Personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Formation of personnel policy of internal affairs bodies Personnel policy of internal affairs bodies


Currently, the crime situation throughout Russia remains difficult. Law enforcement agencies are in a state close to a critical point. The personnel situation in the internal affairs bodies has long since overcome the crisis line. Personnel turnover in the main services and divisions of internal affairs bodies, such as the service of local police commissioners, criminal investigation, police patrol service, inquiry and investigation, averages about 12-15% annually in Russia. And in some regions it reaches 25-30%. The personnel situation in these services directly related to ensuring law and order in the country (excluding management and support services) has long left much to be desired; about 50% of these services are employees with less than 3 years of work experience. There are already less than 25% of employees with more than 5 years of experience. In addition, the shortage in basic services amounts to 12-15% of the staff, and in some regions reaches 40%. Accordingly, in such a situation there is no positive dynamics in the fight against crime on the part of law enforcement there can be no talk.

But despite all the existing difficulties, the situation is not hopeless. There are ways to get the police out of the crisis. There is no need for too large-scale and global reforms that require large financial and human resources. It is only the Russian police system itself that needs to be reformed. The emphasis must be placed on efficiency, mobility and objectivity in the activities of law enforcement agencies, as well as on personnel policies for the selection of candidates for the service of internal affairs bodies.

In February 2009, an extended meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia took place, which was widely covered in the media mass media. The President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev took part in the work of the board, and the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev made a report. In his speech, the President of the Russian Federation emphasized that work to create an attractive social status for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be continued, despite the current crisis in the country. This topic should remain in the area of ​​attention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The scale and complexity of the tasks facing the Ministry require a radical improvement in personnel policy. Their decision directly depends on the professionalism, qualifications and moral and psychological state of internal affairs officers and military personnel internal troops.

Quality improvement should be a priority vocational training. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to form a promising model of a specialist from internal affairs bodies. This will allow us to determine the direction of development and reform of departmental education in accordance with state strategy modernization of Russian education, objective needs and interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in professional training and retraining of personnel.

The intellectualization of law enforcement activities also requires special attention, which requires a radical improvement in the management of scientific developments, analytical research and strategic developments at all levels of the activities of internal affairs bodies.

Thus, the work of identifying candidates for service in internal affairs bodies is one of the main conditions for their effective activities. Its organization is entrusted to the personnel apparatus of internal affairs bodies and managers structural divisions internal affairs bodies. The main areas of activity to identify candidates for service in internal affairs bodies are:

Informing the population about the procedure for admission and conditions of service in the internal affairs bodies;

Professional orientation events with certain groups of citizens on issues of service in internal affairs bodies;

Direct search for candidates for service in internal affairs bodies;

Initial introductory interviews (consultations) with candidates;

Informing the population about the procedure for admission and conditions of service in internal affairs bodies is carried out by personnel departments under the leadership of the deputy head of the internal affairs body for personnel and educational work. It is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of special targeted programs of a comprehensive nature, using radio, television, periodicals. Their development and implementation are carried out by personnel staff with the participation of interested structural units of internal affairs bodies, centers public relations and press services.

Carrying out professional orientation activities with certain groups of the population on issues of service in internal affairs bodies are organized by deputy heads of internal affairs bodies for personnel and educational work and heads of structural divisions of internal affairs bodies. They are conducted with students, military personnel, members of youth organizations and sports societies, employees of enterprises, institutions, and organizations. In addition, they can be carried out through: regular appearances in the media by internal affairs officers with materials promoting the activities of law enforcement officers; personal meetings and reports of heads and employees of internal affairs bodies before the population and the workforce.

The direct search for candidates for service in internal affairs bodies is carried out by employees of the personnel apparatus of internal affairs bodies. It provides:

Targeted work on the selection of candidates in educational institutions of secondary and higher education vocational education, military units and military commissariats, labor collectives, employment centers (centers for labor and employment);

Publication of announcements about vacancies for positions of ordinary and commanding personnel in a specific internal affairs body;

Sending requests to educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, to youth and sports organizations(society), the command of military units (units) regarding candidates for filling vacant positions in the internal affairs body.

The work of selecting candidates for service in internal affairs bodies is planned and is included as an independent section in the work plan of the internal affairs body and its structural divisions. Planning is carried out taking into account the current and future needs for personnel, the capabilities of specific sources of recruitment. At the same time, personnel needs related to changes in staff numbers, relocation of employees, assignment to study, dismissal, as well as the need to meet the personnel needs of other internal bodies (superior ones, located in areas with difficult climatic conditions or working in difficult conditions) are analyzed and taken into account. environment).

Legislation Russian Federation provided equal opportunities for citizens of the Russian Federation to join the police as a type civil service. The principle of equal access of citizens to public service and equal conditions for its completion is based on Part 4 of Art. 32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “Citizens of the Russian Federation have equal access to public service.” This provision generally complies with the requirements of paragraph “c” of Art. 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (UN General Assembly Resolution of December 19, 1966, entered into force on March 23, 1976), according to which every citizen, without any discrimination (with respect to race, color, sex) , language, religion, political or other beliefs, national or social origin, property status, birth or other circumstances) and without unreasonable restrictions must have the right and opportunity to be admitted to public service in his country.

At the same time, certain restrictions are established for joining the police. In its ruling, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation indicated that specific activity, which is carried out by internal affairs bodies, predetermines the special legal status of police officers. Based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on equal access to public service (Part 4, Article 32), the state, regulating service relations in internal affairs bodies, including the grounds for hiring and dismissal from this service, can establish special rules in this area, which in itself does not contradict Articles 19 (Part 1), 37 (Parts 1 and 3) and 55 (Parts 2 and 3) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and is consistent with paragraph 2 of Article 1 of the 1958 ILO Convention No. 111 concerning discrimination in employment and occupations, according to which differences, exclusions or preferences in the field of work and occupations based on specific (qualification) requirements associated with a particular job are not considered discrimination.

First of all, only a citizen of the Russian Federation can become a police officer. A similar condition for filling a civil service position is typical for the legislation of the vast majority of foreign countries.

In accordance with Art. 3 of the Federal Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" citizenship is a stable legal connection of a person with the Russian Federation, expressed in the totality of their mutual rights and obligations. The right to equal access to public service, as a form of realizing the right of citizens to participate in government, presupposes the presence of the specified legal connection with the state and it is quite natural that its possession is associated with the person’s citizenship of that state.

It should be noted that according to Art. 6 of the Federal Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" the acquisition of another citizenship does not entail the termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation. In this case, a citizen of the Russian Federation who also has another citizenship is considered only as a citizen of the Russian Federation, with the exception of cases provided for by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or federal law. At the same time, unlike, for example, the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, the Law “On the Police” does not contain a ban on recruiting into the police service citizens of the Russian Federation who also have the citizenship of a foreign state.

The legislation also establishes age restrictions for persons applying for positions as police officers. At the same time, the legislation provides for both minimum and maximum age limits for filling these positions.

The minimum age for joining the police exceeds the minimum age established by labor legislation for concluding an employment contract (16 years), but is normal for civil service legislation. The establishment of such an increased age is determined by the “specifics labor activity civil servant, increased responsibility for the performance of the functions assigned to him, as well as additional requirements imposed on such persons."

At the same time, in comparison, for example, with the legislation on the state civil service of the Russian Federation, the maximum age limit established for joining the police service has been significantly reduced - 35 years. This is dictated primarily by the increased demands placed on the health and physical training of police officers.

In addition to all of the above, a citizen applying for a position as a police officer must meet certain qualification requirements. The law directly establishes only one such requirement: the presence of secondary (complete) general education.

The ban on recruiting persons with a criminal record into the police service is also not unusual in the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the wording of this prohibition in relation to police officers (and internal affairs bodies in general), in comparison with other types of public service, has certain specifics.

So, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" the basis for refusal of admission to the state civil service is the presence of an unexpunged or outstanding criminal record. In accordance with Part 5 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, a contract for military service cannot be concluded with citizens who have an unexpunged or unexpunged conviction for committing a crime.

Enrollment in the police service is not allowed even if the criminal record was withdrawn or expunged in established by law ok. A similar rule is established in Art. 9 Regulations on service in internal affairs bodies. The use of punishment such as deprivation of holding certain positions or activities certain activities, is regulated by Art. 47 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities consists of a prohibition to hold positions in the civil service, in local government bodies, or to engage in certain professional or other activities. Deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities is established for a period of one to five years as the main type of punishment and for a period of six months to three years as an additional type of punishment.

It is prohibited to employ citizens who have been deprived for a certain period of time by a court decision that has entered into legal force of the right to hold positions as police officers during the specified period.

A probationary period is established for persons joining the police. In accordance with Art. 70 Labor Code RF (hereinafter referred to as TrK RF) testing is established in order to verify the employee’s compliance with the assigned work. Norms labor legislation the test applies to employees entering the police service, taking into account the specifics provided for by the legislation on service in internal affairs bodies (Article 12 of the Regulations on service in internal affairs bodies).

In this regard, it can be noted that, firstly, maximum term testing for those entering the police service has been increased compared to ordinary workers from three to six months; secondly, the establishment of a test for persons entering the police service for the first time is mandatory (Article 12 of the Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies). An exception is made only for persons appointed to positions of senior management, graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, entering the service by assignment, as well as when appointed to a position through competition, a probationary period is not established. At the same time, in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a ban on testing also for pregnant women and persons invited to transfer to work by agreement between employers.

An employee hired on a probationary period is appointed as a trainee to the corresponding position without assigning him a special rank. During probationary period the trainee performs the duties and enjoys the rights of an internal affairs officer in accordance with his position and the terms of the contract. During the probationary period, further study of his business and personal qualities is carried out.

The decision to establish a probationary period and its duration is made by the chief who has the right to hire. The duration of the probationary period (from three to six months) is indicated in the contract and in the order for admission to service in the internal affairs bodies.

During the probationary period, the trainee, along with performing the main duties and assignments of the position, undergoes individual training at the place of duty under the guidance of the immediate superior and a mentor from among experienced employees (workers), appointed by order of the head of the internal affairs agency.

During the probationary period, the trainee is not allowed to carry or store service firearms. It is prohibited to use a trainee in operational activities when there may be a threat to his life or when his independent actions, due to professional unpreparedness, may lead to a violation or infringement of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.

The probationary period does not include periods of temporary incapacity for work of the trainee, as well as the time of his absence from service. good reasons. An increase in the probationary period for the period of temporary incapacity for work of the trainee, as well as for the period of his absence from service for good reasons, is formalized by order.

During the probationary period, trainees are paid the official salary stipulated by the staffing table for the position held, as well as other payments established for the corresponding categories of employees who do not have special ranks.

The decision to appoint an intern to a position can be made by the boss before the end of the probationary period (in the case of employment under a contract - by agreement with the intern). In this case, the duration of the probationary period cannot be less than three months. At the end of the probationary period, the head of the structural unit of the internal affairs body in which the probationer served the probationary period gives an opinion on checking the suitability of the position held based on the results of the probationary period.

The conclusion is approved by the head of the internal affairs body and is the basis for hiring an intern who has completed the probationary period, or for dismissing him as having failed to complete the probationary period.

The probationary period is counted towards the length of service in the internal affairs bodies, giving the right to payment of a percentage bonus for length of service and a pension through the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

An employee of internal affairs bodies takes an oath, the text of which is approved by the Regulations on service in internal affairs bodies.

The oath of office of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is taken by:

Persons who first entered the service of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation - no later than two months after being assigned a special rank;

Cadets, students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia who have not previously taken the Oath - no later than two months after enrollment in studies or reaching the age of 18;

Employees of internal affairs bodies who have not previously taken the Oath for some reason.

The oath is taken in the internal affairs body (unit, educational institution) in a solemn atmosphere under the leadership of the head of the relevant internal affairs body (unit commander, head of the educational institution) (hereinafter referred to as the head of the internal affairs body).

The time and place of the ceremony, the uniform of employees and other circumstances are indicated by the head of the internal affairs agency in the relevant order. In case of inclement weather or low temperatures, the Oath is administered indoors.

At the appointed time, the personnel of the internal affairs body are lined up in the prescribed manner. Employees taking the Oath are in the first ranks of the formation. The head of the internal affairs body in a short speech explains the meaning of the Oath, the high responsibility of employees of the internal affairs bodies for fulfilling its requirements and official duty. After the end of the speech, the chief gives the command to begin taking the Oath.

Those taking the Oath are called out of the ranks one by one, and each of them reads the text of the Oath aloud, after which they personally sign on a special form with the text of the Oath and return to their place in the ranks.

Upon completion of taking the Oath, the signed forms are handed over to the head of the internal affairs agency. The Chief congratulates those who took the Oath, after which the National Anthem of the Russian Federation is performed and the personnel march in a solemn march.

The form with the text of the Oath, signed by the employee, is attached to his personal file.

Employees who did not take the Oath on the appointed day take it separately under the guidance of the head of the internal affairs agency.

The timely administration of the Oath by employees, the organization and recording of the taking of the Oath by employees are entrusted to the relevant personnel departments (Section VII of the Instructions on the procedure for applying the Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation).

The Law “On the Police” limits the constitutional right of police officers to engage in entrepreneurial activities (Part 1, Article 34) and the freedom of labor guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Part 1, Article 37).

When applying these prohibitions, it should be borne in mind that under entrepreneurial activity in accordance with Art. 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is understood as independent activity carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services by persons registered in the prescribed manner. Thus, police officers are prohibited from producing, selling or purchasing products or goods, providing services, or performing work for the purpose of making a profit; own, use, dispose of property that forms the material basis of entrepreneurial activity, namely: buildings, structures, equipment, machinery, land, and other things used in the production process and in commercial activities.

The ban on part-time work in other organizations is absolute, that is, a police officer does not have the right to engage in any other paid labor activity other than that expressly permitted by the Law under comment.

Teaching activity is essentially a pedagogical activity. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" establishes that pedagogical activity carried out:

In the form of individual labor pedagogical activity (Article 48);

In the form of cooperation with educational institutions on a contract basis in the forms provided for by the charters of these institutions (Article 53).

However, in accordance with the same Art. 48 of the Law on Education, individual labor teaching activity, accompanied by the receipt of income, is considered as entrepreneurial activity, the activity of which is separately prohibited for police officers. Consequently, police officers can engage in teaching activities only under an agreement with educational institutions.

There is no legal definition of scientific activity in Russian legislation. Based on unofficial opinions expressed in various publications, we can conclude that under scientific activities one should understand the preparation and publication of scientific monographs, works, articles, reviews; conducting scientific research (experiments, observations, experiments, etc.) and creating developments; participation in scientific conferences, symposiums, round tables, scientific and practical seminars, etc.; participation in the work of creative teams to analyze various problems and develop recommendations, etc.

As for creative activity, in accordance with Art. 3 Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture, it means the creation of cultural values ​​and their interpretation. Cultural values- these are moral and aesthetic ideals, norms and patterns of behavior, languages, dialects and dialects, national traditions and customs, historical toponyms, folklore, arts and crafts, works of culture and art, results and methods of scientific research of cultural activities that have historical and cultural the significance of buildings, structures, objects and technologies, historically and culturally unique territories and objects.

In addition, the implementation of the above activities cannot be financed exclusively from the funds of foreign states, international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons.

A special place is occupied by the individual contract for service in the internal affairs bodies. As set forth in the relevant Regulations, this contract, along with legal acts make up legal basis services in the internal affairs bodies. To analyze problems staffing, it is advisable to consider the concept of “contract”. A contract (from the Latin “contractut” and English “contract”) is an agreement between two or more parties. Its variety is labor contract, i.e. writing employment contract between an employee and the administration (owner) of an enterprise, institution, organization, which stipulates the essential aspects of the relationship between the employee and the employer, working conditions and remuneration, and other necessary conditions of labor relations.

The current service contract is a relatively new form in the process of filling positions of ordinary and commanding personnel of internal affairs bodies. The contract, on the one hand, is intended to promote the democratization of the recruitment process in the internal affairs bodies, and also affects the creation of certain guarantees of legal protection for employees, and on the other hand, it is intended to increase the mutual responsibility of the participants in the relations under consideration for the fulfillment of their obligations and agreements. A citizen entering the service, concluding a contract, accepts the obligation to serve for a specified period, fulfilling the duties assigned to him. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, represented by the head of the internal affairs body, undertakes to appoint a citizen to a position, respect his rights, and provide him with social guarantees. A specific description of the content of the contract for service in internal affairs bodies is set out in Art. 11 of the above Regulations. At the same time, part 8 of this article stipulates that in case of official necessity, an employee of the internal affairs bodies may be involved in performing duties not provided for by the contract for a period of up to one month during a calendar year with payment official salary no lower than the position held. It should be noted that in the current legislation there are no legally established definitions of the concepts “necessity of business” and “responsibilities not provided for in the contract.” In this regard, it is possible to conclude that, in essence, an employee of the internal affairs bodies can be involved in performing an unlimited range of work within the framework of the tasks of the internal affairs bodies systematically (within an established time frame), based only on the subjective discretion of a wide range of superiors of this employee.

This edition of Part 8 of Art. 11 of the above-mentioned Regulations, as well as the lack of legal regulation of the above-mentioned concepts, the lack of legal consolidation of the answer to the question: “Which official can engage an employee to perform duties not provided for in the contract?”, create conditions for a “legal vacuum” and certain abuses, which, undoubtedly, does not contribute to increasing the level of staffing of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

In connection with the above, it is necessary to develop and normatively consolidate in the current legislation such concepts as: “official necessity”, “responsibilities not provided for in the service contract, to which an employee of the internal affairs bodies may be involved”, as well as “a list of officials of the internal affairs bodies , vested with the authority to involve employees in performing duties not provided for in the service contract.”

When considering the issue of staffing of internal affairs bodies, one cannot ignore such important concepts such as the social status of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, the level of prestige of service in the internal affairs bodies among the population of the country, the sources of recruitment of candidates for service.

IN modern conditions There are two leading main sources of recruitment: the first - from among citizens who have served in the armed forces, and the second - from persons who graduated from higher (secondary specialized) educational institutions (including the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). It should be noted that “there is no need now to talk about other previously existing sources of recruitment (work collectives, etc.).”

Professional selection is a specialized procedure for studying and probabilistically assessing the suitability of people to master a specialty, achieve the required level of skill and successfully perform professional responsibilities in typical and specifically difficult conditions. There are four sides or components in professional selection: medical, physiological, pedagogical and psychological.

Thus, in its essence and criteria, assessing the effectiveness of professional selection is a socio-economic event, and in terms of methods it is medical-biological and psychological-pedagogical.

Currently, in most countries of the world there is a developed system of professional selection of law enforcement specialists. In our country, the activities of the units included in this system are considered as one of the important links in state policy aimed at studying, accounting, rational distribution and economically feasible use of human (primarily intellectual) resources of society.

The need to build a rule of law state in the Russian Federation, the urgent need of society to radically improve the efficiency of law enforcement agencies, puts the task of staffing them in one of the first places. Implemented systematic approach to the formation staffing security forces The Russian Federation is called upon to carry out the selection of citizens suitable for their individual psychological, moral and physical qualities to perform paramilitary types of service, to activities involving risk to life.

Professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies of Russia and for study in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is integral part professional selection. Each of the areas of professional selection: socio-legal, medical, psychological, at the same time are completely independent types of selection in relation to making a decision on professional unsuitability. At the same time, the decision on professional suitability, as a rule, is made within the framework of the already mentioned systematic approach.

The task of psychological selection is to determine the predisposition to professional activity, which will contribute to the development of the necessary professional qualities. Establishing compliance of the qualities and personality traits of a candidate entering service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation or studying in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the normatively approved requirements of documents, the list of which is determined by the Main Personnel Directorate and the Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, is the main goal of professional psychological selection.

Thus, professional psychological selection is a system of measures aimed at best matching the real mental and physical capabilities of specific people with the needs various professions regarding these possibilities.

Currently, it is not always possible to provide a competitive basis for admission to internal affairs bodies. In a number of cases, the so-called “screening selection” is carried out, which involves the elimination of persons who are clearly unsuitable for service in the internal affairs bodies, mainly for medical reasons.

A statistical analysis carried out by the Department of Personnel Supply of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia showed that in 2005, about 17 thousand employees were hired by the component units without the necessary psychological examination, and over 10% of the total number of candidates were enrolled in positions contrary to the negative recommendations of psychologists. Overcoming this problem is possible only subject to fundamental changes in the material support of employees of internal affairs bodies, a significant increase in their level social protection and the revival of the former prestige of the profession in society. But even if a competitive basis is provided, to improve the quality of selection, further improvement of theoretical, methodological and instrumental approaches to the implementation of professional psychological examination is required.

The shortcomings of the applied methods of professional psychological selection reduce their effectiveness and do not fully ensure the creation of an adequate barrier to the penetration of people with negative personal qualities and antisocial attitudes into law enforcement agencies.

The analysis of scientific publications demonstrates the existing diversity of methodological approaches to psychological selection. At the same time, the above problems facing the personnel services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia require further improvement of the system of professional psychological selection and, first of all, involve the introduction of more effective instrumental techniques and methods.

The most common are questionnaire and survey methods and techniques. However, the use of questionnaires and survey techniques is associated with the phenomenon of distortion of the results by the subject, which is a consequence of the subject’s desire to look in the best light and achieve social approval. To a large extent, this drawback is mitigated by the parallel use of projective tests, however, projective tests are very difficult to interpret and depend on the experimenter’s preferences.

Comparative analysis situation in the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, suggests that a very promising direction for determining the professional suitability of candidates for service in the internal affairs bodies are the methods of experimental psychosemantics, which, if they are more widely introduced into selection practice, will make it possible to more effectively identify value-semantic components, forming professional motivation. This assumption is based on the fact that similar studies of motivation were carried out when studying other types of professional activities, in particular, when selecting candidates for universities in the Ministry of Defense. The advantages of this approach include a significant reduction in the likelihood of test results being distorted by the test subject through the use of latent analysis techniques.

The introduction of modern psychological technologies into the practice of personnel selection is intended to ensure the identification of real motives rather than motivations. Taking into account attitudes, motives, values ​​and meanings that form professional motivation will increase the reliability of professional psychological selection measures and reduce the risk of people with paraprofessional motivation, prone to violating the law and official discipline, and having a predisposition to use psychoactive substances in the internal affairs bodies. non-medical purposes. The first confirmation of these assumptions has already been obtained during pilot tests, during which, for this purpose, a modified version of the “Repertory Grids” technique, already described in the literature, is used for personnel selection.

Thus, expanding the methodological base of professional psychological selection by introducing methods of experimental psychosemantics involves further improving the diagnosis of the professional orientation of candidates for service in internal affairs bodies.

The study of candidates for employment in the internal affairs bodies is carried out in 2 stages:

1.Preliminary study;

2. Study of candidates in the process of medical examination, psychological examination, passing physical standards. preparation.

A preliminary examination of candidates for service in internal affairs bodies is organized by the heads of the structural unit of the internal affairs body in which the candidate is expected to be employed, in the manner specified in paragraph 3.3 of the Instructions on the procedure for applying the Service Regulations. Candidates for service identified directly by personnel personnel are sent for preliminary examination to the head of the structural unit of the internal affairs body, where their use is possible. An employee of the personnel apparatus and the head of the structural unit in which the candidate is expected to be employed conducts an interview with him, determines the reliability of the data obtained during the preliminary study, and explains the nature of the upcoming work. During the preliminary examination of the candidate, if necessary, a conversation is also held with the parents and wife (husband) of the candidate. The motives for joining the service in the internal affairs bodies are being clarified. The attention of the candidate and his relatives is drawn to the particularly stressful and dangerous nature of the future activity, the conditions of service in the internal affairs bodies in general and in a specific structural unit. They are informed about the benefits, guarantees and compensation established by law for employees of internal affairs bodies. When the head of the internal affairs body, who has the right to appoint to a position, makes a decision on further study of the candidate, personnel personnel prepare the relevant documents. Based on the results of a preliminary study of a candidate for service in internal affairs bodies by personnel personnel (as a rule), a corresponding certificate is prepared, which reflects the decision to further study the candidate.

The head of the personnel apparatus, having received an order from the head of the internal affairs body, who exercises the right of appointment to a position, to continue studying the candidate (possibly hiring), sends him for a medical examination, a psychodiagnostic examination, organizes the passing of standards for physical training, and conducts an audit of operational records. A medical examination of the candidate is carried out in order to determine his fitness for health reasons to serve in the internal affairs bodies by military medical commissions. The results of the medical examination and psychological examination are presented to the appropriate personnel office, whose employees transfer them into the conclusion on admission to service in the internal affairs bodies, with reference to the document number and the date of the conclusion of the military medical commission that examined the candidate on fitness for service. The position or column of the schedule of illnesses and physical disabilities for which the candidate is certified is indicated. The section on the candidate’s health status in the conclusion on admission to service in the internal affairs bodies is filled out and signed by personnel officers. The study of the physical fitness of a candidate for service in internal affairs bodies is organized by employees of the relevant personnel apparatus. It is carried out without fail in accordance with the standards established for employees of internal affairs bodies. The results of checking the level of physical fitness are entered by a personnel officer in the conclusion on admission to service in the internal affairs bodies. It indicates the relevant standard and the actual results of its implementation.

An important area of ​​work on the issue under consideration is the activities of the personnel apparatus of internal affairs bodies in organizing and conducting checks of candidates for service on operational records and place of residence. Verification is divided into complete, incomplete and local. It is carried out by using the operational capabilities of the internal affairs bodies and counterintelligence bodies of the Russian Federation.

The following persons are subject to full verification:

Those accepted for service in positions of ordinary and commanding personnel, including for study in professional educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

Those hired as workers and employees for positions related to the performance of secret work, as well as for positions that provide access to office premises employees involved in operational or investigative work.

Persons recruited to work in internal affairs bodies as workers and employees for positions in the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Department of Internal Affairs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are subject to incomplete verification. Persons hired for worker positions are subject to local verification. A full check is carried out in relation to the candidate, his wife (husband) and all their close relatives living in the Russian Federation, as well as in the CIS countries that have agreements with the Russian Federation on the relationship of the ministries of internal affairs. During the full inspection process, the following activities are carried out:

Checking the operational records of the candidate, his wife (husband) and their close relatives;

Verification at the candidate's place of residence;

Confirmation, if necessary, through the relevant internal affairs bodies, civil registry departments, address bureaus of the candidate’s place of birth, residence, study, work, indicating information characterizing him.

An incomplete check is carried out in relation to the candidate, his wife (husband) and close relatives living with the candidate, and includes:

Checking operational records;

Verification of the candidate’s place of residence;

A local check is carried out against the candidate himself according to the operational records of the internal affairs bodies. To conduct verification of candidates, a verification plan is drawn up. The internal affairs bodies carry out checks:

According to operational records of information centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal Affairs Directorate;

According to the operational reference records of the Main Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (in cases where those being inspected often changed their place of residence or when, as a result of a check according to local operational reference records, these persons are not listed as having been convicted, but there are sufficient grounds to assume that they are hiding their past criminal record, and also when there is no reliable information about the whereabouts of those being inspected, their death or recognition as missing in the prescribed manner);

According to the records of city regional internal affairs agencies, medical sobering stations. Requests for verification, drawn up by the personnel apparatus of internal affairs bodies in the form of requirements, are sent to:

In relation to the candidate - to the information centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Department of Internal Affairs, at the place of his birth and all places of residence, including previous ones, as well as to the city regional authorities of internal affairs, medical sobering stations at the last place of residence;

In relation to the wife (husband) of the candidate and their close relatives - to the information centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Internal Affairs Directorate at the place of their birth and last place of residence. If the person being inspected has lived in a given area for less than three years, then the request is sent to the previous place of residence.

A check on the operational records of the counterintelligence bodies of the Russian Federation is carried out in relation to persons who, in the event of admission (relocation) to service (work) in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, will be allowed access to information constituting a state secret, participation in operational-search activities or materials received as a result of their implementation, assistance in the preparation and conduct of operational-search activities, for the issuance of permits for private detective and security activities or for work related to the protection of particularly important government facilities, valuable cargo, operation of facilities that pose an increased environmental hazard. The personnel apparatus of the internal affairs bodies send requests for verification of operational records of counterintelligence bodies through the relevant information centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department of Internal Affairs to the registration and archival divisions of the territorial counterintelligence bodies, and when checking persons living in Moscow and the Moscow region - to the Department of Registration and Archival Funds ( URAF) Federal service counterintelligence of the Russian Federation. For persons transferred to the reserve from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (if no more than one year has passed since the dismissal), motivated requests are sent by the personnel apparatus of the internal affairs bodies at the place of study of the candidate to the directorates and military counterintelligence departments of the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation for the group of troops, districts, fleets and associations of central subordination, promptly serving the military units where they served (are serving). In the absence of information about which military counterintelligence body promptly serves a specific military unit, requests are sent to the Military Counterintelligence Directorate of the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation (Moscow).

In requests sent to the counterintelligence agencies of the Russian Federation, along with other identifying information of the candidate, the personnel departments of the internal affairs department indicate:

Grounds for verification - admission to service (work) in internal affairs bodies, promotion, etc.;

The purpose of the check, which would allow us to determine what type of information needs to be obtained as a result of the check (for example: confirmation of service, drug use, theft of weapons or ammunition and other incriminating materials);

The conventional name of the military units, which group of troops, district, fleet they belonged to, the period of service of the person being inspected in them, the position he held (in relation to military personnel transferred to the reserve).

A check at the place of residence is organized by personnel departments and is carried out in relation to the candidate himself local authorities internal affairs. The verification materials at the candidate’s place of residence reflect information about his lifestyle, behavior at home, connections, relationships in the family and with others, character traits, inclinations, interests, reviews of the candidate from relatives, neighbors, other persons, etc. If the person being checked has lived in a given area for less than a year, then the specified check is carried out at the previous place of residence. All data obtained as a result of the verification is carefully considered and analyzed by employees of the personnel apparatus of the internal affairs bodies. At the same time, these employees must compare and verify the received data with the application form, autobiography and other documents of the candidate for service. After the inspection is completed, personnel personnel prepare an appropriate conclusion on its results in the prescribed form, after which all inspection materials are reported to the deputy head of the internal affairs body for personnel and educational work (in which it is planned to use the candidate in the future). In the conclusion based on the results of studying the candidate, proposals are made for employment in the internal affairs bodies, appointment to a position or as a trainee by position. The conclusion is signed by the head of the structural unit of the internal affairs body in which the candidate is supposed to be used, by the employee of the personnel apparatus who conducted his study, and is agreed upon with the deputy head of the internal affairs body supervising this structural unit, as well as with the head of the personnel apparatus of the internal affairs body, whose head has right of appointment to a position.

Legislation establishes the obligation of special vocational training or retraining of police officers.

The process of accelerated acquisition of knowledge, skills, habits and norms of behavior necessary to perform official duties Individuals who are hired for the first time to serve in internal affairs bodies as rank-and-file and commanding officers are assigned to a specific position in internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) before independently performing official duties.

Special initial training in training centers The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are carried out sequentially in two stages:

During the probationary period (internship for a position);

After appointment to a position and assignment of a special rank.

The duration of such training is up to 3 months.

Special initial training at the training center is carried out in full-time training or in the form of an external study. The right to study in the form of an external study at the second stage of training is enjoyed by employees who have graduated from educational institutions of higher professional education of a legal profile. Permission to train a student in the form of an external study is given by the head of the internal affairs body (division, institution) based on a reasoned report from the head of the recruiting body. Employees undergoing external training perform duties according to their position in the internal affairs body (division, institution) in the order established by law Russian Federation.

Employees who have higher education and served in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as employees reinstated in service in internal affairs bodies, do not undergo special initial training, but are sent for retraining.

Retraining and advanced training of police officers is carried out in educational institutions of additional professional education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - institutes for advanced training, their branches, advanced training schools, as well as in faculties (courses) for advanced training and retraining of employees of internal affairs bodies. Retraining and advanced training can be carried out in educational institutions not only of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, but also in other federal executive bodies, in training centers, and retraining can also be carried out at the place of service of police officers.

Advanced training for a specific position (specialty) is mandatory at least once every three years.

The organization of training in educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is regulated by the relevant legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Vocational training in educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out in accordance with state educational standards, model curricula and programs of academic disciplines.

The duration of study, depending on the form of study and available education, is up to 5 years in higher educational institutions, and up to 3 years in secondary specialized educational institutions.

Students, cadets, management and teaching staff of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are considered to be serving in the police, and they are subject to relevant legislation.

The structure of educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs includes three universities, five academies and 15 institutes. These educational institutions include 27 branches. In addition, the educational system includes the All-Russian Institute of Advanced Training with three branches, three Suvorov military schools, and two schools of service dog breeding. In 2008, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the federal state educational institution “Grozny Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” (Grozny) was created.

For 10 recent years the number of specialties in which cadets and students are trained has increased from 3 to 19. In full-time, evening and correspondence forms of education at universities, the Ministry of Training carries out 17 specialties of higher professional education. Secondary vocational education specialists are trained in two specialties. Let's list some of them: Jurisprudence, Law enforcement, Forensic examination, Psychology, Finance and credit, Accounting, Organization and technology of information security, Information security of telecommunication systems, Radio engineering, Secure communication systems, Communication networks and switching systems, National economy, Organization management and etc.

Adjuncts and doctors are trained in 32 scientific specialties of postgraduate professional education.

The Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the Saratov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia train specialists in the field of forensic examination. At the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - specialists in fire-technical expertise. At the Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - specialists for State Inspectorate road safety.

Educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia constitute one of the largest departmental systems of professional training in the Russian Federation. Every year, the ministry graduates about 20 thousand certified specialists, including about 8 thousand people in full-time education. Over the past five years, about 57 thousand specialists who graduated from educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia through full-time education have been sent to practical units of internal affairs bodies. Almost 80 thousand specialists with higher education. About 50 percent of graduates are sent to public security police units, more than 35 percent to criminal police units. The total number of employees improving their qualifications and undergoing retraining at universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has doubled, from 10.6 thousand to 21.3 thousand people. This allows us to consistently increase the share of qualified specialists in all services of the internal affairs bodies.

Currently, more than 70 percent of middle and senior management employees of internal affairs bodies are graduates of departmental educational institutions.

Work is underway to create basic universities that coordinate specialized training of specialists in the main areas of activity of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In particular, the Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia will become the basic educational institution for training personnel for investigative units. The Omsk Academy of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs will focus on training specialists in criminal police. The Academy of Economic Security and the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia will train personnel for units to combat economic crimes.

The issue of repurposing educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for training traffic police officers has been resolved. Since 2007, the Oryol Law Institute began coordinating work on methodological support professional training “Activities of traffic police departments.” A faculty for training personnel in the traffic police has been created on the basis of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 2008, the Academy of Economic Security began to teach new specialty- "National economy". On the basis of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in September 2008, the faculty of training specialists for investigation units began to function. Starting from 2009, the list of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia that will begin training investigators within the framework of the specialty “Law Enforcement” will be significantly expanded.

There is a tendency to gradually increase the scientific and pedagogical potential of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Thus, the number of teachers with an academic degree has increased in recent years by 13 percent, scientific titles - by 10 percent. The proportion of teaching staff with an academic degree is 69.3 percent. This is a pretty good indicator, since it is 9.3 percent higher than the established licensing standard.

Currently about 75 percent scientific workers The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia works in the system of departmental higher professional education. There are 590 doctors of science and 2,677 candidates of science working in universities. Only at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia there are 9 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, 16 Honored Lawyers of the Russian Federation, 13 Honored Workers high school RF.

Dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses operate at universities. Universities and scientific institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as a rule, have modern research and experimental facilities and authoritative scientific schools. In 2003-2007, 271 doctoral and 3224 candidate dissertations were defended in the dissertation councils of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. More than 70 percent of dissertation projects were completed by employees of internal affairs bodies and educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The predominant part of research is focused on developing new methods for solving crimes and increasing the effectiveness of preventing illegal actions.

Every year, more than 2 thousand scientific developments are carried out in all areas of scientific support for the activities of internal affairs bodies, internal troops and universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The number of research projects to improve the activities of practical bodies and carried out on their orders is increasing. For example, in 2007, 25 percent of dissertations were devoted to the development of new methods for solving and investigating crimes, preventing and suppressing illegal actions. All of them were successfully protected.

In the process of improving the departmental education system, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs places emphasis on the widespread use of innovative educational and information technologies. Active forms of learning such as training and simulation of future professional activities during practical classes are effectively used. The Unified Information and Telecommunication System (hereinafter UITCS) is increasingly being used by internal affairs agencies. Leading specialists from departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and internal affairs bodies conduct problem-oriented training for employees of the main services and divisions of internal affairs bodies and teachers of educational institutions in new ways and techniques of fighting crime. Currently, there are 20 educational institutions and 16 vocational training centers operating in this system. In 2008 alone, more than 10 thousand employees of various internal affairs bodies were able to improve their skills with its help. job categories 30 subjects of the Russian Federation. The use of EITKS allowed saving more than 50 million rubles of budget funds.

The rise in crime poses a serious threat to the security of the state and society. New types of crimes against property, the spread of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, an increase in the number of terrorist incidents and economic crimes are a reality. Therefore, a high level of professionalism of employees of internal affairs bodies is a necessary condition for effectively combating crime.

Recruitment for study at departmental educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has its own characteristics. For example, the beginning of such work is announced by order of the minister. It is carried out according to the regional principle of recruitment. A boy or girl who decides to enroll in one of the universities of this system will not go to the other end of the country. They will be offered education at the educational institution closest to their home and family. In addition to many other advantages, this allows you to avoid spending money on travel to and from your place of study and thus save considerable budgetary funds. On the other hand, it facilitates practical interaction between educational institutions and internal affairs bodies. Interaction is also necessary because, essentially, in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, a university graduate will be assigned to serve in the internal affairs body that sent him to study. Another difference is that as part of the selection for study, a psychological examination is carried out, the level of physical fitness of the applicant is checked, and it is found out whether he has had problems with complying with the law.

Rules for admission to universities and conditions for studying in them are posted in all available media and the Internet. Open Days are held regularly. “Direct” ones work telephone lines. All educational institutions organize preparatory courses for candidates for study in disciplines that are taken for entrance examinations.

When affecting the educational process in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as in any other educational process, practice plays a significant role. As a rule, in all higher educational institutions it exists in three forms: introductory, for obtaining first professional skills and pre-diploma. There is another type in the departmental system of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. We are talking about the practice when cadets and students, in their free time from classes, are involved in events conducted by internal affairs bodies and directly related to their future activities. Thus, they actively participate in maintaining public order, ensure public safety of citizens during mass public events, elections, sports and holiday events. At the same time, they provide law enforcement agencies with tangible practical assistance. For example, over the past three years, they have detained more than ten thousand people for committing various administrative offenses - a significant contribution to the protection of public order.

One of the important problems personnel work in organizations when attracting personnel - adaptation management.

Adaptation is a mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, based on the employee’s gradual adaptation to new professional, social, organizational and economic working conditions.

When a person starts work, he is included in the system of intra-organizational relations, occupying several positions in it simultaneously. Each position corresponds to a set of requirements, norms, rules of behavior that determine the social role of a person in a team as an employee, colleague, subordinate, manager, member of a collective governing body, public organization, etc. A person occupying each of these positions is expected to behave in accordance with it.

The process of mutual adjustment, or labor adaptation, the employee and the organization will be the more successful, the more the norms and values ​​of the team are or become the norms and values ​​of the individual employee, the faster and better he accepts and assimilates his social roles a team. There are two areas of adaptation:

Primary, i.e. adaptation of young employees who have no professional experience (usually we're talking about in this case, about graduates of educational institutions of various levels);

Secondary, i.e. adaptation of employees who have experience in professional activities (as a rule, changing the object of activity or their professional role, for example, moving to the rank of manager).

In theoretical and practical terms, several aspects of adaptation are highlighted:

Psychophysiological - adaptation to new physical and psychological stress, physiological working conditions;

Socio-psychological - adaptation to a relatively new society, norms of behavior and relationships in a new team;

Professional - gradual development of work abilities (professional skills, additional knowledge, cooperation skills, etc.);

Organizational - mastering the role and organizational status of the workplace and department in the general organizational structure, as well as an understanding of the characteristics of organizational and economic mechanism company management.

The success of adaptation depends on a number of conditions, the main ones being:

High-quality level of work on professional orientation of potential employees;

Objectivity of business assessment of personnel (both during selection and in the process of labor adaptation of employees);

The maturity of the organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process;

The prestige and attractiveness of the profession, work in a certain specialty in this particular organization;

Peculiarities of work organization that implement the employee’s motivational attitudes;

Availability of a proven system for introducing innovations;

Flexibility of the personnel training system operating within the organization;

Features of the socio-psychological climate that has developed in the team;

Personal properties of the employee being adapted, related to his psychological traits, age, marital status, etc.

Vocational guidance is a system of measures that includes the provision of information and advice necessary for a person to choose a profession that best suits his personal abilities and characteristics, as well as those required in the labor market.

According to research by V.V. Travina, incomplete use of an employee’s capabilities in work activities harms not only his own development, but also results in a loss for the organization. Gap between training and content labor functions performed by an employee, reduces his interest in work and efficiency, which ultimately leads to a drop in productivity, a deterioration in the quality of the organization’s activities and, in some cases, to the dysfunction of the institution.

Vocational education is the initial vocational training of schoolchildren, carried out through labor lessons, physical culture, organization of clubs, special lessons on the basics of various professional activities, initial professional training of students, listeners and cadets of educational institutions, etc. Vocational education is based on professional information - a system of measures to familiarize students with job seekers with the situation in the field of supply and demand in the labor market, prospects for the development of activities, the nature of work in the main professions and specialties, conditions and remuneration, vocational educational institutions and personnel training centers, as well as other issues of obtaining a profession and ensuring employment.

A special place is given to professional consultation - the purpose of which is to assist interested people in choosing a profession and place of work by studying the personality of the person seeking advice in order to identify the state of his health, the direction and structure of abilities, interests and other factors influencing the choice of profession or the direction of retraining .

In general, career guidance work is aimed at ensuring the employee’s successful adaptation to future activities. This can be facilitated by the prestige and attractiveness of a profession or specialty in various social groups ah, for the individual. Prestige characterizes the assessment of any type of activity in accordance with the scale of values ​​​​accepted in society. Attractiveness determines the desirability of acquiring a profession or specialty by a particular potential employee. The higher the prestige and attractiveness of a profession, the stronger the employee’s desire to adapt to it. It should be borne in mind that the prestige and attractiveness of a job may be associated with the authority and popularity of a particular organization. She is able to form a positive image of herself in the eyes of potential employees in the process of career guidance work.

Considering the tasks of career guidance, researchers note a very important task that takes place in our time - this is the ability to respond to rapid structural changes in employment. Russia's diverse economy provides an opportunity for workers with different abilities and interests to find their place in the workforce. According to E.V. Maslov, ideally, job cuts should be carried out only when conditions have been created for retraining the laid-off workers, taking into account the motivational mechanism for choosing a profession, when programs to create new jobs in areas of priority for society begin to operate.

From this we can conclude that as long as management workers will not perceive career guidance as a method of regulating supply work force, they will experience economic and psychological difficulties.

Thus, personnel policy is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods and forms, an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at maintaining, strengthening and developing human resources, to create a responsible and highly productive cohesive structural unit capable of promptly responding to the constantly changing requirements of our time, taking into account the organization’s development strategy. Personnel policy must be integrated with management, financial, and production policies. The functioning of the entire structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and its each component, as well as the entire state as a whole, depends on the quality of personnel policy. It is necessary to find the right solutions to the current situation, make the right decisions, reform in a timely manner, introduce effective innovations and innovations, eliminate gaps in the legislation on service in the internal affairs bodies, use the positive and take into account the negative experience of both domestic and foreign countries.

Editorial team. “The results have been summed up. The tasks have been defined.” Journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Police", March 2009

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993 (including amendments, introduced by Laws RF on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008 N 6-FKZ, dated December 30, 2008 N 7-FKZ

International Covenant of December 16, 1966 “On Civil and Political Rights”

UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/2200 (XXI) of 19 December 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Resolution No. 7-P of June 6, 1995 in the case of verifying the constitutionality of paragraph two of part seven of Article 19 of the RSFSR Law of April 18, 1991 “On the Police” in connection with the complaint of citizen V.M. Minakova

Convention No. 111 International organization Labor “Regarding discrimination in the field of work and occupation” (Adopted in Geneva on June 25, 1958 at the 42nd session of the ILO General Conference)

The federal law dated May 31, 2002 N 62-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2008) “On citizenship of the Russian Federation” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on April 19, 2002)

Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ (as amended on December 25, 2008) “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on July 7, 2004)

Important state tasks, solved by the management system of internal affairs bodies, are improving personnel policy, increasing the efficiency of training qualified personnel in the internal affairs bodies.

Personnel policy in internal affairs bodies, as well as the civil service in the law enforcement sphere, cannot be considered in isolation from the civil service and personnel policy of the Russian Federation. It represents " component state personnel policy".

Personnel work in internal affairs bodies is a responsible and multifaceted area of ​​activity that requires a comprehensive solution of managerial, economic, social, moral, legal, psychological and other problems. One of the main indicators of the organization of personnel work is its systematic nature, therefore it should be built taking into account the need to maintain a balance of interests of employees, on the one hand, and the internal affairs bodies as a whole, on the other. All this ensures the effective implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of the employee as a professional, citizen and individual in unity with the interests of the internal affairs bodies.

Practice shows that the lack of professionalism exhibited by some employees of internal affairs bodies, their disdain for the letter of the law, leads to the population creating negative stereotypes of attitudes towards the entire system of internal affairs bodies, including the possibility of establishing a regime of legality and the principles of personal inviolability , protection of her honor and dignity.

For example, indicators such as weak staffing of a department of the internal affairs body, insufficient qualifications, and lack of professionalism are the cause of violations of the law and official discipline in general.

It is worth noting that the primary structural element of any social system is a person, and the process social management- is a collection of concerted efforts of individual people. Therefore, in the field of activity government agencies The problem of “people in the control system” is one of the most important and complex. As G.A. correctly noted at one time. Tumanov, “essentially, this is a problem of personnel policy, scientifically based and effective work with personnel.”

The concept of “personnel of internal affairs bodies” is characterized by the presence of special qualities acquired by employees of internal affairs bodies - professional abilities. They are formed both in the process of professional training and during long-term specialization in a particular field. official activities and the presence of permanent legal status in a specific internal affairs body in accordance with the prescribed position.

Personnel policy in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out in order to form professional staff personnel, preservation, reproduction, strengthening, development, rational and effective use personnel potential of internal affairs bodies in the interests of operational activities.

The direction, content and nature of the personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are determined by the following factors:

  • 1) strict resource, including financial, restrictions on the ongoing reform of internal affairs bodies;
  • 2) a difficult crime situation, changes in the qualitative characteristics of crime;
  • 3) increasing threat of man-made emergency situations;
  • 4) a decrease in the prestige of service in the internal affairs bodies, the level of material security and social protection of employees of internal affairs bodies, persons dismissed from service, and members of their families, as well as employees of internal affairs bodies and civilian personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • 5) a decrease in the level of professional training of personnel, erosion of the personnel core of internal affairs bodies;
  • 6) deterioration in the quality characteristics of candidates for service in internal affairs bodies;
  • 7) the protracted process of forming a new regulatory legal framework for the activities of internal affairs bodies.

Most full definition State personnel policy of internal affairs bodies is given by L.M. Kolodkin: “Personnel policy is a complex, multifactorial and multi-tiered system. It objectively includes all personnel of internal affairs bodies, the system and culture of their relationships and interactions, the moral and psychological climate, the moral character of this specific group of civil servants, traditions and legal norms of activity, the general and legal culture of personnel. This is the final result, the content of the personnel policy, and the most important condition for its successful implementation.”

A.N. Pozdnyshev defines the personnel policy of internal affairs bodies as “the strategy of constitutional state bodies for the formation, development and rational use of the personnel potential of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the interests of ensuring public security of the state. The personnel policy of internal affairs bodies includes a system of scientific and theoretical knowledge, ideas, views, principles, relationships aimed at establishing goals, objectives, and a set of organizational and practical measures that ensure the development of forms, methods, mechanisms, technologies for selection, distribution, evaluation , motivation for the effective professional use of specialists, formulation of professional requirements for employees of internal affairs bodies.”

The goal of the personnel policy of the internal affairs bodies is the formation of a highly professional, stable, optimally balanced personnel corps capable of effectively solving law enforcement tasks assigned to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs by society and the state.

The exceptional importance of achieving the stated goal is determined by the fact that the solution to the entire range of problems in ensuring law and order and security, the prestige and authority of internal affairs bodies in society largely depend on the level of professionalism and competence, discipline and legality, and work ethics of employees.

This approach served as the dominant approach in developing the conceptual framework for improving work with personnel in internal affairs bodies, which, in turn, was included as an independent section in the Concept of personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in internal affairs bodies (for the period until 2020):

  • 1) personnel policy in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia should be uniform for all internal affairs bodies;
  • 2) the entire system of working with personnel should be built taking into account the need to maintain a balance of the rights and interests of the employee, on the one hand, and the department, on the other;
  • 3) personnel policy in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is an integral part of the state personnel policy and an instrument for its implementation. Work with personnel is designed to ensure the implementation of the latter in the internal affairs bodies.

The following can be identified as priority areas of personnel policy in internal affairs bodies:

  • - ensuring the quality of personnel by staffing internal affairs bodies with highly qualified specialists, mainly graduates of departmental educational institutions, who meet state requirements and public expectations, who are capable and ready to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens and combat crime;
  • - updating the personnel of internal affairs bodies, ensuring continuity of service experience through high-quality selection of citizens to serve in internal affairs bodies, optimal placement of personnel in positions, taking into account existing professional qualifications, personal qualities and abilities;
  • - adoption of a set of measures to stabilize the professional staff of internal affairs bodies, reduce staff turnover, retain experienced specialists in the service, as well as graduates of departmental educational institutions, stimulate long-term service of employees mainly until they reach the length of service that gives the right to a pension;
  • - creation of an effective personnel planning system associated with the design of the organizational structure of internal affairs bodies, calculation and distribution of staffing levels using scientifically based methods and results of monitoring the personnel situation;
  • - ensuring the recruitment, training and effective use of the multi-level personnel reserve of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, ensuring an extremely high degree of preparation of candidates for appointment higher positions, wide application the practice of appointing employees to higher positions primarily from the personnel reserve;
  • - formation of a system of professional orientation and selection for service in internal affairs bodies, designed to ensure the attraction of the most intellectually developed and physically prepared candidates who meet state requirements.

There are several directions for implementing personnel policy. Most scientists give preference to optimizing personnel training for the public service.

The professionalism of an employee is “not only high labor efficiency, but also the presence of psychological components - a person’s internal attitude to work, the state of his mental qualities.” Therefore, when assessing the professionalism of an employee, what matters is what motivates a person in the profession, what value guidelines he comes from.

Professional training in the civil service system can be characterized as “the process of civil servants mastering a specific type of professional activity, acquiring the required personal characteristics, as well as internal readiness to perform official tasks at the proper level.”

The system of training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants is designed to increase efficiency government controlled. It can solve this problem only by training civil servants whose professional level meets the qualification requirements for the relevant government positions.

However, we believe that this is not the only and far from exhaustive direction. The solution to this problem is directly related to such an area as the formation of a personnel reserve.

Forming a reserve is a complex and lengthy process. It represents “a priority direction of the state personnel policy and is an element of the mechanism for its implementation. Preparing a reserve for the civil service is a necessary condition for continuity in the development of the personnel corps, which, in turn, ensures the stability of the entire state.”

Work with employees included in the reserve is usually carried out according to a plan that provides for “specific measures to acquire the necessary theoretical and practical skills.”

A.N. Pozdnyshev proposes to begin improving the professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies by improving educational system in the field of public service. And the starting point should be the creation of a unified federal education management body specifically in the field of public service. It is advisable to begin reforming the education system of civil servants with the introduction of a state order mechanism. Fundamental changes in the functioning of internal affairs bodies, a sharp complication of law enforcement activities, and the internationalization of the criminal environment determine the need to improve departmental education, first of all, managerial personnel as a priority in organizing the fight against crime and ensuring public safety. The role of the educational system is also influenced by the factor of equipping internal affairs bodies with new special means and weapons; changes in the nature of actions in emergency situations and combat tactics during special operations lead to an increase in the requirements for professional training of employees of the internal affairs agency.

In our opinion, it is more expedient to develop the improvement of the system of training and retraining of personnel for internal affairs bodies in the following directions:

  • 1. Forecasting the staffing needs of various structural divisions of internal affairs bodies and, consequently, the need for relevant educational services.
  • 2. Assessing the capabilities of educational institutions in implementing the scope and objectives of training.
  • 3. Development of areas of training and retraining, creation curricula and programs taking into account job levels, types of activities, and industry specifics.

At the same time, these measures should be considered as additional to a more significant problem - the development of a unified concept of personnel training and uniform requirements for the content of vocational education.

Thus, at the end of this paragraph we conclude that the personnel function in the internal affairs bodies performs the task social security management systems and processes in the field of maintaining public order, ensuring public safety, and fighting crime through the inclusion of people who meet certain requirements in the implementation of official functions within specific internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and their structural divisions.

Recognition of the human factor as a key resource of internal affairs bodies involves the use of a strategic approach to the formation, mastery and development of professional abilities of employees in positions of the state law enforcement service in internal affairs bodies, services and institutions in order to achieve sustainable results of their official activities in the difficult operating conditions that characterize modern operational the law and order situation.

Primary, i.e. adaptation of young employees who do not have professional experience (as a rule, in this case we are talking about graduates of educational institutions of various levels);

Secondary, i.e. adaptation of employees who have experience in professional activities (as a rule, changing the object of activity or their professional role, for example, moving to the rank of manager).

In theoretical and practical terms, several aspects of adaptation are highlighted:

Psychophysiological - adaptation to new physical and psychological stress, physiological working conditions;

Socio-psychological - adaptation to a relatively new society, norms of behavior and relationships in a new team;

Professional - gradual development of work abilities (professional skills, additional knowledge, cooperation skills, etc.);

Organizational - mastering the role and organizational status of the workplace and division in the overall organizational structure, as well as understanding the features of the organizational and economic mechanism of company management.

The success of adaptation depends on a number of conditions, the main ones being:

High-quality level of work on professional orientation of potential employees;

Objectivity of business assessment of personnel (both during selection and in the process of labor adaptation of employees);

The maturity of the organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process;

The prestige and attractiveness of the profession, work in a certain specialty in this particular organization;

Peculiarities of work organization that implement the employee’s motivational attitudes;

Availability of a proven system for introducing innovations;

Flexibility of the personnel training system operating within the organization;

Features of the socio-psychological climate that has developed in the team;

Personal properties of the employee being adapted, related to his psychological traits, age, marital status, etc.

Vocational guidance is a system of measures that includes the provision of information and advice necessary for a person to choose a profession that best suits his personal abilities and characteristics, as well as what is required in the labor market 1 .

According to research by V.V. Travina 2, incomplete use of an employee’s capabilities in work activities harms not only his own development, but also results in a loss for the organization. The gap between professional training and the content of labor functions performed by an employee reduces his interest in work and efficiency, which ultimately leads to a drop in productivity, a deterioration in the quality of the organization’s activities and, in some cases, to the dysfunction of the institution.

Vocational education is the initial vocational training of schoolchildren, carried out through labor lessons, physical education, the organization of clubs, special lessons on the basics of various professional activities, initial vocational training of students, listeners and cadets of educational institutions, etc. Vocational education is based on professional information - a system of measures to familiarize students and job seekers with the situation in the field of supply and demand in the labor market, prospects for the development of activities, the nature of work in the main professions and specialties, conditions and remuneration, vocational educational institutions and personnel training centers, as well as with other issues of obtaining a profession and ensuring employment.

A special place is given to professional consultation - the purpose of which is to assist interested people in choosing a profession and place of work by studying the personality of the person seeking advice in order to identify the state of his health, the direction and structure of abilities, interests and other factors influencing the choice of profession or the direction of retraining .

In general, career guidance work is aimed at ensuring the employee’s successful adaptation to future activities. This can be facilitated by the prestige and attractiveness of a profession or specialty in various social groups for an individual. Prestige characterizes the assessment of any type of activity in accordance with the scale of values ​​​​accepted in society. Attractiveness determines the desirability of acquiring a profession or specialty by a particular potential employee. The higher the prestige and attractiveness of a profession, the stronger the employee’s desire to adapt to it. It should be borne in mind that the prestige and attractiveness of a job may be associated with the authority and popularity of a particular organization. She is able to form a positive image of herself in the eyes of potential employees in the process of career guidance work.

Considering the tasks of career guidance, researchers note a very important task that takes place in our time - this is the ability to respond to rapid structural changes in employment. Russia's diverse economy provides an opportunity for workers with different abilities and interests to find their place in the workforce. According to E.V. Maslov 1, ideally, job reductions should be carried out only when conditions are created for retraining of laid-off workers, taking into account the motivational mechanism for choosing a profession, when programs to create new jobs in areas of priority for society 2 begin to operate.

From this we can conclude that until managerial workers accept career guidance as a method of regulating labor supply, they will experience economic and psychological difficulties.

According to R.L. Krichevsky 1, the mechanism for managing career guidance is a way of organizing interrelated processes of forming the personality of an employee with competitive qualities, and includes vocational training, education, counseling, selection, training and adaptation of the employee.

    organizational and administrative - direct administrative instructions, regulatory regulation;

    economic - activation of the motivational mechanism of remuneration;

    socio-psychological - the formation of efficient work teams with a healthy psychological climate.

Thus, the high-quality level of career guidance work is one of the conditions for successful labor adaptation of employees. Career guidance, including career information and career counseling, allows you to form relationships between employees and organizations at the stages preceding direct adaptation. Carrying out various forms of career guidance helps ensure the greatest combination of the requirements of the profession and personality traits. When a person starts work, he is included in the system of intra-organizational relations, occupying several positions in it simultaneously. Each position corresponds to a set of requirements, norms, rules of behavior that determine the social role of a person in a team as an employee, colleague, subordinate, manager, member of a management body, etc. A person occupying each of these positions is expected to behave in accordance with it.

It has become a pattern that every employee, from the first day of service in the internal affairs bodies and until retirement, is in the field of view of the personnel apparatus. And this is correct, because the guarantee of the success of any work is the people who perform it. That is why the Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is consistently improving the system of selection and placement of personnel of internal affairs bodies.

Currently, a solid personnel base of service teams consisting of highly professional specialists has been formed, and a reserve has been created for appointment to higher positions. In general, the internal affairs bodies are almost 96 percent staffed 1 (see Table 1 “Information on staffing levels and shortages”).

In 2008, 16.1 thousand more people were hired than fired. This dynamic has continued for the past eight years. In addition, recently there have been gradual qualitative changes in the professional core of internal affairs bodies. More and more employees with higher and secondary specialized education are joining the service. And the number of specialists with a legal education in leading services increased by 7-8 percent in 2007. Thus, in the investigative apparatus their share was 85.5 percent, in the criminal investigation department - 63.4 percent. The number of employees with more than 10 years of service has increased by 15 percent since 2001 and reached 40 percent of the payroll.

Table 1

Information on staffing levels and shortages,

selectively 2007-2009

Name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Department of Internal Affairs

Rank and command staff






Feder. budget


Feder. budget


by negative basics








up to a year




As of February, for incomplete 2009

Total in Russia

Russia (Ministry of Internal Affairs - Department of Internal Affairs)

Central Federal District

Moscow region

Tambov region

As of December 2008

Total in Russia

Russia (Ministry of Internal Affairs - Department of Internal Affairs)

Central Federal District

Moscow region

Tambov region

As of December 2007

Total in Russia

Russia (Ministry of Internal Affairs - Department of Internal Affairs)

Central Federal District

Moscow region

Tambov region

However, a number of unresolved problems remain. Staff turnover increased compared to the same period last year – from 6.9 to 7.6 percent. The situation in leading services is of particular concern. In 2007, 10.4 percent of employees left the investigative apparatus, more than 8 percent left the BEP and criminal investigation departments.

Assessing the situation in the regions, it should be noted that the shortage of staff at the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Volgograd region tripled - to 8.8 percent, in the Main Internal Affairs Directorate in the Samara region - two and a half times (up to 7.3 percent), in the Internal Affairs Directorate in Tomsk region- doubled (up to 6.8 percent), in the Department of Internal Affairs for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - more than one and a half times (up to 7.3 percent).

The problem of selecting candidates for service is very acute. The moral qualities, level of education, degree of psychological stability and physical training of employees of internal affairs bodies often do not meet modern requirements. More than two thirds of candidates cannot undergo a medical examination because their health condition does not meet established standards. Approximately 15 percent are recognized by military medical commissions as unfit for service. This state of affairs cannot but worry!

As for the deferment for conscripts, from January 1, 2008, it is provided only to those who graduated from an educational institution of higher professional education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and continued to serve in the internal affairs bodies. All other employees of internal affairs bodies of military age may be called up for compulsory military service. In this regard, the pace of filling positions of ordinary and junior command staff of internal affairs bodies is slowing down. Therefore, we have to look for new methods and forms of attracting young people to the service.

The selection and placement of leading personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate and the Internal Affairs Directorate is undoubtedly one of the most difficult areas in the work of the Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The appointment of professionally trained leaders with organizational skills to these positions directly affects the work of the internal affairs bodies as a whole.

In 2007, a total of 222 managers were appointed. In January 2008, 76 positions in the management of territorial internal affairs bodies remained vacant. In some regions, this situation has become chronic. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kalmykia, for example, for 4 years they could not find a Deputy Minister for Economic Security and Logistics. About 10 candidates were rejected. Until now, it has not been possible to correct the situation in the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Tyumen Region, where 4 positions of deputy chiefs were vacant. Despite the fact that in 2007 5 deputy ministers of internal affairs were appointed for the Republic of Ingushetia, the post of deputy for economic security has remained vacant for more than 2 years. Naturally, such precedents have an extremely negative impact on the operational activities of internal affairs bodies. As a result, at the end of last year they were forced to introduce strict time frames for considering such issues. To approve candidates for the position of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the Internal Affairs Directorate, 2 weeks are given. Moreover, regardless of the level of coordination - both in the offices of authorized representatives and in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. This measure has already produced tangible results. Currently, all positions of the Ministers of Internal Affairs and all postal chiefs of the Main Department of Internal Affairs and the Department of Internal Affairs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are staffed.

It has been repeatedly said that there is no real personnel reserve. The point is not only in the number of candidates for 1st place, but also in their real managerial potential. However, the lists still include people who are not capable of leading responsible areas of work. Managers at all levels need to pay serious attention to this problem - to create a reserve for nomination more carefully and justifiably. Candidates for appointment to leadership positions to one or another Ministry of Internal Affairs-Internal Affairs Directorate. Moreover, not only from local personnel, but also from employees from other regions.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated October 13, 2007 No. 1218 l/s approved a reserve for appointment to management positions. However, the situation does not inspire optimism. Suffice it to say that in 2007, only 36.6 percent of managers were appointed from the reserve. It is necessary to ensure that the reserve works in practice, and does not remain, as often happened before, mostly only on paper.

Another important measure to improve the quality of internal affairs bodies is the certification of personnel. In 2007, 64 heads of the nomenklatura of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia were certified. 60 of them were recognized as appropriate for their positions, 2 - appropriate subject to improvement of work and implementation of the recommendations of the certification commission within 6 months, and another 2 - not appropriate for their positions.

Despite the fact that the personnel situation as a whole is controlled quite high level, the speed of adoption is often lacking management decisions to stabilize the situation on the ground. A telegram with a demand to increase personal demand from managers for personnel work was sent to the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate only in November 2007. In 2007, OPPS employees traveled to the regions 77 times. However, the results of these business trips, unfortunately, had low practical impact, as evidenced by empty, formal reports on the work done. It is necessary to strengthen control not only over the preparation of employees for business trips, but also over the quality of reports. All this is of paramount importance for a real understanding of the personnel situation in the field 1.

Thus, personnel policy is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods and forms, an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing personnel potential, at creating a responsible and highly productive cohesive structural unit capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly the changing requirements of our time, taking into account the development strategy of the organization. Personnel policy must be integrated with management, financial, and production policies. The functioning of the entire structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and its each component, as well as the entire state as a whole, depends on the quality of personnel policy. It is necessary to find the right solutions to the current situation, make the right decisions, reform in a timely manner, introduce effective innovations and innovations, eliminate gaps in the legislation on service in the internal affairs bodies, use the positive and take into account the negative experience of both domestic and foreign countries.

1 Editorial Board. “The results have been summed up. The tasks have been defined.” Journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Police", March 2009

1 The Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993 (taking into account amendments made by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008 N 6-FKZ, dated December 30, 2008 N 7-FKZ

2 International Covenant of December 16, 1966 “On Civil and Political Rights”

Yuzikhanova Elvira Gumerovna, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Operational Search Activities and Operational Technical Measures of Internal Affairs Bodies of the Federal State Educational Institution of Education and Science "Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation", Tyumen [email protected]

Formation of personnel policy of internal affairs bodies

Abstract. The article discusses the main directions of formation of personnel policy of internal affairs bodies. An important role is given to the system of moral and psychological support for the operational activities of personnel.

Key words: personnel policy, management, discipline, team, system, leader, subordinate, management style, society, requirements, internal affairs bodies. Section: (03) philosophy; sociology; political science; jurisprudence; scientific studies.

In terms of its functions in the state and society, the police (formerly the militia) were and are among the significant social groups and state institutions. The personnel policy pursued in the internal affairs bodies is a reflection of the socio-political situation that has developed in the country at one or another historical stage. Currently, the problem of personnel selection is very relevant for internal affairs bodies. According to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Police Lieutenant General Vladimir Kolokoltsev, human factor will always be fundamental. Consequently, the task of further updating the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is to significantly increase average level police personnel, what is called “quality standards”. An important role here belongs to the system of moral and psychological support for the operational activities of personnel. It includes professional psychological selection of candidates for service, psychological examination of employees upon enrollment in the reserve for appointment to management positions, and a number of other areas. However, problems of personnel training and selection remain. A positive image of a Russian policeman cannot develop on its own. An image is a secondary phenomenon; it is formed only if there is real content behind it. Like any social process, personnel policy lies in the formation of performance criteria social development society, identifying the emerging in it social problems, development and application of methods for solving them, in achieving the planned states and parameters of social relations and processes. Management must ensure balance in the managed system, the solution of social problems that have arisen as a result of unfounded economic decisions, aggravation of the political situation, natural disasters and other reasons. In Russia, in its current state, there are largely no conditions for systemic orientation of management decisions. One of the obstacles is the lack of clarity of the relationship between situational and systematic in management. The desire to respond to each new “turn” or “reversal” (change in vision) of the situation in an adequate way leads to the fact that the manager is forced to make more and more new decisions that contradict the previous ones. He actually ceases to control events, acts passively, submitting to the prevailing circumstances, in other words, he works in fire brigade mode, endlessly “patching holes” instead of preventing them. Each team must clearly understand the purpose of its activities, around which the unification takes place of people. For the sake of achieving it, the team is organized and has governing bodies. The need for coordination and management of production processes creates administrative structure, in which team members are arranged according to levels (lines) of leadership. In this structure, the main division of people is into managers and subordinates. Although the managers themselves usually act as subordinates of their superiors, in relation to their subordinates they have the right to give orders that are mandatory for execution at a lower level. It is known from practice that the rhythmic and precise work of individual team members can only be ensured by the ability of employees of the management apparatus to use the powers given to them for organization and coordination production process and increasing the creative activity of the masses. Functionally determined differences between members of the team and relationships of “responsible dependence” are secured by statutory provisions and official instructions, which formalize mutual rights and obligations. Discipline plays an important role in the strict fulfillment of production duties and orders of senior managers - one of the conditions for successful progress towards the intended goal. That is why at the first stage of the formation of a team, a leader can use a directive management style. This style is characterized by the fact that the leader himself makes demands on his subordinates and strictly monitors the implementation of given orders. By encouraging and punishing subordinates, he thereby takes full responsibility for the decisions made. The second stage is characterized by the determination of the personal positions of each member. Based on mutual psychological attractions (sympathies) and common interests, microgroups are formed. A group with performance psychology may be formed. Those included in it are aware of the need for discipline and order and conscientiously carry out assignments, but they do not show initiative and strive to work without overloading themselves. If the leader is passive, a group may form that includes undisciplined, overly ambitious and vain people. The influence of such a group will reduce the productivity of collective activity and negatively affect the moral and psychological climate of the entire team. It should be noted that the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has organized constant monitoring of the state of official discipline and legality. All possible sources of information are used, every high-profile offense is tracked, and it is given a principled and strict assessment. The task of the leader at this stage will be to create a core of like-minded people. Psychologists have long established that if demands come from the manager, then they are perceived by subordinates as external. If they are put forward and supported by their own comrades, then the team considers such demands as their own and they have a much stronger influence on the individual. After creating a core of like-minded people, the leader begins to move from a directive management style to a collegial (democratic) one, which is marked by the desire to put the team on the table as as many questions as possible. The third stage of team development is characterized by the gradual emergence of intellectual, emotional and volitional unity. Intellectual unity is determined by the awareness of all members about the capabilities of the team, mutual understanding (psychological compatibility) in the process of activity, the desire to find a common language, unity of opinions. Emotional unity is distinguished by an atmosphere of empathy by all employees for events occurring in the team and outside it, concern for the fate of comrades, and sensitivity in relation to them. Not a single person in such a team feels isolated and defenseless; everyone is confident that he will not be left alone in trouble. Unity of will is manifested in the team’s ability to overcome emerging difficulties, obstacles and complete what they started, as well as in the ability of everyone to subordinate personal interests to public ones. Thus Thus, at this stage, relations of comradely cooperation and mutual assistance are finally established in the team. This is especially facilitated by the communication of people outside the production sphere, for example, joint leisure activities. At the third stage, not only the manager, but also all employees feel responsible for the activities of the entire team. At this stage, the manager completely switches to a democratic management style and, while conducting business meetings, tries, together with employees, to find optimal solutions to production and other problems. The leader begins to act not as standing above the team, but as an equal member of it, endowed with leadership functions. If at the first stage the leader is perceived by subordinates as a force external to them, then at the third stage he acts as an authoritative representative and spokesman for the interests of the team.

The problem of implementing the presented control models human resource is primarily due to the decline in the prestige of service in the internal affairs bodies, which is also reflected in the work with personnel. The desire for formal staffing has led in a number of departments to an unreasonable reduction in the level of requirements for candidates for service in internal affairs bodies. The indicators of operational activities of departments and services of internal affairs bodies, the increase in the efficiency of their activities in modern conditions are determined not so much by the quantitative composition of employees (workers ) internal affairs bodies, how much their quality, organization of human resource management - from planning the need for qualified specialists, their training, career development to systematic replacement and dismissal. During their official career, employees of internal affairs bodies go through certain stages of professional development: from trainee to professional .These stages are associated with the process of mastering and improving the knowledge and skills required when working in a police department, applying the acquired knowledge in leadership activities and transferring the accumulated experience to the younger generation. Each of the stages professional development has its own distinctive features. Knowledge of these features will ensure the improvement of personnel management. When hiring employees to serve in the police, one should take into account both the capabilities of candidates, their individuality, personal interest in the nature of the work, and the characteristics of their intended position and functions performed. This is necessary, first of all, to ensure that the service of a law enforcement officer meets his aspirations and contributes to the development of his abilities. When selecting and recruiting new employees to serve in the police, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of such qualities that will help them become good police officers: honesty, integrity , certain ethical and moral principles, etc. In addition to the initially inherent qualities, during the course of his official activities, a police officer acquires other traits that help him become a professional. These include: 1. Enthusiasm. A police officer must believe in the significance of his work, no matter how routine or difficult it may be. Working together with such a policeman, you can feel the energy that comes from him. Such a policeman not only performs the task assigned to him well, but also “puts” his soul and heart into its implementation. 2. Good communication skills. A policeman with this ability can not only speak well, but also listen, and he hears not only the words, but also the emotional coloring of the interlocutor’s speech. In addition, he knows how to notice and correctly interpret body language and body language. He easily establishes contacts with people of any social level. Such a policeman, as a rule, clearly expresses his thoughts in writing, which guarantees high-quality reporting. In addition, he makes a pleasant impression when communicating with citizens and representatives of other law enforcement agencies. The ability to communicate and competently express one's thoughts is usually highly valued by management and colleagues. 3. Judgment (sanity). Police officers with this quality are able to make intelligent decisions based on an understanding of all the problems that arise. This quality is considered as one of the manifestations of intelligence. However, here it is necessary to distinguish between the features of the psychological process. You can have high intelligence, but not be reasonable, or vice versa, without being an intellectual, have certain analytical abilities that help solve complex problems. 4.Knowledge of work. An employee must have a clear understanding of the significance of the tasks he performs for the law enforcement system and society as a whole, know how to perform certain duties on the basis of regulatory documents and their practical implementation, and act in accordance with the requirements of his leadership. 5.Perseverance and perseverance. Police officers who possess these qualities focus on their goals and continue to act until they are achieved. They overcome obstacles that stand in the way of solving a problem, and mistakes are considered as acquired experience. 6. The pursuit of knowledge. To perform your job duties with maximum efficiency, you must be a well-educated specialist. Accordingly, many police officers continue to study both on the job and in their free time. Acquisition necessary knowledge when learning on the job, in the process of sharing experience with colleagues, it always leads to a positive result. There are a number of other qualities, the presence or formation of which will allow, to a certain extent, to improve the activities of law enforcement officers. This includes a sense of humor and a creative approach that allows one to understand the position of another person, initiative, which consists of an active attitude towards the duties performed. High self-esteem enables police officers to be confident and perform difficult tasks. Courage, tolerance, perseverance and perseverance allow you to focus on your goals until they are achieved. The personnel policy of the internal affairs bodies is faced with the problem of creating the image of a new police officer, since under the influence of the media a negative stereotype of a policeman has taken root in people’s minds. The Ministry, based on the results of the analysis, took a number of organizational and legal measures to increase the level of education of employees of internal affairs bodies. Issues of professional training were rethought. Over the course of several years, a positive trend has emerged in almost all services and divisions of the internal affairs bodies to strengthen the professional core. However, there is still a need for employees with higher legal education. High legal education and legal culture should become integral qualities of a modern employee of internal affairs bodies, formed by educational organizations together with units of the personnel apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Analysis of the personnel component of the ministry confirms the need to take decisive measures to improve the qualification level and professional excellence. The way to this is the development of practice-oriented education, the use of block-modular methods of obtaining relevant knowledge, skills and abilities in law enforcement. An objective assessment of the state of personnel policy made it possible to identify and identify those areas of activity that need further improvement and development. The main directions were set out in more detail in the “Road Map” for further reform of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, prepared by a working group of experts. In this document, the main link in reforming the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is defined as working with personnel. In particular, the personnel apparatus is entrusted with consolidating the professional core of the police, “cleansing” of corrupt officials, violators of discipline and people random to the police. The development of a contractual basis for service in the internal affairs bodies is one of the main priorities of personnel policy. Employees of internal affairs bodies provide civil law enforcement services to the public. This places additional responsibility on the internal affairs officer and increases motivation. The contract generally has a positive effect on the quality of activity. Firstly, an internal affairs officer counts on socio-economic security. Secondly, a contract is a core phenomenon of a market economy and protects not interests isolated from public life, but the urgent needs of all its participants, which allows them to find a comfortable psychological state and effectively carry out their activities. Thirdly, a police officer is subject to the most high requirements, since he is a representative of the authorities, he is constantly faced with the problems of citizens and is called upon to ensure their safety on a daily basis. The institution of surety is of no small importance when selecting candidates for service in the internal affairs bodies. This is not the first time it has been introduced. But the use of middle-aged and older people as guarantors, who still remember how representatives of the older generation felt about their choice of profession, will significantly limit the admission to bodies of people who are not ready to serve the Fatherland. This must be remembered not only when hiring, but also when forming a personnel reserve. The managerial personnel reserve is a relatively new institution that allows at all levels of government to purposefully, according to objective and transparent criteria, select and promote the most trained, educated, businesslike and worthy people to leadership positions. Today, the ministry, more than ever, is interested in appointing leaders capable of implementing new social ideas and models. The institute for certification of managers and employees is also being improved, which has become quite effective tool ensuring the quality of selection and appointment to positions. The constant risk and stress of a police officer associated with the peculiarities of his professional activity require enhanced psychophysical stability. Accordingly, prevention using methods of timely psychological assistance in working with personnel becomes everyday practice. The personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is designed to ensure the development of professional and moral and ethical qualities of the employee, the qualitative improvement of the entire system of staffing of internal affairs bodies. The ministry identifies several key guidelines as priorities, which are currently being consistently implemented. This is the development and improvement of the model of a specialist of the 21st century and its consistent implementation, the intellectualization of law enforcement activities based on the introduction of technological, telecommunication innovations in the system of scientific, analytical and educational support; creation of the necessary material and financial conditions to ensure public prestige and competitiveness of the profession in the labor market, development and improvement social package for employees of internal affairs bodies; the formation of a conscious attitude towards professional duty, ethical and moral standards. The task of a police leader is not to protect subordinates from any difficulties or mistakes, but to monitor the passage of subordinates through all stages of professional development. Knowledge of the patterns of these stages will allow management to adequately respond to the actions and decisions of their employees.

ElviraYuzikhanova, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of operational investigative activityand operational and technical activities of the internal affairs authorities of Tyumen advanced training Institute of the MIA of Russia, [email protected]

The formation of personnel policy of the bodies of internal AffairsAbstract.The article considers the main directions of formation of personnel policy of the internal Affairs bodies. An important role is played by the system of moralpsychological support ofthe operational activities of the personnel. Key words: personnel policy, management, discipline, team, system, Manager, employee, management style, company, requirements, internal affairs bodies.References1.Kolokol"cev, V. (2013) “Opravdat" ozhidanija grazhdan”, Professional: populjarnopravovoj al"manah MVD Rossii, No. 1(111), p. 3 (in Russian).2.Ibid.

Nekrasova G. N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, member of the editorial board of the “Concept” magazine