How to draw a Dymkovo young lady step by step with a pencil. Dymkovo clay toy. The sequence of creating a toy

Development fine motor skills, logic, attentiveness and perseverance in a child must be practiced from an early age. Proven teaching methods include drawing or coloring the outlines of shapes. Parents, in order to captivate their baby, use various drawing templates.

Dymkovo toys will be the most suitable for this purpose. Despite their apparent simplicity, they have small details, the painting of which will require a lot of effort from the child.

Dymkovo toys are created in several stages. They cannot be made without special skills, so the process of making such crafts for children is usually supervised by professional craftsmen.

On the way to obtaining a high-quality result, the toy must first be molded, then thoroughly dried, burned, whitened and beautifully painted. Skipping one of these steps may result in the figurine being too fragile or not working at all.

Dymkovo toys are molded by hand. Despite the presence of uniform templates for drawing, in reality not a single craft is similar to its counterparts, precisely because of the individual approach to their creation.

Sequence of creating a toy:

Simple coloring pages of Dymkovo patterns for young children

Dymkovo toys (drawing templates, in particular) should be chosen based on the age of the child who will work with them.

The development of children will be beneficially affected by painting large components drawing, using the most saturated colors.

Among the most popular options for such pictures:

Drawing for coloring
Horse. The task for the child will be to color the horse in the way he thinks will be as beautiful as possible. Typically, children are asked to use red, white, orange and yellow pencils. This set of colors, as a rule, is sufficient not only for their individual use, but also for creating new shades. In this version of the coloring book, the child, if desired, can complete the animal’s face, or can simply add brightness to the picture, without adding patterns to it.
Matryoshka. Coloring this picture of a matryoshka doll is best combined with telling your child the history of the origins of the original Russian toy. It will also be interesting for the child to learn the principle of playing with such a wooden doll. Pencils of red, black, white and yellow are usually used to add color to this sketch.
Lady. The process of coloring the lady will also be a fun activity for kids. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design, giving it color requires thinking through the shades used in the work. To complicate the task, the child can be given the goal of coloring the outline of a woman so that the items of her clothing match each other and do not merge. For this purpose, it is recommended to invite him to choose a shade to work with from an unlimited number of pencils. Experience shows that children most often choose red, yellow, green, blue, black and white.

Complex coloring pages with a lot of small elements

Dymkovo toys (templates for drawing, as well as drawings for coloring, are freely available on the Internet), due to the variety of their options, can be used in work with older children.

For schoolchildren attending grades 3–5, it will be interesting to paint more complex patterns with big amount small details.

Sketch for coloring Description of the drawing and the principle of working with it
"Walk". This picture for coloring is a complete artistic composition. It depicts a man and a woman floating in a boat on a river. The task facing the child is to make colorful not only people’s costumes, consisting of small parts, but also the objects surrounding them. These include the celestial bodies, the pattern on the ship and the waves. The main colors that the student will work with are red, blue, white, black and their derivatives.
"The Bears". This sketch shows a family of bears. Animals are depicted in human form: they wear clothes and jewelry. The difficulty in coloring this drawing lies in the presence large quantity small details of characters' clothing. To complicate the task, you can invite the child to make the picture as realistic as possible (paint the bears in the appropriate colors, as in life, and their clothes in the shades most often found in adult wardrobe items). Typically, children work with this image using blue, red, black, yellow, brown and white colors.
"Rider". This is one of the most popular pictures for coloring, used by teachers when working with them. It depicts a boy standing on a horse. In this case, the child will need to carefully paint the smallest details of the image of the young man, as well as reproduce the color of the animal and surrounding objects. It is recommended to work with brown, black, red, blue, yellow, orange, blue and green.

Dymkovo toy Lady

Adults associate Dymkovo toys (drawing templates will help children master artistic skills) with the figure of a lady. A drawing template with a picture of a woman in a beautiful outfit will teach your child to draw the details that create a realistic person's face and the details of his clothing.

A lady can look different:

It is worth choosing the most suitable option based on the experience and age of the children who will work with the template. At the initial stage, it is optimal to let the child complete the simplest image of a woman without unnecessary details.

For example:

Dymkovo toys


Roosters drawn in the style of Dymkovo toys can also look different. On some templates they are depicted in full height, on others - only the upper part of the body.

Traditional option looks like that:



The traditional template for drawing a horse in the style of a Dymkovo toy assumes the presence of the outlines of an animal, sometimes with an already drawn muzzle. The goal of the young artist’s work is to decorate the existing image, subject to maximum consistency of style.

If desired, the child can complete the drawing of the surrounding objects or create a complete composition, for example, depict a rider or another horse next to the existing one. It is recommended to use brown, black, red, green and yellow colors.




The traditional version of the Dymkovo turkey sketch is one of the most favorite tasks for middle school children. school age. For children, the interest of working with such a template lies in the large field for creativity and imagination. In this case, they don’t just have to add small details on the bird’s body or add objects surrounding it. Here their task is, among other things, to paint the turkey’s tail in any color they like. Typically, for this purpose, children choose red, green, yellow, orange and their derivatives.

Classes using drawing templates, in particular Dymkovo toys, not only develop a child’s creative (artistic) skills, but also stimulate his attention to detail and meticulousness in completing assigned tasks.

Knowing which preparations to use, as well as exactly how to work with them, even a parent at home will be able to properly organize an activity with a child.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: Dymkovo toys

Dymkovo toy from clay “Bird”:

Dymkovo toys are also called Vyatka or Kirov toys. They have a long history, and appeared more than 400 hundred years ago in the settlement of the same name near the Russian city of Vyatka.


A few words from the history of Dymkovo toys...

Initially, Dymkovo toys were dedicated to the Whistler holiday. To mark this day, folk craftsmen made whistles from red clay, fired them and painted various patterns on them.

They were made in the shape of various animals. Here were:

  • and a cockerel
  • and a duck,
  • and deer,
  • and turkey,
  • and a horse,
  • as well as figurines of a young lady.

However, over time, the purpose of the holiday was forgotten, but the fishery resumed in the 20th century and became a real business card this region. Dymkovo toys began to be made as Russian souvenirs.

How to make it?

First, red clay is taken, mixed with brown river sand. This type of clay exists precisely near Vyatka. A figurine is sculpted from it, for example, a rooster, turkey or horse. You have to sculpt the figures in parts. Then they are glued together using liquid clay, and the figure is adjusted by the master. The toy is then dried and fired in a kiln at high temperature. Then they begin to paint it. The patterns are painted with white paint. Previously, paint was made from chalk mixed with milk. Today there are special paints. In addition to white, toys abound in blue, green, and yellow colors, which give them a special cheerfulness. The top of the toys was covered with whipped egg white, which gave them a bright shine and elegance. Each toy is unique because it is made by hand. Among the many figurines collected in museums, you will not find two identical ones. The largest toy museum is located in Kirov.


Probably, you guys also wanted to create such toys for yourself?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to do this at home, even if you know how to sculpt with clay. But you can try to color the silhouettes of Dymkovo toys. On our website you will find photos, pictures and coloring pages for children depicting Dymkovo toys. They can be downloaded and printed. You will be met:

  1. cheerful cockerel,
  2. important duck,
  3. puffy turkey,
  4. graceful horse
  5. and a lady dressed in elegant clothes.
  6. Also here you will find numerous patterns that decorate the Dymkovo toy.

However, don’t rush into coloring books. First, carefully look at the photos of the toys, remember what colors the figures are painted with, since the colors on the figures have their own pattern. Photos will help you draw your own conclusions, and coloring pages for children will help you practice. Probably the most favorite toys of children are the cockerel and the turkey; sometimes the children mention the lady. Why? They are the brightest, most elegant. Think about what a rooster looks like, what colors you use to paint it, because in the old days a rooster was a symbol of the beginning of a new day, the sunrise. His figure contains all the colors of the rainbow. The photos and coloring pages offered on our website will help children become more familiar with this unusual Russian folk craft, show their imagination and ingenuity, and learn to draw. Acquaintance with any ancient craft enriches a child, connects him with his ancestors, with Russian roots. And getting to know toys is doubly interesting. From time immemorial, they reveal their secrets to children, share their joy of life, create good mood and creative inspiration.

A selection of materials on the topic

click on the picture below to download a collection of pictures depicting Dymkovo toys: And you can also download individual pictures of Dymkovo toys at your discretion: lady Horse Rooster Turkey Duck

In Rus', pottery art originated in ancient times. At that time, our ancestors attached great importance to ritual holidays. The “pandemonium”, a celebration honoring the sun god Yaril, was no exception. On this day, the participants of the holiday threw painted clay balls and made full use of clay whistles. This is precisely what caused the appearance of ritual accessories, among which the Dymkovo toy took pride of place.

History of the fishery

The Dymkovo toy was “born” in Kirov. Five centuries ago, across the Vyatka River there was a small settlement of Dymkovo, where Tsar Ivan III ordered the resettlement of residents from northern regions Russia. Among them were many talented pottery masters, who developed active work for the production of toys. Whole families were involved in the work process: some mined clay and made mixtures from lump chalk; others made toys; still others were burned; the fourth - whitewashed and painted.

The Dymkovo fishery has been developing for four hundred years. During this time, its own themes, images, and characteristic drawings developed. There was no place for inexpressive ornaments or dull shades. The Dymkovo toy is the embodiment of life in the most joyful colors. It is not surprising that by the beginning of the 19th century, whistles from Dymkovo won the love of residents throughout Russia. More than 100 thousand toys were produced per year, which were sold in the capital and Orenburg province. 59 families from Dymkovo worked on their creation. Among the most famous names were the Koshkins and Nikulins.

(Mezrina Anna Afanasyevna - master of Dymkovo toys)

At the beginning of the 20th century, “dark times” came for the Dymkovo toy. They ceased to enjoy their former popularity, so famous families of pottery artisans began to look for other options for earning money. Exclusive whistles began to be replaced by cheap plaster options. Only one craftswoman, Anna Mezrina, remained faithful to traditional clay making. It is to her that descendants can be grateful for the preservation of the Dymkovo fishery.

(Master E. A. Koshkina and artist A. Denshin)

The artist Alexey Denshin played an equally important role in continuing the traditions of his ancestors. From a young age, he was fascinated by Dymkovo toys, carefully sketching all the known ornaments. Even after the October Revolution, he did not lose hope of attracting attention to folk art: he released handwritten albums and collected collections of toys. His efforts were crowned with success: in the 30s of the 20th century, the Dymkovo fishery began to revive in Kirov.

Types of Dymkovo toys

Traditional images of Dymkovo toys - a lady, pets, a turkey. All of them are made in bright colors, calling to show the joy of life. Collectors value figurines with which they can create certain plot compositions.

The Dymkovo toy, despite its canonicity, is exclusive. The fact is that every craftswoman tries to bring her own signature developments into the product. Therefore, it is impossible to find two absolutely identical toys.

Among the most popular images that are “played out” in the Dymkovo toy are the following:

Turkey- colorful, like a peacock, with a characteristic beard, decorated with gold leaf. Sizes can vary: from tiny 5 cm to an impressive 40 cm;

Lady- this is both a sophisticated city lady and a traditional young lady in a kokoshnik. There may be children around her. Gold leaf also adorns individual details;

Lamb- figures of this animal can have different sizes of horns. Distinctive feature is their gilding. The lambs can be ordinary or in elegant funny clothes;

horse- a traditional image of an animal in bright blue or “bull’s-eye” colors.

Male images in Dymkovo toys are most often played out in the form of a rider on a horse, a walking city or village “gentleman”. Figurines of pigs, birds, and bells are popular.

Manufacturing technology

The process of creating a Dymkovo toy consists of two stages: forming the figure and painting it.

Clay and river sand are used to create the figurine. According to the rules, it should be Vyatka red clay. Each part of the toy is created separately: a body is formed from a spherical lump of clay, onto which the remaining parts are “assembled” (legs, arms, head, accessories, etc.). All parts must be held together with smooth transitions. This helps avoid chipping in the future.

Let the finished image dry in the open air for several days. Then it is burned on fire. Previously, a Russian stove was used for this. Today - muffle, where the temperature reaches 1000C.

When the workpiece cools, it is bleached with tempera paints. Our ancestors used milk for this purpose.

At the next stage of creating a toy - coloring - only pure colors are used without mixing. In the old days, natural dyes based on eggs, milk, soot, vinegar, and tempera were used for this. Today there are ready acrylic paints. The main requirement: brightness and naturalness. Be sure to use gold leaf for individual details.

Painting a Dymkovo toy

The Dymkovo toy is a symbol of joy and vitality. The ornaments that are depicted on it are smooth painting combined with geometric patterns. The colors are selected based on the principle of contrast and highlighting each other. Birds' tails, animal horns, and details of people's wardrobes are covered with copper leaf (in the old days, thin sheets of gold leaf were used for this).

Traditional colors of Dymkovo toys: blue, red, yellow, emerald, light blue, green, orange. White and black paint are used in minimal quantities to add emphasis to individual areas.

Each color that is used in the Dymkovo toy has its own meaning: white - symbolizes purity; black - false; green - nature; red - strength, health; blue - sky.

(Sketch by artist Alexey Denshin for a toy)

Long-time masters diluted paints with egg yolk. The recipes were kept secret. Coloring was carried out in strict sequence:

  • hair;
  • eyes and eyebrows;
  • mouth and cheeks;
  • headdress;
  • ornaments on clothes.

The patterns in the Dymkovo toy are closely related to amulets and symbolism of nature. There are solar and lunar signs as a symbol of the origin of life; rhombuses - as a sign of fertility; waves - as a sign of sky and moisture.

The final touch to the painting was the application of gold leaf.

Today, the Dymkovo toy continues its development. New technologies appear, fresh ideas are born. But production traditions remain unchanged.

“Joy for the eyes, joy for the soul!”

To folk traditions there should be
greatest attention, they must be studied and
to perceive them with all your soul and to master them”

A.B. Saltykov

Folk art carries enormous information about the life of our ancestors. Russian clay toys can be considered not only as monuments of art, but also of history. They were once ritual figurines associated with the rites of agricultural calendar holidays. Particularly interesting are the whistle toys that were made for the spring festival “Whistling”, which marked the beginning of field work. By the 19th century, the magical content of the whistle was lost, and it turned into an ordinary children's game.

In a number of centers, the production of toys has acquired independent significance. The Dymkovo toy is an urban toy; from time immemorial it was made in the Dymkovo settlement of the city of Vyatka (now Kirov). Characters such as the lady, the nurse, the fantastic bird with a big tail and others are traditional for the haze. Both molded details and the color design of the clay surface give the toys clarity and festivity. On a white ground background, sonorous colors flash brighter: red, yellow, orange, blue.

The ancient holiday “Whistling” has gone into the distant past. The old masters were replaced by new ones, carefully preserving the priceless traditions of folk art. Not forgotten! The Dymkovo toy lives and delights in all corners of the globe, glorifying the talent, beauty and skill of the Russian people.

And it is impossible not to agree with those who, looking at any of them, exclaim : “Joy for the eyes, joy for the soul!”

Life through the Haze

Type of activity: decorative drawing with elements of computer graphics

Lesson topic: “Dymkovo toy” (folk crafts)

  • promote aesthetic education junior schoolchildren means of folk art;
  • consolidate knowledge of geometric patterns on the Dymkovo toy

Software tasks:

  • continue to introduce children to folk crafts - clay Dymkovo (Vyatka) toy (Kirov region);
  • develop the ability to see the shape, color, decor of a toy and convey the unity of these qualities in drawings;
  • learn to work in computer graphics techniques when decorating the Dymkovo toy;
  • to develop the artistic taste of students - to teach them to see the beauty and expressiveness of the figurative representation of life in toys of the distant past and the present;
  • to cultivate interest and love for folk art, respect for the traditions of the people.

Equipment: (lesson takes place in the computer science room)

For the teacher:

  • models of clay Dymkovo toys (children's works from the methodological fund);
  • samples of drawings and exercises - “Geometric ornament on a Dymkovo toy”;
  • tables on the board - “Color and shape”.

For students:

  • handout: “Fragments of the pattern of the Dymkovo toy”;

  • clay toys near each computer;
  • blank outline of the Dymkovo toy on a computer monitor.

Music: Russian folk melodies

Vocabulary: A potter is a master who works with clay.

Fair- large auctions held in one place and at the same time, with entertainment.

During the classes

1. Introductory part of the lesson (game)

There is an exhibition of Dymkovo toys in the office created by older children. To the music “Kamarinskaya” (any folk music) children enter the fair-exhibition of Dymkovo toys

Teacher. - This is what a beautiful, fun fair of clay toys we have.

    • Do you know what it is
    • FAIR?

Children: (Bazaar, market where various goods are sold)

FAIR - large trades held in one place and at the same time, with hobbies and entertainment.

    • No wonder people say: “Noise like a fair!”

In winter, when the stoves are lit and in summer on cloudy days, the whole settlement seems to be in a haze. Here, in ancient times, the Dymkovo toy was born.

Check out the toys at our fair. (They look at it, touch it with their hands).

Many years ago people came up with the idea of ​​making toys from clay. And to this day people have not forgotten pottery.

  • What do you call a master who works with clay?
  • (Such a master is called potter)

POTTER is a master who works with clay.

From the history of Dymkovo toys

Vyatka was famous in the old days for its bazaars and fairs, which were called “WHISTLE" or "PANDEMONIUM" The entertainment of the holiday was clay toys - whistles. All winter the women of Dymkovo made toys for the fair. And now, on the shelves of the fair there are cheerful goods. Adults and children buy it willingly. The whole area resounds with whistling. The folk festival is noisy. And the loudest sound is a loud whistle. That is why this holiday was nicknamed “Whistling”.

- What did people call this holiday?

- “Whistling.”

Many different clay toys are made by craftsmen in different parts of our vast country, but the Dymkovo toy cannot be confused with any other.

The Dymkovo toy is monolithic, and the silhouette of the toys is distinguished by its soft smoothness and roundness. Molded details of frills, braids, flagella make the toy more expressive (demonstration of the toy).

(The Dymkovo toy is snow-white. Before painting the Dymkovo toy, it was whitened with chalk diluted in milk)

  • What elements of geometric ornament did the masters use?

(Circles, ovals, cells, stripes, dots, lines);

  • What colors did you use to paint the toys?

(Yellow, blue, red, green, white (background), black).

In a modern toy, bright colors are complemented by blue, pink, orange, brown, and purple.

Look carefully at the patterns on the clay toys.

(Children sit down at their desks.)

Fixing the material:

Work on the table “Color and shape” (on the board)

  • What basic elements of geometric patterns are most often found on toys?

(Circles, ovals, cells, stripes, dots, strokes)

  • You see how differently the elements are located relative to each other in the patterns.
    • in a row;
    • in a checkerboard pattern;
    • in a cell between the lines.
  • Pay attention to the points:
    • between the rings;
    • on rings;
    • along the edge of the rings.
  • On color combination elements in patterns (no more than 3 - 4 colors).
  • Now we will rest and continue working on the computer.

Fizminutka (Elements of dance movements to folk music)

Part 2 of the lesson – computer graphics

Today you will join the masters of Dymkovo toys. But you will decorate the toy with patterns using computer graphics. After all, we live in a time when machines help people in their work. The computer will help us create a geometric pattern for the Dymkovo toy.

Goals: Know

  • names of PAINT program window elements;
  • purpose of tools: ellipse, line, pencil, eraser, fill;
  • commands: EDIT – CANCEL.
      • open and save a drawing;
      • apply the Dymkovo toy ornament to the template.

    Develop skills in working with the mouse manipulator: double and single click.

    Foster a thrifty attitude towards computer technology.

    Handout- cards “Fragments of patterns Dymkovo painting” - computer graphics (on children’s tables).

    During the classes

    I Repetition

    • What is called the “desktop” of a computer;
    • What is called the “taskbar”;
    • Find the Paint program shortcut and open it;
    • Where is the title bar in the Paint window?
    • Where is the menu bar located in the Paint program window;
    • Where is the Toolbar located in the Paint program window;
    • Where is the palette located in the Paint window?

    II Main part

      • Teacher's explanation

    In order to start working as a graphic designer, you must:

    • Choose a template drawing with which you will work: Dymkovo young lady or horse.
    • Remember the elements of patterns when painting Dymkovo toys and think over your own pattern, consisting of template elements.
    • Look at the tables on your desk. Here are samples of fragments of the Dymkovo toy pattern, made on a computer.
    • Use the help tables lying in front of you and look at the finished products - clay Dymkovo toys

    • Draw the ornament graphically (i.e., black and white image). After that, start filling with color. To select colors, use the tables on the board
      • Practical work

    Assignment: Design a geometric pattern for the Dymkovo toy in computer graphics

    (Method - individual)

    Control and individual work teachers in progress practical work students

    III Final part:

    Since the artist always signs his work. We will also sign our works, and the “Inscription” tool will help you with this.

    And the last stage of the students’ work is printing out their drawing.

      • The final part of the lesson.

    Analysis of student work.

    • What wonderful work everyone did. Now it will be easier for craftswomen to decorate their toys using sketches of your toys.
    • Let's choose whose work turned out to be the most interesting?

    Seryozha has a beautiful young lady with bright patterns on her skirt.

    Nastya has a horse with circles and a lush mane, like in a fairy tale

    We will organize all the works in an exhibition-fair and invite your parents to look at the art of their children. They will be very pleased that you remember the folk crafts of our ancestors and continue their art in modern life.

    And the Vyatka craftswomen taught you the Dymkovo art of decorating toys.

    We owe a big thank you to the sorceresses of Vyatka, our native land.

    Because their hands never get tired and they create fabulous dolls for everyone.

    No wonder people say:

    “A craftsman and a craftsman brings joy to himself and other people”

    That’s why we love folk toys, because there is so much kindness and fun in them.

    You look and want to smile.

    Master class on drawing. Painting the toy "Dymkovo Cockerel"

    Soldatova Elena Ivanovna, teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1 of Novouzensk, Saratov region"
    Description: The master class is designed for 1st and 2nd grade students, teachers, educators, parents of all those who love to create miracles.
    Usage: as a gift, interior decoration, work for an exhibition.
    Target: painting of Dymkovo toy
    - Teach children to paint a toy using different patterns
    - Develop fantasy, imagination, aesthetic taste
    - To cultivate in children taste, a sense of color, respect for the work of Dymkovo craftsmen
    - Give pleasure to yourself and others


    Let's sit side by side and talk well. I wanted to tell you guys one thing amazing story. In a certain kingdom of the Russian state, on the bank of a river stood, and still stands, the large village of Dymkovo. Extraordinary toys were born in the village. On long winter evenings they sculpted those toys from clay.
    All toys are not simple,
    And magically painted.
    Snow-white, like birch trees,
    Circles, stripes.
    A seemingly simple pattern
    But I can't take my eyes off

    The toys made by Dymkovo craftsmen turned out to be unusually beautiful, bright, fabulous, and magical. People believed that these toys protected them from misfortunes and troubles. Therefore, they were placed between the windows in winter and decorated with toys at home.
    -Today we will paint one of the Dymkovo toys. Guess which one?
    -An unknown bird appeared,
    Everyone marvels at her:
    Doesn't sing and doesn't fly,
    Everything is on fire and blazing.
    Far across the world
    Everyone knows this birdie,
    This is not a simple bird -
    Painted, gold,
    Just a miracle - a trinket,
    Its name is the folk toy.
    (Dymkovo cockerel toy)

    For work we will need materials and tools:
    - tassels
    - a simple pencil

    1. Take a landscape sheet and trace your palm.

    2.Draw the outline of the cockerel and cut it out.

    3.Trace the wing of the cockerel according to the template.

    4. Before we start painting, let’s remember what elements of Dymkovo painting you know (circles, rings, dots, stripes, wavy lines, diamonds)

    5.First, draw the comb, beard, and large elements of the pattern, using a thicker brush.