Keywords to attract clients. Magic phrases to attract clients

Whether you are selling in a retail store or online, the art of communicating with potential buyers is very important.

For Internet sales, this is primarily telephone sales.

It is important to ensure that the impression that the seller makes on others is good. And if in retail this impression is determined primarily by the appearance of the seller, then when talking on the phone it is very important what and how you say, in what tone and with what mood.

Customers should always be able to know who served them well or poorly. In retail, this is indicated by a badge with the name of the seller; during a telephone conversation, it is customary to introduce yourself at the very beginning of the conversation.
Often sellers and managers are simply panicky about the reaction like “No, I’m just looking” or when making a cold call “We don’t need anything.”

And it’s natural if the seller starts the conversation with the phrase: “Hello, you did the right thing by coming to our store. We have the best selection, great prices. With us you will definitely find everything you need and will be pleasantly surprised at our prices. By the way, what do you choose? Let me help you…” then the buyer will most likely run away from such a store.

In sales, those phrases are effective that, firstly, sound sincere and natural, and not far-fetched and stereotyped, and secondly, the first words of the seller should be about the client, and not about him, his store, product, service, etc. .d.

When developing algorithms for working with clients for Sales Departments, you always need to listen to how salespeople communicate with clients. All new phrases must be natural for employees, otherwise they simply will not pronounce them or refuse to use them.

The most valuable words and phrases for attracting attention are found in live speech and are found in direct communication with the buyer.

To establish contact with your interlocutor – both in person and over the phone – you need to understand that “attracting attention” does not mean selling. This means gaining the right and opportunity to exchange information with a potential buyer. If you follow this principle, then no one will try to “cram” as much information about everything into the first phrase as possible - about yourself, about the company, about the product or services; the dialogue becomes more natural and does not scare away the potential client.

Examples of phrases to attract clients

Typical statements depending on the function of the seller

Interrogative behavior (identify customer needs):

  • Which color do you like best?
  • What do you think about this thing?
  • Isn't it a convenient thing?

Explanatory behavior:

  • It seems to me that you doubt that...
  • Do I understand you correctly...?

Help and support (dispel doubts, overcome internal resistance; if necessary, reassure):

  • If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate...
  • I'm sure you won't regret it...
  • You have great taste...
  • It suits you very well...

Position of understanding (listen carefully in order to speak at the right moment):

  • I understand you perfectly. My niece (sister, brother, friend) has the same problems. They found such a solution (a suitable product is offered)…
  • Why should you spend extra money? Take this model here. And it fits better and you save...

Please note that the list of typical statements does not include the classic: “What interests you?”

The seller needs to clearly understand the basic rule - the buyer must first become interested in the product. That is, the seller must feel when the buyer needs help, understand when his eyes are fixed on a certain product (or when he picked up the product), and only then approach it. Without a clear certainty that the client has a question, you should not approach him and offer your help.

The obsessive phrase “What are you interested in?”, with demanding and impatient intonations in your voice, scares people away from your store. In the future, they are unlikely to want to come again to a place where there are such intrusive sellers.

Nothing harms the image of a store more than “heavy” staff that puts pressure on the customer.

Unsuccessful and tactless remarks from the seller

Replies from the seller -> Psychological reaction of the buyer (hidden or obvious)

  • What are you interested in? -> What's your business? How do I know what will interest me?
  • Can I help you? -> Do I look like a wretched person? Can't handle it myself?
  • Should I show you something? -> Am I blind? I won’t see it myself?
  • What do you need?
  • What do you want to watch?
  • What will you buy? -> Am I in a store or being interrogated by an investigator?
  • Have you already chosen the product you need?
  • Have you found it yet? -> And I’m in no hurry! If you don't have time, I can go to another store.

The professionalism of the seller lies in clearly feeling the client, his needs and requests, being able to present the product on time, and guiding the buyer through all stages of the sale.
Remember that the better you take care of the comfort of your customers and do not annoy them like annoying flies, the more profit they will bring!

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During the process of communicating with potential buyers, good sales managers should use special phrases that attract the client, which will increase sales several times. Proper use of such phrases will help to establish a trusting relationship with the buyer; it is important that he himself understands how much he needs your product.

Special combinations of words will allow you to choose the ideal turn of phrase to attract a person to read advertising text or advertisements. This will lead to stimulating sales levels. This article will provide specific phrases, rules of dialogue and an explanation of the importance of their application in practice.

Only experienced sellers are able to objectively assess the importance of starting a dialogue with a client correctly, as this is a key point in further purchases.

The faster the salesperson manages to gain the client’s trust, determine his needs and help him make the right choice, the higher his salary will increase.

Experience very often shows how difficult it can be to start a dialogue correctly. For example, every person can come to a shoe store for a quality product, but at the same time he does not know what exactly to choose.

The seller approaches the buyer and says: “Can I tell you something?” After this, the buyer will most likely answer: “No, thanks, I’m just looking.”, and then leave the store.

Sales failure lies in the salesperson's mistakes when trying to start a conversation with the client. Intrusiveness, lack of creativity and a cold attitude led to a lack of trust, so he was unable to help the person make a choice in this particular store.

You can see effective slogans and phrases to attract customers here:

In some situations, special phrases to attract a potential client can significantly increase the quantity of goods in the store, but for this you need to take into account some nuances.

The main task of a phrase that attracts a client is to attract attention, gain the client’s favor and trust. And the main mistake is the desire to sell the product immediately, at the first opportunity.

This is an absolutely ineffective method, which is one of the reasons for the decrease in current sales. you will learn how to properly handle objections in sales.

Setting a goal

First of all, you need to decide on the goals that will lead to the desired result; among the most common are:

  • Why tell a person more about the product.
  • The main goal for your enterprise or activity in general.
  • Who are your clients? The essence of their desires and preferences, .
  • The right way to formulate a purchase proposal for exclusivity and effectiveness.

The most compelling words and phrases for online and offline business

It is necessary to highlight a group of words that affect the client psychologically and attract his attention. All the words and phrases presented below are suitable for sales on the Internet, online stores, websites, retail sales in stores, etc.

  • Free;
  • Because;
  • Instantaneous;
  • Newest;
  • Suddenly;
  • Now;
  • Declare;
  • Introduce;
  • Improvements;
  • Marvelous;
  • Sensational;
  • Amazing;
  • Revolutionary;
  • Opening;
  • Positive;
  • Understand;
  • Truthful;
  • Right;
  • Predominant;
  • Result;
  • Happiness;
  • Values;
  • Save.

The main types of slogans.

There is also a group of words that has the opposite effect and discourages making a purchase:

  • Maybe;
  • Contract;
  • Failures;
  • Take offense;
  • Liabilities;
  • Responsibility;
  • Pay;
  • Bad;
  • Signatures;
  • Buy;
  • Try;
  • Losses;
  • Dips;
  • Sell;
  • Sold;
  • Lose;
  • Solutions;
  • Transactions;
  • Death;
  • Price;
  • Difficulties;
  • Heavy;
  • Price.

Such phrases attract attention the most, and the most effective of them are:

  • Completely free.
  • At this very moment.
  • Absolutely new.
  • Sensationally fast.
  • Exclusive offer.
  • Providing a discount.
  • Quality assurance.
  • Try it for free.
  • Trial option.
  • Safe deal.

Proper use of booster phrases

Managers often make a huge mistake when they instruct their sales staff to devote the maximum amount of time and attention to each client. This leads to the opposite result. The reasons for the effect can be understood by considering the following example.

Customers make many calls to the call center every day, and operators are instructed to always be polite to the customer, help increase call time, and advertise products in every possible way.

Managers believed that the interest and attentiveness of the staff would help raise sales to maximum levels.

After practice, the result was negative. This led to a queue among all callers, complaints about difficulties during making calls and communicating with operators. The buyer perceived flattery and increased intrusiveness as another way to sell him a low-quality product at a high price.

In reality, increasing the level of sales can only be possible after special instructions to staff on how to communicate correctly and effectively with the client. Communication in person or over the phone is not so important; the result can be positive in both cases.

Instructions for training staff in proper communication with clients

There is a certain sequence of stages that will help to consistently and unobtrusively persuade the client to buy and increase the level of sales in the future.

Stage No. 1. Classification of people

First, you should break down buyers based on their type, since buying leads works differently for everyone.

For each category, you need to use special phrases that may not be suitable for another group of people. You should not allocate more than five categories, as this will lead to difficulties in analysis and forgetfulness of all types.

Classification of the main five types of people:

  1. A girl is a person to whom someone most likely recommended a specific product. She will rarely listen to the advice of a stranger, much less a salesperson. It is usually typical for a girl to come for one specific product and buy only that. Very rarely do they agree to additional proposals from the consultant.
  2. A guy is a type of person who doesn't fit into other categories.
  3. Engineers are customers who know exactly what they need to buy according to their needs. They usually give a clear description of the required product or require a specific model.
  4. Gentleman is the type of person who communicates with sellers in technical language, attaching great importance to numbers. They know which brands or brands they need, but cannot decide on the model.
  5. A mistress is a person who speaks the language of emotions. She wants to buy something that is fashionable, attractive to look at, or distinctive. She could also decide on a brand, but did not choose a specific model.

Methods of searching and attracting clients.

An important point is that there is no need to classify a person into any of the presented categories based only on his external data. For example, “girl” means a representative of any gender and age, even older men. Social status also does not play a role in this process.

Stage No. 2. Giving the client the opportunity to express his opinion

The most common mistake is making many proposals, because this can not only displease the client, but also confuse him. First you need to listen to the client, his requests, goals and needs.

Experiments have shown that 72 seconds is enough for a person to express a desire and make a complete statement. Although it all depends on the person, as some people need 30 seconds or less, while others will take longer to express themselves.

After listening to the client’s monologue, you can already participate in the conversation and offer options, their choice depends on the category of the buyer.

Examples of competent communication with clients and common phrases

The most important thing is to convince the client of your sincerity and good intentions, this does not depend on the object of sale or service. You also need to take unconventional paths, be creative, and avoid advertising the product at the beginning of the conversation.

You should not put pressure on the buyer and try to tell him as much as possible in the shortest period of time, as this will only confuse him.

After the client has spoken, you can ask questions to identify his needs, such as:

  • “Which color of this model suits you?”
  • “This thing is very convenient and practical! What do you think?
  • “Why did you choose this particular model? What do you like about her?

Then the time comes to change tactics and clarify the situation; for this, the following phrases will help you:

  • “It seems to me, or do you have some doubts about...”
  • “Let me know if I understood you correctly...”

After this, you can begin to offer some advice to the buyer, since he should already be positively disposed towards you. It is worth using the following phrases:

  • “I would like to buy this myself, as it is a good deal”;
  • “I know one hundred percent that you will be satisfied after the purchase”;
  • “I think this will be perfect for you.”

If any difficulties arise, then it is necessary to show understanding. You need to listen to the client’s problem and respond in this way:

  • “I also know your concerns, because a friend of mine also faced a similar problem. But he found a solution...";

One of the most common mistakes is to constantly use the phrase: “Anyone interested?” and pressure on the buyer. In 99% of such cases, buyers respond negatively and leave.

Special phrases and cues in advertising

The originality of the phrase can help the sales agent find a new buyer. These advertising cues should be used very carefully. The most successful expressions:


The success of a sales professional is determined by his ability to start a conversation correctly and choose the moment to offer help. All the stages presented will help you choose the necessary expressions and words to achieve a purchase.

Hello! In this article we will look at the main phrases for attracting customers that stimulate sales.

Today you will learn:

  1. Why is it so important to use the right words when talking to a client?
  2. Examples of catchy phrases that will attract the attention of buyers.
  3. How to conduct a dialogue correctly.

The importance of the words of the first dialogue

Every person who sells any product or offers services knows and understands the importance of the first dialogue. The level of sales and, accordingly, his salary depend on how quickly the seller earns the buyer’s trust, determines his needs and helps with choice.

In practice, it turns out that gaining a client's favor is not so easy. Surely everyone has found themselves in a situation where you go into a store, for example, to buy shoes. At the same time, you yourself don’t know what you want, and at this moment the seller comes up and says the hackneyed phrase “What are you interested in?” At this point, most shoppers immediately respond, “I’m just looking,” and leave the store.

In this case, the seller made several mistakes due to which he lost the client. But if he were not so intrusive, showed creativity and earned your trust, then perhaps you listened to him, and he helped with the choice, after which you would buy shoes from him.

There are situations when well-written phrases for a store help to increase the number of goods sold. In this case, you have to come up with slogans and interesting expressions and distribute them. Their goal is to interest the client and force them to learn more about your offer.

The main task of phrases to attract customers is to capture attention, gain favor and gain trust.

The main mistake of many sales managers is that they immediately try to sell the product. This technique works quite rarely, so the sales level of such people is not very high.

How to use phrases correctly

Many managers mistakenly believe that sales employees should devote maximum time and attention to each customer. As a result, they get a result that they did not expect at all.

Example. The call center receives calls from clients and operators are required to communicate with clients as politely as possible, try in every possible way to increase conversation time and offer the maximum number of products.

The managers believed that thanks to this, the caller would like such attention and would purchase the maximum amount of products.

In practice, this backfired. A queue formed among callers, followed by complaints that it was very difficult to get in touch with the operator. In addition, during the “sweet” conversation, the client got a double impression of a company that wants to “sell” a lot of products “jumping on its hind legs to do this.”

In order to really do this, you need the basics of proper and effective communication with clients. It doesn’t matter whether you sell a product over the phone or communicate in person with the buyer.

We have developed small instructions that will help you train your staff without any problems.

Step 1. Learn to classify people

You should explain to your employees that there are different types of customers. You can impose a product on some, but not on others. One category of people is led by certain phrases, and another by others. Therefore, it is very important to divide buyers into categories.

There should not be more than 5, otherwise it will cause confusion among the employees themselves.

We offer the following classification:

  1. Girls– these are people who were recommended one specific product. They don't want to listen to the advice the salesperson gives them. They came (called) to buy one specific product. There is simply no point in offering them something else; they will refuse.
  2. Guys is a category of people who do not fit into other categories.
  3. Engineer– buyers who know what exactly they want to buy. They name the main characteristics of the product or a specific model.
  4. Mister– a person who communicates with the seller in technical language, using numbers. He knows what brand or brand he needs, but cannot decide on the model.
  5. Mistress– people who speak the language of emotions. They want to buy something stylish, beautiful or exclusive. We decided on the brand, but did not choose the model.

It is important to understand that a “girl” can be either a representative of the stronger sex or a nice lady. Categories of clients are not tied to a person’s gender, social status or age.

Step 2. Before offering anything, let the client speak

Under no circumstances should you immediately “attack” the buyer with your offers. You must understand what exactly he needs. To do this, you need to give the client the opportunity to tell why he came or called.

It has been experimentally established that 72 seconds are enough for a person to voice his desire and speak out. This is an average, so keep in mind that some people may need more time and others less.

After you listen to the client, you can enter into dialogue. You must understand what exactly to say based on what category the buyer belongs to.

For example, the “guys”, after they speak out, need to be told: “I can offer an option that is a little more expensive, but it will be cooler.”

If the client is a “girl” or an “engineer,” then you are required to listen to them, accept the order and fulfill it. Any proposals you make will be rejected in any case.

For “Mrs” the following is suitable phrase: “I can offer a model that is a little more expensive, but it is more luxurious than the previous option”.

And “Mr.” will appreciate the remark: “ There is a little more expensive, but this is an excellent professional model».

The most promising clients are “Mr.” and “Mrs.” It is with them that managers need to work.

Once you implement such a customer classification system, you will quickly realize how effective it is.

Background phrases and common examples of words that are used when working with a client

Regardless of what exactly you are selling or what service you are offering, the client should feel your sincerity. At the same time, you need to behave unconventionally, creatively and start the conversation not with advertising the product, but with a simple conversation with the buyer.

It is important not to attack the client and try to provide as much information as possible in the shortest possible time.

First you need to ask interrogative questions, thereby identifying the client’s needs:

  • “Which shade of this model do you like best?”
  • “Very convenient and practical thing! Don’t you think so?”
  • “Why did you choose this particular model?”

After questioning behavior, you need to change tactics and clarify the situation using the following best phrases:

  • “It seems to me, or do you doubt that...”
  • “Tell me, do I understand you correctly...”

Very often the client needs advice from the seller. At this moment you provide support and assistance with the following words:

  • “If I were in your place, I would not hesitate for a minute”;
  • “I am 100% sure that you will not regret your choice”;
  • "You have very good taste."

If any difficulties arise, you must take an attitude of understanding. After the client voices his problem, you need to respond something like the following:

  • “I understand you very well, because my friend also faced a similar problem. But she found a way out...";

In their work, sellers, managers and all people who want to get a buyer must remember that they cannot use the phrase “Are you interested in something?” and use a pressing gaze. The buyer automatically responds negatively and leaves.

Bright phrases, as well as advertising cues that perfectly attract the attention of customers

Often it is non-standard phrases that help sales agents find new customers. Most often, such phrases are of an advertising nature. But you shouldn't be afraid of them. Here are some of the most successful expressions.

Phrase Her goal
“Have you already taken part in our promotion?” The client becomes interested, he begins to ask questions and a dialogue quickly begins
“If you recommend our store to your friends, you will receive bonuses that can be used on your next visit. What do you feel about it?" This phrase encourages the client to advertise your business and make future purchases.
“If you need to consult with your significant other, then this can be done right now. What phone number should I dial? This statement will allow you to retain the client and will contribute to the fact that the purchase will be made from you, and not in a neighboring store, for example
“Can I consult with you?” Thanks to this question, you gain the client's favor, after which it is easy to establish an open dialogue
“Now I will tell you the total amount, which includes all discounts” Having heard the phrase, the client understands that haggling is pointless and the price is final, so he does not ask any more questions related to the price
“Do I understand you correctly, do you want to purchase a high-quality product at a minimum price?” By asking this question, you show that you are interested in the buyer's needs.
“Soon we will be holding an interesting event. Can I reserve a seat for you?” Such advertising phrases are appropriate if you are offering an expensive product. At such events, buyers get to know brands and do not feel obligated to purchase anything


The secret of a professional salesman is that he knows how to choose the right moment when to approach the client and offer his help. At the same time, he selects the right words that show his sincere interest.

Don’t be afraid of non-standard situations and improvise more often! We are sure you will succeed!

Tell me, what is your favorite dish? Describe it. How about potatoes sizzling in a frying pan with butter and onions? Or juicy chicken, fried until crispy and with garlic? Yes...Okay. The dishes are imaginary, but the salivation is real. Such is the magical power of words to influence our consciousness.

But, as you understand, you can influence in different ways. After all, if you don’t like fried potatoes or chicken, then my example is unlikely to inspire you. Also in sales. Some words may evoke unpleasant associations in the client. Why create unnecessary resistance? Such words have no place in our vocabulary.

Sales Vocabulary

Sales and selling are the first words that should be forgotten. They don’t like sellers, but they are afraid of sales. Everyone loves to buy, and no one likes to be sold to. For the client, sales are pressure and manipulation. So stop selling, help buy. Become a consultant, an assistant, and don’t sell, but recommend and offer. A consultation or recommendation does not oblige the client to purchase, and he feels much more comfortable.

Sale => offer, consultation
Sell ​​=> recommend, offer
Buy, buy => acquire, acquire
Purchase => acquisition

Another reason why people don't like sales is parting with money. Everyone loves money, but not many people like to spend it.

“Price”, “cost”, “expenses”, “expenses” - these words tell the client one thing: they will have to say goodbye to money.

All people love to possess, own and invest. Turn the sale into an investment that brings dividends to the client, talk not about price and costs, but about investments. As a last resort, talk about the amount; it is perceived more neutrally.

Price, cost, costs, expenses => investments, investments
Payment, contribution => investment
It costs => it will, it turns out, it amounts to
Price => amount

Is the sale accompanied by a contract in your company? If so, then such concepts as “agreement”, “contract” or “documents” should be handled very delicately.

Agreements and contracts raise concerns and oblige you to something, and they also need to be read. By the way, make sure that your agreement is in a readable font - small font is alarming to the client.

Instead of concluding a contract or agreement, offer to confirm the agreement or agree on papers. The word “agreement” does not contain a threat and is perceived as confirmation of cooperation.

And note, not to sign, but to confirm; you can, of course, say “endorse”, but this is in especially official cases.

I would especially like to dwell on such a word as “deal”. It has a negative connotation and evokes thoughts of something not entirely honest, just remember the common expression “a deal with the devil.” Isn't it better to offer cooperation instead of a deal?

Agreement, contract, documents => papers, agreement
Deal => cooperation
Conclude a deal => conclude an agreement, agree on papers
Sign => accept, approve, confirm, endorse

Forget about “NOT”

The use of the particle “not” gives an additional negative connotation to our speech. In addition, our consciousness does not perceive this particle. So, when the mother asks the child: “Don’t play around,” the baby only hears “Play around” and continues to play around. Think about what your client hears when you tell him: “inexpensive”, “not bad”?

But there can’t be an “if”

When you use the “if” conjunction in negotiations with a client, you are setting a condition for him. The client does not like having conditions dictated to him, and this should be taken into account. Your speech will not seem so categorical if you replace “if” with “when”. Feel the difference:

If we make an agreement...
When we make an agreement...

At the same time, “if” can be used to push the client to purchase, for example:

There is only a white teapot on display, but if you take it, I will bring you a black one from the warehouse.

The client owes nothing

Is it appropriate to say that the client does not owe you anything? Just in case, check yourself whether you are sinning by using words with a hint of obligation: “must”, “obliged”, “necessary”.

Must, obliged, necessary => should

Words that help you sell

Opportunity, you, benefit, achieve, ideal, investment, maximum, sweet, reliable, victory, useful, advantage, pleasant, productive, joy, decisive, agreement, save, satisfy, smile, success, character, good, valuable.

Who to tell and who to show

When communicating with a client, listen to what he says, what words he uses to express his thoughts and feelings. By observing the client, you can determine which method of perception is a priority for him.

For example, if a client uses in his speech such words and phrases as “clear”, “look”, “apparently”, “obviously”, “I see it like this”, then you have a visual person - a person who comprehends the world with his eyes.

He needs not to be told, but to be shown and drawn bright prospects.

A client who listens attentively, with a good rhythmic or melodic voice, perceives all information by ear (auditory). To convince him, words are needed, he attaches great importance to them.

You can say: “Just listen...”

The perception of the world through aromas and touch is characteristic of kinesthetics.

When it is important for the client that it is soft, comfortable, pleasant, environmentally friendly, comfortable, it is better for him to immediately give the product in his hands to touch, touch, feel.

By understanding how your client perceives information, you will always choose the right words and the best way to convey them.

Every sales manager in the process of communicating with a potential buyer should use phrases to attract customers that help sell. By skillfully using the examples of phrases given below, the seller will be able to appease the buyer, inspire his trust and persuade him to.

Examples of phrases to attract clients

The impression that the seller makes on others must be positive. In retail, the impression is primarily influenced by the specialist’s appearance, his posture, and his friendly facial expression, but when talking on the phone, it is important what and how he says, in what tone, timbre, and in what mood he pronounces the words.

Customers should be able to tell immediately which employees have provided good or bad service to them. In retail, it helps to sell a badge with the name of a specialist, and during telephone communication, the manager must introduce himself at the very beginning of the conversation.

Some sellers or managers are panicked by the visitor’s reaction: “I’m just looking,” or when making a cold call, “We don’t need anything.” Such responses are expected if the seller begins the dialogue with the phrase: “Good afternoon, you did the right thing by visiting our store. We have an excellent range of products, the best prices. Here you will definitely find everything you need. You will also be pleasantly surprised by our prices. Yes, what are you looking for? Let me help you…” - in this case, the buyer will run away from the seller or the store.

In the sales process, those phrases that are effective in attracting customers are those that are expressed naturally, with sincerity, and not in the form of a memorized template.

The first words that the visitor hears should be about him (the client), and not about the store, the success of the seller, the benefits of purchasing, promotions, etc. Phrases that help sell should mention the problem that the interlocutor came to solve. This is exactly how the sales increase technique works.

Before practicing and memorizing phrases for clients, the training manager needs to visit a retail outlet and listen to how salespeople communicate with visitors. If you are an employee of a retail outlet and are engaged in sales techniques yourself, ask your colleagues to record the conversation with the client on a voice recorder. Or record your colleagues yourself, and then listen to the recordings, trying to identify mistakes during transactions. After this, you can learn examples of phrases that will help you sell.

Trap phrases to attract customers should sound natural, be easy to remember and correspond to the usual spoken language of the staff, otherwise the buyer will notice the cramming in the interlocutor’s expressions and think about poor preparation.

Words and figures of speech that attract attention should be spoken in a natural, conversational manner. Business speech sounds dry and cold, so it is used during work contacts with mature people holding high positions.

In order for a dialogue with an interlocutor - in person or over the phone - to take place, it is important to understand that “attracting customer attention” does not mean successfully selling a product. This means gaining the right and opportunity to exchange information with him. Following this principle, you should not try to blurt out as much information about yourself, the company, product or service in the first 2-3 phrases. By respecting the time and attention of the person entering, you will make the dialogue more natural and will not scare away the potential visitor.

Experienced sellers immediately feel that the visitor needs a product, and see when his eyes are fixed on a suitable item (often the client touches and looks at the product), and only then establish contact. However, in some retail chains, according to company standards, the manager is required to approach the client at a set time, which is not always true.

Remember the important rule of successful selling - the buyer must first show interest in the product.

Clients also perceive negatively the phrase “What are you looking for?”, a characteristic phrase that, as a rule, the sales assistant says with a stern expression on his face. Negativity scares away the client of any retail outlet, but positivity and smiling, on the contrary, attract.

Additionally, you can watch the following videos on the topic:

Phrases for clients that interfere with successful sales

  • The client hears: “What are you interested in?” — He thinks: “What difference does it make to you?”, “Why should I report to you,” “What kind of service is this store?!”
  • “How can I help you?” - “With money, of course!
  • “What can I tell you?” - “Tell me, where do crayfish spend the winter?”

A competent sales manager effectively uses phrases to attract clients to help sell. He feels the buyer well, his problems and current needs, knows how to approach on time, establish contact, correctly identifies needs, sells and packages the purchase.

Phrases to attract clients

that help sell

Each manager should be able to use the following phrases to attract the attention of clients and help sell, depending on the type of their behavior:

  • With questioning behavior(at the " " stage): What colors do you prefer? How do you like this design? What can you say about this? A convenient thing (with an affirming intonation), what do you think?
  • During explanatory behavior(identifying needs, working with objections): I see that you are confused by what... Did I understand you correctly...?
  • Show support(helps to instill trust, remove the last doubts): If this thing sat on me like that, I would have no doubts...! I think you will be satisfied.. The right decision!
  • Understanding emotions, empathy(to attract the attention of the interlocutor, it is important to listen carefully to the client to the end): I understand you. Several customers have already come forward with this problem over the past week. It is being solved (this way and that way)... Now we all have one task - to save money. This model is more economical, look...

We draw your attention to the fact that the question “What can I tell you?” is obsolete and is not a phrase that helps sell.

Now watch this little training: