Which of the factors of the economic environment are. Water-soluble vitamins include: entrepreneurial classes"

Choose the correct one.
7. Which of the following triplets provides examples of the three factors of production (labor, capital, and land)?
a) rent, workers, money;
b) oil, taxi drivers, bonds;
c) iron ore deposits, teachers, trucks;
d) farmers, investors, manufacturers.

8. A person who starts a business and brings together all the factors of production to produce goods and services is called:
a) partner;
b) manager;
c) an entrepreneur;
d) broker.
9. Economic rationality is:
a) the desire to maximize your income, no matter the cost;
b) the desire to most fully satisfy physiological needs;
c) a method of choosing solutions based on the desire to obtain the greatest economic results with minimal monetary costs;
d) a method of choosing solutions based on the desire to obtain the greatest economic results with a fixed possible cost of all the resources necessary for this.
10. The opportunity costs of a new stadium are:
a) payment for his security;
b) the price of constructing the stadium;
c) a change in the real tax rate, which is paid from stadium revenues;
d) the price of other goods and services, the production of which was sacrificed for the construction of this stadium.
11. Opportunity cost of storing money in a banker's safe:
a) equal to zero, since money is not a factor of production;
b) increases if the interest rate on bank deposits increases;
c) falls if the interest rate on bank deposits increases;
d) falls if the interest rate on loans (credits) increases.
12. PPC (production possibilities curve) shows:
a) the exact quantities of the two goods that the farm intends to produce;
b) the best possible combination of two goods;
c) an alternative combination of goods in the presence of a given amount of resources;
d) the time when the law of diminishing productivity of factors of production comes into effect.
13. Problems of “what, how and for whom to produce” can only be relevant...
a) only to countries with state planning;
b) only to a market economy;
c) only to a backward economy;
d) to any society, regardless of its socio-economic and political organization.
14. If the volume of production resources in a society increases, then...
a) more goods and services will be produced;
b) the economy is able to produce more goods and services;
c) production technology has improved;
d) the standard of living has increased.
15. If all human and material resources are involved in production, then increase the volume of production of some product:
a) is possible only at private enterprises, and not at state ones;
b) possible only in conditions of rising prices;
c) impossible under any circumstances;
d) it is possible if the production of some other products is reduced.

“Dictators” - Mao Zedong, Chinese. Adolf Hitler, German. Julius Caesar, ancient Rome. Genghis Khan, ancient Mongols. Saddam Hussein, Iraq. Benito Mussolini, Italian. Vladimir Lenin, Russian. Napoleon Bonaparte, French. Stalin, Georgian.

“Comparative world politics” - The relationship between volume and content in a concept (ideal type, category, etc.). Pluralistic comparative political science. Government 2. Comparative politics and world politics. Sartori. Policy synchronization is associated with qualitative changes in the nature of politics as such. R. Dahl. Competencies in Comparative Political Science (V).

“Culture and Civilization” - I create civilization as a prophet in a constructive approach using modeling. American or American-Soviet-German period (from 1921). Experience of successes and failures of rational civilizations. However, ontological organization is necessary. Archeos in a rational civilization became a hindrance to Europe in the twentieth century.

“History of Humanity” - Traces of the existence of primitive people. Primitive people appeared on Earth more than 2 million years ago. An item on display in a museum. The beginning of human history. The science that studies the past of mankind. Business paper. Presentation for the lesson on the surrounding world, grade 4 of the educational complex “Russian Schools”. A person doing excavations.

“Pages of World History” - Page 3 Middle Ages. America. 2. Tombs of the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt. Magellan. (K.E. Tsiolkovsky). What are Muslim prayer buildings called? "Pages of World History". (United Nations). (In Rome). Leonardo da Vinci. Answer the questions: Artist. (Coliseum). (Parthenon). Robinson Crusoe.

“History of East and West” - Points of intersection. People of the East. Reasons for dividing the world into West and East. Main features. World of the West. European colonialism. Opportunity. Harmony with nature. Pilgrims. Reasons for the division of the world. Historical and geographical space.

1.management -

a) this is the ability to achieve goals using experience, intelligence, and motives of behavior;
b) function, type of activity for managing people in various organizations;
c) the function of the management apparatus of modern production to use the laws and patterns of social development, allows you to organize effective, competitive production in the conditions of the external and internal environment, which is constantly changing;
d) all answers are correct

2. Management is:
a) Activities to manage an organization in market conditions.
b) Management aimed at profitability.
c) A special area of ​​scientific knowledge and professional specialization of managers who make up the administrative staff of the organization.
d) all answers are correct

3. The term "management" means:
a) the sequence of actions of the manager;
b) conscious, purposeful human activity, with the help of which he organizes and subordinates the elements of the external environment of society, living and inanimate nature, technology;
c) a system of scientific knowledge that forms the theoretical basis for management practice;
d) use of objective laws of economic development.

4. Management goals are classified according to the following criteria:
a) economic, social, sectoral.
b) By content, levels of management, time, scale.
c) in relation to management levels.
d) All of the above

5. The purpose of management is:
a) The final point of the entire management process.
b) The specific, final state or desired result of the control object.
c) Optimization of the activities of the management object to achieve the mission of the organization.
d) Same as management strategy.

6. In your opinion, an entrepreneur is the same as:
a) Manager.
b) Head of a department in an organization.
c) A salesperson in a store.
d) A person who takes the risk of organizing his own business, introducing an idea or product.

7. An entrepreneur is a person
a) makes a decision and strives to implement it, relying on classical management methods;
b) makes decisions and strives to achieve goals, showing flexibility, taking risks, abandoning unviable ideas;
c) is looking for new business opportunities, but does not want to risk his own capital;
d) prefers decentralization in management, does not use informal connections

8. Define what a control object is?
a) a person or group of people who are controlled;
b) control apparatus;
c) people who are involved in management;
d) people who perform certain tasks.

9. Methods aimed at detailing plans, regulating the production process and economic activities, ensuring clear actions of the management apparatus and coordinated work of all departments of the enterprise are:
a) organizational management methods;
b ) operational management methods;
c) economic management methods.
d) strategic management methods.

10. Management principles define:
a) methods of activity of members of the organization;
b) rules of interaction between members of the organization;
c) norms of management activities;
d) relationships in accordance with which the management system should be created, function and develop;
e) all of the above is correct;
e) only a) and b) are correct.

11. Management functions are:
a) The same as the management process;
b) Relatively separate areas of management activity, with the help of which control actions are carried out to achieve the goals of the organization.
c) The process of creating an enterprise structure.
d) There is no correct answer.

  1. The principles of management are:
    a) scientific approach combined with elements of art, functional specialization combined with universality, the optimal combination of centralized regulation and self-government, purposefulness, consistency, continuity.
    b) Organization, planning, motivation, control, coordination.
    c) Administration, organization, efficiency, specialty.
    d) All of the above.

    13. The life of an organization is subject to certain laws, which include:
    a) laws of specialization, integration, optimal combination, centralization and decentralization of management, democratization, time saving.
    b) laws of complementation, preservation of proportionality, self-preservation, awareness, necessary diversity, ontogenesis, synergy.
    c) economic.
    d) all of the above.

    14 The situational approach to management is based on the assumption that the suitability and effectiveness of various management methods is determined by:
    a) the system of relations that has developed in the team;
    b) the situation in which the organization finds itself;
    c) the manager’s perfection of management techniques and methods.
    d) the level of risk when making decisions.

    15 Management tasks using economic and mathematical methods and models are solved by:
    a) school of scientific management;
    b) administrative school of management;
    c) school of management science;
    d) school of system management;
    e) school of empirical management.

    16. A systematic approach to management is based on the idea of ​​an organization as:
    a) a closed system, oriented to long-term existence due to the flawless operation of each of its elements;
    b) an open system, which is a set of interconnected elements focused on achieving goals in a changing external environment;
    c) a system of interconnected elements, each of which performs one function unique to it, which ensures the existence of the organization in the long term.

    17. The important contribution of the “school of scientific management” to management practice was:
    a) Systematic use of labor incentives in order to motivate personnel to increase their productivity.
    b) Creation of universal management principles.
    c) Shifting the focus of attention in managing task performance to relationships between people.
    d) Application of mathematics, statistics, etc. in management.

    18. An organization is a group of people whose activities are consciously or spontaneously coordinated to achieve:
    a) profit;
    b) a common goal;
    c) competitive advantages;
    d) market positions.

    19. Which of the following concepts does not correspond to the definition of an organization as a system?
    a) synegrism;
    b) symbiosis;
    c) the relationship between individual elements, each of which performs a specific function;
    d) homeostaticity;
    e) dependence on the external environment;
    e) dynamic equilibrium.

    20. Elements of the environment of indirect action in management include:
    a) suppliers, consumers, competitors, laws and government agencies;
    b) labor resources;
    c) international events, the state of the economy, scientific and technical progress, political factors;
    d) all of the above.

    21. The characteristics of an organization include:
    a) Systematization, streamlining, construction of an organizational management structure.
    b) Goals, isolation, intra-organizational center, organizational culture, internal environment, external environment.
    c) Flexibility, planning, scientific approach, specialization, consistency, determination.
    d) All of the above.

    22. The organization distinguishes the following levels of management:
    a) institutional, managerial, technical;
    b) institutional, average, technological;
    c) organizational, functional, linear;
    d) vertical and horizontal.

    23. The set of elements and logical relationships between them, which contributes to the effective transformation of input resources into the final product and the achievement of the organization’s goals, is:
    a) structure of the organization;
    b) organizational culture;
    c) control technology;
    d) all of the above are correct.

    24. What is the mission of the organization?
    a) A set of ways and means aimed at achieving long-term goals.
    b) A common goal causes members of the organization to feel a sense of striving for something.
    c) The estimated desired state of the control object in the future period.
    d) All of the above.

    25. The strategy of the organization should be understood as:
    a) A comprehensive, integrated plan designed to implement the mission and achieve the goals..
    b) A comprehensive plan for making a profit in the long-term period.
    c) Plan for achieving goals.
    d) Current plans to achieve goals.

    26. A strategy that involves searching for growth opportunities in an existing market through new products that require new technology is a strategy:
    a) product development;
    b) cutting off excess;
    c) vertical integration;
    d) horizontal diversification.

    27. “Tree of goals” is a hierarchy of goals, where each goal below is:
    a) a means of realizing the nearest higher goal;
    b) a way to display the sequence of actions that need to be carried out to achieve the main goal;
    c) a graphic representation of the functions performed by various structural divisions of the organization;
    d) correct answers a), b) and c);
    e) correct answers a) and b)

    28. Organization as a management function is:
    a) development and use of incentives for effective interaction between subjects of joint activities.
    b) monitoring the processes that occur when comparing the parameters of an object with the given ones and identifying deviations.
    c) drawing up plans taking into account the strategy and goals of the company, its production profile and the specifics of its activities in the market.
    d) the creation of such an enterprise structure makes it possible for staff to work effectively and collaboratively to achieve common goals.

  2. Managerial powers are:
    a) A real opportunity to use the organization's resources and take action.
    b) The set of officially granted rights and obligations to independently make decisions, give orders, and perform certain actions in the interests of the organization.
    c) The employee’s obligations to perform the tasks inherent in his position and to be responsible for the results of his activities.
    d) Obligations to be responsible for the completion of the task and the results of the work of employees subordinate to him.

    30. The functional management structure is based on:
    a) hierarchy of bodies ensuring the implementation of each management function at all levels.
    b) hierarchy of bodies exercising control.
    c) hierarchy of bodies coordinating activities.
    d) all answers are incorrect.
    e) management of medium and small organizations.

1. How is current control carried out in the organization?

1. By listening to the organization’s employees at production meetings;

2. By observing the work of workers;

3. + Using a feedback system between the governing and managed systems;

4. Through reports at gatherings and meetings;

5. Higher structure.

2. Test. Who should monitor the implementation of assigned tasks for the team?

1. Specialists;

2. Employees;

3. + Leaders;

4. Individual managers;

5. Ministries.

3. Control is:

1. + Type of management activity to ensure the fulfillment of certain tasks and achievement of the organization’s goals;

2. Type of human activity;

3. Monitoring the work of the organization’s personnel;

4. Monitoring the performance of individual tasks by personnel;

5. Constantly reviewing how the organization achieves its goals and adjusts its actions.

4. To reduce the need for control, it is advisable to:

1. + Create organizational and socio-psychological conditions for personnel;

2. Create appropriate social conditions for staff;

3. Create appropriate organizational conditions for personnel;

4. Constantly improve the system of personnel incentives;

5. Constantly improve staff qualifications.

5. Control should be:

1. Objective and transparent;

2. Visible and effective;

3. + Objective, businesslike, effective, systematic and transparent.

4. Effective;

5. Current.

6. What is the basis of labor motivation in Japanese corporations?

1. Receiving high material rewards;

2. + Harmonization between labor and capital;

3. Recognition of merit;

4. Continuous professional development of personnel;

5. Achieving a competitive advantage.

7. What main groups of needs were identified by the Ukrainian scientist Tugan-Baranovsky?

1. Physiological and altruistic;

2. Sexual and physiological;

3. + Physiological, sexual, symptomatic instincts and needs, altruistic;

4. Physiological and symptomatic;

5. Physiological, needs for security, for relationships of belonging, for self-expression, for self-actualization.

8. When did the issue of labor motivation arise historically?

1. Since the advent of money;

2. Since the emergence of organizations;

3. Since the appearance of the head of the organization;

4. + Since the birth of organized production;

5. During the bourgeois revolutions in Europe.

Test - 9. How should we understand the motives of prestige?

1. An employee’s attempts to occupy a senior position in the organization;

2. + The employee’s attempts to realize his social role and take part in socially important work;

3. The employee’s attempts to receive a high salary;

4. Attempts by the employee to take part in social work;

5. The employee's attempts to influence other people.

10. What main groups of motives for work were identified by the Ukrainian scientist V. Podmarkov?

1. Security and recognition;

2. Recognition and prestige;

3. + Security, recognition, prestige;

4. Security and prestige;

5. Image, prestige.

11. Operational plans are developed for a period of:

1. + Six months, a month, a decade, a week;

2. On weekdays;

12. Planning means:

1. Type of activity;

2. + A separate type of management activity that determines the prospects and future state of the organization;

3. Development prospects;

4. State of the organization;

5. Integration of activities.

13. Organizational planning is carried out:

1. Only at the highest level of management;

2. At the highest and middle levels of management;

3. At the middle level of management;

4. + At all levels of management;

5. Determining the needs of subordinates.

14. If you have to explain what the planning function is, then you will say that it is:

1. + Establishing goals and objectives for the development of management objects, determining ways and means to achieve them;

2. Setting the goals of the organization;

3. Determining ways and means of completing tasks;

4. Determining ways to achieve the organization's goals;

5. Modeling of the organization's actions.

15. One of the forms of monopoly, an association of many industrial, financial and commercial enterprises that formally retain independence, but are actually subject to financial control and management of the leading group of enterprises in the association:

1. + Concern;

2. Cartel;

3. Consortium;

4. Corporation;

5. Association.

16. A type of economic activity in which some of the participants are liable for debts with all their property, and some only within the limits of their contributions to the authorized capital

1. Subsidiary partnership;

3. Full partnership;

4. + Limited partnership;

5. Joint stock company.

17. A type of economic activity in which its participants are liable for the debts of the enterprise with their contributions to the authorized capital, and if these amounts are insufficient, additional property that belongs to them:

1. Full partnership;

2. Limited liability partnership;

3. Limited partnership;

4. + Partnership with additional liability;

5. Production cooperative.

18. A type of economic activity when all its participants are engaged in joint entrepreneurial activity and bear joint liability for the obligations of the company with all their property - this is:

1. Partnership with additional liability;

2. Limited liability partnership;

3. + Full partnership;

4. Limited partnership;

5. Joint stock company.

19. An organization that has unambiguous internal relationships and strict regulation of all aspects of its activities is:

1. Primary organization;

2. Organic organization;

3. Secondary organization;

5. At the corporate level.

20. Work motivation means do not include:

1. Rewards;

2. Conducting production meetings;

3. Improvement of personnel qualifications;

4. + Providing conditions for self-expression;

5. Declaration of gratitude.

21. The following theory of motivation is based on the confidence that a person will receive a reward for certain work performed:

1. Justice;

2. Needs;

3. Rewards;

4. + Expectations;

5. Assumptions.

22. In accordance with the Meskon concept, the main (general) management functions are implemented in the following order:

1. + Planning, organization, motivation, control;

2. Organization, planning, control, motivation;

3. Planning, organization, control, motivation;

4. Motivation, control, planning, organization;

5. Strategy, planning, organization, control.

23. When is final control carried out in the organization?

1. Before the actual start of work;

2. + After completing the planned work;

3. During certain work;

5. After achieving your goals.

24. When is current control carried out in an organization?

1. After completing certain work;

2. Before the actual start of certain work;

3. + During certain work;

4. When it is convenient for the manager;

5. When it is convenient for the team.

25. What does the management function “motivation” provide?

1. Achieving personal goals;

2. + Encouraging employees to effectively complete assigned tasks;

3. Execution of adopted management decisions;

4. Ensuring undeniable influence on the subordinate;

5. Encouraging employees to work.

26. If you have to explain what the motivation function is, then you will say that it is:

1. The process of achieving the goals set for the administration;

2. Encouraging oneself to perform effectively;

3. + The process of motivating oneself and others to effectively achieve the goals set for the organization;

4. A way to influence personnel in order to achieve goals;

4. + Mechanistic organization;

5. Dynamic organization.

27. The following phases of the organization’s life cycle are defined:

1. Creation, formation, development, revival;

2. Birth, maturity;

3. + Birth, childhood, youth, maturity, aging, rebirth;

4. Birth, maturity, rebirth;

5. Creation, development, maturity, aging.

28. The main constituent elements of the organization’s internal environment do not include:

1. Consumers, competitors, laws;

2. + Goals, objectives;

3. Personnel, technology;

4. Management structure;

5. Consumers.

29. What should be understood by the mission of the organization?

1. The main tasks of the organization;

2. Main functions of the organization;

3. Main activity;

4. + Clearly expressed reasons for existence;

5. Basic principles of organization.

30. If you have to explain what is meant by organization, you will say that it is:

1. Uniting people to perform certain jobs;

2. + A conscious association of people that acts on the basis of certain procedures and rules and jointly implements a certain program or goals;

3. A group of people who jointly implement certain programs; .

4. A group of people who unite on the basis of sympathy for each other to achieve personal goals;

5. Uniting people by interests.

31. The internal environment includes:

2. State of the economy, changes in politics, social culture, scientific and technological progress, technology, group interests, international environment;

3. + Goals, personnel, tasks, structure, technology, organizational culture;

32. Management test. The external environment of an organization of indirect action includes:

1. Suppliers, labor resources, laws and government regulatory agencies, consumers, competitors;

2. + State of the economy, changes in politics, social culture, scientific and technological progress, technology, group interests, international environment;

3. Goals, personnel, tasks, structure, technology, organizational culture;

4. Plans, forecasts, organizational structure, motivation, control;

5. Partners, personnel, socio-psychological conditions.

33. What management principles did the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle substantiate in his book “Nicomachean Ethics”?

1. + Ethical and aesthetic principles;

2. Organizational;

3. Corporate;

4. Moral principles;

5. Specific principles.

34. How can you explain the essence of the principle “subordination of personal interest to the general”?

1. In an organization, only the personal interests of the organization’s leaders should always be taken into account;

2. The interest of one employee must prevail over the interests of the organization as a whole;

3. The interests of individual managers must prevail over the interests of individual groups of workers;

4. + In an organization, the interests of one employee or group should not prevail over the interests of the organization as a whole;

5. The interest of the organization should not prevail over the interests of the team.

35. What does discipline provide for as a management principle?

1. Fulfillment of assigned tasks by all employees;

2. + Strict adherence by the administration of the enterprise and its staff to the concluded collective agreement and contract;

3. Fulfillment of assigned tasks by managers;

4. Fulfillment of assigned tasks by employees of the management apparatus;

5. Complete subordination of workers to the management apparatus.

36. What should modern management principles reflect?

1. Basic principles of management;

2. The main connections that develop in the system;

3. The main relationships that develop in the system;

4. + Basic properties, connections and control relationships that develop in the system;

5. Mandatory presence of goals in management.

37. What is the basis for managing any system?

1. + Principles that reflect market business conditions;

2. Management methods;

3. Management functions;

4. Financial resources;

5. Management object.

38. Where, in the opinion of domestic and foreign management specialists, was the practice of managing an organization formed?

1. In Sumeria, Macedonia, Rome, Kievan Rus;

2. In Kievan Rus;

3. + In Rome and Sumeria;

4. In Sumeria and Macedonia;

5. In the Russian Empire.

Test. 39. An approach that requires making an optimal decision, which depends on the relationship between interacting factors, is:

1. + Situational approach;

2. Systematic approach;

3. Process approach;

4. Behavioral approach;

5. Current approach. ;

40. If management considers all processes and phenomena in the form of an integral system that has new qualities and functions that are absent in the elements that make them up, then we are dealing with:

1. Behavioral approach.

2. Process approach;

3. Situational approach;
4. + Systematic approach;

5. Current approach.

41. What is the component control?

1. + Marketing;

2. Management;

3. Economic processes;

4. Socio-economic processes;

5. Finance.

42. What methods of management of organizations play a leading role in modern conditions?

1. + Economic;

2. Social and psychological;

3. Organizational and administrative;

4. Administrative;

5. Socio-economic.

43. Primary needs include:

1. Psychological;

2. + Physiological;

3. Economic;

4. Material;

5. Social.

44. Needs are:

1. Primary and internal;

2. Internal and secondary;

3. + Primary, secondary, internal and external;

4. Internal and external;

5. Primary and external.

45. Motivation is based on:

1. Needs and self-expression;

2. + Needs and rewards;

3. Rewards and satisfaction of individuals;

4. Satisfaction of all people;

5. Self-expression and rewards.

46. ​​The main form of material incentives for the organization’s personnel is:

1. Awards;

2. Prizes and valuable gifts;

3. Valuable gifts and salary;

4. + Salary;

5. Bonuses and salary.

47. What creates the management structure of an organization?

1. A set of linear controls;

2. A set of functional services;

3. A set of linear and functional services (bodies);

4. + Set of controls;

5. A set of software-targeted services.

48. An analysis of the organization’s competitors is carried out with the aim of:

1. Definition of their strategy and strengths;

2. Determining their goals and strengths;

3. + Determine their goals, strategies, strengths and weaknesses;

4. Definitions of strategy;

5. Determine their goals and weaknesses.

49. The goals of the organization must satisfy the following basic requirements:

1. + Achievability, specificity, time orientation;

2. Reachability and time orientation;

3. Time orientation and specificity;

4. Reachability;.

5. Orientation in time.

50. When did the term “organization” become widespread in economic literature?

1. In the 20s of the XX century;

2. In the 30s of the XX century;

3. + In the 60s of the XX century;

4. In the 70s of the XX century;

5. In the 80s of the XX century.

51. Organization as an object of management:

A. Acts as the basic unit of a market economy within which management decisions are made

b. Serves as a link between the state and consumers of produced goods and services

V. Helps the state in collecting and accumulating various types of taxes

52. Which of the listed management functions are based on the needs and interests of employees?

A. Control

b. Planning

B. Motivation

53. Management practice arose:

A. During the rapid industrialization of industrial production

b. Simultaneously with the emergence of a systematic approach to management

B. Simultaneously with the unification of people into organized groups

54. The ultimate goal of management is:

A. Rationalization of production organization

B. Ensuring the profitability of the enterprise

V. Increasing employee motivation

55. What is the most important function of management?

A. Creation of favorable conditions for the further development and functioning of the enterprise

b. Increasing employee productivity

V. Continuous implementation of scientific and technological progress achievements in production

56. Is management productive work?

A. No. Managers and executives do not directly participate in the production process.

b. Depending on the form of ownership and specialization of the organization

V. Yes. Because management is an integral part of the production process

57. What is not a product of a manager’s labor?

A. Goods and services

b. Decision on choosing sales markets

V. Preparation of a business plan

58. The size of an organization in management is determined by:

Number of departments and structural units

The number of people working in it

Number of regular clients and/or customers

59. The purpose of stabilization management is:

Development of measures that can influence the stabilization of the financial condition of the company

Wedging a company into industry and inter-industry structures to stabilize its financial condition

Constant implementation and implementation of measures aimed at stabilizing the financial, personnel, technical and technological, internal and external structure of the organization

60. What characterizes the standard of controllability?

The total number of people who report to one manager

The number of responsibilities specified in the job description for each individual employee

Time during which the employee completed the manager’s task

61. Management is a science that studies:

Human potential

Interaction of employees within the team

Processes for managing materials, raw materials, labor, etc. company resources

62. Research methods in management:

They represent specific ways to implement management decisions that lead to the achievement of set goals and objectives

These are specific ways of knowing, techniques, approaches and principles that make the impact on the control object effective

A set of rules, regulations and scientific techniques that are used to study the motivational characteristics of employees

63. Management as a science is:

A set of interdisciplinary studies aimed at studying the principles of making effective management decisions

Specific economic knowledge that studies all types of resources and their management

Area of ​​knowledge about how to effectively influence the resources available in an organization

64 - test. Management methods are:

Approaches to selecting and discarding resources

Ways to increase the efficiency of the resources used

Techniques and methods of influencing the team, as well as individual employees, to achieve the goals and mission of the organization

65. Planning as a management function consists of:

Formulating the organization’s development goals, as well as determining ways to achieve them

Development of tactical and strategic plans for the organization’s economic activities

Drawing up production plans for each employee

66. The decision-making process in management is:

Chaotic process

Systematized process

Routine activities

67. The criterion for management effectiveness is:

The period during which the organization operates on the market

A set of indicators that characterize how effective the operation of systems and subsystems managed in an organization is

Continuous profit growth

Test. 68. The objectives of management are:

Development and scientific justification of management decisions

Creating the necessary conditions for making rational and effective management decisions

Development, testing in practice and implementation of scientific methods, approaches and principles that ensure coordinated and uninterrupted work of the team and its individual members

69. What is the object and subject of management?

Objects – management decisions, subjects – managers, subordinates

Objects – production activities and interaction with contractors, resources of all types, market, information, subject – manager

Objects – money, labor resources, market, subject – market economy

70. Management is in management:

The main method of work of a manager

The process of organizing information and managing it competently

The process of forecasting and planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating and controlling, which allows you to formulate the goals of the organization and outline ways to achieve them

71. Organization is in management:

A group of people who work together to achieve a specific goal, acting on the basis of certain rules

Main control system

Main managed subsystem

72. Founder of management science:

F. Taylor

73. The basis for motivating the workforce in Japanese companies is:

Equilibrium between capital and labor

Continuous improvement of qualification level

Bonuses for unusual approaches to solving labor problems

74. Who implements the control function?

Line managers

All team members

Top management of the company

75. What determines the number of subordinates a manager has?

Type of organization

Hierarchical level

Position held

76. By what principle cannot management decisions be classified?

Level of responsibility


Degrees of formalization