An individual project as a result of a federal state education presentation. Individual project as a means of implementing federal state standards. Oral Public Speaking Score Sheet

MBOU "Rylskaya Secondary comprehensive school No. 4"

Accepted Approved

pedagogical council by order of the director


Protocol No. ____ Order No. _______.

from ______ _____201 _-y from ______ _____201_ -y



about the student’s individual final project according to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC

    Are commonprovisions

    1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal government educational standard(Federal State Educational Standard) of basic general education, Basic educational program basic general education (FSES LLC) MBOU "Rylsk Secondary School No. 4".

      This Regulation regulates the activities of the school in organizing work on the final individual project (hereinafter referred to as IIP) in connection with the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC.

      The individual final project is the main object for assessing the meta-subject results obtained by students during the development of interdisciplinary educational programs.

      Project activity is one of the forms of organizing the educational process and extracurricular activities, aimed at improving the quality of education, democratizing the style of communication between teachers and students. An individual final project is a project carried out by a student within one or more educational subjects.

      Completion of the final project is mandatory for every student in grades 5-7 who has transferred to training according to the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC. During one academic year, the student is required to complete one final project. At the 5th-7th grade level, projects carried out by students can be collective, group, dual or individual. Completion of the final project is mandatory for every 9th grade student studying under the second generation Federal State Educational Standard. The project can have a subject, meta-subject, or interdisciplinary focus.

      Completion of an individual final project is mandatory for every student in grades 8-9 who has switched to studying under the Federal State Educational Standard LLC; failure to complete it is equivalent to receiving an unsatisfactory grade in any academic subject. During one academic year, the student is required to complete one final individual project.

      Defense of the individual final project is one of the mandatory components of the system of intra-school monitoring of educational achievements.

      A mark for completing the project is placed in the “Project Activities” column in the class journal and personal file. To document state standard on the level of education - certificate of basic general education– the mark is placed in a free line.

    Goals of the final individualproject

    1. For students

Formation of various key competencies, which in modern pedagogy are understood as complex personality traits, including interrelated knowledge, skills, values, as well as the readiness to mobilize them in the necessary situation.

      For teachers

Introduction of new pedagogical technologies into the educational process educational institution to develop students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, develop their critical thinking, and the ability to see, formulate and solve a problem.

    Requirements for preparing the final individualproject

    1. A project preparation plan (program) for each student is developed by the educational institution.

      Managers project activities students are teachers implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education.

      The leader or consultant of the student’s individual final project can be teaching staff, parents (legal representatives) of students, employees of other organizations related to the project profile (social partners).

      The initiator in choosing a topic and project leader is the student.

      The project manager is appointed by order of the director.

      Project leaders:

Organize the student’s work on an individual final project,

Submit an application to manage the student’s project activities, a work plan for consideration by the school’s methodological council;

Seek advice from specialists at the request of students,

Conduct individual consultations with students experiencing difficulties at different stages of work,

Students declare their participation in competitions at various levels. The project manager can be either a teacher of a given educational institution or an employee of another organization or another educational institution, including a higher one.

      The implementation plan for the final individual project is developed by the student together with the project leader. The student is guided by the deadlines and recommendations determined jointly with the supervisor. The student has the right to start working on the project starting from the 5th, 6th, etc. class.

      The deadline for defending the project is set at the beginning of the academic year.

    Requirements for content and focusproject

    1. Projects created at school must be dedicated to one of the current problems scientific, cultural, political, legal, social life of the modern world community.

      A project can consider one aspect of a chosen problem, thereby being open, providing other creative teams with the opportunity to continue studying new aspects of this problem.

      Project work includes not only the collection, systematization and synthesis of information on the proposed problem, but also represents an independent study that demonstrates the author’s vision of the problem, its original interpretation or solution.

      The project must have a practical orientation, be in demand and be able to be used in one or another area of ​​human activity.

      Project assignments must be clearly formulated, goals, objectives and means clearly identified.

      Possible types of work and forms of their presentation:

Table 1

Project type


Project product

Practice-oriented, social

Solution practical problems, increasing civic activity of students

    written work (essay, abstract, analytical materials, review materials, research reports, poster presentation, multimedia product, etc.);

    artistic creative work(in the field of literature, music, visual arts, screen arts), presented in the form of a prose or poetic work, dramatization, artistic recitation, performance of a musical work, computer animation, etc.;

    material object, model, other design product;

reporting materials on a social project may include both texts and multimedia products.


Proof or refutation of a hypothesis


Collection of information about any object or phenomenon


Creating a creative product

    Requirements for design documentationwork

    1. Project work must be presented in printed and in electronic format(presentation, website, digital film, etc.).

      The work is performed on sheets of standard A 4, in font Times New Roman, font size 12 points with a line spacing of 1.5, heading -14 points with a line spacing of 1.5. Margin size: top – 2 cm, bottom – 1.5 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 2 cm.

The title page is considered the first, but is not numbered.

Each new chapter begin with new page. There is no period at the end of the heading located in the middle of the line.

All sections of the plan (chapter titles, conclusions, conclusion, bibliography, each appendix) begin on new pages.

All abbreviations in the text must be deciphered.

Text volume research work, including formulas and bibliography:

5th grade - up to 5 pages;

6 – grade – up to 6 pages;

7th grade - up to 7 pages;

8 – grade - up to 8 pages;

9th grade - up to 10 typewritten pages.

    Determining the purpose and objectives of the study.

    Various types reference apparatus.

    Indication of all printed, drawn, graphic, photo, video, musical and electronic materials presented in the project.

    Divided into sections or chapters presented in a logical sequence to more clearly convey the information collected.

      The materials that must be prepared upon completion of the project for its protection must include:

    a product of project activity submitted for defense, presented in one of the forms described above;

    student-prepared short explanatory note to the project (no more than 10 sheets) indicating for all projects:

a) the original concept, purpose and purpose of the project,

b) a brief description of the progress of the project and the results obtained,

c) list of sources used. For design projects, the explanatory note also includes a description of the features of design solutions, for social projects– description of the effects/impact of the project implementation;

    a brief review from the manager containing brief description the student’s work during the project, including:

a) initiative and independence,

b) responsibility (including the dynamics of attitude towards the work performed),

c) performance discipline.

The review evaluates and highlights the main positions, taking into account the evaluation of the criteria for the content of the project in points.

The final part concludes whether the project achieved its goals.

For research projects It is mandatory to have a written report on the study (no more than 10 sheets) and an appendix, including tables, photographs, drawings, diagrams, questionnaires, etc. Mandatory structural parts of the written report are introduction and conclusion. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic, defines the purpose and objectives, and research methods adequate to the subject of study. In conclusion, the results of the research work are summed up and conclusions are drawn about the accuracy of the working hypothesis.

Written report for creative projects has its own specifics; its structure necessarily describes the author’s intention, the stages of creating the product, the technologies and materials used. The product of creative activity (product, booklet, video, wall newspaper, etc.) must be presented for defense.

Implementation report social project must contain the following structural components: description of the problem, goals and objectives of the project, alternative ways decisions, risks of project implementation; analytical description of available and missing resources for project implementation, estimate; the functions of project participants are indicated in calendar plan, where areas of personal participation and areas of responsibility of team members, points of intermediate monitoring are indicated. Planned project product at the end of the project it is compared with the result obtained.

      Before being submitted to the expert commission, the disk with the design work must be carefully checked in relation to technical and demonstration parameters: launch system, tempo of movement, strength and purity of sound. If necessary, the disk must be provided with an explanatory note listing the programs required for launch.

      General requirement For all works, it is necessary to comply with the norms and rules of citation and references to various sources. In case of borrowing the text of the work without indicating links to the source (plagiarism), the project is not allowed to be protected.

      Assessment of the student's achievement of meta-subject results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education in the form of an individual final project is recorded in the column “Project activity” or “Exam” in the class register and the student’s personal file. In a state-issued document on the level of education - a certificate of basic general education - it is placed in a free line.

      If there are appropriate grounds in the work performed, the review may also indicate the novelty of the approach and/or solutions obtained, relevance and practical significance obtained results.

    Requirements for deadlines and protectionproject

    1. The project must be completed within one year no later than April of the current academic year.

    Preparation - month of September;

    Planning – first ten days of October;

    Project implementation – October-March;

    Registration of results – the first ten days of April;

    Finalization of projects and preparation for public defense of individual educational project– until the second ten days of April;

    Project defense – the third ten days of April.

      Protection is carried out:

    at a school conference in April, which makes it possible to publicly present the results of work on projects and demonstrate the level of students’ mastery of individual elements of project activity

    in the process of specially organized activities of the expert commission of the MBOU “Rylsk Secondary School No. 4” in April.

The report reflects the purpose and objectives of the project, the main stages of project activities, and the results obtained. Presentation as presentation/presentation of results project work requires communication skills from students, the task that everyone has to solve is to present all the advantages of the project as profitably and reasonably as possible, taking into account the characteristics of the communicative space and audience.

      Regardless of the type of project, its defense takes place publicly: after hearing the report (5–7 minutes), listeners and the jury ( expert advice) ask questions about the topic of the project. Compliance with the regulations indicates the development of the student’s regulatory skills. The time defense must be planned in such a way that the student can demonstrate the finished project product or present materials confirming its implementation.

      A computer presentation is part of the project assessment as one of the options for visibility of the defense, but its creation and use should be dictated by the requirements of feasibility and efficiency.

    Criteria for assessing the final individualproject

    1. At description results of the project, a conclusion about the level of development of project activity skills is made based on an assessment of the entire set of main elements of the project (product and explanatory note, review, presentation) for each of four criteria:

      • ability to independently acquire knowledge and solve problems, manifested in the ability to pose a problem and choose adequate ways to solve it, including searching and processing information, formulating conclusions and/or justifying and implementing/testing the decision made, justifying and creating a model, forecast, layout, object, creative solution, etc. This criterion generally includes an assessment of the formation of cognitive educational actions;

        formation of subject knowledge and methods of action, manifested in the ability to reveal the content of the work, competently and reasonably, in accordance with the problem/topic under consideration, use existing knowledge and methods of action;

        the formation of regulatory actions, manifested in the ability to independently plan and manage one’s cognitive activity over time, use resource capabilities to achieve goals, and choose constructive strategies in difficult situations;

        formation of communicative actions, manifested in the ability to clearly present and formalize the work performed, present its results, and answer questions with reason.

    2. Criteria for evaluating design work

table 2

1. Ability to independently acquire knowledge and solve problems

Criterion 1.1. Search, selection and adequate use of information


The work contains insignificant volume suitable information from limited

valuable numbers of the same type sources

The work contains sufficient volume suitable information from similar


The work contains quite complete information from various source

Criterion 1.2. Formulation of the problem


Problem formulated, but the hypothesis absent. Action plan


The problem is formulated justified, a hypothesis(es) have been put forward, but

action plan to prove/refute the hypothesis not complete

The problem is formulated justified, hypothesis(es) put forward, given

detailed plan actions to prove/refute the hypothesis

Criterion 1.3. Relevance and significance of the project topic


The relevance of the project topic and its significance for the student are indicated in fragments.

container at the assertion level

The relevance of the project topic and its significance for the student are indicated at the level

statements, reasons given

The relevance of the project topic and its significance are revealed and justified

increasingly, the topic is relevant and significant not only for the student, but also

for school, city

Criterion 1.4. Analysis of work progress, conclusions and prospects


Analysis replaced brief description progress and order of work

Presented detailed review work to achieve the goals stated in

Presented comprehensive analysis situations that arose during the work

you, the necessary conclusions have been drawn, work prospects have been outlined

Criterion 1.5. Personal interest of the author, creative approach to



but did not demonstrate independence in work, did not use the opportunities

creative approach

serious interest

changed elements of creativity

The work is different creative approach, own original regarding

Criterion 1.6. Usefulness and demand for the product


Project product useful after modification, circle of people with which he can

to be in demand specified implicitly

Project product useful, circle of people, by which it may be in demand

indicated. Potential consumers and areas of use are named


Product useful. The circle of people is indicated, by whom he will be in demand. Shape-

Vans actions to promote it

2. Formation of subject knowledge and methods of action

Criterion 2.1. Compliance of the selected methods of work with the purpose and content


project research

Part working methods used does not match topic and project goals,

goals may not be fully achieved

Methods used correspond topic and purpose of the project, but

lie insufficient

Working methods sufficient and used appropriate and effective, goals

project achieved

Criterion 2.2. Depth of disclosure of the project topic


Project theme revealed fragmentary


knowledge that goes beyond school curriculum

Criterion 2.3. Quality of the design product


Project product does not meet most requirements quality (es-

theme, ease of use, compliance with stated goals)

Product not completely

Product totally coincides quality requirements (aesthetic, convenient to use)

use, corresponds to the stated purposes)

Criterion 2.4. Use of visual aids and technical means


Visual aids, incl. TSO, used fragmentarily, not seasoned

basic requirements for presentation design

to the presentation design, there is no logic for presenting the material, there is no agreement

consistency between the presentation and the text of the report

Visual aids, incl. TSO are used, the basic requirements are met

attention to presentation design, presentation of material is logical, presentation and text

the report are fully agreed

3. Formation of regulatory actions

Criterion 3.1. Compliance with writing requirements


Undertaken attempts to formalize work in accordance with established

rules, give it an appropriate structure

established by rules

in exact accordance with

established rules

Criterion 3.2. Setting a goal, planning ways to achieve it


The goal is formulated, justified, and a schematic plan for achieving it is given.

The goal is formulated justified, activity planning correlates with

own life experience, tasks are being implemented sequentially

The goal is formulated clearly justified, given detailed plan it has been achieved

nia, independently carries out control and correction activities

Criterion 3.3. Defense scenario (logic of presentation), competent construction



given and received results

to achieve the goals stated in the project

obtained during the work, the necessary conclusions were drawn, prospects were outlined.

you work

Criterion 3.4. Compliance with the protection regulations (no more than 5–7 minutes) and strict

impact on the audience


The material is presented taking into account the regulations, but the author failed to interest

poke audience

4. Formation of communicative actions

Criterion 4.1. Clarity and accuracy, persuasiveness and conciseness


revealed topic during the speech

there is no culture of speech, unmotivated deviations from the stated topic in

there are no performances during the course

correct speech is observed; accuracy of oral and written speech; clarity of speech, laconicism, unmotivated deviations from the stated topic during the presentation

no steps

Criterion 4.2. Ability to answer questions, ability to defend your point of view


The answers to the questions posed are one-word, uncertain. The author cannot

defend your point of view

expresses his point of view

questions, clearly and comprehensively substantiates his point vision

      In order to determine degree of independence During the implementation of the project, the student takes into account three levels of development of project activity skills. In the case of evaluating projects of students in grades 5–7, the correspondence of points and levels is as follows:

    points – low level, 1 point – basic level,

2–3 points – increased level.

In the case of evaluating projects of students in grades 8–9, the correspondence of points and levels is as follows:

    - low level,

    - a basic level of,

    – increased level.

More details – Appendix to this Regulation.

      Deciding that the project is completed at an elevated level , accepted provided that:

      • such an assessment was made by an expert commission for each of the three criteria that characterize the maturity of meta-subject skills (the ability to independently acquire knowledge and solve problems, the maturity of regulatory actions and the maturity of communicative actions); the formation of subject knowledge and methods of action can be recorded at a basic level;

        None of the required elements of the project (product, explanatory note, manager's feedback or presentation) provides grounds for a different decision. Deciding that the project is completed at a basic level , accepted provided that:

        such an assessment is given by the commission for each of the criteria presented;

        demonstrated All mandatory elements of the project: a completed product that meets the original plan, a list of sources used, positive feedback from the manager, presentation of the project;

        questions are answered.

      In the case of outstanding projects, the expert council may prepare a special opinion on the merits of the project.

Table 3

Testing and measuring materials for assessing meta-subject planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education in the form of a final individual project

(levels of development of project activity skills)





The work contains sufficient volume suitable information from similar sources

The work contains fairly complete information from a variety of sources

The problem is formulated and justified, a hypothesis (hypotheses) has been put forward, but an action plan to prove/refute the hypothesis not complete

The problem is formulated justified, a hypothesis (hypotheses) is put forward, a detailed action plan is given to prove/refute the hypothesis

The relevance of the project topic and its significance for the student are indicated at the level of statements, reasons given

The relevance of the project topic and its significance are revealed and justified exhaustively, the topic is relevant and significant for others

Presented detailed review work to achieve the goals stated in the project

Presented comprehensive analysis situations that arise during the work, the necessary conclusions are drawn, work prospects are outlined

Independent acquisition of knowledge and problem solving

Independent work demonstrating serious interest author, an attempt was made to present a personal view on the topic of the project, applied elements of creativity

The work is characterized by a creative approach, its own original the author’s attitude towards the project idea

The project product is useful, circle of people by which it may be claimed is indicated. Potential consumers and areas of use of the product are named

Product useful. The circle of people is indicated, by whom he will be in demand. Recommendations for the use of the resulting product were formulated and actions to promote it.

Subject knowledge

Methods used correspond topic and purpose of the project, but are insufficient

Working methods sufficient and used appropriate and effective, project goals achieved


Product not completely meets quality requirements

Product totally coincides quality requirements (aesthetic, easy to use, meets stated goals)

Visual aids, incl. TCO is used, basic requirements for presentation design are met, there may be no consistency between the presentation and the text of the report

Visual aids, incl. TCO is used, the basic requirements for presentation design are met, the presentation of the material is logical, the presentation and the text of the report are fully consistent

Regulatory Actions

The written part of the work is designed based on established by rules order and clear structure, minor errors in design were made

The work is distinguished by its clear and competent design. in strict accordance with established rules

The goal is formulated and justified, activity planning is correlated with one’s own life experience, tasks are implemented consistently

The goal is formulated clearly justified Dan detailed plan its achievements, independently carries out control and correction activities



For students



Planned execution date


Manager's signature


Selecting the topic of the educational project and student research topics;

Development of the fundamental question and problematic issues of the educational topic


Formulation of problems to be solved;

Selection of means and methods for solving problems;

Determining the sequence and timing of work

Design Process

Independent work

Design of notes, posters, etc.

Result achieved


For the project manager

    Individual project implementation plan for each student;

    General information;

Student's name

Project topic

Final assessment of the project manager

    Review for each individual project.

The project manager submits the conclusion and review of the work performed to the commission before the start of the project defense.

For the class teacher

    Parent information sheet;

Student's name

Project topic

Project completion date

Defense date


    Results of the final assessment of an individual project.

After defending the project, the class teacher puts the final grade in the class journal.

    Rights and responsibilitiesparties

    1. The individual project manager must:

    together with the student, determine the topic and syllabus work on an individual educational project;

    together with the student, determine the purpose of the work, stages, deadlines, methods of work, sources of necessary information;

    motivate the student to complete work on an individual educational project;

    provide assistance to the student on issues of planning, methodology, formation and presentation of research results;

    monitor the student’s implementation of the work plan for the implementation of an individual educational project.

      The individual project manager has the right:

    require the teacher to perform timely and high-quality work;

    use the information resources available at school in your work;

    contact the school administration in case of systematic non-compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of the individual educational project plan. student must:

    choose the topic of an individual educational project;

    attend consultations and classes on an individual educational project;

    prepare a public report on the work done.

      If the leader fails to fulfill his duties, he may, by decision of the pedagogical council, with the consent of the student and his parents, be replaced by another leader.

      The student has the right:

    for consultation and information support of the manager at any stage of the implementation of an individual educational project;

    use school resources to complete an individual educational project. comply with the deadlines for completing the individual final project.

      The student is obliged:

    comply with the requirements for the design of the project and its protection;

    submit a written version of the project defense to the teacher or supervisor for verification 2 weeks before its defense.

      In case of failure to comply with the requirements of these Regulations, the student is considered to have not achieved the meta-subject planned results of mastering the OOP LLC in accordance with the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education.

    The procedure for the entry into force of a local act

12.1. These Regulations are discussed and adopted by the pedagogical council and the School Council of the MBOU "Rylsk Secondary School No. 4" and approved by order of the director.

12.2. The regulation is published on the website of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Rylsk Secondary School No. 4” and placed on the information stand within 3 days from the date of approval by the order.

Annex 1

Sample application

To the director of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Rylskaya secondary school No. 4"

S.I. Pekhov

student(s) 9 " » class


I request permission to complete the final individual project (IIP) in the following area: ____________________________________________________________________________

IIP topic __________________________________________________________________

and assign as the curator of my IIP

_______________________________________________________________ (Name of curator).

«_ » 20 year

student's signature

“I have read the statement and agree with the chosen direction and topic”

«_ »_ _20 year

signature of parents/legal representatives

Appendix 2

Memo for students

"Explanatory note to the project"

Introduction, which requires:

      name topicproject;

      formulate the project problem that you solved when creating your project, show why it is interesting and important not only for you, but also for others;

      tell what the goal of your project is, what you achieved as a result of your work, justify that by achieving the goal of the project, you solved the problem project;

      indicate which design you made product, showconnection between the topic, problem, goal and product of your project;

      give a detailed, detailed work plan for the project indicating all the main stages and all the smaller steps within each stage, the expected results of each stage, the deadlines for completing each stage.

In the introduction, the words should be highlighted in bold: topic, goal, problem, hypothesis (of all projects where it exists), project product, plan.

Main part.

In the main part, you should show what solution to the project problem you found and how you implemented it in the project product, provide a description of the progress of your work on the project, including justifying all the decisions you made and ideas that arose in your mind, all the resources that you used in your work.

The materials from which you created the design product; people who helped you, including the guys who took part in your surveys, classroom hours, lessons, etc.; the information you used and where you got it - all these are resources for your project work.

In addition, in the main part you can show your point of view on the project problem and justify it, referring to your own research, observations, experiments, surveys, analysis of the information you found, and the opinions of experts.


In conclusion you need to:

    analyze all your efforts to achieve the goal of the project (what was the most difficult and the easiest, what was the most interesting and memorable, what you learned while working on the project, how your views changed, etc.);

    evaluate the result of your project (what worked or didn’t work out for you and why; did you manage to achieve what you planned when you started your project and why, how would you act to avoid mistakes if

started his work again);

    show the prospects for possible further work on the problem of your project (what would you advise someone who is interested in your work and who wants to continue developing it further, has your own interest in

project problem).

List of information sources used, where you will present:

    a list of printed sources used in alphabetical order indicating the imprint of books and articles;

    addresses of Internet sites you worked with;

    films, museum exhibitions, etc., if they are sources of information on your project.


Rough plan speeches at the defense of the project

Appendix 3

    Theme of my project………………………………………………………..……….

    I chose this topic because What…………………………………………….....……….

    The purpose of my work is ……………………………………………………………………

    The project product will be - ……………………………………………………..

    This product will help achieve the project goal, so How……………………

    My work plan (indicate completion time and list all intermediate stages):

    • Gathering information (what and how I was looking for information)……………………………………………………

      Manufacturing the product (what and how did)……………………………………………………….……..

      Writing the written part of the project (like this did)…………………..…….

Main part

    I started my work with What………………………………

    Then I started To……………………………………………………

    I finished the work with What…………………………………………

    During my work I came across the following problems……………………………..

    To cope with the problems that arise, I…………………………

    I deviated from the plan (indicate when the schedule was violated work)…………………

    My work plan was disrupted because What……………………………

    During the work, I decided to change the design product, so How……………

    But still I managed to achieve the goal of the project, because What…………………


    Having finished my project, I can say that everything that was planned has worked out, For example………………………………………

    This happened because What……………………

    If I started over again, I would would……………………………

    IN next year I may continue this work in order to to…………

    I think I solved my project problem like this How………………

    Working on the project showed me………………………

Appendix 4

Sample project evaluation sheet.

Sample project evaluation sheet:

(Project name)

Executor: , study ".." class

Project Manager: ,


Project Manager

Expert 1

Expert 2

final grade

Formation of cognitive educational actions

Formation of subject knowledge and methods of action

Formation of regulatory actions

Formation of communicative actions


Date "_ »_ 201... g.

Achieving the basic level (“satisfactory”) corresponds to 4 points (one for each criterion).

Achieving an advanced level corresponds to 7-9 points (score

“good”), or 10-12 points (“excellent”).

An educational institution has the right to create its own system for evaluating project activities and describe it in the PEP.

Appendix 5

Stages of work on the project.


Definition of thematic field and topic

project, search and analysis of the problem, setting the project goal, choosing a project name

Design (planning)

Discussion possible options research, comparison of proposed strategies, selection of methods, collection and study of information, determination of product form and product requirements, drawing up a work plan, distribution of responsibilities

Search for information

Carrying out planned technological operations, making necessary changes


Preparation and defense of the presentation

Presentation reflection

Analysis of the results of the project, assessment of the quality of the project

Portfolio Evaluation


A folder that contains all the working materials of the project, drafts, plans, reports, research and analysis results, diagrams, drawings, photographs, an electronic version of the educational project for presentation

Appendix 6

An approximate action plan for a student’s project activities.



1. Formation of a list of topics for project work.

2. Familiarization with the list of project topics for students and their parents (legal representatives).

1. Subject teachers 2. Class teacher

Selecting a project topic.

Students and class teachers, subject teachers

Approval of project topics by the director

Class teachers

Drawing up an action plan for its implementation, beginning research stage.

Project managers

Studying literature and media materials on the subject of the project. Determining the work structure.


and project managers

Making adjustments to initial plans and plans, approval

topic formulations.

Preparation of electronic materials for the project, completion of the research phase of the work.

Students and project managers

Preparation of printed and electronic materials on the project, submission to the project manager for evaluation, preparation of the project defense.

Students and project managers

Preparation of project defense. Pre-protection.

Students and project managers

1.Project protection.

2. Evaluation of projects by members of the expert commission

Students and project managers,

members of the expert group

1. Formalization of project results

activities in the teaching portfolio. 2.Writing characteristics


Class teachers

School project

  • Life...a system of creativity. Our every a desire to create a new reality...
  • L. S. Vygotsky
School project
  • What is a school project?
  • Project classification
  • Project submission forms
  • Stages of work on the project
  • Project evaluation criteria (using the example of a research project)
  • Examples of projects. Project “Who are we?”
What is a school project?
  • Form of problem-based learning,
  • active independent student activities aimed at creating new product. During this activity, students develop new knowledge, skills, and personality traits.
Project classification
  • By execution time
  • Short-term (lesson, several lessons)
  • Medium-term (from a week to a month outside of school hours)
  • Long-term
Project classification
  • By subject area
  • One subject at a time
  • Interdisciplinary
Project classification
  • According to the predominant activity of students
  • Research (example: “Who are we?” or school as a mirror of demographic processes in Russia)
  • Creative (example: Moscow News newspaper for 2020)
  • Role-playing, gaming (example: choosing the head of your council)
  • Practice-oriented (example: compiling a guide to the sights of your area)
Variety of forms for presenting projects
  • Geographical object layout
  • Guide
  • Presentation
  • Visual material
  • Map
  • Excursion
  • School Museum
  • School holiday
  • School website, class
  • Collection of minerals, rocks
  • Newspaper, magazine
  • Video
  • Lesson for parallel class, junior class
  • Practice report, etc.
Stages of work on the project
  • Organizational (formulation of topics, goals, objectives, activity planning)
  • Technological (collection and analysis of information, development and discussion of ideas, design of work)
  • Final (presentation of the work, its analysis and evaluation)
Project passport
  • Goals (what increments should be
  • from project participants after its completion)
  • Tasks (what exactly the project participants must accomplish)
  • Project time
  • Mode of working with reporting dates
  • Material support for work on the project
Criteria for evaluating a research project
  • Significance and relevance
  • Correctness of methods
  • Participants' activity
  • Depth of penetration into the problem
  • Evidence of conclusions
  • Registration of results
How to choose a project topic?
  • The best project is a socially significant project.
  • The local history principle when choosing a topic is leading.
Project activity is
  • active independent activity of students aimed at creating a new product. During this activity, students develop new knowledge, skills, and personality traits.
  • Attention! Often in school practice the term “design- research activities" It can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the structure of the activity
Research activity is
  • purposeful activity of schoolchildren associated with searching for an answer to a question with a previously unknown solution and presupposing the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field
There are different structures for design and research activities
  • In the structure of activity, the shares of research and design are equivalent
  • Design, which forms the core of the activity, is preceded by research (for example: data collection, public opinion polling)
  • 1 option
  • Option 2
  • Option 3
  • The research to which most of the time is devoted culminates in a project
Attention! Academic research differs from abstract work
  • Abstract (from lat. referre report, report) - a summary of any research in the form of a report or in writing
  • (Dictionary of foreign words, AST-press, 1999)
  • Educational essay – independent work student to study, comprehend and generalize knowledge on a specific topic, problem
Who are we?(School as a mirror of demographic processes)
  • Project 9th grade of school No. 763
Formation of students’ geographic culture, as well as key competencies:
  • Formation of students’ geographic culture, as well as key competencies:
  • informational
  • communicative
  • and etc.
  • Shape the image of Russia
  • Develop skills: planning group work,
  • distribute responsibilities
  • analyze your work,
  • correctly evaluate the work of comrades,
  • collect, summarize and highlight the main thing,
  • conduct a questionnaire, survey, interview, conduct a conversation, conduct a presentation,
  • process information on a computer.
  • Pedagogical tasks
  • Find out why the population census is conducted in the country. What features of the life of the population does it reveal? Why does the state need this information?
  • How would information about students be useful to a school?
  • Learning Objectives
Population census
  • Our school conducted a population census for the first time. We surveyed 750 students in grades 5-11. The majority of respondents treated the census takers attentively and seriously. The results of the census turned out to be very interesting. Some students answered questions with humor; there were those who used profanity, which made processing the data difficult. The purpose of our work was to determine the number of students in the school, their gender, nationality, place of birth, what they want to become, hobbies, eye and hair color, whether they smoke, etc. We asked the students questions not included in the questionnaire, and based on their results wrote articles such as “Lunch of a modern schoolchild”, “How to improve school?”, “Who will cure us while we are at school?” etc.
What we wanted to know about ourselves:
  • Place of birth and nationality
  • Religion
  • Our names
  • Appearance
  • Our dining room
  • Clothes of a modern schoolchild
  • Who do you want to become?
  • Hobby
  • Informals of our school
Place of Birth Cities
  • Moscow-442
  • St. Petersburg-1
  • Vladikavkaz-2
  • Dushanbe-2
  • Mansurka-1
  • Volgograd-1
  • Novotroitsk-1
  • Minsk-1
  • Dresden-1
  • Yerevan-2
  • Penza-1
  • Vanadzor-1
  • Kamra-1
  • Obninsk-1
  • Ijevan-1
  • Rostov-on-Don-2
  • Tula-2
  • Kyiv-3
  • Zhytomyr-1
  • Sochi-1
  • Alma-Ata-1
  • Desnogorsk-1
  • Belozersk-1
  • Chirchik-1
  • Pushkino-1
  • Efremov-1
  • Potsdam-1
  • Vanino-1
  • Tbilisi-1
  • Voronezh-1
  • Lipetsk-1
  • Murmansk-1
  • Kirov-1
  • Makhachkala-1
  • Kaluga-1
Nationality of students Religion statistics How many children do you have in your family? Paul Bon appetit! To eat or not to eat, that is the question! (Students’ opinions about food at school)
  • All schoolchildren can be divided into two groups. The first category includes those who eat in the dining room with pleasure. For example, Olga Georgievna’s class is 6 B. They say that breakfasts and lunches are delicious. The food is healthy and nutritious. And Lyudmila Ivanovna thinks school meals are bad.
  • Here is the opinion of the school chef Nadezhda Viktorovna: “The school meals are good, although more fruits and vegetables could be given.”
  • The second group includes children who do not like school meals or like only certain dishes. They say that hot dishes are not served hot at all. It is simply impossible to peel the porridge and mashed potatoes from the plate. Others think the portions are very small.
  • We have a lot of suggestions from school students regarding additions to the school menu: provide buns, pizza, juice, fruit more often. There is also such a non-standard opinion: sell products from Mc.Donalds, or present school meals in the form of ready-made products, as in some schools “express meals”, i.e. exclude cereals, pasta,...
  • P.S. There were children who, out of surprise that they were being asked, were speechless, could not find the right words and switched to their native language: they used profanity, for example: “pi-i-i-i”; switched to youth slang (cool, cool, bullshit...). They even suggested introducing alcoholic drinks into the menu (150 g each for courage before the test).
If you want to eat, respect the CHEF! Your favorite dish in our dining room Menu of the future
  • Monday
  • spring rolls;
  • sparkling water;
  • fruits.
  • Tuesday
  • cutlet;
  • salad;
  • fruits.
  • Wednesday
  • yogurt;
  • puff;
  • coffee with milk.
  • Thursday
  • pizza;
  • fruits.
  • Friday
  • sandwich (with cheese, with sausage);
  • glazed curd;
  • Saturday
  • We go hungry because the canteen is closed.
What do your relatives (parents) do? Who do you want to become? What benefit can your future profession? Where would you like to work: in Russia or abroad? What academic subjects could be excluded from the school curriculum? Why do we like or not like to go to school?
  • The following question arose: why do students like or dislike going to school? It turned out that most children like going to school because they can communicate with friends during breaks. Many justify their positive attitude towards studies by the fact that they want to become educated people. Some schoolchildren think that it is fun, interesting and enjoyable to spend their learning time here. But there are also students who believe that they need to go to school to receive a subsidy and good grades.
  • Some children simply do not know how they feel about learning at school, others change their attitude during the learning process. Students sometimes don't feel like going to school. Some people don’t like that classes start very early. They complain about boring classes and being very tired at the end of the day. And some are simply tired of studying.
  • From early childhood, children need to be instilled with a desire to understand the world around them, then interest in school will appear and absenteeism will disappear. Lessons should be conducted in a different form: in the form of debates, KVNs, competitions - and then it will be more interesting to study, the children will be happy to go to school or gymnasium and try to get good grades.
Favorite subject


About the student’s individual final project according to the Federal State Educational Standard

General provisions

Goals of the final individual project

2.1. Demonstrate to graduates the ability and readiness to master systematic knowledge, their independent implementation, transfer and integration.

2.2. Reveal the student’s ability to cooperate and communicate.

2.3. To develop in the graduate the ability to solve personally and socially significant problems and translate the solutions found into practice.

2.4. Assess the graduate's ability and readiness to use ICT for learning and development purposes.

2.5. To determine the level of development of the graduate’s ability to self-organize, self-regulation and reflection.

3. Requirements for preparing the final individual project

3.1. A plan and project preparation program for each student is developed by the educational institution.

3.2. The project manager can be either a teacher of a given educational institution or an employee of another organization or another educational institution, including a higher one.

3.3. Students choose both the topic and the project leader.

3.4. The topic of the project must be approved by the educational and methodological association of the school in the corresponding direction.

3.5. The implementation plan for the final individual project is developed by the student together with the project leader. The student is guided by the deadlines and recommendations determined jointly with the supervisor. The student has the right to start working on the project starting from the 5th. 6th, etc. class.

3.6. The deadline for defending the project is set at the beginning of the academic year.

Requirements for the content and focus of the project

4.1. Projects created at school should be devoted to one of the current problems of scientific, cultural, political, legal, and social life of the modern world community.

4.2. A project can consider one aspect of a chosen problem, thereby being open, providing other creative teams with the opportunity to continue studying new aspects of this problem.

4.3. Project work includes not only the collection, systematization and synthesis of information on the proposed problem, but also represents an independent study that demonstrates the author’s vision of the problem, its original interpretation or solution.

4.4. The project must have a practical orientation, be in demand and be able to be used in one or another area of ​​human activity.

4.5. Project assignments must be clearly formulated, goals, objectives and means clearly identified.

4.6. Possible types of work and forms of their presentation:

Table 1

Project type Target Project product
Practical Solution Analysis data costume,
oriented practical problems sociological layout,
social survey, model, musical
atlas, work,
Research Proof or
refutation of some attributes multimedia
or hypotheses non-existent product,
states, reports on carried out
Informational Collecting information about
any object business plan, research,
or phenomenon Web site, holiday,
video film, publication,
Creative Attraction
interest public To exhibition, guide,
project problem. newspaper, abstract,
magazine, directory,
Gaming or Performance
role-playing experience participation V operating company system school
decision Problems a game, self-government,
project map, series of illustrations,
collection, tutorial,
computer animation, drawing,
office design, excursion
package of recommendations,
poster presentation,
script, article, fairy tale

6. Requirements for design work

6.1. Project work must be presented in printed and electronic form (presentation, website, digital film, etc.).

– Determination of the purpose and objectives of the study.

– Various types of reference apparatus.

(students are required to comply with the norms and rules of citation).

– Indication of all printed, drawn, graphic, photo, video, musical and electronic materials presented in the project.

– Divided into sections or chapters presented in a logical sequence to more clearly convey the information collected.

6.3. The materials that must be prepared upon completion of the project for its protection must include:

1) the product of project activity submitted for defense, presented in one of the forms described above;

2) a short explanatory note prepared by the student for the project (no more than 10 sheets) indicating for all projects:

a) the original concept, purpose and purpose of the project,

b) a brief description of the progress of the project and the results obtained,

c) list of sources used. For design projects, the explanatory note also includes a description of the features of design solutions, for social projects - a description of the effects of the project implementation;

3) a brief review from the supervisor containing a brief description of the student’s work during the project, including:

a) initiative and independence,

b) responsibility (including the dynamics of attitude towards the work performed),

c) performance discipline.

If there are appropriate grounds in the work performed, the review may also highlight the novelty of the approach and/or solutions obtained, the relevance and practical significance of the results obtained.

For research projects It is mandatory to have a written report on the study (no more than 10 sheets) and an appendix, including tables, photographs, drawings, diagrams, questionnaires, etc. Mandatory structural parts of the written report are introduction and conclusion. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic, defines the purpose and objectives, and research methods adequate to the subject of study. In conclusion, the results of the research work are summed up and conclusions are drawn about the accuracy of the working hypothesis.

Written report for creative projects has its own specifics; its structure necessarily describes the author’s intention, the stages of creating the product, the technologies and materials used. The product of creative activity (product, booklet, video, wall newspaper, etc.) must be presented for defense.

Implementation report social project must contain the following structural components: description of the problem, goals and objectives of the project, alternative solutions, risks of project implementation; analytical description of available and missing resources for project implementation, estimate; the functions of project participants are indicated in the calendar plan, which indicates areas of personal participation and areas of responsibility of team members, and points of intermediate monitoring. The planned project product at the end of the project is compared with the result obtained.

6.4. Before being submitted to the expert commission, the disk with the design work must be carefully checked in relation to technical and demonstration parameters: launch system, tempo of movement, strength and purity of sound. If necessary, the disk must be provided with an explanatory note listing the programs required for launch.

6.5. A common requirement for all works is the need to comply with the norms and rules of citation and references to various sources. In case of borrowing the text of the work without indicating links to the source (plagiarism), the project is not allowed to be protected.

Project protection requirements

7.1. Protection is carried out:

1) at a school conference in March, which makes it possible to publicly present the results of work on projects and demonstrate the level of students’ mastery of individual elements of project activity

2) in the process of specially organized activities of the expert commission of MBOU Secondary School No. 162 in April.

The report reflects the purpose and objectives of the project, the main stages of project activities, and the results obtained. Presentation as a presentation/presentation of the results of project work requires students to have communication skills; the task that everyone has to solve is to present all the advantages of the project as profitably and reasonably as possible, taking into account the characteristics of the communication space and the audience.

7.2. Regardless of the type of project, its defense takes place publicly: after hearing the report (5–7 minutes), listeners and the jury (expert council) ask questions about the topic of the project. Compliance with the regulations indicates the development of the student’s regulatory skills. The time defense must be planned in such a way that the student can demonstrate the finished project product or present materials confirming its implementation.

7.3. A computer presentation is part of the project assessment as one of the options for visibility of the defense, but its creation and use should be dictated by the requirements of feasibility and efficiency.

Annex 1

Sample application

To the director

MBOU School No. 162 Samara

Kochkurova E. Ya.


student(s) 8 "__" class.


I ask for permission to complete the final individual project (IIP) in the following area:_________________________________________________________


IIP topic _________________________________________________________________


and assign ________________________________________________________________ (full name of the curator) as the curator of my IIP.

“___” _________________20__year ___________________

student's signature

“I have read the statement and agree with the chosen direction and topic”

"___"________________20__year ___________________

parents' signature /

legal representatives

Appendix 2

Memo for students

"Explanatory note to the project"

Introduction, which requires:

name theme of the project;

formulate the project problem that you solved when creating your project, show why it is interesting and important not only for you, but also for others;

tell what the goal of your project is, what you achieved as a result of your work, justify that, having achieved the goal of the project, you have solved the problem of the project;

indicate what kind of design you made product, show connection between the topic, problem, goal and product of your project;

give expanded, detailed work plan for the project indicating all the main stages and all the smaller steps within each stage, the expected results of each stage, the deadlines for completing each stage.

In the introduction, the words should be highlighted in bold: topic, goal, problem, hypothesis (of all projects where it exists), project product, plan.

Main part.

In the main part, you should show what solution to the project problem you found and how you implemented it in the project product, provide a description of the progress of your work on the project, including justifying all the decisions you made and ideas that arose in your mind, all the resources that you used in your work.

The materials from which you created the design product; people who helped you, including the guys who took part in your surveys, classes, lessons, etc.; the information you used and where you got it - all these are resources for your project work.

In addition, in the main part you can show your point of view on the project problem and justify it, referring to your own research, observations, experiments, surveys, analysis of the information you found, and the opinions of experts.


In conclusion you need to:

Analyze all your efforts to achieve the goal of the project (what was the most difficult and the easiest, what was the most interesting and memorable, what you learned while working on the project, how your views changed, etc.);

Evaluate the result of your project (what worked or didn’t work for you and why; did you manage to achieve what you planned when you started your project and why, how would you act to avoid mistakes if you started your work again) ;

Show the prospects for possible further work on the problem of your project (what would you advise to someone who is interested in your work and who wants to continue developing it further, whether your own interest in the problem of the project has been exhausted).

List of information sources used, where you will present:

List of printed sources used in alphabetical order, indicating the imprint of books and articles;

Addresses of Internet sites you worked with;

Films, museum exhibitions, etc., if they are sources of information on your project.

Appendix 3

Approximate plan for speaking at the defense of the project


The topic of my project………………………………………………………..……….

I chose this topic because…………………………………….....……….

The purpose of my work is …………………………………………………………………………………

The project product will be –………………………………………………………..

This product will help achieve the project goal because……………………

My work plan (indicate completion time and list all intermediate stages):

ž Gathering information (what and how I looked for information)…………………………………

ž Manufacturing the product (what and how you did it)…………………………………….……..

ž Writing the written part of the project (how I did it)…………………..…….

Main part

I started my work by………………………………

Then I started………………………………………………………

I concluded the work by………………………………………

During my work I encountered the following problems……………………………..

To cope with the problems that have arisen, I……………………………

I deviated from the plan (indicate when the work schedule was disrupted)…………………

My work plan was disrupted because……………………………

During the work, I decided to change the project product because……………

But still I managed to achieve the goal of the project because…………………


Having finished my project, I can say that everything that was planned worked out, for example………………………………………………………

This happened because…………………

If I were to start over again, I would……………………………

Next year I may continue this work in order to…………

I think I have solved the problem of my project as………………

Working on the project showed me………………………

Appendix 4

Sample project evaluation sheet.

Sample project evaluation sheet:


(Project name)

Performer: ___________________________________, student___ ".." class

Project Manager: _________________________________,

Conclusion: _____________________________________________________

Date “___”_______________ 201...

Appendix 5

Stages of work on the project.

Problem Determining the thematic field and topic of the project, searching and analyzing the problem, setting the project goal, choosing the project name
Design (planning) Discussion of possible research options, comparison of proposed strategies, selection of methods, collection and study of information, determination of the product form and product requirements, drawing up a work plan, distribution of responsibilities
Search for information Carrying out planned technological operations, making necessary changes
Product Preparation and defense of the presentation
Presentation reflection Analysis of the results of the project, assessment of the quality of the project
Portfolio Evaluation of results A folder that contains all the working materials of the project, drafts, plans, reports, research and analysis results, diagrams, drawings, photographs, an electronic version of the educational project for presentation

Appendix 6

An approximate action plan for a student’s project activities.

Deadlines Content Responsible
1. Formation of a list of topics for project work. 2. Familiarization with the list of project topics for students and their parents (legal representatives). 1. Subject teachers 2. Class teacher
Selecting a project topic. Students and class teachers, subject teachers
Approval of project topics by the school director. Class teachers
Drawing up an action plan for its implementation, beginning the research stage. Project managers
Studying literature and media materials on the subject of the project. Determining the work structure. Students and project managers
Making adjustments to initial plans and plans, approving the wording of topics.
Preparation of electronic materials for the project, completion of the research phase of the work. Students and project managers
Preparation of printed and electronic materials on the project, submission to the project manager for evaluation, preparation of the project defense. Students and project managers
Preparation of project defense. Pre-protection. Students and project managers
1.Project protection. 2. Evaluation of projects by members of the expert commission Students and project managers, members of the expert group
1. Registration of the results of project activities in the student’s Portfolio. 2.Writing characteristics Students Class teachers


about the student’s individual final project according to the Federal State Educational Standard

General provisions

1.1. This provision is drawn up on the basis of the main educational program of basic general education (FSES LLC) of MBOU School No. 162.

1.2. The individual final project is the main object for assessing the meta-subject results obtained by students during the development of interdisciplinary educational programs.

1.3. An individual final project is a project completed by a student in one or more academic subjects.

The purpose of the project: “to demonstrate your achievements in independent mastery of the content of selected areas of knowledge and types of activities, the ability to design and carry out expedient and effective activities (educational, cognitive, design, social, artistic and creative)”

1.4. Completion of an individual final project is mandatory for every 9th grade student studying under the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

1.5. Failure by a graduate (9th grade) to complete an individual final project is equivalent to receiving an unsatisfactory grade in any academic subject.

1.6. Defense of the individual final project is one of the mandatory components of the system of intra-school monitoring of educational achievements.

1.7. The results of an individual project can be considered as additional grounds for enrolling a graduate of a basic general school in his chosen field of specialized education in high school.





Final individual project developed according to requirements :

  • Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education
  • Basic educational program of basic general education
  • Program for the formation of universal educational activities

  • section 1.3. The system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education p. 108-114 is written:

Assessment of the achievement of meta-subject results can be carried out during various procedures.

The main procedure for the final assessment of the achievement of meta-subject results is protection of the final individual project .

The final individual project -

educational project carried out by students within one

or several academic subjects

in order to demonstrate

your achievements.

  • Completion of the final individual project is mandatory for every student studying according to the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Defense of the individual final project is one of the mandatory components of the materials of the system of internal monitoring of educational achievements.

  • The individual final project (IIP) must satisfy the following conditions:
  • the presence of a socially or personally significant problem;
  • the presence of a specific social addressee of the project “customer”;
  • independent and individual nature of students’ work;
  • The project is interdisciplinary, supradisciplinary, i.e. not limited to one academic discipline.

Goals of the final individual project

  • Demonstrate graduates’ ability and readiness to master systematic knowledge, independently replenish it, transfer and integrate it.
  • Reveal students' ability to cooperate and communicate.
  • To develop the student’s ability to solve personally and socially significant problems and implement the solutions found into practice.
  • Assess the learner's ability and readiness to use ICT for learning and development purposes.
  • Determine the level of development of the student’s ability to self-organization, self-regulation and reflection.

Objectives of the final individual project

  • Planning training (the student must be able to clearly define a goal, describe the steps to achieve it, and concentrate on achieving the goal throughout the entire work).
  • Formation of skills in collecting and processing information and materials (be able to select appropriate information and use it correctly).
  • Development of the ability to analyze, formation of creativity and critical thinking.
  • Formation and development of public speaking skills.
  • Formation of a positive attitude towards activities (show initiative, complete work on time in accordance with the established plan)

  • Meta-subject and inter-subject projects are welcomed, the leaders of which can be several teachers.
  • The work includes not only the collection, systematization and synthesis of information on the proposed problem, but also represents an independent study demonstrating the author’s vision of the problem, its original interpretation or solution.
  • The project must have a practical orientation, be in demand and be able to be used in one or another area of ​​human activity

The role of the teacher

  • Select types and products of project activities that would be adequate to the age of the project participants;
  • Formulate the goals of the upcoming work so that they are accessible, understandable, and, no less important, interesting and meaningful to students;
  • Help students find the right sources of information;
  • Be a source of information yourself;
  • Coordinate the entire process of student activities;
  • Encourage students.

Project protection requirements

  • Protection is carried out in the process of specially organized public defense of IIP.
  • The commission may include teachers, heads of educational institutions, administration of the educational institution .

The more adults encourage independence

and the child's self-confidence,

the higher the degree of personal self-realization in adolescence

and older age.

  • The ability to independently acquire knowledge and solve a problem, which is manifested in the ability to pose a problem and choose adequate ways to solve it, including searching and processing information, formulating conclusions and/or justifying and implementing/testing the decision made, justifying and creating a model, forecast, model, layout, object, creative solution, etc. This criterion generally includes an assessment of the formation of cognitive educational actions.
  • Formation of subject knowledge and methods of action, manifested in the ability to reveal the content of the work, competently and reasonably, in accordance with the problem/topic under consideration, use existing knowledge and methods of action.

General criteria for evaluating project work

  • Formation of regulatory actions, manifested in the ability to independently plan and manage one’s cognitive activity over time, use resource capabilities to achieve goals, and choose constructive strategies in difficult situations.
  • Formation of communicative actions, manifested in the ability to clearly state and formalize the work performed, present its results, and answer questions with reason.

The mark for completing the final individual project is placed in the “Project and research activities” column in the class journal and personal file.

In the certificate of basic general education, the mark for the final project is placed in a free line.

The topic of the project and the results of its defense in the form of a certificate (certificate) are necessarily placed in the student’s portfolio

The only way leading to knowledge

this is an activity.

Bernard Sh OU

A project is always research, search, study of the unknown...

Learn a lot of new things and

learn to do something you couldn’t do before

Individual final project Basic principles: -Individual final project is the main object of assessment of meta-subject results obtained by students during the development of interdisciplinary educational programs -Individual final project is an educational project carried out by a student within the framework of one or more academic subjects in order to demonstrate their achievements in independent mastering the content and methods of selected areas of knowledge and types of activities, the ability to design and implement expedient and effective activities - Completing an individual final project is mandatory for each student studying according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Individual final project Basic principles: - Defense of the individual final project is one of the mandatory components of the materials of the system of intra-school monitoring of educational achievements - A mark for the completion of the project is placed in the “Project activity” column in the class journal and personal file. In a state-issued document on the level of education - a certificate of basic general education - the mark is placed in a free line - The results of an individual project can be considered as an additional basis when enrolling a graduate of a basic general school in his chosen field of specialized education in high school

Requirements for organizing project activities 1. Students independently choose the topic of the project and the teacher. The topic is approved (by the director’s order? by the MO protocol? by the NMS protocol?) 2. Students, together with the teacher, develop a plan for the implementation of the project. Public defense of the project is mandatory

Requirements for the content and focus of the project Practical focus! Possible types of work and forms of their presentation: a) written work (essay, abstract, analytical materials, review materials, research reports, poster presentation, etc.); b) artistic creative work (in the field of literature, music, fine arts, screen arts), presented in the form of a prose or poetic work, dramatization, artistic recitation, performance of a musical work, computer animation, etc.; c) a material object, model, other design product, for example a sewing product; d) reporting materials on a social project, which can include both texts and multimedia products.

Composition of project materials Product of project activities Brief explanatory note to the project: - Initial plan, purpose, purpose -Short description progress of the project and the results obtained -List of sources used For design projects - description of the design solution For social projects - description of the effects of the project implementation Brief explanatory note to the project: -Initial concept, purpose, purpose -Brief description of the progress of the project and the results obtained -List sources used For design projects - a description of the design solution For social projects - a description of the effects of the project implementation Supervisor's review of the student's work (initiative, responsibility, performance discipline, novelty, relevance, practical significance)

Resources for project activities Internet resources: -teacher portals -Special platforms "Global Lab" Internet resources: -teacher portals -Special platforms "Global Lab"

“How to resolve conflicts with parents” “How to overcome barriers in communication” “Image of the future through the eyes of a teenager” “Teenage aggressiveness” “How to learn to understand a person by his gestures, facial expressions, clothes” “Emotional well-being” Topics of individual projects

Global school laboratory Social studies educational project Chemistry educational project ru.html#.VIarMDGsXQ8

Planning the work of the teaching staff of Gymnasium 33 of Kostroma Recall the technology of the educational project Plan lessons in educational thematic planning using the technology of the educational project and educational research Plan the topics of the educational project for Science Week with your students Keeping a diary by gymnasium students studying according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Setting the goal of your work. The help of a teacher is necessary mainly at the stage of understanding the problem and setting a goal: you need to help the author of the future project find the answer to the question: “Why am I going to do this project?” By answering this question, the student determines the purpose of his work. Then the question arises: “What should be done about this?” Having solved it, the student will see the tasks of his work.

DIARY OF PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL PROJECT Date Lesson Topic of research or project My role in the project, research October 30 Social studies. Russia is on the way to a post-industrial society. Identification of the degree of readiness of Russia for the transition to a post-industrial path of development. Studied the degree of development of the service sector in modern Russia. Participated in the creation of the presentation and its presentation Social practice: implementation of social projects