Informational resources. Fund of reference publications Monitoring of collections of electronic reference publications

The library's collection consists of over 300,000 copies. documents.

Types of funds according to the documents they contain:

  • book;
  • newspaper;
  • magazine;
  • audiovisual materials and electronic resources on CD-ROM;
  • abstracts of dissertations;
  • dissertations.

The formation of the library fund is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the formation of the library fund of the Ural Institute of Management RANEPA.

The book fund is organized according to a systematic principle, highlighting large thematic complexes:

Educational literature for all academic disciplines in accordance with working curriculum academy

Scientific literature on the following fields of knowledge:

  • Social Sciences
  • Culture. The science. Education
  • Natural Sciences
  • Healthcare. Medical Sciences
  • Art
  • Philological sciences in general
  • Linguistics
  • Technique
  • Physical Culture and sports
  • Bibliographical aids. Reference publications

Fiction and literary criticism (Russian and foreign prose, poetry, literary criticism, etc.)

The collection of periodicals is organized on a thematic basis, taking into account the shelf life of publications:

  • Newspapers (storage up to 3 years)
  • Persistent logs
  • Long-term storage magazines (up to 10 years)
  • Temporary storage magazines (up to 3 years)

Electronic Reading Room Foundation

Dissertation Fund

All dissertations have been defended or submitted for defense at the Dissertation Council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Sociological Sciences D 502.009.01 at the Ural Institute of Management RANEPA.

Theses are stored in the reading room (room 203) and are issued only for work in the reading room.

Photocopying is exclusively with the permission of the chairman of the Dissertation Council.

Reference and retrieval apparatus (SPA)

The library's reference and retrieval apparatus (RSA) consists of a system of catalogs and card files, a fund of reference publications and bibliographic aids.

Card catalogs and card indexes are located on the 2nd floor, in the library lobby. Book supply card index academic disciplines located in the reference and bibliographic department.

Working with the Consolidated Electronic Catalog is possible on any computer connected to the Internet.

The fund of reference and bibliographic aids is located in the reference and bibliographic department and in the reading room.



  • Alphabetical catalog
  • Systematic catalog


  • contains bibliographic records for publications since 1996, stored in the main collections of the library, as well as for all publications stored in the collection of the reading room of the Institute's library.
  • The consolidated electronic catalog contains bibliographic records for publications stored in city libraries, including the library of the Ural Institute of Management RANEPA

The alphabetical catalog (AC) reveals the contents of the entire book collection of the library. Bibliographic records in the AK are arranged in alphabetical order by the names of individual authors, names of collective authors (more than 3) or titles of publications.

You should contact the Alphabetical Catalog if:

  • famous author of the book
  • the title of the book (if it has more than 3 authors) or collection is known

The alphabetical catalog of the library consists of two parts:

I. Alphabetical catalog of publications before 1960

II. Alphabetical catalog of publications since 1960

The Systematic Catalog (SC) reflects the contents of books and brochures and is intended for searching by thematic queries. SK is a library catalog in which bibliographic records are arranged by branches of knowledge in accordance with the Library and Bibliographic Classification (BBC) system.

BBK is a classification information retrieval language with structural elements in the form of auxiliary tables of typical divisions.

The main divisions of the library and bibliographic classification (LBC) used in organizing the SPA library

  • 1 General scientific and interdisciplinary knowledge
  • 2 Natural sciences
  • 3 Technique. Technical science
  • 4 Agriculture and forestry
  • 5 Healthcare. Medical Sciences
  • 6/8 Social sciences and humanities
  • 60 Social sciences in general
  • 60.5 Sociology
  • 60.6 Statistics
  • 60.7 Demographics
  • 63 History
  • 65 Economics
  • 66 Politics. Political science
  • 67 State and law. Legal sciences
  • 68 Military affairs. Military science
  • 70/79 Culture. The science. Education
  • 80/84 Philological sciences. Fiction
  • 85 Art
  • 86 Religion. Mystic. Freethinking
  • 87 Philosophy
  • 88 Psychology
  • 9 Literature of universal content (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, bibliographic aids)

Card indexes

  • Book supply card index
  • Card file of publications of the Civil Registry Office and regional civil service academies
  • Card index of dissertation abstracts
  • Card index of educational subscription journals
  • Card index of federal laws of the Russian Federation
  • Card index of laws of the Sverdlovsk region
  • Systematic Card Index of Articles (SCF) – not maintained since 2001.

For thematic search of information about articles from periodicals, the following are used:

- Consolidated electronic catalog CONSENSUS OMNIUM (bibliographic search level in the catalog is “analytical”)

Consolidated database of the project “Interregional Analytical List of Articles” (MARS) (working with the “MARS” database is possible in the electronic reading room)

  • Card index of works of art published in magazines – until 1995.
  • Card index of works of art published in literary and artistic magazines
  • (foreign literature) – until 1995
  • Card index of reviews - until 1990
  • Card index of serial publications - until 1990
  • Card file of publications of Moscow State University, Leningrad State University, AON under the CPSU Central Committee - until 1991.
  • Card index of abstract journals (RF) – until 1992.
  • Card index of abstract collections (RS) and reviews - until 1992.
  • Card index of publications for official use - until 1991.

Within the walls of the Russian State Library there is a unique collection of domestic and foreign documents in 367 languages. The volume of all funds exceeds 47 million storage units (as of January 1, 2018), of which about three million are especially valuable publications and other documents.

The collections are divided into publication categories and are available in the corresponding reading rooms. In addition, more than 1.3 million documents have been digitized and are part of the RSL Electronic Library. Hundreds of thousands are also available, purchased by the library for our readers.

You can work with documents from the electronic library on computers in the reading rooms of the RSL, and some of them are accessible from any computer connected to the Internet.

Central fixed fund

Fund volume: more than 32 million storage units
Coverage period:

The central fixed fund is a universal collection of books, magazines, ongoing publications, and documents for official use. Contains printed publications in Russian, in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia and foreign languages(except eastern ones). Of particular value are more than 200 private book collections of domestic figures of science, culture, education, outstanding bibliophiles and collectors of Russia. Among the most significant are the collections of N. P. Rumyantsev, P. Ya. Chaadaev, A. F. Veltman, A. S. Norov, and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

Central Reference and Bibliographic Fund

Fund volume:
Coverage period: from the 19th century to the present

The Central Reference and Bibliographic Fund, which has a universal part and sectoral sub-funds (sections) in its structure, contains a significant collection of bibliographic indexes in Russian, languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and foreign languages ​​(with the exception of Eastern ones). It also includes modern abstract publications, domestic and foreign encyclopedias, dictionaries (terminological, linguistic, cultural, biographical, biobibliographic), reference books, guides, and calendars. All this rich content is presented on various media, such as printed publications (books and serials), microfiche, electronic publications and databases.

Central auxiliary fund

Fund volume: more than 60 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the end of the 19th century to the present

Includes current printed publications in all branches of knowledge (except for legal sciences, music, library science, bibliography and bibliology, oriental linguistics) and domestic journals on technology, agriculture and medicine (for 2017-2018).

Fund of rare and valuable publications

Fund volume: more than 300 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the 15th century to the present

The fund was formed on the basis of the collection principle and consists of a number of thematic, book-related and owner's collections. It is structurally divided into subfunds, taking into account the chronological and linguistic characteristics of the materials included in them. The collection widely includes early printed domestic publications from the 16th - first quarter of the 19th centuries, foreign publications from the 15th-17th centuries, and books from later periods (selected). In addition to books, there are brochures, leaflets, newspapers, magazines, sheet music, maps, and albums. Mostly there are publications on traditional media (in the form of separate samples there are copies printed on unusual materials - silk, cork and others).

Art publications fund

Fund volume: about 1.5 million storage units
Coverage period: from the 17th century to the present

The main fund of art publications is a collection of domestic and foreign documents in the format of sheet publications, albums, books, and optical CDs. Albums occupy the most significant part. Their range is extremely wide - from circulation editions to collector's selections. They give an idea of ​​the most different types visual materials - engravings, photographs, reproductions, posters, postcards and so on.

Fund of official and normative publications

Fund volume: about 2 million domestic and 450 thousand foreign documents
Coverage period:

The fund includes official regulatory publications on legislation and law; official regulatory production and practical publications. To provide comprehensive service users, the fund also includes the most important systematic publications of legislative acts pre-revolutionary Russia. These are the “Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire”, “Code of Laws of the Russian Empire”, “Collection of Legislation and Government Orders” and other publications of domestic legislation. The fund also has a collection of charters of institutions, public and socio-political organizations in Russia and the USSR (1857-1991). In addition to the main fund, an auxiliary fund has been created and is constantly replenished.

Current Periodicals Collection

Fund volume: about 58 thousand storage units
Coverage period: this year for newspapers and the last 2-3 years for magazines

The central auxiliary fund of current periodicals is completed with current domestic magazines and newspapers. It includes: a fund of periodicals that are in the public domain, and journals located in the repository of current periodicals.

Russian Abroad Literature Foundation

Fund volume:
Coverage period: from 1917 to present

The RSL collection of Russian literature from abroad is a unique phenomenon, reflecting in its bizarre fate the paradoxes and drama of modern Russian history, which has radically changed the face of the country twice in a century.

The main fund includes books, magazines, newspapers of Russian abroad, foreign books and magazines about Russia, domestic publications about Russian emigration, microforms of “Rossika” with original rights, publications on electronic media (CD) on Russian abroad.

Military Literature Foundation

Fund volume: more than 614 thousand storage units
Coverage period:

The main fund, formed on the basis of the book collection of the library of the General Staff of the Russian Army (1811-1917), consists of a number of thematic collections on military administration, regimental historiography, Russian military clothing, etc. The fund contains rare reference documents, among which stand out “ Memorial Books", "List of Generals by Seniority" and "List of Army Infantry Captains by Seniority". The specialized closed private collection of the famous Moscow bibliophile A. M. Makarov is of enduring value.

Network Remote Resources Foundation

Fund volume: more than 308 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the end of the 19th century to the present

Includes e-books, magazines and newspapers in Russian and foreign languages, as well as reports, company profiles, images and other types of documents.

Collection of publications on optical CDs

Fund volume: more than 40 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from 1991 to present

The fund includes text publications, audio books (talking books), audio plays, guides to museums and architectural monuments, foreign language courses, textbooks, teaching materials, self-study systems, simulators, workshops on various university disciplines and school subjects, practical guides, manuals, reference books for specialists in various fields of knowledge, conference materials, applied computer-aided design, construction and modeling systems and others.

Microform Foundation

Fund volume: about 3 million storage units
Coverage period: microforms for editions from the 15th century to the present

The main fund is structurally divided into sub-funds of books, periodicals, newspapers, dissertations, taking into account the chronology of photographing publications on microforms. It contains about 3 million items in Russian and foreign languages. Partially presented are publications that do not have paper equivalents, but meet such parameters as value, uniqueness, and high demand.

Literature fund "For official use"

Fund volume: more than 700 thousand storage units
Coverage period: 1920s to present

The fund includes literature with the restrictive stamp “For official use” in various disciplines, for example: abstracts, books and journals on technical and chemical sciences, agriculture, criminology and criminology, military sciences, etc., population census tables 1950-1980- x years.

Manuscript Fund

Fund volume: 610 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the 6th century AD e. Until now

The main fund is a universal collection of written and graphic manuscripts in Old Russian, Ancient Greek, Latin, Slavic, Western European and Oriental languages. It contains handwritten books of secular and spiritual content, archival collections, personal (family, clan) archives, archival funds of various state, church, private institutions and public organizations. There are funds of Peter I, M. I. Kutuzov, P. A. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, G. R. Derzhavin, A. S. Griboedov, M. Yu. Lermontov, F. I. Tyutchev, V. O. Klyuchevsky and others outstanding figures of Russian history and culture. A unique part of the collection is monuments of Slavic and Old Russian book culture.

Fund of cartographic publications

Fund volume: about 250 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the 16th century to the present

The main fund contains atlases, maps, plans, map diagrams, globes, cartographic works on micromedia and optical disks. There is a large array of plans of settlements, land holdings, estates, as well as maps reflecting the administrative-territorial division of regions and districts.

The collection contains both book and sheet atlases. Maps are distinguished by a variety of printing designs and forms of presentation - on sheets and on fabric, wall-mounted in rolls and on cardboard, folding, relief, stereographic, in the form of postcards and calendars. There are special cards for the blind. The collection also includes text, graphic, and illustrative appendices to cartographic documents.

Fund of music publications and sound recordings

Fund volume: more than 480 thousand storage units
Coverage period: notes - from the middle of the 16th century to the present; sound recordings - from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present.

Domestic and foreign music publications, sound recordings (gramophone records, magnetic tapes, audio and video cassettes, CD, mp3), literature on music (monographs, reference and bibliographic publications).

The main fund of music publications includes domestic and foreign sheet music in the form of single-volume and multi-volume notebooks, sheet editions, albums, postcards, calendars, posters, as well as mixed-type books in which the musical text is the main one. The fund receives publications with text in Russian, other languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, and foreign languages. The music fund includes original documents, copies (including facsimile), documents on micro- and electronic media, including appendices to printed publications.

Literature Fund for Library Science, Bibliography and Bibliology

Fund volume: 170 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the 18th century to the present

The fund includes literature on librarianship and book science, as well as related fields of knowledge (issues of computer science, culture, archival science, science, sociology), encyclopedias and reference books general, language dictionaries. Book publications in Russian and foreign European languages, as well as in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries are widely represented. The fund includes magazine, continuing and leaf publications, specialized newspapers, databases and documents on electronic media. Provides access to network resources. Publications from the Russian State Library are included in a separate collection.

Intrastate Book Exchange Fund

Fund volume: more than 300 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from 1830 to the present

The book exchange fund, which is part of the subsystem of exchange funds of the Russian State Library, is universal in content and chronological characteristics. It is formed from doublet and non-core documents excluded from the fixed assets of the RSL. These are books and brochures in Russian and foreign languages, periodicals in Russian, documents on CD-ROM.

The fund is intended for redistribution among libraries, other non-profit organizations(gift), and sales (sales) to organizations and individuals.

Foundation of Literature in Oriental Languages

Fund volume: more than 900 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the 16th century to the present

The main fund includes domestic and the most scientifically and practically significant foreign publications in 230 languages ​​of the peoples of Asia and Africa. These are books, magazines, newspapers, ongoing publications, certain categories of cartographic, musical notation, visual products and speech sound recordings (on CD and DVD media).

Newspaper Foundation

Fund volume: about 697 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the 18th century to the present

Has a large collection domestic newspapers in Russian, newspapers in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia and neighboring countries, in foreign languages ​​of European countries. It includes newspapers in active demand: Moscow (central) and regional; working copies of microfilms of old and especially valuable publications; general reference books and encyclopedias.

The most valuable part of the fund is Russian pre-revolutionary newspapers of 1801-1918 (more than 5,000 titles) and publications from the first years of Soviet power for 1917-1922 (more than 4,000 titles). From the collection of Russian domestic publications the following collections have been selected: “Russian newspapers of civil type. 1801-1830", "Zemstvo newspapers. 1866-1918", "Newspapers from the period of the First Russian Revolution. 1905-1907", "Newspapers of the first years of Soviet power. 1917-1922" and others.

Dissertation Fund

Fund volume: over 1.1 million titles
Coverage period: from 1944 to present

The main fund contains domestic doctoral and master's theses in all branches of knowledge, except medicine and pharmacy, and abstracts (legal copies of original dissertations from 1951 to the present; microforms of dissertations made to replace the originals of 1944-1950; legal copies of abstracts of candidate and doctoral dissertations, except for abstracts marked “DSP”, since 2015).

Fund of the RSL department at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center

Fund volume: 4.6 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century

The RSL department at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center was created in 2013 to store the Schneerson collection - the book collection of the family of leaders of the Hasidic Chabad movement, the center of which was located in the town of Lubavitch. The library began to take shape during the life of the founder of the movement, Shneur Zalman from Liadi, from the end of the 18th century and was collected until 1915. After the 1917 revolution, the collection was nationalized and transferred to the Rumyantsev Museum, later renamed the State Library of the USSR named after V. I. Lenin (now the RSL).

The current stage of development of libraries is characterized by a change in the main priorities of their activities. To the traditional tasks of preserving and increasing the book collection are added the functions of information centers that have electronic databases and ensure the use of global information networks. In-library technologies and forms of service to library users are changing. Today, compilers are faced with the task of developing a fund formation system that will combine acquisition of various types of documents. Local creation modern concepts acquisition is one of the main strategic directions for improving the formation of library collections.

In SOUNB im. V.G. Belinsky, the main internal regulatory documents reflecting the fund management policy are the “Regulations on the fund of the SOUNB named after. V.G. Belinsky" and "Thematic-typological profile of acquisition". These documents, along with printed publications, define a place in the general library collection for electronic resources. The regulatory documents reflect the principles and selection criteria electronic documents, the position of their acquisition into the library fund at the expense of the budget of the Sverdlovsk region is fixed. Acquisition objects in SOUNB named after. V.G. Belinsky are fund-forming electronic documents: on removable media, local network, remote network (received for temporary use by subscription).

The basic principles of acquisition are common to both traditional and electronic documents. At the same time, there are features of acquisition (selection criteria) for electronic types of documents.

Formation of a fund of electronic documents on removable media (CD, DVD)

Acquisition of this type of documents is carried out by the collection and accounting department of funds with the participation of specialists from fund-holding departments. The main selection criteria for acquisition are traditionally the content of the document, its scientific, cultural and historical significance, target and reader purpose, and information capacity. The criteria for distributing electronic publications to collections are based on the characteristics used in organizing the library’s printed collections. The bulk of the proceeds goes to a specialized fund of the electronic resources department. The collections of other departments (local history literature, periodicals, literature in foreign languages, music and music literature) include publications within their area of ​​responsibility.

Extensive practical experience with this type of documents allows us to note their low demand: the number of requests received from users of the electronic resources department per year does not exceed 10. In our opinion, documents on removable media against the backdrop of the development of new information technologies become morally obsolete. Information quickly loses its relevance, and serious difficulties arise in retrieving it and gaining quick access to it. Therefore, the acquisition of these documents is currently carried out selectively (Table 1).

Formation of a fund of network local documents

Profile of the acquisition of the SOUNB fund named after. V.G. Belinsky determines the general policy for the formation of a fund of network local documents and specific parameters of the fund (object of acquisition, content of the fund, restrictions on chronology, language, etc.). The sources for compiling the collection of network local documents are digitized printed publications from the library collection and documents received from copyright holders. The implementation of each technology is carried out in accordance with a package of regulatory and technological documents and agreements concluded with the library. Digitization can be carried out at the request of the departments of SUNSB, at the proposals of copyright holders, at orders third party organizations, on projects for creating digital collections, on requests from readers and subscribers. Accordingly, each category has its own selection criteria. Serious difficulties arise today with documents in in electronic format, which the authors want to donate to the library. Often this is just text on a flash card, without publishing data, without a guarantee that this is the text of the author-donor. In such cases, what criteria should be used to select documents for the electronic library collection? There is no specific and clear answer to this question, so each individual library tries to solve this difficult problem on its own.

Work on converting documents into electronic form in the library began in 2009 with the digitization of pre-revolutionary periodicals from the rare and local history collections. First of all, the newspaper “Ekaterinburg Week” from 1879 to 1896, rare books from the music department, as well as more than 200 books that are not subject to copyright were digitized.

In 2012, within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia”, digitization of the “Collection of Legislations and Orders of the Government of the Russian Federation” began for the National Electronic Library. In 2014, as part of of this project The Mining Journal was digitized from 1885 to 1917.

Most of these documents are now included in the collection of the Electronic Library of SOUNB named after. V.G. Belinsky (“Belinka Electronic Library”,, which began to be created in 2014. The electronic library consists of thematic collections, including pre-revolutionary and modern books, newspapers, magazines, materials of local history and library conferences. The library is in the process of formation and is being actively replenished.

The formation of the electronic library fund is carried out by the Center for Creating Electronic Copies of Documents, the Acquisition Department, and the Council for the Formation of Funds. EB documents have two copies: user (in presentation format) and archival (in storage format).

All documents of the archival fund are registered: they are entered into the Register of Digital Copies, one document is recorded on one disk, each disk is equipped with a label with the current number, the date of recording of the disk and the inventory number of the electronic document. Today, the collection of local network documents amounts to more than 10 thousand copies.

Formation of a fund of network remote documents

Compilation of this type of documents is carried out by specialists from the electronic resources department and the literature department in foreign languages, with the participation of specialists from the fund-holding departments and the technical support department.

Subscription funding for the last three years has remained at the level of 1 million rubles, which is on average 20% of the total subscription budget (Table 2).

The criteria for the distribution of remote access network documents are based on the characteristics used in organizing the library collection system. As a rule, access is granted to all library computers. In some cases, access may be provided to a limited number of computers; in this case, the basic part of the documents is prepared in the electronic resources department, for the rest, library departments are selected for which the topic, type composition or other characteristics of the documents in the package are most relevant.

Networked remote documents serve as a significant addition to the library's core collection. Since the library’s collection is universal and diversified, when acquiring we try to present a wider range of documents: books, periodicals, dissertations and abstracts of dissertations, legal and normative-technical documentation, etc. The main subscription package has been formed and is kept at the same level for several years. In 2014, the package included 25 databases in Russian and five databases in foreign languages, totaling more than 11 million document titles.

When compiling a collection of network remote documents, the main selection criteria, as when compiling traditional resources, are the content of the document, its scientific, cultural and historical significance, target and reader purpose. Additional criteria for selecting electronic resources are also taken into account: technical aspects of use, functionality and reliability, support from the resource supplier, delivery conditions, licensing, etc. All this is reflected in the Recruitment Profile of SOUNB named after. V.G. Belinsky.

A number of important aspects should be highlighted when compiling a fund with network remote documents.

1. Uniqueness of documents. Lack of analog printed publications in the library collection.

A good example is the resources of the Electronic Library of Dissertations of the Russian State Library and the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin. With all its desire, the regional library has never had and will never be able to have printed versions of these documents in its collection. And even such difficulties as frequent technical failures, the inability to create a copy of a document in electronic form, mandatory user registration, a limited number of user spaces, do not affect the decision to subscribe to access to these resources. Since 2003, a virtual reading room of the RSL has been opened on the territory of the library, and in 2014 an electronic reading room of the Presidential Library has been opened.

Unique, in our opinion, are the electronic archives of the newspapers Pravda and Izvestia, provided by the IVIS company. Subscription to these resources gives the library the opportunity to provide our readers with an electronic archive of the Pravda newspaper from 1912 to 2013. and the Izvestia newspaper from 1917 to 2013. Although these documents are present in the library’s collection, there are gaps; there are very Bad quality. The archives are equipped with a convenient search system, so information that previously had to take days and hours to find when working with printed issues of publications can now be found in a few minutes. Attractive and flexible price policy(combined model, one-time payment for the archive and annual payment for access to current content). Such resources are very valuable for regional libraries.

The reference and legal systems of the companies “ConsultantPlus”, “Garant”, “Kodeks” are in demand in our library, including regulatory, regulatory, technical and technological information, reference books, magazines, books and much more. A huge array of documents, prompt replenishment, convenient intellectual search - all this makes such databases indispensable for the work of our readers.

2. Replacing printed publications with electronic ones should be “beneficial” for the library.

The process of replacing printed versions with electronic ones is individual for each library. When replacing a traditional subscription with an electronic one, regional libraries have to be very careful, since they are entrusted with the responsibility of permanently storing the most complete library collection.

The first documents that our library abandoned in traditional acquisition were abstract journals of VINITI. In 2002, the library replaced the traditional subscription to RJ VINITI with an electronic one, which is much more convenient for users and beneficial for the library in financially. The purchase model is payment for the use of individual materials, i.e. pay-per-view became a compelling factor during a period of underfunding of libraries. Based on the same criteria, we also abandoned the acquisition of patent documents, replacing traditional acquisition with access to electronic FIPS databases. For 12 years now, our readers have been accessing these resources electronically.

An effective option, in our opinion, was a subscription to access the resources of the National Electronic Library. A large number of documents in the public domain, benefits for public libraries, and access to archives were powerful arguments for subscription. For three years, we have been annually renewing our subscription to 49 journals of the Academic Publishing Center “Science”. According to the terms of the agreement, the journal archive will be available for 10 years, and then the journals are supposed to be made available for free access, so it was decided to abandon the traditional subscription to these journals. Another example. In 2014, Informkultura refused to publish printed current bibliographic indexes on culture and art, and the library issued a subscription to electronic versions these documents.

3. Maintaining a thoughtful balance between electronic resources and traditional ones.

Today complete replacement printing electronic sources is difficult, primarily due to the lack of sufficient permanent funding. Libraries are often afraid that funding for subscriptions may be reduced, and then they will have to abandon this or that electronic resource. Accordingly, the fund will have gaps that are very difficult to restore. The library will remain without electronic or paper publications. In order not to find ourselves in a similar situation, our library, having decided to subscribe to the Electronic Library of the Grebennikov publishing house, also retained the traditional subscription to the most requested publications.

The same principle is observed with a subscription to the resources of the Rubrikon project: we annually extend the access agreement, but at the same time paper options The library continues to purchase reference books and encyclopedias.

It is impossible to provide access to all necessary resources; new resources and new user needs constantly appear. Confidence in constant access to electronic information is important for the user. An example of such stability for us was cooperation with the IVIS company, which has lasted for several years. Today, in our opinion, this is one of the largest Russian companies— distributors of electronic databases of periodicals on universal topics. Wide subject matter, depth of the archive, full compliance with the printed version, the possibility of simultaneous multi-user access, reasonable prices - all this is an undeniable argument when choosing the IVIS company. In 2014, the library subscribed to eight databases. Of the 300 magazine titles that are available to us by subscription, we continue to receive 70 in print (as a rule, these are the most requested publications, according to statistics from the periodicals department).

Cooperation with EBS

For a regional library, the main criteria when choosing an electronic library are the versatility of its collection, the possibility of obtaining copies and the cost of subscription.

Most systems are created by publishing houses, therefore, in our opinion, the subject electronic libraries turns out to be one-sided. In addition, electronic library systems are primarily designed for higher education libraries educational institutions, the fund is mainly educational, there is very little scientific and applied literature. In addition, a good scientific publishing house knows its worth, and accordingly the cost of access to the ELS is very high.

Based on practical experience of working with remote network documents, it can be argued that today there is not enough scientific, technical and industrial literature, and the databases of publishers and aggregators mainly include publications of a humanitarian and socio-economic nature. At the same time, in 2013, the category of readers “working professionals” in our library amounted to 57%, so we are interested in access to resources that meet the needs of this category of users.

Often, aggregators of electronic resources, in particular periodicals, lack the efficiency of publishing electronic publications, which should be an advantage of electronic periodicals. A package subscription is not always beneficial for a library: many publications remain unclaimed. A package subscription undoubtedly expands the library's information capabilities, but the library pays for access to a whole block of publications, some of which are of little interest to users. If a library carries out several package subscriptions, it is possible that the same journal or book will be duplicated.

We do not yet have a permanent preference in choosing EBS. We subscribed to access to the EBS “KnigaFond”, “University Library Online”, and in 2014 we collaborated with the EBS Each of them is good in its own way, but each has some parameters that do not suit us.

It should be noted that today the owners of electronic library systems have an understanding of the situation in regional libraries: special subscription models are being developed, including acquisition on demand, the possibility of package purchasing of access for branches of the library network and forms of remote connection of readers from home.

Problems and prospects

It is impossible not to touch upon the problems of acquiring electronic documents in municipal libraries using the example of libraries in the Sverdlovsk region.

According to a report on the state of library services to the population of the Sverdlovsk region in 2013, of all municipal libraries in the Sverdlovsk region, only half have access to the Internet. The main documents in the collections continue to be printed publications. According to the results of a survey conducted among municipal libraries on acquisition issues, libraries from electronic documents are acquired only with publications on removable media. The only exception is the Central City Hospital of Nizhny Tagil, which has a subscription to access the EBS Lan and liters. 20 central libraries receive access to the resources of the ConsultantPlus company, four libraries - to the resources of the Garant company.

Over the past three years, the number of documents purchased by municipal libraries on removable media has decreased. In the largest libraries it makes up no more than 3% of paper documents. These are mainly reference books and fiction. The main reason, according to completists, is the low demand for this type of document.

At the same time, in our opinion, most municipal libraries are not yet ready to work with electronic documents. The market for electronic resources is not focused on municipal libraries.

According to the majority of respondents, regular funding is required to complete network remote documents.

A revision of the policy for the distribution of budget funds is required - for the direct acquisition of documents for the fund and for paying for access to electronic resources.

There is an urgent need to create regional programs for library acquisition and collective use of electronic resources on the basis of a centralized subscription. Today, only corporate interaction between libraries can solve the issue of high-quality acquisition of municipal libraries and prompt provision of resources to our users.

Due to the expansion of the electronic resources market, it is very difficult to navigate the flow of offers from publishers and aggregators. Completists have a great need to hear a professional assessment of a particular resource (rating of professional assessments, collection and analysis of electronic resources, etc.).

A serious step forward for libraries was the adoption of the document “Procedure for recording documents included in the library collection,” which for the first time clearly indicated the status of electronic documents, which will undoubtedly affect the quality and efficiency of user service.

With the advent of electronic resources in the library, printed publications have not become less in demand, so the main task in matters of collecting the collection is to find the right balance between different types of information media and provide the user with the most complete amount of high-quality information.

Directory. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2007. - 664 p. - (Series "Library").
The first reference publication on working with electronic documents, catalogs and collections. Characterizes regulatory and technological requirements for search, acquisition, description, accounting, and use of electronic sources of information. Issues of information security of the electronic part of funds are considered - conditions of storage, backup, access authorization. The possibilities of creating electronic collections, virtual reference services, electronic delivery of documents, and using remote access information resources are shown.
The manual is intended for managers and employees of public libraries, it will be useful to students of cultural universities and library colleges, as well as a wide range of creators of electronic collections in institutions and enterprises. Authors.
List of accepted abbreviations.
List of abbreviations of names of institutions and organizations mentioned in the text.
General idea of ​​an electronic document.
Contents of the concept of "electronic document".
Properties of electronic documents.
Typing of electronic documents.
Technological features electronic documents.
Electronic information carriers.
Value properties of electronic documents.
Unique electronic resources.
Trends in the development of electronic resources.
Main types of electronic documents.
Electronic periodicals.
Documentary databases.
Directories and factual databases.
Electronic textbooks.
Electronic libraries and collections.
Electronic libraries.
Electronic collections.
Electronic catalogs and guides.
Electronic catalogs: creation and use.
Electronic union catalogues.
Electronic bookstores.
Industry electronic resources.
Electronic information resources in the field of law.
Electronic information resources of economics.
Electronic information resources of pedagogy.
Electronic information resources in the field fiction and literary studies.
Electronic information resources of non-humanitarian fields of science and practice.
Legal basis for the creation and use of electronic resources.
Objects of legal protection in the public library.
Copyright and related rights in the processes of using information technologies.
Software used.
Inclusion of publications and collections in the electronic collection of the library.
Network information resources.
Internet law.
Ensuring accessibility of information and copyright.
Forms of copyright agreement.
Basic regulatory and legal requirements for the work of libraries with electronic resources.
Technological foundations of working with electronic resources.
Technology of libraries in the electronic environment.
Search for information.
General problems of information retrieval.
Types of search engines.
Localization tools for searching electronic documents.
Trends in the development of information retrieval systems.
Compilation of electronic resources.
Modeling of electronic document collection.
Market of electronic resources.
Information support for acquisition.
Acquisition technologies.
Registration of contractual relations. Licensing.
Analytical and synthetic processing of information.
Cataloging of electronic resources.
General scheme of bibliographic records.
Features of the formation of bibliographic records for electronic resources.
Corporate cataloging based on automated library and information systems.
Bibliographic description of network electronic documents when compiling lists and links.
Annotation and abstracting of electronic documents.
Indexing of electronic documents.
Systematization of electronic documents.
Accounting and storage of electronic documents.
Accounting for electronic documents.
Storage of electronic documents.
Management of collections of electronic publications.
The main directions and forms of managing electronic publication collections.
Information security of electronic library resources.
Reference and bibliographic services for readers in the electronic environment.
Resource base for reference and bibliographic services for local users.
Composition of the resource base.
Creation of a reference and bibliographic collection of network resources in the library.
Forms for presenting electronic reference and bibliographic collections.
Assessment of reference and bibliographic collections of libraries.
Online reference and bibliographic services.
Tasks for servicing remote users.
Asynchronous and synchronous service modes.
Virtual help desks.
Reference expert systems.
Executing complex queries.
Electronic delivery of documents.
Information service for readers.
Organizational basis for working with electronic documents.
General characteristics of assistive technologies.
Professional skills of the assembler.
Training of library staff.
Forming a team to work on the project.
Development of a library informatization strategy.
Extra-budgetary financing of informatization projects.
Implementation of an innovative project.

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ELECTRONIC creation and use in public libraries TYPES OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS IN ELECTRONIC LIBRIES TECHNOLOGIES AND COLLECTIONS TECHNOLOGIES FOR WORKING WITH ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS AND MANAGEMENT E FOUNDATIONS AND ELECTRONIC PUBLICATIONS Reference and bibliography about service of readers in the electronic environment T G - j i w M l, i"r t k /Il k n * c a . r j w t, ^ #M^ f"wk ✓ 11 g i ^ i< 1.4, cremote access. The manual is intended for managers and employees of public libraries; it will be useful to students of cultural universities and library colleges, as well as a wide range of creators of electronic collections in institutions and enterprises. ISBN 978-5-93913-134-6 © Profession Publishing House, 2007 © Team of authors AUTHORS Oksana Aleksandrovna Alexandrova, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor SPbGUKI - Annotating and summarizing electronic documents. Bezhovets Vlada Eduardovna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Deputy Director for Information Library of the Library Center for Children and Youth “Read-Gorod” (Veliky Novgorod) - Main directions and forms of management of electronic publication collections; Pricing for additional services and electronic library publications; Appendix 4.2. Berkutova Lyalya Sergeevna, Ph.D. ped. sciences, nrep. St. Petersburg Library College - Training of library staff; Appendix 4.3. Bessonova Yulia Yurievna, senior nrep. SPbGUKI - Implementation of an innovative project (subsection; Motivation of employees). Brezhneva Valentina Vladimirovna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, associate professor of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture - Information activities of the library (subsections: Bulletins of new acquisitions; Thematic collections; Electronic digest (reader). Nadezhda Igorevna Vedenyapipa, chief bibliographer of the IBO RNL - Archive of completed requests in the electronic environment. Mikhail Iosifovich Vershinin, Ph.D. Sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of the North-Western Technical University - Electronic catalogues: creation and use Lilya Pavlovna Vershinina, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture - Electronic catalogues: creation and use Vikulin Alexander Alexandrovich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Sciences, senior scientific worker, Research Institute of Library Science, RN B -Copyright and related rights in the processes of using information technologies. Volkova Natalya Aleksandrovna, chief bibliographer BAN - Fulfilling complex queries; Consulting readers when working with electronic resources. \j Gendina Natalya Ivanovna , Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Information Technologies of the Social Sphere KemGAKI - Documentary databases. h Gilyarevsky Ruggero Sergeevich, Dr. Philol. Sciences, prof., head. Department of VINITI - Preface; E-books; Electronic periodicals. Gordukalov Ivan Anatolyevich, electronics engineer BAN - Technology of libraries in the electronic environment; General characteristics of auxiliary technologies; Implementation of an innovative project (subsections: Selection of technology and software; Creation local network for library needs; Choosing an Internet provider; Placing electronic library products on the Internet). Gordukalova Galina Feofanovna, doctor of pedagogy. sciences, prof. SPbGUKI - Preface; Content of the concept of “electronic document”; Value properties 3 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS electronic documents; Unique electronic resources; Trends in the development of electronic resources; Electronic periodicals; Directories and factual databases; Electronic collections; Electronic information resources of economics; Information activities of the library (subsection: Analytical review reports); Implementation of an innovative project (subsection: Development of a library informatization strategy); applications 7,8. Gradoboeva Natalya Vladimirovna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor SPbGUKI - Electronic information resources on art. Donchenko Natalya Grigorievna, dean of the correspondence department of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture - Acquisition objects; Market of electronic resources; Information support for acquisition; Selection of electronic publications for the library collection; Registration of contractual relations. Licensing; Forms of organizing the collection of electronic publications in libraries; Professional skills of the assembler; Appendix 5. Zhabko Elena Dmitrievna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Head of the Information Services Department of the RN B - Resource base for reference and bibliographic services for local users; Online reference and bibliographic service; Virtual help desks; Reference expert systems; Electronic delivery of documents. Zakharov Viktor Pavlovich, Ph.D. Philol. Sciences, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University; Art. scientific co-workers Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Technological features of electronic documents; Search for information. Zakharchuk Tatyana Viktorovna, Ph.D. ped. spider, associate professor of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture -Value properties of electronic documents; E-book; Electronic periodicals; Library websites; Electronic information resources in the field of law; Information resources of pedagogy; Electronic information resources of non-humanitarian fields of science and practice; appendices 7, 8. Ilyina Olga Nikolaevna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor SPbGUKI - Electronic resources in the field of fiction and literary criticism. Ilyinskaya Inna Anatolyevna, librarian for work with electronic resources of the Library named after. S. and D. Green, Florida International University (USA) - Technology of electronic libraries!! environment; Appendix 6. Kamskova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Ph.D. ped. spider, manager Department of Library Science and Bibliography of the Orenburg State Institute of Arts named after. L. and M. Rostropovich - Electronic resources of public state libraries - Appendix 4.2. Kolkova Nadezhda Ivanovna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor Kem GAKI -Documentary databases. Kolpakova Natalya Vladimirovna, Ph.D. ped. spider, deputy director of scientific work BAN - Extra-budgetary financing of the informatization project. Konyukhova Marina Viktorovna, head of the Center for Business and Legal Information of the Central State Public Library named after. V. V. Mayakovsky Current state of the fund of electronic documents of the Center for Business and Promotional Information of the Central State Public Library 4 Authors named after. V.V. Mayakovsky; Electronic resources of public state libraries - applications 4.1, 4.2. Kreidenko Vladimir Semenovich, doctor of pedagogy. sc., prof. SPbGUKI - Information activities of the library (subsections: Thematic collections; Electronic digest (reader)). Leichenko Elena Viktorovna, head. media library of the UIC of the Northwestern Technical University - Media library in the public library. Ligun Tatyana Anatolyevna, deputy. Director for Scientific Work of the Scientific Library named after. M. Gorky St. Petersburg State University - General technological scheme for the work of libraries with electronic documents; Accounting for electronic documents; Storage of electronic documents; The main directions and forms of managing electronic publication collections. Linden Irina Leandrovna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Deputy Director of RN B - Electronic periodicals. Linden Frederick Charles, Director of Scholarly Communications and Library Research, Brown University (Providence, USA) - Electronic periodicals. Lyashenko Tatyana Vasilievna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor SPbGUKI - Corporate cataloging based on automated library and information systems. Maystrovich Tatyana Viktorovna, doctor of pedagogy. sciences, head sector of electronic libraries of the Research Institute of Library Science of the Russian State Library - Content of the concept of “electronic document”; Properties of electronic documents; Typing of electronic documents; Electronic libraries; Acquisition objects; Acquisition technologies; Accounting for electronic documents; Verification of funds; Assessment of safety and disposal of electronic documents. Mangutova Svetlana Dmitrievna, chief. bibliographer, head group of literature and art IBO RN B - Electronic guides to reference resources; Bibliographic description of network electronic documents when compiling lists and links. Nikolova Svetlana Gennadievna, senior prey. SPbGUKI - Implementation of an innovation project. Orlov Igor Vladimirovich, Doctor of Biology. sciences, head Department of Scientific Systematization of Literature BAN - Extra-budgetary financing of informatization projects. Pavlenko Elena Aleksandrovna, leading librarian of the department of processing and catalogs of RN B - Electronic resources of remote (network) access; Electronic information carriers; Indexing of electronic documents. Salangin Stanislav Vladimirovich, expert of the portal “Distance learning” - Electronic textbooks. Smirnova Anastasia Valerievna, teacher. SPbGUKI - Content of the concept of “electronic document”. Sokolinsky Evgeniy Kirillovich, Ph.D. art history, head sector of union catalogs of RN B - Electronic union catalogues. 5 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS Stegaeva Maria Vitalievna, Art. scientific co-workers department of processing and catalogs of the Russian National Library - Cataloging of electronic resources; General scheme of bibliographic records; Features of the formation of bibliographic records for electronic resources. Stepanov Vadim Konstantinovich, Ph.D. ped. sciences, prof. MSUKI -Training of library staff (subsections; Advanced training in the library; Training program). Strelkova Elena Valentinovna, deputy. Director for Informatization of the Leningrad Regional Children's Library - Objects of legal protection in the public library; Basic regulatory and legal requirements for the work of libraries with electronic resources. Sudarikova Elena Pavlovna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor SPbGUKI - Electronic information resources in the field of law. Trapeznikova Lyudmila Viktorovna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor SPbGUKI - Technology of libraries in the electronic environment; Systematization of electronic documents. Trubina Ekaterina Igorevna, scientific. co-workers Department of Bibliography and Local History of the RN B - Local history resources on the websites of Russian public libraries - Appendix 4.4. Utivalieva Aigul Aitkaleevna, chief. Librarian of the Scientific Educational Institution of the Orenburg Regional Universal Scientific Library named after. N.K. Krupskaya - Electronic resources of public state libraries - Appendix 4.2. Khodorovsky Vadim Vilenovich, Ph.D. physics and mathematics Sciences, Associate Professor SPbGUKI - Information security of electronic resources of libraries. Shekhurina Lyudmila Diodorovna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor SPbGUKI -Electronic bookstores. Eidemiller Irina Vsevolodovna, head. Research Institute of Library Collections RN B - Acquisition Objects; Modeling of electronic document collection; Market of electronic resources; Information support for acquisition; Selection of electronic publications for the library collection; Registration of contractual relations. Licensing; Forms of organizing the collection of electronic publications in libraries; Selection of equipment and software; appendices 1-3, 5. Contents Authors.................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 3 List of accepted abbreviations.................................... ........................................................ ..................... 9 List of abbreviations of names of institutions and organizations mentioned in the text. . . 11 Preface................................................... ........................................................ ......................................... 14 Section 1. General understanding of e-mail k u m e n t e .................................................... ..... 18 Content of the concept of “electronic document”.................................................... ........................... 18 Properties of electronic documents................... ........................................................ .......................... 23 Typing of electronic documents.................................... ........................................................ .............. 27 Technological features of electronic documents.................................... ....................... 39 Electronic media.................................... ........................................................ ............... 57 Value properties of electronic documents.................................... .................................... 61 Unique electronic resources... ........................................................ .................................... 67 Trends in the development of electronic resources........ ........................................................ .................. 70 Section 2. Main types of electronic documents.................. ......................... 76 Electronic books................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .. 76 Electronic periodical publications.................................................... ............................................... 79 Documentary databases d a n n s ................................................... ........................................................ ..... 88 Directories and factual databases.................................................... ........................ 98 Electronic textbooks................... ........................................................ ... ........................................... 108 Websites..... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................... 115 Section 3. Digital libraries and collections......... ........................................................ .......... 130 Digital libraries.................................... ........................................................ ..................... 130 Electronic collections.................................. ........................................................ .................................. 155 Section 4. Electronic catalogs and guides........ ........................................................ ............ 169 Electronic catalogues: creation and use.................................... ........................... 169 Electronic summary catalogs.................. ........................................................ ................................ 189 Electronic bookstores.................. ........................................................ ........................... 205 Section 5. Industry electronic resources....... ........................................................ ................... 211 Electronic information resources in the field of law.................................... ........................... 211 Electronic information resources of economics...... ........................................ 223 Electronic information resources of pedagogy. ........................................................ ........ 257 Electronic information resources in the field of fiction and literary criticism.................................. ........................................................ .................................. 263 Electronic information resources of non-humanitarian fields of science and practice....... ........................................................ ........................................................ ............................... 306 Section 6. Legal basis for the creation and use of electronic resources.... .........338 Objects of legal protection in the public library.................................... ......................... 338 Copyright and related rights in the processes of using information technologies................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ..................... 341 Software used.................................... ............................... .................. 341 Inclusion of publications and collections in the electronic collection of the library.................................... 343 Network information resources.................................................... .................................... 344 Internet law........ ........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 344 Information accessibility and copyright.................................... ......... 345 Forms of copyright agreement................................................. ........................................................ .........347 Basic regulatory and legal requirements for the work of libraries with electronic resources and................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ....... 349 Section 7. Technological foundations of working with electronic resources and.................................. 355 Working technology libraries in the electronic environment......................................................... ................355 11search for information.................................... ........................................................ ........................................... 358 General problems of information retrieval... ........................................................ ..................... 358 7 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS Types of search engines................................... ........................................................ ....................................362 Localization tools for searching electronic documents...... ...................................................387 Trends development of information retrieval systems................................................... .......388 Compilation of electronic resources.................................................. ...........................................390 Modeling of electronic document collections. ........................................................ ..............391 Market of electronic resources................................. ........................................................ ................... 392 Information support for acquisition.................................... ........................................399 Acquisition technologies...... ........................................................ ............................................... 400 Registration of contractual relations. Licensing........................................................ ..... 414 Analytical and synthetic processing of information.................................................... ............. ....... 418 Cataloging of electronic resources.................................................. ........................................418 General scheme of bibliographic records..... ........................................................ .................. 420 Features of the formation of bibliographic records for electronic resources.................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........ 421 Corporate cataloging based on automated library information systems................................... ........................................................ ..................... 428 Bibliographic description of network electronic documents when compiling lists and links .............. ........................................................ .................. 430 Annotating and summarizing electronic documents.................................... ........................... 436 Indexing electronic documents................................. ....................................... 440 Systematization of electronic documents........ ........................................................ .............453 Accounting and storage of electronic documents.................................... ............................................... 454 Accounting for electronic documents........................................................ ............................................... 454 Storage of electronic documents.. ........................................................ ...................................463 Section 8. Management of electronic and building funds........ ........................................................ .. 468 Main directions and forms of management of collections of electronic publications .................. 468 Information security of electronic resources of libraries ..................... ..................480 Section 9. Reference and bibliographic services for readers in the electronic environment.................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ..496 Resource base for reference and bibliographic services for local users.................................................. ........................................................ ........................................496 Composition of the resource base..... ........................................................ ........................................................ .. 496 Creation of a reference and bibliographic collection of network resources in the library........................ ........................................................ ........................................................ 498 Forms for presenting electronic reference and bibliographic collections. . . . 499 Assessment of reference and bibliographic collections of libraries.................................................... 501 Online reference and bibliographic services................................................................. ...502 Remote user maintenance tasks.................................................... ................. 502 Asynchronous and synchronous service modes .............................. ...........................503 Virtual help desks.................... ........................................................ ..................... 505 Reference expert systems.................................... .................... .. ............................. .................. 512 Executing complex queries.................................... ........................................................ ........................514 Electronic delivery of documents.................................... ........................................................ ...................523 Section 10. Information services for readers................... ........................................... 528 Section 11. Organizational basis for working with electronic DOCUMENTS............................. 540 General characteristics of auxiliary technologies.................................... ..................................... 540 Professional skills of the assembler.......... ........................................................ ...................542 Training of library staff.................................... ........................................................ ..........543 Forming a team to work on the project.................................. ...............................548 Development of a strategy for library informatization.................................. ...............................................549 Extra-budgetary financing of informatization projects. ...............................................551 Implementation of an innovative project.. ........................................................ .................................... 557 Applications.................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................568 LIST OF ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS ABIS - automated library and information system LIIS - automated information retrieval system AWP - automated workstation AS - automated ASPI system - analytical and synthetic processing of information AF - authoritative file BBD - bibliographic database BBK - Library and bibliographic classification DB - database G>3 - bibliographic record BIS - library information system I>0 - bibliographic description NSS - virtual reference GRNTI service - State rubricator of scientific- technical information GSNTI - State system of scientific and technical information DO - distance education LJ - live journal CJSC - closed joint stock company IBO - information and bibliographic department IBC - information library center 11KTs - information and cultural center 11II --- information need III 1C - information- search system I11Ya - information retrieval language IIP - information resource K11A - Classifier of legal acts KPK - pocket personal computer KUNB - regional universal scientific library L VS - local computer network L N - lexical unit 710 - linguistic support IBA - interlibrary loan ML - magnetic IPC tape - International patent classification MU - municipal institution MI [BS - interdistrict centralized library system 11B - scientific library IMI - research institute II NO - research department 11I&D - research and development work R&D - scientifically -research work 9 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS NMO - scientific and methodological department HIIK - national patent classification NPO - scientific and production association NTI - scientific and technical information NEB - scientific electronic library R&D - experimental design development OKS - All-Russian classifier of standards 0 0 0 - society with limited liability OUNB - regional universal scientific library OE - legal deposit PC - personal computer PO - software POD - search image of the document PPP - package of application programs PR - subject heading PTsPI - public center of legal information PEVM - personal electronic computer RVB - Russian virtual library RZh - abstract journal SBA - reference and bibliographic apparatus SBO - reference and bibliographic services SBF - reference and bibliographic fund SVT - computer facilities SI - signal information SIF - reference and information fund SK PBM - Union catalog of public libraries of Moscow SKBR - Union catalog of Russian libraries Mass media - mass media SG1A - reference and search apparatus SPS - reference legal system DBMS - database management system TU - technical conditions UIC - educational information center FSUE - federal state unitary enterprise UDC - Universal decimal classification FZ - Federal Law FEB - Fundamental electronic library Central Library System - centralized library system 1P"B - central city library IDI - business information center CDK - business book center I (DNI - center for business and legal information TsKB - Central Collector of Libraries CSTI - scientific and technical center information TsPI - center of legal information 10 List of abbreviations of names of institutions and organizations. .. EB - electronic library EDD - electronic document delivery EJ - electronic journal EI - electronic publication EIR - electronic information resource EC - electronic catalog EKK - electronic local history catalog ENI - electronic scientific publication ER - electronic resource ES - expert system ESI - electronic serial publication ESC - electronic union catalog EC - electronic textbook I PR - language of subject headings CSA - Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (SO - International Organization for Standardization (International Organization for Standardization) OCLC - Online Computer Library Center (online computer library center) ORAS - On-line Public Access Catalog SCI - Science Citation Index STM - Science, Technology, Medicine LIST A BBREVI ATUR NAMES OF INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS, MENTIONED YANUTY KH V TEK S TE ARBIKON - Association of regional library consortia 1>AN - Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1>1Ш - Library of Natural Sciences RAS IGBIL - All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after. M. I. Rudomino NIMI - All-Russian Institute of Interdisciplinary Information VINITI - All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences HI IIIKI - All-Russian Research Institute of Classification, Terminology and Information on Standardization and Quality BI1TIC - All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Center NOIS - World Organization intellectual property NS - Supreme Court of the Russian Federation GARF - State Archives of the Russian Federation GIVC - State Information and Computing Center 11 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS GMC - Main interregional center GNPB - State Scientific Pedagogical Library named after. K. D. Ushinsky GPIB - State Public Historical Library GPNTL RF - State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Russian Federation GPNTL SB RAS - State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and ML and Institute of World Literature named after. M. Gorky RAS INI O N - Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences RAS ISO - International organization on IFLA standardization -International Federation library associations and institutions KemGAKI - Kemerovo State Academy of Culture and Arts MSPU - Moscow City Pedagogical University MSU - Moscow State University them. M. V. Lomonosov MGUKI - Moscow State University of Culture and Arts MIFI - Moscow Engineering Physics Institute MIC - International Information Center for Libraries, Publishing and Book Trade IEC - International Economic Committee NIPIstatinform - All-Russian Research and Design and Technology Institute of Statistical Information System STC "Informregister" - Scientific and Technical Center "Informregister" NEIKON - National Electronic Information Consortium RAS - Russian Academy of Sciences RAO - Russian Academy of Education RBA - Russian Library Association RSL - Russian State Library RGBI - Russian State Library for the Arts RGDL - Russian State Children's Library RGNF - Russian Humanitarian Scientific Research Foundation RGPU - Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen (St. Petersburg) RGLB - Russian State Youth Library RCP - Russian Book Chamber of the Republic of Moldova BITS - Republican Medical Library and Information Center of the Republic of Tatarstan RN B - Russian National Library Rosinformresurs - Russian association information resources for scientific and technical development Rospatent - Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks Rosstat -Federal Service state statistics of the Russian Federation 12 List of abbreviations of names of institutions and organizations... RF F I - Russian Foundation fundamental research RH "GU - Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev NWTU - North-Western State Correspondence Technical University SG16GPU - see RGGGU (St. Petersburg) SG16GTU - St. Petersburg State Technical University SPbSU - St. -Petersburg State University SPbGUKI - St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts SPbGUEF - St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance FAPSI - Federal agency government communications and information FIPS - Federal Institute of Industrial Property 1U PB - Central City Public Library named after. V. V. Mayakovsky TsNMB - Central Scientific Medical Library TsNSKhB - Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences ARL - Association of Research Libraries (Association of Scientific Libraries) RLG - Research Library Group PREFACE The reference publication is dedicated to working with a huge array of electronic documents - their searching, processing, recording, storing and using in the library. In terms of content, it continues the previous reference books for librarians, bibliographers, and information workers1, which reflect significant changes in the life of libraries associated with the use of modern information technologies. Only the first generation of guidelines and standards for typing, describing and recording electronic documents has been created in the country. The current experience of domestic libraries in the development of electronic information resources requires continuous generalization. Therefore, employees from various libraries and universities took part in the work on the reference book. Authors from Novgorod, Orenburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg analyze the state of the electronic part of the collections and projects of more than 300 public libraries. Employees of the Central State Public Library named after. V. V. Mayakovsky conducted a special survey, and also described in detail the development of the fund of electronic documents in the Center for Business and Legal Information in the dynamics of its development over 11 years. The changing list of electronic publications of this fund reflects the most complex decisions of collectors about the acquisition or rejection of individual sources, helps to see their significant range to fulfill a wide range of reader requests. A review of electronic local history resources of Russian libraries is presented. For operational needs, an application “100”, unconventional for reference books, has been prepared practical advice", as well as a glossary of basic terms and useful tables that will facilitate the development of new technological techniques. In particular, an electronic assistant “Internet navigator for the order picker” has been proposed. Theoretical aspects of working with electronic documents are presented in the minimum volume of the first section: many issues are still very controversial and will not soon acquire the status of a coherent theory in the changing world of network communications. From the proposed materials one can see that a modern library employee has already appreciated the advantages of the gift of the 20th century - high-speed search and rapid network access to remote arrays of multimedia information. The library community is clearly aware of the negative user properties of machine-readable information and strives to reduce their impact on the readership. Using information 1 Bibliographer's Handbook. -3rd ed., unrefined. and additional / scientific ed. A. N. Vaneev, V. A. Minkina. -SPb.: Profession, 2006; Librarian's Handbook. -3rd ed., not revised. and additional / scientific ed. A. N. Vaneev, V. A. Minkina. - St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2005; Information Worker's Handbook / ed. R. S. Gilyarevsky, V. A. Minkin. -SPb.: Profession, 2005. 14 Preface tion technologies do not reduce the status of the intellectual profession of a librarian, but allow it to be strengthened and enriched. For the first time, the experience of libraries in the field of library, reference and bibliographic services for local and remote users has been combined: the creation of a virtual reference service, electronic delivery of documents, an electronic archive of completed references; organizing business information centers and media libraries; preparation of guidebooks and digests of the local press. In the electronic environment, you can simply and quickly provide an external document to the reader, but the processes of selecting documents according to content and quality criteria, description and systematization, and long-term storage of electronic documents become more complex. The largest section of the directory is devoted to the most important technological problems. The authors of this section are innovators seeking to make it easier for public libraries to adapt to the new conditions of working with “hybrid” (mixed) collections. The section contains bits and pieces of useful material about specific topical issues of acquisition, processing, accounting, storage, and analysis of electronic resources. Peter Waters, a well-known expert in the field of document conservation and a participant in the rescue efforts of many foundations, called the 20th century a “black hole of information”: a huge part of the data was lost, destroyed or made inaccessible due to software changes. A special section presents materials on the information security of the electronic part of the collections - conditions of storage, backup, access authorization, etc. The library today is becoming an active creator and publisher, posting its electronic catalogs, local history collections, guidebooks, indexes, reviews on the Internet . In this regard, the librarian-bibliographer for the first time enters into serious legal relations with a wide range of individuals and institutions. The editors managed to find not lawyers, but library workers who had gone through the difficult path of practical mastery of issues of copyright and related rights and the library. There are no clear recommendations in this section yet, but there are none in the sections themselves. legislative acts. The main thing is that a wide range of legal situations for libraries of any type is shown. The section conventionally called “Organizational basis for working with electronic documents” was very difficult to develop. It includes “additional” technologies - searching for extra-budgetary funding for informatization projects, posting library electronic resources on the Internet, and many others. The editors deliberately abandoned a complicated version of presenting these issues: it is hardly advisable to deliberately create a barrier to their development. As a rule, significant recommendations are offered in a fairly simple form: experienced employees will use additional literature in the field of management and computer technology. This publication cannot yet be fully called a reference manual - this is the first generalization of useful information about working with electronic documents. The editors considered it necessary to preserve many of the author’s ideas, as well as the emotional style of presentation in certain sections (in particular, the narrative about electronic resources in the field of fiction and art, professional approach to problems of information retrieval). The editors also apologize for unintentional errors, possible omissions, and lost email addresses. The work on the reference book made it possible to identify stable trends in the development of electronic resources by libraries: The “peaceful coexistence” of electronic and printed publications will continue, and the definition of “hybrid” library, introduced into the international lexicon, will be lost as unnecessary. Libraries will become increasingly involved in the creation of electronic documents and their own collections. The subordination of all library processes to the quality of user service is being strengthened. The next generations of readers will differ significantly both in information behavior and in the range of requests to the library. In this regard, electronic educational materials, interactive guides, the creation of a distributed reference service for remote users in libraries, centers for social protection of the population, consumer rights, employment, etc. are relevant in the collections. The publication is intended for managers and employees of public libraries; it will be useful for students universities of culture and library colleges, as well as a wide range of creators of electronic collections in institutions and enterprises. In professional library life, intensive work is being carried out on the problems of informatization of libraries, and their innovative experience is widely revealed. The editors thank each of the participants in the difficult innovative life in libraries. The authors express personal gratitude for useful tips and rich publications to the leading researcher of the Department of Acquisition of Foreign Literature of the RSL IT. N. Litvinova, leading Russian specialists in the field of library science and bibliography A. N. Vaneev, prof. SPbGUKI, I. G. Morgenstern, prof. Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts. A serious indicator of active work with electronic resources of public libraries is the “Guide to local history resources on library sites”, available on the Internet (RNB, RBA http://www Its compilers thank the staff of RN B - editor N.M. Balatskaya and webmaster V.A. Chernousova for their help in systematizing the material, posting and updating the resource, but most importantly - all the local historians who created such wonderful and diverse electronic collections in their libraries websites. 16 Preface Sincere gratitude is addressed to the leaders of the Central State Public Library named after. V. V. Mayakovsky - 3. V. Chalova, O. Yu. Ustinova and M. V. Konyukhova for organizing and conducting research on the use of electronic resources of public libraries in St. Petersburg, as well as specialists from Orenburg and Veliky Novgorod. The team of authors will gratefully accept reviews, comments, and specific recommendations from colleagues and will definitely take them into account in future work. Please send your comments and suggestions to: 191002, St. Petersburg, PO Box 600, Profession Publishing House or by email: [email protected] SECTION 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION OF AN ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT Content of the concept of “electronic document” With the active work of libraries with electronic materials in international library practice, there is a continuous discussion of the types of electronic documents, promising possibilities for their processing, storage and use. Methodological decisions are made at different levels - international, sectoral, for certain types of libraries. In Russia, concepts basic to the profession are defined in industry and interindustry standards (GOST 7.83-2001 “Electronic publications. Basic types and output information”, GOST 7.82-2001 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules for compilation” and etc.). The following phrases have been widely used as starting points for the library profession: “electronic information resources”, “electronic document”, “electronic publication”. The concept of “electronic information resources” is the type-forming concept, and private varieties of electronic documents are called “electronic publication”, “electronic book”, “electronic journal”, etc. Resources that do not have a close prototype in the form of printed documents are designated without definition “ “electronic” - website, page, “live journal”, “chat session”, etc. The boundaries between them are very arbitrary, and for a long time the subordination and content of these terms will be clarified by specialists. GOST 7.82-2001 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic Description of Electronic Resources” standardizes in a professional dictionary the basic concept of “electronic information resources” as computer-controlled resources, including those that require the use of a peripheral device connected to the computer. Electronic resources are electronic data (information in the form of numbers, letters, symbols or combinations thereof), electronic programs(sets of statements or routines that perform specific tasks, including data processing) or a combination of these types in one resource. In accordance with current GOSTs, electronic resources, depending on the access mode, are divided into local and remote access resources. Electronic publications are classified according to the following criteria: 18 Section 1. General idea of ​​an electronic document distribution technology; the nature of interaction between the user and the electronic publication; availability of printed equivalent; the nature of the underlying information; structure; periodicity; method of presenting information; purpose of the electronic publication. The first attempt to standardize the status of an electronic document was undertaken by the Federal State Scientific and Technical Center “Informregister”, which developed GOST 7.83-2001 “Electronic publications. ()main types and output information”, which has interstate status. The main goal of GOST is to streamline the provision of output data in electronic publications, similar to those accepted for printed publications. The requirements of library and bibliographic processing and collection accounting make it possible in the coming years to preserve “electronic document” as the main working term: “a document on a machine-readable medium, the use of which requires computer technology” (GOST 7.83-2001); “a document in which information is presented in electronic digital form”1 (FZ “On informatization information and information protection”). Electronic documents, previously called “machine-readable”, “digital” documents, “computer files”, are a relatively new, diverse, but very rapidly developing type of information product, for which fixation on a specific medium is not always obvious. hallmark. Electronic documents can be presented on physically tangible discrete media, for example, optical disks, or in fact have an exclusively digital form in information arrays of the Internet, in relation to which the very concept of “media” is used very conditionally. A distributed database can be stored on a number of servers in different institutions and countries. Modern electronic documents can be recorded simultaneously in several formats, on many media, including printed media. The attribute remains essential for the library intended purpose a document limiting the scope of its distribution in society. Libraries work with electronic documents intended for widespread or local use in society. Taking into account the results of the discussion of the above and other definitions, an “electronic document” can be understood as a meaningfully coherent information there is no definition of an electronic document 19 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS a formation intended for use in society and recorded in electronic digital form. More stringent requirements are imposed on the characteristics of those documents that are classified in the group of electronic publications. GOST 7.83-2001 provides the following definition: “Electronic publication is an electronic document (group of electronic documents) that has undergone editorial and publishing processing, intended for distribution in unchanged form, with output information.” Unfortunately, the requirements of editorial and publishing preparation, text immutability and constancy of quantitative characteristics are rarely met for the majority of Internet resources. For this reason (according to the definition), only electronic versions and analogues of printed publications - dictionaries, encyclopedias, database-certified magazines - can be fully recognized as publications. Due to the dynamism of computer technologies for the preparation and dissemination of information, more detailed definitions are gradually losing such features as format, semantic code, symbolic nature, immutability of content, purpose and reader purpose of the document, its quantitative characteristics, etc. In particular, according to the definition According to V.N. Ageev, “electronic publishing is the process and result of organizing an author’s work of any iconic nature into an information product on a digital medium in a way that allows for its long-term storage and distribution in an unchanged form to an unlimited number of users through a computer environment”1. Despite the attempt to characterize a document through its authorization and integrity (“work”, “result”), this interpretation also shows a direct analogy with the definition of traditional printed publications. In particular, publications on paper have a finished form - their content cannot be changed, and the publishing process includes a full cycle of editorial and publishing processing, during which the appearance of the document is formed in accordance with accepted rules. The content of many Internet documents is constantly changing, and the process of posting them on the Internet often does not ensure the passage of editorial procedures: each owner of an Internet site is a publisher. The signs of “long-term storage”, “unchanged appearance” are achieved in the library only by transferring an electronic document to a local medium - optical, hard drive, etc. The sign of “unlimited circle of users” for an online publication is relevant provided that the library there is appropriate permission from the copyright holder in the form of a clause in the license agreement (see subsection “Copyright and related rights in the processes of using electronic technologies”). Thus, the definition of an electronic publication does not include the overwhelming number of web resources, among which the “elementary particle” is a web page - a document with a static or dynamic structure1 Ageev V. N. Electronic book: a new means of social communication. - M.: Mir kn., 1997. -230 p. 20 I "section 1. General idea of ​​an electronic document is a document provided with a unique address (URL). To designate electronic materials located on the Internet, the term “remote access electronic resource” is used. It is this term that is used in the bibliographic description of network documents in accordance with GOST 7.82-2001. If the description of electronic documents on local machine-readable media no longer causes great difficulties, then with electronic resources of remote access the situation is different. This situation is due to several reasons. Communicativeness of resources. Completely new types of documents have emerged on the Internet and communication formats that accelerate the exchange of information. In addition to the usual text books, magazines and newspapers, web documents, messages in forums, news reports with guest books, emails, “live journals” have become firmly established in our everyday life. G) oriented towards dialogue, interaction, discussion of problems. Thanks to the strengthening of the communicative principle in the electronic environment, dictionaries and encyclopedias are collectively created, and attitudes towards events are formed. They are united by a digital form of distribution - most of them do not exist in printed versions. This causes distrust in them as an object of long-term storage and use, despite the considerable interest of librarians in many of these sources of operational information. Dynamics of resources. Beyond their inherent virtuality, Internet documents are extremely mutable. This applies to both their location and content. A document on the World Wide Web remains unchanged for no more than six months. At any moment, its address (URL) may change, its content may be updated, or it may be permanently deleted from the server. Such a high mobility of the network documentary array creates serious difficulties specifically in bibliographic accounting, description and citation of web resources. Integrity of resources. The difficulty of characterizing Internet resources lies in the fact that most often they are not represented by individual documents, but by heterogeneous groups of them, which are combined on websites, portals, search engines, and large-scale information systems. The nonlinear nature of a specific document manifests itself in the organization and maintenance of additional connections between its parts, connections with an array of single-topic documents, with heterogeneous sets of electronic documents based on hypertext links and full-text search according to user-specified criteria. As a result, the text is endowed with additional quality, and for network documents automated generation of such connections-links is also provided. Thanks to the violation of the one-dimensional ordering of the text, multidimensional displays of an object on the Web appear, connecting fragments of knowledge about the object through lists of links on the topic. There is an intensification and active manifestation of this property, the elements of which are already embedded in ancient world in the form of notes to texts, subject and other auxiliary indexes to the book, as well as systematic and other catalogs in libraries, etc. Of course, links in the list can be random, distort the state of knowledge about the object, require methods and skills for their rapid viewing and analysis, but this obvious and technologically supported tendency to integrate knowledge about an object gives rise to more complex - synergetic - effects in the arrays in the form of non-evolutionary processes in the development of knowledge, the emergence of unexpectedly useful knowledge, instability, irreversibility of changes in the environment of electronic information , natural threshold effects, etc. Comfort, varied resource design. By combining text, images, animation and graphics, or mapping materials, creators simplify the use of documents, increasing their difficult-to-measure comfort, the “ergonomics” of the document. There is creative diversity in the design of electronic documents, and the concept of “design” goes far beyond their appearance, including a wide range of tasks in finding the optimal placement of information and navigation in it. At the same time, most sites today do not have the title screen required by GOST, which is defined as “one of the first screens of an electronic publication (or a special system screen) containing output information.” formed on the Internet own rules design of title pages, to which the requirements of GOST 7.83-2001 are poorly applicable, which creates additional difficulties in describing, determining the authorship and reliability of such sources. Thus, the vast majority of remote access documents do not meet the requirements of GOST 7.83-2001. It is obvious that Internet resources are in their infancy. At this stage, it is difficult to talk about fairly established rules for the presentation of electronic documents, including compliance with general approaches to their design by internet publishers. For library practice, the most important features of an electronic publication are the independence of information from the medium, which makes it possible to solve the problems of their long-term storage; data convertibility when changing hardware and software. In order for a document to be classified as an electronic publication, it must have certain characteristics: independent design, the presence of a set of formal characteristics that allow its unambiguous identification; information about responsibility for the publication (individuals or legal entities) with the previous editorial and publishing cycle; compliance with the standards and formats adopted for this type of publication (publication); availability (or possibility of assignment) of a unique standard number in accordance with international requirements; introduction into public circulation in accepted forms of distribution (disclosure, publication). 22 Section 1. General idea of ​​an electronic document Properties of electronic documents Properties of an electronic document can be differentiated at several levels: generic properties common to the class of machine-readable documents; specific to all electronic documents; private properties for individual species electronic documents. The generic properties of an electronic document include the iconic nature of the message; availability of material media; “block” structure, which refers to a certain organization of text, factual and illustrative materials. For example, the structure of a book is expressed in the form of a code, in electronic magazine- saving headings in the database - list of fields, etc. The most common system for organizing texts of electronic documents now are files (group of files, directory). According to S.I. Sempletov, a file as an electronic document is a separate static pseudo-material object with individual specific attributes1. The file organization makes it possible to ensure, when stored in a library, the relative stability of the form of an electronic document indicating the date of its copying, but after a few minutes a document of the same name with different content may appear on the Internet. This is not about choosing a “canonical text” or endlessly replacing an early document with new ones, but about the fact that these documents can only be identified by the full date and file size with unchanged technical parameters - format, font, etc. It is increasingly used such a quantitative characteristic of an Internet resource as “the number of independent screens.” The structure of an electronic document is gradually becoming more complex, while at the same time increasing its use. Hypertext technology, clustering of document data, site maps are new forms of organizing material, visualizing the structure of a document. As a subclass of machine-readable documents, electronic documents have such characteristics and properties as: the impossibility of using outside the technical means of their creation and reproduction; availability of a common medium for a group of documents; the need for encoding for fixation and recoding for reproducing content; the ability to record different texts multiple times on the same medium. The specific properties of an electronic document have not yet been sufficiently disclosed, but the following can be named as its main characteristics: 1. The absence of a strict link between the content (text) and a specific material medium. “Migration” of a message from one medium to another without 1 Semiletov S. I. Electronic document and documentation of information as objects of legal regulation // Informatization and communications. -2002. -No. 2. - (6 0 -6 9. 23 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS any changes, and at the same time the possibility of the existence of the same text in different formats. 2. The existence of a “matrix” of the document in a form unperceivable by humans (in the form digital codes), different from its reproduction on the monitor screen. 3. Possibility of direct multi-user access to the document. 4. Availability common system encoding (binary code), the same for recording documents of any sign system (text, sound, image, graphics). It is this property that underlies multimedia documents1. 5. The fundamental ability to concentrate many forms of messages (text, sound, image, including dynamic) in one document. 6. Possibility of repeated recoding of the source text, application in various ways its recording and reproduction. 7. Availability of a unified medium for all types of “texts”. It is necessary to separately mention the most important feature inherent in a certain part of electronic documents, called “interactive” - the possibility of user intervention in its text and structure, re-arranging the material at its own discretion and making additions2. This opportunity appears to the user when transferring a document to local media, or if there are external editing functions or a dialogue. In addition, the author can make changes to his document at any second, even if it has all the signs of an electronic publication posted on the Internet. In this regard, it becomes fundamental to answer the question: is immutability an indispensable attribute of electronic publication? For traditional publications this was not questioned (it is not for nothing that quantitative characteristics are indicated as identifying parameters in the bibliographic description), and for an electronic publication on CD media, arbitrary changes in parameters are also impossible. But with regard to interactive documents, there are practically no technical obstacles - the text can be repeatedly changed, supplemented, moved with changes in format and address, and copied. 1 “An electronic publication in which information of various natures is present equally and interconnected to solve problems defined by the developer, and this interrelation is provided by appropriate software” (GOST 7.83-2001 “Electronic publications. Main types. Imprint.” - Ed. official - Minsk, 1999.) 2 “Interactive electronic publications - electronic publications, the parameters, content and method of interaction with which are directly or indirectly established by the user in accordance with his interests, goals, level of training, etc. based on information and with the help of algorithms determined by the publisher,” which disavows the requirement of editorial and publishing preparation, text immutability and constancy of quantitative characteristics (GOST 7.83-2001 “Electronic publications. Main types. Imprint.” - Official publishing house - Minsk, 1999 ). 24 Section 1. General idea of ​​an electronic document In this regard, certain types of electronic documents (mainly network) are characterized by the presence of life cycle stages, which are understood as a sequential set of static states of a document that differ from each other in at least one of the document properties ( file name, format, etc. d.). The library may accept its own standard solution about the duration of storage of initial and intermediate versions of a document, or save only its most recent content. Private technical feature network electronic documents is a possible violation of their integrity during transmission over communication channels. There may be technical glitches that may require the document to be resubmitted. All electronic documents can only be used with the help of software, but the criticality of the influence of this factor is not the same for their use. Some of them are sufficiently “platform independent”, that is, they can be adequately perceived on almost any computer. But to work with other documents, you need to install special applications, without which the electronic document cannot function. No less important characteristic It seems practically impossible to isolate some electronic documents from the software shell and general arrays (for example, in a database). A special feature of electronic resources hosted on a separate computer or server is the absence of individual media for each document. A specific property of an electronic document is the special conditions for its functioning, which imply, along with the physical safety of the material medium, the provision of software support for documents and the availability of appropriate hardware for their adequate reproduction. When ensuring the safety of electronic documents, it is necessary to solve four groups of problems: protection against viruses; protection against unauthorized access; preventing data loss and changes (distortion) of text with each fundamental update of computer technology; preservation of the material medium itself (see subsection “Information security of electronic resources of libraries”). Before the inclusion of publications on machine-readable media in the collections, libraries, while maintaining the material basis of the publication, also provided the opportunity to read texts. However, the life cycle of an electronic publication (as well as any machine-readable document) almost entirely depends on the degree of adequacy of the forms of its presentation to modern technical capabilities. For electronic documents prepared in a shell with a specific representation of content, the life cycle is associated with the viability of the shell itself. If it is not developed and maintained, then the electronic document is difficult to use, save or restore without additional effort. 25 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS The rapid development of computer technology may pose a serious problem for libraries in the future: experts believe that if computer production ceases existing class , in 25 years, serious difficulties will arise with extracting information from modern electronic publications. Therefore, in relation to electronic documents, preservation should be understood as ensuring the ability to read text in ways and means adequate to the present time. Along with the physical safety of the media, we should also talk about keeping the data up to date (in accordance with hardware and software at the level of generally applicable standards at the time of the request). Thus, in relation to electronic documents, it is necessary to provide a guarantee of adequate reproduction of the text, regardless of changes in hardware and software, which in the field of computer technology are changing at great speed. In the area of ​​their safety, several problem areas or risk zones can be identified: poor durability, the rapid emergence of new machine-readable media; obsolescence of hardware and peripherals; rapid change of software, incompatibility of some platforms, obsolescence of formats for presenting and distributing information (simultaneously with the emergence of new ones). A generalized idea of ​​the distinctive properties of electronic documents allows, when making a decision on acquiring library collections with electronic documents, to include the following characteristics among the selection criteria: Compliance of the electronic document with the basic norms of the publishing process and the availability of information about responsibility. The document is intended for long-term use - it is inappropriate to include resources for which the interpretation of the content is determined by the date of receipt or reading (for example, exchange rates, current stock quotes, price lists, catalogs of trading platforms, etc.) as acquisition objects, unless the library makes a special decision about their inclusion in the fund). The independence of a document is the possibility of its use (reading) without recourse to other documents or software, as well as the possibility of its cataloging within the framework of the existing library and bibliographic tradition. Accordingly, libraries should develop clear recommendations for isolating the necessary electronic documents from top-level objects (website, portal). Completeness, immutability of the document - dynamic resources (databases, forum materials, etc.) can be objects of acquisition in justified situations, if the storage unit is their individual static fragments (database archives and reports with their fixed state at a certain point in time); if the value of the resource exceeds 26 Section 1. A general idea of ​​an electronic document has economic costs, and its use is supported by the library’s hardware and software environment, etc. In other cases, the issue of occasional or regular access to them by library employees and readers should be considered under the conditions specified in the license agreement. Suitability for long-term storage, which is determined by the use of formats based on international open standards, the ability to separate data from programs, and in cases where this is not possible, storing data only with programs using open source codes. Technological parameters, including: Structural characteristics, such as the completeness of the document (fragment - whole); the presence of inextricable links fixed by the program with other documents. They can be critical for users if, if they are violated (partial copying, lack of a program that reproduces them, etc.), the document loses all or part of its functional properties, and are not critical for the full presentation of the document; S presentation of data (codes used pages, formats, software); ■S type of resource: static (completed or incomplete); dynamic (replenished or updated). modern conditions It is inappropriate to single out such a feature or selection criterion as conditions for access to resources: free (free); requiring user registration; commercial (paid). Conditions of access are extremely variable, and resolving issues of using or borrowing electronic documents often takes the form of a bilateral agreement on the terms of exchange of information, mutual agreements, donation, etc. Typification of electronic documents Electronic documents are usually divided into two large groups depending on the method of their distribution, mode access: Local access electronic documents include documents recorded on separate (portable, removable) media (CDs, DVDs, etc.) with information recorded on a separate physical medium, which must be placed by the user in the computer. These documents that exist as separate objects are called static, autonomous, “off-line”. Most of them can rightfully be considered electronic publications, since they have not only a completed internal structure, but also many other formal features: circulation, imprint, information about responsibility, etc. 27 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS Local electronic publication - a publication intended for local use and issued in the form of a certain number of identical copies (circulation) on portable machine-readable media. In the future, we will use the general name in relation to them - dokumeits/editions on compact discs or CD editions. Electronic resources of remote (network) access are dynamic, or online (dynamic, on-line) documents stored on a computer (group of computers, server). The main feature of these documents is their placement on a common basis (the computer’s hard drive), in other words, they are documents without an individual material carrier, connected, as a rule, by a number of links with related documents and search engines. The terms “interactive documents/publications”, “online publications”, or “network documents/publications” are used as synonyms. These resources include information resources located in global network Internet, and in local networks - departmental, corporate and private (intranet). Internet information resources are a set of information technologies and databases that are accessible through these technologies. Traditionally, the “beginning” of the Internet is considered to be the site of the Swiss laboratory of atomic physics (CERN), where the technology of the World Wide Web WWW^ was born (see the subsection “Technological features of electronic documents”). Currently, the Internet is a community of individual networks of different scales having common access points - search engines. Individual networks within the Internet are relatively independent and can develop according to their own laws and rules, while remaining part of general structure , including such components as server, website, page. The concepts of “server” and “site” are often equated. A website is considered a more private entity: a single “server” can host thousands of independent sites. However, it also happens that one site is served by several servers, for example, this is the case with the “network representative office” of Microsoft. Pages are individual hypertext documents, which together can form a single “organism” - a website. When working with it, one or several pages are displayed on the screen: A page is the minimum element of the WWW information structure. A website is a logically complete information structure consisting of one or several pages. A server is a computer connected to the Internet, on which both websites and other structures, for example, FTP archives, can be located. Internet information resources include: FTP file archive system; WWW database; portals. 28 Section 1. General understanding of an electronic document The FTP file archive system is a distributed depository of various data accumulated over the last 10-15 years on the Internet. In FTP archives you can find press releases, books on various fields of knowledge, etc. FTP is the second of the basic services and protocols (File Transfer hotocol protocol). FTP servers, unlike WWW, are simply file archives on a remote computer. You can work with them in the same way as with arrays on your own computer - using Explorer or another program for working with files (file manager). The acronym f t p indicates that the network address belongs to this service: / / Information in /TP archives is divided into three categories: protected information, the access mode of which is determined by its owners and is permitted under a special agreement with the consumer; information resources of limited use, i.e. resources of limited time of use or duration, when the user can work with the current version at his own risk, but no one will provide him with support; freely distributed information resources (freeware). These resources include everything that can be freely obtained on the Internet without special registration. Archives are used to solve various problems, for example, to maintain a collection of regulatory documents. Distributed hypertext information system WWW - World Wide Web servers, World Wide Web. It is with this, the youngest sermp of the Internet, that libraries work, using the page or website of some organization, creating their own website. WWW is a system of “pages” containing text, graphics, and sometimes sound files and video images. You can work with WWW pages using a special browser viewer, such as Internet Explorer. A special feature of the system is the use of hypertext links, which make it possible to view materials in the order they were selected by the user. The original version of the WWW was a distributed hypertext (a system that made it possible to move from one text document to another by selecting a link word, embedded and document text. The user interfaces of this technology allow you to select the material of interest by pressing the manipulator button on the word or field I of the PDF picture. The universal address system allows you to specify almost all information Internet resources. In WWW7 there is a system of directories that allow you to navigate the Internet and execute remote programs. The main task of the WWW server is to provide users with access to the database of II"I"ML documents. Currently, the functionality of the server has expanded beyond simply sending documents to client requests.IOII. The following functions are typical for modern servers: 29 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS maintaining a hierarchical document system; control over access to information by clients; pre-processing of data before responding to a request; implementation of interaction with clients and other servers in intermediary mode; implementation of built-in or interaction with external search engines. The server database (or, as it is also called, Website) is a part of the file system reserved for storing HTML document files. For any database, the concept of a storage unit is defined - a minimal object that can be accessed externally or received as a response to a request. The standard storage object in the DB of a C-ILU server is an HTML document; in addition, many servers support combined storage objects, created in some cases from several files or generated by programs on the fly. The following objects can be distinguished: A World Wide Web database page is a dynamic information object that is displayed to the user when accessing an information resource WWW 1 1 0 universal identifier of this resource (URL, IP) or network address. The virtual page appears only when the client contacts the server and does not physically exist in the server’s file system. In this case, document conversion commands are included in the body of the document and files describing the document hierarchy of the server. At the user's request, the server accesses its database and returns the required information to the viewer. The prefixes http (denotes the Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and www prefixes indicate that the network address belongs to this service. Sometimes the h ttp:// prefix is ​​omitted from addresses. Then the network address takes on a more compact and convenient form: Portals are powerful Information Systems , providing both services (e-mail, forums, personal page builders) and their own content (news, weather data, financial indices, catalogs and rubricators). Moreover, all these different resources are interconnected not only by a common interface and links, but also by a single search system, for example, the portal “Cyril and Methodius” ( The first and most important part of the portal is the mega-encyclopedia of the same name, which contains hundreds of thousands of articles from a series of individual electronic encyclopedias ( The complex structure and scale of many network information sources, including search engines, only conditionally allow us to call them electronic documents. For this reason, they are often referred to using the combination “Internet resources” and “metadata”. In this case, it is important to take into account 30 Section 1. General understanding of an electronic document the presence and constant replenishment of a range of electronic resources that are difficult to identify as a single document, for example, gaming sites, and among text ones - “live journals”, news feeds, “ chats,” etc. With the development of computer technology, the division into “online” and “offline” documents is becoming more and more arbitrary - archives of online publications (most often magazines) are distributed on CD media and can again be available on the Internet. On the other hand, a number of publications published on optical CDs have online updates. The Internet makes it possible to update information recorded on an optical CD before the next electronic edition is prepared. For example, the ClioSoft company, which released the four-volume (on four discs) “History of Russia: 20th Century,” provides updated and expanded information on its website. The Information and Publishing Center “Statistics of Russia” publishes periodicals and collections in printed form, makes them available online and on CD media. Multimedia textbooks from the publishing house “Multimedia Technologies and Distance Learning” are published on CD-ROM, which are available both on the local network of institutions and through Internet versions. Electronic publications of combined distribution are distinguished as a separate type, i.e. publications that can be used both as a local and as a network document. The most well-known classifications of network electronic documents are the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) scheme, the Dublin Core metadata classification, and the most common classification of MARC documents in the library community. The MIME specification was developed for Email , but with the advent of web technology it became more widespread. The MIME-rim scheme identifies the data type itself (for example, text), some of its variations (for example, plain text), and one or more of their parameters (for example, encoding type = ASCII). The format of the information source is usually indicated as a subtype. The classification of electronic resources was further developed by the trading decisions of an expert group of specialists from many countries, known as the “Dublin Metadata Core”. They highlight several types of metadata, propose indicators, rules for their identification and characteristics. In practice, when cataloging documents in libraries, the classification of resources presented in the MARC format is most often used. And Table 1 shows the main divisions of the named classification schemes. 31 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS Table 1 Classification schemes of electronic information sources: main divisions MIM E Dublin core M ARC Text objects 1. Text (smooth, marked up, html) 2. Multipart object (mixed, alternative, parallel, multipurpose) 3. Message (partial, external, according to RFC822). Non-text objects 1. Image Collection. A set containing Data elements. And the information is presented in a certain structure (for example, lists, tables) Event. A short, time-limited phenomenon AND image. A resource primarily intended to serve as a visual representation other than text. Interactive object. An object of this type requires user interaction in order to be understood, executed, or implemented by the Service. A system that performs one or more functions for the end user Software. A computer program in source or compiled code that is suitable, unchanged, for installation on another Audio machine. A resource originally intended to serve as an audio presentation. For example, an audio CD, a recording of speech or sounds Text. A resource that initially represents words for reading (text images also refer to text) a = text materials, Ш Jpeg, tiff) 2. Audio (basic, way) 3. Video (mpeg, quickdraw) 4. Applications (pdf , ppt, msword) printed; b = text materials, handwritten; with “musical scores, printed; d = musical scores, handwritten; e = cartographic materials, printed; / = cartographic materials, handwritten; g = projection and video materials (films, filmstrips, slides, film materials, video recordings); i = sound recordings, non-musical; j ■=sound recordings, musical; k - two-dimensional graphics (illustrations, drawings, etc.) P.); / “electronic resources (programs, databases, etc.); t = information on several media (for example, a book with software attached on a disk, CD, etc.); g = three-dimensional artistic objects and realities GOST 7.83-2001 “Electronic publications. Main types and output information” offers a classification of electronic publications, largely compiled by analogy with printed products (Table 2). 32 Section 1. General idea of ​​an electronic document Table 2 Main types of electronic publications Classification criteria The types of electronic publications identified in the standard Availability of a printed equivalent ■Electronic analogue of a printed publication: electronic publication, in basically reproducing the corresponding printed publication (location of text on pages, illustrations, links, notes, etc.); S independent electronic publication: an electronic publication that has no printed analogues Nature of the basic information S text (character) electronic publication - an electronic publication containing predominantly text information presented in a form that allows character-by-character processing; S visual electronic publication - an electronic publication containing predominantly electronic figurative objects, considered as integral graphic entities, presented in a form that allows viewing and printed reproduction, but does not allow character-by-character processing (visual publications include facsimiles, as well as texts in formats , not allowing character-by-character processing); audio electronic publication - an electronic publication containing a digital representation of audio information in a form that allows it to be listened to, but not intended for printed reproduction; S software- an independent, alienable work, which is a publication of the text of a program or programs in a programming language or in the form of executable code; ^ multimedia electronic publication - an electronic publication in which information of various nature is present equally and interconnected to solve problems defined by the developer, and this interrelation is provided by appropriate software 1Imcnoe II.meaning ^ official electronic publication - an electronic publication published on behalf of government agencies, institutions, departments or public organizations containing materials of a regulatory or directive nature; S scientific electronic publication - an electronic publication containing information about theoretical and (or) experimental research, as well as cultural monuments and historical documents scientifically prepared for publication; / popular scientific electronic publication - an electronic publication containing information about theoretical and (or) experimental research in the field of science, culture and technology, presented in a form accessible to the non-specialist reader; Zach. 991 33 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS Continuation of table. 2 Classification characteristics Purpose Distribution technology Varieties of electronic publications identified in the standard S production-practical electronic publication - an electronic publication containing information on technology, equipment and organization of production, as well as other areas of social practice , designed for specialists of various qualifications; S normative production and practical electronic publication - an electronic publication containing norms, rules and requirements in various areas of production activity; S educational electronic publication - an electronic publication containing systematized information of a scientific or applied nature, presented in a form convenient for study and teaching, and designed for students of different ages and degrees of study; / mass political electronic publication - an electronic publication containing a work on socio-political topics, of an agitation and propaganda nature and intended for a wide circle of readers; S reference electronic publication - an electronic publication containing brief information of a scientific and applied nature, arranged in an order convenient for quick retrieval, and not intended for continuous reading; S electronic publication for leisure - an electronic publication containing publicly available information on the organization of everyday life, various forms of amateur creativity, various types hobbies, computer games; ^ advertising electronic publication - an electronic publication containing information about products, services, events presented in an attention-grabbing form with the aim of creating demand for them; S artistic electronic publication - an electronic publication containing works of fiction, fine art, theatrical, pop and circus creativity, films, museum and other information related to the sphere of culture and not the content of scientific research / local electronic publication - an electronic publication intended for local use and issued in the form of a certain number of identical copies (circulation) on portable machine-readable media; S network electronic publication - an electronic publication accessible to a potentially unlimited number of users via telecommunication networks; S electronic publication of combined distribution - an electronic publication that can be used both as a local and as a network 34 Section 1. General idea of ​​the electronic document End of table. 2 Classification characteristics Varieties of electronic publications identified in the standard Nature of mutual ^ deterministic electronic publication - electronic publication, the interaction parameters, content and method of interaction with which are determined by the user by the publisher and cannot be changed by the user; and electronic S non-determined (interactive) electronic publication - electronic publication tron ​​edition, the parameters, content and method of interaction with which are directly or indirectly established by the user in accordance with his interests, purpose, level of training, etc. based on information and using algorithms , determined by the publisher Frequency ■S non-periodical electronic publication - an electronic publication that is issued once and has no continuation; ^ serial electronic publication electronic publication published over a period of time, the duration of which is not predetermined, as a rule, in numbered and (or) dated issues (volumes) having the same title; periodical electronic publication - an electronic publication published at certain intervals, with a constant number of numbers (issues) for each year, not repeating in content, identically designed, numbered and (or) dated issues with the same title; S continuing electronic publication - an electronic publication published at indefinite intervals, as material accumulates, not repeating in content, uniformly designed, numbered and (or) dated issues with a common title; S updated electronic publication - an electronic publication published at certain or indefinite intervals in the form of numbered or dated issues that have the same title and partially repeated content. Each issue contains the remaining up-to-date information and completely replaces the previous Structure one-volume electronic publication - an electronic publication released on one machine-readable medium; S multi-volume electronic publication - an electronic publication consisting of two or more numbered parts, each of which is presented on an independent machine-readable medium, representing a single whole in content and design; S electronic series - serial electronic publication, including a set of volumes united by a common concept, subject matter, target or readership, published in the same type of design 35 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS Obviously, the first experience of the domestic classification scheme for electronic publications has been standardized. It greatly facilitates the transition of libraries to working with electronic documents, but artificially brings together the flows of printed and electronic documents. Many experts offer their own classification schemes and discuss individual segments of the electronic environment (works by V. N. Ageev, A. B. Antopolsky, O. V. Barysheva, V. A. Vul, R. S. Gilyarovsky, O. N. Kulish , N. N. Kushnarenko, I. G. Morgenstern, Ya. L. Shrayberg, etc.). A very detailed classification of electronic resources (documents and services) is given in the book by A. I. Bashmakov and V. A. Starykh1. When comparing the proposed classifications, it is easy to see that they structure the area of ​​electronic documents (resources) differently, and also allow for mixing the bases of division. All this causes significant difficulties in the practical determination of the types of electronic resources. Publications on CD media, like printed ones, are largely static; they can have reprints and be published in batches. Network electronic publications can be static and dynamic. The latter, in turn, can be divided into updated and replenished. Updated documents retain their name and author/publisher during all transformations, but not their content, for example, websites or news feeds. Obviously, the fact of updating an electronic publication can be compared with a reissue, but without saving the previous version, or an analogy can be drawn with a printed publication with removable sheets. Updated electronic documents also have analogues in the printed environment in the form of cumulative publications. However, at a certain stage of its existence (sometimes quite long), an electronic document can be considered as a manuscript in the process of work, when the text is constantly changing. An important characteristic of a traditional publication is information about the author or responsibility, which has not yet become a mandatory attribute of online publications. If we talk about the relationship between an electronic document and its printed counterpart2, then we can distinguish two types: the original electronic edition and the second edition (reprint, reprint, republication). Original electronic publications include the following types: an original electronic document that does not have a printed counterpart, or, in other words, a document of electronic origin; an electronic publication based on scanned text with functionality 1 Bashmakov A. I., Starykh V. A. Systematization of information resources for the education sector: classification and metadata. - M.: Foundation "European Center for Quality", 2003. -384 p. 2 This also applies to manuscripts, sound recordings, works of art and other special objects. 36 I "section 1. General understanding of the electronic document in the throne environment, comments and other applications, an example of which is the project “Memory of Russia” or the CD edition “Ancient Art of Siberia”; computer original layout for the printing edition of the book; application to printed publication; digests, cumulations, collections, convolutes created on the basis of both printed publications and documents of electronic origin. An electronic representation of a printed publication obtained as a result of scanning is often used as a reissue. In this case, the relationship with the primary source may be of a different nature ; the electronic edition fully corresponds to the original (which is achieved by its presentation in graphic formats); has “inherited content” (the publication format implies complete preservation of the text, but not the image of the printed edition); contains the essential features of the original source. Characteristics of the attributes of electronic publications on CD media does not present much difficulty, since, as was shown earlier, their identification information is practically equal to that used in the field of book printing. Gradually, it becomes possible to have a fairly complete and adequate description of electronic documents, as exemplified by the main features of the Dublin Core1: title (the name by which the resource is known); creator (author, compiler); publisher (person responsible for quality, legitimacy and reliability of the resource); date (of creation or availability of the resource); type of resource; format; international identification numbers; source (link to the source from which a particular document was extracted). By comparing these items with a standard bibliographic description, which is considered sufficient for identification of any printed publication, we will be able to talk about the fundamental consistency of printed and online electronic documents. In the electronic environment there are almost all types and types of publications | varying degrees of expression of the main features. The most common form of electronic publications at present are published on optical compact discs - CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read Only for Memory). Optical compact discs are a tangible medium on which any content can be recorded (see subsection “Media | to “tronic information”). From the very beginning, they contained, in fact, 1 Elements of the Dublin Core are partially listed. See subsection “Technological features of electronic documents.” 37 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS.■finished publications that have almost all the usual attributes - title, publisher, year of publication, circulation, etc. At the first stage, these were mainly dictionaries, reference books, bibliographic databases, and also software. Like printed, electronic publications on C£>-media can be single-volume or multi-volume, but the breakdown into volumes is not always based on content. Quite often, one of the disks acts as a technological or software application to the main to that. Currently there are quite a few complex publications, where the textual material is published in the form of a printed publication, and the illustrative material is on the optical CD attached to the book. Currently, almost all types of publications are available on CD media, with a significant predominance of multimedia e-books, of which about 80% are games, children's developmental and educational publications, reference books, dictionaries, and educational programs. In terms of content, CD publications generally repeat the structure of the traditional book stream (of course, without yet reaching its volume and coverage). Among them there are what can be called collected works, annual and long-term sets of newspapers and magazines, interactive fairy tales and much more. From the point of view of functional and intended purpose, network electronic publications can include: individual works (original and electronic representations of printed publications), collections (including conference materials), databases and websites. There is a scientific debate about the legality of considering all sites as a publication. The essence of the problem lies in their complex hierarchical structure. The actual resource, which can be legitimately interpreted as an independent document, can be located on any page of the site. On the other hand, there are sites that represent a certain publication (encyclopedia or magazine), a collection of electronic publications and an entire electronic library. Databases, according to some experts, do not fit even into the broadest understanding of the book, since each database is a separate information system, which is software package with a set of data (records, documents). Databases are classified in accordance with GOST 7.70-2003 “Description of databases and machine-readable information arrays.” The library works primarily with the following types of databases: bibliographic and abstract (containing bibliographic records about documents); documentary full-text databases consisting of individual documents; factual reference databases containing text fragments and factual data about the object. As is known, databases can be mono-object (for example, bibliographic) and multi-object (for example, the database of the Ministry of Emergency Situations38 Section 1. General idea of ​​the electronic document of the Russian Federation contains descriptions of emergency situations, lists of equipment, personalities and much more). There is a clearly expressed tendency to create databases and data banks of a mixed type, combining all types of information about an object, including the full texts of publications about them. In the Law of the Russian Federation “On Copyright and Related Morals”, databases are equated to collections (from the point of view of copyright), which makes it possible to approach their acquisition taking into account the general policy of forming funds. An independent class of electronic information resources are geographic information systems (GIS), which have a multilayer hierarchical structure of information linked to a geographic map (topographic basis). GISs have specific software tools, special functionality, technologies for formation and use, their own standards, etc., and therefore their production is allocated to a separate area of ​​geoinformatics. Nevertheless, in theoretical terms, there is an undeniable analogy between GIS and traditional cartographic publications (atlases). The main question is the following: is this analogy sufficient to include GIS in acquisition objects on the same model as traditional cartographic publications. So far, the practice of compiling digital libraries gives a negative answer to this, which is primarily due to the special functionality of GIS. Thus, in modern library practice, three approaches are used to identify Internet objects: based on direct analogy with the source material (book, magazine, etc.); based on reduction, i.e. consideration of online publications within the framework of the book-printing tradition (magazines, books, albums, music collections, etc.); based on the most important functional characteristics of each object. Technological features of electronic documents The species diversity and properties of electronic resources are influenced by technological factors. This means that when working with electronic documents, library staff must master the basic formats for presenting data and observe significant changes in their assortment. From a technological point of view, it is important how electronic documents are created - by manual entry, scanning, borrowing from other sources; with the help of what software and hardware tools, for what purposes, etc. All this affects the structure, coding and content of electronic documents, determines the possibility (necessity) of creating and storing intermediate and insurance copies. Media types can have implications for the organization of electronic resource collections. Among the main factors influencing the features of electronic documents are: linguistic means - recording standards - formats, codes, etc.; data transmission channels and protocols; information indexing tools; search capabilities of systems; database management systems (DBMS) used. In the process of development of information technologies, electronic documents partially retain the properties of traditional documents with the simultaneous appearance of new characteristics. The first machine-readable documents for libraries in our country were created already in the early 1960s. in the process of solving the problem of mechanization and automation of information retrieval: arrays of bibliographic records were formed on punched cards, punched tapes and magnetic media to search for information on requests (experimental research and development under the leadership of A. V. Sokolov, S. A. Sbitnev, L. S. Kozachkova and others). The world information experience was summarized by the book of A. I. Mikhailov, A. I. Cherny, R. S. Gilyarevsky “Fundamentals of Scientific Information” (1965), which introduced into scientific circulation all the fundamental ideas in the field of information support and was translated into many languages. For the younger generation, A.V. Sokolov and A.M. Sorkin in the widely known publication “I Want to Know Everything!” in 1964 they showed the development of civilization from the creation of writing to the “electronic machine” and the “television book”. At the dawn of automated information technologies, when the use of electronic computer technology was associated primarily with automatic