Distance learning franchise. Franchise of a training center and educational services. Franchise of a training center, school or course: all offers here

Sergey Portyanko

Director of LLC "Ecological conductor"

We live in an age of excess information and lack of time. Hello. My name is Sergey Portyanko, I am the director of Ecological Conductor LLC. We... Read more

We live in an age of excess information and lack of time. Hello. My name is Sergey Portyanko, I am the director of Ecological Conductor LLC. We are engaged in the preparation of environmental documentation and environmental support. Due to the nature of our activities, we are faced with the need to train our clients on environmental safety and waste. In our search for a partner, we worked with several training centers, but as a result we chose the ANO "Specialist". Why? Because this organization solves two problems that I voiced. It is very convenient to study on the platform of ANO "Specialist", everything is structured there. There is only useful information that is not for show. By receiving the information, the manager can make the right decisions on the problems on which he is trained. Of course, these are people, these are ANO employees who help us work with our clients. We receive all the necessary information. Of course this is a platform and price policy The specialist is very pleasantly surprised. Since the new year, prices have been reduced, although we have been working since 2018. We highly recommend everyone to work with this organization and consider them leaders in the distance learning market. Thank you

Ekaterina Mironova

Clarity, efficiency, constant control, transparency in relationships and convenient system distance learning - all this is the ANO training center... Read more

Clarity, efficiency, constant control, transparency in relationships and a convenient distance learning system - all this is the training center of the ANO "Specialist". My acquaintance began in 2014. That was the first time we tested a distance learning system for our employees. Today we have built mutually beneficial, convenient, comfortable mutually beneficial relationships.

Panin V. N.

CEO JSC ETC "Prometey"

Distance learning is very practical, accessible and effective. There are the necessary resources for training, the ability to communicate with managers. Thank you... Read more

Distance learning is very practical, accessible and effective. There are the necessary resources for training, the ability to communicate with managers. We thank the organizers of the distance courses ANO “Specialist” for the provided training opportunity and for the detailed training material.

Fateev A. A.

Director of the Management Department of AP Gazprom Avia LLC

UV LLC AP Gazprom Avia expresses its deep gratitude for operational work in conducting distance learning under the programs “Providing... Read more

PF LLC AP "Gazprom Avia" expresses its deep gratitude for the prompt work in conducting distance learning under the programs "Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of general economic management systems" and "Professional training of persons for the right to work with waste I-IV classes danger." A huge advantage is the distance learning form. The material in the lectures is very accessible and well presented. I would also like to note the efficiency in sending documents and the attractive cost of training.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Currently in Russian Federation The education sector is gradually developing. The state has finally begun to some extent support entrepreneurs who provide educational services, and although there is no real freedom of entrepreneurship to speak of, positive trends can already be noted. In parallel with this, new technologies are being developed for training, and today the distance learning format is becoming increasingly widespread. It is believed that this is ineffective, but statistics say otherwise, and now even the highest educational institutions often offer their students the opportunity to study remotely with a teacher. Of course, not only higher education can be obtained in this way; many professional and other training courses allow you to master new knowledge. In this regard, we can talk about the emergence of a relatively new, but already recognized type of entrepreneurship - distance learning courses. When proper organization This type of business has very good prospects for its development.

On the market today it is easy to find educational programs in a wide range of areas. This includes any courses that do not have official status, for example, cooking or similar disciplines, and serious courses aimed at transferring knowledge of vocational education. In fact, you can offer anything, the main thing is that there is a demand for it.

An aspiring entrepreneur is forced to compete with absolutely all players in the market, because training in this form can be conducted absolutely from anywhere in the world, reaching clients from different countries. Of course, most of the work is carried out within the country, but if the courses do not result in the issuance of any official diplomas or certificates, then citizens of other countries, primarily the post-Soviet space, can also take them. If courses are taught in English language, then the possibilities expand greatly. In general, finding your niche is now still relatively simple, but there is already a stable demand for certain areas of education, and this demand will have to be created for other areas. A budding entrepreneur must immediately decide on a list of services, choose the direction of his activity, evaluate the work of competitors and then preferably engage in only one or a few areas of education. The most difficult thing is to start working in the field of higher education, additional professional education and similar areas.

Earn up to
200,000 rub. per month while having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

To get started you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. However commercial activity suitable only if the company is engaged in vocational training, preschool education, additional general education training and implement additional professional educational programs. That is, open your own, for example, school on the basis commercial enterprise You can’t – only NPOs. But it is quite possible to conduct training in any disciplines. It is best to choose the form of a limited liability company. Individual entrepreneurs have the right to engage in commercial educational activities only if they directly engage in it themselves, without involving other teachers. In other words, you can register as an individual entrepreneur according to the law only if the entrepreneur himself wants to become a tutor. It should be noted that until recently, businessmen were deprived of even these opportunities; all educational activities were possible only on the basis of a non-profit organization.

The activity itself falls under the definition (OKPD 2) 85.31 Vocational training services or one of the group codings (OKPD 2) 85 Educational services. In general, the state has precisely defined the list of licensed types of activities, and if an entrepreneur is engaged in other educational activities, then he will not have to obtain any licenses. This list:

1. Implementation of the main general educational program preschool education.

2. Implementation of the basic general education program of primary general education.

3. Implementation of the basic general education program of basic general education.

4. Implementation of the basic general education program of secondary general education.

5. Implementation of the main professional educational program of secondary vocational education - a program for training qualified workers and employees.

6. Implementation of the main professional educational program of secondary vocational education - the training program for mid-level specialists.

7. Implementation of the basic professional educational program higher education- Bachelor's programs.

8. Implementation of the main professional educational program of higher education - the specialty program.

9. Implementation of the main professional educational program of higher education - the master's program.

10. Implementation of the main professional educational program of higher education - the program for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies).

Ready ideas for your business

11. Implementation of the main professional educational program of higher education - the residency program.

12. Implementation of the main professional educational program of higher education - the assistantship-internship program.

13. Implementation of the main program vocational training- programs vocational training by professions of workers, positions of employees.

14. Implementation of the main vocational training program - a retraining program for workers and employees.

15. Implementation of the main vocational training program - a program for advanced training of workers and employees.

16. Implementation of additional general education programs - additional general development programs.

17. Implementation of additional general education programs - additional prerequisites professional programs.

18. Implementation of additional professional development programs.

19. Implementation of additional professional retraining programs.

Ready ideas for your business

It is by focusing on this list that you can determine your further actions. If your activity does not fall within the definitions of the list, you can immediately move on to the stage of organizing a business. If it is on this list, then you need to get a license. To begin with, the pedagogical council draws up an educational program plan, which must be submitted to the Ministry of Education. The plan must take into account absolutely everything - from directly indicating the knowledge being taught to the technical side of the issue, that is, how the training will be carried out.

Again, thanks to the adopted Resolution No. 966 of October 28, 2013, distance education has now received legal status, because previously there was not a single formulation that would allow working with students remotely. The fee for obtaining a license is 6 thousand rubles, but if you are unsure, you can contact special companies that provide assistance in obtaining licenses. They will help you correctly prepare and collect documents, but their services cost on average at least 50 thousand rubles, and sometimes can cost 2-3 times more.

When the license is received, you can proceed to the next stage. However, there is such a thing as accreditation, after which you can issue diplomas and certificates state standard. Its completion is relevant primarily for universities and schools; if an entrepreneur simply wants to open courses that are aimed exclusively at training, and not at issuing certificates, then he will not need accreditation. In fact, it is students who need accreditation, because without it an entrepreneur can engage in educational activities, but cannot issue state-issued documents. In fact, he doesn’t care, but a person who has undergone training may need such a document. In general, accreditation is needed only for universities that offer distance learning, including schools, and they can receive it only when the first graduation of students occurs. That is, the first groups of students will in any case graduate from an unaccredited institution.

When all the formalities are settled, you can begin organizing your business. Currently, distance learning takes place in most cases on the basis of a distance learning system, which includes great amount factors. First of all, this is special software, which allows students to negotiate with the teacher via the Internet (in other words, organize webinars). You will have to allocate a lot of money for this and hire a whole staff of programmers, because you won’t be able to get by with just a website and installing the Skype program. The cost of implementing a distance learning system varies depending on large quantity factors, this includes not only support for negotiations, but also placement of materials, provision of access to testing, storage of databases, catalogs and much more. The price is also affected by the number of students; the more of them, the more expensive, but at the same time more profitable when recalculated per person.

Ready ideas for your business

The minimum cost of using a distance learning system is about two and a half million rubles per year; you can find better offers, but then there may be problems with the quality of the services offered. Of course, not every company can afford to pay for such a system; some decide to develop their own, but in this case they will only have to maintain a large staff of programmers who create the system and then provide its support. In the long term, this is much more profitable, because the developed LMS can subsequently be put on the market, which will become a source of additional income, and monthly maintenance will be generally cheaper.

If there is no money either for your programmers and the development of your own LMS, or for maintenance in third party organization, then you can do it a little simpler - just work through your website and via Skype. But is it then worth saying that no one will take such an office seriously, and it will remain at the level of inexpensive tutoring?

You may also need to take care of your representation, especially when it comes to educational institutions, which issue certificates, diplomas and other diplomas. Still, the client should have the opportunity to personally visit the office of the company in which he is studying, regardless of what exactly he is taught: high school economics or the basics of sheep sewing. Many companies even combine distance learning with standard learning, holding lectures and seminars at their representative offices, but also working at a distance with people from other cities.

Depending on the format of work and the premises selected, it can be a small office or an entire building with many blocks. But we must not forget that in the process of obtaining an educational license, it is necessary to transmit information about available capacities, and at the same time, all this is taken into account and directly affects the possibility of obtaining a license. For example: if students visit the office for the sake of learning, then they should be provided with all the conditions for a comfortable pastime. Therefore, it is often easiest to work as an office, which, if it has direct contact with clients, does so only on administrative and organizational issues.

An important point is the selection of your team. If the courses will be full-fledged training with the issuance of certificates, then you need to find people who have the appropriate knowledge and qualifications. That is, these should be professors or people who are engaged in full-fledged scientific and pedagogical activity. For courses in simpler disciplines, it is enough to find only masters of their craft who know how to share their experience and knowledge with people. We must not forget that the training format is somewhat non-standard, so not everyone, even a specialist in their field, will be able to conduct the educational process and find an approach to each student remotely. It is advisable to find people who already have experience similar work. The entrepreneur himself, if he is a teacher himself, can borrow not only leadership position, but also to take part in the learning process. People will also be needed for administrative positions. All business processes that are not related to the organization’s profit making can be outsourced.

To find your clients, you will have to spend a lot of effort, time and money on conducting advertising campaign. To work, in any case, you will have to create your own website, so it makes sense to order not only its development, but also its promotion. To do this, you will have to allocate several tens of thousands of rubles (up to a hundred), but in the end the site will become one of the first when searched through search engines, which will have a positive impact on business. Next, information about yourself must be placed on all thematic portals, in in social networks, pay for promotion there too, actively search for and work with clients on your own, if necessary, contact companies that search for “warm clients” (so-called lead management).

We must not forget about the correct development of the concept; today the client has a good choice, so it should be attracted by something special, something that competitors do not have or are poorly developed. For higher education - this is the same notorious accreditation, interesting specialties, good Teaching Staff, additional programs and bonuses; for simple courses - this is an exciting learning process, non-standard techniques and methods in work, the opportunity to practically apply the acquired knowledge in life. To offer people something completely new, you need to first conduct marketing research to know how relevant the offer is.

In general, the risks with an innovative product are an order of magnitude higher, but if successful, you can occupy an empty niche and be the first in the market, so that, especially during the first time of work, you can get all possible customers. Today, training can be carried out in absolutely any direction, from studying the Farsi language to courses on making papier-mâché crafts. You can find your consumer for everything, the main thing is to convey to him the opportunity to learn.

Such a business has enough prospects to engage in it, however, the direction of distance learning is constantly evolving, and today it is necessary to invest a lot of money in offering consumers a competitive product. In this regard, the amount starting capital usually amounts to several million rubles, although small courses, when the teacher actually communicates with students through simple programs, can be opened for relatively little money. Only now the client is becoming more and more picky. This type of entrepreneurship can also be the development of an existing one, based on the provision of educational services. With all this, such a business is quite interesting and exciting for the businessman himself.

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Parents always remember the value of the education resource and strive to provide their children with every opportunity for rapid development. This explains the popularity of various training centers, including the international network of schools IQ007. Today this company included in the list of leaders in educational sphere and is actively expanding in Russia and the CIS countries. If you are thinking about opening own center, you should definitely consider working with this partner, as IQ007 provides franchisees with the opportunity to use an effective training and business system.

Franchise Description

Sum lump sum can range from 95 thousand to 1.95 million rubles. Royalties may also vary depending on the population of the locality where the opening is planned:

  • Population up to 25 thousand people - 3 thousand rubles;
  • Population up to 50 thousand - 6 thousand rubles;
  • Population up to 100 thousand - from 8 thousand rubles;
  • Population from 200 thousand - from 12 thousand rubles;
  • Moscow - from 25 thousand rubles.

No other payments other than lump sum and royalties are charged.

The payback period ranges from 3 to 6 months.

Description of franchise, services

Perhaps one of the main advantages of this franchise is that the company’s partners do not have to have extensive teaching or even entrepreneurial experience. Training at the franchisor's center allows you to obtain all the necessary information about the features of working within the IQ007 network.

What else does a franchisee get?

  • Assistance from a personal manager and advice on all issues related to the activities of the school;
  • Assistance in maintaining documentation, accounting, advice on legal issues;
  • Assistance in choosing a suitable premises;
  • Assistance in hiring highly qualified employees, joint interviews via Skype;
  • CRM system;
  • Assistance in business licensing;
  • Marketing support, promotional materials;
  • Opportunity to attend regular management meetings.

About company

IQ007 is the brand under which one of the best international schools operates, specializing in the development of various skills in children from four years old and even adults. Unique programs allow you to develop all basic intellectual abilities, including speech, memory, attention, thinking, etc. Today the company represents a developed network of centers, despite the fact that the first school was founded only 9 years ago. For that a short time The network managed not only to expand significantly, but also to enter the group of undoubted leaders in its field and make the IQ007 brand truly recognizable.

Company in numbers:

  • Over the years of activity, more than four hundred centers have been opened in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries;
  • The unique concept of IQ007 made it possible to open a large teacher training center, where more than 2 thousand teachers were trained;
  • More than 80 thousand students have successfully graduated from the centers and achieved significant success.

The company's schools provide training in 3 main areas, including speed reading and development of mental abilities, mathematics and writing. The success of the concept is explained an integrated approach to training and bringing the above skills to a fundamental level new level. In addition, it harmoniously complements school curriculum and has direct practical use. This technique was appreciated not only by teachers, but also by doctors.

Today, entrepreneurs seeking to work in this field have a unique opportunity to purchase an IQ007 franchise and recoup their investment in just a few months.


The most significant benefits of cooperation with the IQ007 network of training centers are:

  1. The concept has received the approval of experienced doctors and teachers. Research has shown that the network learning system has the most positive effects on children and adults.
  2. Eight-month training programs are tailored to 5 main age groups. Experts have written more than a hundred curricula taking into account the abilities of students.
  3. Productivity. Tangible results appear after just ten lessons at the network’s schools. Completing the entire program, in turn, allows you to develop sustainable skills. Most clients stay at the school after the first lesson, which allows them to receive a stable profit and quickly recoup their investment.
  4. The franchisee also receives a ready-made marketing system, the opportunity to work under a well-known brand, corporate identity, official website, the opportunity to participate in marketing campaigns.
  5. Connection to hotline companies. Professional managers will help you attract clients and answer all questions from potential students.
  6. Turnkey business. The help of specialists and a ready-made scheme for launching a project and further running a business allows you to open your own school in the shortest possible time.
  7. Opportunity to exchange experiences with other franchisees and company management. Each new partner of the company receives the latest information regarding the training system and business scheme. In essence, every entrepreneur who signs a commercial concession agreement becomes a member of a closed society with its own systems of communication and interaction.
  8. Thoughtful pricing policy. The amount of starting investment will depend on the locality. This approach takes into account the demand for services, the capacity of a specific market and allows you to recoup the investment within a few months.
  9. Possibility to combine school management with other activities (part-time work).


You can open the IQ007 center in a room with an area of ​​30 to 70 square meters. m.



Turnover: 900,000 ₽

Student-places: 250

The skills that allowed Alexander and Christina to achieve such indicators:

  1. Sales experience in telephone calls and personal meetings
  2. communication skills and confidence in making controversial decisions
  3. a thorough approach to monitoring the quality of training.

Cheboksary– a city with a low average salary and a population of about 450,000 people.
Franchisee– Dmitry and Maria.

City specifics:

  • relatively poor region, as a result of which high-quality training is not available to all schoolchildren
  • average competition in the form of several centers and a large number of tutors
  • lack of centers with high-quality preparation for exams with division of groups into levels

Center results (November 2019):

Turnover: 1,000,000 ₽

Student-places: 270

The skills that allowed Dmitry and Maria to achieve such indicators:

  1. teaching experience and knowledge of the weaknesses of the education system
  2. attentive and clear work with potential clients
  3. a thorough approach to quality control of training

Lobnya- a small and rather remote city in the Moscow region with a population of 60,000 people.
Franchisee– Alsou.

Good afternoon

The decision did not come immediately. At first, I monitored the franchise market as a whole, while at the same time being interested in what was happening in the field of education. My specialty is a mathematics teacher, but I have never worked at a school. At the beginning of her career, she got into sales and developed in this direction. I have experience working as a sales manager in the Moscow office of a regional IT company, and have grown to executive director. Then I was a professional mother for 10 years, and at the same time I studied mathematics with my eldest daughter and the children of my friends.

It's time to think about your employment outside the home. There was a clear understanding that I didn’t want to be an employee and stand in Moscow traffic jams. It is quite logical that, given my management experience, experience as a sales manager and a math tutor, I could not pass up franchises related to additional education.

Why did I choose Hodograph? The answer is simple: during my first contacts with my current partners, I saw very simple steps to achieving my goal. The instructions that I was given before concluding the contract allowed me to analyze the CA market in the city. Already at the second meeting we talked in detail. It seemed to me that with this approach to regulations, I would not need to think about how to implement the project, and I would spend all my energy on the process itself. My intuition did not let me down. We've been collaborating for a year now. And I still have the confidence that, no matter what question arises, I can always get qualified and prompt help from my colleagues. The team is young and very positive. They always act proactively. I have a clear feeling that I am under reliable wing.

My life has now taken on completely different colors in terms of professional fulfillment. I set the pace, time and place of work myself.

And I also have a feeling that my team and I are doing a good thing.

Thank you Godograph, I hope together we will become the coolest network in Russia!

Center results (November 2019):

Turnover: 2,000,000 ₽

Student-places: 320

The skills that allowed Also to achieve such indicators:

  1. excellent knowledge of the peculiarities of your city;
  2. optimism and charisma;
  3. talent for public speaking;
  4. understanding the characteristics of adolescent psychology.

Nizhnevartovsk– a city of 250 thousand people.
Franchisee- Elena.

Good afternoon My name is Elena, I am from Nizhnevartovsk. I bought the franchise of the Hodograph center in May 2017. I myself have been working as a university teacher for 13 years, and before purchasing the franchise, I additionally tutored high school students - preparing for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam (mathematics). I received an offer to purchase the Hodograph franchise e-mail from the founder of the website for preparing for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam “Dunno”. This offer attracted me. I started looking for reviews about this franchise on the Internet, even on social networks I found the head of one of the branches of the Godograph center and asked for real feedback about buying a franchise. The feedback was positive, they said that the franchise helps a lot, but you just have to work a lot. I was ready to work a lot.

It was difficult at first - finding a venue, performing at parent meetings, first call, first client, searching for teachers (the most difficult of all). But there was constant support from the Center. I was assigned a manager - a very pleasant and responsive girl, ready to help at any time. A complete package of materials was provided. Immediately after the conclusion of the contract it was sent step by step plan work. In September - October, very useful webinars were held, after which you get such a charge of optimism that you are ready to move mountains. If any questions arose, you didn’t have to wait long for an answer. The recoupment of all costs for launching the Center and purchasing a franchise was already in the 5th month of operation.

I think I did right choice, having purchased the franchise of the Hodograph center. I have my own business and work that brings pleasure. I would like to express my gratitude to the head of the “Godograph” center, Andrey Sterlyadkin, for his useful webinars, as well as to my manager Nadezhda, who is always ready to help, advise, and guide. On next year I want the Center to become the best and largest in Nizhnevartovsk, so that students go not to tutors, but to the training center. And I think that's how it will be!

Center results (November 2019):

Turnover: 350,000 ₽

Student-places: 100

The skills that allowed Elena to achieve such indicators:

  1. serious experience in the field of education;
  2. Hard work and ability to multitask;
  3. the desire not only to make money, but also to benefit clients.

Tools and work process:

Elena came to this business from the education sector, so we were confident that everything would be fine with the quality of classes and teachers; our (and Elena’s) main tasks were to attract clients and further productive work with them.

When, thanks to her perseverance and curiosity (as well as webinars, franchise materials and manager support), Elena understood sales scripts and other nuances organizational work, the center in Nizhnevartovsk began to grow and develop. Eventually Payback of the project was achieved after 5 months of work, which we consider an excellent indicator. Elena has many new global plans for next year, and we are absolutely confident that they will be implemented and that in the second year the center will become even bigger and stronger!

Komsomolsk-on-Amur- a city in the Khabarovsk Territory with a population of 250 thousand people.
Franchisee- Irina.

Center results (November 2019):

Turnover: 420,000 ₽

Student-places: 120

The skills that allowed Irina to achieve such indicators:

  1. perseverance, hard work and courage;
  2. teaching experience and understanding of the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam format;
  3. ability to find an approach to people.