment for the drilling fluid circulation system, a block of spare tanks, a power unit and mechanization and automation equipment. Breakdown of the locations of foundations for drilling equipment and subsurface foundations. Laying and piping of exhaust manifolds for diesel engines, participation in the assembly and crimping of injection lines and manifolds under the guidance of a more highly qualified rigger. Alignment of the drilling rig, drilling, power equipment and individual blocks of the drilling rig. Leading a derrick crew in assembling, moving and disassembling drilling rigs for geological exploration drilling with towers of all types and designs used in geological exploration equipment.

Must know: methods and rules for installation, dismantling and transportation of drilling rigs; design of a mechanization and automation complex; the purpose and technical characteristics of the complex of mechanisms for lowering and lifting operations, mechanisms of the circulation system, communications for steam and water supply, power supply, pneumatic systems and heating of workplaces and mechanisms; rules for the production of slinging and rigging works using lifting mechanisms.


5th category

Characteristics of the work. Installation and dismantling of: main process equipment, drilling process control panels, rotary cranes, metal frames for covering drilling rig blocks, automatic lowering and lifting of drilling tools, automation equipment; tire-pneumatic couplings; A-shaped derricks and tower-type derricks up to 45 m high. Lifting and installation of individual blocks of the drilling rig, drilling and power equipment on the foundation. Docking of blocks using lifting Vehicle. Assembly and crimping of injection lines and manifolds with pressure up to 15 MPa (150 kgf/cm2). Power transmission alignment. Reactivation and testing of drilling equipment and drilling rigs. Management of the rig team

during installation, dismantling and transportation of drilling rigs with a nominal lifting capacity of up to 100 tons.

Must know: industrial methods for constructing drilling rigs of all types; design of drilling rigs, drilling equipment, mechanisms used during their installation and dismantling; communication diagrams of high and low pressure pipelines, fuel system, instrumentation and equipment; methods of installation and dismantling of tire-pneumatic couplings; methods of alignment and testing of the equipment used and the drilling rig; basic rules for the production of electric welding, electrical installation, rafter and rigging works; purpose of hydrocyclone and degassing installations; types of vehicles for transporting large blocks.


6th category

Characteristics of the work. Acceptance of the drilling rig for installation and commissioning after installation. Installation and dismantling of A-frame towers and tower type towers. Assembly and crimping of injection lines and manifolds with pressure from over 15 MPa to 30 MPa (over 150 kgf/cm2 to 300 kgf/cm2). Linking the standard layout of drilling rig equipment to terrain conditions. Selecting a route for transporting drilling rig blocks. Placement according to the diagram of drilling equipment, transport and lifting equipment and materials. Travel system equipment. Test launch of the drilling rig. Preparation of relevant documentation for the drilling rig. Management of the rig crew during the installation, dismantling and transportation of drilling rigs with a nominal lifting capacity of over 100 tons up to and including 200 tons.

Must know: the procedure for accepting a drilling rig for installation and putting it into operation after installation; layout diagrams of drilling rig equipment, rational arrangement of construction and installation equipment on construction site; the influence of soil conditions and terrain on the choice of route and methods of moving the drilling rig; hydraulic system drilling rigs; standard projects for organizing workplaces and network planning during the construction of drilling rigs; purpose, design and operating rules of vehicles for transporting large blocks.

Secondary vocational education required*.


7th category

Characteristics of the work. Acceptance of the drilling rig for installation and commissioning after installation. Installation and dismantling of A-shaped towers, tower-type towers and complex structures with a height of over 45 m. Assembly and pressure testing of injection lines and manifolds with a pressure of over 30 MPa (over 300 kgf/cm2). Linking the standard layout of drilling rig equipment to terrain conditions. Selecting a route for transporting drilling rig blocks. Placement according to the diagram of drilling equipment, transport and lifting equipment and materials. Travel system equipment. Test launch of the drilling rig. Preparation of relevant documentation for the drilling rig. Management of the rig crew during the installation, dismantling and transportation of drilling rigs with a nominal lifting capacity of over 200 tons up to and including 250 tons.

Must know: the procedure for accepting a drilling rig for installation and putting it into operation after installation; layout diagrams of drilling rig equipment, rational arrangement of construction and installation materials and equipment on the construction site; hydraulic system of drilling rigs; the influence of soil conditions and terrain on the choice of route and methods of moving the drilling rig; standard projects for organizing workplaces and network planning for the construction of drilling rigs; the procedure for keeping records and reporting on the use of transport and materials; purpose, design and operating rules of vehicles for transporting large blocks.

When installing, dismantling and transporting drilling rigs with a nominal lifting capacity of over 250 t -

8th category.


3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Electrical and gas welding work during installation and dismantling of drilling and power equipment, transition platforms, metal decks on a drilling rig, gutter systems, casing, brackets for pro-

laying of air ducts, oil ducts and pipelines. Gas cutting of profile and section metal of lids, containers, frames, lid sides, etc. Welding of control panel frames and casings of rotating parts. Laying of non-pressure pipelines for water, reagents, bulk materials. Maintenance of electric and gas welding equipment. Installation, transportation and dismantling of drilling rigs.

Must know: basic properties of metals; rules for conducting electrical and gas welding work; types and devices of electric and gas welding machines used, the principle of their operation and operating rules; devices and materials used for welding work; layout diagrams of drilling and power equipment; purpose and technical characteristics of the drilling rigs and equipment used; basics of electrical engineering; methods of installation and dismantling of drilling rigs, rules for slinging, lifting and moving small-sized cargo.


4th category

Characteristics of the work. Electrical and gas welding work in all spatial positions of the weld during installation and dismantling of drilling rigs, tanks and pipelines made of different grades of steel. Welding of gas exhaust manifolds for diesel engines, fastenings and supports* for pipelines, transport trolleys, pipelines of external and internal gas supply and district heating networks. Gas cutting of cast iron frames and products. Welding of drilling rigs from rolled profiles. Welding of shells and cracks in cast iron frames and slabs. Reading drawings of complex welded metal structures during the initial installation of a drilling rig. Performing installation and dismantling work during the construction of a drilling rig, installation of mechanisms for raising and lowering the tower, blocks of spare tanks and other similar work.

Must know: the design of the used electric and gas welding equipment; test methods welds; types of defects in welds and methods for their elimination; welding mode; procedure for reading drawings of complex structures; layout diagrams of the equipment and communications used; procedure and rules for installation and dismantling of the drilling rig; steam and water supply communication diagrams.


5th category

Characteristics of the work. Electrical and gas welding work in all spatial positions of the weld during installation and dismantling of: drilling rigs and boiler rooms; load-bearing units of the drilling rig and foundations; pipelines and manifolds with pressure up to 15 MPa (150 kgf/cm2), made of different grades of steel, operating under high dynamic and vibration loads; bases for containers; clay mixer; circulation systems; solution preparation blocks. Welding of cracks in the hydraulic part of mud pumps and housings made of cast iron. Carrying out welding work when laying power line supports. Gasketing and piping of manifolds. Docking of blocks using lifting vehicles and performing other similar work.

Must know: electrical circuits and designs of used cooking machines and units; technological properties of welded materials, including high-alloy steels; technological sequence of welding seams and welding mode; technical characteristics of drilling rigs and their purpose; means for installation, dismantling and transportation of drilling blocks and equipment; drilling rig layout and piping diagrams; industrial methods for constructing drilling rigs.


6th category

Characteristics of the work. Electrical and gas welding work in all spatial positions of the weld during installation and dismantling of: technological lines of a drilling rig operating under high pressure and strong vibrations (mani-folds, risers); tower units operating under high dynamic loads; gas pipelines for power drives of drilling rigs; pipelines and manifolds with pressure over 15 MPa (150 kgf/cm^); housings of heavy diesel engines, air collectors. Performing installation and dismantling work during the construction of a drilling rig.

Must know: technology of electric and gas welding works, types of heat treatment of welded joints; basic information on metallography of welds; types of cuts for

welding and the influence of weather conditions on the quality of welds; types of corrosion, factors causing it, and methods of protection; layout and wiring diagrams for drilling and power equipment; methods of testing load-bearing structures in drilling rig conditions; technology of installation and dismantling work during the construction of drilling rigs.

Secondary vocational education required.


3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Installation, assembly, adjustment and delivery of electrical equipment of direct and alternating current with a power of up to 100 kW. Assembly and disassembly of group switches for solution preparation and purification units, hydrocyclone installations, well filling systems during the drilling process. Laying pipes and ducts under the power supply lines of the drilling rig. Installation and dismantling of distribution boards and electrical cabinets, busbar assemblies, rheostats, grounding networks, starting controllers. Charging and installation of lamps for lighting the drilling rig according to the approved scheme. Replacing bearings in electric motors. Installation, assembly, adjustment and delivery of electrical equipment with a power of over 100 kW under the guidance of a more highly qualified electrician. Installation and dismantling of drilling rig blocks, transportation of drilling equipment and other similar work.

Must know: the basics of electrical engineering in the scope of the work performed; purpose and technical characteristics of the main types of electrical equipment of drilling rigs with a power of up to 100 kW, used control and measuring equipment; layout of electrical appliances and electrical equipment on the drilling rig; properties of materials used in the installation of electrical equipment; rules for installation and dismantling of power lines and electric lighting; methods of installation, dismantling and transportation of drilling rigs.


4th category

Characteristics of the work. Installation, assembly, adjustment and delivery of electrical equipment of direct and alternating current with a power of over 100 kW. Installation of high-voltage switchgear kits on a drilling rig. Installation,

dismantling and adjustment asynchronous motors winch drive and synchronous pump drive motors. Installation and adjustment of three-way AC circuit breakers on the distribution board of diesel-electric units, cam controllers for controlling the electric motor of an auxiliary winch, and a control unit for switching current in electrical circuits. Marking of cores and laying of control cables. Installation of type-set terminals for connecting the cores of control cables. Laying cables through channels and blocks with cutting, splicing and installation of linear terminations and terminal boxes. Adjustment of current, time and temperature relays. Installation of electrical equipment for rotary valves, secondary switching circuits with relay-contactor control. Installation, dismantling and transportation of drilling rigs, overhead structures, mechanisms for raising and lowering derricks.

Must know: the design, purpose and technical characteristics of mounted electrical equipment with a power of over 100 kW; electrical equipment connection diagrams, electrical power supply diagrams for the drilling rig; sequence of installation of electrical equipment, instrumentation and control equipment; electrical equipment switching; methods for checking correct inclusion electrical diagrams; methods and rules for installation, dismantling and transportation of a drilling rig.


5th category

Characteristics of the work. Installation, dismantling, testing and assembly of high-voltage equipment. Disassembly and assembly of electrical circuits of secondary switching and relay protection at stations for monitoring the drilling process, bit feed regulators, automatic tripping operations, etc. Installation of ballasts in the circuits of the brake system of the main drive of the winch, limit switches and magnetic starters. Connection according to the diagram of asynchronous and synchronous electric motors, power and control cables and installation of secondary switching circuits with relay-contactor and thyristor control. Installation and testing of remote control circuits. Installation power transformers, automatic lifting operations, asynchronous and synchronous motors. Detection of defects and damage in electrical circuits of electrical equipment during installation

tazhnyh works. Running in electrical equipment and putting it into operation. Installation and dismantling of drilling process control panels, reactivation and testing of electrical equipment.

Must know: connection diagrams for high-voltage electrical equipment, equipment and devices of direct and alternating current with complex switching circuits; technical characteristics of electrical equipment of drilling rigs; reading electrical diagrams and drawings when placing equipment; methods for measuring resistance and insulation values; calculations of grounding loops for equipment mounted on the rig, and for separate equipment mounted outside the rig; methods of splicing cables and sealing high voltage couplings; design of drilling rigs, drilling equipment.


2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Chemical processing and measurement of parameters of drilling and cement fluids at the drilling rig and recording them in the logbook. Monitoring the preparation of chemical reagents. Sampling of cement mortar during cementation work. Supervision of core sampling, rock sampling, packaging and shipping. Maintaining primary geological documentation.

Must know: basic information on the geology of deposits, the technological process of drilling wells for oil, gas and other minerals; basic physical and chemical properties of drilling fluids, cement cements, weighting agents and chemical reagents; methods for preparing drilling fluids, chemical reagents; purpose and rules for using control and measuring equipment to determine the parameters of drilling and cement solutions.


3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Drawing up a recipe for processing drilling and cement slurries. Monitoring the preparation of quick-setting mixtures at the drilling rig to combat lost circulation, the placement of core and checking the correctness of its description. Determining the quality of reagents used for processing drilling fluids, conducting research related to improving the quality of solutions. Control checks so far

knowledge of devices. Preventive inspection and repair of equipment for measuring solution parameters.

Must know; basic information on the geology of deposits, on the technological process of drilling wells for oil, gas and other minerals; physical and chemical properties of solutions, cement cements, weighting agents and chemical reagents; installation of control and measuring equipment for determining the parameters of drilling and cement solutions; methods for eliminating complications during the drilling process; methods of core selection and description; design and purpose of equipment and devices for preparing and processing drilling mud.



3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Maintenance and repair of engines with a total power of up to 1000 kW, power and diesel-electric units, fuel and oil installations, compressors, pneumatic systems, transmissions and electrical equipment of a drilling rig under the guidance of a more highly qualified oil and gas drilling rig operator. Lubrication and filling of engines with fuel, oil and coolant. Participation in the installation, dismantling and transportation of drilling equipment and engines.

Must know: the operating principle of drilling equipment, engines, power units and transmission devices; on the importance of drilling equipment, auxiliary systems and used instrumentation and automation; brands and grades of fuels and lubricants; basic information on electrical engineering.



4th category

Characteristics of the work. Maintenance and repair of engines with a total power of up to 1000 kW inclusive, power and diesel electric units, fuel and oil installations, compressors, transmission and pneumatic systems of drilling rigs, electrical equipment of a drilling rig, as well as maintenance and repair of engines with a power exceeding

1000 kW and gas turbine engines under the guidance of a more highly qualified oil and gas drilling rig operator. Disassembly, assembly, alignment, troubleshooting and adjustment of power equipment and automatic machines. Carrying out routine and complex repairs of engines and power units, adjusting diesel engines. Taking measures to prevent malfunctions in the operation of power and drilling equipment, engines, power units, diesel generators and other stations. Regulation and adjustment of cooling, lubrication, fuel supply and gas distribution systems of power units, remote control systems of power units and automatic protection systems of power units. Maintenance, disassembly, repair and assembly, adjustment and adjustment of turbotransformers and turbo couplings. Ensuring the necessary specified operating modes of engines and power units, depending on drilling conditions and time of year, during running-in and commissioning of new ones and those that have undergone major repairs. Maintaining a shift log, recording the operation of engines and power units, recording the consumption of fuels and lubricants. Management of workers in the maintenance and repair of drilling and power equipment.

Must know: drilling process; technical characteristics, design of drilling equipment, engines, power units and transmission devices; purpose of habitual structures and communications; causes of occurrence, methods of preventing and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of power engines, drilling equipment and automatic machines; adjustment methods; rules for lubrication of drilling and power equipment; temperature regime engine operation; design of machines; operating diagrams of remote control systems; accounting and reporting system for the operation of power equipment; consumption standards for fuels and lubricants; basics of electrical engineering.

When servicing and repairing engines with a total power of over 1000 kW and above and gas turbine engines, as well as supervising workers in the maintenance and repair of engines with a total power of up to 1000 kW -

5th category;

when supervising workers in the maintenance and repair of engines with a total power of over 1000 kW -

6th category.

Secondary vocational education required.


Sections "Drilling wells", "Oil and gas production"

Approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2000 No. 81.

Developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Federation independent trade unions Russia.

Applicable for work pricing and assignment qualification categories workers in organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and organizational and legal forms, where there are production facilities or types of work specified in this section, except for specially specified cases.

© Design by Znak-B LLC


Characteristics of the work. Maintenance of power and technological equipment and the chassis of cementing units during well cementation, hydraulic fracturing, and chemical treatment of wells. Preparing the cementing unit for work on site. Assembly, disassembly, piping and crimping of high and low pressure lines. Participation in the technological process of cementing wells, hydraulic fracturing, chemical, heat treatment, killing and flushing wells, installing cement bridges. Participation in pressure testing of casing and drill pipes, manifolds. Ensuring the normal operation of the engines of the cementing unit. Determination of the end of cementation. Pumping process fluid (without pressure). Monitoring the flow rate of fluid pumped into the well. Troubleshooting problems that arise during the operation of the cementing unit. Driving, refueling. Production of preventive and current repairs cementing unit and car. Preparation of documentation for work performed.

Must know: the technological process of drilling wells and extracting oil, gas and other minerals; technical characteristics, purpose, design, operating rules of the cementing unit, vehicle; design, interaction and principle of operation of all units of the unit; technological process of well cementing, hydraulic fracturing, chemical treatment, flushing and killing wells; types of cementing unit repairs; plumbing; basic information about the technology of capital repairs and well development.

When working on cementing units with pressure up to 15 MPa (150 kgf/cm2) inclusive,

5th category;

when working on cementing units with pressure over 15 MPa (150 kgf/cm 2) -

6th category.


Characteristics of the work. Maintenance of a cement-mixing or sand-mixing unit during cement-


This edition of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS) was developed on the basis of the previously existing ETKS, issue 6, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 16, 1986 No. 13/2-36. Its development was caused by changes in production technology, the increasing role of scientific and technological progress in production activities, increasing requirements for the level of qualifications, general education and special training of workers, quality, competitiveness of products in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as changes in the content of labor.

The categories of work are established according to their complexity without taking into account working conditions (with the exception of extreme cases that affect the level of complexity of work and increase the requirements for the qualifications of the performer).

The tariff and qualification characteristics of each profession have two sections.

The section "Characteristics of work" contains a description of the work that the worker must be able to perform.

The “Must Know” section contains the basic requirements for the worker in terms of special knowledge, as well as knowledge of regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the worker must use.

The tariff and qualification characteristics provide a list of jobs that are most typical for a given category of worker’s profession. This list does not exhaust all the work that a worker can and should perform. The administration of the organization may develop and approve, in agreement with the trade union committee or other representative body authorized by employees, an additional list of works corresponding in complexity to those contained in the tariff and qualification characteristics of the professions of workers of the corresponding categories.

In addition to the work provided for in the section "Characteristics of work", the worker must perform work on acceptance and delivery

shifts, cleaning the workplace, devices, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition, maintaining established technical documentation.

Along with the requirements for theoretical and practical knowledge contained in the “Must Know” section, the worker must know: rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety; rules for the use of personal protective equipment; requirements for the quality of work (services) performed. ; types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them; production alarms; requirements for the rational organization of labor in the workplace.

These sections include worker professions specific to the drilling of wells and oil and gas production, which require knowledge of the rules for carrying out measures to protect the environment and subsoil. Workers whose professions involve driving a car, tractor or other transport must have the appropriate documents.

A worker of higher qualifications, in addition to the work listed in his tariff and qualification characteristics, must be able to perform work provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of workers of lower qualifications, as well as manage workers of lower grades of the same profession. In this regard, the work listed in the tariff and qualification characteristics of lower categories is, as a rule, not given in the characteristics of higher categories.

When filling out a worker’s work book, as well as when changing the tariff category, the name of his profession is recorded in accordance with the ETKS.



Characteristics of the work. Management of the watch work. Carrying out preparatory work before drilling begins. Conducting the technological process of drilling wells for oil, gas, thermal, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals using deep drilling installations and all related work in accordance with the geological and technical along with the regime and technical map and technological regulations. Laying and assembling drilling tools. Perform lowering and lifting operations using automatic mechanisms. Performing directional drilling work. Management of work on the preparation, weighting and chemical processing of drilling fluids. Monitoring compliance with drilling fluid parameters and the operation of the drilling fluid cleaning system during the drilling process. Equipping wellheads with blowout prevention equipment, using blowout prevention equipment in case of an emergency. Carrying out work to kill gas-water-oil shows, sealing the wellhead. Well control during gas oil and water shows. Operational monitoring of the technical condition of surface and underground drilling equipment. Checking the operation of instrumentation, automatic machines and safety devices, the condition of blowout prevention equipment. Preparation of wells for geophysical surveys and participation in their implementation* Elimination of complications and accidents when drilling wells. Preparing a well for lowering formation testers and participating in formation testing work. Core sampling in a given mode using all types of core sampling equipment. Preparation of wells and equipment for lowering casing pipes. Management of work on laying and templating casing pipes, lowering casing pipes into the well. Participation in work on cementing casing columns, installing cement bridges, and testing columns for leaks. Carrying out work on developing production wells and testing exploration wells. Carrying out final work on the well. Preparing drilling equipment for transportation. Participation in

preventive repair of drilling equipment, installation, dismantling, transportation of the drilling rig while the team is moving with its rig. Maintaining primary documentation on drilling mode and drilling fluid parameters. When drilling offshore wells from floating drilling units (FDU), participation in the installation and operation of a complex of underwater blowout prevention equipment (BOP): preparation before launching the BOP complex or before lowering the BOP at the wellhead - a hydraulic power unit with the main control panel; driller's control panel; remote control; control panels for multi-channel hose reels; auxiliary hose reel control panel; choke manifold control panel; throttle remote control; ship unit of the emergency acoustic system for controlling preventers; wellhead connector block; blowout prevention equipment OP540x2Yu, OP350x700 sea riser tension system; guide rope control systems; diverter. Participation in the tightness test of the components of the air defense system when it is on test stands, when it passes through the doors of the shaft opening; in crimping the air defense on a stand for working pressure, functional testing of the air defense on a stand: Stage I - checking the operation of all functions on both control systems from the driller's console, Stage II - from the auxiliary console in the drilling foreman's station, Stage III - from the control panels of multi-channel drums hose with control of compliance of activated functions on the block of preventers; Stage IV - checking all functions of the emergency acoustic system for controlling the preventer from the ship's acoustic system control unit and a portable sensor. Lowering the BPW at the wellhead. Participation in the hydraulic testing of the PPBO after joining the preventer to the casing head, after cementing the casing. Monthly check of the position of the valves of the choke manifold and adjustable fittings, the remote control of the throttle, as well as checking on the driller’s air defense control panel the position of the valves of the killing and throttling lines, preventers, monitoring the battery charging pressure, air pressure, pilot pressure and control pressure of ram and universal preventers, control pressure of telescopic compensator seals, light and sound alarm. Disconnection from the wellhead in extreme situations (hydrometeorological, technical): preparing the open part of the wellbore for long-term downtime (preservation);

freeing the wellhead from drill pipes; preparing offshore riser tension systems for disconnection from the wellhead; dismantling of the deventor, telescopic compensator of the sea riser. Disconnection from the wellhead due to the “Emergency disconnection” alarm. Preparation of wells for geophysical surveys and participation in their implementation. Monitoring the position of the MODU above the wellhead and communication with the dynamic positioning service. Monitoring the wiring technology in relation to the design documentation, the actions of the watch members on the “Burst” alarm, the implementation by the watch members of instructions during the direct liquidation of gas-oil-water intrusions (GWEP), maintaining constant readiness BPBO and corresponding devices. Fulfillment of the requirements of the geological and technical control service (GTC) to remove the technological parameters necessary for calculating well killing, and taking measures to seal the wellhead when GNVP is detected and when notified by the geological and technical control service. After each storm shutdown of the drilling rig vessel participation in preventive inspection of the drilling rig. Monitoring the development of the traveling rope.

Must know: current rules and instructions on technology, equipment and organization of production; basic information on the geology of deposits and the technology of production of oil, gas, thermal, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals; geological and technical work order and operational and technological map; geological section of the drilled area, information about the well design; modes of drilling operations in offshore conditions; purpose, design and technical characteristics of drilling and power equipment, air defense, automatic mechanisms, safety devices; installation of electric drills and turbo drills; ways to eliminate possible malfunctions of a turbodrill, electric drill and current supply; design and purpose of the tools and devices used, methods of lowering and orienting pipes, electric drills and turbo drills with whipstocks for directional and horizontal drilling of wells; arrangement of small-scale mechanization devices used, instrumentation, drilling mud cleaning systems; physical and chemical properties of drilling fluids and chemical reagents for the preparation and processing of drilling fluid, methods of its preparation, recovery and reuse; methods for monitoring parameters and ways to reduce the consumption of weighting agents and chemical reagents; standard sizes and principles of rational use of used bits; causes of accidents and complications

tions when drilling wells” measures for their prevention and elimination; permissible loads on the equipment used; design, purpose and use of fishing tools; type, dimensions, thread markings, strength characteristics of casing, drilling and tubing pipes; requirements for preparing wells for casing and cementing; methods and means of protecting the productive horizon from contamination during the drilling process and when cementing columns; well cementing technology and conditions ensuring the quality of cementing and tightness of casing strings; consumption rates of materials used; purpose, design of formation testers, packers of various designs; technical requirements for preparing wells for lowering formation testers and conducting geophysical research; piping diagrams and design of sealing devices; technology and methods of carrying out work on developing production and testing exploration wells; construction and use of surface equipment for flowing and pumping wells; surface and underwater equipment, measures taken in the event of storms in operating conditions in water areas; rules for rejecting working tools, used instrumentation and safety devices; special safety rules when working in fields containing hydrogen sulfide; orders, instructions and other governing documents ensuring labor safety when drilling wells; Charter of service on sea vessels.

Secondary vocational education required.

When drilling wells up to 1500 m in depth,

5th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of over 1500 m and up to 4000 m inclusive, as well as when drilling directional wells with a depth of up to 1500 m inclusive -

6th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of over 4000 m and up to 5000 m inclusive, horizontal wells with a depth of up to 2000 m inclusive, directional wells with a depth of over 1500 m with complicated geological conditions, during the drilling of which technical measures are used to prevent the absorption of drilling fluid, rock falls, narrowing of the wellbore, gas and oil additional manifestations, subject to the use of a weighted drilling fluid with a density of 1.6 g/cm 3 and higher -

7th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of over 5000 m, horizontal wells with a depth of over 2000 m or when drilling wells with a rig-

8th category.


3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Installation, dismantling and transportation of drilling rig blocks, boiler units, water pumping units, fuel and oil installations, equipment for drilling with electric drills, metal transition platforms, ladders, ladders and fences on power, pumping, energy, derrick and winch units and drilling fluid cleaning systems. Construction of a concrete covering under the drilling rig, bases and platforms for spare tanks and clay mixers, fences for moving parts of mechanisms. Performing excavation, concrete, plumbing, carpentry and loading and unloading work during the assembly and disassembly of towers and superstructures. Installation of anchors for securing and centering the tower. Layout of locations for foundations of drilling equipment and off-site structures under the guidance of a more highly qualified derrick operator. Laying and piping of steam and water lines. Lubrication of drilling and process equipment. Preparing auxiliary equipment for transportation. Assembly, movement and disassembly of drilling rigs for geological exploration drilling with towers of all types and designs.

Must know; purpose of drilling rigs, used mechanisms and equipment; purpose of tower parts and structural units of foundations, foundations and superstructures; dimensions of constructed fences for barns and work sites; methods of installation, dismantling and transportation of drilling rigs; layout of drilling equipment and communications; technical characteristics of mechanisms used in tower construction; placement of control instruments; rules for using metalwork and carpentry tools; rules for slinging, lifting and moving small cargo; conditional alarm for crane operators.