Artistic and constructive analysis of prototypes etc. Analysis of prototypes and analogues

1. Research on wood properties:

Taking into account the available opportunities, we decided to conduct research on the properties of wood that are most often found in our forests.

Wood species are determined by their following characteristics: texture, smell, hardness and color.

Birch: hardwood, hardwood. The color is white with a brownish tint. Used to make plywood and furniture. Works well on a lathe.

Pine: the wood is soft, light, durable. Impregnated with resinous substances. The wood is reddish in color with a pronounced texture. Used for the manufacture of furniture, windows, doors, floors and ceilings.

Spruce: conifer, layered, soft. Impregnated with resinous substances. The color is white with a yellowish tint. Used for making furniture, windows, doors, musical instruments.

Aspen: hardwood, soft, prone to rotting, easily splintered. The color is white with a greenish tint. Used to make matches and toys.

Linden: hardwood, soft. The color is white with a snowy pink tint. Used for making dishes, drawing boards, pencils.

2. Study of the mechanical properties of wood.

Determined the type of wood from samples.

I scratched a nail across the grain of wood samples and determined the hardness. I hammered a nail into a sample of wood and determined the hardness. I wrote down the results in a notebook using symbols. Using a 1 kg weight, I tested samples of wood species for strength and elasticity (fracture, crack). I also wrote down the results in a notebook. At the end of the work, I found the answer to the question, what type of wood should I use to make the selected product and why?

Conclusion: cedar is suitable for making

Gathering information on the topic. Prototype analysis.

The market offers a variety of materials with which you can make a flower stand. It can be either products made from plywood or natural wood, with different options decor. You can make an iron stand, or combine iron and fabric or wood. There is also a huge variety of finished products, but this is not a way out, since I do not have much finance, as a result of which I decided to make a flower stand myself.

Design specification

On at this stage searching for the design form and artistic features of the research object, we are faced with the task of developing a specific form of the stand, having already decided on the general design scheme, based on the goal and functional needs. The decision of the shape and layout of the product, methods of decorating it, the choice of shape and pattern of decorative elements must be made taking into account many factors: the established style orientation, the planning solution of the room, its functional purpose, the architectural and artistic solution of the product as a whole, the properties of facing, finishing and other materials etc.

Let's consider the basic requirements for manufactured furniture. The design of the product or its constituent elements must ensure the specified performance qualities and production of the product with the lowest cost of labor and materials. This design is characterized by simplicity of layout and perfection of form, providing convenience and minimal labor intensity during the process of assembling the product and during its repair.
The consumer properties of products are assessed by social, functional, ergonomic, aesthetic, environmental and other indicators, as well as indicators of reliability and safety of consumption.
Functional indicators characterize the main purpose of products and their use with the greatest benefit, as well as the perfect performance of the product’s main and auxiliary functions, are established technical specifications. The set of functional requirements is based on data from anthropometry, physiology, psychology, hygiene, and engineering psychology.
Ergonomic indicators determine the compliance of products with the size and shape of the human body, its weight, i.e. its anthropometric characteristics, physiological and psychological (strength, visual, speed, hearing and other human capabilities), as well as hygienic requirements.
The aesthetic value of products is expressed in form and manifests itself in their aesthetic properties (expediency, convenience, layout variations, etc.). The perfection of form is also assessed by such aesthetic categories as beautiful and graceful, and is specifically manifested in the artistic and figurative features of individual products and the object environment as a whole, in the features of artistic traditions, style, fashion, etc. Furniture should be an organic part of the human environment, obey a single architectural and artistic style. In this case, it will have a positive influence on aesthetic education and human culture. Environmental indicators characterize the content of harmful impurities in the air entering the environment when using the product. Many furniture products are made using materials (adhesives, varnishes, etc.) that release toxic substances. These indicators, as well as consumption safety indicators, may not be separated into separate groups, but rather considered in the group of ergonomic or functional indicators.
When designing furniture products, the basic principle should be observed: all requirements must be taken into account comprehensively. In any product, benefit, convenience and beauty are inextricably linked. To translate the artist-designer's plan into a specific figurative form, means and techniques of composition are used. The idea of ​​composition is revealed at the very beginning of work on the form and determines the strategy for further search. The development of the form is carried out on the basis of objective requirements (functional purpose of the product, material, technology, etc.), but the conditioning of the form by these requirements does not detract from the importance of the compositional technique. Compositional balance is a state-property of a form in which all elements are balanced with each other. Proportions mean proportionality, a certain relationship between the individual parts of objects. The dimensional relationships between the elements of the form, that is, the proportionality between the parts and the whole, serve as an important basis on which the entire composition is built. This means of composition, when used skillfully, gives a direct effect of harmonizing objects, which is why it has been used by architects, artists and craftsmen since ancient times. In the process of designing individual products, you can relatively freely set the proportions of their elements, i.e., first develop a form, and from there go to a design. Based on the purpose of the study, where the flower stand should be located, its dimensions and proportions.

First option:

We found this option on the Internet; its highlight lies in its durable metal frame. But we refused this option, since we had not yet learned how to process metal with dignity.

Second option:

This is an option, but you can only place one flower on it. Therefore this option is not suitable.

Analysis of possible ideas

Having examined and analyzed flower stands made in various workshops, we decided that copying someone’s product is not very beautiful. Therefore, the design and appearance developed independently.

Only the requirements for such products were taken as a basis.

Firstly, we decided that the stand would be wooden.

Secondly, it will be in the form of a children's bicycle.

Third option:

Insert photo

We developed our design ourselves: a large number of shelves, beautiful appearance, while using environmentally friendly clean materials

Sketch development of the basic version.

When designing a flower stand, you need to take into account the following factors:

· low cost

· ease of operation

originality and artistic expressiveness of the design

material saving

Possibility to fit into the exterior

Introduction 1. Relevance. Justification of the problem and formulation of the project topic 2. Collection of information on the project topic, collection of prototypes 3. Analysis of possible ideas. Selection of the optimal idea 4. Selection of product manufacturing technology 5. Economic assessment of the future product 6. Environmental assessment of the future product 7. Manufacturing technology of the future product 8. Development of design documentation 9. Description of the manufacture of the product 10. Description of the final version of the product 11. Aesthetic assessment of the selected product 12. Economic assessment of the finished product 13. Environmental assessment of the finished product 14. Product advertising 15. Conclusion 16. References 17. Appendix

1. Preheat the oven. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites into a strong foam, gradually adding sugar. 2. Continue beating, adding the yolks one at a time, then slaked soda and flour. The consistency of the dough should resemble sour cream. 3. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Pour half of the dough onto a baking sheet, arrange the apples evenly cut into slices, and pour in the other half of the dough. 4. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven. Hold at maximum temperature for 3 minutes, then reduce to medium and bake for minutes. 1. Melt butter and honey over low heat. 2. Stir until homogeneous mass eggs, salt, sifted flour, soda slaked with lemon juice and cinnamon. 3. Pour melted honey and butter into the dough and stir. 4. Peel the apples, cut into slices and add to the resulting mass. 5. Grease the mold with oil, pour in the dough and place in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for minutes.

Name of title Unit of measurement Price per unit of measurement, ruble Quantity Cost 80 t, ruble 1Apples 1 kg 261 kg 80 2Flour pack g 200 3Eggs pcs Sugar pack g 190 Total 480 Name of title Unit of measurement Price per unit of measurement, ruble Quantity Cost 80, rub 1Apples 1 kg 26 rub 1 kg 80 2Flour 200 rub 200 gr 200 3Eggs 1 pc 2 rub 5 pcs 10 4Sugar pack 190 rub 200 gr 190 Total 480 rub

The dish will turn out to be very environmentally friendly and will not harm the environment, but even vice versa. Egg shells and apple peelings can be thrown into the compost; this will be a very good fertilizer. Egg shells can also be used for fakes, because there are many fakes made from egg shells.

Item/item Name of product Norm of product Cooking sequence Dishes, equipment 1 eggs 5 pcs Break eggs into a bowl Knife, bowl 2 Sugar 200 g Add sugar and beat everything well Mixer 3 flour 200 g Add flour and mix everything Mixer 4 apples 1 kg Peel and cut the apples, layer by layer (apple, dough) into the mold.

Beat eggs with sugar (beat for at least 5–7 minutes). Add flour, mix well. Peel the apples, remove the core, cut into small slices. Grease the baking dish with oil. Pour some dough into the bottom of the mold. Place half of the apples on the dough (apples can be sprinkled with cinnamon). Pour half of the remaining batter onto the apples. Place the remaining apples on the dough. Pour the remaining batter over the apples. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 40-60 minutes (depending on the size of the pan).

Ingredients 200 g sugar 5 eggs 200 g flour 500 g apples Preparation Beat eggs with sugar (beat for at least 5-7 minutes). Add flour, mix well. Peel the apples, remove the core, cut into small slices. Grease the baking dish with oil. Pour some dough into the bottom of the mold. Place half of the apples on the dough (apples can be sprinkled with cinnamon). Pour half of the remaining batter onto the apples. Place the remaining apples on the dough. Pour the remaining batter over the apples. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 40-60 minutes (depending on the size of the pan).

Russian charlotte was invented in London at the beginning of the 19th century by the French chef Marie Antoine Care, who was in the service of Alexander I. Initially, the dish was called charlotte à la parisienne (Parisian charlotte), later the dessert became famous throughout the world under the name charlotte russe (Russian charlotte). To make Russian charlotte, the mold is lined with savoiardi cookies or ready-made sponge cake and filled with Bavarian cream and whipped cream. Then the dessert should be cooled until hardened. During the reign of Stalin, as part of the fight against “adulation to the West,” it was renamed “apple babka.” Currently, in the CIS, charlotte is an easy-to-prepare pie, which is a sponge cake filled with chopped apples: mix 4 eggs, 1 glass of flour and 1 glass of sugar, add a teaspoon of slaked soda with vinegar and a few chopped apples, bake in the oven .


cafe interior design

The interior design of a restaurant and cafe must fully correspond to the idea of ​​the establishment, which greatly influences their atmosphere. Since the premises are located in a trade fair center, I decided to design an express cafe in my project. To ensure that visitors and employees shopping arcades could drop into a cafe and have a quick snack, or a longer rest at the tables was also possible. A cozy and homely atmosphere should not distract people.

From restaurant interior design and proper organization space depends on whether your business will be a success with visitors. Often it is the design that influences the desire of guests to visit you for the first time. It is the design that makes visitors come back to you and invite their friends and acquaintances. The design of a cafe is a thoughtful organization of the space of the complex, the style of the interior and the originality of its execution. A cafe is an enterprise Catering, in which eating is combined with rest. The cafe sells hot and cold drinks, flour, culinary and confectionery, sweet dishes. Cafes operate both semi-finished products and raw materials.

The main task that has always faced and faces all catering enterprises is the production of high-quality products that can satisfy the needs of the population for culinary products.

Today, all the prerequisites have been created for the progressive development of public catering as profitable business, in which it is not scary to invest money, despite all the instability of our state.

Among various types In public catering establishments, a prominent place is occupied by cafes, with their diverse organization, which is of great importance in the nutrition of the population.

To warmly welcome people, to feed people deliciously, to create all the conditions for a good rest - this is the task of the cafe.

Study of the project situation (pre-project analysis)

Collection and analysis of actual design material (plans, drawings)

The interior design project for the cafe is based on the premises of the trade fair complex at the intersection of Krasnoarmeyskoye Shosse and Kashena streets in the city of Vyazma. Today, this premises houses a small cafe. After analyzing the premises, both disadvantages and advantages were revealed. The successful proportions of the hall are close to a square. But the premises are not small enough to accommodate a restaurant or cafe. Therefore, it was necessary to carry out a lot of work on the planning and layout of the premises in order to accommodate a large number of visitors and maintain enough space for their free and convenient movement and service. The finishing of the premises is plastering and painting the walls, the ceilings are lined with plasterboard and painted, the floors are covered with porcelain stoneware.

Analysis of analogues and prototypes of the project

Based on the specifics of the tasks, I began searching for analogues and prototypes.


The designer adhered to the concept of comprehensive luxury at the heart of the interior. The interior mixed styles, colors and trends. Absolutely everything here is unique and inimitable: asymmetrical shapes, daring curves, slogans on concrete walls, giant candelabra with a fringe of wax threads, metal stools, black lampshades, burnt palace chairs.

This gives a unique image to the restaurant and is the epitome of impeccable luxury.

Restaurant "Veterok"

The building was built in the style of an Alpine chalet, the space of which can be divided into several rooms. The main hall surprises with an impressive fireplace.

The hall with a large open kitchen, where you can see all the details of the cooking process. Abundance of light, natural natural materials in different textures and calm colors.

Restaurant "Indabar"

In the Indabar restaurant, every detail fascinates: a statue of Buddha, on which the glare from the flames of candles plays, oriental ornaments, beaded curtains, carpets, all kinds of vases and figurines, leather poufs and colorful, cozy sofas with huge velvet pillows, mirrors in gold carvings frames All this is in amazing harmony with the clear straight lines of the modern space design solution, professional acoustics and plasma monitors on the walls. The subdued lighting of the restaurant looks especially unusual, as well as the well-thought-out play of light and shadow.

Restaurant "Tattler Club"

The restaurant's interior is a cocktail of classics, art deco, pop art and modern art. In the central part of the hall, a huge crystal chandelier, a red grand piano and modern leather furniture attract attention. The high ceilings with restored stucco, stately columns and large display windows are impressive. Despite all the airiness and openness of the space, there is a special atmosphere here - coziness, comfort and elegance. The entire space of the restaurant is filled with natural soft light that penetrates through the arched windows.

"Tatler Club" is an ideal place for both private meetings and noisy companies.

Restaurant "Yoko"

"Yoko" is decorated in the style of traditional Japanese minimalism. Natural materials: light wood, stone, frosted glass - everything is simple and as practical as possible. Noble gray marble in the design of walls and shelving, light warm pine from which the parquet and tabletops are made, and dark brown chocolate upholstery of armchairs and sofas are harmoniously combined. Contrast is created by bright monochromatic panels on the walls - olive and red colors - and olive pillows on wooden benches. Fresh flowers and greenery make the interior fresh and light.