I'm looking for places to advertise. Where and how to advertise on the Internet? Changes in Russian legislation

Advertising of certain goods and services is prohibited or limited by applicable law. This document explains what, how and why you can or cannot advertise, and also provides citations from laws that explain current prohibitions and restrictions.

Can't advertise*

    goods, the production and (or) sale of which are prohibited by law Russian Federation. For example: counterfeit goods; registration services at the place of residence; diplomas;

    explosives and materials, except pyrotechnic products;

    goods and services subject to certification / licensing, in the absence of the necessary certificates / licenses;

    remote distribution (sale) of goods, the free sale of which is prohibited or limited by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    tobacco products and smoking accessories;

    medical services for artificial abortion.

You cannot advertise on the Internet*

    risk-based games and bets, as well as their organizers;

    alcoholic products.

Can be advertised subject to special requirements*

    lotteries and incentives;

    medicines, medical equipment;

    medical services;

    baby food;

    Financial services;


    goods when selling them remotely.

    information products subject to classification in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2010 N 436-FZ “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development.”

Advertising of goods, the production and (or) sale of which is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation

In particular, it is prohibited:

    acquisition or sale of official documents and state awards(Article 324 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)**;

    forgery, production or sale of counterfeit documents, stamps, seals, forms (Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)**;

    production, distribution, offer for sale or other use of goods that lead to violation of the exclusive right to results of intellectual activity or means of individualization***.

Advertising of goods and services subject to certification / licensing, in the absence of the necessary certificates / licenses

Copies of Certificates or Licenses must be provided to the placement service before the start of advertising placement (Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Advertising”).

Advertising about the remote distribution (sale) of goods, the free sale of which is prohibited or limited by the legislation of the Russian Federation

Advertising of remote sales of goods, the free sale of which is prohibited or limited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is not allowed (clause 5 of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2007 No. 612 “Rules for the sale of goods by remote method”; Article 7 of the Federal Law “On Advertising”)

The list of goods, the free sale of which is prohibited, is established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 22, 1992 No. 179 “List of types of products and production wastes, the free sale of which is prohibited.”

These products include, in particular:

    Precious and rare earth metals and products made from them;

    Precious stones and products made from them;

    X-ray equipment, devices and equipment using radioactive substances and isotopes;

    Poisons, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;


    Medicines, with the exception of medicinal herbs;

    Medicinal raw materials obtained from reindeer husbandry (antlers and endocrine raw materials) (introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1992 N 743-rp).

Weapon advertising

Advertising of risk-based games and betting, as well as their organizers

The requirements of this article of the law apply to advertising of the organizer of risk-based games, a bet that is a gambling establishment, and their venues.

Advertising of alcoholic products

Advertising of medical services

Implementation medical activities is subject to compulsory licensing (clause 46, part 1, article 12 of the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99 “On Licensing individual species activities”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2012 No. 291 “On licensing of medical activities (except for the specified activities carried out medical organizations and other organizations included in the private healthcare system in the territory innovation center"Skolkovo")).

A copy of the license must be provided to the placement service before the start of advertising placement (Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Advertising”).

Advertising of tobacco, tobacco products and smoking accessories

Advertising of lotteries and incentives

The lottery is carried out by the lottery operator on the basis of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation on holding this lottery and the corresponding contract for its implementation with the lottery organizer (Federal Law “On Lotteries” dated November 11, 2003 No. 138). Copies of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation and the contract must be provided to the placement service before the start of advertising.

For lotteries registered before December 30, 2013, you must provide permission to conduct a lottery issued by the authorized body (Federal Tax Service).

Advertising of medicines and medical products

Medications may be advertised on the territory of the Russian Federation if they are registered by the relevant authorized federal body executive power (Article 13 of the Federal Law of April 12, 2010 No. 61 “On the circulation of medicines”).

Advertising of dietary supplements

Dietary supplements must undergo a procedure state registration(Federal Law No. 29 dated January 2, 2000 “On quality and safety food products»).

Certificates of state registration for biologically active food additives issued before 15.08.2003 are valid until their expiration (clause 3 of the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 15.08.2003 No. 146 “On the sanitary and epidemiological examination of biologically active additives”) .

Baby food advertising

Baby food is subject to mandatory certification in accordance with clause 2 of the List of food products, materials and products, cosmetic products, products and products for oral hygiene, subject to state registration (Appendix to the Regulations on state registration of new food products, materials and products and maintenance State Register food products, materials and products permitted for production on the territory of the Russian Federation or import into the territory of the Russian Federation and circulation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2000 No. 988).

Financial services advertising

    Insurance services;

    Banking services;

    Services for providing consumer loans (loans);

    Services on the securities market;

    Services under leasing agreement;

    Services provided financial institutions and related to the attraction and (or) placement Money legal entities and individuals;

    Exercising management, including trust management, assets (including securities, investment reserves of joint-stock investment funds, mutual investment funds, pension reserves of non-state pension funds, pension savings funds, mortgage coverage, savings for housing for military personnel);

    Raising funds for shared construction.

Implementation banking operations subject to licensing in accordance with the Federal Law of December 2, 1990. No. 395-1 “On banks and banking».

Providing insurance (except for reinsurance and other provisions provided for) federal laws cases) interests of legal entities, as well as individuals - residents of the Russian Federation can be carried out only by insurers who have licenses obtained in the prescribed manner (RF Law of November 27, 1992 No. 4015-1 “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”).

Activities of professional participants in the securities market (brokerage activities; dealer activity; securities management activities; depository activities; activities related to maintaining the register of securities holders; subject to licensing in accordance with the Federal Law of April 22, 1996. No. 39-FZ “On the securities market”.

The activities of joint-stock investment funds, non-state pension funds, activities for the management of investment funds, mutual investment funds are subject to licensing in accordance with the Federal Law “On Investment Funds” dated November 29, 2001 No. 156 and the Federal Law “On Non-State pension funds" dated 05/07/1998 No. 75.

In accordance with Art. 4 Federal Law dated December 21, 2013 No. 353 “On consumer credit (loan)” professional activity for the provision of consumer loans is carried out credit organizations, as well as non-credit financial organizations in cases determined by federal laws on their activities.

Securities Advertising

Advertising of goods when selling them remotely

The sale of goods by remote means is the sale of goods under a retail purchase and sale agreement, concluded on the basis of familiarization of the buyer with the description of the goods proposed by the seller, contained in catalogues, prospectuses, booklets or presented in photographs or through communications, or in other ways that exclude the possibility of direct familiarization by the buyer with goods or a sample of goods when concluding such an agreement (clause 2 of the Rules for the sale of goods by remote means, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2007 No. 612)

If you are advertising goods that are sold remotely, in the advertisement you must indicate information about the seller of such goods: name, location and state registration number of the creation record legal entity; last name, first name, patronymic, main state registration number of the state registration record individual as individual entrepreneur.

Note: Please note that remote distribution (sale) of goods, the free sale of which is prohibited or limited by law, is not permitted.

Advertising of information products subject to classification in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2010 N 436-FZ “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development”

Placement of advertising for information products intended for circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation (products of mass media, printed materials, audiovisual products on any type of media, programs for electronic computers (computer programs) and databases, as well as information disseminated through entertainment events, through information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, and networks mobile radiotelephone communications), subject to classification in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2010 N 436-FZ, is permitted only if the category of this information product is indicated (part 10.1 of Article 5 of the Federal Law “On Advertising”). The advertiser is obliged to comply with these requirements and is responsible for correctly determining the category of the above products, if such products are the subject of advertising, as well as indicating the corresponding category of advertising products in such advertising.

Changes in Russian legislation

In the event of changes in the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation, Yandex has the right to apply new requirements for advertising, including stopping or limiting the placement of this advertising no more than 5 (five) working days before these changes come into force.

Other persons cannot use the corresponding result of intellectual activity or means of individualization without the consent of the copyright holder (Article 1229 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Before placing an advertisement in which the object of advertising is a result of intellectual activity, Yandex has the right to request from the advertiser a document (copy) confirming the right to use the corresponding (advertised) result of intellectual activity.

This rule also applies to advertising of services (sites), the main content of which is the results of intellectual activity (musical works, computer programs, etc.).

In the event that the production, distribution or other use, as well as the import, transportation or storage of material media in which the result of intellectual activity or a means of individualization is expressed, leads to a violation of the exclusive right to such a result or to such a means, such material media are considered counterfeit. In particular, counterfeit goods include copies of original goods (watches, clothes, etc.).


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Free advertising on the Internet does not mean ineffective. Expenses for large-scale marketing projects can reach five or even six figures. But this applies only to serious business sharks. To promote your own small project, you can use free methods of advertising on the Internet. Perhaps in the future, with proper promotion, advertising costs will no longer be frightening in their numbers.

Types of advertisements

Before you pick suitable way advertising, you need to decide what kind of ad it will be. Standard classification advertisements contains only two points:

  • Commercial advertising is the advertising of goods or services with the aim of selling them and, as a result, making a profit. Today commercial advertising not that it pushes a person to buy. It literally dictates how one should live, what goods to buy, what to wear, etc. Unlike private advertisements, commercial advertising must be properly designed, contain original “selling” text, and its distribution must cover the largest possible area of ​​the Internet -space.
  • Private advertisements are advertisements of ordinary people not associated with commercial activities. Private advertisements can serve many purposes, such as selling private real estate or finding a job. Special requirements there is no link to private advertisements. However, if a person has some professional skills in the field of marketing, then it will be much easier for him to achieve the goal he is pursuing by posting his ad online.

Advertising methods

To place your advertisement on the Internet for free, you need to really imagine what it will look like. How the advertisement is presented to users determines how many people will be interested in it. Advertisements are published in three types:

  • graphic;
  • text;
  • mixed.

Each site independently determines what can be placed in it. But, even taking into account the fact that the selling text will be written by a professional, without visual perception of information the ad may be ineffective.

In addition, there are different methods of advertising. There are three ways to post an ad.

  • - a kind of “riddle”. If we talk in simple words, the teaser is an image that should intrigue the Internet user. It can be accompanied by equally intriguing text with headings such as: “SHOCK!”, “Did you know that...”, etc.
  • Graphic advertising images on website pages are banners. can be seen not only online, but also on the streets of the city. However, web banners are much cheaper.
  • The last way to advertise is contextual advertising. Contextual advertising is graphic or text ads that are published either on search engine results pages or on the pages of some web resources. Since such advertisements are part of pages, that is, they are placed in their context, the name of this method of advertising online appeared.

Where can I advertise for free?

Free message boards have long since moved from real life into the Internet space. Moreover, they are extremely popular among the population. If previously, when searching for the right thing or service, users would type the corresponding query into a search engine, but now many have a “favorite” website that can provide everything they need with one key phrase. The ranking of the most popular free message boards includes:

  • Avito.
  • From hand to hand.
  • Molotok.ru.
  • Tiu.ru.

Free message boards are suitable for both commercial and private use. An advertisement for an online store and an advertisement for the sale of private property will work equally well there. But since these advertising platforms are not only frequently visited, but also free, they are simply inundated with spam. Therefore, in order to use free message boards usefully, you should not impose and highly praise the products or services offered.

All free message boards have a list paid services. No matter how lucrative the offers may seem, you should avoid them. It is best to submit as many advertisements as possible on all thematic and general sites. Registration on various resources will take most of the time. Moreover, for greater efficiency, you should not create an advertising post using a template on all sites. Several ad options allow you to choose the most effective one.

Free advertising in Yandex and Google

Contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct or Google Adwards is not a cheap pleasure. For beginners in the business field, this method of advertising will clearly not be affordable. But there is one option that will help you attract customers using these popular search engines.

To provide information about your company for free, you can use Yandex and Google maps. It is no secret that placing an address and a link to a company on a map is free of charge.

Yes, this is a little different from the classic concept of “advertising”. But if the user searches for something nearby, he will see the company's address and a link to its official website, which may attract his attention.

Social media

Social networks are an excellent platform not only for advertising, but also for business in general. If a novice businessman does not have the money to create a website for an online store, then social networks can easily replace it. You can advertise your business on social networks either using a personal page or using a special group, but for this you will have to create one.

A group or community on a social network is a thematic space where users who are interested in a proposed topic gather. This means that the community should not be filled solely with advertising or product shots. To attract customers in the group, you need to post interesting information that is directly related to the goods or services offered. Posts with the headings “Promotion”, “Competition” or “Discount for repost” will also be relevant. This will help not only advertise the products, but also promote the community.

The advertising entry on the page must be pinned.

Advertising on forums

I would like to note right away that forum owners have a negative attitude towards advertisers. Therefore, it will not be possible to aggressively advertise your services there. The advertising post or comment will be deleted in a few minutes, and the profile will be completely blocked. To take advantage of this advertising method, you need to be more cunning.

  • Find several popular thematic forums and register there under the guise of an ordinary user.
  • Actively participate in discussions, create non-advertising topics, comment on questions from members of the forum.
  • After some time has passed, which will be required to create a positive reputation, begin to unobtrusively advertise goods or services.

Most often, users begin to ask for advice on their own if they see the expertise of the interlocutor in the issue of interest. However, even in personal messages you should not be zealous. Advertising a product or service should be done little by little and only to users who are familiar with it. Then the site administration will not have any suspicions and, accordingly, the account will not be blocked.

To summarize, we can say that free online advertising is real. The list of available advertising platforms provides unlimited opportunities for budding entrepreneurs to develop their business. The main thing is not to waste time. And then all efforts will definitely give a positive result.

In this article we will analyze the best advertising platforms, and also give an answer to the question “Where to advertise on the Internet?” Effective advertising can attract great amount partners in the advertised business, so the advertiser is interested in a list of advertising platforms that give real results. Unfortunately, placing advertisements on the Internet in order to attract referrals in most cases leads to the fact that money is spent on advertising, but it is of no use. But we know how to fix this, since we ourselves earn money by attracting referrals to various projects, and have achieved good results in this.

Where to advertise on the Internet

4) Taxi-Money the most popular economic game on the RuNet. The site has an advertising section. It is possible to place a banner and paid tasks, add a site to surfing or a text ad. Banner advertising is the most effective here. The site is visited by approximately forty thousand users per day, so your advertising will definitely be noticed a large number of people. The cost of placing a banner is only 49 rubles per day. Paid tasks are also very effective, I recommend using them to attract referrals. To order advertising, register with Taxi-Money, go to the “Clix” section and in the “Advertising” tab order the service you need. Registration for Taxi-Money:

5) Contextual advertising. To attract referrals to various Internet projects to earn money, I recommend using the contextual media network. This service was developed by the administration of the most authoritative business forum on the Runet mmgp. Financial blogs and the forum itself act as advertising platforms. Very effective advertising, because only people interested in making money will see it. Registration and review of the AdsMmgp advertising network:

6) Active advertising service Seo-Fast. The service offers 12 types of advertising, including dynamic links, tests, assignments, letters, teaser advertising, contextual advertising, banners, and paid visits. Each advertising method is good in its own way. But the most effective method– paid tasks. For a certain, often very low, payment, system users will complete your tasks. For example, in the terms of the task, you can specify that the user become your referral in some project and be active there. For a small fee you will receive an active referral. Agree, not bad. Registration for Seo-Fast:

7) Advertising line Nolix. Quite an original advertising service. Advertising is an advertising line that is located at the very top of the site. There are a lot of advertising sites in the service database. That is, you can select sites to suit every taste and place advertisements on them. Go to the “Selection of advertising sites” section and select the required site. Opposite each site is written the cost of placing an advertising line; everything should be clear here. Registration for Nolix.

One of my favorite topics to discuss with business owners is free advertising on the Internet.

But here I will quote the most recent one from the Internet. It is built on a deliberate or accidental oversight.

Briefly: a hot dog company made an advertisement with the following slogan: “This is the best thing I’ve ever had in my mouth for 100 rubles.” For which they received a statement from the FAS. The news spread all over the Internet.

Search results

2. Aggregators

There are sites on the Internet that combine offers from different companies or people. Among the most popular (for goods) and Tiu (for services).

But each sphere has its own thematic platforms, which unite purely companies and people in one profile (for example, beauty industry specialists).

On aggregators you can advertise for business both for a fee and for free. The principle is usual, you place your ad and it is in the list of all offers.

And if you want to get display and highlighting privileges, you will have to pay extra.

3. Guest posting

No one will simply place your advertisement. It is obvious. But if you make useful material (article, video, infographic), then that’s a different story.

Everyone needs content and we are no exception. Therefore, create expert material and invite others to post it with a link to the author.

The method is not fast, but this way you get the easiest sales, since people see that you are an expert and buy better.

Moreover, this way you can easily become a regular author on popular resources.

And I’ll tell you, this is not a bad option to start with, since you only have articles, when everything else is on them (advertising, website, staff, servers, etc.)

4. Partners

If your business has at least some flow of clients (to the website or to the trading area), you can agree on mutual PR with another company that has the target audience how are you.

The principle is painfully simple, but extremely effective. The company recommends you, and you recommend them. Thus, everyone benefits and receives free traffic.

Moreover, you can do this in different ways. The easiest option is to place advertising materials with each other.

Or you can use more complex mechanics, for example, when making a sale, your partner will issue a coupon to the client for s__ rubles to your company.

5. Notice boards

This is an alternative to aggregators, but from the side of free message boards. For example, you can easily post on Avito for free.

In addition to Avito, there are other boards (Yula, IRR), but there are not many of them. Although you don’t need much, because these are the ones that collect the main Internet traffic.

But I want to draw your attention to the fact that if previously it was possible to easily place dozens and hundreds of advertisements and receive completely free traffic, now the shop has been closed.

Announcement on Avito

6. Forums

At one time I thought that all free forums were dead. But to my great surprise, they live and develop.

Not as fast and globally as it was in the 2000s, but there are customers there who are ready to buy. All you need is to know how to advertise on them correctly.

All forums are a priori free (not counting advertising positions). Therefore, there are strict moderators who remove any hints of advertising so that their brainchild does not turn into a dump of proposals.

In order to break through there, you first need to become “one of our own” (just communicate for a while).

The ideal strategy for you to get the maximum number of clients and not have your link removed is this.

That is, you do not offer to buy to everyone, but only in cases where it fits the context of the conversation.

Well, of course, you can create topics for conversation yourself and then unobtrusively, from another account, send yourself a link to your site. A common trick in .

Advertising on forums

7. Mass following, mass liking and mass...

For the sake of volume, I could divide this step into “Advertising on VKontakte”, “Advertising on Instagram” and other methods. But this is not logical, because they all have almost the same motor skills.

I hope you know this without me. Also, we are not talking about buying posts in groups, because this also requires money or useful material (method 3).

Hmmm...it won't work out empty handed...

Adding as a friend, liking, writing personal messages and just communicating on social media. networks.

All this brings customers according to the principle: you are active, a person goes to your page and sees the offer.


Perform these actions in industrial scale will not work. The only one social network, which also allows you to do 1000 actions a day from one account (and they won’t block you for it), Instagram. You cannot get such coverage for free on VK.

In this article we are talking about 0 rubles costs, but if you get tired of doing everything manually, use the Tooligram program for Instagram. And as a guide to use, our articles