Chemical industry: composition, location factors, main areas and centers. Problems and prospects for development. Chemical industry and environment. Regions of the chemical industry of the world Chemical industry of France

In this lesson, everyone will be able to study the topic “Chemical complex. Geography of the chemical industry". We will look at the history of the formation of the industrial structure of the chemical industry in the 20th century. Then we will discuss the main components of the chemical complex in Russia and study the geography of the chemical industry in our country.

Subject: General characteristics of the Russian economy

Lesson: Chemical complex. Geography of the chemical industry

The twentieth century can be called the century of the chemical industry. It was in the twentieth century that the main industries appeared and technologies were formed that are currently called the chemical industry.

Chemicalization- widespread use of chemical technologies and metals in all sectors of the economy

In the twentieth century, the sectoral structure of the chemical industry was formed. The chemical industry includes a large number of industries, so they are usually combined into large groups:

1. Mining and chemical - extraction of sulfur, potassium and table salt, and Apatite

2. Basic, or inorganic chemistry - production of acids, salts, alkalis and mineral fertilizers.

3. Chemistry of organic synthesis - production of organic acids and alcohols.

4. Chemistry of polymer materials - production of synthetic resins, plastics, synthetic rubber, synthetic fibers.

5. Processing of polymer materials - production of plastic products, tires, rubber products.

6. Production of varnishes and paints, detergents, plant and animal protection products.

The main base of the chemical industry is Central. All production here uses imported raw materials. There is a shortage of energy and water resources. But there is a large and diverse consumer base. Phosphate fertilizers are produced on the territory of the base (Voskresensk), complex fertilizers (Moscow and Tula regions). The central base specializes in the production of polymer materials and their processing. Large centers are Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg. Large oil pipelines pass through the territory of the Central Chemical Base. Large oil refineries are located here (Moscow, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Kstovo, Yoshkar-Ola). The central base is a kind of testing ground for testing new materials and creating new technologies.

Rice. 1. Central chemical base

The second base is the Ural-Volga region. It has an advantageous geographical location, its own reserves of resources, rich water resources and hydropower resources of the Volga-Kama cascade of hydroelectric power stations. A large number of chemical plants are located here. Of these, there are three largest complexes: Solikamsk-Bereznikovsky, Ufa-Salavatsky, Saratovsky. In Solikamsk and Berezniki, on the basis of the extraction of potassium and table salt, the largest mineral fertilizer production facilities in Russia were formed. Using their own resources and imported ones, in Ufa and Salavat, as well as in Sterlitamak, there are enterprises for the production of nitrogen fertilizers, synthetic resins and plastics, synthetic rubber, which use the capabilities of the oil refining industry. The Saratov complex includes factories in Samara, Togliatti, and Novokuibyshevsk. Using oil refining resources, the plant produces raw organic synthesis products, as well as synthetic rubber, synthetic resins, plastics and nitrogen fertilizers.

Rice. 2. Ural-Volga chemical base

The Siberian base ranks 3rd in Russia in terms of the share of products produced. In terms of reserves of raw materials, water and hydropower resources, the Siberian base is superior to the Ural-Volga region. The Siberian base was formed in the petrochemical industry of Tobolsk, Tomsk, Angarsk, and Omsk. The coal chemical industry is located in Cheremkhovo and Kemerovo. Polymer chemistry is located in Krasnoyarsk and Barnaul. Salt production in Usolye-Sibirskoye. The combination of raw materials, water and energy factors creates conditions for the further development of the Siberian base.

Rice. 3. Siberian Chemical Base

The North European base provides only 3% of all-Russian production and has large reserves of chemical raw materials: coal, oil, natural gas and apatite.

In addition, it has an advantageous geographical location and is well supplied with water and energy. The leading industry here is mining and chemicals. The North European base specializes in apatite mining (Kirovsk), production of apatite concentrate which are used for the production of phosphate fertilizers. There are ample opportunities for the chemistry of organic synthesis.

Rice. 5. North European chemical base

  1. V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Rum. Geography of Russia: population and economy. 9th grade
  2. V.P. Dronov, I.I. Barinova, V.Ya. Rom, A.A. Lobzhanidze. Geography of Russia: economy and geographical areas. 9th grade
  1. The impact of the chemical industry on the environment
  2. Unified collection of digital educational resources (). Chemical industry of Russia

Industrialized countries are increasingly specializing in the production of the latest science-intensive types of chemical products.

There are four main regions in the global chemical industry:

  1. Foreign Europe, primarily France, provides 23-24% of world production and export of chemical products. The most “chemicalized” country in this region is Germany. After the Second World War, the petrochemical industry, focused mainly on imported raw materials, came to the fore in this region. This led to a shift of the chemical industry to ports (Rotterdam, Marseille, etc.), as well as to the routes of large oil and gas pipelines from Russia (this mainly concerns countries).
  2. North America. Particularly notable here are the world's largest producer and exporter of chemical products (about 20% of world chemical products and 15% of its world exports).
  3. East and Southeast Asia. Japan (15% of world production and export of chemical products), China, and Korea stand out here.
  4. CIS, where it is produced (3-4% of world chemical production).

In addition, a very large region specializing in the production of chemical products (mainly semi-products of organic synthesis and fertilizers) has developed in the Persian Gulf area. The raw material for production here is the huge resources of associated (oil production) gas. The oil-producing countries of the region - Iran, etc. - produce 5-7% of the world's chemical products, which are almost entirely export-oriented.

Outside these areas, the chemical industry is developed in and other countries.
Location of chemical industries.

Among the industries, the leading place is occupied by the polymer materials industry, based on oil and gas or petrochemical raw materials. For a long period of time, the raw material base of the polymer materials industry was almost universally coal chemicals and plant raw materials. The change in the nature of the raw material base also significantly affected the geography of industry - the importance of coal regions decreased, the role of oil and gas production areas and coastal regions increased.

Currently, the most powerful organic synthesis industry is in economically developed countries that have large (USA, UK, the Netherlands, Russia, etc.) or occupy a favorable position for the supply of these types of chemical raw materials (Japan, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, etc. .).

All of the above countries occupy leading positions in the global production of synthetic resins and plastics and other types of synthetic products. Of the polymer industries, only the production of chemical fibers has seen a noticeable shift towards developing countries. In this type of production, along with the traditional leaders - the USA, Germany, etc., China, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, and India have also become among the largest producers in recent years.

In contrast to the polymer materials industry, the mining and basic chemical industries are widely represented not only in economically developed countries, but also in developing countries.

The leading producers of mineral fertilizers are China, the USA, Canada, India, Russia, Germany, Belarus, France,. At the same time, in terms of mining and processing of phosphorites, along with the USA, the following countries stand out: (,), Asia (, Israel), the CIS (Russia, Kazakhstan), Christmas Island and. The overwhelming majority of the world's production and processing of potassium salts is carried out by the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Russia, and Belarus.

The main raw material for the production of nitrogen fertilizers is. Therefore, among the most important producers and exporters of nitrogen fertilizers are, first of all, countries rich in natural gas (USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Russia, Gulf countries). Large quantities of nitrogen fertilizers are also produced by France, Germany, Ukraine, China, and India, whose nitrogen fertilizer industry is closely connected with these countries.

Sulfur producing countries are the USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Poland. Ukraine, Russia, Japan, etc. The largest producers of sulfuric acid are the USA, China, Japan and Russia (they account for more than half of world production).

Geography of individual branches of the chemical industry

Sulfuric acid production

Production of mineral fertilizers

Plastics production

Production of chemical fibers

Synthetic rubber production



















R. Korea





The global chemical industry is experiencing its biggest boom today. Many leading developed countries have made this industry one of the most advanced. This is primarily due to the fact that chemical industry products are used in a number of other industries and are necessary for their development.

Geography of the global chemical industry

Every year this industry becomes more and more knowledge-intensive. Its products are becoming more complex to manufacture, requiring the use of innovative techniques and modern equipment. This is a determining factor in the geographical location of the industry in the world.

Chemical activity requires not only serious financial but also technical support. That is why it is most common in technologically advanced countries.

Today, the main raw materials for the chemical industry are products of the oil and gas industry. This has caused production capacities to shift closer to their sources, as well as a decrease in the importance of coal regions. The availability of new raw materials has become one of the main factors influencing the geographical location of the global chemical industry.

The chemical industry began to actively develop in countries with:

  1. Own oil and gas production industry - Russia, Canada, Great Britain, USA, Netherlands, etc.

  2. Convenient location for the supply of raw materials (proximity to oil and gas pipelines) - Germany, Italy, Japan, France, Belgium and others.

In this regard, the coastal region, which provides the opportunity to transport raw materials and finished goods, has become of great importance for the location of production. This has become especially relevant recently, since many countries with developed chemical industries produce the bulk of goods for export.

Due to the specific nature of some areas of activity of the global chemical industry, they are located unevenly across countries. Some of them specialize in a certain type of industry. In this matter, everything depends on what kind of production and raw material base a particular country has.

The greatest attention is now paid to traditional areas of the industry: mining and inorganic chemistry, the production of organic simple products. In addition, many developed countries pay attention to the development and production of new modern high-tech products.

The global chemical industry currently has five main production regions:

  1. European. It includes many EU countries, such as Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Italy and others. They supply about 23% of the global market for this industry.

  2. North American. Here the USA especially stands out as the largest exporter of chemical products - about 15%.

  3. Eastern and Southeast regions of Asia. Here Japan stands out among others. It exports 15% of the world market for this industry's products. In addition, Korea and China make a significant contribution to it.

  4. CIS. Undoubtedly, the most serious producer of chemical products here is Russia. However, in comparison with other countries, it has a fairly low level of exports - only 3-4%.

  5. Persian Gulf area. Most often, the countries of this region are not classified as a separate group, but they have significant industrial capacity and often produce goods exclusively for export. Their share is about 7% of the world market.

In addition, this industry is actively developing in India, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and some other countries.

Coverage of the global chemical industry and its achievements in Russia

The event, which is designed to stimulate the development of the industry and provide support to Russian manufacturers, is exhibition "Chemistry", taking place in Moscow.

This is the central event of the industry, which is hosted by the Expocentre exhibition complex. Exhibitors from all over the world take part in it every year.

Most domestic companies organize their stands there to attract new partners and clients, present new products, and find investors. They note the high effectiveness of this event.

The Chemistry exhibition promises to be as successful and well-attended as the events of previous years. Visitors come to the Expocentre Fairgrounds not only from Russia, but also from many other countries, which makes it possible to evaluate the development global chemical industry and its market trends.

Classification of chemical production

Of all the sciences, chemistry is undoubtedly one of the most effective in everyday life due to the wide variety of its products. Chemistry truly transforms the world forever (food, clothing, medicine, etc.), and sometimes it is evil (air and especially water pollution and the use of substances, especially gases in war).

Let us organize chemical products into the following four groups and their corresponding economic characteristics:

    Basic chemistry. Produces bulk products (ammonia, gases, acids, salts); petrochemicals (benzene, ethylene, propylene, xylene, toluene, butadiene, methane, butylene) and finished products (fertility fertilizers, industrial chemicals, plastics, propylene oxide, resins, elastomers and dyes). With continuous operation and high energy consumption, low profit margins and highly cyclical technology.

    They are suppliers to companies that also deal in basic chemicals, specialty chemicals and other product activities for textiles, automobiles, furniture, pulp and paper, petroleum refining, metals, glass, etc.

    Specialized chemistry. Produces rubber and plastic products, paints and sealants, adhesives, catalysts, coatings, additives, etc. Uses basic chemicals, but has technologically more advanced products and processes, as well as continuous synthesis processes. It has lower production volumes, but provides greater added value due to the production of goods that are usually protected by patent and have no substitutes

  1. Chemistry of biological sciences. It produces pharmaceutical, agrochemical and biotechnological products, with synthesis plants, segmented batches and highly complex production processes in a controlled environment and with scrupulous quality control.
  2. Chemistry of personal and public hygiene. Formed by companies producing soap, detergents, bleaches, hair and skin products, perfumes, etc.; Its production processes can create large volumes (detergents) or batches, with large investments in processing equipment.

Note 1

The chemical industry uses a very large array of resources: fuel (solid or liquid) and gaseous media, sulfur pyrites, limestone, salts, products of plant and animal origin, etc. The location of chemical production (due to their danger) should be shifted away from large populated areas points. Perhaps closer to resources. In addition, chemicals require very specialized conditions for transportation and storage.

Dislocation of the global chemical industry

The chemical industry has a significant presence throughout the world. The largest chemical company on the planet is BASF, headquartered in Germany. The next largest are ExxonMobil and SABIC, located in the USA and Saudi Arabia, respectively. World giants from 4th to 12th magnitude are located in:

  • Germany;
  • South Korea;
  • Brazil;
  • France;
  • Taiwan;
  • Russia;
  • the Netherlands;
  • Italy;
  • United Kingdom.

Note 2

Resource centers are shifting due to the emergence of shale gas in the US or coal and olefins in China. In addition, the centers of demand are shifting due to the emergence of a rapidly growing middle class in developing countries.

Due to the wide variety of chemicals, individual countries specialize in the chemical industry. Perhaps only the United States is capable of producing all types of chemicals in large quantities. Germany specializes in varnishes and paints. France produces synthetic rubber and rubber-technical products, Great Britain - synthetic detergents, the Netherlands - plastics, Belgium - plastics, inorganic acids and salts, Switzerland and Hungary - pharmacy, Sweden and Norway - forestry and electrochemical products Some "newly industrialized countries" (South Korea, Taiwan) are also increasing their production of plastics and fibers. In China and India, basic chemical products predominate. In countries with significant oil and gas reserves, organic synthesis chemistry products predominate. Significant volumes of production of basic chemicals are created in Russia.

Chemical industry in France

In France, there are four competing chemical industry clusters: Industries and Agri-Resources IAR (Champagne-Ardenne and Picardy): With a global vocation, the competitiveness cluster seeks to combine skills and technologies to extract, transform and formulate biomass components through non-food plant recovery; Environmental chemistry Lyon Rhone-Alpes: This industrial and scientific center, also with a global vocation, hopes to become a European leader in the field of chemistry and the environment by 2012. Cosmetic Valley (Centre, Haute-Normandie, Ile-de-France): The world's leading resource center for perfumes and cosmetics. Perfumes, fragrances, fragrances PASS (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Rhône-Alpes): specialized body hygiene products and agricultural products,

Within these competitiveness clusters there are well-known companies: Arkema, Sanofi Aventis, L'Oreal, Air Liquid and Rodia. The main companies associated with the chemical industry in France:

Note 3

Foreign investors provide 40% of French chemical products. Shell and ExxonMobil, large petrochemical groups, as well as fine chemicals and specialty specialists such as Rohm Haas, Toray Soficar, TBI Synthesia, Dupont, BASF produce their traditional products in French plants.

Green chemistry in the world

Definition 1

Green chemistry is defined as the methods and methodologies of chemistry that reduce or eliminate elements that are hazardous to human health and harmful to the environment in the use or production of chemical products. In other words, such chemistry strives to promote pure chemistry to serve humanity and in harmony with natural resources.

It is advisable to make the chemical process waste-free as soon as it is formed. This means that synthesis methods must be designed so that the final product includes all the materials used in the process. The raw material should preferably be renewable instead of exhaustible as this makes the process technically and economically viable.

Chemical products must be designed in such a way that at the end of their operation they do not persist in the environment, but become harmless products of decomposition.

Substances used in chemical processes in a manner that minimizes the potential for chemical accidents, including emanations, explosions and fires.

Types of products and processes where green chemistry principles have been adopted include medicine, cosmetics, polymers, food production, energy production, packaging, household and commercial cleaning products, electronics and automotive.

Lab 6

Chemical industry of the world

Task No. 1

Which industry group does the chemical industry belong to? Why is the chemical industry a basic industry for a number of other sectors of the economy?

The chemical industry is a complex industry that, along with mechanical engineering, determines the level of scientific and technological progress, providing all sectors of the national economy with chemical technologies and materials, including new, progressive ones, and producing consumer goods.

The chemical industry is one of the leading branches of heavy industry, is the scientific, technical and material basis for the chemicalization of the national economy and plays an extremely important role in the development of productive forces, strengthening the defense capability of the state and in ensuring the vital needs of society. It unites a whole complex of industries in which chemical methods of processing objects of embodied labor (raw materials, materials) predominate, allows solving technical, technological and economic problems, creating new materials with predetermined properties, replacing metal in construction, mechanical engineering, increasing productivity and saving costs of social labor. The chemical industry includes the production of several thousand different types of products, the number of which is second only to mechanical engineering.

The importance of the chemical industry is expressed in the progressive chemicalization of the entire national economic complex: the production of valuable industrial products is expanding; Expensive and scarce raw materials are replaced with cheaper and more abundant ones; complex use of raw materials is carried out; Many industrial wastes, including environmentally harmful ones, are captured and disposed of. Based on the integrated use of various raw materials and the recycling of industrial waste, the chemical industry forms a complex system of connections with many industries and is combined with the processing of oil, gas, coal, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and the forestry industry. Entire industrial complexes are formed from such combinations.

Task No. 2

What industries does the chemical industry include?

Sub-sector Examples
Inorganic chemistry Ammonia production, Soda production, Sulfuric acid production
Organic chemistry Acrylonitrile, Phenol, Ethylene Oxide, Urea
Ceramics Silicate production
Petrochemistry Benzene, Ethylene, Styrene
Agrochemistry Fertilizers, Pesticides, Insecticides, Herbicides
Polymers Polyethylene, Bakelite, Polyester
Elastomers Rubber, Neoprene, Polyurethanes
Explosives Nitroglycerin, Ammonium Nitrate, Nitrocellulose
Pharmaceutical chemistry Medicines: Sintomycin, Taurine, Ranitidine
Perfumes and cosmetics Coumarin, Vanillin, Camphor

Task No. 3

Describe the oil refining and petrochemical industries. What is the geography of these industries?

The rapid development of petrochemistry began in the 30s of the 20th century. The dynamics of development can be assessed by the volume of world production (in million tons): 1950 - 3, 1960 - 11, 1970 - 40, 1980-100! In the 1990s, petrochemical products accounted for more than half of the world's organic production and more than one-third of the total chemical industry output.

The main development trends are: increasing the unit capacity of installations to optimal levels (from the standpoint of production costs), increasing selectivity to save raw materials, reducing energy intensity and closing energy flows through recovery, involving new types of raw materials in the processing (including heavy residues, as well as by-products other processes). In terms of production volume of petrochemical products, Russia ranks ~19th in the world (1% of world volume), in terms of volume per capita - 11th place.

The purpose of oil refining (oil refining) is the production of petroleum products, primarily various fuels (automotive, aviation, boiler, etc.) and raw materials for subsequent chemical processing.

Primary refining processes do not involve chemical changes in oil and represent its physical separation into fractions.

Oil preparation

Oil arrives at the refinery in a form prepared for transportation. At the plant, it undergoes additional purification from mechanical impurities, removal of dissolved light hydrocarbons (C1-C4) and dehydration in electric desalting units (EDU).

Atmospheric distillation

The oil enters distillation columns for atmospheric distillation (distillation at atmospheric pressure), where it is divided into several fractions: light and heavy gasoline fractions, kerosene fraction, diesel fraction and the residue of atmospheric distillation - fuel oil. The quality of the resulting fractions does not meet the requirements for commercial petroleum products, so the fractions are subjected to further (secondary) processing.

Material balance of atmospheric distillation of West Siberian oil.

Vacuum distillation

Vacuum distillation is the process of distilling fractions from fuel oil (atmospheric distillation residue) suitable for processing into motor fuels, oils, paraffins and ceresins and other products of oil refining and petrochemical synthesis. The heavy residue remaining after this is called tar. Can serve as a raw material for the production of bitumen.

Secondary processes

The purpose of secondary processes is to increase the amount of motor fuel produced; they are associated with the chemical modification of hydrocarbon molecules that make up the oil, usually with their transformation into forms more convenient for oxidation.

According to their directions, all secondary processes can be divided into 3 types:

· Deepening: catalytic cracking, thermal cracking, visbreaking, delayed coking, hydrocracking, bitumen production, etc.

· Upgrading: reforming, hydrotreating, isomerization, etc.

· Other: oil production processes, MTBE, alkylation, aromatic hydrocarbon production, etc.

Catalytic cracking

The raw materials for catalytic cracking are atmospheric and light vacuum gas oil; the task of the process is to split the molecules of heavy hydrocarbons, which would allow them to be used to produce fuel. During the cracking process, a large amount of fatty (propane-butane) gases are released, which are separated into separate fractions and are mostly used in tertiary technological processes at the refinery itself. The main products of cracking are pentane-hexane fraction (so-called gas gasoline) and cracked naphtha, which are used as components of motor gasoline. The cracking residue is a component of fuel oil.


Hydrocracking is the process of splitting hydrocarbon molecules in excess hydrogen. The raw material for hydrocracking is heavy vacuum gas oil (middle fraction of vacuum distillation). The main source of hydrogen is reforming gas. The main products of hydrocracking are diesel fuel and the so-called. hydrocracking gasoline (component of motor gasoline).


The process of producing isocarbons (isopentane, isohexane) from hydrocarbons of normal structure. The purpose of the process is to obtain raw materials for petrochemical production (isoprene from isopentane) and high-octane components of motor gasoline.

Task No. 4

Apply to the largest chemical industry centers in the world.

Task No. 5

Group and classify countries and regions according to the level of development of chemical production.

Table. Centers for the location of the chemical industry of the world (at least 5 in each position)

Industry name A country Center
Basic Chemistry
Production of acids (sulfuric, nitric, hydrochloric) China Russia Japan USA Germany Luzhou, Shenyang, Girin Perm, Orenburg, Astrakhan, Ekaterenburg Girin, Tokyo, Nobeoka Baton Rouge Dorsten, Leverkusen
Production of alkalis Russia Sterlitomak, Volgograd, Kemerovo
Potash fertilizers Germany Russia USA France Canada Dresden, Kassel Berezniki, Solikamsk Chicago, Gastonia Clermo-Ferrand, Carcassonne Regina, Vancouver
Phosphorus fertilizers Russia Germany USA Canada Belarus Volkhov, St. Petersburg, Uvarov Leverkusen, Duisburg Richmond, Pittersberg Montreal, Toronto Minsk, Gomel
Nitrogen fertilizers Poland India France Germany Szczecin, Gdansk Neuvely, Sindri Toulouse, Strasbourg Dusseldorf, Wiesbaden
Petrochemical and oil refining industries
Production of plastics Russia Germany USA Japan Republic of Korea Tyumen, Moscow, Orekhovo-Zuevo Marseille, Rotterdam Bakersfield Muroran, Tokuyama Tesan
Rubber production Russia Germany USA Japan China Voronezh, Yaroslavl Dormagen, Dusseldorf Corpus Christi Chiba, Okayama Shanghai, Datong
Chemical production fibers Russia USA India China Republic of Korea Kursk, Saratov, Tver, Barnaul, Serpukhov Baton Rouge, New York Digboy, Cochin, Trombey Liaoyang, Shanghai, Baoding Daesan, Ulsan

Task No. 6

Describe current trends in the development of chemical industries. How the sectoral and territorial structure of the industry has changed over the last decade of the century. What are the major shifts in the geography of the industry? Describe three models for locating enterprises in the industry.

The world chemical industry developed at the fastest pace from the early 50s to the mid-70s. XX century Then, under the influence of the energy and raw materials crises, these rates slowed down somewhat: the chemical industry took some time for a new structural and technological restructuring. And then they again became quite high and, more importantly, stable. As a result, in the late 1990s. The global production of chemicals has reached $1.5 billion, so that in terms of the value of manufactured products, this industry is now only surpassed by electronics. In developed countries, its share in the structure of industrial production is second only to mechanical engineering.