Where can you work after studying? Where you can and cannot work after tuberculosis. Confrontation - interview

“If you don’t study, you’ll go to work as a janitor!” Many of us as children were scared by our parents or teachers with this phrase. Perhaps this is why the professions of janitor and cleaning lady are In second place by “unpopularity” among Russians. At the same time, these are perhaps the most famous professions that can be mastered without even graduating from a technical school. This category also includes work as a loader, courier, newspaper delivery person, cloakroom attendant, watchman, watchman, conductor, promoter, car washer, dishwasher, call center operator... But this is not a complete list.

Despite the fact that the profession of a salesperson, cashier, seamstress, baker, painter, waiter, for example, can be obtained in college, technical school or courses, it is possible to perform duties in these professions without vocational education. This is evidenced by numerous job advertisements for applicants without experience and without special education. The fact is that such blue-collar professions can be mastered directly on the spot, especially if the organization is ready to train a new worker in the necessary skills.

Those with the talent of a musician, singer, artist or photographer (with talent, not just a camera) can also start earning money without graduating from college or university. You can start building a career right after school or even while studying. At the same time, thanks to your creative abilities, you may be able to achieve great success in this area. For example, world-famous actors Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Bill Murray at one time dropped out of college (in specialties far from acting) for the sake of their first roles.

However, talent alone is not enough for all creative professions. In order to build a career as a journalist, television or radio presenter, it will not be superfluous to obtain a higher education, even if not in your specialty. After all, these people must be erudite and be able to correctly and harmoniously express their thoughts orally or in writing. The same applies to the managerial profession.

Judging by the advertisements on specialized websites, most often employers post vacancies in the following professions marked “without specific training” or “without education”:

  • loader,
  • cleaner/janitor,
  • courier,
  • secretary (administrator, personal assistant),
  • sales manager, customer service manager,
  • shop assistant,
  • Sales Representative,
  • call center operator (taxi dispatcher),
  • driver,
  • waiter,
  • security guard
  • copywriter
  • promoter
  • finisher

Apparently, due to a shortage of personnel, some organizations are ready to hire even nurses and educators “without special education.”

31.05.2009, 15:39

Actually, subject.

31.05.2009, 15:54

31.05.2009, 16:11

31.05.2009, 17:37

The question was rather asked in order to find out whether there is any point in going there at all?

If you have the ability and desire, go ahead and study! Unless, of course, you play the double bass. Regarding the meaning: -o -try turning to the sages :-)

12.06.2010, 19:27

Must be indicated on the diploma. If not specified, then everywhere:angel:
A qualification is indicated, the quality of which may not satisfy the employer and which must be confirmed in one’s activities.


12.06.2010, 22:37

The question was rather asked in order to find out whether there is any point in going there at all?

It makes not sense.

Travel bear

22.06.2010, 00:19

22.06.2010, 11:56

I would like to hear what graduates or people working in this field have to say. My daughter is a singer, and I think - and what next... To sing or not to sing - that is the question. The whole topic is complete zero or just our sharagas - should we go to Paris and study with Manki? In general, is there a ranking of music universities and where can you find it? Does the job depend on the university? And if our work is so bad, maybe it’s easier to find it over the hill. I've racked my brains, it'll be a pity for wasted time, effort and money. And with a broken roof at the start and in the wrong direction. Thank you.

“To sing or not to sing” can be answered by the one who sings.
Whether it is possible to feed yourself (and preferably well) by singing depends on how you sing.
Is there a demand in society for the quality of singing offered?
Over the hill, there are enough people who can sing. Without a decent knowledge of the language and the availability of funds, it is better not to try to go over the hill.
You can get an answer about the possible expenditure of effort, time and money, IMHO, at a music university, with us.
It is better to consult with several teachers in order to get a more complete picture of the available opportunities.

Travel bear

24.06.2010, 00:15

24.06.2010, 11:19

Why doom them to poverty...? Let him graduate from some other university and get a second profession. It will not be worse.
And the knowledge gained, someday or somewhere. will definitely appear. Therefore, it is not worth regretting the time and money spent.
In any case, there is no need to rush over the hill.
It is still cheaper to study with us (taking into account accommodation and the costs of learning the language and culture of a given state).
In order to earn a decent living, you need to be a very good specialist, and then count on “breakthrough” or luck.
Over the hill, the principle - pay according to work and ability - dominates. And you shouldn’t hope for nepotism.
There, all your rights and obligations are immediately spelled out in the contract. That's all. Execution only or out the door.
That is, you can open your mouth only on the points provided for in the contract.
But, most importantly, it is also necessary that they sign a contract with you not for temporary, but for permanent work.
To do this, you must meet the requirements for your specialty and language, and most importantly, the right to residence, and therefore to work.
As you can see, everything is not so simple there.
Look for a place for your Angel at home.
It's more reliable.

27.06.2010, 19:23

And where can I see how it will be further?.. Your father's desire to lay out straws and “let him in or not let him in” is quite understandable. But we should not forget that our children live their own lives first and foremost. What does your daughter want? - that's the main question. If your help is needed (material and moral), you decide for yourself whether to provide it or not. But you won’t be able to blow off specks of dust from an Angel all your life (although, apparently, you really want to). For example, in 1994 I graduated from the conducting and choral department of the music school. Due to family reasons, I did not go to the conservatory. I almost didn’t work in my specialty. But my deep conviction is that music education is not just a hindrance, but a necessity. I categorically do not consider years of training to be thrown away. Moreover, in my case it turned out to be a powerful support in all life circumstances. And finding one’s place in the profession is not easy work for musicians, technicians, mathematicians, etc. It is very important to do what you really like and enjoy in life. Well, will it pay well?... For example, the position “I believe that all this should be sewn” is closer to me)))

29.06.2010, 10:49

Education in Russia is still free, so it makes no sense to compare costs. If you don’t have the ability to enroll for free, is it worth studying? Then, every future musician now knows in advance that he is choosing a difficult path, and does it for the love of music, and not for making money. If a person without education now earns more than a musician with a higher education, then what are we talking about? All your energy is spent only on doing what you love very much and what you cannot live without. For which, of course, you have to pay.
And when was it different? And in the 19th century, sons panicked their parents with the decision to become a musician.

29.06.2010, 12:53

By the way, attitudes towards creative professions have hardly changed over the past few centuries. And now many people consider it something frivolous, unstable and unworthy of being the main activity. Even outstanding representatives of the profession at one time withstood a battle with their relatives or made a compromise, first “giving” their parents a diploma for obtaining a more reliable profession. Well, here I mean not only musicians, but also actors, artists, etc.

At one time, she was the first contract student in the history of the music school. But this was because I was already an adult (20 years old) and the administration became worried - after all, the main contingent of applicants were 15 years old; Well, they cut me off in solfeggio. Then, already in the third year, it turned out that Ekaterina Lvovna could not give me a “2”, as the director demanded, but agreed to give me a “3”, although it was necessary to give me a “5”))) Thus, I did not pass the competition, but in In the second half of the year, one girl dropped out, and the status quo was restored))) I don’t know how things stand now with paid education. This is probably the way out when there are a limited number of budget places, but there are more talented applicants. But the presence of desire and talent, in my opinion, is an indispensable condition for admission. Money is already here as a tool

29.06.2010, 13:06

The concept of making good money is vague. I would not want to condemn a child to poverty. Thank God I’m a girl, I won’t give my son such luxury. Let, I agree, (she) do stupid things for love. I don’t believe in being 37 anymore – from each according to his ability, to each according to his work – it depends on how you sing. In my field (far from music) there is complete chaos, and my daughter’s choir is the same. If you open your mouth, you’ll be thrown out of the choir, or they won’t give you the part or won’t take you on tour. Slave system. IMHO. I think it’s not just over the hill that there are enough people who can sing, and it’s the same here. Now I’m looking around for places where it’s cheaper to study, so far it’s cheaper there. But I’m not saying this, I’m a complete ignoramus, I haven’t raised this topic seriously yet. I talked to the teachers - The angel (daughter) is truly wingless... But I need to work... And why doesn’t this make me happy? :)))
In conclusion, I would like to note. Useful, and not this empty chatter, THERE (over the hill) many are slaughtered in the language of singing, not the voice, but the language in which they sing. Wow.

Despite the difficult economic situation, it is much easier to find a decent job in Moscow than in any other city in our country. Therefore, many citizens go to the capital to get the income they need to live. In this article we will talk about where to go to work during the 2020 crisis in Moscow and how to find a good promising vacancy.

Where to look for work?

In order to find, you can use different sources:

  • Internet;
  • Labor exchanges.

Recently, many citizens of our country are looking for work on the Internet. On the Internet you can find many offers from different companies and organizations. Therefore, if you have not yet decided where it is better to go to work in Moscow, try looking for a suitable option on specialized employment sites. Prepare your resume and keep a close eye on new vacancies. As soon as a suitable offer appears, immediately call the employer and arrange an interview with him.

If you find several vacancies, do not rush to apply for a job on the first offer. Maybe you can choose a more attractive job with a high salary and good conditions. But, at the same time, you should not get too carried away with the search, as this may negatively affect your reputation.

You can get the answer to the question of where to go to work in 2020 at the employment center. The main problem is that labor exchanges offer vacancies that most often do not meet the requirements of applicants. Therefore, if you want to find a good, well-paid job, rely on yourself.

Work without experience

According to the results of recent sociological surveys conducted in the capital, many potential employers are ready to hire employees without work experience. They can offer you special testing developed by company specialists. If you are looking for where to go to work in Moscow without experience, believe in yourself and start looking for available vacancies. Attend interviews, confidently answer all questions and you will definitely succeed.

The easiest option for men who do not have any specialty is general laborers at construction sites, wholesale warehouses and various warehouses. Such professions are not very attractive to people, especially young people, but at the same time they guarantee a decent, stable salary. If you are not afraid of hard physical work, you can get a job, for example, at a large construction site. During the crisis, people, as in a stable economic environment, continue to build and renovate houses, so you can find a vacancy in this area at any time.

Catering establishments

If you're looking for a place to work without a degree, try getting a job as a bartender or waiter in a cafe. There are many different establishments in the capital where you can have a snack and a cup of coffee, so finding such a job will most likely not have any problems.

Of course, many coffee shops operate at a frantic pace, so you will have to work hard to earn money. But there are also advantages. Some companies offer their employees official registration and a full benefits package. In addition, in many prestigious institutions, staff undergo free training in advanced training courses. Sometimes bartenders are sent abroad so that they can exchange experiences with their colleagues from other countries.


This is a huge field of activity in which any person who is looking for where to go to work during the 2020 crisis can choose a suitable option. Most often, applicants are not required to have experience or any special knowledge. Salaries for sales workers are average, but many citizens of our country are quite happy with it.

There is also the other side of the coin. Some companies have too much staff turnover, and these can be both small companies and large retail chains. Almost everyone knows about this, but, no matter what, they go to work in trade. Your best bet is to find a job in a grocery store, supermarket, or pharmacy.

Government agencies

If you are not afraid of a small government salary, you can get a job in a kindergarten, school or any other social institution. This is an ideal option for specialists who are interested in where they can go to work with education. Many young people who have recently graduated from university are attracted by stability, legal security, and all kinds of guarantees.

But some experts believe that not everything is so optimistic in this area. In their opinion, yesterday’s graduates most often get jobs in government agencies. Basically, they find their way into government agencies through labor exchanges or find employment on their own in order to gain experience. In addition, government agencies employ many employees who are over forty. These are people who cannot get a job in commercial organizations due to age restrictions, so government agencies are the only way out of the situation for them.

Jobs for girls

As you know, it is much easier for men to find work than for women. Employers doubt whether the fairer sex has enough strength for intense active work, so they most often give preference to men. In addition, a woman may not be able to cope with stress or go on maternity leave.

Let's try to figure out where a girl can go to work in the capital? In principle, any profession is suitable for women - lawyer, doctor, computer engineer, etc. Some girls easily master even typically male professions. It is much easier to get the job you want if you have some professional skills.

If you do not have special education, you can use one of three methods:

  1. Take training courses to master a certain specialty;
  2. Try to get a job in a profession that does not require any special skills;
  3. Make useful contacts with people who can help you find a job.

The most popular professions for girls are secretaries, managers, accountants, sales representatives and lawyers.

Employment for youth

Young people don't have to worry about where to go to work in Moscow. Many companies are happy to hire young people with on-the-job training.

Without work experience you can take the following positions:

  • Shop assistant;
  • Cashier;
  • Telephone operator;
  • Manager.

If a young person shows his best side, the company management will definitely pay attention to him, which means that broad career prospects will open up for the employee.

Many young people who come to Moscow for the first time to earn at least some money get jobs as promoters. They hand out promotional items in busy areas. Each employee must distribute a certain number of leaflets per day. Sometimes promoters wear special suits to attract people's attention. In the center of the capital, there are often walking hamburgers or hot dogs that invite hungry passers-by to visit a specific establishment.

Another common option where to go to work without experience is in a courier service. Almost every company needs such employees. If you don’t want to travel all over Moscow every day, you can find a job as a district courier. In this case, you will deliver within a specific area.


If you can’t find where you can go to work in Moscow, try becoming an employer yourself. Of course, not every person has an entrepreneurial spirit, but if you still have it, you can organize your own business.

This option is perfect for citizens who are wondering. If you don’t have start-up capital, you can take out a loan from a bank or try to get free financial assistance from the state. The most important thing is to choose the right direction of activity. In Moscow, almost all niches in the market are occupied by experienced entrepreneurs, so if you decide to open your own business, you need to be prepared for fierce competition.

Free profession

For many residents of the capital who are interested, an alternative option may be to make money on the Internet. If you want to work from home, think about what you enjoy doing and then carefully explore all the possibilities. The most important thing is your desire, and there will always be work.

How to find a job in Moscow? Without experience. No connections.

People who have certain skills or knowledge in programming, design, or self-education can become freelancers. This is where in the work chain there are only the performer and the customer who hires him to perform a certain job. You can start writing texts, translating or developing program codes. The more tasks a freelancer completes, the higher his rating. Along with the rating, client confidence grows, as does the specialist’s remuneration. If you cannot find a suitable option, choose a freelance profession.

  • If you want to take a good vacancy, you need to first inquire. Be clear about what salary you want to receive and what position you are applying for. In addition, you should note in your resume where you previously worked, had an internship, or attended additional courses. Focus employers' attention on your personal qualities and capabilities;
  • During the interview, you may be asked questions that relate to your professional skills. To pass such a test with dignity, collect as much information as possible about the chosen position and prepare approximate answers;
  • Before the interview, carefully study all the employer's requirements for the applicant. If you have any questions about work, it is better to ask them by phone;
  • To get a well-paid job, you need to have a Moscow residence permit. In principle, registration in the Moscow region will do. If you do not have the opportunity to register in the capital or region, try to resolve this issue at an interview.
  • (33 voted. Rating: 4.64 out of 5)

Young people often cannot get a job because they do not have the relevant experience. But to get it, you first need to work somewhere. You can find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation. In this article we will figure out where to go to work without experience in order to break this vicious circle.

Network marketing

Many yesterday's students who are looking for where to go to work, in the end, begin to engage in network marketing. The main character traits that are necessary for such activities are sociability and sociability.

Many network companies sell low-quality goods, so if you decide to try your hand in this direction, look for a young company that has recently been operating on the market. It is almost impossible to achieve success in large companies.


Lately we often hear from young people: “I don’t know where to go to work because they don’t have experience or special education.” You can get a job as a salesperson in a store right after school. Of course, everyone wants to sell some kind of equipment or fashionable gadgets and get a big salary. But the easiest place to start is with food. Over time, when you gain experience, you can look for another, more prestigious place.

The main thing is that you will be able to gain invaluable knowledge and experience in the field of trading, which will become an indispensable skill for you in the future.


This is an excellent profession for those who do not know where to go to work without work experience. Waiters earn good money, especially if they work in an establishment where rich people gather. In addition to a decent salary, clients give them tips. You can also earn extra income by catering for private parties and other holiday events.

The work of a waiter is quite difficult both physically and mentally. Keep in mind that you will be on your feet for about 13–15 hours. In addition, you must smile and communicate politely with all customers. Of course, this work is not suitable for everyone, but it’s worth a try, you have nothing to lose. And even negative experience is also experience.

Fast food

When a person is asked the question of where to go to work without experience and education, the thought immediately comes to mind - as an employee in a fast food establishment. This is hard work because many people eat at fast foods every day. To serve them, employees have to spend the whole day on their feet, without sitting down for a minute. Basically, students and young people who have no experience work part-time in such institutions. They receive a small but stable salary. This option is good, but only as a temporary part-time job. Young people need to develop and look for more favorable working conditions.


Security guard

This position is suitable for both men and women who are looking for a place to work without experience. Typically, such employees are hired for security in shops and supermarkets. No experience or training is required for this. It is enough to simply agree with management. Usually there is no problem with this, but you will pay less. Security guards in nightclubs and restaurants receive good salaries, but scandals and fights often arise there.

Shop assistant

To master such a profession, you need to be able to communicate with people and have certain knowledge about the product you are selling. Salespeople in hardware stores and car dealerships earn good salaries. You can find a vacant vacancy through advertisements on the Internet or in the media.


Restaurants usually invite young attractive girls who speak foreign languages ​​to this position. They help guests choose a seat in the hall, decide on an order and select drinks. This is a good, fairly prestigious job that brings good income.


A woman who goes on maternity leave naturally interrupts her work activity. For young mothers who do not know where to go after maternity leave without experience, there are many vacancies on the labor market. Many companies offer them flexible hours or part-time work. For example, you can get a job as an operator to answer customer calls or as a dispatcher for a taxi service. In this case, you can work remotely from your home phone.

Working specialties

If you don’t know where to go to work without experience and education, don’t be upset. There are many blue-collar jobs that are taught on the job. The demand for them is huge, so you can easily find a vacancy. Of course, this is hard work, but you will receive a stable high salary. If you study at the same time to get a higher education, you can quickly make a good career.


Many companies hire couriers who deliver orders from the seller to the client. This is not a very prestigious position, but couriers receive a good salary for their work. This option is suitable for those who are looking for where they can go to work without work experience. When applying for this position, you should remember that the courier bears full responsibility for the cargo. If he damages the goods, their cost will be deducted from his salary. But if you take your business seriously, you can earn a good income.

Jobs for girls

Representatives of the fair sex often ask the question of where a girl without experience should go to work. You need to look in places where employees are always needed, for example, you can get a job in a supermarket as a salesperson or cashier.

If you want to work in your profession, but they won’t hire you without experience, try getting a job as an assistant to a relevant specialist. This is where the knowledge you acquired at the university will come in handy and, most importantly, you will be able to gain valuable experience. This is an excellent option for yesterday's students who are interested in where they can go to work with a higher education immediately after graduation.

Office Manager

Young people who are looking for options where they can go to work with education experience certain difficulties in finding employment. The easiest way is to get a job as an office manager. This specialist is engaged in office work, replacing other employees when they are absent, that is, he carries out all kinds of assignments.

After a while, if the company management does not offer you a position in your specialty, you can move to another organization, since the work book will contain a record that you have experience. And this is very important for future employment.


Making money remotely online has a lot of advantages. You receive a good salary, a flexible schedule and at the same time do not depend on your superiors. You can stop at any time to do household chores. You will not receive a reprimand or warning for this. A freelancer does not have to compete for a more prestigious position with competitors and communicate with people who are unpleasant to him.

Probably everyone’s dream is to work where they like. However, our dreams do not turn into reality so quickly. And the question of where to go to work arises quite often. In today's world, there are many restrictions when choosing your dream job. For example, if you do not have a higher education, then your candidacy for the post of director of an enterprise will not even be considered. Or you are a young woman who has just returned from maternity leave. In this case, the potential employer will wonder if you can do the required amount of work and will not be constantly thinking about your child?

Or another situation. Quite often it happens that a person simply feels out of place. It would be wrong to think that this problem is faced by very young people or people without clear guidelines in life. Often, the problem of changing or finding a job affects seemingly successful employees in all respects. Everything is in place, the salary is not bad, the team is friendly, the boss doesn’t find fault... But something is wrong, something is not right.

Ways to solve the problem

In general, there can be a lot of reasons, but all of them are not so important when a person is faced with the question: “Where should I go to work?” We will try to answer this question as accurately as possible and, perhaps, help you find a new direction in life.

Where should a girl go to work?

As you know, it is a little more difficult for girls to find work than for boys. Employers often think about the future before hiring a girl. Will he be able to cope with stress? Will she leave in the midst of a new project? Will the fairer sex have enough strength for active, strenuous activity? All these questions, one way or another, pop up in the manager’s mind and can affect the consideration of the candidacy. However, in fact, girls can work in any profession. Doctors, lawyers, computer scientists... Girls master even typically male professions with ease. If you already have professional knowledge in your arsenal, then finding the desired job is much easier. All you need to do is master an effective job search technique and tirelessly improve and attend the interviews you like. Or do you have no education, or is your profession not in demand? Then there are three most realistic ways. First: constantly study, attend courses, get this way Second: find an application for your favorite profession in a new way. Third: make useful contacts and move up the career ladder higher and higher.

Where to go to work after maternity leave?

After any vacation, it is quite difficult to return to work again. And if it’s maternity leave – even more so! Even on a psychological level, the young mother experiences discomfort: will she be able to lead, just as before, will she be able to not constantly think about her child and concentrate on work, will she still be good after maternity leave, there are two options. The first is reinstatement to the previous place of work. In this case you

you need to prepare, because a lot could change during your absence. This is not a reason to panic, the main thing is to adopt a positive attitude and show interest and respect for everything new. The second option is a new location. Then you will need to be well prepared for the meeting. Tell us at the interview that you follow professional news, are interested in your career, and are developing and improving. The result will depend only on your persuasiveness.

Where to go to work after the army?

Every demobilization is faced with the problem of finding a permanent job. Some are luckier, because they have already received higher education. Others wonder where to find their place in life. Often young people are looking for a job that is in one way or another connected with their previous place of residence. So, where to go to work after the army? These could be fire departments, security services, police, and the like. This is a reasonable step, because the security forces willingly meet the guys who served halfway. It is very important to be discreet, have business and moral qualities - this is a significant plus for your resume. If in the future you see yourself as a leader, a boss, then you still cannot do without a good education. In this case, it is much more advisable to go to university or enroll in professional courses you like, and earn extra money in your free time. This way, you will be able to simultaneously provide for yourself and receive an education that will definitely be useful in the future.

Where to go to work without education?

Lack of education is not a lifelong sentence, as parents instill in their careless children. There are many examples of very successful and famous people who, for some reason, were unable to obtain a higher education. Where should such applicants go to work? First of all, think about it: maybe your talents, abilities and skills more than cover the lack of a degree from a university? Are you good at playing the guitar, an excellent cook, or have you been into snowboarding since childhood? Then you can safely go to the relevant institutions for work. It will not be a hindrance if an excellent music teacher, for example, whom all the children like so much, does not have a higher education. Try to immerse yourself in your environment, talk with acquaintances and friends. You will definitely find people who will be interested in your skills! But remember that if you still want to achieve serious success in your chosen specialty, you will most likely have to undergo some training (specialized courses, trainings, advanced courses

qualifications). But if you don’t yet understand what you do well, what will provide you with a “piece of bread”? Then find firms and companies that need interns. Most likely, you will have to work at a minimum rate, and maybe even for free, and for more than one month. But if you really try, you can easily make up for all the gaps in your education!

Where to go to work without experience?

Managers of all companies are happy to hire already formed personnel. In modern conditions, it is very difficult for a young specialist to find a job that he likes. High salaries are offered only to those candidates who have managed to work in the specialty acquired at the university. But if you approach this issue creatively and do not chase big money, then you can quite count on the fact that you will soon find your dream job.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is your resume. Due to your lack of experience, you must clearly indicate what vacancy and salary you are applying for. It is advisable to write about how you completed an internship during your studies, whether you worked part-time, or took additional courses. During the interview, you focus on your potential, capabilities, and personal qualities. Be prepared for the fact that a potential employer will want to test your knowledge to ensure your level of qualifications. To avoid falling on your face, find out at least a minimum of information about possible questions regarding the chosen position and prepare answers to them. Often, a person without is offered an internship or a job at minimum wage. This should not upset you; in the future, if you demonstrate your abilities well and assure yourself of your competence, there will be no problems with your salary.


To summarize, we can say that there are no unsolvable problems! The main thing is to remain optimistic, believe in yourself and not stop there. Only in this case will you be able to get the job you want and realize yourself professionally. And don’t think about the question of where to go to work.