Which of the following factors do you think is most important? Management is a science that studies. What is not a product of a manager’s labor?

A) solar radiation B) temperature

C) dissolved oxygen D) nutrients

60. Appearance different types finches on the Galapagos Islands are the result of speciation:

A) allopatric B) peripatric

C) parapatric D) sympatric

PART II. You are offered test tasks with multiple answer options (from 0 to 5). The maximum number of points that can be scored is 70 (2.5 points for each task). Mark the indices of correct answers (B) and incorrect answers (H) in the matrix with the sign “X”.

Example of filling out the matrix:

? A B IN G D

1. Carotenoid pigments:

A) highly soluble in water

B) highly soluble in organic solvents - gasoline, alcohol

C) their color depends on the acidity of the environment

D) these include rubixanthin, lycopene, violoxanthin

2. The conducting bundle shown in the figure:

A) open

B) closed

B) concentric

D) collateral

D) located in the stems of dicotyledonous plants

3. The inflorescence shown in the figure is:

A) simple

B) difficult

B) monopodial

D) uncertain

D) topaceous

4. Nut fruits - according to the botanical classification, plants have:

A) chestnut

B) almonds

B) coconut tree

G) Walnut

D) peanuts

A) has fruiting bodies in the form of perithecia

B) reproduces asexually through conidia

B) the sexual process is isogamy

D) belongs to ascomycetes

D) contains the alkaloid ergotinine, which, when consumed as food, causes a disease called “Anthony’s fire” in humans.

6. Spirogyra is an algae that:

A) trichal organization of the thallus

B) sexual process in the form of conjugation

C) the chromatophore looks like an open belt

D) diplophase life cycle

D) chlorophyll a and d

7. Plant tissue shown in the figure:

A) complex in structure

B) by origin - secondary

B) its cells have uniformly thickened cell walls

D) her cells are dead

D) there are well-developed intercellular spaces between cells

8. Cartilaginous fish include:

A) bigheaded hammerfish B) common sunfish

C) plump-cheeked needlefish D) common sawfish E) swordfish

9. The front pair of wings does not take part in flight, but only performs a protective function in insects belonging to the orders:

A) Coleoptera B) Orthoptera C) dragonflies D) cockroaches E) Lepidoptera

10. From the list of mammals, select those that were introduced into the territory of Udmurtia:

A) steppe marmot B) muskrat C) American mink

D) great gopher D) raccoon dog

11. The main builders of hollows in our forests are woodpeckers, but there are many more hollow-nesting birds. Select them from the list:

A) common goldeneye B) common wryneck C) tree pipit

D) blue tit E) common starling

12. Of the listed animals, the keel of the sternum has:

A) helmeted cassowary B) red-headed mole C) European mole

D) flying fish E) Adelie penguin

13. Animals that have only a primary body cavity (schizocoel) include:

A) ascidian B) nereis C) roundworm D) mantis E) rotifers

14. Chordata, including humans, belong to the group of deuterostome animals. Deuterostomes also include:

A) earthworm B) bryozoan C) sea cucumber D) stag beetle E) tardigrade

15. Enzymes that break down proteins:

A) trypsin B) amylase C) lipase D) pepsin E) chymosin

16. Water-soluble vitamins include:

A) C B) E C) C6 D) A E) C12

17. The structural parts of the nephron include:

A) Bowman-Shumlyansky capsule B) distal tubule C) loop of Henle

D) collecting duct E) renal calyces

18. The free bones of the lower extremities include:

A) pisiform B) talus C) navicular D) femoral E) trapezoid

19. Normally, the following substances do not pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) ​​from the blood into the cerebrospinal fluid:

A) ethyl alcohol B) immune bodies C) antibiotics

D) tetanus toxin E) morphine

20. Blood contains the following buffer systems:

A) carbonate B) hemoglobin C) phosphate D) protein E) ionic

21. The following types of inhibition of conditioned reflexes are distinguished:

A) differentiation B) conditioned inhibition C) retardation inhibition

D) beyond E) fading brake

22. Select the characteristics that correspond to the characteristics of protein metabolism in the human body:

A) the breakdown of protein molecules into amino acids occurs in cells

B) absorption of amino acids occurs through secondary active transport

C) the end products of amino acid breakdown are carbon dioxide, water, ammonia

D) ammonia is neutralized in the ornithine cycle

D) the daily protein requirement for an adult is about 100 g

23. Enzymatic diagnostics is based on:

A) release of enzymes into the blood during tissue damage

B) organ specificity

B) high stability of enzymes

D) the predominance of certain isoenzymes in different tissues

D) low activity or complete absence of activity of diagnostically significant enzymes in the blood is normal

24. Indicate methods for separating proteins based on differences in their molecular weight:

A) ion exchange chromatography

B) ultracentrifugation

B) electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel

D) gel filtration

D) affinity chromatography

25. The matrix process is:

A) polymerization B) repair C) translation D) transcription E) transduction

26. Select the features characteristic of sucrose:

A) contains an α,β1,2-glycosidic bond

B) reducing sugar

B) monosaccharide

D) found in sugar beets

D) is cleaved by α-amylase

27. Glycogen breakdown in muscles:

A) maintains a constant blood glucose concentration between meals

B) occurs using ATP energy

B) stimulated during intense physical work by adrenaline and Ca 2+

D) occurs during physical activity of an aerobic and anaerobic nature

D) is impaired by a defect in glucose-6-phosphatase

28. The process of spore formation in bacteria includes:

A) loss of part of the genetic material

B) loss of water by the cell

B) synthesis of cortex

D) asymmetric cell division

D) copying plasmids

PART III. You are offered tasks that require matching. Fill out the answer matrices in accordance with the requirements of the tasks. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 20 (0.5 points for each correct match).

1. Establish correspondences between the names of the inflorescences and their diagrams indicated in the figure by numbers. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 6.5.

A) head

B) gyrus

B) complex dichasium

D) curl

D) umbrella

G) complex brush

H) cob

I) basket

K) cob

L) complex umbrella

Theoretical round of the school stage All-Russian Olympiad in biology,


Task completion time 120 minutes

Maximum score: 70.5 points

Part I You are offered test tasks that require a choice only one answer

out of four possible. The maximum number of points you can score is 30

(1 point for each test task).

1.Only a bacterial cell has:

a) cell wall containing murein

b) cell wall containing cellulose

c) plasma membrane

d) there is no correct answer.

2. The same function is typical for:

a) spores of bacteria and fungi

b) bacterial spores and protozoan cysts

c) spores of bacteria and plant seeds

d) there is no correct answer

3. Capable of absorbing organic substances from environment:
a) spirogyra and fucus
b) spirogyra and ulotrix
c) chlamydomonas and chlorella
d) kelp and fucus.

4. Kukushkin flax reproduces:
a) zoospores
b) seeds under unfavorable conditions
c) disputes
d) aplanospores.

5. In one cell of the pulp of a mature rowan fruit, under a microscope you can see plastids:
a) leucoplasts, chloroplasts and chromoplasts
b) leucoplasts and chloroplasts
c) leukoplasts and chromoplasts
d) chromoplasts.

6. In flowering plants, the following develops from the wall of the ovary:
a) embryo
b) seed coat
c) endosperm
d) pericarp.

7. What set of chromosomes is found in the endosperm cells of barley seeds?
a) haploid
b) diploid
c) triploid
d) polyploid.

8. A mask is part of the oral apparatus:
a) termite soldiers
b) burying beetles
c) cross spider
d) dragonfly larvae.

9. How are representatives of this animal species (see picture) dangerous to humans?

A) carriers of protozoa - pathogens of dangerous diseases
b) carriers of bacteria that cause dangerous diseases
c) have poisonous glands, the bite is dangerous for people with diseases

of cardio-vascular system.
d) are not dangerous in any way.

10. What is the pericardium filled with in crayfish?
a) water
b) coelomic fluid
c) arterial blood
d) venous blood.

11. Which group of insects are termites most closely related to?
a) bees
b) ants
c) cockroaches
d) Orthoptera.

12. Representatives of what class are caecilians?
a) cyclostomes
b) mammals
c) reptiles
d) amphibians.

13. In birds, the leading sense organ is:
a) vision
b) sense of smell
c) hearing
d) touch.

14. Unlike an adult, a child under 6–7 years of age does not have:
a) incisors
b) fangs
c) small molars
d) large molars.

15. Cross-striped fibers are characteristic of muscle tissues,
which provide:
a) rotation of the eyeball
b) compression of the walls of lymphatic vessels
c) constriction of the pupil
d) pupil dilation.

16. Of the listed enzymes, the following do NOT function in the small intestine:
a) chymotrypsin
b) lipase
c) pepsin
d) pancreatic amylase.

17. Salivation centers are located in:
a) midbrain
b) cerebellum
c) diencephalon
d) medulla oblongata.

18. The lateral horns of the spinal cord include:
a) axons of sensory neurons
b) cell bodies of motor neurons
c) bodies of sensory neurons
d) bodies of interneurons.
19. The respiratory center in humans reacts to the amount in the blood:
a) oxygen
b) oxygen and carbon dioxide
c) carbon dioxide
d) carbon monoxide

20. Mucus covering the walls of the stomach:
a) inactivates salivary enzymes
b) softens food
c) promotes the conversion of pepsinogen to pepsin
d) prevents self-digestion of the stomach walls.
21. Magnesium ions are part of:
a) hemoglobin
b) insulin
c) chlorophyll
d) thyroxine.

22. The figure shows the dependence of the growth rate of different species
plants from illumination:

The most shade-loving species is:
a) A
b) B
c) B
d) G.

23. The main components of chromatin in the eukaryotic nucleus are:
a) DNA and RNA
b) RNA and proteins
c) DNA and proteins
d) DNA and lipids.

24. Anticodon contains:
a) one nucleotide
b) two nucleotides
c) three nucleotides
d) four nucleotides.
25. The divergence of daughter chromatids to the poles occurs in meiosis in:
a) prophase I
b) metaphase II
c) anaphase I
d) anaphase II.

26. Oxidation of organic compounds to CO2 in mitochondria
a) in the matrix
b) in the intermembrane space
c) on the outer membrane
d) on the inner membrane.

27. When crossing a ginger cat with a tortoiseshell cat, the offspring will be:
a) all kittens will be black
b) half of the kittens will be red
c) all cats will be red
d) all cats will be black.

28. What happens in an ecosystem if there are no decomposers or
their activity is weakly expressed:
a) nothing happens
b) accumulation of organic matter occurs
c) the number of producers decreases
d) the number of consumers increases.

29. Which one the following factors seems most important
factor controlling primary production in the ocean?
a) solar radiation
b) temperature
c) dissolved oxygen
d) nutrients.

30. In the process of photosynthesis, the source of carbon is:
a) ribulose bisphosphate
b) glucose
c) water
d) carbon dioxide.

Task 2. Test tasks with one answer option out of four possible, but requiring preliminary multiple choice. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 20 (2 points for each test task).

1. In the composition of the leaf vein you can find:
I. sieve tubes with companion cells; II vessels; III.sclerenchyma; IV angular collenchyma; V. parenchyma.

c) I, II, III, IV, V;

d) II, III, IV, V.

2. The growth of the stem in length occurs due to the educational tissue:
I. apical; II. lateral – procambium; III. lateral – cambium; IV.insert;V. regional

a) I, II, III, IV, V

b) II, III, IV, V

c) only V

d) only I.

3. Roots form in mosses, horsetails and ferns:

I. main with side ones; II main; III. subordinate clauses, IV lateral.V. subordinate clauses with laterals.
a) III, IV, V
b) I, II, IV
c) III, V

d) I, IV.
4. The lateral line organs in fish serve for:
I. determination of direction and speed of current; II. determination chemical composition water; III. detecting the approach of a predator or prey; IV. detection of underwater obstacles; V. orientation in space along magnetic field lines.

a) I, II, III, IV, V

5. Bones forming the pelvic girdle:
I.femoral;II. ischial; III. pubic; IV. sacrum; V. ileum

b) I, II, III, IV, V

6. Parietal cells of the gastric mucosa secrete:
I. pepsinogen; II.trypsinogen; III.hydrochloric acid;IV. alpha amylase; V.chymotrypsin

a) I, II, III, IV, V

d) only III.

7. In the body, cholesterol performs the following functions:
I. regulates the microviscosity of the plasma lipid bilayer
membranes; II. is a precursor to compounds that provide
emulsification of fats in the gastrointestinal tract;III. is a precursor of hormones of the adrenal cortex; IV. is a precursor of pituitary hormones; V. is a precursor of gonadal hormones;
a) I, II, III, V

d)I, II, III, IV, V.

8. Multiple nuclei may be present in next cells person:

I. red blood cells; II. nerve cells; III. germ cells; IV. smooth muscle cells; V. epithelial cells of the small intestine.
a) III, IV
b) II, V;
c) I, II, III, IV, V;
d) there is no correct answer.

9. Signs by which mitochondria and plastids differ from other organelles:

I. have two membranes; II. contain their own ribosomes; III. contain enzymes inside that carry out redox reactions; IV. have a circular DNA molecule; V.have proteins and enzymes in membranes
a) I, II, III, IV, V;

c) II, III, IV, V;

10. In ecology, pyramids are considered: I. numbers; II. biomass; III. species composition; IV. energy; V. trophic connections

b) I, II, III, IV, V

d) only IV.

Task 3. Task to determine the correctness of judgments. Write “YES” or “NO” next to the judgment numbers. (max. 10 points)

1. The seed embryo is heterotrophic at the earliest stages of germination.

2. The body of lower plants is always represented by a thallus with large leaves.

3. The bulk of the muscles in birds is located on the ventral side.

4. All autotrophic organisms are also phototrophic.

5. Light intensity and quality vary vertically in the forest canopy.

6. The products of the dark stage of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen.
7. If you have a swallowing disorder, the hardest thing to swallow is water.

8. All invertebrates use external fertilization.

9. Mitochondria and lysosomes appeared in eukaryotic cells as a result of symbiosis.

10. In the genetic code, each type of amino acid corresponds only to
one triplet (codon).

Task 4. I. [max. 2.5 points, 0.5 each] The figure shows a cross section of a spruce needle. Match the symbols in the figure (1–5) with the names of the building elements:

A – epidermis;
B – resin passage;
B – stomata;
G – conductive bundle;
D – mesophyll.

IV. [Max. 3 points ] Solve a biological problem.

The parents have blood groups 2 and 4 (according to the ABO system). In what cases will there be children in a family who are not similar in blood type to their parents? Write down the solution to the problem as evidence of your answer.

1. Definition:“Entrepreneurial activity is an independent activity carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematic obtaining profits from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law” is given...

- in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

In the Entrepreneurial Code of the Russian Federation

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation

2. Which of the proposed list is not included in the objectives of state policy in the field of small business

o Formation of a legal environment that ensures the unhindered development of small business

3. Finish the phrase: “The source of a person’s strength is his strength...

Of the past"

- future»


4. What is the purpose of supporting entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is a phenomenon of great social and economic significance, which means that various forces (state, political, public, professional and others) are interested in its development, which support its formation

Entrepreneurs, especially beginners, are still little familiar with their upcoming activities, so various structures, including government ones, provide them with assistance

- Entrepreneurs are people on whose activities the country's economy is built. In order to provoke them, the structures offer them help. At the same time, they are confident that entrepreneurs will refuse help. And they will work more actively to prove their worth

5. Finish the phrase: “There are three zones of business risk: the zone of acceptable risk, the zone of critical risk and the zone...”

- catastrophic risk

Limit of risk

No significant risk

6. The organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship do not include...

Joint-Stock Company

Limited Liability Company

- collective farming

7. Which of the following socio-economic problems cannot be solved only by small and medium-sized businesses?

Formation of high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries industry

Increasing the revenue side of budgets at all levels

Increasing employment among the population

- Creating conditions to ensure political stability in society

Formation of a rational structure of the economy

8. Which of the proposed list is not included in the objectives of state policy in the field of small business?

Formation of a legal environment that ensures the unhindered development of small business

- Providing the needs of small businesses with qualified personnel

Providing legal, judicial and physical protection to small businesses, carried out on the basis of federal laws and laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Formation of infrastructure that ensures the availability of necessary services and resources for small businesses

Financial provision of state support for small businesses

9. Which of the following questions does not directly relate to the problem of regulatory support for the development of small innovative enterprises?

Mechanism for free financing of innovative pilot projects using federal funds

Separation of powers and ownership rights to a scientific product

Ensuring labor safety at the enterprise

Opportunity for regional participation government agencies in supporting small businesses through the organization of preferential conditions for the use municipal property, payment utilities and so on.

- Creation of a favorable organizational and economic climate for high-risk lending

10. Which of the following sources of microloans do entrepreneurs currently consider most preferable (according to surveys)?

- State and commercial banks

Microloans provided under international programs entrepreneurship support

Credit cooperatives (unions), as well as pawnshops and other similar organizations

Business partners

State or municipal funds to support small businesses

11. Which of the following personal characteristics is not the main one for assessing an entrepreneur and employees small and medium-sized businesses?

Moral and psychological


- Health status



12. Which of the following elements is not included in the structure of entrepreneurial activity?

Subject of activity and knowledge about this subject

- Needs, motives that motivate activity

Conditions of operation

Ways and means of achieving the goal

Economic situation in the country

13. What factors of the external business environment have a significant negative impact on the development of entrepreneurship in Russia at the present time and the influence of which should be reduced or eliminated as a result of state support for small businesses?

Political instability in Russia

Criminalization of the economy

- Low effectiveness of small business support programs

Weak interest of authorities at all levels in the development of small businesses

14. Which of the following elements does not belong to the mechanism of state support for small and medium-sized businesses?

Population of the region and (or) municipality on whose territory activities are carried out to support small and medium-sized businesses

- Types of resources, sources, forms of their organization and methods of use to achieve set goals for the support and development of small and medium-sized businesses

Organizational structures involved in activities to support small and medium-sized businesses, forms of organization and management of the activities of these structures

o Methods and forms of direct and indirect impact on the part of state and municipal authorities on elements of the external and internal environment various categories small and medium-sized businesses classified as objects of state support

Goals and objectives of activities to support and develop various categories of small and medium-sized businesses classified as objects of state support

15. When can legal entities act as business entities?

From the moment the charter is approved by the founders

- From the moment of state registration

From the moment the founders sign the minutes of the general meeting

From the moment of signing the memorandum of association

From the moment the business plan is approved by the management of the enterprise

16. Which of the following tasks of state support is the highest priority and should be addressed as a matter of priority within the framework of government programs support for small businesses in Russia at present (according to surveys)?

Improving the federal regulatory framework for small businesses

- Ensuring the growth of investments in small businesses

Protection of domestic producers. Ensuring stability of taxation, accounting and reporting for a long period. Development of a credit guarantee system

Legal protection of entrepreneurs and their businesses. Simplification of registration, licensing, certification

System improvement tax benefits for small businesses

17. Select from the proposed list a source that does not finance the creation and development of business support infrastructures


- Religious organizations

Private sources

Business unions and associations

18. Which of the listed characteristics does not relate to the definition of the concept of “entrepreneurial activity”?

- Not aimed at systematically making a profit

o Carried out at your own risk

o Registered in accordance with the procedure established by law

Carrying out on professional basis people who have certain qualifications and (or) have the information necessary to make and implement decisions in the field of a specific business

Independent activity

19. What other function, in addition to its direct purpose of organizing the selection procedure, does the criterial base perform?

Permission function (the right to use certain ideas)

Navigation function (guidance to certain ideas)

- Ban function (prohibition to use certain ideas)

20. Which of the six principles below does not apply to the principles of developing entrepreneurial competencies?

o The principle of expanding reality

o The principle of unlocking potential

- Uncorking principle

o Replication principle

o Bridgehead principle

21. Name a characteristic that cannot be attributed to machinery and equipment used in business?

- Number, composition and productivity of technological lines

Number, composition and production capabilities and condition of auxiliary premises and structures used in business activities

Quantity, composition, technical capabilities and condition of technological equipment and tools

Number, composition and productivity of individual sets of machines and equipment

Quantity, composition, technical capabilities and condition of measuring and testing equipment

22. Which statement do you disagree with?

o Those who do not believe in their own abilities should not engage in entrepreneurship

- Someone who has not done it before should not engage in entrepreneurship

o Someone who does not bother with analytical work should not engage in entrepreneurship

23. Name a type of investment in business that cannot be represented in monetary form?

Target bank deposits

Shares and other securities

- Creative qualities of the management and personnel of the enterprise


24. Which of the following features does not relate to the definition of the concept of “state support for small and medium-sized businesses”? This is the activity of individuals and legal entities carried out by:

On a temporary (competitive) basis when fulfilling a contract(s) for the supply of products, performance of work and (or) services in the field of supporting small businesses within the framework of state (federal, regional) and municipal orders

On an ongoing basis in accordance with the legislation, legal documents of organizations and (or) on the basis of powers and long-term agreements with executive bodies of the federal (regional) and municipal levels of government

By establishing legal regimes, implementation and protection processes legal regulation activities of small businesses, including activities to support them, based on a combination of interests of local administrations and business representatives

In order to create in the region and municipal formation regulatory, legal and socio-economic conditions necessary to ensure the stabilization of existing ones and support of newly formed ones and attract “foreign” business entities to the local market

25. Which of the following elements of the external environment of small businesses, due to their purpose, cannot be considered potentially favorable for the development of small and medium-sized businesses?

Legislative authorities (federal, regional, municipal)

State and municipal authorities

- Supervisory and fiscal authorities


Consulting, auditing firms

26. Finish the phrase: “There are three zones of business risk:

- acceptable risk zone

Extreme risk zone

-catastrophic risk zone

Insignificant risk zone

-critical risk zone

27. Finish the phrase: “For the last two hundred years, the development function has been assumed by either corporate entrepreneurs - states, or collective entrepreneurs - ...

Transnational corporations"

- entrepreneurial classes"

Interstate Unions"

28. What did not allow the countries representing the second wave of industrialization (USA, Germany, USSR) to make a powerful industrial breakthrough similar to the industrial movement of France and England?

Political ambitions of state leaders

- Lack of a strong entrepreneurial class

Presence of a strong entrepreneurial class

29. Which one do you think? management function more important?

Cost reduction

- Eliminate or mitigate the impact of risks

Profit maximization

30. Do you think it is necessary to use the capabilities of entrepreneurship support systems?

Yes, because it expands the field of possibilities

No, it's better to rely only on yourself

N no, this is completely useless, since the time spent will not justify the results obtained at all

31. How do inventions differ from innovations in the Schumpeterian approach?

An invention is an original (possibly patented) idea for a new product, service or technological process, and innovation is the whole range of work - design, development, production and marketing of a new product

- An invention is an original (possibly patented) idea for a new product, service or technological process, and innovation is the translation of this idea into a commercially marketable innovation

An invention is an original (possibly patented) idea for a new product, service or technological process, while innovation is the preparation for the process of invention

32. Fear is yours...


- Friend

33. Which of the following categories of business entities cannot be classified as the object of state (regional) and municipal support for small and medium-sized businesses?

Small private commercial enterprises

- Individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activity without education legal entity(PBOYUL)

Small and medium-sized collective (joint) commercial enterprises

Medium private commercial enterprises

Large private commercial enterprises

34. What do you think is more important for a person starting his own business?

- Form a team of like-minded people

Conduct a thorough research study of the business idea

Attract the maximum possible number of resources to implement the idea

35. Which of the following economic factors development of small and medium-sized enterprises does not apply to the so-called “external factors”?

- Availability of intellectual property underlying the business


Issue of own shares

Agreement for the implementation of city (regional and federal) orders

Target bank deposits

36. Which of the following elements is not part of the internal business environment?

Entrepreneur (founders, shareholders)

Business management system used in the enterprise

- Consumers

Resource support for processes carried out at the enterprise

Employees (managers, staff, workers)

37. Is there a profession called “entrepreneur”?

- No

38. Which of the following statements seems most accurate to you?

- The etymological way of getting acquainted with any phenomenon or phenomenon is a mandatory way of getting acquainted, because it significantly expands the understanding of the subject of acquaintance

The etymological way of getting acquainted with a phenomenon or phenomenon is an important way of getting acquainted, because it expands the understanding of the subject of acquaintance. But insufficient, because culture has developed many other effective methods - theoretical, historical, etc.

The etymological way of getting acquainted with any phenomenon or phenomenon is not a mandatory way of getting acquainted, because there are many other ways

39. Joseph Schumpeter identifies three main qualities of an entrepreneur. The first is developed intuition, which makes up for the lack of information. The second is a strong will, which helps to overcome not only the inertia of one’s own and public thinking, but also the resistance of the environment. What quality does he call the third?

- Ability to get things done

The ability to unite people around you who are conducive to the accomplishment of key tasks

Developed imagination, helping to conceive new combinations and reduce uncertainty

40. Is it possible to start your own business without initial capital?

No, you will need money in any case, and if you don’t have it, then you initially guarantee yourself failure

- No, you will need money in any case, and if you don’t have it, then you need to find it - borrow it, get a loan, mortgage real estate, etc.

Yes, many projects can be started to be implemented by investing not money, but only your own time and energy

41. Name an element that cannot be attributed to intangible resources used in business activities?


- Patents for inventions

Service and After Sales

- Trade marks, trademarks, form style

Know-how (commercially valuable proprietary and owner-protected information)

Industrial designs

42. Which of the three entrepreneurial interpretations given above famous saying Shota Rustaveli - “Everyone considers himself a strategist, seeing the battle from the outside” - is it the most accurate and closest to the essence of entrepreneurial activity?

An entrepreneur is not an outside observer, he himself is an active fighter

- An entrepreneur devotes a lot of time to observing the actions of others in order to learn from the mistakes of others, and not from his own, and build his own strategy accurately

An entrepreneur constantly trains himself in a strategic way of thinking and acting, incl. watching other people's actions

43. Name what is covered by the organizational and methodological documents used to regulate the activities of state support for small and medium-sized businesses?

- Status and legal liability (civil, administrative, criminal, disciplinary, material) of the entity that is the object of state support and (or) directly involved in this activity

Unification of terminology and classification used in government support of small and medium-sized businesses

Norms corporate ethics, ensuring partnerships and responsibility between subjects and objects participating in the processes of state support for small and medium-sized businesses

Procedure and rules for conducting a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of measures for state support of small and medium-sized businesses

44. Do you agree with the statement: “A beginning entrepreneur can count on integral support by seeking it from organizations specifically designed for this purpose”?

I doubt

45. Continue the phrase: “The most promising opportunities for capital growth in the following form of entrepreneurship are ...

- corporations


Individual enterprises

46. ​​Name a characteristic that cannot be attributed to labor resources used in business activities?

Salary, bonuses, commissions and other remuneration

Number of management personnel and employees

- Duration of activity (technological processes)

Labor costs

47. Which of the following elements does not apply to the external environment of small and medium-sized businesses?

o Legislative authorities (federal, regional, municipal)

o Control and supervisory and fiscal authorities

o State and municipal authorities

o Consumers

o Business incubators, business centers, etc.

- Technologies and equipment used at the enterprise

o Insurance organizations

o Financial and credit institutions, investors, lenders

48. Name a characteristic that cannot be attributed to management resources used in business activities?

Quality of products (works, services)

- Security system, including economic

Management concept

Organization structure

Control system, including its technical aspects

Test tasks

1. Place your needs in order from lowest to highest according to A. Maslow’s hierarchy:

a) Physiological needs;

b) The need for self-realization;

c) Social needs;

d) Need for security

2. For each situation, choose one answer option - yes or no:

a) The product may not fulfill its consumer function and may be in demand by the buyer;

b) When demand significantly exceeds supply of a product, we're talking about about the buyer's market;

c) The market is a sphere of commodity exchange where supply and demand exist;

d) The concept of “quality of goods” can be interpreted differently from the point of view of the seller and the buyer;

e) The higher the level of satisfied needs, the higher the price of the product;

f) The more a product corresponds to the desires of the consumer, the higher the likelihood of its success in the market;

g) It is easier for an enterprise to make relative non-consumers its customers than to lure customers away from competitors;

h) Knowledge of the nature of the needs allows you to correctly assess the degree of commercial risk;

i) Buying a prestigious product means being able to express yourself;

j) A seller's market is almost always characterized by a shortage for the consumer.

3. For successful sale of goods pre-selection necessary:

a) Have a wide range;

b) Know the product well;

c) Be able to interest the buyer;

d) All of the above.

4. The main influence on the choice of a natural resource supplier is:

a) Product quality;

b) Price of the product and reliability of the supplier;

d) Transportation conditions.

5. For factory confectionery The key factors when analyzing the external environment will be:

a) Economic, political, technological;

b) Environmental, international, economic;

c) Socio-demographic, economic, international.

Which factors of the economic environment are

fundamental for a meat processing plant:

e) The level of domestic consumption of products, the amount of income and expenses of the population, the level of taxation;

f) Distribution of national income into consumption and accumulation, inflation rate, GNP volume;

g) The volume of GNP, the amount of income and expenditure of the population, the unemployment rate.

7. Market capacity:

a) Equal to the sum of all the population’s needs for a given product;

b) Includes unsatisfied effective demand for a given product;

c) Is the volume of goods sold over a certain period of time

8. Competitive advantage (according to Porter) is achieved through:

b) Diversification;

c) Improvement of product quality;

d) Differentiation.

9. Economies of production scale:

e) Achieved as a result of rivalry between competing enterprises;

f) Is a barrier to entry for competitors into the industry;

g) Possible as a result of reducing all costs to a minimum.

10. For each situation, choose one of the answer options - yes or no:

h) Market capacity increases with increasing imports;

i) When analyzing the general economic situation, the results of studying the microenvironment of the enterprise are used;

j) The most important component of the general economic situation is the capacity of the product market;

k) External competitive advantage achieved through the product.

11. SWOT Matrix:

l) Allows you to evaluate the results of the enterprise’s activities;

m) Helps in developing the future strategy of the enterprise;

n) Characterizes external environment enterprises.

12. For each situation, choose one answer option - yes or no:

o) The marketing audit plan includes an analysis of the macro-environment of the enterprise;

p) One of the functions of marketing is to improve the quality of the product;

q) During a targeted marketing audit, the company’s management personnel are involved;

r) Product organization is the oldest and most common form of marketing service organization;

s) For an enterprise with wide range goods produced for large quantity markets, product-market marketing organization is appropriate;

t) The difficulty of functional organization of the marketing department is that it requires significant costs and gives rise to conflicts.

13. The main tasks of setting the selling price:

u) Organize the sale;

v) Ensure the competitiveness of products on the market;

w) Be consistent with the product and positioning methodology adopted by the enterprise;

x) Satisfy customer needs more fully.

14. What factors influence purchasing behavior:

a) Cultural;

b) Social;

c) Personal;

d) All of the above.

15. Marketing service:

a) Can only be submitted commercial director;

b) The structure responsible for organizing the system of sales of goods (provision of services);

c) The unit in which marketing management is concentrated.

16. The main marketing functions include:

a) Search for investments, drawing up a business plan, organizing delivery of goods;

b) Product promotion, product sales, monitoring compliance with accepted financial plans;

c) Assortment planning, market research, construction organizational structure marketing management, product sales.

17. Which of the following statements is false:

a) Market segmentation means dividing into homogeneous groups of consumers;

b) Market segmentation is a logical consequence of marketing concentration;

c) Market segmentation – required condition mass marketing;

d) After segmenting the market, a special marketing mix should be developed for each segment.

18. Which of the following segmentation characteristics are demographic:

a) Country, province, municipal district;

b) Social class, lifestyle;

c) Use of the product;

d) Phase life cycle family, gender, age.

19. What is the connection between the concepts of “segmentation” and “positioning”:

a) Segmentation and positioning are almost identical concepts;

b) The product is positioned in the market as a whole, and segmentation is aimed at dividing the market;

c) The product is positioned, and then market segmentation is carried out;

d) The product is positioned in the selected segment.

20. What is a product:

b) Enterprises;

c) Washing machines;

d) All of the above.

21. The most intense competition occurs at the next stage of the product life cycle:

b) Maturity;

c) Implementation;

22. At what stage of the product life cycle does the enterprise receive a stable profit:

a) Implementation;

b) Maturity;

23. Which of the following factors most influences the success of a product on the market:

a) Marketing advantage over other products;

c) Correct segmentation and positioning;

d) All of the above

24. The first stage in creating a product is:

a) Management analysis;

b) Design;

c) Search for ideas;

d) Preliminary evaluation and selection of ideas.

25. A product is considered new on the market:

a) Having new packaging and packing;

b) With fundamentally new technical characteristics;

c) Known in other markets, but appearing for the first time in the analyzed market;

d) All of the above.




All answers are correct.

27. The use of a trademark contributes to:

a) formation corporate culture;

b) recognition of the product on the market;

c) maintaining the image of the enterprise;

d) all answers are correct.

The art of producing psychological impact on buyers;

Increase in sales of goods after price increases;

Increased popularity of the company.

Logistics functions include:

a) Purchasing goods for subsequent delivery to other enterprises;

b) Completing product batches in accordance with the client’s needs;

c) Lending to the client;

d) Marketing research and information collection.

Go to functions wholesale trade do not include:

a) Creation of inventory;

b) Completing small wholesale quantities for retail;

c) Sale of goods to consumers;

d) All of the above

Key to tests:

1) a,b,c,d 5) c 9)b,c 13) a,b,c 17)c 21) a 25) d
2) a-no b-no c-yes d-yes e-yes f-yes g-no h-yes i-yes j-yes 6)a 10) a-yes b-no c-no d-yes 14) d 18) d 22)b 26)d
3) d 7) c 11)b 15)c 19)d 23)d 27)d
4) b 8)b 12) a-yes b-no c-yes d-no e-yes f-no 16)c 20)d 24)c 28)c
| next lecture ==>

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