Giant watermelons. The largest watermelon in the world will surprise many. Anti-Russian riot in Georgia - Sulakshin on failed foreign policy

For a long time there was a discussion between melon growers from different countries. Watermelon - what is it, a berry, but very large, or does it still belong to the pumpkin family? They never came to a consensus, but it turned out that among melon farmers there are fans of setting a world record. Every year, the most adventurous of them try to grow the largest watermelon in the world.

Competitions recent years showed that residents of the United States of America cope most successfully with growing giant watermelons. It is in that area that record holders appear, who are even included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Azerbaijani giant

Melon growers from Azerbaijan managed to grow a watermelon weighing 119 kg, although the seeds from which such a miracle turned out were brought from the USA. This variety is called Carolina Cross. This is a special variety of heavy and large watermelons of an oblong shape with light green stripes. This watermelon needs about 100 days to fully ripen. But it is unlikely that the secret of such enormous weight lies only in certain seeds. Azerbaijani melon growers keep secret the true reason and the secrets they used in the growing process.

Japanese record holders

Japanese melon grower Akinori Takomitsu has turned growing giant watermelons into quite a profitable business. Restaurants and cafes are happy to buy up such fruits, as they are not only large, but also sweet and juicy. The largest watermelon in the world, which this Japanese managed to grow, weighs 111 kg. True, he does not rely on Mother Nature, but uses the latest technical and agricultural inventions in his fields.

State of Louisiana, USA

The Sistrunk family, living in the US state of Louisiana, is also involved in an unspoken competition among farmers. And they occupy one of the highest places in this ranking. The largest watermelon in the world, which these farmers grew, weighed just over 114 kilograms. This was in 2008, but the family is not going to stop at this record and continues persistent attempts to surpass their own record.

The variety of watermelon they cultivate on their farm is an oblong watermelon with juicy and sweet flesh. According to these Americans, in order to grow such a giant, you need to leave only one fruit on the bush, which requires special care every day. They do not hide the fact that the watermelon needs to be turned on different sides to the sunlight every day so that the fruit ripens evenly and does not become saturated with excess moisture.

Tennessee, USA

Another representative of American farming dynasties, Bill Carson grew a watermelon weighing 118 kilograms in his field. This record was recorded in 1990 of the last century. On his melon patch, he used only natural fertilizers that do not harm the human body, so this achievement is especially valuable. Don't think that such giant berries grow on their own. To achieve a high result, the farmer practically spends all day and night in his field, protecting the record contender from negative natural influences, wild animals, and sometimes even people.

State of Arkansas, USA

The Bright family, which has been growing melons since 1979, became a Guinness Book of Records record holder. Despite the fact that farmers devoted almost their entire lives to this business, they managed to set a record and grow the largest watermelon in the world only in 2005. The variety that brought them worldwide fame is called Carolina Cross. But the Brights managed to beat their Azerbaijani colleagues by 3 kilograms. Watermelon weight – 122 kg. It took 147 days for this record holder to fully mature. At the annual farmers' fair, this record was officially recorded, and the family received a special diploma, which they proudly show to all visitors to their restaurant.

The berry, which surprised everyone, became the center of attention, and every visitor to the fair considered it his duty to take a photo as a souvenir. To imagine the full power of this watermelon, it is worth noting that its weight is equal to the weight of two adult women. Of course, it is impossible to eat such a watermelon on your own, even if the family is very large. The Brights organized a real celebration for the parishioners of the local church, and residents of almost the entire town gathered to enjoy the watermelon. Everyone who managed to try this watermelon noted its extraordinary sweetness, which is not typical for fruits of this size.

The largest watermelon in the world

Every new record that farmers set in all corners of our planet haunted Tennessee farmer Chris Kent. In 2013, he managed to surpass all previous achievements and grow a watermelon that amazed all gardeners. The weight of his brainchild is almost 159 kilograms and so far no one has managed to surpass this achievement. The most interesting thing is that Chris is not a professional farmer and does not belong to famous American farming dynasties. He is an ordinary accountant, and growing melons is just his favorite pastime.

The Great Pumpkin Commonwealth, which recorded the record at the weigh-in, awarded the amateur farmer a diploma and officially declared this berry the largest in the world. Before the start of the fair, Chris was noticeably nervous - there was a rumor that another watermelon was to be brought to this fair, which could compete with his record holder. Luckily for Chris, these were just rumors.

In addition to moral satisfaction, this farmer received the opportunity to replenish his budget. The seeds that were collected from this fruit were widely dispersed high price($40 for a small bag). And if you consider that there are no less than one and a half thousand seeds in a watermelon, then the income was very impressive.

After this exhibition, many gardeners-farmers practically lost sleep and to this day are trying to surpass this result. It turns out that there are a lot of gambling people among farmers, but so far none of them have managed to improve Chris’s result.

For many, summer is associated not only with vacation and the sea, but also with juicy, red and tasty watermelon. This is one of the favorite summer treats for both children and adults. South America is considered the birthplace of watermelon. In this country, both small and huge specimens are grown. The Arabs first began to grow watermelon as a melon crop, and then the Jews.

Many agronomists from different countries have been arguing for a long time about what type of watermelon is it? What is this? A genus of the Pumpkin family or a large berry? But even today the opinions of experts are divided. Only one thing is clear - this is a tasty and healthy fruit!

Regardless of which family this juicy delicacy belongs to, many farmers are trying to set the record. Their main goal is to grow the largest watermelon in the world.

Record-breaking watermelons

So, how much does the largest watermelon weigh? Recent data suggests that the United States is the best country for growing giants. But residents of other countries are also not lagging behind. Since the watermelon has taken root well in different countries, each one strives to grow the juiciest and largest specimen.

The leadership in growing watermelons belongs to the following countries:

  • Türkiye;
  • China;
  • Iran;
  • Brazil.

Delicious giant from America

The largest watermelon in the world was first registered in the United States in 2005. He weighed 122 kilograms. No one has yet managed to break this record. This specimen was included in the Guinness Book of Records. This juicy giant grew in the garden for about 6 months. The large weight of the watermelon did not allow it to be brought to the scales. He was carried on a large cart.

Three years later (in 2008), another giant grew up in America. A delicacy weighing 117 kilograms was grown in Louisiana. This weight did not allow them to break the previous record, but the farmers decided not to stop there. They promised to please everyone with a new record holder in the future.

Truly, a real giant was grown in 2013 in Tennessee. An American was able to grow a watermelon weighing almost 159 kg. This specimen was officially registered as the largest watermelon in the world. And Chris Kent became famous throughout the country thanks to this. In addition, it is interesting that Chris does not engage in agriculture professionally, is not a representative of famous American farming dynasties. By profession he is an ordinary accountant, and his hobby is growing melons.

Chris assures that he will again get into the Guinness Book of Records. He will be able to grow the largest watermelon again.

Chinese record holders

China is a country that is always on everyone's lips. She cannot boast of any clear records in growing watermelons. The largest specimen grown in this country weighed 70 kg. But Chinese agronomists distinguished themselves in another way, because they developed a new variety. And today you can buy a watermelon in the shape of a heart, cube or pyramid. Chinese breeders believe that fruits of this shape will be stored for a long time. In addition, this form affects the taste of the fruit - it becomes juicier and brighter.

By the way, tourists in China are offered to visit a special village where large sweet fruits are grown.

Giant of Azerbaijan

Juicy fruits and delicious berries are the main calling card of the sunny Caucasus. And it is not surprising that almost the largest watermelon in the world could grow here, weighing 119 kg. Local farmers did not hide the fact that the seeds from which this giant grew were brought from the USA (Carolina Cross variety). From such planting material large, oblong-shaped fruits with light green stripes grow. The ripening period of the Azerbaijani giant is about 100 days.

Japan leads again

The Japanese strive to become the first in the world in many industries. Farming is no exception. Indeed, in 2005, a local farmer was able to grow a watermelon weighing 111 kilograms.

Melon grower Akinori Takomitsu has been growing watermelons all his life. And over time, he turned his hobby into a fairly profitable business. After all, such copies sell well in cafes and restaurants. The fruits are not only large, but also sweet.

But this farmer does not hope for favorable natural conditions. He actively uses the latest technical inventions for cultivation.

The Japanese giant was bought for almost $300 alone trade organization for promotions.

Russian record

A Russian farmer grew a watermelon weighing 90 kg in 2009. He promised that he would break the American record in speed and get into the Guinness Book of Records.

Ukrainian record

The Ukrainian record is relatively small, but deserves attention. A local resident presented at the annual festival farm watermelon weighing 25 kilograms. This is a record for growing melons and melons in Ukraine.

How to grow a giant watermelon

Do you also want to raise a record holder? First of all, choose the right variety. However, remember that seeds should be selected taking into account the climate of your area. After all, the variety of the giant American fruit may not take root in your area.

Proper care is the key to success. In particular, you should choose the right place for growing and fertilize the soil in time. In this case, the plant should grow in a sunny, open area. If you want to get a large watermelon, experts recommend leaving only one fruit.

The plant needs daily watering. To achieve uniform ripening, the fruit must be turned regularly from one side to the other. Sometimes it is placed on a special pallet made of wood and mesh. This way the fruit will not rot.

The disadvantage of these giants is their not very sweet taste. After all, such large fruits do not ripen completely inside.

The color of the fruit's crust can be different: light or dark green, pockmarked, with dark or white stripes, or without it at all.

Watermelon is grown in almost 100 countries. There are more than 1000 varieties. This fruit is sweet and juicy. Many doctors recommend its use, because it is an excellent diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent.

Eating watermelon in summer is a must. After all, it consists of almost 90% water. Thanks to this, its consumption perfectly balances the amount of fluid in the human body.

Source: CC0/TheDigitalArtist

On this day, thematic festivals are held in many countries, restaurants prepare dishes and cocktails with watermelon, and the most desperate people participate in competitions to eat it at speed.

In honor of the holiday, we have collected several for you interesting facts about this juicy summer berry.

The biggest watermelon

The world's largest watermelon, which is officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records, was grown by American Chris Kent from Tennessee in 2013. The giant berry weighed 158 kilograms and 984.11 grams.

The smallest watermelon

The Pepquinos variety is actively purchased by fashionable restaurants around the world. No one specially bred microwatermelons; they grow freely in the wild in South America. In appearance it resembles a gooseberry, and in taste it resembles a cucumber.

The most expensive watermelon

You definitely won’t be able to pick “Densuke” watermelon from your own garden. It is grown only in one place on the planet - on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. It tastes exactly the same as the regular one, only it’s completely black on top. No more than 10 thousand pieces are collected per season. The unusual appearance and limited edition determine the cost of the delicacy - about $250 apiece.

The most beautiful watermelons

In China, they are simply obsessed with watermelons. Local farmers grow them in the shape of hearts, squares and other simple but interesting shapes. They also differ in the color of their flesh: from pink and burgundy to yellow and white.

Watermelon cutting record

63-year-old American Ashrita Furman seemed to be specially trying to make it in time for the holiday. On July 18, he set a new world record for the fastest berry cutting. Particularly interesting is the fact that Furman chopped watermelons with a sword on his stomach.

October 24, 2013

How can you not love watermelon?

August, like the rest of the summer months, brings a lot of fruit. But the most important gift at the end of summer is, of course, watermelon! Watermelon is a light delicacy that is loved by almost everyone. Of course, how can you not love watermelon?

This fruit was known back in Ancient Egypt. It was often locked in the tombs of the pharaohs so that they could “feed” on it in the afterlife. Although the mother of the watermelon is considered to be South Africa, from which it came to the western part of Europe and only in the 16th century to Russia. Now watermelons are grown in almost 100 countries around the world.

The most important misconception is that watermelon is a berry. In fact, it belongs to the pumpkin family.

There are about 1200 types of watermelon, each of which differs in some way from the others: either in taste or appearance.

Determining nitrates

Watermelon is considered an almost ideal fruit. To harm yourself with watermelon, you need to try very hard, since it does not contain harmful substances. The only possible problem could be poisoning if the watermelon was of poor quality and was treated with chemicals in large quantities.

In order to make sure whether there are nitrates in watermelon, you can use several methods. Firstly, water can help with this. You need to put a piece of watermelon in a glass of water and see the reaction: if the water turns red, then there are a lot of nitrates, and if it only becomes slightly cloudy, then the watermelon is “clean”. Secondly, you can squeeze the watermelon. If it looks ripe and ripe, but does not crack, it means that outside forces “helped” it to ripen. To reduce the risk of eating bad watermelon, it is better to buy it at the end of August, by which time the watermelons already have time to ripen on their own.

If you want a tasty, juicy and sweet watermelon, then when choosing it you should adhere to a number of principles. There should be no cracks or damage on the watermelon, as this increases the possibility of bacteria getting inside the fruit. The same situation applies to watermelon “halves” - the cut fruit can also contain bacteria.

All the benefits of watermelon

Many people are scared by the large yellow spot on the watermelon, but this is one of the signs of its ripeness. White spots indicate that the watermelon has not yet had its time.

Watermelon contains great amount vitamins and beneficial microelements. Vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, fluorine and others.

This fruit, with its calorie content of 38 calories, contains a lot of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Also, watermelons literally “make blood”, so they are good for anemia.

The appearance of watermelon can vary in color. They come in stripes, pure green, light and many others. But their shape is usually almost the same. These are oval-shaped fruits. Their weight also varies: on average from 5 to 15 kilograms. But there are exceptions.

Watermelon from the Guinness Book

The largest watermelon in the world, which is included in the Guinness Book of Records, was grown in 2005 by a farmer from the USA. His weight was 122 kilograms! For comparison, this is about the average weight of two adults. This watermelon is a Carolina Cross variety. The name of the man who raised such a masterpiece is Lloyd Bright. His farm is called Hope Farm Store. Since 1979, she has specialized in growing watermelons. Throughout its existence, it has repeatedly set records. But the farmer does not stop there and dreams of growing an even larger watermelon. I wonder how much time and effort it took to eat that watermelon later?

In second place is a slightly smaller “watermelon”. Residents of Louisiana in 2008 grew a fetus weighing 114 kilograms.

Giant of Russia

In the very near future, they are determined to break the current record of one hundred and twenty-two kilograms. In order to produce such a giant watermelon, according to the Sistrunk family, it is necessary, first of all, to choose the right variety of watermelon. The second secret is that you need to leave only one fruit on the plant. In addition, it is necessary to turn the berries every day. This is an important condition, since otherwise it will not ripen evenly and may rot.

The largest watermelon in Russia was grown by a Russian farmer in 2009. Weighing 61 kilograms, it is the largest in Europe. But, as the farmer reports, the watermelon tasted “not so great.” However, like all watermelons that are so large.

The owner of the Russian miracle was a farmer named Igor Likhosenko, who lives in the Temryuk region. The variety of this watermelon is called “Russian size”. It was with this watermelon that Igor was able to break his own record set last year.

Ukraine also has its own record. It is not great compared to the world, but still worth mentioning. This record watermelon weighed 25 kilograms. It was grown in the Kherson region as part of a local watermelon festival.

We want our own watermelon!

To grow a watermelon on our own, you should first decide on a variety or hybrid that is suitable for a particular climate zone. Using hybrids, you can expect results much faster.

Before “planting” a watermelon, it is better to first grow seedlings. This technique is used in Central Asia. In this case, each seed should be sown in a separate container with loose soil.

The world record holder, a farmer from the USA, says that growing such a huge watermelon, and watermelon in general, is not difficult. You just need to choose the right variety and monitor its growth. And daily turning over makes it possible to obtain an evenly symmetrical fruit. And its taste depends, of course, on the variety and quality of the land.

Taking everything into account beneficial features watermelon, we can conclude that everyone should eat it in moderation. It will bring health and good mood even to those rare people who don’t like it.

Watermelon is a large vegetable. Sometimes the sight of a 20-kilogram fetus is surprising. But what would be the amazement of those who were lucky enough to see the largest watermelon in the world! He weighs 122 kilograms and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

"American" giants

This giant was grown in 2006. Farmer Lloyd Bright received such a huge fruit on his plantation in America. The largest watermelon in the world in the history of farming was grown there.

“American” also took second place on this list. It was here, but already in, that another big guy was received. It was the largest watermelon in the world in 2008. He weighed 114.5 kilograms. This record was achieved by the Sistrunk family of farmers. The fruit grew and ripened for almost 5 months - 147 days. The watermelon ripened by August 26, and that’s when this record was recorded. The fruit was not only weighed, but also measured using a centimeter. He was also impressed by the size. It reached a length of 95 centimeters. Such a giant good conditions growing variety became Carolina Cross.

Maybe someone had a question about where the largest watermelon in the world was then placed? After all, one family cannot eat such a fruit in 3 days. They gave it to the parishioners of the local church, which they were very happy about. As they said, the largest watermelon in the world in 2008 turned out to be very sweet.

The Sistrunk family, who raised this miracle, also confirmed that the giants of America have excellent taste and are distinguished by a sweet taste. Farmers shared their secret of growing juicy vegetables. First, it is important to choose the right variety. Only 1 fruit is left on the lash. Every day you need to carefully turn it over so that the bottom does not rot.

"Russian" giants

A rather large fruit was also grown in Russia. By Russian standards, his weight turned out to be large. The watermelon was of the Russian size variety. By the way, gardeners who buy planting material, probably paid attention to the company of the same name. She offers seeds from which you can grow large tomatoes, large carrots, strawberries and other crops. It was this company that bred watermelon seeds. One bush produced a huge fruit in 2009. The weight of the largest watermelon in Russia is 61.4 kilograms.

It was possible to obtain such an unprecedented harvest by I. Likhosenko, who has been growing “sweet berries” for 30 years. But, according to the farmer, despite its size, that watermelon was not very sweet, and therefore did not have any special taste. Usually fruits contain 12-13% sugar, but this giant contained only 8%.

Japanese size

Japanese Akinori Takamitsu has specialized in growing this vegetable for almost his entire life. Photos of the largest watermelon in America and Japan are amazing. After all, Akinori Takamitsu grew a fetus weighing 111 kg. He managed to do this in 2005.

But the Japanese giant, unlike the American one, was also not distinguished by its sweetness. That's why he didn't eat it. The Daye chain of stores bought it for $300 and used it for advertising purposes. This is not the first positive experience of the Japanese. He grows watermelons weighing 90-110 kilograms.

Inspired by such examples, gardeners can also try to grow a huge miracle vegetable on their plot.