Department of Automation of Information and Technological Processes. Automation of technological processes and production (specialty): where to work What to do if there is no vision of the future

And manufacturing is not an easy specialty, but it is necessary. What is she like? Where and what can you work on after receiving a professional degree?

general information

Automation technological processes and production - a specialty that allows you to create modern hardware and software tools that can design, research, conduct technical diagnostics and industrial tests. Also, a person who has mastered it will be able to create modern systems management. The specialty code for automation of technological processes and production is 03/15/04 (220700.62).

By navigating through it, you can quickly find the one you are interested in and see what they are doing there. But if we talk about this in general, then such departments train specialists who can create modern automated objects, develop the necessary software and operate them. This is what automation is

The specialty number was previously given as two different numeric values ​​due to the fact that new system classifications. Therefore, it is first indicated how the specialty being described is designated now, and then how it was done previously.

What is being studied

The specialty "automation of technological processes and production of open source software" during training is a set of tools and methods that are aimed at implementing systems that allow you to manage ongoing processes without direct human participation (or the most important issues remain for him).

The objects of influence of these specialists are those areas of activity where complex and monotonous processes are present:

  • industry;
  • Agriculture;
  • energy;
  • transport;
  • trade;
  • medicine.

The greatest attention is paid to technological and production processes, technical diagnostics, scientific research and production tests.

Detailed information about training

We looked at what is studied by those wishing to obtain the described specialty in general. Now let's detail their knowledge:

  1. Collect, group and analyze source data necessary for design technical systems and their control modules.
  2. Assess the significance, prospects and relevance of the objects being worked on.
  3. Design hardware and software complexes of automated and automated systems.
  4. Monitor projects for compliance with standards and other regulatory documentation.
  5. Design models that show products at all stages of their life cycle.
  6. Select software and automated production tools that are best suited for a particular case. As well as the testing, diagnostic, control and monitoring systems that complement them.
  7. Develop requirements and rules for various products, their manufacturing process, quality, conditions of transportation and disposal after use.
  8. Carry out and be able to understand various design documentation.
  9. Assess the level of defects in manufactured products, identify their causes, and develop solutions that will prevent deviations from the norm.
  10. Certify developments, technological processes, software and
  11. Develop instructions regarding the use of products.
  12. Improve automation tools and systems for performing certain processes.
  13. Maintain technological equipment.
  14. Configure, adjust and regulate automation, diagnostics and control systems.
  15. Improve the qualifications of employees who will work with new equipment.

What positions can you expect?

We have looked at how the specialty “automation of technological processes and production” differs. Work on it can be carried out in the following positions:

  1. Operator.
  2. Circuit engineer.
  3. Programmer-developer.
  4. Systems engineer.
  5. Operator of semi-automatic lines.
  6. Mechanization, Automation and Automation Engineer production processes.
  7. Designer of computer systems.
  8. Instrumentation and automation engineer.
  9. Materials scientist
  10. Electromechanical technician.
  11. Developer automated system management.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options. Moreover, one should also take into account the fact that in the learning process attention will be paid to a large number of programming languages. And this, accordingly, will provide ample opportunities for employment after graduation. For example, a graduate can go to a car factory to work on a car assembly line, or to the electronics field to create microcontrollers, processors and other important and useful elements.

Automation of technological processes and production is a complex specialty, implying a large amount of knowledge, so it will be necessary to approach it with all responsibility. But the reward should be to accept the fact that there is ample opportunity for creativity here.

Who is this path best suited for?

The greatest likelihood of becoming successful in this field is among those who have been doing something similar since childhood. Let's say, I went to a radio engineering club, programmed on my computer, or tried to assemble my own three-dimensional printer. If you haven’t done anything like that, then there’s no need to worry. There are chances to become a good specialist, you just have to put in a significant amount of effort.

What should you pay attention to first?

Physics and mathematics are the basis of the specialty described. The first science is necessary in order to understand the processes occurring at the hardware level. Mathematics allows you to develop solutions to complex problems and create models of nonlinear behavior.

When getting acquainted with programming, many people, when they are just writing their “Hello, World!” programs, seem to think that knowledge of formulas and algorithms is not necessary. But this is an erroneous opinion, and the better a potential engineer understands mathematics, the greater heights he will be able to achieve in developing the software component.

What to do if there is no vision of the future?

So, training course passed, but there is no clear understanding of what needs to be done? Well, this indicates the presence of significant gaps in the education received. Automation of technological processes and production is a complex specialty, as we have already said, and we hope that everything necessary knowledge They will give it at the university, it’s not necessary. A lot is transferred to self-study, both in a planned mode, and implying that the person himself will be interested in the subjects being studied and devote enough time to them.


So we looked at general outline specialty "automation of technological processes and production." Reviews from specialists who have graduated from this field and are working here say that, despite the initial complexity, you can claim a pretty good wages, starting from fifteen thousand rubles. And over time, having gained experience and skills, an ordinary specialist will be able to qualify for up to 40,000 rubles! And even this is not the upper limit, since for literally brilliant (read - those who devoted a lot of time to self-improvement and development) people, it is also possible to receive significantly larger sums.

Until 2009, the training of “automatic technicians” was carried out by the departments of “Automation of Production Processes” (APP) and “Automation of Chemical Technological Processes” (AHTP), which specialized in automating the processes of production and transportation of oil and gas (Department of APP) and oil and gas refining (Department of ACTP).
From September 1, 2009, the departments of automated process engineering and chemical engineering were merged into the department of automation of technological processes and production (ATPP).

History of the department “Automation of technological processes and production”
The intensive development of the fuel and energy complex in the 50s of the twentieth century required the widespread introduction of automation of production processes in these industries, which could only be accomplished with highly qualified personnel. Therefore, in accordance with the decision of the USSR government, the country’s oil universities began training engineers to automate the processes of production, transport and oil and gas refining. One of these universities was the Ufa Petroleum Institute. Acceptance of applicants for the training of automation engineers began in 1959. At the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum, the training of engineers began in the specialty “Electrification and Automation of Mining Works” (NMA), at the Faculty of Technology - in the specialty “Automation and Integrated Mechanization of Chemical Technological Processes” (NTA). Moreover, applicants who did not have work experience in their specialty were sent to work at the Tuymazaneft oil and gas production department of the Bashneft association (NRA) and at the Ufa oil refineries (NTA).
In 1960, to ensure comprehensive work on the training of automation engineers, the Department of Automation of Production Processes (APA) was organized, which administratively belonged to the Faculty of Technology of the Ufa Petroleum Institute (UNI). Candidate of Sciences was appointed head of the department in September 1960. tech. Sciences Koltsov Alexander Alekseevich (Order No. 169 of September 21, 1960).

The department trained specialists in the following specialties:
- Electrification and automation of mining operations;
- Automation and comprehensive mechanization of chemical and technological processes.
The first employees of the department were Associate Professor Lev Alekseevich Malginov, acting. associate professor Zeltser S.P., senior laboratory assistant Taisiya Vladimirovna Prokofieva, senior teacher Galiya Khaliullovna Valeeva, as well as assistant Yuri Denisovich Kolovertnov, who graduated from the Ufa Petroleum Institute in 1961. They completed a very large educational and methodological and organizational work on the formation of the department. Alexander Alekseevich Koltsov taught all the special courses for machine gunners, participated in the production laboratory work, carried out enormous scientific and methodological work; from the very first days of the organization of the department, he paid serious attention to scientific research work.
One of the first to join scientific research was Dmitry Nikolaevich Karabanov, an assistant at the Department of Electrical Engineering, who began intensively conducting research in the field of bridge measurement methods. Karabanov D.N. Graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. From 1966 to 1972 he was the head of the Department of APP. Together with A.A. Koltsov developed, studied in detail and tested in industrial conditions a four-wire bridge circuit that was not critical to changes in the resistance of the communication line wires. This made it possible to obtain significant copper savings, since the communication line wires could be used in any small cross-section. When calculating bridge and compensation measuring circuits, it was proposed to take into account the initial and final non-working sections of the slide chords, which made it possible to significantly increase the accuracy of the calculation of measuring circuits.
In the fall of 1962, the department began training graduate students (scientific supervisor A.A. Koltsov). The first graduate student was Dmitry Nikolaevich Karabanov, who had previously worked as an assistant at the Department of Electrical Engineering. Employees of the department were also sent to postgraduate studies at leading universities in the country: Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI), Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering (MICM, now MGUIE - Moscow State University computer science and ecology), Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin (now RSUNG named after I.M. Gubkin), Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute (LETI, now St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" - St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University). Before the 1972-1973 academic year, 7 candidate dissertations were completed and defended. Among the graduates of the department are candidates of sciences: Vladimir Petrovich Krivosheev, Anvar Khalyafovich Mukhamedzyanov, Lev Nikolaevich Latyshev, Alexander Aleksandrovich Tyukavin, Yuri Denisovich Kolovertnov, Galia Khaliullovna Valeeva.

Shalovnikov E.A., Safonov V.V., Koltsov A.A., Safarov M.R., Guzeev B.V.

In those years, the scientific direction of the department was the theory and practice of electrical measurements of electrical and non-electrical quantities, which was in good agreement with academic disciplines departments: theoretical foundations electrical engineering, industrial electronics, technological measurements and instruments, automation of production processes.
Under the leadership of Associate Professor A. A. Koltsov, department staff L. N. Latyshev, A. I. Bespalov and others developed an original installation for determining the coordinates of underwater pipelines, which does not require the participation of divers and allows working both on fast-flowing rivers and in winter time off the ice. The cost of crossing inspection has been reduced by approximately 10 times.
The installation was successfully operated during the inspection of crossings across the Volga, Dnieper, Belaya and other rivers.
The results of research in the field of electrical balancing circuits were fruitful. With the participation of graduate student D.N. Karabanov developed narrow-limit single-point and multi-point bridges, and applicant G. Kh. Valeeva developed original narrow-limit potentiometers with a temperature variator.
Big economic effect was obtained from the work of Yu. D. Kolovertnov on measuring the temperature in a well during its heat treatment. Vitaly Semenovich Grib developed deep-well equipment with photoelectric converters. A. A. Koltsov, based on many years of studying electrical balancing circuits, developed a method of conversion coefficients based on the concepts of a current balancing unit and a voltage balancing circuit. This made it possible to summarize the factual material on the most important sections of electrical measuring equipment that previously seemed scattered, and to derive previously unknown general condition equilibrium of various structures. The foundations and possibilities of this method were outlined later in the doctoral dissertation, which A. A. Koltsov defended in 1971 at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute.
The staff of the department has always faced a difficult task - to prepare new lecture courses and create laboratories. Despite great difficulties, the department successfully resolved them. Much work on the creation of the laboratory complex was carried out by A.A. Koltsov, L.A. Malginov, Yu. D. Kolovertnov, F. P. Kuzmin, Art. laboratory assistant T.V. Prokofieva, laboratory assistant M.V. Geleverya and training master B.I. Dementyev. Serious assistance in setting up laboratory work was provided by students-machinists A. Bespalov, A. Bogdanov, L. Latyshev, A. Tyukavin, A. Cherek and others.
In March 1963, Fedor Pavlovich Kuzmin, who had previously worked at the Tuymazaneft oil and gas production department of the Bashneft association, was hired as the head of the laboratory, where he was involved in the implementation of oil field automation equipment. Occupying the position of head of laboratories of the Department of APP, F.P. Kuzmin began teaching a course on automation of production processes for students of specialty 0634 “Electrification of Mining Operations”, devoting a lot of time to creating a laboratory for this course.
The load on the department quickly increased and in 1963, after graduating from the Ufa Petroleum Institute, Dolmatov Lev Vasilyevich, Bogatykh Konstantin Fedorovich, Ayazyan Goerun Kachperunovich, Imaev Damir Habibovich and Grib Vitaly Semenovich were left to work at the department.
It was obligatory for teachers to attract machine-learning students to the student scientific society. As a consequence of this, 4-8 students worked with each teacher during extracurricular time, who made reports at annual student conferences and, after graduation, were proven candidates for continuing research at the department. So, immediately after graduating from the institute in 1965, Anatoly Ivanovich Bespalov was accepted into graduate school, becoming A.A.’s fourth graduate student. Koltsova. Let us recall that the first graduate student was D.N. Karabanov. The second in time for admission was Valery Mikhailovich Sapelnikov, who graduated with honors from the Ryazan Radio Engineering Institute in 1961 and until August 1964 worked at the computer center of the Bashkir State University.
Due to the large volume and heterogeneity of the teaching load, certain difficulties have arisen in improving the educational, methodological and scientific work of the department. For this reason, in October 1965, based on the decision of the Institute Council dated September 25, 1965, a subject-methodological commission (PMC) was allocated from the department of APP in the specialty “Automation and integrated mechanization of chemical-technological processes” (AKMKhTP). Konstantin Fedorovich Bogatykh was appointed chairman (order No. 382 of 10.29.65). The PMK then consisted of teachers A. D. Zholobov, G. K. Ayazyan, D. X. Imaev, L. V. Dolmatov, M. G. Akhmadeev, A. F. Davydov, V. P. Krivosheev, L. K Kabanova, A.A. Kuznetsova. Conducting laboratory classes was provided by training master Boris Ivanovich Dementyev and Art. laboratory assistant Taisiya Vladimirovna Prokofieva. This was the youngest team of the institute both in age and in terms of work experience.
Over a relatively short period of time, the following were appointed heads of the subject commission of AKMKhTP:
- Bogatykh Konstantin Fedorovich (1965),
- Dolmatov Lev Vasilievich (1966),
- Davydov Alexander Fedorovich (1967),
- Kuzmin Fedor Pavlovich (1968),
- Davydov Alexander Fedorovich (1969).

Department teacher V. A. Kochinashvili (third from left) with a group of students during practical classes

In 1969, in order to improve educational and methodological work with students, the Faculty of Automation of Production Processes (FAPP) was formed. Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Candidate of Sciences, was appointed the first dean. tech. Sciences Kochinashvili Vladimir Antonovich.
In terms of academic performance, the FAPP was always among the leading faculties of the institute. Many students passed the exams only with “good” and “excellent” marks. The first Lenin scholarship recipients were M.R. Safarov, V. A. Shabanov, G. P. Alekseev.
At the same time with academic work Science developed at the faculty. Main directions of scientific research: information and measuring technology (scientific supervisor - Doctor technical sciences A. A. Koltsov), mathematical modeling and optimization of chemical technological processes (scientific supervisor - associate professor V. P. Krivosheev) and increasing the reliability of power supply to the oil industry (scientific supervisors - associate professors A. M. Valeev and V. A. Kochinashvili).

On the basis of PMK AKMKhTP in 1970, the Department of Automation and Integrated Mechanization of Chemical Technological Processes was created. The head of the new department was Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor V.P. Krivosheev. From 1968 to 1972, graduates from 1968 - 1972 joined the PMK, and later the department of AKMKhTP. By 1972, the PMK AKMKHTP was renamed the Department of Automation of Chemical Technology (AKhTP), which it retained until September 2009. Through the efforts of teachers and staff of the department, three new laboratories were created: on the basics of automation, technological measurements and instruments in Ufa and an automation laboratory in Sterlitamak OTF.
Scientific work began to be carried out successfully at the department. The main scientific direction of the department was mathematical modeling, optimization and development of control systems for chemical technological processes, in particular, the process of rectification and production of polyethylene. Research was carried out to determine the salt content in boiler water and petroleum products, and algorithms were developed for calculating some technical and economic indicators of the operation of oil refineries.
In 1970 - 1984, as well as in 1998, educational laboratories were created and reconstructed:
- Technological measurements and instruments (TYPE),
- Automation of technological processes (ATP),
- Modeling and optimization of processes,
- Basics of automation,
- Technical automation equipment. Instruments for the quality and composition of substances.
Package developed software products and mock-ups of laboratory work.
Teachers and staff of the department took part in the creation: Ayazyan G.K., Verevkin A.P., Dadayan L.G., Dinkel V.G., Dementyev B.I., Borisov A.N., Vasilenko E.T. (head of laboratory), Kabanova L.K., Krivosheev V.P., Kobyakov A.I., Maslennikov G.V. (educational master), Mukhamedzyanov A.Kh., Nagumanov Kh.G., Kazantsev V.N. (engineer), Alferov M.T. (training master)
The submachine gunners in the student construction brigades (SCO) performed very well. They were not only active fighters, but also leaders. G. Bukaev, Kh. Nagumanov, S. Pronina, G. Alekseev, R. Bakhtigareev, R. Taychinov, R. Gabdrakhmanov worked as commanders and commissars of the zonal detachments “Leninets”, “Energy”, “Turkmenia”, “Svyaz”, and student S. Pronina - commissar of the republican headquarters of the Special Forces of the BASSR.
On the account of the MTR fighters - students of the FAP a large number of remarkable deeds: residential buildings, machine repair and other workshops, power lines were built, telephone lines and roads. The fighters carried out extensive propaganda work among the population, gave lectures, and gave concerts. Joint work in the SSO strengthened and united students and taught them to overcome difficulties.

Teachers of the department: Yu. D. Kolovertnov, G. Kh. Valeeva, T. N. Prokofieva, Z. V. Baranova, top row: A. I. Bespalov, V. S. Grib

In 1984, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Cybernetics (VTEC) was created from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and on its basis, which was also included in the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering. Part of the staff of the department of chemical and chemical engineering moved to work at the department of VTIK: Pisarenko E.V., Kirlan L.D., Belozerov E.S., Gnatova I.V., Khorobrov V.R., Ivanov V.I., Mukhamadeev I. G.
In 1986, a branch of the Department of Chemical and Chemical Processing was organized on the basis of the instrumentation and automation workshop of the OL NURP with the participation of Ph.D. Munirova Yu.M. (Order No. 96-1 dated September 23, 1986).
In 1986-1987, UNI organized (from 01/01/87) ONIL for metrological support of methods for testing the composition and properties of oil and petroleum products from refineries (order No. 1171/795 of 12/18/86), headed by A.Kh. Mukhamedzyanov.
2000 - on the basis of the department, from March 15, 2000, on a voluntary basis, the Coordination and Training and Consulting Center (CTCC) for the design, operation and examination of automated process control systems was opened, which operated on the basis of licenses from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.
2003 - in accordance with the complex agreement between USPTU and Interregional OJSC "Nefteavtomatika" and the order of the rector of USPTU, an industry laboratory was organized on the problems of automating the management of oil production and transportation processes on the basis of the departments of chemical engineering and technical equipment.
In the fall of 2009, the departments of APP and ACPP were merged into the department of ATPP. The head was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Alexander Pavlovich Verevkin.
The geography of distribution of our graduates is the entire territory of the former Soviet Union and foreign countries. Many have held and continue to hold responsible positions in the Russian government and in industry.
A number of graduates have worked and are still working in administrative bodies of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Over 70 graduates of the department have defended their dissertations, 15 candidates and doctors of technical sciences are currently teaching at the department. Among the graduates of Doctor of Sciences: A.A. Koltsov, Yu. D. Kolovertnov, G. Yu. Kolovertnov, V.P. Krivosheev, A.A. Tyukavin, V.M. Sapelnikov, V.N. Fedorov, A.S. Nadrshin, Kobyakov A.I., A.Kh. Mukhamedzyanov, A.P. Verevkin, V.F. Galiakbarov, I.G. Arslanov.
Currently, the staff of the ATPP department is carrying out a lot of educational and methodological work. Since 2000, more than 50 have been produced teaching aids and more than 300 other educational and methodological developments. Over the past years, teachers and staff of the ATPP department have published more than 30 interuniversity scientific and thematic collections, more than 1200 have been published scientific works, more than 250 copyright certificates for inventions and patents have been received.

- development of methods and software and hardware for obtaining information on quality indicators and technical and economic indicators and decision-making algorithms for managing oil refining and petrochemical facilities;
- development of information and management systems for the oil and oil refining industries;
- research and development of intelligent tools and control systems;
development of simulators and simulators for training process personnel.
For the period 1977 - 2012 More than 30 developments of department employees have been put into production, more than 300 scientific papers have been published, more than 14 patents and copyright certificates have been received.
The department successfully operates full-time and part-time postgraduate studies, in which from 3 to 6 people study annually. Personnel training highly qualified at the department it is carried out in scientific specialties 05.13.06 - “Automation and control of technological processes and production”, 05.11.16 “Information and measuring systems”.
In 1992, a self-supporting research laboratory (KhNIL) “Information and measuring systems” (IIS) was created at the department.
In 1998, at the VI international exhibition “Gas. Oil. Technologies" demonstrated the autonomous pressure gauge-thermometer PGA and the recorder of technological parameters RTP-4, developed at the KhNIL "IIS".
The main scientific directions of the department and the scientific problems being solved:
- development of pressure, temperature, force sensors as elements of oil and gas automation control systems gas industry;
- development of measuring transducers for parameters of technological processes in the oil and gas industry;
- research and development of intelligent control systems for oil and gas production.