How to open a water bottling shop. Business plan for the production of drinking water. What equipment is needed for work

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As you know, water supplied by centralized water supply in most cities is unsuitable for drinking or cooking. In this regard, many people install water treatment systems at the point of water consumption in private houses and apartments or buy required amount purified water.

Most people prefer to buy drinking water in special containers.

As a result, high demand for natural resources creates supply, and many entrepreneurs decide to open own business for water production.

Regional production structure

IN Russian Federation consumption of bottled water is growing rapidly every year, on average demand increases by 15-16% annually. The main suppliers of natural resources captured 37% of the sales market.

Market leading companies drinking water located in the following regions:

  • Karachay-Cherkess Republic;
  • In the Stavropol Territory;
  • Novosibirsk region;
  • Lipetsk region;
  • Moscow region.

The figure below shows largest regions in Russia for the production of drinking water.

As a result, there is fierce competition in the above regions and in order to conquer a niche in the market, it is necessary to create a product with competitive advantages.

Basic requirements for the quality of drinking water and production activities

In order to produce clean water, you must familiarize yourself with the following legislative acts:

  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 N2395-1 “On subsoil”;
  • Federal Law of November 23, 1995 N174-F3 “On Environmental Expertise”;
  • Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 1992 N3314-1;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations

Before the beginning production activities permissions required:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for drilling a well in a certain area from local authority self-government;
  • Resolution from the local administration “On permission to design a water bottling plant”;
  • A corresponding license for the right to use land for groundwater extraction.

Features of drinking water production

To produce drinking water, leading suppliers use two types of natural resources:

  • Natural water obtained from environmentally friendly sources;
  • Natural water purified using special equipment or water treatment systems.

The general diagram of drinking water production is shown in the figure.

The production of purified water in a water treatment system includes the following steps: technological process:

1. Extracting water from a well, which is carried out using a special submersible pump and underground pipeline. Thanks to special equipment, water is supplied to the water treatment area in a special large-volume tank.

2. Water purification is carried out in several stages:

  • rough mechanical cleaning - allows you to remove large mechanical impurities with a size of about 400 microns from water;
  • fine water purification- cleans the natural resource from suspended impurities of at least 1 micron in size;
  • water disinfection modern methods– can be carried out using ultraviolet radiation, chlorination or ozonation.

After monitoring the chemical composition of the water, the natural resource enters tanks made of stainless steel. Continuous production of drinking water is ensured through storage tanks.

3. Drinking water bottling- carried out on a specialized line, where the natural resource is supplied into separate containers of the required volume. As a rule, in factories water bottling occurs at automatic car, without human participation.

4. Containers with water are sealed and sent to the finished products warehouse. In order to protect products from counterfeits and mark the type of water, leading manufacturers put heat-shrinkable caps of different colors on the container.

Drinking water production technology

Almost all leading enterprises producing drinking water use ozonation technology.

The technology makes it possible to disinfect and enrich drinking water with oxygen. Ozonation of water is carried out before bottling and bottling the natural resource. Such purified water of a certain chemical composition and enriched with oxygen has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used for medical and preventive purposes.

The main advantage of the technology is preservative effect, allowing water to retain its properties for a long time beneficial features and the original composition.

To apply the technology in the production process, it is necessary to purchase special equipment:

  • Ozone generator;
  • Duplex automatic air dryer;
  • Thermocatalytic ozone destructor;
  • Injection pump;
  • Injectors, shut-off valves, fittings;
  • Automatic start, level sensors;
  • ORP controller with ORP sensor.

Ozonation technology allows factories to avoid chlorinating water during the technological process.

Necessary equipment for the production of drinking water

In order to organize the production of drinking water, it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

  • Well pump;
  • Coarse filter;
  • Fine filter;
  • Blow molding equipment;
  • To ozonate water, ozonation units or a set of the above equipment are purchased;
  • Sterile water tanks;
  • Filling machine;
  • Semi-automatic bottle capper;
  • Labeling machine.

There is also an automated line for the production of clean water, which consists of the following blocks:

  • Unit for deep cleaning and disinfection of natural resources;
  • Water softening unit;
  • Saturation block;
  • Filling unit for bottles, canisters, siphons.

The figure below shows a monoblock for bottling drinking water from an automated line. On it, water is poured into bottles and a label is stuck on, and the mug is also screwed on.

Business plan for drinking water production

In this case, the cost of the project includes the following expense items:

  • Purchase of land - 475.00 thousand rubles;
  • Construction of industrial premises - 71,387.73 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of main and auxiliary equipment - 55,593.29 thousand rubles;
  • Installation of main and auxiliary equipment - 3,873.83 thousand rubles;
  • Working capital - 1,112.77 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 4,719.52 thousand rubles.

All expense items were calculated taking into account VAT. Estimated cost investment project equal to 137,162 thousand rubles.

The average number of employees for organizing a drinking water production plant must be at least 33 people.

On the purchased land plot it is planned to construct buildings and structures:

  • production workshop for bottling drinking water;
  • checkpoint;
  • pumping station, the productivity of which should be 12 m 3 / hour;
  • underground pumping station;
  • car parking;
  • fire tank, the volume of which must be at least 75 m3;
  • a diesel fuel tank with a volume of 10 m3;
  • outhouse;
  • cesspools with volumes of 50 m 3, 25 m 3;
  • sites for KTPK-160/6.

The total construction area will be approximately 1790 m2.

Planned well productivity - 12.7 m 3 /hour. The capacity of the drinking water blowing machine is 1.5 liters. (3000 pcs.) bottles or 5 l. (500 pcs.) bottles. The actual performance of the machine is 85% of the nominal value. The working regime at the plant is an 8-hour working day.

Implementation this business plan largely depends on the long-term strategy and marketing policy plant However, as a result of calculating the predicted indicators, the following values ​​were established:

  • project cost in the amount of 137,160,000 rubles;
  • the plant's payback period is 4.6 years;
  • discounted payback period of the plant is 7.6 years;
  • net present value of the plant (NPV) 19,328,000 rubles;
  • profitability index - 1,15;
  • internal rate of return of 21%.

Based on the calculated indicators, we can conclude that the production of drinking water is profitable and cost-effective when proper organization production process and successful marketing activities.

According to research by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion conducted in 2016, about 16% of Russians (approximately every sixth resident of the country) constantly drink bottled drinking water, preferring it to tap water. All large quantity people who care about their health and the health of their loved ones choose this product, considering it safe.

Drinking water is strengthening its position in Russian market and is attracting increasing attention from production organizers. A favorable factor is that the subsoil of Russia has significant reserves of high-quality fresh and mineral waters. Water extraction and bottling as a business is a promising area that can generate significant income.

Product quality requirements

Drinking water must be safe and have a special chemical composition. The level of total mineralization should not exceed 1 g/cubic dm. At the same time, the sources of raw materials for the production of this product can be tap water, and water from underground and surface sources.

A mandatory stage of the technological process is water purification. In some cases, conditioning is also used - saturating the product with important micro- and macroelements.

The quality of drinking water is affected by organoleptic properties (smell, taste, color), the presence of mechanical impurities, chemical composition (content of salts, toxic elements, toxic metals), and radiation safety. Depending on these indicators, water is divided into two categories: first and highest.

The quality of bottled drinking water in Russia is regulated by a number of regulatory and technical documents. One of the most important is SanPiN In these sanitary rules a list of hygienic standards is provided for all of the listed properties for both the first and highest categories of water.

Technical requirements for the production itself, for raw materials and materials, finished products, including labeling and packaging, as well as safety and security requirements environment, control and acceptance methods - all this is included in GOST 32220-2013.

Also on the territory of the Russian Federation there is a document approved by the Commission of the Customs Union (decision No. 299 of May 28, 2010), containing uniform sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the quality and safety of food products.

You can view the listed documents on the website of the legal reference system “ConsultantPlus” at

Compliance with regulatory requirements is the responsibility of every manufacturer. For violation of these requirements, according to the law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population,” administrative and criminal liability is provided.

Control and supervision in the field of drinking water production is carried out by the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.

It is useful to read which one is used. Production plan and cost of the line, search for sources of raw materials and design permitting documents for the production of drinking mineral water.

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What you need to open a business

To organize own production, the entrepreneur has to go through several steps:

  • decide on the assortment and choose the source of raw materials. It should be taken into account that water of the first category can be obtained from different sources, the highest - only from independent ones (from wells and springs);
  • purchase a plot of land;
  • draw up a package of permits;
  • carry out preparatory work. In particular, if bottling is expected artesian water, it is necessary to explore the subsoil, drill a well, and carry out a number of measures to ensure sanitary protection of the source;
  • prepare premises for water treatment and bottling;
  • purchase and install equipment necessary for purification and bottling of drinking water;
  • establish transport and logistics flows;
  • develop a strategy for introducing a new product to the market.

Some of these steps require separate consideration.

Obtaining permission to use a natural water source is associated with high financial, labor and time costs.

So, in order to bottle water from a well, you must first analyze groundwater reserves and coordinate water consumption in Federal agency water resources. The next step is to obtain from Rospotrebnadzor a document confirming the possibility of establishing a sanitary protection zone on the site.

Then, the Center for State Monitoring of Subsoil Conditions will need to issue a conclusion on the development of a well design. After this, you should contact the Department of Subsoil Use with an application to obtain a license for the right to use subsoil. In this case, the entrepreneur must have the following documents: cadastral passport of the plot, title document for the land, gene. development plan, situational plan.

After passing the licensing procedure, drilling operations are allowed to begin.

Depending on the depth, there are two types of wells: on sand (from 10 to 40 m) and on limestone (from 70 to 300 m). Sand wells have low water content and are not suitable for industrial use.

The cost of drilling operations averages about 1000 rubles/m to a water-containing layer located on sand, and about 2000 rubles/m to limestone. After drilling, the well must be equipped with a steel column.

Then you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor again to obtain an expert opinion on the quality of the water. The service takes samples and conducts a full laboratory analysis, based on the results of which a corresponding document is issued -.

Now it is necessary to attend to the equipment of the sanitary protection zone. The area measuring 60x60 m where the well is drilled should be fenced off. There should be no buildings, pipelines or tall trees in this area.

After developing the zone, you can submit documents for a geological examination, and then register the water source. And only after completing all the above preparatory activities can the facility be put into operation and its actual use begin.

Drinking water production technology and necessary equipment

Water is extracted from the well using special submersible pumps and flows through pipes into a storage receiving tank. A water treatment station and a bottling shop are usually located in close proximity to the well location (at a distance of no more than 150 m).


Arriving at the water treatment site, artesian water goes through several stages of purification. First, deferrization and demanganization are carried out - removing excess iron and manganese salts from its composition.

The next stage is water softening. The ion exchange method is most often used for this purpose, since it is considered the most effective.

Water, from which excess calcium and magnesium salts have been removed using an ion exchange resin, enters pressure filters, where it undergoes mechanical and sorption purification. At this stage, harmful chemical compounds and impurities are removed from it. Activated carbon is usually used as a sorbent.

Then ultraviolet disinfection of water is carried out in special chambers made of stainless steel. The filters used at this stage do not change the chemical composition of the water. The destruction of dangerous bacteria (the causative agents of diseases such as dysentery, cholera, polio) is carried out without adding any toxic compounds.

The final stage of water treatment is conditioning - bringing the concentration of vitally important for humans chemical substances to the required rate and stabilize the liquid.

At the stage of preparing water for bottling, complex purification equipment is used. The production lines are equipped with pressure mechanical filtration units, which include several units (for aeration, demanganation, defluoridation, ultraviolet disinfection, etc.), a set of pipelines and shut-off valves. As a rule, all operations are performed automatically, the system is controlled using a remote control.

Line productivity can reach 55 cubic meters. m/hour. To accommodate such installations, a room of at least 50 square meters is required. m.


Having passed initial training, water flows into preliminary storage tanks, and from there – for bottling. Bottling of finished drinking water can be carried out in large containers with a volume of 5, 10 and 19 liters, as well as in small bottles with a volume of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 liters.

For bottling water from a well into bottles, lines equipped with the following equipment are usually used:

  • device for pre-washing bottles;
  • automatic bottle loader;
  • filling machine;
  • thermal tunnel for shrinking caps (element of the filling line for 19 liter bottles for coolers);
  • capping machine (included in the set of lines for bottling bottles with screw caps).

The movement of bottles from one zone to another is carried out using conveyor belts. Additionally, the line can be equipped with a packaging machine. Large factories producing drinking water also produce PET containers on their own. For this purpose, special blowing equipment is installed.

Expense planning

To determine how profitable the production of drinking bottled water is, you need to make preliminary calculations.

Estimated standards, overhead costs, cost estimates, products, forecast of revenue volumes - all this should be reflected in financially a project whose development is best left to experts.

Approximate data on basic starting costs are reflected in the following table:

These are very approximate data that can be used as a guide when using a well with a capacity of about 10 cubic meters as a source of raw materials. m/hour.

TO current expenses enterprises include well maintenance costs, communal payments, taxes (including water tax), wages, costs of containers and packaging of finished products, etc. (see).

The retail cost of a five-liter bottle of drinking water of the highest category is on average 60 rubles, Wholesale price– about 45 rubles. With a productivity of 500 bottles per hour, the monthly production volume will be approximately 120,000 bottles (assuming single-shift operation and a shift duration of 8 hours).

Legal aspects, equipment selection, assortment formation, premises requirements, production processes, sales. Full financial calculations.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create an enterprise for the extraction and bottling of artesian water. The feasibility of the project is due to the growing popularity of this product both for use in offices and for home use.

Production location – x. Pukhlyakovsky, Rostov region. Sales region: Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region. Price segment – ​​“Standard+”. The production premises will be leased and delivery will be carried out using our own transport. Distribution is carried out through a partner network of stores. The trademark “VodoPukh” and the trademark are registered.

The project is attractive for investment, which is confirmed by financial calculations and the resulting integral performance indicators (Table 1).

Table 1. Integral indicators of project effectiveness


The company operates in the extraction and bottling of artesian water into 19-liter bottles. The main consumers of this product are organizations of any field of activity and of any size; The use of bottled water for household needs in our country is insignificantly developed, but is increasingly gaining popularity. Today, according to various sources, in Russia the consumption of bottled water per person is about 40 liters per month; in Europe this figure is in the range of 100-150 liters. Thus, we can speak with complete confidence about the significant growth potential of the industry. It should also be taken into account that Russia and, in particular, the Rostov region, have large reserves of fresh water, which has a positive effect on the cost of the final product.

According to Rosstat, more than 5,000 small and medium-sized businesses operate in the Rostov region. If we take the average number of enterprises as 20 people, this amounts to 100,000 potential consumers. Based on the monthly water consumption of 40 liters per month, of which about 75% of people consume at the workplace, the total need for water supply to organizations is 100,000 * 40 * 0.75 = 3,000,000 liters per month. The number of households and their water consumption is extremely difficult to estimate, but we can say that it is no less than the water consumption of organizations.

The competitive environment in the region is represented by three largest suppliers, two of which both produce and distribute through the network own stores(1 and 3 own brands, respectively), and one is a distributor-aggregator, importing water from other regions into the region (7 brands in different price segments); In addition, there are about 10 regional manufacturers in the region that produce products in the budget segment and distribute through village grocery stores; as a rule, they are not present in large cities of the region.

The technological process includes lifting water from a pre-drilled well, its purification, softening and disinfection, and subsequent bottling. After this, the water is delivered to the points of sale using our own transport. Sales are carried out through a network of partner stores. The competitiveness of the enterprise is ensured through High Quality purification and organoleptic properties of water provided by high-quality water treatment.


The company extracts water from an artesian well located in the Pukhlyakovsky village of the Rostov region. Water of this region It is characterized by high softness, as well as low acidity and the content of metal impurities. By processing it using special equipment, the water is filtered and disinfected, and its organoleptic properties are increased.

The quality of bottled drinking water is regulated by SanPiN According to this regulation, all drinking water is divided into two categories: 1st category and highest category. "VodoPuh" belongs to the highest category, which will increase the profitability of the enterprise due to more high price sales, and, accordingly, increase the marginal income of the enterprise.

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The quality and characteristics of VodoPuH water have been confirmed by independent laboratories in Rostov-on-Don. The main characteristics of water are given in Table. 2 in comparison with the requirements of SanPiN

Table 2. Comparative description of the main properties of VodoPuh water

In terms of harmlessness of chemical composition, organic, radiation and bacteriological contamination, as well as other parameters given in the standard, “VodoPuh” fully complies with the requirements, significantly exceeding them in most parameters.

Water is bottled in 19-liter PET bottles with a handle. PET is used as an alternative to the more common polycarbonate bottles, which, despite their higher rigidity and longer turnaround time, contain bisphenol A, which negatively affects the taste of water. The turnover of bottles, according to TO 2297-01-96201068-2008, is 50-60 cycles; in practice, the service life is 1.5-2 years. After this, the container must be disposed of.

The bottles are labeled with the VodoPuh brand logo, information about the manufacturer, water parameters and contact information of partner stores.


VodoPuh water is sold through a network of retail outlets specializing directly in drinking water. At the start of the project, the chain’s assortment included three brands in the “Standard” and “Premium” segments. “VodoPuh” occupies an intermediate niche, which significantly increases the competitiveness of the brand.

A cooperation agreement has been signed with the network. Marketing and brand promotion is carried out trading network; All trade marks range are advertised in equally. Financing of advertising events is shared, 20% is paid by the manufacturer VodoPukh, 30% by the manufacturer of other brands in the range, 50% by the distributor. This distribution of shares (20/30) generally corresponds to the share of brands in total sales. The media plan is shown in Table. 3.

Since the demand for drinking water is highly seasonal, advertising campaign planned taking into account its changes.

The sales network sells water through outlets Pickup or home delivery upon pre-order. The order can be placed either by phone or through the network’s website.

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As of January 2016, the chain's share in total sales of bottled (19 liter bottles) water is 15%. By expanding the range of VodoPuh water, the share is expected to increase to 20%.


The first stage of the project is drilling a well in the territory adjacent to x. Pukhlyakovsky, Rostov region. Water production occurs from the second aquifer; its depth is 120-150 m. The expected flow rate of the well is 90 m 3 /day. Exploration and drilling are carried out by a specialized company. The cost of work is given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Cost of work on constructing an artesian well

Water is supplied to production room, located 50-70 m from the well, in which bottling is carried out directly. The list of equipment is given in Table. 5.

Table 5. Set of equipment for filling water into 19-liter bottles

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The well's flow rate exceeds the volume of water required during the first two years of the project's implementation. Production volume is dictated by volumes retail sales. The average production volume in the first two years is 10,000 liters per day. The warehouse must maintain a constant supply to cover two days' demand. To transport water from the place of production to points of sale, three lightweight trucks with a lifting capacity of 1.5 tons.

Required area production site– 50 sq.m., warehouse – 80 sq.m. The number of production workers is 4 people. The number of auxiliary and warehouse workers is 3 people. The complete staffing table is given in Table. 6. The production plan is given in Appendix. 5.

All workplaces are certified in accordance with the law, maximum safety and the availability of labor protection equipment are ensured.


All administrative and management functions are being carried out individual entrepreneur. To organize effective work, he needs to have general knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, tax legislation and accounting. Detailed knowledge of production technology and labor protection is also important. Technology training is carried out by the equipment supplier within 2 working days after installation of the equipment directly at the production site.

Table 6. Staffing and wages fund

Today it is possible to organize a business in almost any type of activity. It is not at all necessary to open a large production facility right away. You can start with a small workshop. For example, producing drinking water is not a very difficult task, although it requires patience, care and work.

Advantages and features

I must say that this business has its advantages:

High payback;

Possibility of expansion;

High demand for quality products.

Naturally, drinking water production is not without its drawbacks. For example, you will have to collect an impressive amount starting capital, since you can’t do without expensive equipment. In addition, you will need to constantly deal with the sanitary and epidemiological service, which monitors water quality. However, a properly organized business can generate high income. Naturally, to do this, you first need to outline a business plan, decide on the sales market and other nuances. It is important to consider the level of competition.

Be sure to decide what type of activity you will be doing. That is, you can sell water from your well that needs to be drilled; engage in bottling and supply of foreign water to city markets. At the same time, you must also decide on the method of obtaining water. It can be key or obtained from the tap and cleaned with state-of-the-art filters.

What documents are needed?

Now let’s look at the question of what, exactly, is needed in order to open the production of drinking water:

1. Certificate of a private entrepreneur.

2. Charter of the company.

3. Conclusions of security authorities ( fire service and SES) about the compliance of your equipment with all established standards.

4. A certificate stating that the quality of water used in production fully satisfies all state requirements (also issued by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service).

5. Business license. To do this, you will naturally have to collect documents such as a lease agreement for premises and equipment, and all your personal data certified by a notary.

In principle, these documents are quite enough to open the production of drinking water. Naturally, you will need a bank account. In addition, you need to draw up agreements with suppliers of water (if you do not produce it yourself), containers and other consumables.

Features of choosing premises and personnel

Opening a drinking water production plant is not very difficult. It is much more difficult to keep it afloat. To work, you will definitely need a room (workshop) of sufficient size and full access. Naturally, the building must have a supply of all necessary energy carriers, telephone line, Internet.

It is advisable that the premises be renovated and not old. Pay special attention to the quality of electrical wiring. The fact is that the production of bottled water requires the use of large quantity equipment.

The building will need to be divided into several parts: the area where the water will be extracted, the liquid purification room (multi-stage), as well as its spillage. In addition, you will need staff rooms where workers can change clothes, have lunch, and relax. A warehouse is required for finished products. Naturally, each room must meet sanitary standards.

What equipment is needed for the job?

The production of bottled water occurs using complex and quite expensive mechanisms. Their number depends on your financial capabilities and the scale of your business.

So, the work requires the following equipment for water production:

Mechanisms by which the extracted liquid is purified;

Water bottling machines.

If you want to reduce the cost of production, you can purchase a machine for making plastic containers into which you will package the liquid. However, this is not at all necessary. You can enter into an agreement with suppliers plastic bottles. Moreover, in any case you have the opportunity to adjust the amount of containers.

Today, you can buy a whole automated production line, which consists of all the necessary blocks. However, such equipment should be purchased if you see prospects for further business expansion.

What quality should the products have?

Water is an essential element for the body, just like air. Naturally, she must answer most high requirements quality and international standards. Before organizing the production of drinking bottled water, it should be taken into account that it must be harmless and safe chemical composition. In addition, the liquid should not have an increased background radiation or contain harmful bacteria and microorganisms that can cause various types of epidemics.

Let's take a closer look at the water quality criteria. So, the liquid should not contain dangerous and harmful substances that may appear as a result of its extraction and processing. Also note that not all sources have water suitable for consumption. That is, the well should be drilled where there are deposits of maximum clean liquid.

The water must be taken for analysis by the sanitary and epidemiological service. After this you will receive a response with detailed description substances and compounds contained in the liquid, as well as their quantities. It should be noted that the source should not be contaminated with any mechanical debris. Be sure to make sure that there are no living organisms in the water. Otherwise, your products will quickly deteriorate and may harm your health.

Manufacturing technology

In order for you to get a finished product, you need to go through several stages. The production of drinking bottled water begins with the receipt of raw materials.

To store it, you will need large tanks made from environmentally friendly materials. After this, the liquid must undergo multi-stage cleaning:

Mechanical. Moreover, it is carried out in 2 stages: coarse (impurities 450 microns in size are eliminated) and fine, thanks to which the smallest particles of debris are removed from the water.

Chemical. Produced using the latest technologies and substances. Combined methods are used here: chlorination (the most common), ultraviolet or ozone treatment.

Now the prepared water can be poured into containers. This happens on an automated line that does not require human intervention. Additionally, you can enrich your products with oxygen.

It’s unlikely that anyone could have imagined several decades ago that the production of artesian water could become quite profitable view entrepreneurial activity. As a result, today there are many companies operating in this market that deliver their products both to offices and to private consumers.

It is not so easy to give them worthy competition, but it is still possible. Due to the fact that water flowing from ordinary taps is not always safe for human health, more and more people prefer to buy it for cooking.

Where to begin

It is necessary to start turning the project into reality with an analysis of the existing drinking water market. As practice shows, about a month is enough for this. This type of business, such as the production of artesian water, can be mastered by almost any entrepreneur, even a beginner.

In this case, there is no need to have any work experience or special education. At the same time, such activities simply cannot be done without significant initial investments and the involvement of qualified personnel.

Choosing a location for a well

One of the most important factors, which affects the quality of the water produced and supplied to customers, is the place of its extraction. Information about its availability is available in the relevant Cadastre. At the same time, one cannot help but note the fact that not every deposit has drinking artesian water.

When choosing a place to drill a well, you should pay attention to clean areas from an environmental point of view. Next, it is necessary to take a water sample from each specific deposit and conduct a series of tests on it. Such analyzes are performed exclusively in laboratory conditions when using specialized equipment.

After the artesian water receives a positive assessment, you can contact a company that provides exploration and well drilling services. It should be noted that many of them are ready to complete the work from start to finish and prepare all the necessary documents.

Well design

It takes about six months to develop a project for which specialists will provide a detailed description of all the qualities of water and its approximate quantity in the field. As for the cost of these services, it ranges from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, depending on local conditions.

It is very important not only to know what documents are needed for bottling water, but also to complete them in a timely manner. Once the project is approved, it is necessary to agree on the drilling point with the SES. After this, you should register the right to ownership or lease of the land plot, and also obtain a license for the right to use the subsoil.

The Territorial Departments of Natural Resources have the right to issue it. Among other things, you should register as a private entrepreneur or legal entity and register with the tax authorities. In general, to obtain the entire package you need to go through about thirty different authorities. However, as noted above, companies that specialize in exploration of deposits are ready to do all this work themselves for a certain fee.

Water extraction equipment

To raise artesian water for the purpose of its subsequent bottling, it is necessary to purchase special equipment. It includes industrial-type pumps, a bottling production line and a unit for water disinfection. Its installation is almost always carried out by the suppliers themselves.

The equipment of the production workshop depends on the bottling location and the expected production volumes. The best option the bottling shop will be located in close proximity to the well, since otherwise the costs of transportation by tanks will increase. Moreover, this will reduce the amount of contact of water with air and bacteria.

Among other things, in order to organize the production of artesian water and its sale, it is necessary to purchase containers. As practice shows, bottles with a volume of five or six liters are currently very popular, and the greatest demand is for 19-liter containers that are installed on so-called coolers.

Mandatory costs

In order to calculate how much it costs to build a well for water extraction, it is necessary to take into account that in most cases artesian deposits are located at a depth of up to 300 meters. The cost of drilling one meter is at least 5.5 thousand rubles. Based on this, it can be calculated that for all this work you will have to pay up to 1.65 million rubles. As for the cost of purchasing the line, a high-quality imported installation will cost approximately 50 thousand US dollars. The price of a 19-liter bottle is about $5.


The main workers that should be hired for a business are instrument technicians, drivers, managers, workers, maintenance personnel, and helpers. The entire staff will be approximately 35 people. As practice shows, it is better to select personnel from residents of a settlement located not far from the well and the bottling shop.

Certain specialists can also be attracted from big cities. Since there are not so many highly qualified workers in this area on the market, it is necessary to attract them with favorable working conditions and decent wages, which, depending on qualifications and job responsibilities employees will be in the range from 200 to 1000 US dollars. It should be noted that many similar enterprises hire managers and dispatchers who are engaged not only in accepting orders, but also in tracking the progress of their implementation and finding new clients.

Potential profit

Judging by the experience of many companies that specialize in this type of business activity, the costs invested in the production of artesian water usually pay off within a period of up to two years. In the future, net income can reach about six million rubles per year (subject to the use of one developed well). As we see, this type business can safely be called attractive.