New client generator 99 ways. The right marketing message. What should the marketing message impact?

A few words about what Armenian khash is and its healing properties. How to cook this popular Armenian soup. Detailed recipe with photo and description.

A special place in Armenian cuisine is given to soups. Every home should have soup every day, and it can be served not only at lunch, as is customary, say, among the Slavic peoples. For example, the famous khash is often eaten for dinner, as well as in the morning if the day before there was a holiday with a feast and strong drinks. The rich, nutritious broth perfectly cures hangovers (and sometimes colds), literally revives the body, removing intoxication and restoring strength.

It is noteworthy that khash is prepared from a minimum of inexpensive ingredients, but has such a rich taste that it is known and loved far beyond the borders of Armenia.

What you need for classic khash

For 4 servings ingredients:

Spring is the time to prepare Armenian khash soup

  • beef legs - 2 kg;
  • beef tails - 2 pcs;
  • large carrots - 2 pcs;
  • large onion;
  • garlic - 1 large head;
  • cilantro - a large fresh bunch;
  • freshly ground pepper - 1 tsp. black;
  • coarse salt - to taste.

Recipe for making Armenian soup

  1. Wash beef (veal) legs and tails thoroughly. Where necessary, use a brush and clean everything thoroughly.
  2. Chop the tails and legs into pieces to fit into the soup pot. Separately, boil water and pour it over the meat products, it should completely cover them.
  3. Place on the stove and heat on high heat. After boiling, pour out the primary broth. Rinse the legs with tails and return them to the dish. Pour boiling water again (2.5 liters). Let it cook, be sure to remove any foam that appears on the surface.
  4. Place an onion, unpeeled but well washed, into the broth. After an hour - one whole carrot, peel it. And a few sprigs of cilantro. Cook, or rather simmer, the khash over the lowest heat for 8-10 hours. Under the lid, leaving only a tiny gap for steam to escape. At the end of cooking (about an hour), add a second carrot, also whole.
  5. When the khash is ready, remove the boiled meat products with a slotted spoon, remove the bones, and place the meat on deep plates. Crush the garlic with salt, cilantro and ground pepper. Place on meat. Pour hot broth over everything and serve khash with Armenian lavash.

Whether you like Stalik or not, he cooks Armenian khash amazingly!

The world of health, beauty and photography - the wealth of flora

Khash - recipe with photo. What is hash and how is it useful?

Wisdom, practicality, historical experience of the culinary skills of the peoples of the Caucasus are collected in this photo recipe: how to cook khash and what it is. And also why it is useful.
It’s amazing in its taste and healthy properties, although it’s fatty for the first course. This is a soup, almost like our liquid jellied meat, which is prepared from autumn to summer, and you will find out why this is so and the traditions of cooking khash later in the recipe.

The Hasheeds have this reminder: it can be eaten in those months whose names contain the letter “r”. That is, from September to April inclusive. But, given that in the Caucasus September, and sometimes October, can be hot, khash begins to be in demand in November-December.

In which exactly Caucasian republic this historical dish first appeared and became famous is difficult to answer. And khash is cooked deliciously almost everywhere in the Caucasus! Almost - because in some North Caucasian republics, for example in Chechnya and Ingushetia, this rich meat broth is not popular.

For every lover, this is not just food. This is culture, tradition, ritual. And here there are rules. For example, in Armenia they say: “Khash does not like three things: cognac, women and toast.”

  • It is popular in North Ossetia. Finding hashna in Vladikavkaz is not difficult. In some, the brew is prepared from the legs, in others - from the legs and stomach tripe. In some places it is transparent, in others not so much. Some people add onions and bay leaves during cooking, others don’t use anything else except meat and water.
  • In Dagestan, khash is more popular among the older generation; young people often don’t even know what it is. “They are probably more interested in European cuisine and sushi,” the restaurateurs suggest.
  • Armenia still has its own tradition of eating khash.
    Thin Armenian lavash is crumbled into a plate with meat broth. It is specially prepared specifically for this soup; it should be dry and crispy. They crumble a lot of pita bread to make porridge on the plate.
    Then it is customary to cover your head with another soft pita bread. You need to cover yourself like a sheet. And in this “house” a person is left alone with his hot lunch. It is customary to eat khash with lavash with your hands.

Khash - a recipe for proper preparation at home

  • The ingredients remain unchanged: meat and water!
    Despite the fact that cooking methods may be different.

True, in the case of types of meat, one can also argue. For example, in the South Caucasus, tripe is cooked together with cow legs. In the North Caucasus, only amateurs cook with tripe.

Remember that khash cannot be rushed! Sometimes it takes up to 24 hours to prepare one pan of broth. So, when starting the process, be patient.

  • Ingredients for a 5 liter saucepan:
    beef leg, stomach tripe (offal), onion, bay leaf, garlic, salt to taste, wine vinegar - depending on taste.

Usually only the front legs of the animal are taken. The leg needs to be smoked over an open fire and scraped with a knife. Then pour cold water and soak in it for several hours (from 3 to 7).

The hoof is then cut into smaller pieces. You cannot chop so that there are no small bones in the broth. The spur growths are cut off.
Some cooks trim the fat from the hoof. It is believed that waste accumulates in them; the older the cow, the more of these fat deposits.

Place the soaked and cleaned leg in a saucepan and fill with cold water to the top. Place the pan on low heat for 7-10 hours.
If after this time the meat comes off the bone by itself, then the khash is ready. Sometimes it is left to simmer over low heat for another hour and a half.

An hour before the end of cooking, you can throw 2 bay leaves and one peeled whole onion into the pan.

  • The khash recipe is delicious, classically prepared, no salt in the pan. Salt, crushed garlic, wine vinegar are served separately and added to taste.

The tripe (about a kilogram) can be cooked separately. It is also soaked in water for several hours. Then clean and rinse under running water. Cut into small pieces, add cold water and cook until tender, usually this takes an hour and a half.

When the water boils, you can add a peeled whole onion, bay leaf, a stick of dried dill, and salt to taste.

A rich broth with meat - khash - is usually served in deep plates or bowls.
Meat (bones are removed) and garlic seasoning are served separately. If desired, add a plate of pickles to the delicious culinary composition. And without fail - flatbread and salt.

It is better to eat it in the morning and preferably on the weekend. It will bring special pleasure after a long party or New Year's table.
Even after breaking the fast properly - after Easter. You can surprise your guests and serve it on the festive table.

Shah - beneficial properties of broth - soup

According to fans of this dish, it has pronounced anti-hangover and bone-strengthening properties.

When we eat it, we add garlic to it and make sure to crumble bread into it. It is because of this that the anti-hangover effect is obtained. The headache and nausea stop. Eating bread with garlic separately will not help. Everything needs to be combined: fried flour, garlic and meat broth.

And another important thing about the benefits. Of course, khash has a positive effect on bone density. We often prescribe it for arthrosis and osteoporosis, especially for older people. This is an environmentally friendly product, without falsehood. In Soviet times, preparations were created from animal cartilage and joints, but now all this is lost.

Caucasian khash, which turns out so deliciously at home if you take the time and put your heart into it, is in its essence the original state of the jellied meat beloved by many. A two-in-one dish.

Important experience, remember this review

I remember I once ate khash during the working day. Never - do you hear? - never do this if you want to end the day with a fresh mind. After such a dinner, I felt like this very boiled cow. What’s it like to work there, I didn’t want to think or talk. I just wanted to sleep. Which is what I did, completely forgetting about the meetings that were supposed to take place in the evening.

How to find new clients? This question is perhaps the most important for any business, because if the company does not have enough consumers, then everything else is not so important. Conversely, a constant flow of clients can quickly lead almost any project to success, even in conditions of strong competition, crisis and any other instability. Adding to the problems with clients is the rapidly changing market...

How to find new clients? This question is perhaps the most important for any business, because if the company does not have enough consumers, then everything else is not so important. Conversely, a constant flow of clients can quickly lead almost any project to success, even in conditions of strong competition, crisis and any other instability. Problems with customers are added by the rapidly changing market situation in all niches and industries - the tastes and preferences of consumers, the motives for choosing goods and services and their suppliers change, and, ultimately, technologies and usual price levels change. What gave excellent results in marketing yesterday, today stops working and requires reconfiguration. An effective approach to the problem is not to “treat” undesirable consequences, but to eliminate the causes of the “disease.” In the case of marketing and sales, such a fundamental means is a systematic approach, that is, building a system for constantly attracting new customers. Using such a system, you can control the speed of the influx of new customers, use the “brake”, “gas” and other elements. It will allow you to control all processes and, if necessary, scale with business growth. There are proven tools that you can take and configure to launch your “new client generator.” Recommended for top managers, managers and owners of small and medium-sized businesses, and heads of sales services.

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Generator of new clients. 99 ways to attract buyers en masse Nikolay Sergeevich Mrochkovsky

The right marketing message

Let's move on to the second letter "M".

A good marketing message should contain the following three elements:

Offer - a proposal with a clearly visible benefit for the client, affecting both the desire and the problem.

Call Then Action(call to action) - a call to complete certain actions and a description of how to do it (for example: “To find out more, call the number below”).

Deadline(limiter) – a time limiter that forces the recipient of the message to respond quickly (for example, restrictions on the validity period of a special price, quantity or composition - availability of bonuses).

Table 2. The right marketing message

The proposal affects both the desire and the problem. “Do you want to lose weight? Ask me how! - the most common Herbalife formula:

1. Impact on desire (“Do you want to lose weight?”).

2. Call to action (“Ask me how”).

Let's add a call to action with a time limiter.

For example, like this:

Ten ways to lose weight without changing your usual diet! Order now! The offer is valid only until October 15th!

The result is the right marketing message: we influence both the desire and the problem, we give a call to action (“Order right now”), we give some kind of limiter (“The offer is valid only until October 15”).

Calls to action can be: “Find out more”, “Call”, “Visit the site”, “Register”, etc.

The limiter can be by price (“The price is valid only for the first 10 buyers”), by quantity (“Only the first 5 buyers will receive these bonuses”), by composition (“We only have two cars with this configuration, so call right now!” ).

Thus, good marketing messages contain three parts: offer, call to action, limiter.

Additionally, the right marketing message must be valuable to the recipient. The value of a message is determined by what it contains.

These may be the following options: knowledge, convenience, monetary gain, elements of entertainment, privileges:

Table 3. The Value of a Marketing Message

As for privileges, let’s say with one chain of stores we have the following idea: only VIP clients will be served all night, other clients will not be allowed in. Surely this should work and give good results.

Which of these categories do you think has the strongest effect on the client? What exactly makes him respond to a marketing message?

Surprisingly, monetary benefits, despite the seemingly obvious attractiveness, are not the most desirable for most clients!

Imagine what the hypermarket promises soft toy for the purchase of goods for a certain amount. A person gets into a car, drives to the other end of the city, burns a couple of liters of gasoline in order to receive some cheap toy as a gift. Most likely, he does this not for the sake of money, but in order to give this toy to his children or someone else. In this case, a toy as a gift is closer to either entertainment or convenience.

According to numerous studies, in most cases convenience comes first. Let's say additional services are free. If you sell furniture, for example, you could offer free assembly and delivery.

And the monetary benefit comes after the entertainment and privileges (the only exception is the lower segment of the market: there it is the benefit that is important to clients).

If you are offering a very large discount or a significant gift, then, of course, money will work better. But if you want to work efficiently and spend as little money as possible on working with clients, then pay attention first of all to convenience.

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Nikolai Sergeevich Mrochkovsky, Mikhail Evgenievich Trishin

Generator of new clients. 99 ways to attract buyers en masse

Greetings, dear readers!

You are holding an unusual publication in your hands.

We, Nikolay Mrochkovsky and Mikhail Trishin, work in the field of marketing for a variety of fields. We've done a lot successful projects and spent great amount seminars and trainings for owners and top managers of small and medium-sized businesses.

In this book, we have collected our experience in the form of specific, proven recommendations and concentrated information - no fluff.

In this case, you have a chance to introduce selective marketing techniques into your business and are guaranteed to receive an influx of new clients.

As you read, you will learn about a wide variety of tools for attracting clients to your business. You may have heard of some of them, but most are unfamiliar to you.

We will support the theory with numerous examples from practice.

Let's start with the fundamentals to understand the principles on which the customer acquisition process is built.

After that we'll sort it out a large number of specific tricks, methods and tools for generating new clients.

As the story progresses, we will give you tasks that need to be completed. If you do not do this, then our book will become just another piece of information for you, which is unlikely to help you and your business. Apply the acquired knowledge in practice - and then you will get the effect.

Before we get into the first module, let me give you an important tip on how to get the most out of the materials.

Now we are starting some pretty serious work. The book will contain a lot of information, tasks and tools, some of which you will use in the learning process, and some of which will be “for growth.”

There is a lot of work, and so that it is not done in vain, it is important to decide For which company will you generate new customers and ensure their influx?

It is very important!

It could be your company - and then the laws and tools you receive will work for you.

If you don't have own company or you don’t want to use technology in your field, please find an entrepreneur you know whose company you can work in.

Information for the sake of information will not yield any results. It is necessary to practice the acquired knowledge in real conditions.

Now let’s move on to the first module of the training book “Generator of New Clients”.

Nikolay Mrochkovsky,

Mikhail Trishin, http://InfoPraktik.Ru

The essence of marketing

In any business, everything is done for the sake of clients and for clients.

Clients are the main thing. Finding and attracting new customers, as well as retaining them, is, in fact, the task of marketing.

In our opinion, marketing is not some unknown, mysterious creative process. Marketing is more like a certain applied science: 50% calculations and numbers, 50% tested models.

These are models that you yourself came up with or (which happens more often and is more effective) you took from another business and applied in yours. They brought a certain result, and you work with these models further, increasing their effectiveness.

3M and 5M marketing models

Some of the most famous marketing models are the so-called 3M and 5M models.

The ZM model was once proposed by Dan Kennedy, one of the most famous marketers in the United States.

In his opinion, successful marketing is based on three components:

Market – market (a set of potential customers that the company has the opportunity to reach).

Message – message to potential clients.

Media is a carrier and channel for transmitting a marketing message to potential clients, that is, the market.

Three components, like three legs of a stool, make marketing sustainable and can lead to failure if any of the “legs” are defective.

Dan Kennedy's successful marketing motto:

correct message

to the right people

the right way.

Sometimes, when they talk about Dan Kennedy’s model, instead of the third component - media(carrier) – used match(compliance), that is, the correspondence of the marketing message to the market, representatives of the target audience.

Thus, the marketing message must be sent at the right time to the right people in the right way for it to produce results.

Another well-known marketer, Howard Jacobsen, added two more M's to Dan Kennedy's 3M model.

Metrics– performance indicators (this parameter emphasizes the importance of measuring everything you do).

Mission– mission, that is, what the company exists for.

Thus, the marketing model can be represented as the following figure.

Rice. 1. Marketing 5M model

Let's look at all five components marketing model in more detail, starting with one of the most important - the market (market).

Portrait of a potential client

The decision to purchase is always made by people, regardless of the type of market - the market is B2B or B2C.

It is important to understand WHO these people are and WHY they buy a certain product.

Many different people can buy the same product for many different reasons, so successful marketing requires criteria for finding and selecting potential customers.

The main reason for purchasing is ALWAYS DESIRE (wanting), therefore the most important sign of identifying (unifying) potential buyers is the similarity of their desires and/or PROBLEMS that they want to solve.

People with similar desires and/or problems that the company has the opportunity to reach and offer them a solution in the form of a product constitute the desired part of the market, or niche.

To make it clearer, let's look at this using a portrait as an example. potential buyer.

The easiest way to figure out a portrait of a potential client is with the help of Compass. This is a slightly modified Stephen Pearce model that has been successfully applied in many companies we have worked with and in several of our trainings. And it always gives good results.

What is this model?

If you draw a potential buyer on a sheet of paper in the center, and draw arrows from him to the left, right, up and down, then these arrows along with their symbols similar to the cardinal directions symbols on a compass.

Therefore, the model was called “Compass”.

Compass portrait of a potential client from the training “5 steps to excellent selling texts for your website” www.lnfoPraktik.Ru/5steps

Rice. 2. Client portrait compass

The Wish block is the desires of our potential client.

Common desires are the most important sign by which people can be united. You are working with a certain market, a niche, and this niche includes people with similar desires.

In order to achieve their desires, people usually need to do something. This is determined by the component Needs - necessary, necessary.

All this does not happen in the air, but against the background of Experience - a certain experience: how a person has already achieved what he wants, or not achieved, what feelings he has had about this, and in general, how he feels about it.

There is another important part - this is the problem. A problem is a contradiction between what a person wants and what he actually needs to achieve what he wants.

If your Solution, your products or services help a person achieve what he wants, give him what he needs, resolve a contradiction taking into account his life experience, then everything will be fine - your product will find its consumer quite easily.

To make it more clear, let's look at examples.

Example 1

The market (niche) is people who want to quit smoking. They are easy to combine on this basis. Some goods and services are already being produced for them. They have a desire to quit smoking.

What is really needed for this? To do this, you need to stop buying and smoking cigarettes.

What life experiences might they have regarding this?

Smoking helps relieve stress and calm down. Someone tried to quit, but they are drawn to it again. Someone suffers from the fact that they are aware of the dangers of smoking, and from the fact that it is inconvenient for them to be in places where smoking is prohibited.

Thus, a contradiction arises: you want to quit, but at the same time you want to continue smoking.