Individual employee adaptation plan. A program for the gradual introduction of a new employee into the team and into work. The practical significance of developing recommendations for Foriss LLC is due to the fact that a correctly implemented adaptation process should lead to

When faced with something new, a person experiences stress - this is its essence. The nature of the peculiar “fear of change” is simple - it is explained by the instinct of self-preservation. Getting used to the current way of life, a person subconsciously perceives change as a threat to personal safety and everything new causes him discomfort.

According to statistics, about 90% of employees who quit within six months after joining the company made this decision during their first day on the team. The reason for this is the lack of adaptation, ignoring adaptation measures on the part of the company management.

Adaptation (from the Latin adapto) is the process of coming into harmonious agreement with the outside world on the one hand, and with one’s unique psychological characteristics on the other, which implies the ability to distinguish between images of the outside world, subjective images, as well as the ability to effectively influence environment(from the explanatory dictionary of analytical psychology).

Adaptation is a difficult stage in the life of a beginner, regardless of his level of knowledge, skills or moral principles. In order for the “getting accustomed” process to be easy and comfortable, the company must develop a clear personnel adaptation program. Its mission is to quickly and effectively integrate a newcomer into a position. A well-developed system allows you to formulate his tasks and goals for an employee, as well as reduce the natural “survival” of an employee in a team from 10-12 to 5-6 months.
How to carry out personnel adaptation?

“Helping hand” for a newcomer: employee adaptation program

Depending on the specifics of the company and the category of employees hired, an individual adaptation program is drawn up. If it is aimed at introducing new employees, it has a primary form. To an employee who found himself in a new position as a result of rotation, as well as to a woman who returned to work after a long maternity leave in the remaining place, a secondary type of adaptation is applied.
The purpose of the program is to accurately reflect the employee’s work responsibilities and make the process of acclimatization in the team calmer and smoother. All elements of the system are interconnected and complementary.

The adaptation program for new employees is carried out in the following areas:

1. Organizational.
Aimed at providing the employee with information about the history of the company, familiarization with its structure, internal culture, basic work rules and working hours. The purpose of organizational adaptation is to build a line of attitudes and principles that an employee must adhere to in the process of work. The employee is provided with information about wages, the system of fines, benefits, and prospects for career advancement.

2. Socio-psychological.
When a new employee joins a company, he remains “one-on-one” with the already established team. At this stage, it is important to help him understand the rules of interaction in a team and accept the established norms. The first point of adaptation of this direction is the official introduction of the employee to colleagues and management. These events help to overcome the feeling of constraint, “foreignness”, and quickly integrate into the established workforce.
Great luck if new employee will take part in a corporate event in the near future. Such interaction will most effectively reveal both the newcomer and the team.

3. Professional.
The purpose of the program is to introduce the employee into his circle professional responsibilities, as well as the development of certain personal qualities to develop a positive attitude of the employee towards his position. The program includes: familiarizing the employee with the workplace, instructions, and working conditions. Newcomers with no experience are offered training, seminars, lectures, and distance learning tools that exist in the company. The main mission of the program is to train highly qualified personnel for fruitful work in the company.

From theory to practice: personnel adaptation in an organization

The program implementation algorithm and its main directions are formed by the HR manager together with the head of the company. Typically, three levels are involved in the process: the manager, the curator (mentor) and the personnel department employee. Let's look at how adaptation of new employees is carried out in reality.

Preparatory stage

The personnel employee prepares accompanying documentation, which is issued to the employee upon admission to the organization. A program for introducing a newcomer to a position is developed, an adaptation sheet is drawn up, and documents are agreed upon with all participants in the process. An experienced mentor is selected to supervise the new employee. His task is to provide assistance in any matter, as well as timely psychological support and full work instructions.

initial stage

Includes organizational measures for the introduction of a newcomer. Depending on the circumstances, it covers a period from 7 days to 3-4 weeks. The employee gets acquainted with the specifics of the job, goes through the full registration procedure, and fills out working documentation, studies the structure and specifics of the company. He receives an adaptation sheet in his hands (for a while probationary period), – an individual program that specifies the processes that he must master. A correct system for evaluating results is selected for it.
At this stage, it would be appropriate to introduce a training system: courses and trainings will help a newcomer structure the necessary knowledge, become a full-fledged member of the team, and also understand the primary tasks and goals of the company. Previously, we published an article about the implementation system for personnel development, we recommend reading it.

Accompanying stage

After passing initial stages the employee begins his duties. A mentor is involved in the work process, who at the beginning of the day provides the necessary preparatory instructions, and at the end of the working day evaluates the results, discusses them with the newcomer and forms an action plan to improve performance. The results of the work are entered into the adaptation sheet, and grades are given for each day.

Control stage

The control stage can be called end-to-end, but not final. On at this stage The first check by management of the effectiveness of the employee’s integration into the new team takes place. A meeting is held between the employee and the manager, the purpose of which is to obtain information about how much the new employee understands his role in the company.
The next check is carried out no earlier than 1-2 months later, when information about the professional skills and work of the newcomer as a whole is structured. The final audit is launched at the end of the trial period; all aspects of the audit are recorded in the individual program and are reflected in the employee’s personal file. Based on the assessments made during the entire probationary period, a correct professional development program for the employee is subsequently drawn up.
Personnel adaptation is considered complete when employees involved in the program cease to be “new” and effectively cope with their responsibilities.

Quick start: adaptation of employees in the organization

In modern developing companies, the adaptation of new employees should not be viewed as a whim of management or a system of concessions for newcomers. The implementation of the program is beneficial for both employees and the company, since both parties receive the most effective results in achieving common goals.

A well-developed adaptation system helps a company:

  • Reduce staff turnover by 30-40%
  • Get qualified worker
  • Form a friendly, cohesive staff
  • Create a mechanism for assessing the managerial and professional competencies of employees
  • Identify problems in your existing recruiting program
  • Develop management qualities of mentors and leaders

For managers and executives who would like to learn effective personnel management tools and apply them in their own practice, I have developed the author’s courses “: synchronization of key paradigms”, as well as “: how to ensure the implementation of delegated work.” After completing a two-month training, you will find answers to many of your questions, learn methods to increase the level of responsibility of subordinates, and be able to competently build an individual personnel management system. You can get acquainted with current courses and sign up now by going to.
An employee who has completed an individual adaptation program quickly joins the team, receives accurate information about the scope of work and the specifics of the company’s activities, and better masters the corporate culture. He quickly overcomes the stressful period that is typical for the first days of work in new organization, which helps him understand the company's goals and fully reveals his professional skills.

Tarelkina T.V.
"Photo Delo" No. 3, 2003

Why is staff adaptation necessary? How does the company's personnel policy affect the adaptation process? What are the benefits of creating a personnel adaptation system for a company? What determines the success of the onboarding process for a new employee? What is the adaptation process: stages, directions? How to manage the adaptation process?

Adaptation- this is an adaptation, getting used to the body to changing environmental conditions. Some adapt faster, others slower. In any case, this is the time when the body is less efficient and more vulnerable. This is precisely the situation in which a new employee who joins the company finds himself. The adaptation process occurs regardless of whether we know about it, whether we help the employee or not.

For example:
The management of a small company (25 people) decided to introduce the position of a sales representative to help sales managers. Picked up 10 sales representatives with perspective, leave the 6 best. New employees were given a tour of the office, shown the company's products, introduced to managers and given a company catalog for self-study. It took an hour. The new employees then studied the catalog while ensconced in the reception area and office kitchen. There was no workspace provided for sales representatives, because they must be on the road all the time. Nobody paid them any more attention that day. On the second day, 8 sales representatives remained. The two who quit decided that it was impossible to learn the entire range of the company (650 positions of 4 articles each with all characteristics and prices) in two weeks. Management paid no attention to the loss. A week later, 3 more sales representatives quit. The management became concerned and decided to clarify the situation. It turned out that no one was working on them. Studying the assortment on your own is difficult, because there is no general idea, no system that would help you navigate and keep it in your head. By the end of the probationary period, only 2 sales representatives remained working in the company.

In many ways, the process of personnel adaptation is determined by personnel policy companies. What could it be personnel policy and how does it affect the adaptation process?
1. Lack of personnel policy - adaptation is spontaneous, unsystematic; everything happens as if by itself (what the results will be is unknown). The above example clearly demonstrates this type of adaptation;
2. “Spartan education” - not only do they not make it easier for a newcomer to join a new team, but they also deliberately create difficulties; those. adaptation according to the principle “swimmed - well done, drowned - your problems”; but the survivors in such conditions are no longer afraid of anything (unless, of course, they prefer another job)
3. “We hire super personnel” - we hire highly qualified specialists, try to provide them with all the conditions for work, and expect maximum return (the question is that each such employee prefers to be a soloist, but problems may arise with “choral singing”);
4. “Growing up super talent” - we hire graduates or just newcomers to our field of activity and teach them everything they need to know. Good way, only very expensive - training at the first stage takes a lot of time not only for the beginner, but also for the mentor, not to mention material costs. But it's worth it.

Here are the HR policy options in their purest form. But not all companies can afford “super-staff” or train employees “from scratch”, and at the same time do not consider it necessary to organize a survival course for newcomers. There is a so-called mixed personnel policy. It is typical for a large number of companies. Basically, these are average and small companies. The goal of adaptation of personnel of companies with a mixed personnel policy is the optimal ratio of time, money and effort spent on adaptation and reducing the induction period for new employees. It is in this context that we will consider building a personnel adaptation system.
Personnel adaptation is the process of adapting the needs, values ​​and professional competencies of new employees to the requirements placed on them by the organization in accordance with its strategic goals and values.

What benefits does having a well-organized, effective personnel adaptation process give to a company?

1. Reducing costs during the working period
Thanks to a well-thought-out, organized adaptation process, the onboarding period for employees is reduced. They reach a given level of productivity earlier and begin to bring profit to the company.

2. Reducing staff turnover and costs of replenishing them
Fact of leaving large quantity newly recruited employees in the first six months of work is well known. The reasons may be different. On the one hand, these are omissions in the selection of personnel. Employees are not suitable professional competencies, personal characteristics, values, and the company rejects them. On the other hand, there is a discrepancy between the employee’s expectations from working in the company and reality. As a result, the employee himself leaves.
An established personnel adaptation system allows you to better get to know a new employee, his abilities, expectations, improve his professional level, determine areas of immediate development and prospects for working in the company. This is a mutually beneficial process for both the company and the employee.

3. Saving time for the immediate manager and ordinary employees
A frequent anti-argument for the need to carry out personnel adaptation is the lack of time (“So there’s no time, and then they brought in new people…”). In fact, an organized, thoughtful employee onboarding process saves time for managers and ordinary employees. How? As usual, by distributing functions and responsibilities. It’s just that during spontaneous adaptation, no one measured how much time a new employee spent on their own and their employees to obtain information on any issue. He takes employees away from work until he finds someone more free and patient. And so on for every question.

4. The new team member develops a sense of job satisfaction, reduces anxiety and uncertainty
Naturally, when everything is explained to a new employee, shown to him, his understanding is checked, he is trained, and only those who are prepared are included in independent work, there are fewer mistakes in his work, and there is more satisfaction with himself and his work. Success, support, and attention gradually reduce anxiety and increase the new team member’s self-confidence.

5. The basis for building employee commitment to the company
Every company dreams of having loyal customers. And among the employees? It used to be common to work in one place all your life, but now it’s fashionable to change jobs almost every year. Qualified, professional specialists looking for work in companies that meet their expectations - this is already a stable trend not only of the future, but also of the present in personnel management. Qualified personnel are competitive advantage any company. The adaptation process is the employee’s “second” impression of the company after selection. It is more objective, balanced, rational. And it’s easier to work with the rational than with emotions. The main thing is to know what the new employee’s expectations are in relation to the company, how he assesses his compliance with the company’s requirements, how he sees his further development, and possible prospects. All this, combined with success, attention, support and self-confidence, is a good basis for building employee commitment.
To develop an adaptation system, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the adaptation process itself with its stages and directions.

The adaptation process includes the following stages:
1. Familiarization: at this stage, the employee’s initial acquaintance with the company, with his immediate responsibilities, with the features corporate culture
2. Accustoming: at this stage, the employee assimilates the norms and rules adopted in the company;
3. Assimilation: the main task of this stage is the inclusion of a person in a new environment, mutual acceptance;
4. Identification: the final stage of adaptation, characterized by maximum convergence of the goals of the employee and the organization.
If the first two stages are essentially finite, i.e. New conditions sooner or later become familiar, habitual, then acceptance and identification do not occur immediately and require constant reinforcement. This is how, slowly but surely, the commitment of employees to the company is formed.

The adaptation process includes three equivalent and interconnected areas:

- organizational adaptation;
- socio-psychological adaptation;
- production adaptation.
Successful development professional knowledge and skills is impossible if the employee does not understand his role in the organization, does not share its values ​​and attitudes, does not see the prospects for his work and experiences difficulties in communicating with other team members.

Directions of the personnel adaptation process

Direction of the adaptation process Organizational adaptation Socio-psychological adaptation Production adaptation
The essence of the direction of adaptation Mastering the written and unwritten norms and rules of the company Inclusion in the team of a company or department Mastering your direct functional responsibilities
Purpose of the direction Acceptance by the new employee of the values, attitudes, and principles of the organization without compromising personal values The fastest way for an employee to overcome the natural uncertainty when entering a new place Mastering by a new employee a system of professional knowledge and skills and their effective application in practice
Necessary actions in the direction - Introduce the new employee to the company’s policies (mission, goals, internal corporate culture, traditions, working conditions, form of payment, etc.)
- Familiarize yourself with the organizational structure, place, functions and role of the new employee in achieving the success of the company
- Provide information about the employees with whom you will interact new employee(role, functions, where they can be found, how to contact, what questions to contact)
- Provide “written” company rules (general instructions, quality service standards, internal regulations, etc.)
- Introduce the new employee to the company management and immediate management
- Introduce and introduce a new team member to department employees
- Introduce and introduce the new team member to employees of other departments with whom he will constantly collaborate
- Tell the newcomer about the employees with whom he works: character, hobbies, achievements, etc.
- Carry out an informal procedure for joining the company/department
- Participation of the new employee in festive, cultural and social events of the company
- Conduct trainings with a team-building effect
- Explain to the new employee the main tasks and immediate responsibilities;
- Familiarize yourself with the job description and other work instructions
- Discuss objectives and performance indicators for the adaptation period and for the future
- Conduct training for a new employee (induction course, trainings, observation, etc.)
- Attach a new employee to a mentor and conduct an internship
- Include in independent work

This is a sample list of actions. The company needs to create its own list of actions in each area. If a new employee arrives, you won’t have to frantically think about what else to do, who to present to, what documents to give for review. Just need some adjustments necessary actions depending on the position for which the new employee came.

Management of the adaptation process plays a major role in the adaptation of a new employee.

Onboarding process management, like managing anything else, includes the same functions: planning and organization, motivation, control, evaluation.

An employee adaptation plan allows you to arrange all the necessary actions in each area in a certain order, determine the forms of their implementation, performers and deadlines. This allows you to better organize the adaptation process and optimally distribute time and responsibility.

Example of an employee adaptation plan

Drawing up a profile based on the interview results HR Manager Written description Before starting work
Preparation of documents (application, employment history, Contract) Secretary In writing within 5 days
Familiarizing the newcomer with the company's policy (mission, goals, internal corporate culture, traditions, working conditions, form of payment, etc.)
Explanation of the main tasks of the activity and immediate responsibilities Direct supervisor Conversation at the preliminary interview
Preparation of the workplace Secretary 1st day of work
Entry ritual:
- Introduction to work colleagues
- Placing information about the employee on the stand
- Attendance at the meeting
- Joint tea party
Supervisor at the meeting 1st week of work
Assigning a Mentor Supervisor Orally at the 1st meeting
Familiarization with types of reporting (blanks, forms, procedures); answers on questions Mentor Package of documents
1st week of work
Rules for working with office equipment Secretary Practical demonstration 1st week of work
Introduction to Computer Database Secretary Practical demonstration 1st week of work
Introduction to the working group, involvement in projects Direct supervisor at the meeting as needed
Periodic control of quality and efficiency of activities Mentor
at a meeting, personal contact as needed
Conducting an intermediate interview on adaptation issues, identifying emerging difficulties Mentor
Personal contact in 1 - 1.5 months
Conducting a pre-certification conversation (career planning) Direct supervisor, HR manager
Personal contact
in 0.5 years
Drawing up a report plan for certification New employee (with the help of a mentor)
In writing
Carrying out certification Management Interview in a year

It is very important that the plan contains specific actions, deadlines and performers.

Example (continued): The experience of onboarding sales representatives showed management the importance of this process and the need to manage it. New employees came to the company one by one for top positions: sales director, financial director, and marketing director. After discussing with management the tasks and indicators for the probationary period, each of the directors prescribed their own adaptation plan.

But an adaptation plan alone is not enough; constant monitoring and evaluation of the work of new employees is necessary.

Example (continued): When selecting new employees for top positions, the company focused on “super personnel”. Therefore, management did not interfere in the work of the directors. By the end of the probationary period of one of the directors, it turned out that only 3 points out of a 25-point plan had been fulfilled. There have been no improvements other than the introduction of a planning and reporting system in the sales department. The company's management was forced to fire the sales director. Other directors, colleagues trained by experience, prepared reports on adaptation, attached all the “material evidence”: developed documents, performance indicators in their area, reports of subordinates, etc.

An important role in the adaptation of personnel is played by moral support and motivation of the new employee to overcome the difficulties of joining the company.

Example (continued): The new sales director was controlled more tightly, asked for results every week, which allowed management to “keep their finger on the pulse.” But the director himself once admitted to the HR manager: “The office was shown, the tasks were discussed, a plan was written, and then thrown “like a kitten into an ice hole.” They demand, they don’t explain anything, they don’t help. That it’s worth discussing the problem or suggesting something... That’s not accepted in the company.”

A good tool for monitoring, evaluating and motivating new employees is feedback on the work done: what went well, what could be done better and how. In addition, regular feedback allows you to track the mood of new employees, their impressions of work, the team, understand how the new employee’s expectations from the company coincide with reality, etc. The successful completion of the adaptation stage by a new employee can be judged by the following indicators:
- the work has become habitual for the employee, that is, it does not cause feelings of tension, fear, or uncertainty;
- acquired the necessary amount of knowledge and skills required for work;
- the new employee has reached the specified level of performance indicators;
- behavior corresponds established requirements;
- the new employee expresses a desire to improve in his profession, and he connects his future with this job or company;
- success at work is projected onto a feeling of success in life;
- friendly connections have been established with some members of the team and smooth relations with the group.

An important question in the process of personnel adaptation is the acceptance of responsibility for the results of the stage not only by the company (performers), but also by the new employee. Personnel adaptation does not mean leading a new employee by the hand and giving him the necessary papers, etc. during the process.

For example: a company with an extensive network of branches conducted training and internships for new employees. Then everyone was distributed to branches and worked for a month in the branches that had not opened, perfecting the technology of working without a flow of clients. In one branch, the instructor-mentor helped newcomers only if questions arose that were not included in the training and instructions. Each case was used as a learning case. In another branch, the instructor-mentor answered all the questions of new employees. They took advantage of this and did not try to remember the instructions. As a result, when the first branch officially opened, it worked calmly, but in the second, the instructor-mentor was “torn” between the employees, not having time to correct mistakes and calm down indignant customers.

Let's summarize. The success of the personnel adaptation process depends on:
- Availability of a well-thought-out and organized personnel adaptation system;
- High-quality level of professional adaptation of a new employee: training, internship, mentoring;
- Objectivity in assessing new employees (both during the selection and adaptation process of employees);
- Prestige and attractiveness of work in a given position, department, company;
- Flexibility of the personnel training system operating within the organization;
- Features of the socio-psychological climate that has developed in the company;
- Personal characteristics of the employee being adapted, etc.

So, a personnel adaptation system is necessary, both for the new employee and for the company itself. The personnel adaptation system allows both parties to get to know and understand each other better. The success of both parties at the adaptation stage determines whether the employee will remain in the company and whether he will eventually become its adherent.

A newcomer joins the organization. It's stressful for him. Even if he has experience in a given profession, specialty or position, “the devil is in the details”: every organization has its own nuances that can ruin life and become an insurmountable obstacle on the path of a newcomer. This is where it can help us labor adaptation personnel. Adaptation is a complex and responsible task in personnel management. Stress factors are not only nuances in the content labor activity. The environment, the characteristics of the work team, and the operating mode change. Even if the work schedule is the same as at your previous job, you may have to travel longer and get up earlier, which undoubtedly takes some getting used to.

If you do not want to create a cycle of newcomers in your organization, constantly saying goodbye to the found candidates and re-organizing the search, submitting applications to hiring managers, you should take care of a well-built system for integrating new employees into the existing structure and relationships. Adaptation is a solution, an opportunity to change a stressful situation.

Thus, the main goal of adaptation as a human resource management tool is to reduce the organization’s costs:

  • starting ones, when a newly minted colleague does not work at full capacity due to lack of self-confidence, fear of failure, poor knowledge of business processes, organizational structure;
  • time expenditure of the manager and employees who, due to the illiterate organization of the process or its complete absence, are forced to constantly be distracted by training and consulting a newcomer (communication must be thoughtful);
  • related to high level staff turnover.

In addition, by properly adapting an employee, you help him:

  • quickly gain confidence in your abilities;
  • start enjoying work, which increases productivity;
  • join the work team, feel like a member of the team.

And finally, the organization’s employees also receive their bonus from participating in the adaptation process:

How to organize the process

The organization of management of career guidance and personnel adaptation can be entrusted to various structural units and officials, depending on the scale of your institution (enterprise): personnel department, personnel management service, personnel department, personnel manager, personnel specialist, etc.

The process of personnel adaptation should be set out in a local regulatory act, which may be called “Regulations on personnel adaptation”, “Instructions for the introduction of new employees”, “Regulations on passing the test when hiring”, etc.

This will be the main document that assigns information about the duties and responsibilities for the various stages of the adjustment period to the officials of the organization.

It is also necessary to determine which documents will be drawn up at each stage of the process, develop their forms and approve them, providing sample documents as appendices in the local regulatory act.

Consider whether and how you will reward employees who participate in the new employee engagement process. Perhaps for HR managers this work will be part of their job responsibilities, but for employees selected as mentors, bonuses for mentoring can be established or measures can be taken non-material motivation. These provisions can be included both in local normative act, and develop an independent regulation on mentoring.

Of course, all officials involved in the involvement of new employees must be familiar with these documents upon signature.

Forms and types of adaptation

Adaptation may be required by an employee in various situations and to various factors, therefore there are several types:

  • professional adaptation of personnel: knowledge, skills and abilities of a certain area of ​​work are mastered;
  • psychophysiological: the employee gets used to new stress, both physical and psychological, masters the specifics of working conditions - the level of monotony, rhythm, noise, lighting, vibration, organization of the workplace;
  • socio-psychological adaptation: the employee becomes involved in the life of the team, gets acquainted with its traditions, values, and norms;
  • organizational and administrative: the newcomer gets acquainted with the organizational structure, the interaction of his unit with other units of the organization, understands his role in production process;
  • economic: familiarization with the organization’s remuneration system, the system of material and non-material motivation, getting used to the new level of income;
  • sanitary and hygienic: the employee masters the new requirements of production discipline, becomes familiar with the rules of internal labor regulations, gets used to cooking workplace in new conditions, comply with the safety and labor protection requirements established at this enterprise.

Adaptation of personnel at an enterprise can be carried out in the most various forms. Forms of personnel adaptation:

  • educational events in the form of lectures and seminars;
  • trainings;
  • individual sessions with a mentor or coach;
  • On-the-job training under the guidance of a mentor.

Some events can take place both within the organization’s walls and outside, for example at a recreation center.

Also, engagement activities can be carried out both by the organization’s employees and with the help of invited trainers and experts.

Adaptation of personnel in an organization using an example foreign experience will allow you to apply methods such as coaching, budding, job-shedding, secondment, distance learning(online course).

Adaptation control

Adaptation is a necessary process. During the period of adaptation, the employee must be under constant supervision by officials whose responsibilities include participation in this process.

This means that stages of personnel adaptation must be applied, each of which ends with an interim assessment. That is, the employee will act according to a certain program designed for a certain period.

Each stage is documented: written assignments, progress reports, and a mentor’s assessment. This technology will help if you come to the conclusion that the employee did not pass the test and decide to fire him on this basis.

In addition, the research program for the personnel adaptation system will be based on the data reflected in these documents. With the help of analytics, you will see how successfully your system functions, where and how it can be adjusted.

Remember that there are various categories employees who need to be involved and integrated into the existing structure of the company:

  • Graduates educational institutions those entering work for the first time;
  • employees who already have professional experience entering your organization;
  • employees of your organization transferred to another position;
  • women returning from maternity leave;
  • disabled workers;
  • employees who have completed advanced training courses, etc.

Personnel adaptation program, sample

Special opinion

For us, the adaptation process begins with an offer, where, in addition to the position, responsibilities and salary, we write about our traditions, some rules that we have adopted (for example, that it is customary for us to address everyone as “you”, regardless of status and age), clearly set goals for the probationary period and describe the motivation system in sufficient detail.

In the process of onboarding a new employee, we want to solve three problems:

  • make a final decision whether a person is suitable for us or not;
  • bring it to good efficiency in the shortest possible time;
  • “infect” a person with the company, make it clear that he is welcome here and is ready to invest in his development and comfort.

To do this, when a new employee comes to us, for the first few hours a personnel specialist takes care of him - he gives him a tour of the office, introduces him to the people he will need on his first day, and to his immediate neighbors. On the first working day the employee receives detailed plan actions with checkpoints, presentation about the company and general corporate resources. At the end of the day, the HR specialist asks him about his impressions of the first day.

On the other hand, the manager loads the new employee with tasks and carefully observes how the employee copes with them, what questions he asks, and what level of instruction he needs.

In some departments we ask colleagues to go ahead big company for lunch and take the new employee with him so that he can get to know everyone faster. This is similar to the buddy practice adopted by some Western companies.

At the end of the first week, we collect short feedback from the manager, colleagues and the employee himself and, based on the results, we adjust something in the set of tasks, if necessary. Then we provide the same kind of feedback after a month of work, and a couple of weeks before the end of the probationary period we already fully collect all the information.

For less experienced employees, we additionally provide a mentor who helps them deal with new tasks.

At the World Gym network, we try to pay sufficient attention to the employee adaptation process. After all, as you know, the employee makes the decision to continue cooperation with the company in the first weeks. Therefore, the load in the initial period is as high as possible.

We have several onboarding programs for new employees in our network. First of all, welcome training is an introductory welcome training, the purpose of which is to introduce the history of the network, brand, and key network events. That is, this is such an emotional living story about the network. Here we talk about what opportunities employees have. For example, achieve the title of “Best Employee of the Best Club of the Network” and go to international convention World Gym international in Las Vegas.

Training can be considered another important stage in adaptation. This block is quite large and long-term. We pass on to the new employee knowledge and understanding of the Club’s fitness products, work technologies, communication standards, etc.

And one more point that is important in the adaptation process. This is the mandatory presence of a mentor nearby - a person who will support and guide the newcomer in these first stages. Not everyone is comfortable with the role of a mentor, so the choice must be very balanced.

Regular adaptation for new employees often helps employers introduce a new member to the team as quickly as possible, as well as train him in all the necessary subtleties of work.

Existing adaptation programs, in addition to vocational training for a new employee, include psychological support, assistance during “joining” the team, etc.

Main goals of the events

It is safe to say that adaptation is in the interests of both parties labor relations- both the employer and his new employee. The first is interested in getting results as quickly as possible, while the second really needs help getting used to the new place of work.

The general system of adaptation measures includes a beneficial effect on the following areas of work:

  • minimizing employee training costs;
  • quick determination of the most effective role of an employee in a particular organization;
  • reducing staff turnover through quality training for each employee and showing him the most favorable attitude;
  • creating a positive atmosphere in the team, eliminating possible conflict situations, disputes, etc.;
  • creating team cohesion, forming experienced employees with the most positive attitude towards newcomers.

Who may be responsible for carrying out adaptation measures?

As a rule, responsibility for adaptation rests with specialists from the HR department. But other additional persons can also take part in this procedure, for example, the director himself, the head of the department, laboratory employees, etc.

If the organization is large, it may introduce a separate position for a personnel adaptation specialist.

Create an event plan

As a rule, an adaptation plan is drawn up individually for each enterprise. But in most cases it includes the following main steps:

  1. Preliminary collection of all necessary information about candidates for a specific position.
  2. Study of specific institutions that may produce suitable young professionals.
  3. Analysis of the current adaptation system. If necessary, at this stage all required adjustments and changes are made to the existing scheme, which should lead to more high rates efficiency.
  4. Checking and analyzing all documents on the basis of which the company carries out the necessary adaptation measures. Such documents include internal regulations and agreements of the company, which can also be adjusted and changed.
  5. Development of materials for preliminary checks and testing of candidates for certain positions in the organization. This may include the creation of suitable tests, the development of special questionnaires and other materials for selecting candidates.
  6. Establishing clear criteria for selecting employees, including requirements for necessary education, qualifications, special character traits, etc.
  7. Direct acquaintance with the applicant, an oral interview, which, as a rule, is conducted by the manager.
  8. Application of all current provisions in practice - implementation of the necessary adaptation measures.

Composition of adaptation programs

The adaptation program is developed by the responsible persons of the enterprise. It must contain all the necessary information, for example, about the methods used, about assessments and selection criteria, about acceptable forms of influence, etc.

When compiling individual program adaptation for each employee also takes into account such important circumstances as: his current work experience, age, state of health, reviews from previous places of work, etc.

However, there are several mandatory points that apply to each new employee, for example:

  • preliminary acquaintance with a potential candidate. This can be either an oral conversation with the responsible person of the company, or filling out a specially designed questionnaire, etc.;
  • familiarization with all internal documents of the company that will be directly related to further professional activity employee - job description, agreement on financial liability, regulations on wages etc.;
  • a story about the safety precautions in force in the organization. This is especially true for those enterprises where special or hazardous conditions labor;
  • direct introduction of the new employee to the rest of the team. This can be an acquaintance with all members of the organization, or with an individual structural unit, to which the employee will be assigned;
  • final assessment of the employee’s skills and abilities, for example, after completing a mandatory probationary period.

Additional activities may also include:

  1. Constant contact with an employee in order to find out his achievements over a certain period, for example, a week. This method of feedback is very effective, since it allows for the clearest possible observation of the newcomer’s success. In addition, the employee himself will always be able to ask questions about his work that interest him.
  2. Introducing a new employee to the team by organizing a special procedure, for example, an introduction ceremony, a small meeting, or creating a favorable and relaxed atmosphere during the introduction.
  3. Maximum assistance in organizing a comfortable place of work for a newcomer - making the necessary rearrangements, issuing new materials, becoming familiar with the operating features of equipment, etc.
  4. Organization of additional trainings, games, corporate events that will help the employee establish mutual connection and communication with the team as soon as possible.
  5. A constant increase in the requirements, a clear explanation of the assigned tasks, so that the employee has time to understand what exactly they want from him.
  6. Organization of additional training if an employee requires maximum help and support in a particular area of ​​work.

Before approving an adaptation program, you should check the presence of the following, most important, criteria, for example:

  • the employee was indeed told in detail about the future work schedule, as well as other the most important nuances;
  • the existing safety regulations were clearly explained to the employee;
  • the newcomer was officially introduced to the team;
  • Much attention was paid to possible disputes and conflicts with the newcomer, as well as ways to resolve them as quickly as possible.

It should be remembered that an individual adaptation program must really correspond to the special traits and characteristics of a person’s character. Only in this case will it be able to bring the most positive and high results. It wouldn't hurt to know about these important points, as the main character traits of a newcomer, the presence of ambitions, the degree of sociability, peculiarities of thinking, marital status, etc. Particular attention can also be paid to previous work experience - reasons for dismissal, features of communication with the previous manager.

An example of a completed adaptation program

Regarding a store employee

1 th day

Familiarization of the employee with the company itself, as well as with the peculiarities of its work. Here you can talk about the history of the organization, about the traditions established in it. Next comes an explanation about the current work schedule, the possibility of working overtime shifts, etc.

2-7 days

An introduction to the store's current assortment, a story about special products, as well as how to achieve maximum success in sales.

8-10 days

Instructions on resolving conflict situations, behavior and communication with visitors, skills in answering provocative questions.

11-14 days

Beginning of the internship, transition from the theoretical part to the practical part. Provide customer service under the guidance of an assigned mentor.

15-20 days

Attempts independent work under the supervision of a mentor. Finding out questions of interest to the newcomer during a conversation with the manager. Working off psychological techniques and skills in communicating with clients.

21-30 days

Carrying out independent work in accordance with the established schedule and requirements. Establishing an assessment upon completion of preliminary labor activities. Relevant conclusions of management and the person in charge about the possibility or impossibility of further employment.

Adaptation of a radio station worker

1 Week

Introducing members of the organization to a new employee. Organizing a small meeting in work time in a relaxed atmosphere. A story about the history of the emergence and formation of the radio station, information about interesting facts and internal company secrets. Initial acquaintance with the equipment on which the new employee will work in the future.

Voicing further prospects and criteria that have a direct impact on further career growth.

2 week

Familiarity with the current internal documents of the organization, including the employee’s job description. Providing information about the current labor discipline, the peculiarities of organizing breaks, general principles distribution of working hours, etc.

3 week

Organizing joint games and leisure activities, drawing up motivational programs, creative tasks and creating skits for resolving conflict situations.

4 week

Creation by employee individual project under the guidance of an assigned mentor. Summing up interim results with an assessment of current achievements, as well as making small adjustments to the newcomer’s work, if necessary.

5-8 week

Independent performance of all duties that were assigned to the newcomer in accordance with the provisions of the employment contract, as well as the current job description. Creation of another original project based on the requirements presented by the manager.

Conversations with other employees, collecting feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of the work carried out by the newcomer. View all recorded achievements over the past time and summarize.

Making a final decision on whether the cooperation between the new employee and the employer will continue in the future.

The above examples clearly confirm the fact that any adaptation program must have clear deadlines. Only in this case will it really be able to bring the desired results.

It would also be useful to constantly summarize preliminary results. This advice is especially relevant if the adaptation period is quite long. As a result, the person in charge may simply forget about some of the newcomer’s achievements, as well as other important nuances.

That is why it is better to take stock of the results quite often, for example, every week.

Of course, adaptation has long become an integral part of the functioning of almost any organization. If you pay attention to this procedure, it will really help to increase labor efficiency in a fairly short time, while reducing costs.

In order for a new employee to quickly and effectively become a full-fledged part of the team, it is necessary to carry out certain actions and events. The best option becomes the creation of a personnel adaptation program in the organization. It includes the basic steps that are taken to involve the employee in the process. In this case, priority is placed not only on its labor responsibilities and production standards, but also on the psychological and social aspect. This is due to the fact that integration into a team is an important, and sometimes decisive, part of development.

What could a personnel adaptation program be like at an enterprise?

The personnel adaptation program at the enterprise is usually drawn up on the basis of the relevant regulations. The latter prescribes general order actions and regulates the main aspects of this issue. The program is created for a separate case, that is, it becomes a practical embodiment of the situation.

It is possible that the company does not have provisions on personnel adaptation. However, this does not mean that an appropriate document cannot be drawn up. In this situation, it is more difficult to compose it than if there is a basic part. There are three main aspects to consider when drafting:

  • clear structuring and sequence of actions;
  • language that is clear to understand;
  • defining the roles and responsibilities of each participant.

That is, in order for the adaptation program for new employees at an enterprise to be effective and practically useful, an appropriate program should be drawn up. Experts indicate that such a document is drawn up in two parts.

The first contains general aspects and is similar to the stated provision. The second indicates certain plans that are carried out to achieve the objectives. In total, such an order is calculated for a period of several months.

Some argue that full integration of a new employee takes place within a year. It is indicated that well-designed planning helps reduce this period to six months. However, in practice, only the probationary period is usually taken into account.

Social program for personnel adaptation

A personnel adaptation program is being developed based on job responsibilities new employee. In this case, its primary or secondary integration is taken into account. In the first case, it comes to involving the employee practically from scratch.

In relation to the work process, the main priority of integration becomes the achievement of the production rate of a full-fledged employee. For this purpose, a plan is drawn up that involves a gradual increase current indicators, as well as methods of encouraging and motivating employees.

A separate aspect is the social program for personnel adaptation at the enterprise. Establishing contacts and connections with the team plays an important role. The better an employee feels at work, the less likely he is to leave. To socialize an employee, the following steps can be taken:

  • a mentoring scheme in which an employee is introduced into the general system;
  • mutual assistance and support of the group or individual curators;
  • assignment of certain tasks that are associated with the team;
  • holding joint events, both inside and outside the work process.

These methods are intended to create conditions for maximum comfort for the newly arrived employee. Their achievement is no less priority than professional growth employee.

Special personnel adaptation program

A special personnel adaptation program at the enterprise covers individual employee training. That is, after it was carried out overall plan, a special one may be involved. Most often it covers the following issues:

  • determining the functionality of the unit and the employee himself so that he understands his role in achieving common goals;
  • an indication of the standards and obligations, as well as the liability that follows for violation of certain regulations;
  • reporting according to current production;
  • social regulations and rules of behavior in a given group.

If the employee adaptation program is completed and the results are not fully achieved, special measures may become necessary. This usually concerns the need to improve the employee in certain issues - conduct additional training to improve professionalism or an interview to overcome social withdrawal.

Personnel adaptation program using the example of a company

The adaptive integration plan for a new employee at an enterprise is best considered using a step-by-step example:

  • the first stage is preparatory and precedes the employee’s going to work - the HR department calls him and clarifies the necessary questions, prepares a workplace and relevant documentation for review;
  • at the second stage, the employee enters his position for the first time - here he becomes familiar with the basic working conditions, with his immediate superior, the team, and complete information is provided on all issues;
  • during the first week, the third stage of integration occurs - during this time an assessment of the newcomer’s competence is compiled, personal plan By vocational training, basic contacts are established within the work process;
  • the fourth stage can be considered final - the employee is surveyed, his professional abilities and socialization are assessed, and if necessary, additional measures are taken to achieve standards.

Such an integration process requires an appropriate attitude from all its participants. Therefore, a clear indication of responsibility is required; without it, it will be difficult to implement the plan in practice quickly and effectively.

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