How to open a branch of an LLC? Accreditation of representative offices of foreign companies State registration of a branch of a legal entity

Registration of a foreign representative office with the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund, obtaining statistics codes, preparing documents for opening a bank account. Registration period is 30 days. The cost of accreditation of a foreign representative office is 50,000 rubles.

If you decide to open a representative office of a foreign company in the Russian Federation, namely in Moscow, then the specialists of the BUHprofi company will provide you with such a service at a professional level. Accreditation of a foreign representative office is carried out at the Federal Tax Service No. 47 in Moscow. The procedure is not an easy one, and in the case of self-registration, this process takes about 6 months from the moment of collecting documents in the country of incorporation until the moment they are transferred to the registration authority.

But if you contact our company, we will help you reduce the period by half. We have “fish” of primary documents that will need to be transferred to the Parent Company, and they will draw them up according to our sample. We will also help you create letters of recommendation from your partners, we will fill out applications for the Federal Tax Service together with you and answer all your questions that arose during the process of collecting information.

To open a bank account, we will provide assistance in filling out bank forms and will also collect a package of documents.

Accreditation period for a foreign representative office

The accreditation period for foreign representative offices at the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 47 for Moscow is 30 working days.

Amount of state fee for accreditation of a foreign representative office

  • The state duty is 120,000 rubles.
  • The fee to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for approval of the number of foreign employees up to 4 people is 5,000 rubles; Over 4 people – 15,000 rubles.

Please note that we guarantee a refund of the state fee in case of refusal of registration.

Cost of registering a foreign representative office

The cost of our services is 50,000 rubles.

The price includes the following list of services:

  • Preparation of a package of documents for accreditation with the Tax Inspectorate;
  • Accreditation of a representative office at the Tax Inspectorate and obtaining a TIN certificate;
  • Production of one polymer print on automatic equipment;
  • Assignment of Rosstat codes;
  • Registration with funds (PFR, Social Insurance Fund).

In order to complete the registration service, representative offices need to collect a package documents , and also get Required documents.

You provide us with the necessary documents, and the BUKhprofi company carries out the procedure for registering a foreign company, receives all the necessary registration documents for your activities and notifies the tax authorities and funds about the activities of your representative office in the Russian Federation.

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Hello! Today we’ll talk about branches and representative offices of legal entities. The development of any business is almost impossible without territorial growth. Successful entrepreneurs try not to miss the opportunity to open a new office (enterprise, point of sale) in another area of ​​the locality or even at the other end of the country. We will describe in detail how this is done and what goals it pursues in this article.

Goals of opening separate divisions

The opening of separate divisions pursues a number of goals:

  1. Expansion, rapid coverage of new regions;
  2. Conducting business simultaneously in several profitable regions;
  3. Development of new areas where demand has not yet been satisfied;
  4. Promotion, advertising and creating a positive reputation for the company in new territories;
  5. Shifting key resources or production due to reduced demand.

But before you start expanding, you should understand the similarities and differences between a branch, representative office and other separate divisions. Knowledge of their features and differences in registration procedures will allow you to avoid mistakes when organizing them.

Forms of separate structural divisions

Branches and representative offices - separately located, independent structural units of the organization. However, they are not recognized as separate legal entities. All property and regulatory documents they are supplied by the originating company. It also controls the appointment of department heads and determines the boundaries of their influence.

Branch has the right to conduct production and economic activities, to implement all functions without restrictions, which is much broader than the capabilities of a representative office. In addition, it is allowed that the branch will have an individual name, but containing the name of the main legal entity.

We must not forget that a company with branches does not have the right to remain on.

Representation only represents or protects the interests of the company (for example, selling goods or services on behalf of the main organization, selecting suppliers, analyzing the market, making inquiries). It cannot conduct any activities aimed at independently generating income. Typically, representative offices are used at the preparation stage, during “testing” an unknown market.

Other separate structural divisions - In our country, other forms of territorial isolation are also acceptable. Thus, a division that is registered according to simplified procedures, which is not assigned the status and functions of a branch or representative office, will be called structural unit companies. They can be called departments, workshops, agencies, bureaus, reception or delivery points, etc. They do not have the right to open their own current account, enter into transactions, maintain their own balance sheet and hire employees on their own.

For example, a network organization does not need to give the status of a branch or representative office to its new customer service point if the leading company will hire employees, carry out orders, deliveries and other transactions.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a branch or representative office

Stage 1: Approve the decision to open

First you need to determine for what purposes and functions the division will be created. Based on this, the form of organization is selected. Next, it is necessary to approve the regulations on the representative office (or branch), and develop in detail the order for its opening.

  1. The procedure at this stage depends on the form of the legal entity, as well as on the rules prescribed in its charter. For example, you will have to vote at a meeting of the company's participants - more than 2/3 of the votes are required to approve the decision (unless a different ratio is specified). In addition, it is necessary to discuss and decide on the details: whether the branch will be given a name, whether there is a need to register its address in the company’s charter, whether the division will maintain its own accounting records. Any voting results and decisions received during voting are recorded, if there is only one participant in the company, his decision is drawn up and notarized.
  2. For a JSC: the procedure for agreeing on a decision to establish a separate division largely depends on the content of the organization’s charter. For example, the decision may be made by:
  • Board of Directors;
  • Meeting of shareholders;
  • Supervisory Board.

The regulations on the branch are approved by the competent authority or by the decision of the manager. Any meetings must also be recorded.

The regulations on the branch (or representative office) regulate all activities of the division; it must contain:

  • Name and legal address of the parent company;
  • Name and address of the branch location;
  • Management system, list of responsibilities, relationships with the leading organization and other information that controls the work process of the department.

According to the laws for 2019, the company is not obliged to include information about branches and representative offices in the charter, but this can always be done on its own initiative. These, like any other changes in the charter, should be submitted to the registration authority that has jurisdiction over the parent enterprise.

The parent legal entity bears all responsibility for the operation of the branch. Even claims and lawsuits are brought not against the unit, but against the organization that created it.

Step 2: Appoint a manager

The appointment can be formalized by personnel order. All rights and obligations of the manager must be recorded in a power of attorney signed and sealed by the head of the legal entity opening the branch. This power of attorney must contain a certain minimum of information.

These include:

  • Date of issue, since without it it will be considered invalid. The expiration date may not be specified, but then the power of attorney will be valid for one year. The maximum possible term is three years. Either party can terminate the power of attorney at any time.
  • A list of responsibilities of the manager and transactions that he can carry out on behalf of the company.

The manager subsequently has the right to delegate part of the rights and responsibilities to another employee, but only with the consent of the person who issued the initial power of attorney.

Stage 3: Register a branch with state funds

The enterprise is obliged to transfer data on separate structural units to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (a single State Register legal entities). This can be done through the registration authority competent in this matter in the territory of a particular region (department of the tax service, MFC and others). Since 2016, sending electronic versions of documents through a notary has been allowed. You will need to fill out applications in form P13001 and P14001.

Based on the information entered in, the organization will be automatically registered with the tax office at the location of the unit, and a notification about this will be issued within 5 working days. There is no need to submit additional documents, but if you decide to play it safe, or if the registration procedure in your municipality is not properly established, you can provide the following to the Federal Tax Service office at the location of the branch:

  • Application form C-09-3-1;
  • Passport of the registrant (and power of attorney if registration is carried out by a third party);
  • Certificate of registration of a legal entity with the Federal Tax Service.

In fact, it makes sense to notify the tax office about the creation of a branch only after the data about it is recorded in the organization’s charter. Within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the notification, the Federal Tax Service issues a certificate to the company, which also indicates the checkpoint of the registered representative office or branch.

For opening a branch or representative office without informing the tax authorities, a legal entity is subject to a fine (200 rubles).

Provided that the branch will make payments to employees, it will have its own balance sheet and bank account, then it will have to be registered with the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

To register a branch with the FSS you will need:

  1. Copies of the minutes of the meeting, order, regulations or other documents on the establishment of the unit, certified by a notary;
  2. Certificate of registration with the Social Insurance Fund of the parent company;
  3. Documents confirming the registration of the unit with the Pension Fund of Russia.

To register with the Pension Fund:

Any statements, copies of documents in Pension Fund no need to imagine. If a representative office or branch has a current account and will accrue wages to its employees, then the Pension Fund will register it on the basis of registration data transmitted from the tax office.

Stage 4: Make a stamp and open a current account

This stage is optional, but each enterprise decides for itself at the first stage whether the structural unit will require invoices, printing, special equipment and other nuances.

There is no need to report to the tax office that the company has opened a current account. All necessary information The banking institution will transfer the necessary documents for you in electronic exchange format.

Changing the address of a branch or representative office

When moving a separate structural unit to a region under the jurisdiction of another tax authority, you will first need to deregister it at the old address. 5 days after making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the legal entity will be removed from tax registration.

Namely, when changing the address you will need:

  1. Federal Tax Service Inspectorate - within 3 working days, provide notifications about the termination of activities at the old address and about the start of work at a new one (in free form);
  2. FSS - reporting changes there, as well as registering, is only necessary in cases where a structural unit has its own current account and pays salaries to employees. Within one month, submit to the department at the previous location an application for registration as an insurer at the new address;
  3. Pension Fund - does not require any statements or notifications.

Closing a branch or representative office

The decision to terminate the operation of a separate structural unit can be made and regulated by:

  • Meeting of society participants;
  • Documents (for example, regulations on the branch).

To conveniently resolve issues arising in connection with the closure, a liquidation commission is created, which is not a prerequisite.

With or without her participation, the organization must:

  • Closing the branch's own current account;
  • Reduction or transfer of employees to other positions;
  • Transfer of property and documents of the division to the company;
  • Sometimes settlements with creditors or partners. This point arises quite rarely, primarily due to the fact that branches or representative offices do not act as independent legal entities and carry out all transactions from the leading organization; accordingly, their liquidation is not considered a basis for the early termination of obligations to counterparties. All responsibility after closure is transferred to the legal entity that created the structural unit.

The enterprise is obliged to announce its decision to liquidate the branch using form C-09-3-2. It will need to be submitted within three days to the tax authority at the location of the main legal entity. At the location of the branch, you can submit an application C-09-1-1, but theoretically, deregistration with the regional tax office should occur without your participation, based on information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Other separate divisions

The decision to establish a separate division, which will not subsequently be registered as a branch or representative office, can be made by the general director of the company and created by his order - unless other conditions are specified in the company's charter. Situations are possible when the need to open a division arises from the terms of an agreement concluded by a legal entity (for example, to maintain construction work in a remote area), then the order is not necessary, the creation date will be the start date of work.

Other separate divisions also require certain registration. Even if there is no corresponding order, only one workplace, remote from the location and registration of the main organization, it is still subject to registration.

The following signs confirm the opening of a separate division:

  1. The location of the structural unit in another administrative-territorial unit, subordinate to another tax authority relative to the parent company;
  2. Creation of jobs for a period longer than one month, that is, organization of all conditions for fulfillment labor responsibilities, and the immediate beginning of their implementation, outside the place of registration of the legal entity;
  3. The actual start of the unit's work.

After creating a division, the company is obliged to notify the Federal Tax Service at its location using Form C-09-3-1.

Evasion of notification threatens the enterprise with a fine of 200 rubles for each start of work hidden from the tax authorities.

If several divisions are opened within one municipality, but on the territory of different tax authorities, then the organization can register with only one of them. The legal entity makes the choice independently, and notifies the tax office of its decision with a notification in Form N 1-6-Accounting.

After this, the enterprise will automatically be registered for taxation at the location of the structural unit within five days.

A legal entity is obliged to report all changes (liquidation, change of address, change of management form) to the Federal Tax Service within three days. This can be done using form C-09-3-1.

If the location of a separate unit changes, you will need:

  1. Deregister it with the Federal Tax Service. The procedure takes five days;
  2. After this, based on the documents received, register with the tax authority that has jurisdiction over the new address.

Upon liquidation of another separate division:

  1. No later than three days after the division stops working, inform the tax office at the place of registration of the main enterprise about this (form C-09-3-2);
  2. You can receive documents on deregistration of a separate unit within 10 days.

Any notifications and other documents can be submitted to the Federal Tax Service in person, by registered mail or in electronic form. But please note that electronic applications must be certified by an approved electronic signature sender.

You can also receive a response notification from the tax office not only in person, but also by mail.

It will be useful for aspiring entrepreneurs to know what rules for opening an LLC branch exist and whether they have changed in 2019.

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To do this, it is worth determining which authorities should be contacted, what documents to collect and the procedure for registration.

Having read all the requirements in detail, there should be no problems with preparation.

What it is?

A limited liability company is commercial organization, which is created for the purpose of making a profit with subsequent division between participants.

This type of company has authorized capital, which can consist of any tangible assets.

The shares of the founders are determined by the constituent documents.

A branch of an LLC is a separate division that is capable of performing its functions partially or fully.

It is worth noting that this form has much wider possibilities than representation.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

The founders of an LLC can be a maximum of 50 people. In this case, a company of this type has the right to open one person.

It is worth remembering that the organization does not have the right to offer shares on the capital market.

A participant can become:

  • an individual who is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a legal entity, with the exception of other LLCs with one participant;
  • persons with foreign citizenship or those who do not have it, in this case, require obtaining permits to carry out activities of the appropriate type, issued by the migration authorities.

In order to practice entrepreneurial activity, you must be an adult and fully capable, as confirmed by an employee of a medical institution.


  1. The decision to create an LLC with one founder, the protocol with several.
  2. Regulations on the company's branch. It specifies the conditions under which the activity will be carried out.
  3. The charter, which preliminarily contains information about the creation of the branch. It is enough to indicate its name and . Presented in two copies.
  4. Application on Form 13002, which must be notarized.
  5. General power of attorney for the director.

Legal entities have the right to open a separate division. If it is created only to express and protect interests, then it is representation. In cases where it is also necessary to perform basic functions, the branch is registered.

Registration of a branch / representative office for an already registered parent company (Moscow / Moscow Region)

8,000 rub. / 10,000 rub.

8-10 working days


Tax registration of a branch/representative office/separate division (Moscow/Moscow region)

5000 rub. / 8000 rub.

8-10 working days


Preparation of regulations on the branch / representative office

8000 rub.

2 working days


Submit your application

According to Article 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, both structures are not independent: they operate on the basis of provisions and assets that are developed and allocated by the parent organization, as well as under the leadership of persons appointed by it.

The legal company "PRIORITET" is registering new separate divisions. Thanks to our professional assistance, you will avoid refusal from the authorized authority and problems in subsequent work, save money and time.

Scheme of working with us

You leave a request on the website or contact us by phone.

Bring to the office the documents required to begin the procedure.

Our specialists draw up an application for registration of a branch, create and attach a package of necessary accompanying papers, and submit them to the Federal Tax Service.

After the decision has been made and official confirmation of the creation of the unit, your separate unit is registered.

  • What do we do
  • What is needed from the client
  • Result
  1. 1 we advise on the procedure and conditions for registering a branch (or representative office);
  2. 2 we collect papers for state approval of changes made to the constituent documents of the parent structure;
  3. 3 we transfer the fee in the amount of 800 rubles on behalf of the legal entity;
  4. 4 we control the process until the relevant changes in the constituent documentation are officially reflected in the unified register.
  1. 1 name of the new separate department;
  2. 2 sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about the parent organization;
  3. 3 a letter of guarantee from the owner, a copy of the lease agreement or a document on the ownership of real estate, the legal address of which is used for registering a branch (representative office);
  4. 4 passport and TIN certificate of the head of the parent organization (copies);
  5. 5 certification by a notary of form No. 13001 with payment for his services (from 1000 to 1500 rubles).
  1. 1 sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with information about the registration of a branch or other division;
  2. 2 TIN certificate at the location of the created structure;
  3. 3 minutes of the meeting of participants or the decision of the sole founder to amend the charter and its new edition with a mark from the Federal Tax Service;
  4. 4 order on the appointment of a director to a new separate division.

Stages of registration of branches or representative offices

  1. Preparing for the procedure.

First, a fundamental decision is made to open an additional division, then its type is selected and the name is approved, indicating the parent organization and a link to the location. Example: representative office of Romashka LLC in Istra. Among the required details is a legal address. At the same stage, the head of the future department is appointed.

  1. Collection and preparation of documents on the basis of which the registration of branches (or representative offices) takes place:
  • application on form No. 13001 with a notarized signature of the head of the legal entity;
  • founder's decision or protocol general meeting on the creation of a unit;
  • an amended version of the charter, which reflects information about the new structural unit;
  • confirmation legal address.
  1. Providing all documents to the tax office, which serves the parent organization. In return, a receipt is sent with the applicant’s full name, a list of submitted papers and the date of completion of the registration procedure.
  2. Within the prescribed period, confirmation is issued that information about the new structure has been entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (record sheet) and into the charter (a copy with a tax office mark).

The state service of registering branches or representative offices is paid and costs 800 rubles. The amount is transferred using the details from the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, for which a receipt with a mark is issued.

To register for taxation with the Federal Tax Service at the legal address of the unit, you will need a voluminous package of documents: an application, papers for the premises and manager, position, information about the parent organization, etc.

Features of registration of branches or representative offices

  • The decision to create is not always certified by a notary. The legislation provides for two options. By default, in order to form a new division, the composition of the founders of the company or the decision they made is certified by a notary. But it is also possible to use another method of approval if it is specified in the charter or supported by all participants in the general meeting of the legal entity;
  • a separate division operates by analogy with the parent organization. After registration, the branch has the right to perform the same functions (all or some) as a legal entity, including representative ones;
  • The legal addresses of the parent organization and the representative office cannot coincide. The units are called separate because they are located separately (in another building or locality);
  • the procedure leads to an automatic change in the taxation system. When a legal entity has separate divisions, it is subject to a transition from the simplified tax system to the operating tax system;
  • the authorized body has the right to suspend the registration of a branch (representative office). If the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate has reasoned claims regarding the reliability of the documents and information that it received from the applicant, the inspectorate makes a decision to temporarily delay the execution of the procedure for up to 30 days;
  • the creation of a separate division may be refused if the tax authorities receive justified objections. Since 2016, any interested person has the right to protest the proposed changes in writing.

The legal company "PRIORITET" will provide assistance in registering a branch or representative office. Experts are well aware of the legal requirements on this issue and regularly study cases from judicial practice. Thoughtful actions reduce the time for the procedure and guarantee its successful completion.

Sample documents

People often order with this service

  • Receiving OKVED codes, notices from funds, certificates from the tax office, Pension Fund of Russia

Customer Reviews


With this letter, AGAT LLC, represented by the General Director, expresses gratitude to the staff law firm"PRIORITY" for high quality and efficiency of services provided. The main advantage of employees is the ability to quickly, skillfully and conscientiously perform assigned tasks, as well as the commitment and accuracy shown in the process of work. We hope for further fruitful cooperation.

CEO Sparrow Yu.A.

"I Vengo Mobile"

Limited Liability Company "I Vengo Mobile" expresses gratitude to Limited Liability Company "PRIORITET" for the high quality and efficiency of the services provided. The main advantage of employees is the ability to quickly, skillfully and conscientiously perform assigned tasks, as well as the commitment and accuracy shown in the process of work. We wish your organization further success in its work, economic stability, self-confidence and hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Director Eremin Igor Yurievich


We thank PRIORITET LLC for the high-quality and legally competent preparation of documentation for the registration of ASSAN LLC, in particular Viorika Kozlova. All documents were prepared on time, registration was successful and without problems. We highly appreciated the consultations and recommendations of the specialists of PRIORITET LLC at all stages of the procedure and responsibility in completing tasks.

We believe in maintaining existing business and friendly relations and hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation.

General Director of Assan LLC Magomedov G.M.

Macbeth Group LLC

Dear employees of PRIORITET LLC

We express our sincere gratitude to you for the high-quality and competent preparation of documentation for the registration procedure of Macbeth Group LLC, in particular to the employees Dmitry Syomochkin and Olga Moiseeva. All documents were prepared competently and quickly. Registration was prompt and without problems. We highly appreciated the consultations and recommendations of the specialists of PRIORITET LLC at all stages of the procedure and the efficiency of completing the task. We believe in maintaining existing business and friendly relations and hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation.

Do you need to accredit a representative office of a foreign company in Moscow? Law Firm "PRIORITET" is ready to take on everyone's decisions organizational issues. Accreditation of an organization's representative office is carried out in a short time at a competitive cost and in strict accordance with procedural norms.

Scheme of working with us

You call us or leave a request

Come to our office with a package of available documents

We check all documents for errors. We translate the necessary documents. We interact with the notary. We prepare draft documents for Accreditation and submit them to MIFNS No. 47. We interact with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Your representative office is included in the register

A representative office of a foreign legal entity has the right to carry out permitted activities in the territory Russian Federation from the date of its accreditation.

  • What do we do
  • What is needed from the client*
  • Result
  1. 1 We advise on all issues;
  2. 2 We carry out a comprehensive check of the documents available to the client;
  3. 3 We prepare a list of documents for request in the country of incorporation and a list of additional data for preparing projects;
  4. 4 We prepare draft documents for opening a representative office;
  5. 5 Together with translators, we check and correct translations of documents;
  6. 6 We certify the number of foreign employees of the representative office at the RF CCI;
  7. 7 We open a representative office and register the foreign legal entity with the Federal Tax Service;
  8. 8 We make stamps.

Additional services:

  • receiving notifications from funds (FSS, Pension Fund);
  • preparation of documents for opening a bank account;
  • providing a legal address;
  • personal accreditation of a foreign employee of a representative office at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • Preparation employment contract for the head of the representative office.
  1. 1 Notarized copy constituent document foreign legal entity;
  2. 2 An extract from the trade register of the country of incorporation with the company registration number or a similar document (depending on the country of incorporation);
  3. 3 An official document from the tax office of the country of incorporation with a taxpayer number or a similar document (depending on the country of incorporation).

Additional information for preparing projects:

  • copy of the passport of the head of the representative office (scanned copy of the passport), TIN of the head of the representative office;
  • Bank details current account of the parent company in the country of incorporation of the parent company (name of the bank in Russian, SWIFT code of the bank, account number);
  • email address, telephone number and full address of the representative office;
  • full name of the representative office in Russian;
  • types of activities of the representative office (the main type of activity is indicated separately);
  • contact details of the parent organization (telephone and Email);
  • quantity foreign workers representative offices;
  • title of the manager's position (Head, Director, etc.);
  • term of office of the director by proxy.
  1. 1 Certificate of accreditation;
  2. 2 Certificate of registration tax accounting(if the company was not previously registered with the tax service on another basis);
  3. 3 Information sheet;
  4. 4 Decision/protocol on opening a representative office;
  5. 5 Power of attorney for the head of the representative office;
  6. 6 Regulations on representation;
  7. 7 Seal of the representative office.

Documents transferred to the Client when ordering related services:

  • lease/sublease agreement (when purchasing a legal address);
  • a copy of the certificate of ownership (if purchasing a legal address);
  • notifications from the funds of the Pension Fund of Russia, Social Insurance Fund (when ordering the service “Receipt from funds”);
  • banking service agreement and access to the client bank (when opening a current account);
  • personal accreditation card at the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry of a foreign employee of the representative office (when ordering personal accreditation);
  • an employment contract for the head of a representative office (when ordering an employment contract for the head of a representative office).

*Each document for accreditation must be duly certified, signed by an authorized person, and also legalized in accordance with the requirements of the Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalization of Foreign Public Documents (concluded in The Hague on October 5, 1961), the Convention on Legal Assistance and legal relations in civil, family and criminal cases (concluded in Minsk on January 22, 1993) or a corresponding bilateral agreement on legal assistance. From the date of issuance of the original documents (and the date of certification of the copy of the constituent document) to the time of submission of documents to the Federal Tax Service, no more than 12 calendar months should pass.

Since accreditation of a representative office of a foreign company is a very complex procedure from a legal point of view, it should be entrusted to experienced lawyers. Our company’s employees cope brilliantly with such tasks in Moscow, since they not only have extensive experience in this area, but also have an excellent understanding of what is happening in it legislative changes. Take advantage of our professional support, and you are guaranteed to pass the accreditation procedure for the company's representative office, saving time and money.

Customer Reviews


The branch of A-T TRADE MUSIC LLC expresses its gratitude to both PRIORITET LLC and the employees of your company for the service provided for the accreditation of the Branch. Separately, we would like to note the professionalism in the work and efficiency in the execution of services of the following employees: Elena Mikheeva, Tatyana Chesnokova.

We believe in our further successful and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Sincerely, Head of the Branch of A-T TRADE MUSIC LLC
Ivanova Tatyana Vladimirovna

SI Save-lnvest Ltd

We express our sincere gratitude to the PRIORITET Company, in particular to the employees Elena Mikheeva, Evgeniy Voronov, Yulia Vasilyeva, Viorika Kozlova for the service provided for the accreditation of the Representative Office Joint Stock Company"SI SAVE-INVEST LTD" (country of registration - Switzerland).

We were very lucky to choose this company: when communicating with the employees of the PRIORITET company, we found out that the specialists have extensive experience in working on accreditation with companies from many countries of the world, in addition, the company’s lawyers speak fluent English and draft documents on two languages. Despite the relatively high price, we were assured that in case of refusal, the insurance company would pay us compensation covering the expenses incurred. This was not offered to us anywhere else, and we decided to entrust this work to the specialists of the PRIORITET company. During the work on the order, it turned out that the set had shortcomings that were previously invisible: this concerned the translation, names, and legalization of some of the documents. All this was eliminated in short time, at every stage of the work, the lawyers gave us detailed advice and kept us informed of events. As a result, the accreditation of the representative office was successful, for which we express our deep gratitude to the PRIORITET company.

Head of the Representative Office Nazarov A.A.

Wuhuan Engineering Co.

Dear colleagues from PRIORITET,

We would like to thank you for your qualified and accurate preparation of documents for the accreditation of Wuhuan Engineering Co. Branch. and registration in extra-budgetary funds. All prepared documents complied with legal requirements and were drawn up in a timely manner; It was a real pleasure to work with your lawyers, namely Yulia Vasilyeva and Evgeniy Voronov, and we appreciate their advice and recommendations.

We believe in maintaining existing business and friendly relations and hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation.

JSC Lamb Weston Meyer

Thus, in particular, PRIORITET LLC promptly notified us of a change in the accrediting body for separate divisions of foreign companies and of the need to promptly provide information to it.

We hope that our cooperation will continue in the future.

We wish you success and further development of your company!

Director of the Lamb Weston Meyer representative office in Russia and the CIS countries Kholodilin N.A.


We were pleasantly surprised at how quickly everything was organized, which allowed us to start working in Russia fairly quickly. I would especially like to thank Elena Kazanok, Yulia Vasilyeva, Elena Mikheeva, Evgeniy Voronov for their coordinated and successful work. We hope that in the future we will also be able to rely on your wonderful specialists! We wish you success!

Head of a branch of a limited liability company


Dear colleagues from PRIORITET

We would like to hereby thank you for your qualified and accurate preparation of the documents concerning the information about the Branch of the Limited Liability Company to the authorized federal executive body for making amendments to the state registry of accredited branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities . All prepared documents had met the requirements of legislation and were drafted time-consciously. We truly appreciate the consultations and recommendations of PRIORITET specialists provided at every stage of the procedure and being committed to fulfilling the task.

We believe in keeping our business and personal ties and are looking.

OJSC "Insurance Broker Century"

We are very grateful to PRIORITET LLC for the work that your specialists did in accrediting the representative office of our company. During our cooperation, all shortcomings in the available documents were promptly noted and eliminated, all issues regarding the accreditation of the representative office were dealt with in a timely manner. Many thanks to Evgeniy Voronov and Yulia Vasilyeva for their attention to detail, which allowed us to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Our cooperation continues within the framework of providing accounting services for representation, and we sincerely hope to continue our fruitful cooperation.

We wish you further success in your work!
Alexey Serga, General Representative


Dear partners!

We express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation to the law firm

PRIORITY LLC for fruitful cooperation, in particular, regarding the accreditation of a branch of our company and the provision of information about the branch to the accrediting body.

We believe in maintaining existing business and friendly relations, we hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation

We wish you successful development and achievement of new heights in business.

Best regards, Andre Marin General Director
MARKON Engineersellschaft mbH company