“Innovative activities of OJSC Gazprom. Policy and personnel management Analysis of innovations in management organization at OAO Gazprom

The Gazprom Group continues to allocate significant funds to finance research and development (R&D). In 2013, the company allocated about 6.8 billion rubles for these purposes. In terms of investment in innovation, Gazprom is one of the leaders among Russian companies.

More than half of these funds were used to implement technology priorities. Thus, the development of solutions for producing helium concentrate using membrane-cryogenic technologies was completed, which allows reducing energy costs for extracting the concentrate compared to traditional cryogenic technology. A technological scheme for the development of the Kovyktinskoye field was being drawn up, and work continued on the industrial technology for the production of synthetic liquid fuels from natural gas.

Gazprom continued to work to increase the share of domestic high-tech equipment in the supply of material and technical resources, as well as to replace foreign engineering equipment with Russian ones. In particular, the implementation of “road maps” concluded with the Voronezh, Omsk and Tomsk regions was underway for the development of promising technologies and equipment by local enterprises that were of interest to Gazprom. Together with the Association of Gas Pumping Equipment Manufacturers, the company implemented a project to create a unified gas pumping unit (GPU) with a capacity of 16 MW. This solution allows you to reduce costs and project implementation time, increase the efficiency of maintenance and repair of gas pumping units. As a replacement for Western analogues, Gazprom successfully uses Russian underground equipment complexes for the production of gas and oil using the fountain method in a corrosion-resistant design.

It was noted at the meeting that the program is being implemented with a high degree of efficiency. As a result of the implementation of the program in 2013, savings in fuel and energy resources were achieved: their specific consumption for own needs decreased by 2.52%. Specific greenhouse gas emissions in CO2 equivalent decreased by 4.25%.

As part of its work on innovative development, Gazprom continued cooperation with OJSC RUSNANO. In particular, joint work was carried out on the introduction of corrosion-resistant protective nanocoatings at the facilities of the Astrakhan gas processing plant, and tests were carried out on thermoelectric generators and direct current systems using lithium-ion batteries.

Cooperation with 11 leading foreign companies in the energy sector continued. Scientific and technical cooperation programs were signed with five of them in 2013, which include, among other things, 13 projects.

Cooperation was carried out with nine flagship Russian universities. Cooperation agreements were concluded with them, on the basis of which three-year research and development programs were formed. In addition, joint programs to improve the quality of education and training were successfully implemented.

Work continued in the area of ​​improving the intellectual property management system, as well as the standardization system.

The Board of Directors also approved the remuneration of PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit CJSC for conducting an audit of the accounting (financial) statements of OJSC Gazprom, the consolidated financial statements of the Gazprom Group and the consolidated financial statements of the Gazprom Group prepared in accordance with IFRS for 2014.

Abstract *

480 rub.


The purpose of this project is to review the innovative activities of an enterprise, conduct an analysis of innovative activities using the example of OAO Gazprom, and develop recommendations for its improvement. ...

1. History of the formation of the company OJSC Gazprom…………………5
2. Entrepreneurial activity of the founder of OJSC Gazprom.................................................... ........................................................ ..7
3. Availability of divisions involved in the development of innovations in the general scheme of the organizational structure of OJSC Gazprom............9
4. Features of the system of motivation for innovative activity of employees of the company OJSC Gazprom……………………………11
List of references………………………………...14


In modern conditions of development of a competitive environment, one of the main ways to solve economic, social and environmental problems is the use of the latest achievements of science and technology. Every enterprise strives for intensive economic growth, i.e. was a consequence of the use of more advanced production factors and technologies. A prerequisite for intensive growth is the use of an innovative strategy in the practical activities of enterprises.

Fragment of work for review

Yeltsin. At that time, the concern completely controlled the search for gas fields throughout the USSR, carried out its distribution and sale. In 1991, the collapse of the Soviet Union occurred, which did not have the best effect. Countries that were previously part of the USSR gain independence, and with it the rights to all gas sources located on their territory, as well as ownership rights to the corresponding pipelines. Losses at that time amounted to 25% of the total number of compressor stations, as well as over 30% of pipelines. Control over all transit gas pipelines that passed from Russia to Europe was completely transferred to the CIS and Baltic countries. At the same time, the Russian government came to the conclusion that in order to improve the functioning of the concern, independent companies should be created that could also extract this resource. The initiator of this project was the Minister of Fuel and Energy V. Lopukhin. On this same basis, he had a conflict with the owner of Gazprom, V. Chernomyrdin, who had the opposite opinion and was not going to share the concern with anyone. The next year became more successful. The intensity of its economic influence is increasing sharply. This happens due to the fact that in 1992 Viktor Stepanovich was appointed to the post of Prime Minister and, naturally, his “brainchild” receives a number of tax benefits. In the same year, Chernomyrdin transfers his leadership powers to his first deputy, Rem Vyakhirev, and the president signs several Decrees, from which it follows that the gas resources of the entire country are transferred to the management of the concern. Entrepreneurial activity of the founder of the company OJSC Gazprom On February 17, 1993, by government decree of the Russian Federation, in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 5, 1992, the State gas concern Gazprom was transformed into the Russian joint-stock company (RAO) Gazprom. In 1998, RAO Gazprom was transformed into an open joint-stock company. The Gazprom Group as a vertically integrated energy company includes the parent company - OJSC Gazprom - and its specialized subsidiaries engaged in the production, transportation, processing and sale of gas, oil and other hydrocarbons, underground gas storage, production and sale of heat and electricity , as well as other activities, including technical control of pipeline systems, supply and repair of process equipment, R&D, information processing. The total number of personnel of the Gazprom Group at the end of December 2014 amounted to 459.6 thousand. people. Privatization of RAO Gazprom (since 1998 - OAO Gazprom) took place in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on privatization, as well as decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions of the Council of Ministers - the Government of Russia. At the time of the establishment of RAO Gazprom, all 100 % of the company's shares belonged to the Russian Federation. The sale of shares began in 1993 and ended in 1995 with the following results: 41% of the shares remained in state ownership, 10% of the shares were purchased by Gazprom for privatization checks, 15% of the shares were purchased for checks (at least 50% of the payment) and cash was purchased employees and former employees of the Company, 32.9% of the shares were purchased by residents of 60 regions of Russia for checks, 1.1% of the shares were transferred to OJSC Rosgazifikatsiya. 8.3 million privatization checks and about 17 billion rubles were paid for Gazprom shares. 1 million 30 thousand residents of Russia became shareholders. The presence of 2% of shares allows a shareholder or group of shareholders of the company to nominate candidates to the Board of Directors, the Audit Commission of Gazprom, as well as propose issues for inclusion on the agenda of the shareholders meeting. A shareholder or group of shareholders owning 10% of the shares can initiate an extraordinary meeting of Gazprom shareholders. To ensure effective protection of the rights and interests of shareholders, in 2002 Gazprom was among the first Russian companies to adopt a Code of Corporate Governance (Conduct). The document formulates the basic principles and mechanisms that ensure that shareholders can exercise their rights, as well as creating conditions for the Board of Directors to exercise effective control over the activities of Gazprom’s executive bodies, that is, the Management Board and the Chairman of the Management Board. In addition, in development of the Code's requirement to provide information about the company's activities to shareholders, the Board of Directors adopted a regulation on the disclosure of information by OAO Gazprom. The presence of divisions involved in the development of innovations in the general scheme of the organizational structure of OAO Gazprom. The organizational basis for metrological support of OAO Gazprom is metrological service of OJSC Gazprom, which includes: - structural division of OJSC Gazprom for OEI; - basic organizations of the metrological service of OJSC Gazprom; - OMRITs and RMC; - metrological services of subsidiaries and organizations. In addition, for the organization OEI should create a corporate Calibration System for measuring instruments of OJSC Gazprom and an Accreditation System for HAL of subsidiaries and organizations (SALGAZ) of OJSC Gazprom. The structural unit of OAO Gazprom for OEI manages the organization and OEI, carries out a unified investment and scientific and technical policy in subsidiaries and organizations of OAO Gazprom on OEI, acquisition, use and operation of standards of units of quantities, standard samples, calibration and measurement tools .The head of the structural unit of OAO Gazprom for OEI is the chief metrologist of OAO Gazprom. The chief metrologist of OJSC Gazprom, in accordance with STO Gazprom 1.7 (subclause 4.3), endorses all technical specifications for the development of STO Gazprom and NIR standards, in which documents of the Standardization System in the field of OEI will be developed by order of OJSC Gazprom. For the structural division of OJSC " Gazprom" according to the OEI is entrusted with: - organizing and coordinating the implementation of the tasks of the metrological service of OJSC Gazprom; - formation and implementation of a unified technical policy of OJSC Gazprom in the field of metrological support; - coordination of the activities of the basic organizations of the metrological service of OJSC Gazprom, OMRITs, RMC and methodological management of the work of metrological services of subsidiaries and organizations of OJSC Gazprom; - organization of inspections of compliance with requirements for metrological support in subsidiaries and organizations of OJSC Gazprom; - organization of metrological audits in the base organizations of the metrological service of OJSC Gazprom and newly created subsidiaries companies of OJSC Gazprom; - organization of inspections of the condition of energy measuring facilities (gas measuring stations, metering points, metering units, etc.


1. Anisimov Yu.P., V.P.Bychkov, I.V.Kuksova - M.: SRC INFRA-M, 2015. - 147 pp.: Innovation Management
2. Besshaposhnikova V.I. Methodological foundations of innovation and scientific creativity: textbook. allowance / V.I. Besshaposhnikova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2017. - 180 p. - (Higher education: Bachelor's degree). - www.dx.doi.org/10.12737/20524.
3. Proskurin V.K. Adaptation of innovative strategy of companies to changes in the external environment” / V.K. Proskurin. - M.: University textbook, Scientific Research Center INFRA-M, 2016. - 263 pp.: 60x90 1/16 ISBN 978-5-16-104255-7
4. Access mode: http://www.gazpromquestions.ru/about

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Analysis of the priorities of the “Innovative Development Program of OJSC Gazprom until 2020”

In 2002-2012 The innovative development of OAO Gazprom was implemented according to the option of catching-up development and local technological competitiveness, focused on the re-equipment of the economy based on imported technologies, as well as on local stimulation of the development of Russian developments. The demand for innovative domestic technologies for the production of equipment and technologies for constructing the gas transmission system of OAO Gazprom was determined mainly by the financial limitations of the company’s opportunities for development based on the import of the latest foreign equipment and technologies. The sector of fundamental and applied science was segmented, concentrated and financed by OAO Gazprom around those areas that had commercial application such as the creation of competitive import-substituting equipment and import-substituting technologies.

Creation of the latest projects of export gas pipelines "Blue Stream" (Russia - the bottom of the Black Sea - Turkey) in 2001-2003. and Nord Stream (Russia - the bottom of the Baltic Sea - Germany) in 2009-2012. carried out on the basis of the creation of international concerns that provided equipment and special pipes for high-pressure offshore pipelines, vessels and technology for deep-sea pipeline laying, as well as the latest gas pumping units that ensured compressor-free gas supply in offshore areas at distances of 400 km (Blue Stream) ) up to 1200 km (“Nord Stream”).

If in the Blue Stream project (2002-2003) domestically produced gas pipes were not used on the offshore section of the pipeline, then the initiation by OJSC Gazprom of the development of the metallurgical and pipe-rolling industry in Russia made it possible in the Nord Stream project (2009-2012). ) win an international tender for the supply of 25% of single-seam high-pressure pipes with a diameter of 1220 mm, a wall thickness of 41 mm and a length of 12 m for the offshore section of the pipeline, manufactured on the latest equipment of the Vyksa Metallurgical Plant (Russia) with the development of rolling of high-strength steel pipe sheets of class K65 (X80 ) on the newest domestic rolling mill “5000”.

The purpose of developing the “Innovative Development Program of OJSC Gazprom in 2011-2020.” - determination and systematization of the main directions and tasks of activity in the field of the innovation cycle, optimization of available resources and establishment of indicators of innovative development for the planned period.

The goal of the Innovative Development Program is to constantly increase the technological level of OAO Gazprom to maintain its position as a technological leader in the global energy business.

In table 1.2 and in the graphs of Fig. Table 1.1 shows the results of a technological audit conducted by OAO Gazprom of indicators of the technological level of development of OAO Gazprom and 19 leading oil and gas corporations in the world.

Table 1.2. Comparison of indicators of the technological level of development of OAO Gazprom

Rice. 1.1.

Based on the findings of a comparative technological audit to identify the most relevant areas of innovative development for OAO Gazprom (technological priorities), an assessment was made of the potential economic effect from the introduction of innovative technologies within each of the company’s business processes (gas production, transportation, processing and sales), the results of which are shown in Fig. 1.2.

As the analysis of the results shown in Fig. 1.2, the key areas of technological priorities for OJSC Gazprom are:

Gas transportation;

Development of underground gas storage facilities.

Rice. 1.2.

The priority of gas transportation and storage technologies for OJSC Gazprom is associated with the following characteristics:

1. The Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS) of OJSC Gazprom in Russia is the world's largest gas transportation system and includes gas production, processing, transportation, storage and redistribution facilities.

2. The UGSS includes 155 thousand km of main gas pipelines and branches, 268 compressor stations (CS) with a total capacity of gas pumping units (GPU) of 44.8 million kW, 6 gas and gas condensate processing complexes, 24 underground gas storage facilities .

3. As a result, technologies that improve the efficiency of main gas transportation and diversify methods of gas supply to consumers will give a NPV of 159.2 billion rubles. with the total expected level of NPV from the introduction of innovative technologies in all business processes of OAO Gazprom at the level of 449.7 billion rubles. (for the period 2011-2020).

The introduction of innovative technologies that increase the efficiency of main gas transportation and diversify the methods of gas supply to consumers will lead to:

Reducing capital investments in the construction of linear parts of main pipelines by 8-11%;

Reducing capital investments in the construction of compressor stations by 7-10%;

Reduce operating costs by 4-5%;

Reduce reconstruction costs by 10%.

Reducing capital and operating costs for underground gas storage by 10%.

The main innovative technologies aimed at implementing the allocated priority “Gas Transportation and Storage” are:

1. Technologies for the construction and operation of high-pressure pipelines;

2. Technologies for highly efficient gas compression in new generation gas pumping units;

3. Technologies for transporting gas in a liquefied and multiphase state;

4. Technology for obtaining energy through heat recovery by expander generators in technological processes at compressor (increasing gas pressure) and gas distribution (reducing gas pressure) stations;

5. Technologies for generating electricity for the operation of devices on the linear parts of main pipelines using non-traditional and renewable energy sources;

6. Technologies for creating “intelligent” underground and above-ground gas storage facilities to maintain stable year-round operation of main pipelines;

7. Technologies for storing gas in a compressed and hydrated state in storage facilities near consumers - a new market for above-ground gas storage facilities near consumers on export gas pipelines.

In table Table 1.3 shows the main directions of innovation in the implementation of technological priority - “Introduction of new technologies for the construction and operation of high-pressure pipelines” with an investment volume of 2.608 billion rubles. (2011-2017).

Table 1.3. Technological priority 5.1 “Technology for the construction and operation of high-pressure pipelines”

Technology code

Technology subcode

Creation of equipment and system for managing the technical condition and integrity of hydraulic structures (GTSTS) as part of supporting technologies

Development of technologies and creation of equipment and materials for the construction and operation of high-water main pipelines

Creation of equipment for the production of pipe blanks from steels of strength class X100 - X120 with a sheet thickness of 40 - 48 mm for the production of single-seam pipes with a diameter of up to 1420 mm and a length of 18 - 32 m under an internal pressure of 250 -300 kg/cm2

Creation of equipment and technical means for adaptive automatic arc welding of thick-walled high-strength pipes

Creation of equipment and technical means for automatic contact-arc welding for the construction of gas pipelines from thick-walled high-strength pipes

Creation of equipment and technical means for automatic ultrasonic testing and diagnostics of gas pipelines using multi-element acoustic systems

Creation of equipment and technical means for automatic in-pipe cleaning and drying of gas pipeline cavities

Creation of equipment and technical means for comprehensive remote corrosion monitoring of offshore sections of large-diameter gas pipelines

Creation of weighted concrete coatings based on Euroconcrete for offshore sections and underwater passages of gas pipelines

Development of technologies for gas-thermal application of metal corrosion-resistant nanocoatings on parts of gas pipeline process equipment operating in an acidic environment

Creation of volatile migrating corrosion inhibitors and inhibited paint and varnish coatings for gas pipelines, including underground gas storage stations

Creation of energy-saving equipment for natural gas purification for high-pressure pipelines (up to 11.8 MPa - 120 kg/cm2)

Research and development of regulatory documentation for welding of new generation gas pipelines from high-strength pipes, incl. with increased seismic resistance

Development of methods for assessing the reliability, risk and safe life of the multi-line gas pipeline "Bovanenkovo ​​- Ukhta", passing in difficult northern climatic conditions and in permafrost zones

Development of technological solutions and technical means for welding pipe steels during the construction and repair of main gas pipelines

Development of criteria for assessing the crack resistance of large-diameter pipes made of X80 - X120 steels for high-pressure gas pipelines of the new generation

Development of technology for remote parametric diagnostics and monitoring of current indicators of the technical condition of gas pumping units at the UGSS compressor station of OJSC Gazprom

Development of a mathematical model and technology for dispatch control of gas reserves in underground gas storage facilities

In table Table 1.4 shows the main directions of innovation in the implementation of technological priority - “Introduction of highly efficient gas compression technology” with an investment volume of 0.897 billion rubles. (2011-2014).

Table 1.4. Technological priority 5.2 “Highly efficient gas compression technology”



The essence of innovative technology

Development of a concept for the use of gas pumping units with a capacity of 32-35 MW for the reconstruction of existing compressor stations on linear sections of main gas pipelines

Creation of a gas compressor with an axial inlet with a power of 32-35 MW and an efficiency of 89-90%

Creation of an aviation-type gas turbine unit with a capacity of 32-36 MW and an efficiency of 40%

Development and production of a low-emission burner using a permeable element for modernizing the combustion chambers of gas compressor drives

In table Table 1.5 shows the main directions of innovation in the implementation of technological priority - “Introduction of technologies to reduce overall costs during gas transportation and storage” with an investment volume of 0.2 billion rubles. (2011-2017).

Table 1.5. Technological priorities 5.3 - 5.5 “Technologies for reducing overall costs during gas transportation and storage”

Member of the Management Board, Head of Department of PJSC Gazprom Oleg Aksyutin answers the magazine’s questions

Oleg Evgenievich, tell us about the history of innovative development of the Gazprom Group.

The term “innovation” appeared relatively recently in Russian practice. Innovation is generally understood as the introduction of a new or significantly improved product (product, service) or process, sales method or organizational method in business practice, workplace organization or in external relations.

If we look through the prism of this definition, innovation has been an integral part of Gazprom’s activities since its founding. Constant changes in the external and internal environment give rise to challenges that require us to respond: solving emerging scientific and technical issues, adjusting the forms of relationships with contractors, changing existing organizational processes, and so on.

Control system

The company's innovation management system includes processes of long-term and medium-term planning, processes of development of production activities, management of investment activities, interaction with suppliers and manufacturers, management of research, development and technological work, within the framework of which the R&D Program is formed annually.

The first policy document for long-term planning and management of the company's innovative activities was the Innovative Development Program until 2020, approved by a decision of the Gazprom Board of Directors in June 2011.

The program covers gas, oil and electricity businesses. Contains a set of interrelated activities aimed at developing and implementing new technologies, innovative products and services that meet and exceed the world level, as well as creating favorable conditions for the development of innovative activities both in the Gazprom Group and in related areas of industrial production in Russia.

In accordance with the requirements of the federal executive authorities, the Government Commission on High Technologies and Innovation, as well as the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for economic modernization and innovative development of Russia, the Innovative Development Program is monitored and updated on an ongoing basis. Thus, Gazprom currently operates the version of the Program approved by the decision of the Board of Directors in April 2018.

What are the main provisions of the Gazprom Group’s innovation strategy?

The innovation strategy is linked to the Gazprom Group’s Long-Term Development Program. Let me remind you that the strategic goal is to maintain Gazprom’s position as a leader among global energy corporations by diversifying sales markets, ensuring reliability of supplies, increasing operational efficiency, and using scientific and technical potential.

Intelligence service

How exactly is innovation policy implemented in each segment of activity?

Let's start with the gas business. In this area, 75 R&D results were obtained in 2016-2018. Innovations in geological exploration are associated with the implementation of projects for the development of the Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field and the Kovykta gas condensate field, fields of the Yamal Peninsula and the Sakhalin-2 project, oil and gas resources of the Priyamal shelf of the Kara Sea. And also with the continuation of comprehensive work on the creation of a method for electromagnetic sensing of gas and oil deposits with ultrashort high-power pulses to study the anisotropic near-wellbore space. With the development of a set of technical requirements for software to solve problems of prospecting, exploration and development of fields carried out as part of the digitalization of the main technological processes of Gazprom PJSC. Thus, thanks to the technology of complex interpretation of geophysical survey data of wells in complex reservoirs of various oil and gas complexes on the territory of Yamal, requirements have been established for the processing of geological and geophysical information for the Neocom-Aptian productive complex, ensuring the assessment of the filtration and reservoir properties of these reservoirs using modern methods.

The use of the developed lithological and petrophysical models of deposits of the main promising structures of the Rusanovsky, Leningradsky and Kruzenshternsky gas condensate fields will increase the reliability of the assessment and justification for the development of oil and gas resources of the Priyamal shelf of the Kara Sea.

Gas production

Since 2016, more than 160 R&D results have been obtained in this area. Innovative activities in the field of gas field development are aimed both at increasing the efficiency of using existing deposits and at developing hydrocarbon resources in new gas production regions, including on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation.

In particular, technologies for exploiting flooded gas and gas-condensate wells using solid and liquid surfactants and concentric lift columns will be used to develop fields in the Nadym-Pur-Taz region, which are at the final stage of development. The creation of domestic process fluids for hydraulic fracturing of gas condensate and oil wells of the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field makes it possible to more effectively intensify hydrocarbon production using the hydraulic fracturing method.

The developed technology for membrane separation of helium from natural gas will be used in the development of resources of the Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field to obtain helium concentrate and ensure its long-term storage in the productive formation

The developed technology for membrane separation of helium from natural gas will be used in the development of resources at the Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field to obtain helium concentrate and ensure its long-term storage in the productive formation. In 2017, PJSC Gazprom already began implementing a project to build a membrane separation plant for helium concentrate, the design capacity of which for gas processing will be 32 billion cubic meters. m per year.

Work is underway to improve the operational reliability of underwater production complexes and stationary platforms by reducing possible adverse consequences caused by seismic impacts in the waters of the Yuzhno-Kirinskoye field and in fields with similar facilities.

Gas transportation and storage

At the same time, in order to ensure high levels of reliability and uninterrupted gas supply, Gazprom is constantly improving technologies and equipment for gas transportation and storage, which are used in the implementation of new gas transportation projects and maintaining the reliable, uninterrupted and efficient operation of the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia.

The development of technologies, materials and new technical solutions continues in the construction and operation of the Bovanenkovo-Ukhta gas pipeline system - a unique production facility operated in extremely difficult natural, climatic, soil and geological conditions with limited seasonal availability.

During the construction of the Power of Siberia main gas pipeline, the most modern high-tech technologies and equipment are used, namely, domestic high-speed, highly reliable axial anti-surge and control valves specially developed within the framework of the R&D Program of PJSC Gazprom, which are not inferior to imported analogues. Automated mobile complex for radioscopic inspection of welded joints with first class resolution for pipes with a diameter of 1020 – 1420 mm. Digital radio relay stations for operation in harsh climatic conditions. An intelligent system for monitoring the cathodic protection of a gas pipeline, which allows you to optimally manage the protective potential, as well as reduce energy consumption.

Technologies for overhauling engines of gas pumping units (GPUs) with extension of the assigned service life will reduce capital investments in replacing GPUs. The use of high-performance mobile modular compressor units with a gas turbine drive with a capacity of 60 thousand cubic meters. m per hour will prevent the release of gas into the atmosphere during repair work on main gas pipelines.

The technology of selective operation of a storage facility by separating gas flows in a UGS well significantly increases the efficiency of using underground storage facilities

The technology of selective operation of a storage facility by separating gas flows in a UGS well significantly increases the efficiency of using underground storage facilities.

As an alternative to existing methods of gas supply in the form of liquefied or compressed natural gas, a method has been developed for its transportation and storage (accumulation) in an adsorbed state. This method is implemented on the basis of carbon sorption-active nanoporous materials (methane sorbents). From the point of view of industrial safety and energy efficiency, this method of transporting and storing natural gas has a number of advantages: it allows you to store and transport a larger volume of natural gas at lower pressure, and also provides high fire and explosion safety, since the gas is in a porous system in a bound state .

One of the main tasks in the development of this area is to conduct research on other promising materials - for example, various modified metal-organic frame structures, supramolecular structures based on carbon nanotubes, graphene material, peat and others to determine the most effective methane adsorbents from an economic and technological point of view.

In the area of ​​research in the field of gas transportation and storage, about 200 R&D results were obtained over three years (2016-2018).


In hydrocarbon processing, a set of laboratory studies and pilot tests of the technology for hydroconversion of heavy oil residues using nano-sized catalysts has now been completed.

To increase the efficiency of gas condensate transport, a paraffin formation inhibitor has been developed and implemented. A set of technical and technological solutions has been created to increase the intake of Achimov condensate at the Urengoy ZPKT. As part of the implementation of this area, 23 R&D results were obtained over three years.

Oil business

The priority of the innovative development of the Gazprom Group’s oil business is the development of technologies that ensure the achievement of strategic goals for a cost-effective increase in production and an increase in the technological effectiveness of oil refining.

One of the key areas of innovative development aimed at a cost-effective increase in production is increasing the efficiency of drilling - horizontal drilling technologies (increasing the length of the horizontal section of the well and the number of hydraulic fracturing stages), as well as technologies that involve increasing the number of trunks in multilateral wells.

A promising tool for increasing drilling efficiency is intelligent assistants based on machine learning technologies. They make it possible to develop recommendations based on the analysis of large volumes of retrospective data. Projects have already been launched in this area together with domestic and foreign contractors - in particular, an agreement with IBM provides for the development of tools for determining lithology at the bottom of a well during the drilling process.

The successful implementation of the project to create technologies for the development of the Bazhenov formation will allow us to develop new reserves, create up to 10 thousand jobs in mechanical engineering and up to 6 thousand in the oilfield services segment

In 2017, the project implemented by the Gazprom Group to create technologies for the development of the Bazhenov formation received national status, which confirms its importance for the state and the oil and gas industry. The successful implementation of the project to create technologies for the development of the Bazhenov formation will allow us to develop new reserves, create up to 10 thousand jobs in mechanical engineering and up to 6 thousand in the oilfield services segment, ensure import substitution of technologies and equipment, and also resume active work in traditional production regions. Use the created technological solutions and acquired competencies to develop other hard-to-recover reserves in Russia.

In the area of ​​improving the technological effectiveness of oil refining, work is underway to create a catalyst production in Omsk, where it is planned to produce catalysts for catalytic cracking, hydrotreating and hydrocracking.

What other results have been obtained as part of innovative developments in the oil business?

Underbalanced drilling technology was used for the first time at the Archinskoye field. The developed technology allows, in the conditions of fractured carbonate reservoirs, to open a large number of natural fractures in the formation and increase the productivity of wells. The flow rate of the new well was 160 tons of oil per day, which is more than twice the average for similar wells and fully covers the costs of engaging complex high-tech services. Based on the test results at the Archinskoye field, the technology will be replicated in other fields with fractured carbonate reservoirs.

At the Novoportovskoye field, 20-stage hydraulic fracturing using ballless technology was used for the first time. The starting daily flow rate of the well was 188 tons of oil. This method will be used in the development of hydrocarbon deposits on the Yamal Peninsula.

At the same field, for the first time in Russia, the construction of a well with four horizontal cased trunks was completed. During its creation, Russian-made equipment was used, modified taking into account the geological conditions of the field. Multilateral horizontal wells allow you to increase the drainage area and increase production without drilling additional vertical wells.

Intellectual Property Management

The overwhelming majority of the results that I mentioned above are patented in the name of Gazprom Group companies or are in the process of obtaining a patent.

Gazprom pursues an active policy in the field of patenting the results of innovative projects abroad. As part of this work, since 2015, 23 foreign patents have been received. These are patents from technological leader countries such as Japan, China, Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Great Britain.

What investments are planned in the implementation of the Gazprom Innovation Program until 2025?

The volume of financing for the R&D stage of innovative projects is planned at the level of 0.1-0.2% of revenue, and the total amount of costs in absolute terms will exceed 80 billion rubles. The investment stage of the implementation of innovative projects is carried out within the framework of the investment program approved by Gazprom for a three-year period.

The scientific and technical potential accumulated in previous years will make it possible until 2025 to ensure the volume of capital investments for the implementation of investment projects with innovative technologies in the gas business in the amount of over 2.8 trillion rubles. In addition, the projected amount of financing for the implementation of Gazprom PJSC projects to create pilot complexes and installations over the same period will be about 3.8 billion rubles.

At the same time, the costs of implementing the technological strategy, developing innovative infrastructure facilities, creating a “digital” refinery and implementing energy efficiency programs in the oil business will amount to about 42 billion rubles. The volume of capital investments for the implementation of projects with innovative technologies in the electric power business is projected to be about 180 billion rubles.


What promising areas of innovative development of the Gazprom Group could you highlight?

There are quite a lot of such directions. These, in particular, include the development and implementation of hydrogen technologies. Currently, hydrogen topics are becoming increasingly popular. Hydrogen and energy resources based on it have great potential, acting as a tool for the transition, as they now say, to a low-emission economy. For Gazprom, the production and use of methane-hydrogen mixtures and hydrogen is a promising area for diversification and increasing the efficiency of natural gas use.

The prerequisites for the development of this area appeared several years ago, when large-scale work began in the country to formulate new requirements for the environmental performance of equipment and introduce the principles of the best available technologies. Gazprom made a strategically correct decision by initiating work to improve the environmental characteristics of gas pumping units. Various technological solutions were analyzed and tested. We set the goal of reducing emissions and increasing the efficiency of gas turbine units.

In addition, the entry into force of the Paris Climate Agreement and the need to increase Gazprom’s competitiveness in world markets have identified hydrogen as one of the key topics.

Currently, two innovative projects are being implemented to produce methane-hydrogen fuel as fuel gas for gas pumping units based on adiabatic conversion of methane - in Samara and Ufa

Currently, two innovative projects are being implemented to produce methane-hydrogen fuel as fuel gas for gas pumping units based on adiabatic conversion of methane - in Samara and Ufa. The effect of implementation is expressed in saving fuel gas - up to 5%, reducing emissions of greenhouse gas CO2 - by 30% and pollutants: NOx - by 4.5 times, CO - by 5 times. The technology is patented in Russia, Japan, South Korea, China, and the USA. The next step is the organization of block-packaged execution of equipment for the production of methane-hydrogen fuel (its unification) for mass production, as well as replication of the technology at Gazprom facilities.

Gazprom is also working to create completely carbon-free technologies for producing hydrogen from natural gas. Promising, from our point of view, is the innovative technology of decomposition of natural gas in a nonequilibrium low-temperature plasma into hydrogen and carbon. This technology is carbon dioxide free. We see special potential in it. On the one hand, there is the possibility of producing low-carbon hydrogen for energy, and on the other hand, a valuable carbon material for the needs of the chemical industry.

Similar developments (based on methane cracking) are being carried out by our European colleagues from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Potsdam Institute for Advanced Research. Moreover, such technologies seem to be economically more attractive in comparison with water electrolysis.

I would like to note that these provisions in detailed form form the basis of the official position of PJSC Gazprom regarding the Strategy for the long-term reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU until 2050 and are posted on the website of the European Commission.


Are helium technologies also promising?

If we talk about their widespread use in Russia, then of course. At the end of 2017, global helium production did not change compared to the previous year and amounted to 160 million cubic meters. m. The main consumer of helium remains the Asia-Pacific countries (in 2017 - 44% of the world volume). The largest importer is China, which actively purchases gas from Qatar and the United States.

Russia's prospects in the helium industry are significant, since our country contains 29% of the world's helium reserves. Qatar is in second place, followed by the United States and Algeria. In the coming years, it is planned to create a Russian production of commercial helium on the basis of the Amur Gas Processing Plant. It will begin in 2021 and reach an annual level of 60 million cubic meters. m by 2026-2027.

Basic technologies for producing liquid helium involve low-temperature condensation at high pressure, followed by separation of the precipitated liquid and further adsorption purification of the gas from microimpurities at a temperature not exceeding minus 1940C. This energy-intensive process requires significant amounts of liquid nitrogen. In addition, the residual nitrogen content in helium after the condensers is about 1%, which makes a subsequent low-temperature adsorption purification step necessary.

Meanwhile, the head scientific institute of PJSC Gazprom, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, has developed a number of technical solutions to optimize the process of purification and production of helium gas. Firstly, instead of low-temperature nitrogen condensation, it is proposed to use short-cycle heat-free adsorption. As a result, liquid nitrogen savings are achieved, operating costs and, consequently, production costs are reduced. Secondly, after short-cycle heat-free adsorption in the unit for purifying helium concentrate from nitrogen, it is proposed to use a membrane. This will increase productivity and the degree of extraction of target components from the gas mixture.

A promising direction for optimizing the process of purifying helium concentrate (stage of catalytic oxidation) is the development of new catalysts for the oxidation of hydrogen and methane, which can significantly reduce helium losses. Russia's leading scientific institutes are working in this direction and there are already first solutions.

The development and implementation of new domestic technologies for helium production will allow Gazprom to increase the economic efficiency of helium production.

Gas hydrates

How promising is the involvement of gas hydrates in the development today?

The prospects for replenishing the world's gas resources are largely related to the development of unconventional gas sources. For now, blue fuel producers in Russia have significant reserves of traditional gas resources.

Search, exploration and production technologies used in the development of traditional hydrocarbons are, in most cases, either inapplicable or unprofitable for the production of hydrated gas. The development of this sector of the gas industry in Russia requires the creation of scientific, technical and technological foundations for the development of gas hydrate deposits and should be based on existing world experience. The main problems that determine the possibility of developing gas hydrate deposits are the geological, petrographic and resource characteristics of the deposits, as well as their remoteness from the potential consumer and the competitiveness of hydrated gas in a particular area with traditional sources of hydrocarbons.

If we talk about the Gazprom Group, I would like to note that Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC has been specializing in gas hydrate issues for more than 50 years. Since 1966, scientists at the institute have conducted research in this area and proven the possibility of forming gas hydrate deposits in natural conditions. In 1972, the institute’s staff recovered and examined cores of hydrate-saturated rocks during bottom sampling in the deep-sea part of the Black Sea. In the cavities of the soil extracted from the bottom, inclusions of hydrates were visually observed. In fact, this is the first officially recognized observation of natural gas hydrates in rocks in the world.

Currently, work is actively ongoing. As a result, global and Russian hydrate gas resources were assessed, areas of distribution of hydrate-saturated rocks were mapped, and priority objects for their pilot industrial development were identified. Complex research expeditions to study natural gas hydrates have been organized to Lake Baikal and the north of Western Siberia. Gazprom employees are the authors of a number of industry policy documents on the involvement of natural gas hydrate deposits in the development. However, for now all this concerns rather distant prospects, when the development of gas hydrate resources will become economically feasible.

On the agenda

Today, the development of a number of promising areas is important for us. Among them are exploration and production of hydrocarbons on the shelf, methods for increasing oil and gas recovery, additional development of Cenomanian low-pressure gas fields, development of deep hydrocarbon deposits, creation of digital models of fields, underground gas storage facilities and underwater hydrocarbon production systems, processing of raw materials of complex composition, increasing the depth of processing hydrocarbons, the development of gas engine technologies, the development of LNG and, of course, the improvement of gas transportation technologies.

I would like to pay special attention to the issues of digitalization of production processes. Digital technologies are already an integral part of our world, and company leadership is impossible without the implementation of intelligent control and management systems. Current trends in this area are creating models and performing experimental studies of processes occurring in the natural environment, developing software for processing and interpreting geological and geophysical data, and so on. These developments will help obtain virtual images of production facilities, which will speed up the processes of creating new types of equipment, design and construction. Artificial intelligence can also help make a breakthrough in modeling the development of gas markets.

Given the vast distances from our new production centers to key markets, it is extremely important for us to introduce innovation, primarily to improve the efficiency of delivering raw materials to consumers. For example, we pay great attention to improving the internal coating of pipes and increasing the pressure in them, which helps to increase the commercial productivity of main gas pipelines and increase energy saving.

The energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of gas pipelines is 70% ensured by increasing the efficiency of gas turbine units and centrifugal compressors of gas pumping units. Gazprom has mastered a new class of unique compressor stations - “onshore compressor stations”, built in front of offshore gas pipelines. These stations are distinguished by increased operating pressure up to 28 MPa, the presence of a gas drying unit, CS safety systems, protection for pressure and temperature of the gas outlet. We are successfully mastering and implementing all these innovations together with domestic pipe and machine-building enterprises.

The Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom reviewed and took into account information on the progress of implementation of the company’s Innovative Development Program until 2025, including issues of the efficiency of using funds allocated for research and development work.

It was noted that Gazprom is carrying out consistent, targeted work to improve the efficiency of innovation activities. An effective tool for determining the main tasks and directions of work in this area is the Innovative Development Program until 2025. Its implementation makes a significant contribution to the sustainable development of PJSC Gazprom.

Much attention is paid to the implementation of research and development work (R&D) and pre-investment studies. The company annually allocates a significant amount of funds for these purposes. In 2017 alone it amounted to 8.2 billion rubles. Last year, more than 325 R&D results were implemented at Gazprom Group facilities, with an expected economic effect of over 310 billion rubles.

Gazprom is improving its corporate intellectual property management system. In particular, the Patent Strategy of PJSC Gazprom until 2025 is being developed. It will allow optimizing the company’s work in the field of legal protection of the technical and technological solutions being created. Gazprom is actively working on patents. For example, in 2017 the company received more than 200 patents and filed over 250 new applications.

A program of scientific research and development carried out by institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the interests of PJSC Gazprom has been formed and has been implemented since 2017.

Another important area of ​​implementation of the Innovative Development Program is cooperation with Russian institutes and universities. In 2017, four new research and development programs were approved that universities are doing for the company. Gazprom actively participates in the development of new and improvement of existing educational programs that meet the strategic long-term interests of the company. In 2017, such work was carried out in 72 programs.

In addition, Gazprom closely cooperates in the scientific and technical field with companies in related industries and foreign partners.

The Board of Directors approved the Progress Report for 2017 on the Innovative Development Program and the updated Innovative Development Program of PJSC Gazprom until 2025.


The innovative development program of PJSC Gazprom until 2025 was approved in June 2016. The main goal of the Program is to constantly increase the technological and organizational level of development of the company to maintain its position as a global energy company and a reliable supplier of energy resources.