Hospitality specialty. Hospitality, what is this interesting profession? Which Moscow universities train restaurant specialists?

The hotel business is an industry that is becoming more and more popular every year. Modern manager must combine various aspects, ranging from impeccable knowledge of the profession itself to reliable information about current trends in the global market. It is worth noting that the competitiveness of an enterprise will depend on the manager.

A business built on a good level of service will certainly develop and expand. A hotel professional must embrace the various aspects of the hotel itself and put them together. Only an established system will allow you to make a profit and develop.

What you should pay attention to?

The profession of “hotel manager” requires constant development of one’s own personality and professional skills. The employee must be:

  • open;
  • sociable;
  • moderately respectful and helpful;
  • tolerant, etc.

This business does not tolerate negligence or laziness. The employee must “save face” regardless of his condition and the impact of any circumstances. Only this approach will allow you to achieve truly great results.

The hotel business cannot exist without a qualified manager who must constantly keep up with the times.

The 21st century brings a large number of changes to everyone’s life, and therefore it is not enough to own information; you need to learn how to manage it correctly.

The profession requires certain experience that would allow you to manage your employees as efficiently as possible. A manager must self-actualize, as this will affect his level of satisfaction and happiness. According to many recognized experts in this profession, adaptive quality - the ability to get used to rapidly changing conditions - will play a big role.

Of course, with this approach, the business will begin to develop, demonstrating high quality and attracting more and more clients. It's no wonder that the demand for hospitality-related professions is constantly growing. Everyone wants to find a job that will stimulate all-round personal development.

Advantages and disadvantages

Businesses built in the service sector have always been very popular. We must start with the fact that the personnel are involved in full service hotels. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the entire system:

  • cleaning;
  • accepting orders for different kinds delivery;
  • purchases;
  • dry cleaning;
  • luggage transportation, etc.

Every little thing will leave a certain imprint on the business. Professions related to hotel service must monitor the work of staff, promptly responding to any changes. If necessary, valuable instructions are given, during which their implementation is analyzed in detail.

In addition, he puts his eloquence to work if there is a need to communicate with dissatisfied clients. All situations are unique, and therefore you need to be prepared for any set of circumstances. The management profession is also associated with constant communication with newcomers joining the staff. Your task is to choose best shots and put them into the common cause by giving an introductory part.

A business that has an attentive manager will be much more effective, since he can quickly respond to changes in the team. Any conflicts and internal strife must be stopped at the inception stage.

Labor optimization is one of the priority areas of activity that will improve the existing business.

The main advantages include:

  • Managerial position and experience gained. As practice shows, the acquired skills can strengthen any other business.
  • High level of income. Professionals who know their job well may not receive tips as often, but the salary will be more than sufficient.
  • Growth prospects. A specialist working in hotel services can qualify for a promotion after just a few years of work.

The main disadvantages include:

  • Nervous work. It is worth noting that any hotel consists of large quantity workers, and each of them can give free rein to their emotions. We must not forget about the guests, who are not always distinguished by their upbringing. The manager’s task is to quickly solve the problem that has arisen, while controlling internal order. As practice shows, few people can withstand so much stress.
  • Lack of work routine. The specifics of working in a hotel involve long hours and no days off. Even while on vacation, you can receive a call from your new employee who will not know how to act in the current situation. To prevent even bigger problems, you need to give a detailed telephone consultation, and then consolidate everything in a personal meeting.

Does a maid need a higher education?

Of course, higher educational institutions do not produce certified specialists: bartenders, doormen, maids, etc. It's about about working specialties for which the level of secondary vocational education will be sufficient. Institutes “supply” the hotel industry with managers of a wide profile, who, if necessary, can be involved in various aspects of the activity.

Future specialists must understand one thing: the hotel and restaurant industry does not involve step-by-step training, obtaining a diploma and then searching for a job. In this case, you should try from the first courses to experience all the specifics of your future activity.

For students studying in this field, the opportunity to combine work and study will play a big role.

A successful career takes many years to build, and therefore starting early is the key to early success. While other students will absorb tons of information that is not always applicable, you will begin to develop as a practitioner. By the time they graduate from university, many students already begin to occupy management positions.

Before choosing this direction of training, you need to think several times. Success in this area is achieved with great difficulty, since “hospitality” must simply settle in a person. For example, a waiter is a job that requires constant movement, and the amount of energy costs is comparable to the workload of a miner. To remain effective throughout the day, you need to be in good physical condition.

What difficulties might you encounter?

Every employee should forget about a bad mood and share only positive things with their clients. Your inner experiences should not affect the result of your work. The work of an administrator includes many aspects, and therefore the level of responsibility is several times higher. Throughout the entire shift, you have to answer dozens, or even hundreds of questions. At the same time, you should not lose your composure when communicating with an “uncomfortable interlocutor.”

On days when your workload is full, you may need help from your colleagues; you need to be prepared for this. It would seem that there is nothing difficult about standing behind the counter and giving orders. But the result of the work of the entire hotel will depend on the correctness of the issued order. Each employee is part of a large mechanism that must be maintained in working order.

Not every student can properly combine work and study; they have to sacrifice something. Everyone chooses their own path, but achievement high positions impossible without obtaining a specialized education. When working in a prestigious institution, you need to be prepared for constantly increasing demands: appearance, knowledge of a foreign language, etc.

Admission to a university deserves special attention, since studying will be quite expensive. The number of budget places is insignificant, and competition for a place varies from 7 to 20 people. Having chosen a university, you need to decide on your future specialty, since the specifics of the work will differ.
For example, an economist-manager and a manager-organizer perform different tasks. The specifics of the work of an economist are related to the development of strategy and construction pricing policy in changing market conditions. Organizers control the service process, ensuring order and efficiency of the team.

Sooner or later, most people have to use hotel services. When coming on a business trip, visiting relatives, or being in the city for entertainment purposes, guests choose a hotel to their liking and rent a room for a certain number of days.

Depending on the class of the establishment, the service staff can offer clients a set of standard services or some additional service.

Who works in hotels

The hierarchy of hotel staff is essentially the same as in many other organizations: there is a middle management level and senior management.

In order to occupy a lower-level position, it is enough to have hard work and discipline, and managers cannot do without special education (faculty of Hospitality). What job to do after graduation is decided by the graduates themselves, focusing on the specifics of the knowledge acquired and their personal preferences.

Hotel staff tasks

It is the responsibility of service workers to ensure round-the-clock operation of the hotel. Cleaners and maids are responsible for cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in the rooms, corridors, halls, staircases and courtyard of the hotel. Other employees take customers' orders, deliver food and shopping to them, help with loading and unloading luggage, keep their clothes and shoes clean, and perform a variety of other similar tasks. The advantage of such relatively simple professions is the lack of need special education, for example, at the Faculty of Hospitality. What you can work without experience and skills is a maid or a cleaner.

Such employees practically do not communicate with guests. As a last resort, short dialogues on general topics are acceptable.

Studying the features of the functioning of hotels and management activities Students who have chosen the specialty “Hotel and Restaurant Business” study in this structure. What can you do after graduation? Manager, administrator, or manager.

Responsibilities of a hotel service specialist

Middle managers assume the following responsibilities:

  1. Monitoring the work of maintenance personnel.
  2. Formulation of valuable instructions, selection of their executors and monitoring the quality of the work performed.
  3. Monitoring compliance with internal rules of the organization.
  4. Monitoring compliance with necessary sanitary and hygienic standards.
  5. Communication with clients, resolution of conflict situations (within their competence).

In addition, a specialist can advise, instruct newcomers and conduct internships. His responsibilities often include conducting interviews with applicants for vacancies, as well as their selection.

An important task of a specialist manager is to monitor the mood present in the team and correct it. Good worker knows how to analyze the situation in a timely manner, predict its development and optimize this process (resolution of internal conflicts, correct selection of personnel, application of incentive measures and penalties).

Many of the wisdom from this list are taught in various educational institutions at the Faculty of Hospitality (the student should decide who to work and what specialty to choose before enrolling).

Benefits of working as a hotel service specialist

When choosing such a profession, people expect the following privileges:

  • Gaining experience in management, which is useful not only for advancement in the hotel business, but also for work in many other structures.
  • Such workers receive very decent wages. Specialists by rank are not entitled to tips, but their salary is several times higher than the official earnings of porters and maids.
  • As a rule, if you work conscientiously as a hotel service specialist, you can count on a quick promotion.

Many young people do not think about their future specialty when studying hotel management. They decide who to work after gaining minimal experience, studying their capabilities and market requirements. That is, they perceive it as a start for a career.

Disadvantages of the profession

To the disadvantages that characterize this type activities, one can attribute inevitably high nervous tension executives, as well as the lack of a standardized working day.

Students wishing to work in this industry must carefully consider all the nuances before studying the hotel industry. It is up to them to decide who to work with, but they must remember this business- it is always working with people with different temperaments, characters and levels of culture. Both among the guests and among the staff there can be impolite, upset and even rude people. A specialist must be able to find a way out of various sensitive or conflict situations in order to maintain the establishment’s reputation and customer loyalty at the highest level.

Hotel management: who to work and where to study?

Modern educational institutions offer those interested two opportunities to obtain education in this field:

  1. Diploma.
  2. Postgraduate.

The first is traditional training with a bachelor's degree awarded upon completion of the course. Postgraduate education can be used by young professionals or already established hotel workers who want to improve their skills. The result of such training is a master's degree.

Many domestic trade universities and specialized colleges offer to master the specialty "Hospitality" (where to work after graduation, you can ask the admissions committee or study the relevant publications). In addition, many educational institutions in Switzerland, France and Poland are constantly inviting applicants.

What is required to master the profession

It must be said that a specialist hotel service maybe not every person. To perform effectively management functions and to be a useful employee for the organization, the student will need pragmatism, rational thinking skills, patience and certain leadership qualities.

At the moment, there is a certain bias in the labor market towards supply, that is, there are more young specialists than vacancies. However, this fact should not confuse ambitious and purposeful people, because with such qualities they have every chance of success. successful career. In addition, the training program includes a large number of universal subjects that can be useful when working as a manager or HR specialist in an organization far from hotel business.

Knowing what kind of work they can do after graduating from Hotel Management, young people should take into account the specifics future profession. Only in this way will learning be interesting, and work will become a favorite pastime.

It is believed that working in the hospitality industry is a great opportunity to see the world, meet interesting people and at the same time earn good money.

That's right‚ but first of all it's work! The kind where you need to find a common language with different people - capricious and flexible, stubborn and accommodating, rude and polite. Specialists in this industry need to have certain qualities and, first of all, feel the line that cannot be crossed. So, the willingness to help should not become an obsession, but develop into familiarity. Nevertheless, thousands of people love their job and would not change it for any other, because it has many advantages.

Tourism manager

Profile training can be completed at MSLU, Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after. Yu. A. Senkevich and others.

Travel agent

In operating companies, as if in production, they put together all the components of the tour, set a price, and then send the finished product to the “shop” - a travel agency. This is where people come who want to go on vacation! The specialist’s task is to suggest where it is better to go with children, what newlyweds will like, and where older people can get treatment.

The agent answers clients' calls, looks for suitable options for them, concludes an agreement and draws up other Required documents. Communication with customers takes up 70% of his working time, so introverted people are better off looking for something else to do! You need to be a sociable and charming person, have an excellent memory, and not miss a single detail. First of all, you need to understand what the client wants, and then be able to describe the resort in such a way that the buyer immediately starts packing his bags. In this case, the information must be truthful, otherwise the dispute between the parties will subsequently have to be resolved in court.

A travel agent needs to have iron self-control and a balanced character: he resolves all problems that arise, it is he who clients call with any questions (delayed flight, don’t like food or room, etc.).


At the hotel, vacationers are greeted by a universal receptionist. He is responsible for registration and check-in of guests, can tell guests where shops or bus stops are located, and what services the hotel offers. His responsibilities also include monitoring the fulfillment of customer requests, informing other hotel services about arrivals and departures. In small hostels, he acts as a cashier, takes phone calls and makes room reservations. In large complexes, several administrators may work simultaneously at the reception desk. By the way, in chain hotels they have the most difficult time: there are a lot of corporate requirements - these include guest rules, mandatory uniforms, etc.

Only a stress-resistant person with an impeccable knowledge of etiquette, psychology, and service principles can work successfully in the hotel business. In no case should you be indifferent to the client, ignore his requests - objectively assessing the situation, the specialist needs to be able to respond as quickly as possible necessary measures. Moreover, the administrator must have a degree of healthy cynicism so that if complaints are made, he does not take them personally: the guests’ dissatisfaction is usually not directed at an individual employee; they are not satisfied with the service as a whole.

Becoming a hotel administrator can be done by people with average vocational education‚ so and . The main thing is work experience and knowledge of a foreign language. In some cases, there may be age restrictions or requirements for appearance and gender.

All hotels operate 24 hours a day; in small hotels, the receptionist can replace the receptionist at night. If the first one is engaged in “external activities” (registration of visitors), then the second one is responsible for the coordinated work of all internal services. He controls the delivery of luggage to guests, the work of messengers, keeps a log of duties, submits reports to the accounting department, coordinates many private issues, for example, the number of guests with the restaurant administration, etc.

A person with secondary education and basic knowledge can be hired for this position. Before starting work, the employee must familiarize himself in detail with regulatory documents regarding service issues and hotel rules.

It should be taken into account that the receptionist will probably have to deal with conflict situations that often arise when serving clients. This means that he needs to have good communication skills and strength of character in order to be able to smooth out rough edges and find effective ways conflict resolution. Tactfulness, attentiveness, and a good memory will also come in handy. Typically, receptionists work in shifts and earn about 35,000 rubles. plus tip.

This specialist accompanies tourists on hikes, bus tours, cruises, and excursions. Along the route, he tells guests about the sights and traditions of the country, helps them communicate with the local population, for example, in shops when buying souvenirs or in cafes. This work is not easy, because the guide spends most of the time on his feet, bearing responsibility for travelers. So the profession is not suitable for those who love peace - it is for energetic and enterprising people!

A good specialist is sociable, polite, and punctual. He has to work with different clients, so he needs to have patience and endurance. An excellent sense of humor, resourcefulness, a broad outlook are the qualities necessary for a guide, because sometimes tourists ask rather tricky and unexpected questions. In addition, a lot depends on the personal charm and charisma of the specialist, on whether he loves his job. A careless, tongue-tied and indifferent guide can spoil tourists’ impressions of even the most beautiful and unusual monuments.

In addition to the local dialect, the guide must speak at least two. Basic knowledge of psychology and medicine will also help in your work. To be successful, you must have a specialized education, although there are exceptions when emigrants who have lived in the country for a long time and are able to talk about its culture and customs are hired.

1 Characteristics of accommodation facilities……………………….…………………
1.1 History of the development of accommodation facilities………………………….…….
1.2 The concept of accommodation………………………………………………………………
1.2.1 Classification of accommodation facilities…………………………………
1.2.2 Technological scheme for serving tourists in accommodation facilities…………………………………………………………………………………..
1.2.3 Types of rooms in accommodation facilities………………………………………………………
1.3 General requirements to accommodation facilities…………………………..
2 Analysis and prospects for the development of accommodation facilities…………………..
2.1 Modern tendencies development of accommodation facilities in the world.........
2.2 Current state and prospects for the development of accommodation enterprises in Russia………………………………………………………...
2.2.1 The current state of the hotel business…………………...
2.2.2 Problems of the Russian hotel business and ways to solve them...
2.2.3 Prospects for the development of the hotel business……………………….
List of sources used………………………………………………………


Services provided to tourists by accommodation facilities are the main services in tourism activities, both when organizing individual and group travel.

The standard international classification of accommodation facilities includes two types: collective accommodation facilities and individual means placement. In turn, collective accommodation facilities are divided into hotels and similar accommodation facilities; specialized accommodation facilities and other collective accommodation facilities. Hotels and similar accommodation facilities have the following characteristics:

Consist of numbers, the number of which exceeds a certain minimum, have a single management;

They provide a variety of hotel services, the list of which is not limited to daily making of beds, cleaning of rooms and bathrooms;

Grouped into classes (classified) and may have service quality categories (certified) according to the services provided, equipment available, building architecture and personnel qualifications.

The minimum occupancy of hotels and similar accommodation depends on national and regional conditions and applicable standards and is generally 7-10 rooms.

Specialized accommodation facilities provide a minimum of services and do not necessarily consist of rooms. These establishments, in addition to providing accommodation services, provide specialized services such as treatment and rehabilitation, social services, organization of meetings and conferences, etc. The specificity of the services provided determines the classes of these accommodation facilities: sanatoriums, resorts, congress centers, various types of labor and recreation camps.

Other collective accommodation facilities are accommodation facilities of any type, including non-profit ones, providing a minimum amount of services and not necessarily consisting of rooms. These may include campsites and social accommodation facilities (dormitories, holiday homes).

The authors of the domestic, so-called state system of classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities claim that a single government system classification of hotels, as in other countries of the world, in particular in France.

The purpose of this course work– study and analyze the history of the emergence of accommodation enterprises, their types, development prospects, as well as the state and problems of accommodation enterprises in Russia.

The topic of development of accommodation facilities in Russia was not chosen by chance, because... I consider it relevant, because intensive development of the tourism industry is beginning in Russia, because the country has all the necessary prerequisites, namely: recreational resources, qualified labor resources, a large number of cultural and architectural monuments of World Heritage - for example: the city of St. Petersburg. International tourism is playing an increasingly prominent role in the global economy. Accommodation is the most important element of the tourism industry. A tourist is considered a visitor who has received a hotel room with a bed. Since the state is currently pursuing a policy to improve the quality of tourism services, this is expressed in the reconstruction of hotels built in the 50-60s, new ones are being built, a network of educational institutions is developing that prepare qualified labor resources for the tourism industry, and work is underway on advertising.

1 Characteristics of accommodation facilities

1.1 History of the development of accommodation facilities in Russia

Development of tourism in 1970-1990 occurred in accordance with plans, the implementation of which was mandatory. They were developed for long periods (5-10 years) and approved by the highest tourism authorities. The standard indicators of the plans, which were taken as the basis for the development of the tourism industry and services, were subject to strict control.

Tourism was used as a means of educational influence on the younger generation. Thus, in the 1970s, all-Union hikes and expeditions of schoolchildren and youth were carried out. The goals of such mass tourist enterprises were to instill patriotism, excursion and local history work, sports training and hardening.

Since that time, new forms of recreation began to be introduced: some tourist centers began to accept parents with children. The range of tourism services in tourism enterprises has increased.

The Central Council for Tourism and Excursions (as it began to be called in 1969) opened the Central Tourist Advanced Training Courses for tourist and excursion workers and the Central Advertising and Information Bureau "Tourist", which issued methodological literature on tourism and excursion business. Great attention was paid to the improvement of existing tourist hotels, bases, and campsites.

The tourism and excursion business has turned into large industry services to the population has become firmly established in the life of Soviet people. Routes for parents with children were developed, transport trips were organized: motor ships (river and sea), railway and air.

In October 1980, in the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions “On the further development and improvement of the tourist and excursion business in the country” the following tasks were defined:

Creation of comfortable year-round tourist institutions;

Expanding the volume of tourism services to citizens, since their growing needs were not fully satisfied;

Creation of a tourism industry, improving the quality of service;

Improving the types and forms of services provided.

In long-term construction plans, preference was given to large tourist complexes, including hotels, tourist centers, campsites, shelters, and enterprises Catering, shops selling souvenirs, resort and sporting goods.

An important area of ​​activity of tourist organizations in the early 1980s was the research and study of tourist and excursion opportunities of territories, regions, republics and the development of promising schemes for the development of tourism in individual regions.

In the period 1980-1992 the material and technical base of medical and health tourism gradually grew, new hotel complexes appeared in large cities of the country (Izmailovo and Salyut in Moscow, Tourist in Pskov, Velingrad in Kislovodsk, etc.), new types of services – family holidays and course treatment. During the course of treatment, vacationers lived in apartments and houses in the private sector, and received a course of treatment and recovery in a sanatorium. Recreational services were well developed on the basis of sanatoriums and holiday homes.

1.2. The concept of accommodation facilities

Accommodation facilities are premises with at least 5 rooms and used by organizations of various organizational and legal forms and individual entrepreneurs for temporary accommodation of tourists; room in an accommodation facility - one or more rooms with furniture, equipment and supplies necessary for the temporary residence of tourists.

Tourist accommodation facilities - any facility intended for temporary accommodation of tourists (hotel, tourist center, camping ground, etc.).

In world practice, there is no generally accepted definition of “tourist accommodation facility,” however, WTO experts propose to consider as such “any facility that regularly (or occasionally) provides overnight accommodation for tourists.”

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Social studies is a core subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

The popularization and mass distribution of tourism in the world, cooperation with foreign partners and other factors require the presence of qualified specialists who would be well versed in hotel business and management tourism business generally. That is why this specialty attracts many applicants, who (subject to good training) are guaranteed to be successfully employed.

The most common admission exams

To enroll in the specialty “Hospitality,” applicants are asked to pass exams or pass Unified State Exam results in three subjects. The profile exam is social studies, since training involves studying a large number of social disciplines.

Other mandatory exams are Russian and history. Some universities are replacing history with computer science and ICT. At your look educational institution A foreign language exam may be offered.

Brief description of the specialty

A specialist in this area can be involved in organizational, managerial or production technical professional activity. Students study a number of disciplines that allow them to form professional competencies. However, an important role in the training of specialists is given to the formation of the culture of the future hotel employee. Therefore, among the disciplines you can find conflictology and psychology business communication. During the learning process, students participate in various trainings, undergo several internships, including abroad (depending on the specific university), and learn two foreign languages.

Large universities

The most famous educational institutions that train specialists in the specialty 43.03.03 “Hotel Management”

  • Russian State University physical culture, sports, youth and tourism;
  • Voskresensk Institute of Tourism (branch) of the Russian international academy tourism;
  • Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu.A. Senkevich;
  • Academy of Labor and Social Relations;
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service.

Terms and forms of training

Training involves the following forms: full-time, part-time and part-time. The duration of full-time study is 4 years, in other forms - from 4 years 4 months to 5 years. After receiving a bachelor's degree, you can continue your studies in this specialty at a master's degree.

Subjects studied by students

During the training process, students master six cycles of disciplines and separately physical education.

These are the following cycles:

  • humanitarian,
  • social,
  • economic,
  • mathematical,
  • natural science,
  • professional.

Each of the above cycles includes a basic and profile part. The disciplines of the basic part of the cycles include philosophy, logic, history, psychology, life safety, economics, marketing, foreign language, computer science and others.

Thanks to the profile part, the student receives a good vocational training and the opportunity for successful further education. Such disciplines are determined by the university depending on the specific profile of study.

Profile disciplines may be as follows::

  • logistics, hotel industry technologies,
  • hotel animation,
  • public relations in the industry,
  • basics of entrepreneurship,
  • hotel personnel management,
  • business planning and others.

A number of disciplines are offered to students to choose from depending on what directly interests them in the hotel business. This could be the basics of service science, sales management, marketing in the hotel and tourism industry and others.

Gained knowledge and skills

A bachelor's degree in hotel management acquires the following knowledge and skills during the course:

Who to work with

Bachelor's graduates are employed in various organizations and companies in the hotel and tourism industry and occupy positions of director, department manager, specialist in sales, planning, development, marketing and advertising departments. The specialty also implies successful entrepreneurial activity.

The next area of ​​employment is hotels, hotels, sanatoriums, recreation centers, health and resort complexes.

Here graduates can take the following positions:

  • supervisor,
  • administrator,
  • manager,
  • head of the reservation, accommodation, service department,
  • personnel manager, etc.

You can find a job both in resorts or large cities of our country, and abroad. The choice of country may depend on the second foreign language learned. Wage starts from 30 thousand rubles for service managers and from 40 thousand rubles for hotel managers. For large hotels and popular tourist destinations, these figures almost double.

There is a prospect of building a career vertically (from personnel manager to manager) and horizontally (with a transition to larger and more popular hotels).