When will there be electronic PTS? Cars will drive without a passport. Paper version of PTS

From July 1, 2018, the transition to electronic PTS begins in the Russian Federation. The problem promises to be a sharp cessation of the issuance of traditional paper passports. Vehicle(PTS), if it also occurs with the beginning of the second summer month current year. The Vedomosti newspaper warns about this, promising corresponding difficulties in registering buyers of new cars.

What is behind the wording "EPTS"

Like all electronic data, EPTS is a record in a unified information database or system. It totally reflects what is known about the vehicle and its owners (from first to last). Of course, it reveals “secret” information about insurance cases, technical inspections, financial transactions with the car (facts of collateral, hiring, credit history of redemption). The official right of access to the record will have: traffic police, insurers, networks of official car dealers, financial institutions(banks). The listed structures will be able to make additions and changes to the record - each in its own section.

Why do car enthusiasts need this?

The transition to electronic documentation is intended to ensure almost absolute transparency of all operations with vehicles. Its mission is to become a guarantor of the reliability of the history of ownership and operation of each car.

The main advantages of electronic PTS:

1. Authenticity of credit history, maintenance, emergency episodes, life cycle Vehicles confirmed by information from official services and systems.

2. Information detailing of the electronic document will help identify illegal cars with dubious pages of history. This will entail a reduction in risks for sellers and buyers, and will open up more opportunities for conscientious market participants and fair pricing.

3. An electronic passport, like any document that is just a set of information, cannot be lost. This way, you won’t have to waste time recovering or experience inconvenience.

4. The amount of information entered into a virtual document is practically unlimited. Therefore, the electronic signature will include the full amount of technical data about the life cycle, the names of all owners. You won’t have to change it, like a paper one, when you run out of sections or columns to fill out.

How to get

With the beginning of the transfer of vehicles to electronic passports, citizens of the Russian Federation are given the opportunity to issue them:

1. Along with the purchase of a new car

The buyer is provided with a car already with an electronic signature. Directly from the dealer, by default, a car is issued, which must have an electronic vehicle passport (EPTS). The latter is formalized by the manufacturing organization. And the document number will be reflected in the purchase and sale agreement. The traffic police will only have to use his data for registration when registering the car. The owner will no longer receive a paper version.

2. When the owner of the vehicle independently imports it from outside the EAEU member states

Registration points will be opened by authorized organizations, according to the existing list. The cost should be approximately 600 rubles. Receipt will be carried out in parallel with SBCTS.

3. If a paper PTS is lost or becomes unusable

You can use the transition to an electronic version if desired or when a direct need arises. Replacement is provided for all cases to ensure a smooth transition to new service formats. According to the protocol of the procedure, the owner of the vehicle only needs to contact a representative of the authorized organization (as a technical inspection operator) for registration. The cost will be 600 rubles.

Where to contact in each specific case

If the problem of buyers of new cars is solved automatically, thanks to dealers, and the waiting period depends only on the efficiency of the brand manufacturer (the car comes with a ready-made EPTS), then where should others look for information? An announcement about where exactly you can exchange a paper passport for an electronic one should be posted on the page of the official website of the company administrator of the system. In this case, it is JSC “Electronic Passport”. You should look for a list of authorized organizations on the website of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.

In any case, there is no need to panic or rush. There is no reason to believe that from July 1, paper passports will suddenly remain illegal. For now, when re-registering a vehicle, the traffic police will even reserve the right to choose the format of the document. There will be no forced transfer.

Attention! The entry into force of the decision to abolish paper vehicle passports has been postponed from July 1, 2016 to November 1, 2020.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will discuss the regulatory legal document- Decision of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission “On approval”.

This document is valid from October 28, 2015, i.e. starting from this date in Russia, vehicle passports can be issued in in electronic format.

The following questions will be discussed below:

Let's get started.

Cancellation of paper vehicle passports from November 1, 2020

First of all, let’s consider subparagraph a of paragraph 2 of the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission:

2. Establish that:

a) until November 1, 2020, it is allowed to issue vehicle passports (vehicle chassis passports) in the form and in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of the member state of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the member state);

It follows from this paragraph that starting from November 1, 2020, PTS will be issued only in electronic form. Those. All new cars will have an electronic passport; paper documents will not be issued.

Replacing a paper PTS with an electronic one

The replacement of paper PTS with electronic ones is regulated by subparagraph d:

d) replacement of vehicle passports and passports of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment issued before the entry into force of this Decision, as well as in accordance with subparagraphs “a” - “c” of this paragraph with electronic passports of vehicles and electronic passports of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment carried out at the request of the owner of the vehicle(self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment);

If desired, any car owner can change the vehicle’s paper passport to an electronic one.

At the same time, many drivers are concerned about the following question. Is it necessary to change a paper PTS to an electronic one? Regulations do not require mandatory receipt of electronic PTS. Therefore, the paper version can be used until it runs out of space for new owners.

Simultaneous use of electronic and paper PTS

Please note that a vehicle cannot have both a paper and electronic PTS:

e) simultaneous issuance of an electronic passport and a paper passport for 1 vehicle (vehicle chassis), self-propelled vehicle and other type of equipment is not allowed.

What is an electronic PTS?

An electronic PTS is a record in a database that contains information about the car, as well as its owners. A complete list of information contained in the ePTS is given in the Procedure for the functioning of systems of electronic passports of vehicles (electronic passports of transport chassis) and electronic passports of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment.

If you wish, you can study the list of information that should be contained in the electronic PTS. For comparison, I suggest you pick up a regular PTS. You will notice that a paper passport contains much less data.

Moreover, after issuing an electronic PTS, the owner of the car receives an extract that he can print. This extract will be analogous to a paper PTS. In this case, the extract contains only part of the information from the electronic PTS. The contents of the extract are given in.

So the introduction of electronic PTS will help solve the problem of determining the category of a vehicle in controversial cases. The fact is that some foreign cars can be classified in Russia as both buses and trucks. However, in practice, employees government agencies Usually a car is included in the group where payments to the budget (customs, taxes, etc.) are higher. Introduction new form The PTS will allow you to unambiguously classify the vehicle into one category or another.

Who can receive information from the electronic PTS

Clause 12 of the Operating Procedure for electronic PTS systems contains information about who can obtain information from an electronic passport free of charge. Let's consider subparagraphs d and d related to ordinary drivers:

12. Participants in electronic passport systems for use exclusively for their own needs and (or) to implement the tasks assigned to them in accordance with this Procedure and (or) the legislation of the Member State are provided with the following information upon request without charge:
d) to the owner of the vehicle (chassis, car) - information in the amount provided for in Appendices No. 1 and 2 to this Procedure;

e) to other persons - information about the status of the electronic passport upon request containing:

identification number (VIN) of the vehicle (chassis), chassis number (frame) or body number (cabin, trailer) - for the vehicle (chassis);

vehicle identification number or body number (cabin, trailer) - for the vehicle.

Let's consider this point from the point of view.

Potential buyer by VIN number of the car can only obtain information about the status of the electronic PTS. Those. the buyer can find out that the PTS is in one of the following statuses:

  • unfinished;
  • active;
  • canceled;
  • canceled;
  • recycled.

When purchasing a car with an electronic PTS, I recommend that the buyer check the status of the document. The correct meaning in this case is “active”. If the title is in a different status, it is better to refrain from buying a car.

Apart from the status, the buyer cannot receive any additional information from the electronic PTS. Those. the buyer does not have confirmation that the vehicle actually belongs to the seller.

However, the seller can confirm that he is the owner of the vehicle. To do this, he must make a request to receive an extract from the electronic PTS. This information is issued only to the owner of the vehicle. Therefore, its presence can serve as a guarantee that the car is being sold by its current owner.

In addition, the buyer can access information for a fee:

13. Participants of electronic passport systems on a contractual basis access to the information contained in electronic passports and to the services of electronic passport systems is provided to the extent, in the manner and under the conditions determined by the administrator, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 12 of this Procedure.

In this case, the list of information that can be obtained on a contractual basis is determined by the system administrator.

Advantages of electronic PTS

An important advantage of the electronic PTS is the practically unlimited amount of information that can be contained in the document. The electronic PTS cannot run out of space for recording owners, so you will never have to.

In addition, PTS in electronic form can be stored indefinitely and cannot deteriorate over time or from external influences.

Questions raised by the introduction of electronic PTS

However, the introduction of electronic PTS raises some questions:

1. Difficulty in completing purchase and sale transactions. It is not clear how the seller can enter a new buyer into the ePTS, since he does not have access to the database. All that remains is to issue it.

2. Buying cars on credit. Previously, the PTS remained pledged to the bank until the loan was repaid. It is impossible to pick up an electronic PTS, because it is stored in a government database.

To summarize this article, I would like to note that electronic PTS will ultimately make the life of car owners more convenient. However, in the first few years, many drivers will encounter various technical difficulties, so I do not recommend rushing to replace the paper PTS with an electronic one.

Good luck on the roads!


I am going to enter into a purchase and sale agreement for a car that has no title at all and never had one, only a technical passport (the car was registered in 1993 and has had one owner all this time), which the owner has not changed since the car has not been used since 1997 of the year. If I go to the traffic police after July 1, will they give me a paper PTS or an electronic one?

In Russia, from July 1, 2018, the paper Vehicle Passport will be replaced by an electronic one. “Auto Mail.Ru” managed to find out the main details of the upcoming reform. Initially the transition to electronic format PTS in all member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan) was supposed to begin a year earlier, from July 1, 2017. However, due to the unavailability of the system, the launch date of the project was postponed by a year.

Soon, instead of the paper version of the usual PTS, an electronic biography of the “iron horse” will appear - a passport that will tell the full biography of your car, from the moment it leaves the factory gates to disposal. Legal recognition of the information contained will be electronic signatures authorized persons.

In the future, this measure should eliminate fraud in the secondary market, completely eradicating dishonest car owners and resellers. In addition, the creation of a unified database of electronic passports will facilitate the work of tax and customs services, and will also make it almost impossible to register stolen cars.

The idea to introduce electronic PTS began to take shape quite a long time ago: in 2014, representatives of the governments of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russian Federation signed an intergovernmental agreement, which was then joined by new members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) - Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

Last summer largest producers vehicles in these countries began testing a pilot version of the system, and now automakers are testing the final process of switching to electronic passports, and the database will be available to all interested participants: car dealers, banks, insurance companies...

From July 1, 2018, all car manufacturers without exception are required to switch to an electronic passport system. From this date, paper PTS will no longer be issued, and from July 1, 2019, in the EAEU, the same fate awaits manufacturers of all other equipment - self-propelled vehicles and similar units.

Accordingly, the issuance of electronic passports will be carried out by vehicle manufacturers, and documents for imported cars will be issued by authorized organizations (for example, customs). The electronic PTS will contain the same data as the regular one, starting from the make and model and ending with the year of manufacture and environmental class.

But most importantly, they plan to include the following information in the electronic car passport system:

  • how many people (or companies) owned a car;
  • what types of insurance did the owners use (MTPL or comprehensive insurance);
  • what accidents the car was involved in and what damage it received;
  • what deficiencies were identified during technical inspections;
  • Has the car been serviced at a dealer service?
  • what are the encumbrances and restrictions?

That is, when purchasing a used car, all the ins and outs of the car can be found out directly from the title: for example, since 2015 the car stopped going to dealer service stations, and in 2016, with a mileage of 40,000 km, it was involved in an accident in which the rear left fender was damaged and bumper. Perhaps we could not even dream of such transparency...

Note that mandatory replacement There are no plans to convert previously issued paper PTS to electronic ones.. But the paper document will be taken away when the space for recording new owners runs out, or it is damaged - accordingly, new form will not be given in exchange.

In addition, no one will prohibit the owner of the car from receiving an “electronic form” by at will- just pay 600 rubles (this is the expected cost of the service) and you’re done. However, it is necessary to take into account that after this procedure the paper in hand will be declared invalid.

Advantages of electronic PTS

The new document will unite a lot of currently scattered information, and accredited structures (as mentioned above, banks, car dealerships and others who pay for using the system), as well as the owner of the vehicle, will be able to use it free of charge.

1. It is impossible to lose an electronic passport.

2. Any number of owners can be included in the document.

3. One database will fully confirm the legal purity of the car.

4. The buyer will be able to track the complete history of the vehicle.

5. The number of holders cannot be “reset to zero” in the unified passport database.

6. The database allows you to enter any additional information (accidents, etc.).

Disadvantages of electronic PTS

Of course, without the good old piece of paper, many will feel uncomfortable... And there are still enough questions. Will there be such an unofficial “service” as deleting and correcting “unnecessary” information from PTS? For example, if an owner who needs to sell a car restored after a serious accident wants it.

The transition to electronic documents is now quite common. It is reliable and safe; you cannot simply delete a document. But how will the car buyer check the electronic version, given the confidentiality of the document?

Urvan Parfentievcoordinator of the Center for Safe Internet, leading analyst of ROCIT

Of course, in the process of implementing an electronic PTS system, other problems may arise. It is simply impossible to foresee them in advance - this is the first time such a solution has been proposed in world practice, so there is a certain amount of risk. But let’s hope that this project will be quite successful and will not complicate, but make life easier for motorists.

will begin to issue electronic Vehicle Passports (EPTS) instead of paper PTS, which are familiar to all motorists. What is the difference between a virtual vehicle passport and what information will be contained in the new virtual type of passport. Let's take a closer look at the innovation, and also review the information that will be entered into the electronic PTS.

And so, according to the draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the introduction in the Russian Federation of an electronic vehicle passport and an electronic vehicle chassis passport” , the main innovation that will be reflected in the electronic document involves expanded information that will contain information “about the owner, technical inspection, maintenance and repair work, mileage, on the imposition (removal) of restrictions (encumbrances), on insurance and insured events (including information about an accident), as well as information provided by the owner" text taken from the resolution .

So detailed information in the EPTS will be collected in order to create a transparent history of the registered vehicle, so that every future owner can easily find out the entire history of the vehicle, and also not fall for the bait of scammers who, under the guise of an “unbroken and supposedly unpainted” car, sell automobile junk , and also to avoid purchasing a car that has legal restrictions imposed for violations that the culprit does not want to eliminate. Competent authorities and authorized organizations will be responsible for the integrity of the entered information, which will have to monitor the accuracy of the information entered into the electronic form. All stages of the car’s life cycle will be formed and recorded in the document , said in explanatory note resolutions.

The electronic PTS will be assigned individual number, and the information will be stored in a single database used to provide government and municipal services in electronic form.

EPTS will have five statuses:“unfinished”, “active”, “extinguished”, “cancelled”, “disposed of”. To obtain status information, you will need to enter the vehicle's VIN number. The complete information stored (extract from the EPTS) can be obtained free of charge by the direct owner of the vehicle.

How much will it cost to issue an electronic PTS?

For registration of a new electronic PTS, individuals and legal entities will be charged a fee of 600 rubles. For automakers who will issue passports, the fee will be lower - 250 rubles.

Let us remind you that now for paper passports there is a maximum payment amount of 800 rubles.

I want to make changes to the EPTS, how much will it cost?

There will be no charge for making changes to e-passports.

Let us remind you that now in order to make changes to the PTS you need to pay 350 rubles of state duty.

I have a paper PTS, do I need to change it to an electronic one?

No, you do not need to change it to electronic. However, in the future, legislators will provide a procedure for replacing the standard PTS with an electronic one.

If after July 1, 2017 I lost my PTS or it became unusable, what should I do? What PTS will I be given?

After the start date of issuing EPTS, when contacting the relevant authorities (Manufacturer, Customs, Registration divisions of the traffic police).

An exhaustive list of information indicated in the vehicle’s electronic passport:

1. Information about the owner: *



mobile phone;

E-mail address;

b) individual:



patronymic (if available);

Date of Birth;



Title of the document;

Document Number;

mobile phone;

E-mail address;

Title of the document;

Document Number;

date of registration (issue) of the document;

cost of the vehicle;


grounds when the recycling fee is not paid;

the name of the vehicle, determined by its purpose.

3. Information on technical inspection, maintenance and repair work:

a) information about technical inspection:



date of technical inspection;

diagnostic card;



b) information about maintenance and repair work:

name of the legal entity (last name, first name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur);



address of location of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;

type of work performed;

date of work;

list of work performed;


Additional Information.

4. Information on the imposition (removal) of restrictions (encumbrances):

5. Information about insurance and insured events:

a) information on compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners (MTPL):



policy number (OSAGO);



b) information on voluntary insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners (CASCO):

name of the insurance organization;



policy number (CASCO);



c) insured events:

date of the insured event;

description of damage;


d) road traffic accidents:

date, time and place (address) of the incident;

description of damage;


6. Owner information:

b) other information.

7. National operator information.

Additional informational information indicated in the electronic passport of the vehicle chassis

1. Information about the owner: *

* - Provided on a voluntary basis, including in accordance with

‎with Federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

A) entity(individual entrepreneur):

name (last name, first name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur);



mobile phone;

E-mail address;

b) individual:




Date of Birth;



identity document:

Title of the document;

Document Number;

date of registration (issue) of the document;

mobile phone;

E-mail address;

c) document certifying ownership:

Title of the document;

Document Number;

date of registration (issue) of the document;

the cost of the vehicle chassis;


2. Administrative information:

grounds when the recycling fee is not paid.

3. Information on the imposition (removal) of restrictions (encumbrances):

name of the body (organization) that imposed (removed) the restriction (encumbrance);

type of restriction (encumbrance);

name of the document in accordance with which the restriction (encumbrance) was imposed (removed);

number of the document in accordance with which the restriction (encumbrance) was imposed (removed);

date of execution (conclusion) of the document in accordance with which the restriction (encumbrance) was imposed (removed);

the term of the restriction (encumbrance) and (or) the date of removal of the restriction (encumbrance).

4. Owner information:

a) information about restrictions;

b) other information.

5. National operator information.

The abolition of paper passports for cars and the introduction of their electronic analogues will make it possible to accumulate information about the vehicle over the entire period of its operation. The document does not need to be changed, since an unlimited amount of information can be entered into it. Information from the electronic database will confirm the legal purity of the car. E-PTS cannot be lost, it is impossible to commit fraudulent activities with it using illegal sales schemes. How will the change from paper documentation to its electronic version take place? Do all drivers urgently need to change their vehicle title?

Legislative regulation

The government first started talking about abolishing paper PTS in 2014. The first start date for the new project was 07/01/2016. However, due to the lack of technical capabilities and testing software, the event was rescheduled for 2018. The possibility of using e-documents was decided by the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission on October 28, 2015 “On approval of the Procedure for the functioning of electronic vehicle passport systems.” The document displays a list of information that must be entered into the database and a list of sections included in the extract when it is issued at the request of the car owner.

Replacing paper PTS with electronic analogues will save up to a billion rubles on the purchase of forms and the costs of their logistics. It is planned to reduce labor costs for document preparation, which will allow the parameter to be adjusted to 3.5 million man-hours per year. An e-document expands the amount of information about the vehicle and its owner, since the electronic space is not limited in size like a paper sheet of a document. The legislative decision allows us to form a complete picture of the history of the operation of the car, in which there are no gaps caused by the loss of the title or the failure to include facts about certain circumstances and their consequences.

Mechanism of the procedure

The provisions of regulatory and legal sources allow the initial completion and introduction of special notes into the PTS paper form until July 1, 2018. After this date, the document can only be issued electronically. All new cars will have an e-passport for the car, and paper equivalents will no longer be issued.

A car cannot have both a paper and an electronic passport at the same time. The car owner must draw up and operate only one version of the document. Violation of the provisions of the regulatory source may lead to the unreliable formation of a database on the operating history of the vehicle.

Replacement of passports for cars issued before the entry into force of the new Law will be carried out at the request of the owner of the vehicle based on his application. There are no provisions in the law regulating the need for mandatory receipt of an e-document. This makes it possible to use its paper version until it is necessary to issue a new passport, due to the lack of space for making special notes and information about the change of owners.

What is an electronic PTS?

An electronic passport is presented as an entry in a database containing information about the car and its owner. The list of information reflected in the document is determined by the provisions of the regulatory source. Its volume exceeds the contents of a paper passport. This legislative solution is associated with expanded capabilities and unlimited space for filling out an e-document. IN electronic version passport contains:

  • Information about the car owner, classified as personalized, as well as indicated by the owner of the vehicle or representatives of authorized bodies;
  • Information about passing technical inspection;
  • Data on maintenance and repair work carried out;
  • Mileage;
  • There are restrictions on registration actions;
  • Summary of insurance claims.

Confirmation of the registration of the e-PTS is an extract issued to the car owner in person or sent to him by email. It does not contain all the information in the electronic document. The contents of the extract are regulated legal act. Unlike a paper PTS, it does not indicate the owner of the vehicle and its manufacturer, but displays the category of the vehicle instead of the category of the driver's license.

Advantages of an electronic document

The legislative innovation will help avoid problems associated with restoring a document if it is lost, and will also protect car owners from the use of shady sales schemes. The project is designed to make vehicle registration and accounting completely digital, which will ensure the security of information stored in a secure database and the reliability of the history of operation and change of owners due to the absence of the possibility of losing documents and limiting access to the database. It is possible to place an unlimited amount of information in the e-PTS, since it will not run out of space for entries and will never have to be changed. Information in the database can be stored indefinitely, since the digital version of the document cannot be damaged by time or external factors.

Who can receive information from e-PTS?

Access to electronic document have traffic police officers, vehicle owners, as well as participants in e-passport systems who issue extracts from the database. When completing a purchase and sale transaction, the buyer has the right to submit a request to receive information about the status of the e-document. It is recommended to refrain from purchasing if the title on request is characterized differently than the current one. Other data is not available to third parties in the free version. To confirm the fact of ownership of the car by the seller, its owner must submit a request to receive an extract, information in which will indicate the sale of the object by its current owner. As alternative option, the buyer can find out information from the database on a paid basis after concluding an agreement for the provision of information services, the scope of which is determined by the system administrator.