Docsis 3.0 cable modem. Cable modem: characteristics, how to choose and connect. Achieving maximum network throughput

Let's get acquainted with the operating features of the modem, as well as data transfer rates using DOCSIS 3.0 technology in the Volya company network. How much practical speed Does it correspond to what is stated by the provider? How does the modem “behave” in operation, and also, what are the conditions for providing the device for home and business users?

Appearance and connection

Let me make a reservation right away - the Volya company has several types of modems that support DOCSIS 3.0 technology, and all of them are provided to users under certain conditions. But let’s not delve into the conditions for providing devices to the end user for now, but consider the features of a specific model - the device that I had for testing - Thomson TCM 470.

So, the device body is made of two colors of matte plastic – black and white. Of course, this combination cannot be called one that “catches”, but the device itself is attractive and this cannot be taken away.

It is impossible to say that black or white plastic color dominates in the body assembly - both are equally divided: the lower part of the body, as well as the front and rear walls, are made of black plastic, while the upper part, as well as the right and left side walls, are white.

Although the top of the modem is white, dust remains noticeably on the surface. Personally, I have been wiping the outer part of the modem case almost every third day, along with cleaning the room in which the device is located.

The build of the device is excellent. Despite the fact that the white part of the body seems to be “dressed” on the black one, and besides, it is already tactilely easy to feel that we are dealing with durable and somewhat massive materials, the gaps in the end turned out to be minimal, not to mention the play. Nothing wobbles, does not crunch, and is not distinguished by other examples of careless assembly.

There are many small holes on all walls of the case, except the front one. These are the so-called ventilation meshes. The air ventilation system is silent. It should also be noted that the capabilities of the ventilation system implemented in this modem are very modest - when working for at least 9-10 hours in a row, the body of the device heats up noticeably. It’s also true that even noticeable heating does not affect the functionality of the device at all.

The front panel contains various indicators displaying the status of processes in the system. It is not necessary to know their clear purpose, you just need to understand a simple thing - in order for the device to work correctly, it is necessary that the POWER, DS, US, and ONLINE indicators light up without winking, and only the indicator with the signature Link blinks. If this task completes, the device is working correctly.

If a user connects a router or other signal “distributor” to a Wi-Fi modem, he must “reset” the basic settings of the modem, which the system automatically assigns to the modem during the previous connection. To do this, just press and release the reset button, which is located on the rear side panel. After which you will only need to restart the computer, during which it is best to connect the router – a matter of a few minutes.

In addition to the reset button, on the same panel there is a terminal for connecting the cable coming from the distribution panel in the house or business center. There is also a port for connecting a cable that directly connects the modem itself to a computer or laptop, plus a button for switching the power supply of the device.

On the bottom working panel, in addition to many ventilation holes, there is a sticker with various technical data about the device, as well as two gaps for mounting the modem with screws on a wall or a vertical platform.

Practical speed indicators

The NetMeter utility, with the help of which all calculations were carried out, is interesting not only as a speed tester. What we have before us is a fairly simple and instantly easy to learn traffic “recorder”, with the help of which any user can keep detailed statistics of consumed traffic for a period - one day, a month, or just a session.

Other, no less interesting feature, this tester is the simplest way testing Internet speed in the mode of various characteristics of traffic consumption. For example, I personally really liked the ability to track speed when playing streaming video in various formats. To do this, I used the VideoLAN VLC Media player 0.8.5, which, as you know, works with almost all formats, and it’s also easy to launch a media file in it. All videos were played at a resolution of 720x576 pixels.

The average traffic consumption when playing video in VOB format was 1.15 Mbit/s. During playback of a DivX file, the maximum speed was 415 kbps, and while playing video in MPEG4 format, the peak speed for the “stream” was 1.85 Mbps. The size of each file did not exceed 1.5 GB.

Regarding speeds, the situation in this case is as follows. On Upload we were able to easily achieve the “up to 3 Mbit/s” stated by the provider. During the measurement, the speed was in a “floating” state – from 2.2 Mbit/s to 2.9 Mbit/s.

As for Download, in this case the spread in indicators turned out to be as follows. During the so-called peak loads on the network, the speed did not exceed 17-19 Mbit/s, and in the period from 7-8 am to 17-18 o'clock the indicators fluctuated from 30-35 Mbit/s to 55 Mbit/s.

Terms of service

For private users, the Volya company provides modems exclusively on a rental basis - they cannot be purchased. At least for now.

The cost of rent by the provider is included in the cost of one or another tariff plan. Depending on what speed the subscriber wants to order, there are several devices to choose from, including the Thomson TCM 470 described above, and some others, in particular Thomson TCW 690/710, Arris WBM750B/NU DOCSIS 3.0, etc.

For business clients the conditions are different. Both rental and purchase of devices are allowed here. At the moment, the list of devices offered by the provider is limited to two Arris WBM750B/NU and Scientific Atlanta EPC 3000. The price of the first is 389 hryvnia. The second one will cost 699 hryvnia. The cost of renting a modem for a business user is similar to the cost of renting a device for a home user.

Some results

Despite the fact that in practice the speed in Download mode does not reach the 150 Mbit/s declared by the provider, nevertheless, the speed in DOCSIS 3.0 is an order of magnitude higher than the previous standard. The user will be able to watch a video on YouTube in high resolution or an HD movie on-line, as well as perform a host of other tasks related to the need for high-speed Internet with clearly greater comfort than in the previous standard mode.

It's a little annoying that legal entities Today this service is still quite expensive. Although its popularity is gaining momentum, it is therefore possible that, at least in the direction of increasing the popularity of the service, the company will reduce prices in the foreseeable future.


  • Almost 100% coverage in Kyiv;
  • The only provider providing Internet in the DOCSIS 3.0 standard;
  • An interesting offer from Volya Absolut - with speeds of up to 150 Mbit/s for 200 hryvnia per month for home users. This package is especially interesting when purchasing the new TV+Internet service ( In this case, the monthly fee is reduced by almost half. For example, for the same 200 hryvnia you can buy a so-called “bundle” - a basic TV package (more than 80 channels) and an Internet package with a speed of up to 150 Mbit/sec.
  • Wide range of tariff plans in general;
  • Good speed for streaming video;
  • Stable connection


  • For business clients the cost is quite high;
  • Speed ​​restrictions are possible if the fair use policy is violated for home users. Although there is a plus - less than 1% of users fall into this limitation.
They tested it in Ukraine, and one of the operators is preparing it.

Over Cable or DOCSIS is an international telecommunications standard that allows data transmission to be added to an existing high-bandwidth coaxial cable television system. This is important for both Internet users and Internet providers because it allows you to increase Internet speeds without replacing coaxial cable networks. On a practical level, consumers will need to know which DOCSIS standard is needed when purchasing a cable modem.

Modem Connection Basics

DOCSIS allows you to use cable connections to serve high-bandwidth applications. It was created in March 1997. During this period, it went through several stages of improvements. The system includes a modem located at the user's premises, as well as devices located elsewhere, usually at the central station of the provider company or at an intermediate node.

There are two main components of DOCSIS: the physical layer (PHY) and the media access control (MAC) layer. The physical layer refers to the wiring and routing equipment used, and the transmission of data across these various physical systems. In general, faster transfer speeds mean better performance. However, there are several limitations in terms of physical distance.

These restrictions affect the areas where a DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem and other infrastructure can be installed, which affects their speed and price. MAC layer is designed for intelligent control at any time a huge amount processed information, which allows for a critical level of organization that prevents frequent traffic jams caused by counter signals.

The evolution of Internet transmission speed

Overall, there have been three different major iterations of DOCSIS over the years: 1.x, 2.x, and 3.x. The original specifications 1.0 and 1.1 had an operating limit of 38 Mbps for transfer speeds and only 9 Mbps for speed increases. As technology evolved over the next few years, it was necessary to organize operations so that cable providers had greater flexibility as speeds improved and service levels increased. This led to the creation of DOCSIS 2.0 in 2002.

DOCSIS 2.0 did not introduce new features to reduce network speed, but it tripled the speed, allowing 30 Mbps connections. The most significant changes occurred in 2008 with the introduction of DOCSIS 3.0. This new iteration was a format that significantly increased speeds to 1.2 Gbps and 200 Mbps respectively. This was a huge leap, with DOCSIS 3.0 including the introduction of channel communications.

It allows you to assemble or combine multiple channels downstream and upstream with improved speeds across the entire range. With a channel connection, the more channels present, the better. So, installing 16 channels downstream and 4 upstream or 16x4 provides fast speed, and a 24x8 system even faster.

Latest Integration Standard

In 2016, DOCSIS 3.1 was released, which led to a sharp jump in speeds, including in the downstream direction. This iteration brought speed packages of up to 10 Gbps and 1 Gbps, respectively. Today, work is already underway to develop a new iteration, usually called DOCSIS 3.1 Full Duplex. This version will support symmetrical 10 Gbps up and down speeds.

It is inevitable that DOCSIS Cable Modem will continue to evolve to accommodate new technologies and user requirements around the world. Consumers should stay on top of these changes to ensure they can upgrade to cutting-edge models in a timely manner.

As 4K and UHD become more common for both wireless and wired networks, their options are increasing in terms of volume and convenience. Therefore, there are still many exciting developments to come in the DOCSIS field in the coming decades.

Buy or rent

If a user leases a cable modem from their ISP, purchasing is an option that will save them hundreds of dollars in rental fees over the life of the device. Some companies charge about $120 annually for rent, and given the low cost of modems, most will pay for themselves very quickly. Additionally, choosing a modem for your personal needs allows you to get the most out of your internet plan, and the network performs better than rental equipment.

Not every modem is suitable for all types of Internet services. Cable internet will not work with because they use different ways delivery. DSL uses the telephone's terrestrial infrastructure. If the Internet provider is also an operator landline phone you will probably need the appropriate type of DSL.

More advanced users recommend a modem and router combo if you need an inexpensive and compact replacement for a rental device. However, keep in mind that they do not give much control over the router. If one device breaks, both will need to be replaced.

How a cable modem works

It provides data transmission over cable television networks and can be connected directly to the TV socket. This places it between the user's cable connection and the computer. It can also be connected to a computer via USB or network cable. If the user wants to connect several computers, then in addition to the modem, a compatible router or a combined device is needed that will combine both functions.

The data sent by the computer must be converted into a suitable format in order to be able to transmit it on special frequencies via a television cable. Today, Internet providers mainly provide combination devices from a cable modem router, which allows you to connect via WLAN to the Internet.

Multiple devices with one IP

The ISP only provides one IP address. But a situation often arises when you need to connect several devices via WLAN in parallel to the network. This is possible if this IP address is not directly associated with the PC, but with a router that connects the internal network to the outside world. It works with a public IP address. However, the internal network uses a separate block of IP addresses.

In theory they range from to In practice they are almost always or Addresses starting with 192.168 are, by definition, always private IP addresses. Devices with the same IP addresses are located on many millions of small and large networks. Almost every personal router defaults to internal IP

It is very important in what order the devices are turned on. First, turn on the cable modem and wait until the LED lights up, indicating that it is ready to start and connected to the Internet. Then the router is started. Experience shows that this happens a little faster than with a modem. Only at the moment when they are ready, the terminals connect to the network in any order: mobile phone, tablet, laptop, desktop PC.

Connecting and setting up the router

Setting up network equipment with routers is much easier today than before. Before you connect your cable modem, it's helpful to understand which type is best for a fast connection to avoid unwanted problems in the future. Connection to Motorola:

  1. Open an Internet browser. In the address field, enter for Motorola routers:, for the modem:
  2. Press "Enter". Default username: admin. Default password: motorola, all lowercase letters.
  3. Click “Login”. If you can't login with, try using
  4. Make sure that the username is: admin and the password is: motorola.
  5. Make sure that the connected Motorola cable modem model begins with the letter “M”, example: MB8600, MG7550, MD1600.
  6. Set the device to factory default settings. Here you will need a pin or a straightened paper clip.
  7. This is done when the power is turned on. Find the RESET hole at the back of the device.
  8. Press the RESET hole with a paper clip for about 25 seconds. Wait until the device connects again.

Home network with TP-Link AC1750

The high-performance TP-Link AC1750 modem (with DOCSIS 3.0, features a wireless AC router that supports a reliable home network. It allows you to stream 4K without slowing down. Now this incredible modem is priced slightly higher than budget models, but the difference in performance makes the price worth it indicators. Positive qualities:

  1. Delivers up to 1750Mbps Wi-Fi speeds with 16 streaming and 4 upstream channels.
  2. The 2.4 GHz processor supports heavy online games.
  3. Equipped with internal antennas and powerful amplifiers, it can enhance signal strength and reduce interference.
  4. It has convenient setup.
  5. The Motorola cable modem is compatible with most Internet service providers.

Even if users have problems with the setup, the support team is available 24/7 and ready to provide assistance.

Disadvantages of the model:

  1. The web interface for managing settings could be more user friendly.
  2. File transfer speed could be better.

Despite a few complaints, this device still has overwhelmingly positive reviews.

Moreover, it is a device that offers excellent performance at a reasonable price.

Optimal NETGEAR home model

The NETGEAR CM500 - 1AZNAS is a DOCSIS 3.0 based cable modem that provides speeds of up to 680 Mbps and is ready to handle a wide range of connection packets. This is the best budget model because it can give you incredible speed for under $70. It is compatible with various operating systems: Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista, XP, 2000Mac OS. Can work with most major providers cable internet. Functionality- simultaneous execution of 16 downloads and 4 upstream channels.

Positive traits:

  1. Supports 4k and HD video streaming.
  2. Works up to 300 internet plans.
  3. Speed ​​up to 680 Mbps, 16 × 4-channel connection with DOCSIS 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet port.


  1. The voice services included in the packages do not work well.
  2. Does not work with Verizon, AT&T or CenturyLink.

ARRIS for fiber optic network

If a user uses gigabyte speeds on a fiber network, the Arris cm820 cable modem is the best fit for them, whether they are on a 1 Gbps network or not. This is one of the online gamers that also performs well among users who use huge data streams to download movies and games or simply need the latest technology.

Gigabyte Internet is the top of this model line. So, to enjoy all the advanced technology, you need to check with your provider whether they have fiber optic lines to provide services to your home. However, it should be noted that the maximum Internet speed will depend on the tariff plan.

Positive traits:

  1. The fastest internet speeds with download speeds of up to 1.4 Gbps on fiber and 626 Mbps on cable. This is a true Arris Gigabit Cable Modem.
  2. Internet speed is supported by 32 channels.
  3. Is the latest DOCSIS 3.0.
  4. IPv4 and IPv6 support.
  5. Certified by most major ISPs.

The downside is that the LED lights are too bright and annoying.

If a person wants to enjoy all the benefits of fiber optic Internet, the ARRIS SURFboard SB6183 is the ideal modem. It comes with the best technology to help you optimize your gigabit subscription, but the main selling point is that it comes with a price tag under $100.

  • CPU - P4, 3GHz or faster.
  • RAM - 1 GB or more.
  • Hard drive - 7200 rpm or faster.
  • Ethernet - thousand BaseT).
  • Windows.
  • Ethernet connection- Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 MacOS.
  • Ethernet connection - System 7.5 to MacOS 9.2 (Open Transport recommended) or Mac OS X,Linux/other Unix.
  • Ethernet connection - hardware drivers. Computers that do not meet this configuration will be able to run the CM820, but will not use its maximum throughput.

Budget model D-Link DCM-301

D-Link DCM-301 is the most affordable budget cable modem for home networks. In particular, it provides good speed and a simple design that works easily in a custom network setup. Plus, it's easy to pair with a cloud router or connect to a storage device for networking needs. Thus, among all the others in this range, this is the best choice of modem.

Positive traits:

  1. Cheap and reliable for a $50 cost.
  2. Uses DOCIS 3.0 technology, which is 8 times faster than DOCSIS 2.0.
  3. Compatible with most Internet providers.
  4. Easy setup.
  5. Small design and doesn't take up too much space.
  6. Available Internet speed taking into account its price: 343 Mbit/s.

Disadvantages: Some inconsistency in the connection, which is easily resolved with a quick reset.

Smart MG7550. If a user wants a small network layout, they will probably prefer a router. Since there is not always free space for cables and two separate devices, this circumstance makes the modem-router combo good option. He is good choice for the best router combination, has reliable network quality and supports gigabyte internet. The combined technologies of this device provide maximum speed WI-FI also provides broadcasting capabilities, just like a Cisco cable modem.

Positive traits:

  1. Compatible with most major internet service providers, including Comcast, XFINITY, Time Warner Cable, Cox and Charter Spectrum.
  2. Fast and reliable speeds up to 686 Mbps 4 Gigabit Etherport, supporting ultra-fast Internet.
  3. Easy to set up.

Disadvantages: The boost feature, which is supposed to provide a wireless signal anywhere in the home, often doesn't meet customer expectations.

Using the modem/router command has its advantages.

So while the Motorola Smart MG7550 with AC1900 may be a little pricey, it offers better transfer speeds and would still be ideal for a small apartment, home or office. Plus, this networking solution is great for gaming and streaming.

  • The fastest modem router available with AC1900 WiFi - speeds up to 1.9 Gbps
  • Powerful 1.6GHz combo processor boosts performance for gaming and streaming
  • Two in one - a combined cable modem and WiFi router
  • No equipment rental fees - save up to $120 per year*
  • One of the best cable modem routers for Comcast XFINITY ® Blast, Comcast XFINITY ® Extreme or Time Warner Cable ® Maxx
  • 24x8 channel bundle allows download speeds up to 960 Mbps‡

Bundle of channels

During peak hours, traffic on the information channel can become slower and more congested, and the same is true for the Internet network. Cable Internet providers use data circuits to provide Internet connections in homes. These channels, like lanes on the road, can become congested during rush hour and Internet access can slow down. However, more channels in a modem router are like a wide road with more lanes. The more channels, the higher the speed. The Nighthawk WiFi cable modem router supports 24 channels of incoming traffic, these characteristics are leading in the industry. So sit back and enjoy ultra-fast and reliable internet speeds during peak hours.

Highest performance in two ranges

If you need the fastest speeds from your cable provider, you need a modem router that is approved by your provider to handle large amounts of data. Ideal for the fastest cable internet services such as tariff plans Comcast XFINITY ® Blast/Extreme and Time Warner Cable ® Maxx, Nighthawk AC1900 WiFi cable modem router is approved and delivers best-in-class performance with speeds up to 1.9 Gbps, the first with 24x8 channel aggregation and a powerful 1.6 processor combo GHz. Get superfast Internet and save up to $120 a year in rent with this 2-in-1 cable modem router.

Technology and features

The Nighthawk AC1900 WiFi Cable Modem Router is packed with technology and features for gaming and streaming without the fear of losing your connection or slowing down your speed. The Nighthawk has a 1.6 GHz processor combo, 4 Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports, and a USB port. With 24x8 channel aggregation, you can maintain connection speeds even during the busiest business hours, while technologies like Beamforming+ improve coverage and reliability for free movement and continuous connectivity.

ReadyShare ® USB - Ready to store and share data

ReadySHARE® USB provides wide range convenient features such as USB storage access and media streaming. Connect a USB storage device to a USB port and enjoy high-speed access via WiFi networks. With ReadySHARE USB you can play, watch, listen and share videos, photos and music files on TVs, game consoles and media players.

Improved processors

What can be done with greater speed? With more power? The Nighthawk C7000 router, equipped with a 1.6 GHz combined processor, provides users with faster WiFi connections and more high speeds wired connections, USB access and data exchange between WAN and LAN. This means overall network speeds are improving like never before. Therefore, you can safely take the device to your home for testing, you will like it!

802.11ac speed

Get more WiFi options for your home network. Enjoy ultra-fast WiFi data transfer without delays - up to 1.9 Gbps.

WiFi coverage

Houses and apartments, as you know, come in different layouts and sizes. The Nighthawk AC1900 WiFi cable modem router provides the same level of WiFi coverage when it does not matter from which part of the house/apartment you connect to the network.


There's nothing more frustrating than losing your connection. The Nighthawk Cable Modem Router's advanced features and best-in-class WiFi technologies reduce interference and provide a more reliable connection.

The scalable 5354 is cable certified and also certified by Comcast, Time Warner Cable and other leading cable providers. It uses the Broadcom BCM3383G chipset and is equipped with Full Broadcom Capture (FBC). FBS Allows the modem to use any downstream frequency without adjacent channel restrictions or specific acquisition bandwidth windows.

The Scalable Model 5354 integrates the N300 wireless-n router, which has two internal antennas, 4 camera GigE LAN ports and 2 USB ports for network cable storage. User setup is simple and includes fast and secure wireless setup using the unique security settings shown on the bottom label.Wireless Wi-Fi is compatible with high bandwidth and wide range.Four GigE LAN ports provide wired connection to computers, TVs, HomePlug adapters, MoCA adapters and other devices. Two USB ports allow users to connect a USB flash drive or hard drive for Network Addressed Storage (NAS) and/or DLNA-enabled streaming media.

The router also features a powerful security firewall, parental controls, and support for up to 253 client devices. Wireless features include advanced wireless security, WDS for extending wireless range using repeaters, and WPS for easy wireless setup.

Model 5354 Supports remote connection to IPv4 and IPv6.

Integrating a cable modem with a router saves workspace, simplifies setup, reduces cable clutter, and eliminates points of failure created by wired connections between separate devices. This product is designed and built for performance today and for years to come. He has One year warranty and quality technical support fromUSAZoom Telephonics, a leader in communications products for over 37 years.

Please note that the sale of this product is limited to use by cable operators on their own cable networks. Packaged in a plain brown box marked "not for resale".

Features of the 5354 include:

  • DOCSIS 3.0/2.0/1.1 performance with CableLabs, Comcast and Time Warner Cable Certification
  • Up to 8 downlinks and 4 uplinks, with wideband capture

Wi-Fi Compatible 802.11n, g and b wireless devices

Devices with an Ethernet port, including computers and gaming stations

  • Easy setup and management with unique label security settings, Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), WPS wireless security setup, and browser-based control
  • Four 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports (gigabit)
  • Two USB ports for network-attached storage with DLNA support for media servers
  • Includes Advanced Firewall and Wireless Security
  • One year warranty and support from Zoom, the US communications leader since 1977


Operating parameters:


Data transfer rate:Up to 343 Mbps (8 channels)Up to 123 Mbit/s (4 channels)


Modulation: 64 or 256 QAM

Operating level range:-15 to +15 dBmV

8 to +58 dBmV (QPSK)

Status indicators:

Ethernet LAN interface:

USB interface:

Wireless connection:

Network solutions:

IPv4 and IPv6

Router Mode:

Dynamic DNS

DHCP Server and Client


RIP V1 and V2


SNMP v1, v2, v3


Parental control

Attack protection

IP/MAC/port filtering

Denial of service

Wi-Fi wireless network:

2 transmit/receive, MIMO

802.1x authentication


Transmit power: 20 dBm


Weight of packing:

1.25 lb (57 kg)

Power adapter:

110V/220V AC

12 volt 2 amp output

Working temperature:

0°C to 50°C

System requirements:

There must be an Ethernet port.

Any cycling trip.


One year

Package included:

Power cube


Ethernet cable

Quick start flyer


Cable modem service interface:

F-type jack 75 Ω (standard coaxial connector)

Operating parameters:


Data transfer rate:Up to 343 Mbps (8 channels)Up to 123 Mbit/s (4 channels)

Frequency: 88 to 1002 MHz (edge ​​to edge)5 to 42 MHz (edge ​​to edge)

Modulation: 64 or 256 QAM QPSK and 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 QAM

Communication channel: Up to 8 channels Up to 4 channels

Operating level range:-15 to +15 dBmV A-TDMA: +8 to +54 dBmV (32QAM, 64QAM)

8 to +58 dBmV (QPSK)

S-CDMA: +8 to +53 dBmV (all modulations)

Status indicators:

Power, downlink, uplink, online status, wireless link, WPS, 4 Ethernet LAN, 2 USB ports

Ethernet LAN interface:

4 X RJ-45 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet, with auto-MDI/MDX

USB interface:

2 X USB 2.0 with UPnP and support for DNLA media servers and network storage

Wireless connection:

802.11n/g/b, 2X2 MIMO (multiple input multiple output)

Network solutions:

IPv4 and IPv6

Router Mode:

Dynamic DNS

DHCP Server and Client

NAT (Network Address Translation)


Fragmentation and IP Reassembly

NTP (Network Time Protocol)

Port/DMZ transfer support

RIP V1 and V2

Supports up to 253 client devices

Quality of Service (QoS) support


SNMP v1, v2, v3

Support remote firmware upgrade

Versatile Plug and Play


Unique factory security settings on the label for each device

Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI)

VPN end-to-end: PPTP, IPsec tunnel

Parental control

Attack protection

System management with password protection

IP/MAC/port filtering

Denial of service

Filtering wireless mac addresses

Supports time display in original conditions Encryption (BPI) Management

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)

Cable management diagnostic log

Wi-Fi wireless network:

Complies with IEEE 802.11n, g and b standards

Wireless data transfer speeds up to 300 Mbps*

2 transmit/receive, MIMO

Frequency range 2.4GHz-2.484GHz ISM band

Wireless Distribution System (WDS)

Wireless Multimedia (WMM/WME)

64/128 bit wired equivalence privacy (WEP) with passphrase

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA2, WPA) with Pre-Shared Key

Security with Wi-Fi Protection (WPS)

802.1x authentication


Wireless Quality of Service

Transmit power: 20 dBm

Two external antennas of adjustable position (2 dBi)


9.5" wide x 6.5" x 1.25" (24.1 x 16.5 x 3.2 cm)

Weight of packing:

1.25 lb (57 kg)

Power adapter:

110V/220V AC 50/60 Hz input into power adapter

12 volt 2 amp output

Working temperature:

0°C to 50°C

System requirements:

The cable modem must be connected to a cable modem service that uses any of

DOCSIS-3.0, 2.0 or 1.1 standards.

Directly connected devices such as computers, switches, and home adapters

There must be an Ethernet port.

. Devices connected via a wireless network must have Wireless-N, Wireless-G, or Wireless-B (Wi-Fi)

Any cycling trip.


One year

Certificates: Toy Safety Certificates

UL 60950-1 Safety Certification BV, FCC Parts 15B and 15C, Cables, Comcast, Time Warner Cable

Package included:

Cable modem DOCSIS 3.0/2.0/1.1

Power cube


Ethernet cable

Quick start flyer

Manufactured in mainland China with additional quality control tests in North America.

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Used equipment in excellent condition: Wireless Wi-Fi router НUAWEI HG8245H - 1800 rub. Wireless Wi-Fi SNR-CPE-W4N (rev.M) - 1200 rub. Wireless Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR-615/A - 800 rub. Wireless Wi-Fi router Netgear N300 IAD - 800 rub. Wireless Wi-Fi router Netgear N300 with USB - 800 rub. Wireless Wi-Fi router Netgear N150 - 300 rub. Cable modem Thomson TSM471 - 300 rub. Cable modem ARRIS Touchstone Cable Modem CM550 - 300 rub. Desktop switch TR-Link ТL-SF1005D - 200 RUR

Wi-Fi REPEATER to strengthen the signal ✔ Check out the assortment of our store by clicking on the link “BIGMAG – USEFUL GOODS STORE” under the ad. ✔ You can buy our products at retail and wholesale. FOUND CHEAPER - GET A MORE FAVORABLE PRICE FOR YOU! Come! Don't waste your time looking elsewhere! Wi-Fi REEATER to strengthen the signal =================================== Everyone has experienced insufficient Wi-Fi signal within your home or even apartment. A Wi-Fi repeater was created specifically to solve this problem, the main purpose of which is to expand the coverage area of ​​the existing WiFi network. The meaning of its work is very simple, it intercepts the signal, amplifies it and transmits it further, significantly expanding the coverage area of ​​your router. This gadget plugs directly into a power outlet and allows you to provide a reliable connection where there are problems connecting to a wireless network due to a weak or completely absent signal. Features of the Wi-Fi repeater: - Expands Wi-Fi coverage area - Adds the ability wireless connection to a cable network - Supports all modern encryption algorithms to protect a wireless network - Works with 802.11 b/g/n standards - Provides up to 300 Mbit/s transmission speed - Easy to set up Delivery kit: 1. Wireless repeater 2. RJ-45 network cable 3. Instructions ================================================= OUR ADDRESS: Vokzalnaya Magistral, 2 (in the courtyard of the house) ✔ delivery within Novosibirsk – from 150 rubles. ✔ delivery within Russia – Russian Post, or transport company at your choice ✔ if the product is out of stock, we will notify you when it arrives! ✔ regular customers special offers and promotions! ✔ advice and assistance to every buyer! ✔ we work DAILY from 10-00 to 19-00 ✔ guarantee for all products ✔ policy low prices! ☎ CALL RIGHT NOW and get advice on the product - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EVEN MORE “USEFUL PRODUCTS” UNDER THIS AD! ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Computer accessories and components

Technical features of Oriel 415D: The digital television set-top box Oriel 415D is designed to receive digital television and radio broadcasting in DVB-T2, DVB-C formats, and when connected using a Wi-Fi adapter (sold separately), it becomes IPTV, YouTube, Megogo functions are available here. When you connect external media (flash drive, external hard drive), the functions of recording programs and the ability to play media files become available. - DVВ-Т2/Т/С standard - Program Guide - Teletext - Recording timer - Time Shift - Parental control - Viewing photos - Viewing video files - 2xUSB 2.0 with recording support - Plastic case - LED display - Control buttons on the case - External power supply 5V - Wi-Fi support (IPTV, YouTube, Megago, RSS) - - Other models are also available: - Cable/Terrestrial receiver Oriel 403D DVB-C/T2 - Cable/Terrestrial receiver Oriel 415D DVB-C/T2 - Cable /Terrestrial receiver Oriel 421D DVB-C/T2 - Cable/Terrestrial receiver Oriel 421UD DVB-C/T2 - Cable/Terrestrial receiver World Vision Premium DVB-C/DVB-T2 - Terrestrial receiver Delta Systems DS-750НD+ DVB-T2 - Terrestrial receiver Orenbox T2-07 DVB-T2 - Terrestrial receiver World Vision T64D DVB-T2 - Terrestrial receiver World Vision T64LAN DVB-T2 - Terrestrial receiver World Vision T64M DVB-T2 - Terrestrial/satellite receiver World Vision Foros DV V-T2/S2

Audio and video equipment

***Welcomes to the “RADIOLABKA” Store*** Our company has been on the market for more than 25 years. We offer a wide selection of equipment for digital and satellite TV (antennas, receivers, access modules), video surveillance systems (cameras, recorders), a wide selection of cable products, remote controls, accessories. We offer you the following product: Indoor high-performance directional panel antenna “WiFi AGENT” allows you to increase the range of receiving a Wi-Fi signal in a given direction, thanks to the built-in antenna and built-in Wi-Fi adapter. Allows you to access a remote Wi-Fi household or public network at speeds of up to 150 Mbit/s. Easy to install. Connection occurs via the supplied USB cable. If you have problems with automatic detection and connection of “WiFi AGENT” to your PC, use the included driver disk. Where it can be used: - At a camp site, in a hostel, in a sanatorium where WiFi is available at the reception, and in your room, at best, 1-2 network divisions are caught; - On a bench on the street, where across the road there is a cafe with free WiFi, which seems to be a stone’s throw away, but the level is not enough; - You live with relatives or friends in neighboring houses, you have WiFi, but for some reason they don’t and it would be great to transfer it to them wirelessly. Shop "RADIOLAVKA" Stavropol, Lenin St. 116 (crossroads of Lenin/Dobrolyubov St.) entrance from the yard. Mon-Fri 9.00 - 18.00, Sat 10.00-15.00, Sun – closed. Stavropol, Tukhachevsky St. 23/1 See the full range of equipment on our website below

Computer accessories and components

Wi-Fi network equipment: Cable modem with Wi-Fi router Motorola sbg900e Cable modem with Wi-Fi router Thomson TCW750-4 Cable modem with Wi-Fi router Thomson TCW770 Modem, PCI interface speed 56 Kbps assorted mente Modem D-Link DFM-562IS PCI in assortment FlaxDSL modem fg-msdsl-mrn-e1b Genius modem GM56PCI-LA GSM Interion modem BGS2T-232 GSM/GPRS/EDGE Netkom ES75 modem GSM/GPRS/EDGE Netkom ES75 modem I eat HDSL AirGain Campus-384 Modem Tainet T-336Cx Modem Thompson TNG520 broadband, digital Modem xDSL D-Link DSL-2500U without charger Modem ZyXEL Omni 56K USB Mini EE Modem ZyXEL Omni 56K USB Plus EE Modem analog 56K PCI in assortment Modem external, analog 33.6K Modem external, analog 56K in stock Satellite modem Comtech cdm-600 Satellite modem Paradise Datacom PD25 Universal satellite modem Hughes Network Systems 9100 Switch HP 40-0300704.06 Rev B 8-port 2 GB MSA San Fiber (P/N 4107 38-001) Unmanaged switch D-link DES-1024R+ 10/100Mbit/s rackmount 24 ports Router H3C MSR20-10 Router Thompson TG605s 4wire Media converter Allied Telesyn AT-FS232 Fast Ethernet 10/100ТХ100FХ(SC) Media converter VDSL2 Рl anet VC-204 Single-fiber media converter WDM FE-C120S3.S20 10/ 100TX-100FX Router Motorola Symbol Power Injector 1 Por Switch 3Com VASELINE 2816 (3C16478) 16 ports Switch 3Com Vaseline switch 2024 (3C16471) 24 ports Switch 3Com Vaseline Swit ch 2250 (3С16476А) 48 ports Switch 3Сom OfficeConnect Dual Sрееd (3С16793) 5 ports Switch 3Com Office Connect Dual Speed ​​Switch 8 (1670800V) 8 ports Switch 3Com SuperStack 3 3226 (3CR17500-91) 24 ports Switch 3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 4200 50-Port (3C17302A) 50 ports Switch 3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 4924 (3С17701) 24 ports Switch 3Com SuperStask II (3С16441) 24 ports Switch 3Сom SuperStаsk II (3С16611) 24 ports Hub 3Сom SuperStаsk II 3С16670А, 12 TP ports, data transfer speed Up to 10/100 Mbit/s Switch 3Сom SuperStаsk II LinkSwitch 1000 (3С1 6900A) 24 ports Switch 3Com SuperStac II RS Нub 40 TP (3С16406) 24 ports Switch 3Сom SuperStаsk 3 Switch 3300 ХМ (3С16988А) 24 ports Switch 3Сom SuperStаsk3 3300 (3С16980А) 24 ports Switch Сomrekh SАS2224В Switch HP Storeg eWorks 4/8 SAN SWITSN (HSTNM-N005) Allied Telesis Switch AT-GS900/8E, 8 x Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbit/s Switch D-Link DE-1500 12 ports Switch D-Link DES-1228 Switch_Nortel_Business_Ethernet_Switch 210-24T Switch_Nortel_Networks _BayStick_350-24T Switch Surecom EP-824DX, 24 x Ethernet 10 /100 Mbit/s Periodic replenishment of the assortment. See the entire range and prices on our RETECHNIKA website. Delivery by Russian Post. We are located: Montazhny Proezd 5t

Computer accessories and components

Router ZyHel Keenetic Lite III A simplified version of the top-end wireless router ZyHel Keenetic Giga III. It belongs to the middle price category and is positioned by the manufacturer as a network device for building a mid-level home wireless/cable network with a 100-megabit connection from a cable Internet provider. The hardware of this model allows it to maintain stable Wi-Fi connections compliant with the 802.11b/g/n family of standards. At the same time, two external antennas allows the router to operate in full duplex mode and provide data transfer rates of up to 300 Mbit/s. The ZyXel Keenetic Lite III router has excellent compatibility with Wi-Fi devices of different generations and easily combines them into a single high-speed wireless network. Availability of five Fast Ethernet ports (1 WAN and 4...

Computer accessories and components

Cable/terrestrial receiver Delta Systems DS-950HD+ with a universal (learning) remote control with support for DVB-T2 and DVB-C, Dolby Digital 5.1, Wi-fi, IPTV. Features: - Model DS-950HD+ is equipped with a universal (learning) remote control. The remote control has five learnable buttons, which allows you to avoid using two remote controls. The receiver control buttons on the remote control are phosphorescent and glow in the dark. The glow duration is about 120 minutes (depending on how long the buttons were “charged” with light). This remote control is also compatible with DVB-T2 receivers Delta Systems DS-530HD, DS-540HD, DS-550HD, DS-750HD, DS-750HD+, DS-900, DS-910HD, DS-920, 950HD. The size of the remote control and buttons allows it to be used comfortably even by older people. - Support for WiFi adapter RT5370, MT7601 (Internet applications YouTube, Weather, IPTV, Megago). - The receiver body is metal. CHARACTERISTICS Supported standards DVB-T2 / DVB-T / DVB-C Received frequency range VHF: 174 MHz - 226.5 MHz / UNF: 474 MHz - 858 MHz Stream bandwidth: 7 / 8 MHz Modulation / Demodulation: QPSK / 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM Decoder FEC: 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6 Guard interval: 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/128 Aspect ratio: 4:3, 16:9, Auto Video resolution: 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p (Full HD) Processor: GC3235S Tuner: RafaelMicro 850 Demodulator: ATVM7821B

Audio and video equipment

Used equipment in excellent condition: Wireless Wi-Fi router НУАWEI HG8245H - 1800 rub. Wireless Wi-Fi SNR-CPE-W4N (rev.M) - 1200 rub. Wireless Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR-615/A - 800 rub. Wireless Wi-Fi router Netgear N300 IAD - 800 rub. Wireless Wi-Fi router Netgear N300 with USB - 800 rub. Wireless Wi-Fi router Netgear N150 - 300 rub. Cable modem Thomson TSM471 - 300 rub. Cable modem ARRIS Touchstone Cable Modem CM550 - 300 rub. Desktop switch TR-Link ТL-SF1005D - 200 RUR

Computer accessories and components

Cable + terrestrial receiver World Vision Premium. New. . New improved digital terrestrial DVB-T/T2 and DVB-C World Vision Premium receiver. The set-top box is based on a high-performance Ali 3821 processor; its distinctive feature over other terrestrial set-top boxes is: ✔ the ability to receive cable television in the DVB-C standard ✔ the ability to receive up to 20 terrestrial television channels in the standard DVB-T2 ✔ ability to view Internet media and IPTV through YouTube and Web TV ✔ the presence of a built-in RF modulator for transmitting a TV signal ✔ the presence of a digital coaxial audio output ✔ the device body is metal ✔ the front panel has a stylish appearance and an expanded set of buttons for controlling the functions of the set-top box ✔ in the middle of the front panel there is an LED display to display the channel number and current time. . Among the Internet options, the Weather Forecast application, RSS Reading (news portals) are available, and a web interface is also available through which you can configure the device. . Connection to the Internet occurs through a Wi-Fi adapter and connection to a wireless network. Cost of Wi-Fi adapter with antenna = 800 rubles.

Audio and video equipment

PoE injector 802.3af Cisco AIR-PWRINJ4 allows you to provide power via Ethernet for WI-FI access points Cisco Aironet 1140, 1250, 1260, 3500 series as an alternative to power supply from a 220V network. The output voltage of the AIR-PWRINJ4 injector POE is 56 V, the maximum current is 0.55 A. According to the IEEE 802.3af standard, a constant current of up to 400 mA is provided with a nominal voltage of 48 V (from 36 to 57 V) through two pairs of conductors, providing a maximum power of 15 ,4 W. The PoE injector is equipped with mounting plastic flanges, which allows it to be secured to a perforated rack shelf using ties. On the injector body there are LED status indicators - power supply, power supply to a PoE compatible device, fault indicator. Maximum power up to 15.4 W, Maximum cable line length 100 m, Ethernet cable category - 5 or higher. Power cable included.

Computer accessories and components

This model does not have a SIM card connector; the modem is connected via a USB connector. The main tasks are like a color e-book with additional functions - it was practically used 4-5 times on business trips and ended up on the shelf. The tablet is convenient - connected via Wi-Fi, social networks, player with music of almost any format; You can install a variety of applications developed for Android OS; IСQ and Skype; Watch videos (ideally displays videos with 720p quality); View photos and pictures, etc. Characteristics: Powerful 2-core processor: VIA8650, 800MНZ CPU + 400MНZ DSP; Android OS 2.2 with support for Flash 10.1; 256 MB RAM; Built-in memory 2GB; Memory card support (up to 32 GB); 7 inch resistive TFT screen with touchscreen function; Internet access using Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11b/g/n); Availability of USB 2.0 and RJ-45 port (allows you to connect cable Internet); Multilingual support; 1800 mAh battery; Headphone input (3.5’’); Camera 0.3 MP. Of course, judging from the above properties, it is worth noting the disadvantages. Small amount of RAM; Weak battery; Weak camera; Outdated OS (most models are equipped with version 4.0). But in principle, the Wonder Media WM8650 tablet is a pretty good device that can be bought for a small amount

Tablets and e-readers

In excellent condition. Located near the old bus station. Specifications: Minimum system recommendations Cable or DSL modem with an Ethernet port A computer running Windows XP SP2, 2000 SP4 or Mac OS X (v10.4/v10.3) or Linux and with an installed Ethernet adapter Internet Explorer 6 or Firefox 1.5 or higher Standards IEEE 802.11b/g IEEE 802.3, 802.3u USB 2.0 WAN interfaces 1 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet port Support for DSL and cable modem connection Support for “Always-on” (bridged) and PPPoE for PPP connection upon request LAN interfaces 4 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet ports All ports support automatic MDI/MDIX polarity detection All ports support 802.3x flow control (full duplex mode) and back pressure (half duplex mode) USB interface USB 2.0 port type A Printer protocols: TCP/IP, RAW printing, LРR Support for Windows Connect Now (WСN) for configuration Connection types WAN Static IP Dynamic IP PPPoE L2TP PPTP DualAccess PPPoE DualAccess PPTP Receiving routes via DNCP Data transfer rates via Wi-Fi (with automatic switching) 54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 11, 9, 6, 5.5, 2, 1 Mbit/s Maximum Internet speed* (for hardware revision Ax) Static IP: 47.04 Mbit/s Dynamic IP: 48.56 Mbit/s PPTP: 8.45 Mbit/s PPPOE: 43.92 Mbps Frequency range From 2.4 to 2.462 GHz Modulation schemes Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplying (OFDM) Complementary Code Keying (CCK) Transmitter output power 802.11b: 17dBm +/- 2dBm at 11 , 5.5, 2, 1 Mbps 802.11g : 13dBm +/- 2dBm at 6~12, 18, 24, 36, 54 Mbps Receiver sensitivity 802.11b: 81dBm at 11 Mbps 82dBm at 5.5 Mbps 84dBm at 2 Mbps 86dBm at 1 Mbps 802.11g: 84dBm at 6 Mbit/s 83dBm at 9 Mbit/s 82dBm at 12 Mbit/s 79dBm at 18 Mbit/s 77dBm at 24 Mbit/s 74dBm at 36 Mbit/s 70dBm at 48 Mbit/s 68dBm at 54 Mbit/s c Antenna Removable dipole antenna with SMA connector Security WEP 64/128-bit data encryption (user selectable) Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2) WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) Two SSID Guest zone Firewall functions Network Address Translation ( NAT) Stateful Packet Inclusion (SPI) MAC address filtering URL content filtering Device management Web-based management using Internet Explorer v6 or higher browser; or Firefox 1.5 or higher Power Status indicators Internet WLAN LAN (1 to 4) USB Power input 5 VDC 2A, via external power adapter Dimensions 112.6 x 147. 5 x 31.8 mm Weight 246 g Certificates CE FCC Operating temperature From 0˚ to 40˚ C

Computer accessories and components

✔️ New in packaging. ✔️ If your TV does not support receiving digital channels in DVB-C format, then to watch digital television we suggest purchasing a TV set-top box. ✔️ Digital cable receiver is designed for receiving and decoding signals in cable television networks of the DVB-C standard. ✔️ The receiver allows you to receive signals in MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 compression formats, with its help you can enjoy the unsurpassed quality of high-resolution HD channels. ✔️ In addition, the set-top box supports the DVB - T2 broadcast format. A regular antenna will catch 20 free digital channels, you can take it to the dacha. And it can even connect to the Internet (if you have a WI-FI adapter, there is a separate price of 500 rubles) to view the following applications: Weather, RSS Reading, YouTube, Gmail, IPTV, Megago. ✔️ Great console at this price! Hundreds of them have already been sold! You can buy it in the Sipailovo area at TSK Sipailovsky floor 1, block A, boutique 1088 ✔️ 12 month warranty. ☎️ Call!

Audio and video equipment

Wi-Fi REPEATER to strengthen the signal ✔ Check out the assortment of our store by clicking on the link “BIGMAG – USEFUL GOODS STORE” under the ad. ✔ You can buy our products at retail and wholesale. FOUND CHEAPER - GET A PRICE MORE FAVORABLE FOR YOU! Come! Don't waste your time looking elsewhere! Wi-Fi REEATER to strengthen the signal =================================== Everyone has experienced insufficient Wi-Fi signal within your home or even apartment. A Wi-Fi repeater was created specifically to solve this problem, the main purpose of which is to expand the coverage area of ​​the existing WiFi network. The meaning of its work is very simple, it intercepts the signal, amplifies it and transmits it further, significantly expanding the coverage area of ​​your router. This gadget plugs directly into a power outlet and allows you to provide a reliable connection where there are problems connecting to a wireless network due to a weak or completely absent signal. Features of the Wi-Fi repeater: - Expands Wi-Fi coverage area - Adds the ability to wirelessly connect to a cable network - Supports all modern encryption algorithms to protect your wireless network - Works with 802.11 b/g/n standards - Provides up to 300 Mbps transfer speed - Easy to set up Contents: 1. Wireless repeater 2. RJ-45 network cable 3. Instructions ============================= ====== OUR ADDRESS: Vokzalnaya Magistral, 2 (in the courtyard of the house) ✔ delivery throughout Novosibirsk - from 150 rubles. ✔ delivery within Russia - Russian Post, or a transport company of your choice ✔ if the product is not in stock, we will notify you of its arrival! ✔ special offers and promotions for regular customers! ✔ advice and assistance to every buyer! ✔ we work DAILY from 10-00 to 19-00 ✔ guarantee on all products ✔ low price policy! ☎ CALL RIGHT NOW and get advice on the product - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EVEN MORE “USEFUL PRODUCTS” UNDER THIS AD! ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓