Where does the snowy owl live in what zone? Polar owl: description of the species, characteristics, where the bird lives. Reproduction and other facts

The polar owl (snowy owl) is part of the genus of eagle owls, an order of owls. Polar owls are also called white owls.

These large birds live in the polar tundra of North America and Eurasia, as well as on islands in the Arctic Ocean. These birds are found in Novaya Zemlya, Greenland and Severnaya Zemlya. They are residents of the New Siberian Islands and Wrangel Island.

Polar owls live on Franz Josef Land, Spitsbergen and the island of Jan Mayen. They are also regularly found on the islands of the Bering Sea and Alaska. These birds even visit the islands of Vaygach and Kolguev. Thus, snowy owls inhabit almost the entire Arctic, even its smallest and most remote land areas.

Appearance of a polar owl

The polar owl's body is large. The body length of males ranges from 55-65 centimeters, and females are even larger, growing to an average of 70 centimeters. Males weigh about 2-2.5 kilograms, females, accordingly, weigh more, their weight reaches 3.2 kilograms. The wingspan averages 165 centimeters.

The white owl's head is round. The eyes are bright yellow. The ears are so small that they are invisible. The black beak is almost completely covered by plumage, only its tip is visible. The legs are shaggy, and the feathers covering them are similar in appearance. appearance on wool. The claws on the feet are black.

The polar owl's plumage is snow-white with brownish streaks; in some individuals, the body is decorated with transverse brown stripes.

Females are darker than males. The body of the chicks is covered with snow-white down, which over time becomes brown. Adults have pure white plumage; in general, the younger the bird, the more streaks there are in its color.

Snowy owls molt in early July and late November. In autumn, the snowy owl puts on a winter outfit.

Owl behavior and nutrition

Snowy owls love open spaces. They avoid tall vegetation because prey cannot be seen in it when hunting. These feathered predators hunt from the ground, while they settle on high ground. Having discovered a rodent, the owl heavily flaps its wings, pounces on the victim and grabs it with its sharp claws.

The snowy owl is a lover of open areas.

Snowy owls swallow small prey whole, while large ones are torn into pieces and eaten. Birds regurgitate bones and fur. Snowy owls eat at least 4 rodents daily. They hunt in the evening or morning hours. Polar owls eat not only rodents, but also partridges, ducks and fish. In addition, these feathered predators eat carrion.

Polar owls never hunt near the nest to avoid attracting predators. Seagulls take advantage of this foresight; they settle close to owls’ nests, since they drive away predators even a kilometer away from their offspring.

At times when there is very little food, snowy owls leave their favorite polar tundra in September-October and fly south to the steppes and forest-tundra. If there is no prey there, then the birds fly even further south. They may thus end up on the southern border of Canada or in central Russia. If there are enough rodents, then migration towards the equator stops.

In any case, in March-April, these birds return to their native lands, since in May they lay eggs there and give birth to a new generation. In fertile years, rich in food, polar owls do not leave the tundra even in cold weather. They spend the winter near their nests.

Reproduction and lifespan

Snowy owls breed in March-April. Females build a nest for their offspring. Nests are built in high places, such as hills. The female makes a hole in the ground and insulates it with leaves and down. Snowy owls lay eggs in the second half of May. The female lays 1-2 eggs per day.

The eggs are incubated by the male. The first chick appears at the end of June. The male takes care of its food, but soon the female also joins him, since there are more chicks every day. In years rich in food, polar owls give birth to about 10-17 owlets. In times of famine, there are half as many eggs. During dry seasons there may be no brood at all.

The last eggs are warmed by the chicks themselves with their bodies. The chicks quickly get used to it and begin to leave the nest and wander around it. 1.5 months after birth they begin to fly. At the age of 1 year, these birds reach sexual maturity. Polar owls live on average 15-17 years, but in captivity, in good conditions, they live up to 30 years.

The white owl is a very beautiful bird that lives in North America, northern Europe and Asia; it can be found on the islands of the cold Arctic Ocean and in Greenland. The usual place of settlement is the tundra.


Body length 55-70cm, weight 900-2600g, wingspan 150-160cm. It is worth noting that females are larger than males, both in size and weight.

The small head can rotate 270 degrees, thanks to the special structure of the cervical vertebrae. Her yellow eyes are inactive, looking only forward, and better review the neck helps. Vision, as well as hearing, are acute, which is important for a feathered hunter.

The strong, narrow and downward-curved beak, hidden by bristle-like feathers, seems small, but in fact it is a formidable weapon. Sharp claws on strong toes also help in hunting.

The outer toe of the bird can be placed forward or backward, i.e. negotiable It became known that the owl is farsighted and cannot spot prey up close.

White plumage decorates and camouflages in winter among the snow.But during the short polar summer, the feathered beauty perhaps looks ridiculous, because it does not change its color and always remains white.

Adult males have almost entirely white plumage; females have dark speckles all over their bodies, especially on the wings, back and belly. Feathers even cover the legs, down to the toes. The plumage is dense and dense.

Lifestyle. Nutrition

The owl leads an active lifestyle during the day, but still hunts more early in the morning or in the evening.

Some individuals lead a solitary lifestyle, while others create pairs. This is a nomadic bird; when there is a shortage of food, it flies to more favorable areas to the south.

Owls feed variedly: rodents, namely, which are their main food, can catch, chase and look out for small mammals (pikas).

Small prey is swallowed immediately, large prey is torn into pieces and then swallowed. This is a strong and hardy bird; it is not easy for it to survive in such climatic conditions.


The polar fly also has enemies, these are foxes and skuas, so caution and attentiveness will not hurt her. She makes sharp, abrupt and rather loud cries - “kra-au” and “ki-ki”. Its flight is silent, calm and maneuverable.


The mating season begins early, in March-April. The boyfriend presents a delicacy as a gift - a lemming, and walks around the chosen one, fluffing his wings.

Having tasted the treats, the bride agrees. You can take care of a nest that is unpretentious and simple.

Most often, on a hill or elevation, in a small hole, when the snow has not completely melted, the female will lay 5-11 white eggs in May.

The number of eggs depends entirely on the number of rodents. The more of them there are, the more eggs the female will lay.

Only the mother incubates the clutch for a little over a month (32-34 days); the partner provides food. The chicks are born in the order in which the egg was laid - first the first, a day or two later the second, and so on.

The chicks are blind, but they are dressed in white fluff, but they are so helpless and cold all the time that their mother does not leave them for several days, protecting and warming them.

The father tirelessly searches for food all day long to feed his large family.

The chicks' eyes will open after 9 days, and after 3 days their white outfit will change to gray-brown fluff.

The female helps the male feed the children while leaving the nest. Babies, when their parents are absent for a long time, begin to squeak capriciously and invitingly, reminding them of themselves.

Soon the chicks take wing, but they learn to fly well only at the age of 2 months. All summer long, parents take care of their offspring, feeding them and teaching them to hunt. But not all chicks will survive, but the most persistent and arrogant ones.

Why arrogant? Because older brothers take food from those born later, grow faster and gain strength, while younger brothers become weaker and waste away. These are the laws of nature.


The white owl lives 9 -12 years.

  • Class – Birds
  • Order – Owls
  • Family – Owls
  • Genus – Eagle Owls
  • Species – White Owl

The polar owl or white owl is a large, beautiful bird that lives in the tundra. Females are much larger than males. The body length of the female can reach 70 cm, the wingspan is 165 cm, and the weight is 3 kg.

The male is usually smaller, his body length does not exceed 65 cm, and his weight does not exceed 2.5 kg. An adult snowy owl has a beautiful snow-white plumage with small black spots. Since the owl lives in the snowy tundra, such colors are protective for it, and against the backdrop of snowy landscapes the bird becomes invisible. The owl's feet are also covered with thick plumage, reminiscent of long wool. The beak is painted black. The eyes are large, bright yellow.

The snowy owl is a silent bird; its voice can most often be heard during the breeding season. The screams she makes resemble loud barks and croaks.


The white owl lives in the tundra zone. This bird can be found in the tundra of Eurasia and North America, in Greenland, on the islands located in the Arctic Ocean. With the onset of winter, the polar owl can migrate to the steppe zone and into the forest-tundra, and in the spring it returns to the tundra - its usual habitat. This bird prefers spacious open spaces and is almost never found in forests.


The white owl is a bird of prey. She prefers to hunt late in the evening or early in the morning. The owl carefully guards the territory near its nest and never hunts near it. Other birds know about this and often settle next to the owl's nest, thus finding protection from predators for themselves and their offspring.

An owl can hunt in two ways - it catches up with its prey in flight or sits on a hillock, looking for suitable prey, and then quickly attacks it.

The white owl has few enemies - mainly foxes, arctic foxes and skuas, which are dangerous because they can climb into the owl's nest and eat the eggs.

IN natural conditions The polar owl lives for about 9 years, and in captivity its lifespan is much longer - up to 28 years.


Most often, owls feed on small rodents, but they can also hunt larger prey - geese, ptarmigan, ducks, hares, hedgehogs, and stoats. The basis of the snowy owl's diet is lemmings - small mouse-like rodents. According to scientists, one owl eats approximately 1,600 of these animals per year.

The bird swallows small prey whole, while large prey is torn into smaller parts. An owl can feed on carrion if there is no other prey.


The snowy owl hatches its chicks once a year. At the beginning of spring, owls create a pair, and already in May the female lays eggs in the nest. A couple can be constant for several years, or it can be created anew every year.

The nest is most often made on some hill. The owl's nest is very simple design- This is a shallow hole in the ground, covered with fluff and soft plants.

An owl usually lays five to eight eggs in a nest. But when there is a lot of food, it can lay 16 eggs. The owl does not lay eggs immediately, but gradually - one per day. The female incubates the eggs for just over a month – from 32 to 34 days. All this time the male takes care of her, bringing food to the nest. Owls hatch from eggs one at a time - one owlet per day. When several owlets are born, the owl begins to leave the nest, flying off to hunt. During the owl's absence, the older owlets warm the younger chicks and the eggs from which the chicks have not yet hatched. When the owlets are 51-57 days old, they begin to fly.

The white owl is the symbol of the Canadian province of Quebec.

The coat of arms of the city of Norilsk depicts a white owl.

From a famous fairy tale character There was a white owl in Harry Potter. She delivered letters to the boy from Hogwarts school and from friends.

Brief information about the snowy owl.

An owl is a bird of prey, belongs to the order of owls (lat. Strigiformes or Striges), in which there are 2 families:

  • owls or true owls (these include tawny owls, eagle owls, long-eared owls and scops owls)
  • barn owls (these include the barn owl genus and the masked barn owl genus)

The owl's feet are very strong and grippy, and in many species they are feathered. Owl claws sharp and curved, they help her quickly grab the victim and hold it. The flight of an owl is almost silent, this is due to the special structure of its feathers. The first outer feathers are saw-toothed and fringed. The third and fourth feathers of the owl are longer than the others. The tail is rounded and trimmed, and the tail feathers are curled. The wingspan of an owl is about 142-200 centimeters. These birds fly very fast: the speed of an owl in flight reaches 80 km/h.

The bird makes a characteristic clicking sound when it is irritated or excited. It turns out she does this thanks to her beak. The owl's beak is curved from the beginning to the very base, ends with a hook, the edges are smooth and without cutouts.

Owls can turn their heads 180 and even 270 degrees without causing discomfort or harm. The owl bird is a predator, and it needs to track down prey, so its eyes are located not on the sides, but in front.

The owl's eyes are motionless and look only straight ahead. To change the direction of gaze, the bird needs to turn its head. Moreover, the owl’s visual angle is 160 degrees, and its vision is binocular, unlike other birds. Owls see the world in black and white. The lens of owls is not in the eyeball, but in the horn tube, so birds see perfectly at night.

An owl's hearing is 4 times better than that of. As soon as the prey reveals itself with a rustle or sound, the bird rushes at it with lightning speed.

Types of owls, names and photographs

In the owl family, there are 3 subfamilies, 30 genera and 214 species, the most common of which are:

  • Long-eared owl (lat. Asio otus)

The bird has a length of 31-36 centimeters. The wingspan reaches 86-98 cm. The color of this species of owl is predominantly gray-brown with variegated spots, the chest is white. There are dark spots on the upper side of the body, and transverse stripes on the underside. On the head of the long-eared owl there are large ear tufts, which consist of six feathers.

It lives in coniferous forests, prefers European countries or northern Asia as nesting sites, and flies to northern Africa for the winter. The long-eared owl feeds on rodents, voles, insects and birds.

  • Gray owl (lat. Strix nebulosa)

A large bird with a length of 80 cm and a wingspan of 1.5 meters. The large-headed bird has a smoky gray color. There are dark stripes around the owl's yellow eyes.

The tawny owl feeds on rodents and. For nesting, it chooses the nests of hawks and buzzards; it does not build nests itself. The black spot under the bird's beak looks like a beard, hence the name of the bird. The bird has no feathered ears; there is a white collar on its neck. The underside of the wings hides dark stripes.

The great gray owl lives in the taiga and mountain forests in the Baltic countries, in the European part of Russia, in Siberia, Sakhalin, and Mongolia.

  • Owl (lat. Bubo bubo)

It has a length of 60-75 cm, a wingspan of 160-190 cm. The weight of a male eagle owl reaches 2.1-2.7 kg, the weight of females is 3-3.2 kg. The eagle owl is the largest bird from the order Owls. The plumage of the predator is dominated by reddish and ocher colors; the eagle owl's eyes are bright orange, with tufts of elongated feathers located above the eyes.

Eagle owls live in the forests and steppes of Eurasia, hunting rodents, mice, hedgehogs, hares, birds and other vertebrates.

  • Sparrow owl (lat. Glaucidium passerinum)

The body length of the owl is 15-19 cm, the wingspan reaches 35-40 cm. The weight reaches 55-80 g. Moreover, males are smaller than females. The color of the owl is gray-brown or dark brown; white speckles are clearly visible on the feathers, larger ones on the back and smaller ones on the head. The underparts of the bird are white with longitudinal stripes of a brown tint. The tail is gray-brown, with 5 narrow stripes. The head is small and has a round and slightly flattened shape; the owl has no ears. The pygmy owl has white and brown rings around its eyes. The bird's eyes are yellow and there are white eyebrows above the eyes. The claws of the pygmy owl are black or yellow. The paws are fully feathered, down to the claws.

  • Little owl (lat. Athene noctua)

A small bird with a length of 25 cm and a weight of about 150-170 g. The color of the plumage of females and males is the same. The back of the bird is light brown or sandy in color. Brown longitudinal motley spots stand out on the white belly of the owl. Round white spots are located on the shoulder feathers.

The little owl lives in southern and central Europe, northern Africa and southern Asian countries. In Russia, the owl is found mainly in the center and south of the European part, in Southern Altai and Transbaikalia. Birds live in steppe and desert areas, building nests in stones and burrows. The little owl feeds on insects, lizards, rodents, and sometimes birds.

  • Barn owl (lat. Tyto alba)

Differs from other owl species in its heart-shaped facial disc. The length of the barn owl reaches 34-39 centimeters with a wingspan of 80-95 cm. The weight of the bird of prey is 190-700 grams. The color of the barn owl is red with numerous transverse streaks, stripes and specks. In this case, the color depends on the habitat of the bird. The bird's tail is short. The barn owl's ears have an unusual asymmetrical arrangement: if the left one is at the level of the forehead, then the right one is closer to the nostril area. Thanks to this feature, the bird hears very well.

The barn owl lives on all continents except cold Antarctica. In Russia he lives only in the Kaliningrad region.

  • White owl (polar owl) (lat. Bubo scandiacus, Nyctea scandiaca)

It has a body length of 55 to 70 cm, the bird’s weight is 2-3 kg. The wingspan reaches 143-166 cm. The color of the bird living in the tundra zone serves as its camouflage, so it is dominated by white colors with dark spots. The polar owl's beak is black and its eyes are bright yellow. The predator's paws are completely pubescent.

The polar owl lives in Eurasia, North America, Greenland, and the islands of the Arctic Ocean. The snowy owl feeds on rodents, lemmings, hares, stoats, ptarmigan, geese, and fish. White owls are listed in the Red Book.

  • Hawk owl (lat. Surnia ulula)

It lives in forested regions in Europe, North America and Asia. In Russia it is found in Kamchatka, the Magadan region, Chukotka, and on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. It feeds on rodents (mice, lemmings, voles), and sometimes hunts squirrels, hazel grouse, black grouse, partridges and other birds.

The bird's length reaches 45 cm. The bird's tail is long, the color is brownish-brown with white spots, and there are thin stripes at the bottom of the body. The hawk owl's eyes and beak are yellow.

Where do owls live?

Owls live all over the world; they are not found only in Antarctica. There are 17 species of owls living in Russia. A large number of These birds can be found in forests, and only a few of them live in open areas.

Basically, the owl lives in hollows and nests. The eagle owl finds a home almost everywhere: in forests, mountains, steppes and deserts. The long-eared owl lives in all kinds of fields, as it hunts in open areas, but creates its nests only in the forest. The white owl lives in the tundra, in winter period flies far to the south, does not like wooded areas. The great gray owl lives only in taiga dense forests. Species of owls such as the barn owl and the little owl find homes under roofs and in attics.

What does an owl eat?

The question of what the owl bird eats in nature interests many people. This bird, both in its natural habitat and in captivity, eats rodents, small birds, insects, and animals. The diet depends on the owl's habitat. Medium and large owls feed on rats

Domain: Eukaryotes

Kingdom: Animals

Type: Chordates

Class: Birds

Squad: Owls

Family: Owls

Genus: Eagle owls

View: White Owl

Where does the white owl live?

The white owl can be called a typical inhabitant of the Arctic. It rarely nests south of the tundra zone. And, with a sufficient amount of food, this bird lives sedentary, but if it does not have enough food supply, then for the winter it migrates to the south, to different distances. This bird prefers to stick to open spaces and can often be found in winter in the steppes of the Volga region, Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and Transbaikalia and the Amur region.

And, some individuals can even penetrate to the south, all the way to the Crimean steppes, Turkmenistan, North Caucasus and southern borders of Siberia. Sometimes white owls fly into countries Western Europe. These birds appear in their wintering places at the end of October and remain there until April. In May, when a long polar day finally arrives in the tundra and the tops of the hills begin to thaw, polar owls return to their former nesting grounds. Find out more about bird migration.

Description of the polar owl

It should be noted that female snowy owls are larger and heavier than males. The height of the body is: for males - 54-66 cm, for females - 60-70 cm. Weight of owls: male - 2.1-2.5 kilograms, females - up to 3 kilograms. The wingspan ranges from 140 to 175 centimeters. The special structure of the feathers, which creates turbulence, allows for silent flights.

The coloring of the plumage is protective, that is, protective. This type of coloring makes the polar owl almost invisible against the background of its natural habitat, which is a passive form of protection from predators and camouflage during hunting. The plumage of chicks is brown, while that of adult owls is white with brown spots scattered throughout the body, sometimes with brown stripes located transversely. Females have more brown spots than males. Some of the males are completely white. The plumage pattern of each individual individual is unique, like human fingerprints.

The feet of polar owls have thick shaggy feathers and large black claws. The beak is hook-shaped, black, covered with fine bristles and practically hidden under the head plumage. The head is spherical, with small, inconspicuous ears. Capable of rotating 270 degrees, allowing you to see in three dimensions. The small size of their ears does not prevent polar owls from having excellent hearing. They are able to hear sounds with a frequency of 2 Hertz.

The eyes are round, various shades of yellow. Visual acuity is several tens of times higher than that of humans. A group of biologists studying snowy owls conducted a series of experiments and obtained stunning results. These birds of prey are able to detect prey in weak candlelight, at a distance of about 350 meters from it. Such excellent vision allows owls to successfully hunt during the polar night.

The voice is sharp and abrupt. The cry of a polar owl is similar to a jerky croak or bark. Polar owls moult 2 times a year - at the beginning of summer and at the end of autumn. Full winter plumage appears by the end of November. The young animals put on their first adult plumage at the junction of September and October. Lives: in nature, on average 10 years, in captivity - up to 30.


The white owl is a bird of prey. She prefers to hunt late in the evening or early in the morning. The owl carefully guards the territory near its nest and never hunts near it. Other birds know about this and often settle next to the owl's nest, thus finding protection from predators for themselves and their offspring. An owl can hunt in two ways - it catches up with its prey in flight or sits on a hillock, looking for suitable prey, and then quickly attacks it. The white owl has few enemies - mainly foxes, arctic foxes and skuas, which are dangerous because they can climb into the owl's nest and eat the eggs. Under natural conditions, a polar owl lives for about 9 years, but in captivity, its lifespan is much longer - up to 28 years.


Snowy owls molt completely every year. The sequence of changing primary flight feathers is from rear to front. Adult birds molt from the second half of the breeding season, between late June or early July and late autumn. The owl's plumage is completely renewed in October - early November. The first autumn plumage of the young is put on in late September - early October.

Diet and nutrition of the white owl

The Arctic resident never hunts near her home. And it does not allow other predators to do this, fiercely protecting the territory. This feature has long been used for their benefit by other savvy birds. By settling in the neighborhood of a polar owl, the less predatory birds kill two birds with one stone: they do not experience a shortage of food, and are under the involuntary protection of their formidable neighbor. The polar owl itself loves lemmings. With the onset of the endlessly long polar winter, these small animals from the order of rodents are huddled under a deep layer of snow. And they spend several months under such a blanket. And in the spring they leave the shelter and begin to reproduce in incredible numbers. And the feast begins! In a year, an owl can eat more than 1,500 lemmings. Her menu also includes hares, ducks, geese, partridges, various fish, and ermine. If the number of animals is small, it can also choose the arctic fox, its worst enemy, as a victim. (This predator never misses the opportunity to destroy an owl’s nest and feast on eggs or young chicks). It is believed that the owl also eats carrion. In general, not a squeamish person.

How do snowy owls breed and nest?

The mating season begins early, in March-April. The boyfriend presents a delicacy as a gift - a lemming, and walks around the chosen one, fluffing his wings.

Having tasted the treats, the bride agrees. You can take care of a nest that is unpretentious and simple. Most often, on a hill or elevation, in a small hole, when the snow has not completely melted, the female will lay 5-11 white eggs in May.

The number of eggs depends entirely on the number of rodents. The more of them there are, the more eggs the female will lay. Only the mother incubates the clutch for a little over a month (32-34 days); the partner provides food. The chicks are born in the order in which the egg was laid - first the first, a day or two later the second, and so on. The chicks are blind, but they are dressed in white fluff, but they are so helpless and cold all the time that their mother does not leave them for several days, protecting and warming them. The father tirelessly searches for food all day long to feed his large family.

The chicks' eyes will open after 9 days, and after 3 days their white outfit will change to gray-brown fluff. The female helps the male feed the children while leaving the nest. Babies, when their parents are absent for a long time, begin to squeak capriciously and invitingly, reminding them of themselves. Soon the chicks take wing, but they learn to fly well only at the age of 2 months. All summer long, parents take care of their offspring, feeding them and teaching them to hunt. But not all chicks will survive, but the most persistent and arrogant ones.

Why arrogant? Because older brothers take food from those born later, grow faster and gain strength, while younger brothers become weaker and waste away. These are the laws of nature.

Polar Owl Population

These birds represent a small population; they mainly live on Wrangel Island. Birds are of great importance to nature, as they maintain a stable population of northern rodents and provide safety to other birds, protecting the territory from predators.

Enemies and defense

Some arctic foxes also attempt to attack owl nests. Sometimes a hungry, emaciated arctic fox dares to approach the still helpless owlets. An owl, protecting its chicks, flaps its wings in front of its bared muzzle, blocking the enemy's path. If this does not help, she flies up, as if giving way. As soon as the arctic fox rushes to the nest, the owl falls on him from above, grabs him by the back with his claws and, flapping his wings with all his might, lifts him up, and then throws him to the ground, not allowing himself to be grabbed with his teeth. The failed arctic fox falls and hastily runs away, barely having time to snarl from the pursuit of the enraged owl.

Approaching the nest of a person or animal causes white owls, especially males, to have a sharp, defensive reaction. In some cases, they rise into the air and pounce on the enemy, frighteningly clicking their beaks or emitting cries similar to the cawing of a crow; in other cases, remaining on the ground, they hiss, puff up their feathers, trying to appear larger, and make leaps towards the uninvited guest.

The bird is not for home

The white owl is not an endangered species and, fortunately, is not listed in the Red Books. It is still a fairly common, and in some places and in some years, abundant inhabitant of the Arctic. However, in the future, perhaps not too distant, everything may change: the North is being actively developed by humans, and the Arctic nature is incredibly fragile.

By the way, in the 21st century, “Pottermania” began to influence the number of snowy owls: wealthy parents of young readers are ready to please the whims of their child, regardless of the costs. Demand creates supply and... the new kind poaching.

However, polar owls are absolutely not suitable for home keeping (much to the chagrin of Harry Potter fans), and the only way to teach them to deliver mail to addresses is with the help of computer animation. But they often live in zoos, enjoying the constant attention of visitors due to their bright, expressive appearance. These large birds are also popular in “flight shows” with the participation of feathered predators. They feel good in captivity with the most simple care, and if they are provided with suitable conditions, they reproduce without any problems.

The benefits and harms of a white owl

In places where there are many snowy owl nests, these birds cause some damage to the hunting and commercial fauna. But during their wintering, on the contrary, they help agriculture, destroying harmful rodents. Therefore, the white owl can be classified as a useful species of predator, and its extermination should be stopped. In addition to the above, we should not forget that these birds, thanks to their unusual appearance, become a real decoration of the winter landscape.



    http://bighunting.ru/archives/5929 http://zoogalaktika.ru/ocherki/nyctea-scandiaca http://komotoz.ru/zhivotnye/polyarnaya_sova.php http://cyclowiki.org/wiki/White_owl http: //domikdomovenka.ru/products/belaya-sova