Where to find motivation and how to motivate yourself: effective methods and pitfalls. Proper motivation on the path to success Maslow's Hierarchy Theory

Hello, friends! To introduce effective ways of personal motivation into your life, think about how you do it now. Since you can't always see yourself from the outside, imagine that you need to motivate another person. How will you do this so that he wants to do what is required?

This technique will allow you to isolate your idea of ​​motivation, and then adjust it or replace it with the correct one.

There are criteria, taking into account which you can form a high-quality incentive to action, no matter what kind of motivation you need - for work, for development, for sports.


To motivate yourself for success, the first thing you need is truthfulness, so cultivate this quality in yourself at every opportunity.

Lack of truthfulness deprives a person of a sober understanding of things, which also affects motivation. Surely you have come across advice from psychologists: in your soul it is important to distinguish what you want from what you just want to want. If you're confused about what motivates you, you'll either go where you don't want to go or you won't be able to motivate yourself.

Universality of purpose

Fear of wasted efforts slows down progress. Therefore, to motivate yourself to achieve a goal, answer: what value does the process of achieving it have for your development?

Process priority

Too strong a desire to receive or achieve often only prevents you from doing it. In this case, the person is not able to “let go” of his desire and fully concentrate on what is happening.

Therefore, learn to focus on the process - let it always come first, and the results come second. This will strengthen your motivation and also prevent you from the dangerous habit of running away from the “here and now.”

Striving to be rather than look happy

Whenever you want to motivate yourself, you make a choice about what to strive for: to look like your goal or to actually be like that. It doesn't matter whether it's noticeable to others or not.

Remember that as a result of false motivation, you will end up with something similar to a plastic cake: it looks beautiful, but it is impossible to eat.

Effective methods of self-motivation

Let's see what specific techniques will give you an understanding of how to motivate yourself.

Individual approach

We are all unique. And each of us has our own perception of the world in general and specific circumstances in particular. Focus on your capabilities and limits. First of all, consider your own vision of the situation.

Pareto rule

20% of effort produces 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of effort produces only 20% of the result. By correctly choosing the minimum of the most important actions, you can quickly get a significant part of the planned full result.

How can you use this rule to motivate yourself?

If your goal is self-improvement, devote 80% of your resources to working on 20% of your character problem areas. Dedicate the remaining 20% ​​of your attention and time to everything else.

If you need motivation to achieve, expect to get 80% of your results from 20% of your greatest strengths.


An effective method of self-motivation for every day is a creative approach.

To use it, exclude violence against yourself. Observe your reactions: what gives you enthusiasm and a natural desire to do something?

I do not mean main goal of your life. It could even be about washing dishes - the question is how you do it. For example:

  • you must be sufficiently rested;
  • you need to work at your own pace;
  • you need to fully concentrate on one thing, giving up multitasking, etc.

Of course, at some moments you will have to act without inspiring conditions. But the rest of the time, you can take care of yourself and no longer worry about how to find motivation.

Conscious application of effort

Where do you get motivation when you don’t want to do anything at all? Take care of this in advance. Most often, such difficulties arise naturally: at a certain time, in a specific situation, or in relation to a particular matter.

Be aware of where you are spending your effort. There is something that happens to you as if by itself: it’s enough to get on the right track. With other things, everything is not so simple, but they also need to be done.

Dose the force correctly. You should not jump over your head - this will reduce all motivation to nothing. Find the point of application and the “size” of the current effort, let the rest remain as is for now.

Making rhythm

Monotonous, repetitive actions create an energetic structure that literally pushes you forward. It is like a stream: moving in it, you seem to be floating with the current, which carries you and powerfully motivates you.

Just keep an eye on the relevance of what you do out of habit or the dictates of an established rhythm. Don't let him force his will on you.


Remain open to the course of events and your influence on them. Every moment is a new starting point.

Getting rid of expectations, you will stop striving to subordinate what is happening to your will. This means you will save energy and increase your motivation: if you are a priori ready for different options, the fear of disappointment does not dominate you.

Pitfalls that prevent you from motivating yourself

Let's look at the main demotivators and how you can deal with them.


All people face the desire to do nothing at the wrong time. However, this condition should not be confused with elementary fatigue. But if you rested, got some sleep or changed your activity, but your motivation still hasn’t increased, try the following cure for laziness.

Find meaning for yourself in what is happening. For example:

  • if you need to do something routine, you can train your concentration and awareness;
  • if the action is somehow connected with the benefit of others, direct your attention to the process of giving - the satisfaction that you are able to contribute something to this world will be an excellent help in the fight against laziness;
  • if there is an element of creativity in the matter, just give yourself completely to it. Then next time you won’t want to be lazy and watch the series - the drive is not the same.


The habit of self-reflection and psychoanalysis can become an obstacle to self-motivation, because you can dig for a long time, unearthing different things and trying to rebuild. So long that whole life will not be enough.

Therefore, if you find it reasonable, study the contents of your mind. But don't let this process take over your life and immobilize you.


This quality interferes when you feel sorry for your efforts, time, and mistakes made. “It’s better to do nothing than to endure such waste,” says the greedy person.

Abandoning such logic does not mean becoming reckless. This means accepting: you can't cook scrambled eggs without breaking eggs. And act, after the choice is made, decisively and boldly no matter what.


Problems with motivation may indicate depression. In some cases, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

You can help yourself too. Follow a daily routine. Go to bed before 11:00 pm, or better yet, 10:00 pm (don’t watch TV before bedtime!), and get up at 6, or better yet, a little earlier and immediately take a cool shower (over your head, maybe through a cap). 60 – 70% of depression will go away on its own!

And also use foods that enhance cheerfulness and optimism - banana, mango, dates, figs, etc. (eat them from 6 to 8 am or at least in the morning), pomegranate (you can eat from 10 to 19 hours).

The “Whatever” principle is the key to motivation for life

Everyone decides for themselves where to get motivation. This often depends on the type of activity you want to motivate yourself to do.

In conclusion, I offer you a mini-test that will help you identify the fundamental motivation in life. For me it was a real discovery!

Define your relationship with the phrase “whatever.” They come in two types:

  1. Nothing will work anyway. Why try then? Anyway, things didn’t work out as they should, is there any point in continuing? Doesn't matter...
  2. There is no such thing as injustice. If this happened, then it must be so. I will still do my best and see it through to the end.

Every day we make decisions about how to motivate ourselves. Good luck to you in this important matter!

Friends, what secrets of self-motivation do you use? Share in the comments!

"Personnel Management", 2008, N 3

The shocking but merciless statistics stating that the turnover of ordinary employees and lower-level managers is 100 - 150% per year is a reality. Of course, this is typical primarily for Moscow and for trade. And there are several explanations for this:

Moscow is spoiled by excess work force;

The employer wants quick (instant) returns from staff;

There is a myth in the labor market that money is everything.

This statistics is the result of the employer’s attitude towards its staff. By and large, it turns out that the staff is a burden, an extra, unnecessary link that only interferes with work. It turns out (paradox!) that it would be better if it did not exist at all. Walks around doing nothing, asks for something, is late for work, doesn’t want to work, dresses casually, is rude to clients, etc. and so on. Therefore, the attitude towards him is the same. Due to the oversupply of labor, no one thinks about how to retain an employee. Application on the table - and goodbye. Let's find new workers. There are so many of them!

Moreover, there are often situations when a person is taken for probation(3 months), deliberately reducing his salary for this time, and do not even think about entering into a long-term relationship with him. Then the person is fired for failing to complete the probationary period, another is hired in his place under the same conditions, and everything is repeated in a circle. They take the third, fourth, etc. What savings on wages! Temporary relationships temporary workers, temporary work... Temporary becomes law! But, as you know, there is nothing more permanent than temporary. That is why fluidity is above all norms and rules.

Some people are happy with this, but until a certain time, others are not. And then the employer begins to think: what’s the matter? It seems that I pay no less than the market average for this category of workers, but they leave. I find new workers, and they leave again. It seems that the workers are not bad, but something does not suit them. What to do?

Personnel is the main asset

Increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, on which the growth of production, the growth of the quality of life and the growth of GDP (the main tasks of our time), and indeed the work of the enterprise in general, depend, are impossible without personnel. Personnel are the main asset of an enterprise. Without staff, the tools are dead. No matter how perfect the technology and equipment are, no matter how well-functioning automated system, without people, without their knowledge and training, without the desire and ability to work, without proper motivation and sufficient stimulation, all this either does not work or does not provide adequate returns. Therefore, a person is a key link in any enterprise. And motivation and stimulation of a person are the main indicators characterizing the effectiveness of this key link. It is no wonder that motivation and incentives today come to the fore in the personnel management system. And leaders seem to be starting to understand this.

Therefore, it is quite natural to ask the employer: do you know how this main asset of yours lives - your staff? What worries him, what is he concerned about, how does he evaluate your incentive system?

Correlation "motives - incentives"

Let's start with the basics. What is a motive and what is an incentive? What is motivation and what is stimulation?

Let us recall that motives are the internal motivators of an individual worker (individual motives), a group of people (group motives) or a team (collective motives). In short, motive is what moves a person and people.

The concept of “motivation” is used in the sense of the formation of individual, group and collective motives. Motivation is also understood as the process of influencing incentives on motives to obtain the required level of motivation.

In turn, regarding an individual employee, group or collective, incentives act as external motivators in the work, activities and work that the enterprise addresses to him. And the incentive system is determined and designed at the enterprise based on its capabilities, goals and level of professionalism of managers.

Based on this understanding of motives and incentives, as well as the corresponding systems of motivation and incentives, there are various relationships between them that determine the rules of management in the current practice of the enterprise.

Rule one: the more the incentive system corresponds to the motivation of the employee, group, team, the stronger its effect and the higher the effectiveness of the incentives.

Rule two (reverse): the less the incentive system corresponds to the motivation of the employee, group, team, the weaker its effect and the lower the effectiveness of the incentives.

The main problem of the Russian employer is that the identification of this ratio (paradox!) was and continues to be based on the manager’s internal feeling of motivation for his staff. This feeling is based on the following elements:

On the vision of the attitude of employees to work, the performance of their tasks and functions;

On assessing the quantitative and qualitative results of labor;

On the perception of various statements by workers regarding the existing incentive system, and above all wages.

No one or almost no one thought and does not want to think that the staff can also have their own opinion, that they can also have their own motives and interests, that they can also evaluate the incentive system addressed to them in their own way, etc. Thus, on Today, the current way to reduce staff turnover is a decisive transition from a sense of the motivational environment to its systematic measurement and the study and improvement of the enterprise incentive system on this basis. In this regard, a new management rule arises.

Rule three: do not trust a manager who bases the motivation of his staff on personal feelings. Trust the information you get from the original source. Set up a system for collecting and processing information on measuring and analyzing the level of motivation directly from employees, groups, and teams.

The most important condition here is an individual approach and personal attitude towards the employee. Each person is individual. Everyone evaluates certain stimuli differently. Everyone has their own motives. To figure them out, you need to “get into” his soul. Be able to find an approach to a person in order to understand what he breathes, what excites him, where his main strings are. And then you will better understand who is in front of you. Having understood this, it will be easier for you to establish contact with a person, it will be easier to build a management process through cooperation.

The main thesis is that the staff is not a gray mass, but a set of individuals, that is, individuals. Recognize them. Hence the new rule.

Rule four: all people are different, have an individual approach to each person, and for it to be effective, understand the individual motivation of each employee.

How to measure motivation?

The questions of practical measurement of the level of motivation and determination of individual (group, collective) motivational balance are of great interest. Motivational balance is the relationship between motivation (what attracts, what drives the employee) and anti-motivation (what repels, what causes a negative attitude). Methods for practical measurement of the level of motivation allow you to move from sensations to real numbers. On the basis of such measurements, it is possible to systematically generate personnel motivation statistics and study them.

Since this is our know-how, we would not like to give a specific methodology for measuring the level of motivation in this article. Such methods are known, there are many of them. Their essence lies in the digital determination of the individual level of motivation and motivational balance of a particular person, taking into account a number of factors:

Working conditions;

Labor organizations;

Interest in the content of the work being performed;

Psychological climate in the team;


Senior management style;

The level of professionalism of managers;

Opportunities for self-realization;

Prospects for the existence of the enterprise.

Then, based on the group of employees, it is determined average level group motivation as the arithmetic mean of the sum of the individual levels of motivation of workers making up the group (department, site, workshop), and the collective level of motivation is determined by the group of workers (large division, branch, enterprise).

I would like to dwell on the following. When measuring motivation, it is important to use the same methodology to obtain comparable results. Hence the new rule.

Rule five: when measuring the level of motivation, use one method. This will make it possible to generate motivational statistics and obtain results that are comparable over time, which will allow us to draw a conclusion about the dynamics of changes in the level of motivation and the effectiveness of certain methods of stimulation.

And further the most important moment is to overcome the psychological barrier between the employee and the manager when measuring the level of motivation. Unfortunately, it often happens that employees withdraw and do not provide objective information, for fear of offending the manager, so as not to cause, God forbid, a negative attitude towards themselves. And therefore, during measurements carried out by a manager (a higher authority), distortions are frequent, and the picture is drawn according to the principle “What do you want?” It is clear that such information is far from reality and cannot be used as the basis for an analysis of motivation.

Therefore, it is better to entrust this difficult work to a third uninterested party, to whom it will be easier for the employee to open up. This could be a consulting company, which, on the basis of outsourcing, can be entrusted with the work of measuring and analyzing the level of staff motivation. Hence the new rule.

Rule six: to obtain reliable data, entrust the work of measuring and analyzing the level of staff motivation to a third party, to whom it will be easier for the employee, group, or team to open up.

As for the frequency of measurements, the optimal interval is once a quarter. This will allow the assessments to be broken down quarterly and to track the effectiveness of incentive methods in relation to the implementation of quarterly plan targets.

How to use the results of motivation analysis?

The tasks facing a third party tasked with measuring staff motivation levels may include the following:

1) systematic measurement and study of the motivation of employees in various departments of the enterprise;

2) assessment of the effectiveness of labor incentive systems and methods used at the enterprise;

3) development of proposals to improve the incentive system in relation to various categories employees of the enterprise;

4) identification and implementation of new methods of stimulating labor;

5) justification of new remuneration systems in relation to different categories of employees of the enterprise;

6) generation of statistics on the level of personnel motivation and assessments of the incentive system with the subsequent use of information to develop a strategy for the development of motivation and personnel incentive system;

7) studying the experience of domestic and foreign enterprises on assessing motivation and using various stimulation methods.

So, we measured the level of motivation and determined the motivational balance. Our further task is to obtain employee evaluations of the applied incentive system. It is important to understand how this or that level of motivation is related to the incentive system used. In obtaining such assessments, we must understand how the employee (individually) evaluates the specific incentive methods used in the enterprise. Moreover, the following are assessed separately:

Methods of material incentives;

Social package methods;

Methods of moral stimulation;

Methods of organizational stimulation.

We need these assessments to obtain a complete picture linking the level of staff motivation with the system of their incentives. Without this connection, it is impossible to talk about the full development of the motivational system at the enterprise, since we practically cannot influence motivation (it is difficult to change anything in a person’s head), but we can change the incentive system, bringing it as close as possible to motivation. Hence the new rule.

Rule seven: move from measuring the level of staff motivation to assessing the incentive system used, believing that the established connection between them will allow you to create an effective incentive system adequate to the level of motivation.

Only now we have collected all the necessary information to move on to the constructive part of the work, namely the creation of proposals for improving the systems of motivation and incentives for personnel. Here, too, it is necessary to make maximum use of the wishes of employees. To do this, collect proposals that each of them would like to add to the existing incentive system. Analyze the wishes received, combine them, select the most in demand, compare them with the motives of the employees and... feel free to make suggestions to management. Success is guaranteed! This system will definitely work!

What is especially important about it? It is considered very important to divide the motivational system into motives (what motivates) and antimotives (what repels). Practice shows that the point of improving the incentive system is to “improve against anti-motives.” Therefore, the most important tool is to obtain information about antimotives. For a person, it is much more important not to enhance the advantages, but to level out or even eliminate the disadvantages. It's more effective tool, giving a powerful positive effect. Hence the new rule.

Rule eight (last): when improving the incentive system, focus on eliminating anti-motives and anti-incentives, as more effective way increasing the efficiency of the incentive system.

The question often arises: is it possible in practice to achieve a state where the line between incentives and motives is erased and, accordingly, the incentive system is equal to the motivation system? Yes, it's possible. This is an ideal case, and in some small enterprises, where a person is more open in terms of his level of motivation and management is interested in improving performance, such equality can be achieved. Thus, for small businesses this topic is especially relevant and in demand.

This equilibrium state is usually disrupted by the so-called positive dynamics of individual motivation (growth of motivation), which is influenced by a variety of factors, the most significant of which are changes in the personal life of the employee - marriage, marriage, the birth of a child, the need to improve living conditions, etc.

Personnel management based on motivation measurement results

Measuring the level of motivation and evaluating the incentive system allows you to take a fresh look at your employees. As we already said, everyone is different. But the same person behaves differently at different jobs. It’s just that one job, as they say, is a thrill for him, and the other is a knife to the throat. At one job, incentives are somehow consistent with his internal motives, but at another - not. And employers also evaluate their employees differently.

In general, every person has internal scales (see the diagram below), on which he, as it were, weighs, on the one hand, motives and incentives (positive), and on the other, antimotives and anti-incentives (negative). And depending on what outweighs, he behaves at work. This is how the employer evaluates him as an employee.

Moreover, depending on the ratio of motives - antimotives (M and AM) and incentives - anti-incentives (C and AC), we can mentally divide workers into the following categories:

An ideal employee whose motives and incentives significantly outweigh anti-motives and anti-incentives;

A good employee whose motives and incentives simply outweigh the anti-motives and anti-incentives;

The average worker, whose motives and incentives are balanced by anti-motives and anti-incentives;

A bad employee whose anti-motives and anti-incentives already outweigh his motives and incentives;

A worthless employee whose anti-motives and anti-incentives significantly outweigh his motives and incentives.

All these situations are discussed in detail in the diagram below. The results obtained in this way can actually be used for personnel management.

Suppose that an employee’s dissatisfaction with incentives, due to the accumulated preponderance of antimotives over motives, crosses some psychological line. The employee begins to search, finds and eventually moves to a new place of work, where his motivational balance (as he hopes) will be different: motives will “outweigh” anti-motives and, accordingly, incentives - anti-incentives. However, if you do not bring the matter to the “boiling point”, when a reverse move is no longer possible, then this situation can be calculated as a result of regular measurements of the level of motivation and certain measures can be proactively taken to correct it. Namely, you need to think about incentives in order to neutralize antimotives and anti-incentives. Naturally, provided that this is a valuable employee that the employer needs. But you can do the opposite. For an unvalued employee, you can tighten the system of incentives, and then he will leave on his own, making the procedure for his dismissal easier.

Thus, thanks to changes in the stimulation system, a person can be “moved” along the given table both from right to left and from left to right. In the first case, we meet the employee halfway and increase his level of motivation, in the second, on the contrary, we lower it.

Examples of processing the results of motivation analysis

Conducting practical consulting or training seminars at enterprises from Regul-Consult LLC, we not only teach people new approaches, but also identify their problems and, as a first approximation, create programs to solve the identified problems.

a) at the enterprise big business(let's call it PKB) and

b) at a medium-sized enterprise (let's call it PSB).

Both enterprises are quite typical for Russia.

1. At the PKB enterprise, an analysis of the level of motivation of participants in the training seminar was carried out according to nine motivational factors. The level of motivation was assessed on a 9-point scale, where 1 is the lowest score (low level), and 9 is the highest score ( high level). 30 people took part in the diagnostics, which is approximately a third of the total number of this category of workers. Therefore, the results obtained can be considered representative.

Calculation of the arithmetic average values ​​of the ratings showed the following picture (factors are arranged in descending order of ratings). See table below.

As we can see, in first place in terms of group motivation was interest in the content of the work being performed, and wages, contrary to all expectations, came in last place. Here's the schedule!

I think that the results obtained are not at all an exception. And this is understandable. What is most important for a person is interesting job, prospects for the enterprise, the possibility of self-realization, and payment and working conditions are secondary. The prevailing myth that money solves everything is indeed a myth. For real “bonding” of an employee, money is not in the first place. That's why people rush from place to place. Well, tell me, what’s the interest in standing behind the counter? What kind of self-realization is that? They go there (behind the counter) out of despair, because there is virtually nowhere else to go, because they need to live on something and feed their family. But they leave just as quickly. Looking for something more interesting. They are looking for opportunities for self-realization. This is something that employers need to take into account. Make work interesting. Add beauty to her. Select people for whom this job is most suitable in terms of motivation. Well, where it is impossible to take this into account, you have to come to terms with enormous turnover. For these enterprises and categories of workers, such turnover is the norm.

As for anti-motives, the leading anti-motives - anti-stimuli of listeners at the PKB enterprise are:

1) “heavy style” of senior managers;

2) large overtime, when the working day reaches 10 - 12 hours or more;

3) high level of responsibility with great complexity of work.

These antimotives themselves suggest where to direct efforts to neutralize them.

2. At the PSB enterprise, an assessment of the incentive system was made, during which two main problems were identified. Let's look at each one separately.

A. The first painful problem is ineffective incentives for staff.

The arithmetic mean assessments of the methods of the incentive system at the enterprise are as follows (on a 5-point rating scale):

Methods of material incentives - 3.2;

Social package - 3.5;

Methods of moral stimulation - 1.3.

Thus, the total arithmetic mean score of the entire incentive system is 8.0 with a maximum possible score of 15 points. If converted into percentages, the incentive system satisfies employees by 53%, that is, approximately half. Do you think this is enough to work effectively? Obviously not. Therefore, participants were asked to give proposals for improving the incentive system, which would personally allow them to radically level out anti-motives and anti-incentives. The participants' proposals were distributed as follows (arranged by frequency of repetition).

To improve methods of material incentives:

1) introduction of additional payment for length of service at the enterprise (15 people);

2) use of a bonus system based on the results of work for the year (12 people);

3) changing the existing bonus system (8 people);

4) transition to a salary formula: base salary (guaranteed) plus a variable bonus part for individual and/or group (by department) performance results, with the first part being larger (6 people);

5) the opportunity to purchase shares of the enterprise (4 people).

To improve the social package:

1) provision of interest-free or low-interest loans (14 people);

2) additional payment for a healthy lifestyle (12 people);

3) payment for sanatorium-resort treatment (12 people);

4) payment for use mobile phone(4 people);

5) compensation for the use of a personal car for business purposes (4 people).

Special note on social package- at the enterprise, this package includes 26 methods, but a small part (2 - 3 methods) reaches a specific employee, that is, this package is mainly intended for top managers, and for line personnel it is declarative in nature. Therefore, there is a need to make the methods of this package more accessible to everyone, which can improve their effectiveness.

To improve methods of moral stimulation:

1) announcement of gratitude in various public forms - in an order, at a meeting, in the factory seal, etc. (16 people);

2) rewarding with a valuable gift (7 people);

3) delivery certificate of honor(4 people);

4) “menu method” or the employee’s choice of incentive method from the proposed list (3 people);

5) personalized incentives (2 people).

The general organizational and technical proposal is to completely personalize the methods of the social package and moral incentives. For this purpose, it is proposed to maintain a personal “Incentive Dossier” for each employee, which will record all the methods of the social package and moral incentives applied to him, as well as outline (plan) new methods. Maintaining such files will allow you to have and use summary statistics on the social package and moral incentives by department and the enterprise as a whole.

B. The second painful problem is the high staff turnover.

This problem is complex and, according to the participants, is primarily due to two groups of factors - personnel and organizational.

Among the personnel factors, the participants identified:

1) a “frozen” incentive system that does not meet current realities;

2) depreciation of personnel for a number of reasons;

4) the need to increase the level of training of main production personnel;

5) imperfection of personnel selection technology.

Among organizational factors Participants highlighted:

1) overly centralized operational decision-making in relation to the management of production units;

2) undeveloped procedures for interaction between various departments in the process of performing their tasks;

3) overload of department heads with tasks and responsibilities, as well as the practice of “endless” adjustments;

4) incomplete compatibility of planned indicators with the requirements for the quality of manufactured products;

5) excessive limitation of materials used in the production process.

According to the seminar participants, the most effective measures to reduce staff turnover at an enterprise are the following.

Firstly, the development and practical implementation of personnel policy, which would include: goals and objectives for personnel development; improving the incentive system; social programs; improving working conditions and increasing the qualifications of personnel.

Secondly, rationalization of the system and processes of in-plant management to increase its efficiency, personal responsibility, as well as improve interaction between departments.

Thirdly, the development and use of a special program to increase the interest of young professionals in long-term labor activity at the enterprise and counteracting the "luring" of personnel.

Fourth, the development and adoption of the Enterprise Code of Ethics. Introduction to the staff of a psychologist.

Fifthly, improving working and living conditions by creating more comfortable areas in the workplace, as well as the use of modern personal protective equipment.

Sixth, training for managers at all levels and specialists on the problems of motivating and stimulating personnel, including diagnosing the current state and identifying measures to improve methods of stimulating personnel.

In fact, this is the “skeleton” of a ready-made program for developing motivation and improving the incentive system for PSBs. As we can see, having understood and assessed the motivation of staff, you can correctly approach the construction of an effective system for stimulating them.

N.A. Zhdankin

Signed for seal

  • Motivation, Incentives and Remuneration


1 -1

In the modern world it is difficult to imagine an illiterate person, but it is much more difficult to imagine someone who does not think like everyone else. Education has become accessible to everyone. We are taught carbon copies, given simple formulas that everyone should apply. You can be an erudite person, speak according to a template, but not be able to think for yourself. The biography that I will tell today is a story of unconventional thinking, inner core, overcoming oneself and circumstances. The story of a genius.

Childhood and family

On July 30, 1863, a son, Henry, appeared in a family of wealthy farmers. He was the first child to survive birth. Subsequently, he became the eldest in a house of six children. The family lived in Michigan, near Detroit.

The boy studied at a church school, having difficulty overcoming congenital dyslexia. Until the end of his days, he wrote with errors, but this did not stop him from thinking and thinking outside the box.

His father considered Henry lazy because he did not want to work on the farm like everyone else. The boy kept coming up with ideas on how to make his work easier.

The mother always said that her son was born a mechanic, because instead of toys there were always tools in his pockets.

If one of the 6 children was given a mechanical toy, the children hid it from Henry, knowing that he would take the thing apart into small parts.

The boy had a strong spiritual connection with his mother, her death greatly influenced the child’s consciousness - the desire to stay and live and work on the farm completely disappeared, he was 12 years old.

At the age of 13, the father gave his son a watch, not even realizing that this small thing would bring the little mechanic even closer to his dream. The future genius of the automotive industry could not just look at them - he was interested in how they worked, he easily disassembled them into small parts and just as easily put them back together. Less than two years had passed before the entire district learned about the younger Ford’s talent.

Henry's future interests were greatly influenced by a trip to Detroit, where for the first time at the age of 12 he saw a locomobile driven by a motor. It was then that the boy decided that he would invent a safe and affordable means of transportation, radically different from horse-drawn carriages.

And so it happened, the young mechanic constantly worked in his workshop, which aroused his father’s disapproval. And already at the age of 15 he invented his first engine.

The beginning of great things

At the age of 16, Ford moved to Detroit and became an apprentice at a shipbuilding company.

After 4 years, Henry returns to his father’s farm, having qualified as a mechanic. At home, he worked in various auto repair shops and automobile companies repairing steam engines, working part-time at night. jewelry store watchmaker.

The boy always wanted to make work on the farm easier, this prompted him to invent a thresher powered by gasoline. Soon, Thomas Edison bought the patent for this equipment.

This was a defining moment; in 1891, Ford moved to Detroit to work as a mechanical engineer for Thomas Edison. By this time, Henry had managed to start a family; his wife was the farmer's daughter Clara Bright, with whom he lived happily all his life. In his free time, Ford pursued his dream - inventing the internal combustion engine.

The company's management was negatively disposed towards his obsessive ideas. But already in 1896, the mechanical genius assembled his first self-propelled Ford Quadricycle. To advertise his miracle of technology, Ford often drove through the city streets, attracting the attention of future customers, but he was mistaken for a man possessed.

Henry did not give up, becoming one of the founders of the Detroit Automobile Company in 1899. Soon it went bankrupt and closed due to financial insolvency.

But this did not stop the mechanical genius, who stubbornly moved towards the goal, considering failure only a step upward.

Creation of Ford Motor

After winning the race, investors and customers flocked to Ford. In 1902, he founded a company named after himself, Ford Motor. Henry's main idea remains unchanged - to make the car an accessible means of transportation. At that time it was unthinkable, the same as making a flight to Mars for everyone now.

The designer continued to work on simplifying the mechanism for creating a car, soon starting to use an assembly line. This was a breakthrough in technology, which significantly reduced the cost of the production process.

But Henry understood that the quality of cars depends on the people who produce them, so he created all the conditions for the work of his employees: the rate was twice as high as competitors, he reduced the working day to 8 hours, and used three work shifts.

In 1903, the Ford Motor Company was sued by the Automobile Manufacturers Association, which claimed a monopoly in the industry. J.B. Selden patented paper project car and threatened all buyers of the Ford Motor brand with being sued for violating his copyright.

The common cause lasted from 1903 to 1911. Here Henry established himself as a fighter for consumer rights, promising protection to each of his clients. Not the first time, but Ford won the case!

The legendary Ford T

Ford Motors gained great fame in 1908 with the development of the Ford T car: comfortable, practical, with a simple finish. The model is easy to manage, accessible not only to the rich, but also to the middle class. Its price on the market was $950 and was in such unprecedented demand among consumers that accepting orders had to be suspended.

By 1910, a new, modernized Heyland Park plant was opened: a new assembly plant was introduced, a ventilation system appeared, and lighting was improved. The use of an assembly line reduced the production of one car from 12 to 2 hours! This helped reduce the price to $290 per car. This model accounted for 10% of all car sales in the world.

Owner of factories, newspapers and ships

In order not to depend on the external economic situation in the country, the owner of factories, newspapers and ships invests money in the production of mines, coal, and other factories. He ensures that he has everything necessary to create cars at his disposal.

Henry saw the essence of money not in the money itself, but in the opportunities it opens. He had no goal of saving, he was more interested in the opportunity to make his childhood dream come true.

Management Secrets

In his companies, the automobile king created new personnel management and motivation systems:

  • increased wages to $5 per day;
  • reduced working hours from 9 hours to 8 hours, establishing round-the-clock shift work;
  • introduced one day off, later made 2 days off;
  • introduced paid leave once a year;
  • provided health insurance;
  • built inexpensive housing for workers, which he provided to them in installments.

Thousands of people flocked to him. Ford was strict about discipline. His employees were expected to live a healthy lifestyle. A worker who spent money not on his family, but on alcohol and entertainment, was given a probationary period; if he did not improve, he would be fired.

An entire department of 60 people monitored the staff: they kept sociological records, visited workers’ apartments, and conducted surveys.

Even with a large staff of managers, Henry used a dictatorial management style, resolving all strategic issues independently.

On the verge of bankruptcy

During the First World War, the industrial magnate's factories switched to production military equipment, gas masks, helmets. This caused approval from the people of America.

But Ford did not want to make money from blood, so after the end of hostilities, he returned car production to the assembly line.

The inventor thought that the consumer, having bought once, would always be loyal to the brand.

But by 1927, Ford T sales had declined to such a level that the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. The entrepreneur had to suspend the work of factories and dismiss workers. He did not give up, but looked for a solution crisis situation. Together with his son Ersel, Henry began developing a new type of car. In the same year, Ford A was introduced.

The model was superior to competitors' cars in terms of technical equipment and unique design. Ford emerged victorious again, regaining the lead.

In 1929, the USA began The Great Depression, for two more years the Ford corporation stood steadily on its feet, but in 1931 it began to lose ground.

The industrial magnate again had to close some factories and cut wages for the rest. The workers were extremely dissatisfied with the events, and riots began. The most significant riot occurred near the Rouge plant: the police were able to disperse the people only by using weapons.

And in this situation, the mechanical genius did not give up. His analytical mind found a solution in the invention of a new sports car, the Ford V8, which accelerates to 130 km per hour!

Thanks to this decision, the entrepreneur’s factories again increased their output and overcame the decline in sales.

Sunset of life

In 1945, for the rise of industry and automotive construction in the world, Ford was awarded the Elliot Cresson Medal (the prize is intended for outstanding technical inventions).

Back in the 30s, the son of an entrepreneur, Ersel Bryant, became the head of the Ford Motor company. But after his death from cancer in 1943, Henry had to take control again. Old age and health problems did not allow us to conduct business at the same level. Then in 1945, Ford Sr. transferred control of the company to his grandson William.

The entrepreneur spent his last days at his home in Dearborn. On April 7, 1947, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage, he was 83 years old.


The biography of the great industrialist interests readers to this day. Henry was not just a great inventor, but also an outstanding manager. His management methods at the enterprise became the basis for the structure of modern companies.

One of the most famous books Ford's "My Life, My Achievements" is still popular today. The publication tells not only about the great victories of the entrepreneur. From it you can learn methods of organizing production, personnel policy,control models.

A mechanical genius left behind family business, thriving today. This is one of the few companies that is managed exclusively by Ford's heirs. The family owns 40% of the company's shares, the rest is in free float.

Today, Ford Motor ranks 4th in the world in terms of car production. The company continues to develop, the number of factories increases every year.

Market capitalization in 2019 is 34 687 287 296 $


  • I would like to improve the world by living in it.
  • Successful people get ahead using the time that others are wasting.
  • The main use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money to improve life.
  • The most good job- This is a highly paid hobby.
  • Anyone who stops learning grows old, whether at 20 or 80, but anyone else who continues to learn remains young. The most important thing in life is to keep your brain young.
  • If I only did what people wanted me to do, they would still be riding carriages.
  • Obstacles are scary things that appear when you stop looking at your goal.
  • I want it. So it will be.
  • Old people always advise young people to save money. This is bad advice. Don't save nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty.
  • Thinking is the hardest job; This is probably why so few people do it.
  • You can get a Ford T in any color, as long as that color is black.
  • I never say, “I need you to do this.” I say, “I’m wondering if you can do it.”
  • Everything can be done better than it has been done so far.
  • Quality is doing something right even when no one is looking.
  • Whether you can do something or you are sure that you cannot, in both cases you are right.


With his life, the outstanding industrialist showed an example to the whole world of how a farm boy became a genius of modern engineering. Ford never gave up on his childhood dream. He thought uniquely, knew how to make non-standard decisions and never stopped there.

Henry was not hampered by external factors; he firmly and systematically moved towards achieving his goal: to provide people with an affordable car for every day. He worked not to make money, but to improve the world in which he lives. Surprisingly, the mechanical genius believed in the reincarnation of souls. He believed that all his knowledge was acquired and accumulated in past lives. Until the end of his days, Ford wrote with errors, but never tired of repeating that this is not the main thing, it is much more important to be able to think.

What is motivation

In the scientific understanding, motivation is explained as the urge to action. This is a dynamic process of psychophysiological structure that controls human behavior, as well as determining its direction, activity, organization and stability; A person’s ability to satisfy needs through purposeful activities.
Motivation can also be described as a psychophysiological process that encourages a person to certain activities with the help of external and intrapersonal factors.

Motivation as a tool for success

for success is a very strong “motive tool”, which greatly helps to bring the desired result closer. In simple words motivation is a kind of strong psychological impact, which activates a person and makes him act or move no matter what. But I can say from my own experience, and recently I also came across important information that proves that motivation can be both positive and negative. How can motivation be harmful?, you ask? But the whole point is that rather weak motivation is, of course, not enough to achieve goals, but also Too strong motivation can be even worse than weak motivation. Since a very highly motivated person begins to make many fussy mistakes, absurd and alarming actions. And further, very strong motivation, creates unnecessary excitement . In addition, all this can develop into an equally severe depression because of. So you need to find a middle ground. It would be more correct motivate yourself in small doses, but constantly and most importantly, always keep your goal, dream, desire in mind.

A sufficiently and positively motivated person will always be able to move mountains in his path and overcome any obstacles. Do you know what the main advantage of this energy is? And the fact is that a properly motivated person is not so susceptible to the same things and does not focus on failures, because he knows what he wants to achieve and does not pay attention to obstacles and temporary defeats. Any failure cannot confuse him, because he sees his goal and is confident in his abilities. I am sure that he will get to the carrot regardless of external factors. He can lose many battles today and win a war tomorrow.
Well, let’s move on directly to the methods of proper motivation.

Ignore what doesn't matter to you

1. Being able to ignore something is an amazing thing. It will bring much more benefits than you could imagine. There should be a special subject “Ignoring” that should be taught at the university. Spreading your attention on many things at once, as most people do, only weakens you. Ignoring what doesn't matter will free up your energy and help you stay focused, focused, and productive.

Try to figure out what's boring you

2. Avoid all of this if possible. Things and actions tend to become boring. But, just like any other condition you have, it can be understood and ways to get rid of it can be determined. Once you understand this, you can do it easily. It takes time, but it's really worth it.

Laugh more often

3. If you have free time, watch comedies more often, read comics. Forget about your terrible seriousness. Laughter is a mechanism that can help prevent and relieve stress. In fact, it quickly removes it from you and this is the most effective remedy.

Keep a journal of your breakthroughs

4. Do you remember those moments when you achieved something worthwhile in your life? We tend to forget the simple habit of writing down our feelings every time we have a big breakthrough. Create and keep a journal of your successes, victories, successful events. And take inspiration from it.


5. This is the easiest way to motivate yourself. Just get out of the office, start doing some exercise or just take a short jog around your house. This will immediately activate your body, put it in order and recharge you with energy. Every time you do some exercise, you get endorphins. And endorphins are useful, good and cool. =)

Create an environment that suits you

6. You will not be able to constantly motivate yourself to take action if you work in an environment that does not suit you. Change it, add to it or improve it. It doesn’t matter whether you work in an office or at home. Whatever the space around you, make it “yours” in any way, this will reduce the adaptation time and you will be able to devote more time to the necessary things. And in general, even if you are satisfied with everything, periodically changing the environment is useful - it brings shades of innovation and freshness into your life.

Read success stories

7. Read other people's success stories. Find motivation and experience in them. Get inspired. Admire them. Reading similar stories will make success more accessible and will fuel your efforts to achieve it. And, of course, you can learn to be successful, feel successful, and do as winners do.

Switch between tasks

8. People get tired of working on just one project for a long time. Fatigue from monotonous work greatly reduces motivation (unless your job is your dream, in which case motivation and inspiration are inexhaustible). Try doing a few small projects when you feel like you're on edge. Let's not say that switching between tasks will give you fresh perspectives, but it will help you solve problems faster.

Evaluate your progress

9. If you are constantly moving towards your goal, you will usually make some progress. But you may feel like you haven't made any progress, and that's because you're missing all those little daily milestones. Look back with satisfaction at what you have created, this will definitely increase your energy.

Talk about your projects

10. With friends or family. Let people know that you are doing something good. This often makes us understand that we are doing something really good and enjoying it. It also creates a level of responsibility that is more likely to push you forward.

Avoid Energy Vampires

11. – they all suck energy and motivation out of you. Do not fall into the power of such a game, avoid these energy leaks at all costs. Even if it means you'll be isolated more often. It's better to do the job alone than to try to fight off the vampires around you.

Create Clear Goals

12. More precisely, clearly state and write down your goals on paper, because they are already clearly defined deep in your mind. But take them out of your mind, and put them somewhere where you can always find them. Your mind works better when it knows what needs to be done, rather than spending time figuring it out.

Practice Satisfaction

13. When you complete some work or task, reward yourself. Give yourself a gift. It doesn't need to be particularly large. It is only needed to develop a habit. Strive for it while you work, expect it. After a while you will become addicted to it and will not stop until you get your coveted “carrot”.

Accept defeat

14. As part of this game. Failure, like success, is just the result of your actions and nothing more. In fact, any failure is an experience and the one who makes mistakes in time and learns from them wins. One of the biggest enemies of motivation is fear of failure. Fears that your results will disappear. Accept defeat. It's not good, but that doesn't mean you should stop doing what you're doing. Work on yourself and hope for the best.

Use reminders

15. Use them as a record of your aspirations, goals, current status. Reminders are a very powerful tool that is greatly underestimated. People find it awkward to write messages to themselves and read them out loud. News flash: you do this all the time, unconsciously. So why not do it consciously? Let's start the morning with a phrase addressed to yourself!?

Play games

16. Parody people. Imitate animals. Imagine that you are any fairy tale character. Games will give your thoughts a rest and, at the same time, gather your strength from secret sources. They also develop enthusiasm and ease of action. Good motivation is always mixed with joy. You can start with a simple game like: How to get from point A to point B in 5 random steps.

Say “No”

17. Say “no” to unnecessary entertainment, distractions, and depression. Practicing the word “No” frees you. Having too many obligations too often makes your life a continuous series of constant chores. Limit your promises, and only take on what you really want to finish. After that, go to the mirror, smile and start politely practicing your “no”.

Look for positive people

18. Sadness, whining and complaining do not go well with motivation. In fact, everything is completely the opposite. But positive, optimistic, energetic people will always shift your mood changes in the right direction. Look for them, find them and become their friend. Sometimes all you need to motivate yourself is to be surrounded by... happy people or successful.

Difficulty is part of the game

19. Learn to work under pressure. There are some things that are more difficult than others. Accept this fact and focus on what you need to do rather than on your feelings of dissatisfaction. Difficulties often force you to do something. You can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty. Whenever you feel that something will be difficult to do, you tend to be more motivated to do it. The reward will be higher.

Have a competition with yourself

20. Competing with yourself or short-term goals, usually 15-90 days. Like starting an exercise routine or creating a habit from scratch in 15 days. Or, for example, do a sprint to complete some permanent work - that is, try to do a certain action faster than yesterday. This kind of competition strengthens your inner spirit in the same way that exercise strengthens muscles. The more you do, the more motivated you feel to do even more.

Choose positive motivation

21. When you motivate yourself, do whatever it takes to keep yourself motivated. on the positive side, which is initially aimed at helping you. Unlike negative motivation, which basically makes you fearful. Negative motivation works in exactly the same way, only it is much less effective than positive motivation.

Get rid of your “fears”

22. Like any person, you have “fears”, and some of them affect you quite adversely. They won't let you do what you have in mind. The worst thing is that most of the time they work outside of your consciousness and it is quite difficult to fight them. Just accept it, be aware of it and get rid of them. You will feel better. But this is more a question of willpower.

Follow your personal mission

23. You must have your own personal mission. If you don't have one, quickly find one. Reinforcing your personal mission at specific intervals is by far one of the greatest motivators. It's like looking at a map and being able to see at any moment where you are, how far you have to go, and which path to take.

Spend time outside

24. If you can do something creative like gardening or landscaping, that's even better. But nothing bad will happen even if you don’t know how to do it. By spending time outside, you purify the indoor air. And Fresh air helps you regain strength and relieve tension. When you return, everything will be brighter and shinier. And something fresh is always a pleasant motivator.

Keep your inner world clean

25. A clean inner world helps to have an easier flow of thoughts. And an easy train of thought allows you to be unencumbered by any worries. Often? this is the only thing needed to start creating something.

Don't strive for perfection

26. It will soon wear you down. Perfection does not exist and that is why you will only experience failure. Striving to be better is the real game. Perfection is a dead end; nothing will happen even if you get close to it. Recognizing that you can be better, rather than believing yourself to be perfect, leaves some room for growth. This means you have a reason to do even more and even better. And this is what we usually call motivation, right?

Do one thing at a time

27. Multitasking is a myth. You will simply waste your energy and lose sight of your purpose. Even computer processors don't multitask, that's just what we see. Instead, they have a single frequency and multiple parallel information management buses, creating a type of multitasking activity. Multitasking creates internal conflicts, both in the human body and in the computer. You'll end up spending more time resolving these conflicts than doing the work itself.

Keep reading for what inspires you.

28. Keep making a list of what inspires you. Quotes, blog posts, books, whatever. Sometimes a small phrase or a motivating picture is enough for you to decide at the right moment to take an unusual action that will change your future life.

Turn on some good music

29. Just let it play, float around you, don't turn it on too loud. Its volume should be enough to create a pleasant atmosphere. Music controls parts of the mind that you cannot control logically, it is so powerful that it can completely lift your mood in a second. The only thing better than silence is good music. But the music should be positive or background.

Don't fall into the productivity trap

30. It doesn't matter how much you do, only how meaningful it is. Doing something just to tick a notebook will not give you motivation. On the other hand, when you do something meaningful, your organizational skills will help you.

31. Your camera lens may be blurry, but you may not know it. Therefore, you will end up with the same picture over and over again, which stops you and prevents you from moving forward. Sometimes all you have to do is take off pink glasses. It takes courage, but it's worth it.

Clean up the house

32. I know you need motivation for this too, but believe me, this is a great way to get rid of internal garbage. Cleaning your home isn't just cleaning, it's a necessity. Your path of action may be as littered with debris as your floor. And cleaning it will give your thoughts a go again.

Finally, stop reading this and get to work!

33. Your tasks from reading will not be completed on their own. Inspiration is a good motivator, but don't overuse it. Now that you're energized, it's time to get back to work. Of course, you can bookmark this post for future motivation sessions, but for now, just get to work.

The impossible is possible!

Understanding the basics of how to motivate employees to increase their contribution to achieving enterprise goals becomes a powerful tool for leaders. Investment in personnel can bring results no less than financial investments, you just need to correctly calculate the vectors of application of forces and consistently introduce the developed principles and approaches into the management process.

Nothing is universal

Mistakes made by management can turn the work process into a waste of time, which will ultimately result in a decrease in performance, a decrease in competitiveness and, as a result, the complete collapse of any, even the most promising undertaking. Therefore, first of all, you need to understand what not to do.

For every person, motivation is the main driving force; if we do something, then we already want something. And, conversely, if we have to do work that is not supported by desire, we will do it through force with the corresponding result. But just as there are no absolutely identical people, there are no absolutely similar desires. Therefore, what will motivate one to work at full capacity will not interest the other at all.

Therefore, there are no principles that are ideal for everyone. For example, there is one oft-proposed way to increase employee engagement that may seem ideal: paying workers not at a specific rate, but as a percentage of profit. But there are a lot of people who perform. They can cope remarkably well with clearly defined tasks, but are completely lost if personal initiative is required from them. At the same time, workers with opposite psychological attitudes are completely unable to act within clear boundaries.

Meanwhile, there is always a job that is best suited to the first or second type. And one of the main personnel mistakes is that an employee is entrusted with activities that are completely unsuitable for his psychotype. At the same time, if the former are given specific tasks and explained exactly what they should do, and the latter are appointed to positions that provide a certain amount of freedom, the productivity of both will increase significantly.

The main meaning of this principle is that when choosing a method of motivation, you should rely on the person’s personality, and not automatically use the same methods for all employees. Therefore, even after becoming familiar with the incorrect use of motivation or the principles on which the right approach is based, the personality of a particular employee should be taken into account.

Mistakes in motivation that can kill a business

The point is that the manager does not want to admit the fact: the success of the company depends not only on the knowledge and experience of employees, but also on their desire to perform the assigned work.

This is especially important in the service sector, in which much depends on the level of interaction between employee and client. No instructions can provide for situations that arise during personal communication, and force a person to work in the service sector or service with high quality, if he himself does not have such a desire, it is impossible.

Personnel acting strictly according to instructions, unwilling to take responsibility and take initiative, will inevitably lead the company to the loss of a client and, accordingly, profit. There is no way to force a person to be proactive; he must really want it. And only the right motivation can help with this.

Even professional psychologists are confused in the definition of the terms “motivation” and “motive”. In general terms, we can say that correct motivation is the actions of management, thanks to which the team has a desire not only to do their job, but to obtain a certain effective result.

Most managers transfer their own perceptions onto their employees, so they consider what seems right to them sufficient for motivation.

For example, a boss may consider that a high salary is a sufficient reason for employees to follow all his instructions. At the same time, he will be confident that the person will try “from the heart” in order to retain his workplace to climb up career ladder or increase your earnings. That is, motives will be applied to the employee that seem sufficient for him. At the same time, it is quite acceptable for a situation where a person is satisfied with the amount he earns, but absolutely cannot stand the situation in the team or the attitude of his superiors towards him.

Wrong motivation that does not take into account the specific situation will act on the contrary, destroy loyalty to the company and destroy initiative. The result is loss of efficiency, loss of competitiveness and decreased profits.

A monetary incentive should be present in the staff motivation system, but it should not be put in first place. A low salary may well become a reason to hate what a person does. But this rule does not work in the opposite direction.

Another reason why monetary incentives do not become decisive for employees to strive for increased efficiency is habituation. A salary increase can cause positive emotions only at the first stage, but after a short time such income becomes habitual and no longer seems sufficient (“there is no such thing as too much money”).

It is necessary to use such incentives, but it should be understood that a person also perceives an increase in his own income as recognition of his achievements.

It is especially important to take into account that financial incentives do not guarantee employee loyalty in cases where highly paid specialists. A person who knows that he can always find a place to apply his own knowledge cannot be retained only with money - he must enjoy working in a specific place.

Employees who are primarily focused on earning more money must see the connection between remuneration and work results. And that part of the staff whose need for money is lower always attaches greater importance to the conditions for self-realization, the opportunity to communicate with other people, the work process itself, or good attitude superiors. However, using them without a fair monetary assessment of labor becomes a demotivating factor that will also reduce productivity.

It is the manager who makes decisions that influence motivation: he determines wages, working conditions, deadlines for completing tasks and their distribution, etc. Therefore, almost any manager’s decision, one way or another, is related to the motivation (or demotivation) of employees. Therefore, such decisions, both in the form of rewards and punishments, must take into account the extent to which they will affect the motivation of staff.

The situation is the opposite of the one in which management does not want to hear about motivating employees. Such a manager, knowing that “employees need to be motivated,” perceives this as an unpleasant but necessary duty. As a result, it is easier for him to motivate people “from the opposite side” - with punishments and threats. The result is exactly the opposite - such actions create a tense environment, not for one person, but for the entire team.

This is not all, but some of the main mistakes related to staff motivation that you should definitely remember.

Principles and types of motivation

The effect of motivating staff can only be obtained if certain principles of incentives are observed:

  • setting clear and understandable tasks and goals (employees must know exactly what tasks are assigned to them and what goals they must achieve);
  • rewards and goals must be linked (a person needs to know what he will get from effective work);
  • the possibility of feedback and transparency (the employee must be sure that his success will be supported, and he can turn to management with questions);
  • knowledge of motivation tools used in other enterprises, especially competitors;
  • understanding employee expectations;
  • optimal combination of material and moral types of motivation;
  • taking into account the employee’s personality when using incentive methods (what is necessary for one is not necessary for another);
  • if possible, use positive rather than negative methods (despite the fact that the possibility of punishment may have an effect on improving performance, the constant use of this method worsens the general situation and climate in the team).

Incentive tools can be divided into several types:

  1. material monetary - an increase or assignment of high (upon hiring) wages, bonuses, bonuses, percentages of results, commissions, etc.;
  2. material non-monetary - incentives or rewards that can be valued in money, but received by the employee “in kind” (vouchers, certificates, provided housing or transportation, etc.);
  3. non-monetary - incentives that emphasize both management’s attitude towards the employee and the assessment of his performance, and also work to unite the team.

It is generally accepted that one of the most effective motivating systems of monetary motivation is KPI, which takes into account the performance of employees according to key indicators. In reality, the real picture turns out to be different.

Domestic business uses the KPI as something similar to the system that existed under socialist planning: each employee receives a specific task for a period, and the result of its implementation affects wages. However, management often increases the “norm” next month, which is already more difficult to fulfill. This leads to a deterioration in attitude towards work. In the case when the KPI is not met, the employee does not receive part of the money, so he strives to complete the task, but also develops a negative attitude towards the perception of his activities. As a result, such a system becomes a means of forcing staff to bring more profit, which has nothing to do with actual motivation.

And non-material incentives, which include:

  • holding general corporate events;
  • individual work schedule (possibility of remote work, separate days off if necessary, days off on birthdays, etc.);
  • creating a favorable atmosphere;
  • public positive assessment of the achievements of an employee or team.

As a conclusion, we can say that the introduction of a motivation system that complies with the listed principles may well lead to an improvement in the overall performance indicators of the entire company. However, this is only possible if we take into account personal qualities every employee. To do this, you need to understand what might interest each employee. This stage may seem difficult, long and inconvenient, but it can bring the most top scores and increase the competitiveness (and, therefore, profit) of any commercial structure.