Summary of educational activities for teaching graphic skills in the preparatory speech therapy group “Writing ovals and straight long sticks. Summary of a lesson on preparing the hand for writing for children in the preparatory school group. Summary of a lesson on writing in a preparatory school.

In this lesson, a conversation is held with children about the diversity of the “KINGDOM OF MUSHROOMS,” and children will also learn to write small and large ovals. They will repeat writing with inclined sticks and shading.

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“Summary of the lesson “Preparation for writing” in preschool preparation. Lesson 5."

School for future first-graders.

Lesson: (Preparing for writing). Day 5.

Subject: Concepts: " Working line and interline space."

Writing slanted hooks and ovals.

Target: Improve proper posture while writing,

correct position of the notebook when writing,

ability to hold a pen or pencil correctly;

and also the rule:

“If you want to talk or ask, raise your hand”;

To practice in children the ability to correctly write large hooks, inclined sticks, and ovals.

Develop: speech, attention, observation, fine motor skills hands,

Cultivate: perseverance, discipline.

Equipment: in children: (before they arrive at their desks):

Nameplates with name and surname (attach with tape);


Notebooks “Learning to write”;

Simple pencil;

Colour pencils;

At the teacher's: - name badge;

Yellow circle on the classroom door;

Scotch tape and scissors;


Computer ringtone;

El.physical minutes;


Progress of the lesson:

I . Organization

the beginning of the lesson

(Before the bell)
The teacher checks readiness for the lesson.

The teacher and students greet each other.

The teacher reads a poem, and the children repeat it with him and accompany him with movements:

One, two - head up,

Three, four - arms wider,

Five, six - sit down quietly



II. Control and diagnostic

Listen to the riddle.

Under the bushes
Under the sheets

We hid in the grass

Look for us in the forest yourself

We will not shout to you: “Ay!”

Let's look at the screen.

What do you see on it?

How many of you know what color of traffic light prohibits drivers from moving on the road and must make a stop?

Let's remember the following:

The red color encourages you to pay special attention to something, to remember something very well.

Now let's return to the picture with mushrooms.

Why do you think some of them are circled in a red triangle?

Remember their name and what they look like.

Who will show poisonous mushrooms on this slide?

Guys, I ask you to remember the following, although these mushrooms are poisonous, you cannot destroy or trample these mushrooms either, because they are some animals..

Now let's open the notebooks.

Let's find the page we worked on in the last lesson, and now the next one after it.

Look for fungus on it.



Slide 6



Children's answers

Children look at the slide

Children's answer

Children's answers.

They show.

Find a page.

II. Repetition of rules


with pencil

and a pen,

landings when writing.

Let's sit correctly. Let's correct the notebooks as I taught you.

Let's take a simple pencil.

If necessary, the teacher focuses the students’ attention on What

pen (karan)dash) placed on the middle finger working hand, holding with the thumb, the index finger is placed on top of the pen (pencil).

– Show how you will hold a pen (pencil) while writing.


Slide 10

Correcting notebooks.


In notebooks.

- “We outline the mushroom with a simple pencil along the dotted lines.”


Children trace the fungus along the dotted lines.


Let's rest, and during the rest let's “play the pipe.”


V.Work in notebooks.

And now we need to use our magic pen to write down what is written in the samples on the lines in your notebooks.

What is written on line 1?

1. There is writing of lines in alternation with demonstration and physical minutes;



Children's answers.


– What did you do in class?

– What were the tasks and exercises aimed at?

We completed assignments in class
and exercises.

Assignments and exercises
for development
fingers: their endurance
and strength.

– Where endurance and strength can come in handy

– What qualities helped you in completing tasks?

– What task caused you difficulty?

- Those who are satisfied with their work in class will clap their hands.

Tell your parents about what you did in class and play with them the games you liked most at school

When performing various
works: letters,

Patience, mindfulness, willpower, concentration

Natalya Melashenko
Summary of a lesson on preparing your hand for writing in preparatory group"Journey to the Land of Sunny Bunnies"

"Travel to the country"Sunny bunnies"

Program content:

1. Continue to build children’s readiness to learn letter.

2. Improve your sheet orientation skills.

3. Continue to develop visual and spatial perception, visual memory, attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills, coordination in the eye-hand system.

4. Continue to form the correct grip of the pencil.

5. Continue to develop the ability to understand the learning task, control oneself in the process of work, and achieve success.

6. Foster a culture of communication and the ability to listen.

7. Form friendly relationships.

Material to occupation: interactive whiteboard, computer, table, paper sunshine, clothespins, toys: ladybug, butterfly, dragonfly, bee, flowers, house, photographs of children, worksheet with tasks for each child, pencils, colored pencils, balloons.

Progress of the lesson:

Group decorated with yellow balls. In the corner group is worth a house.

The guys stand in a circle.

Educator: Today we are going to an unusual country« Sunny bunnies»

IN: - Do you want to go there?

D: Yes.

IN: Guys, but to get to countries« Sunny bunnies» and get to know its inhabitants, we need to overcome difficulties. And for this we need your friendship, good mood and, of course, all your knowledge and skills.

Are you ready for this?

D: Yes.

IN: Before going to journey we need to greet each other with palms. And convey to each other your warmth and good mood (the touch is passed in a circle, from one participant to another, while the children smile at each other and say words)

We touched our palms

And they smiled at each other.

You are my friend. And I'm your friend.

How beautiful the world around is.

IN: (Shows sun without rays)

Guys, look what this is?

D: Sun.

IN: What is ours missing? sunshine?

Children: Luchikov.

Educator: Now we will need your skills. Approach the tables.

Let's use clothespins to make it ours rays of the sun.

IN: Here you go guys, you all completed the task.

How much did we get? sunshine, so many inhabitants will be in country« Sunny bunnies»

IN: Look who lives here? (Butterfly, ladybug, dragonfly)

I think they will tell us what is necessary in order to get into country« Sunny bunnies» . Look, they have a hint for us.

(Reading letter)

"To get to countries« Sunny bunnies» you need to put us each on our own flower"

IN: Shall we help you guys?

D: Yes.

IN: To do this you need to draw lines without going beyond the tracks.

(The teacher shows on the interactive board)

IN: But first let's stretch our fingers

Finger gymnastics:

I'll rub my palms hard

I'll twist each finger.

I'll say hello to him

And I'll start pulling out.

I'll wash my hands later.

I'll put a finger in a finger.

I'll lock them up

And I'll keep it warm.

I'll let my fingers go

Let them run like bunnies.

IN: Now take it hands pencils and start the task.

(Children complete tasks on pieces of paper)

IN: Look, you completed the task. And we ended up in a meadow.

Come out, let's take a walk in the meadow and relax a little.


(walking with knees high)

We came to the forest meadow,

Lifting your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Who walked so high -

Didn't trip, didn't fall.


But suddenly the wind blew onto the lawn.

The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed.

The wind is getting quieter and quieter.

The tree is getting higher and higher.

IN: Well done boys! So we took a walk on the lawn and rested a little.

Who do you see here?

D: Bee.

IN: A bee asks you to help her find flowers from which she needs to collect nectar to make « Sunny honey» for residents countries.

What happened to the flowers? (show slide on interactive whiteboard)

D: Petals are lost, colors are lost.

Take your seats.

IN: Let's complete the petals by numbers and color them. But first, let's remember the counting from 1 to 10 and back.

(Children complete the task on pieces of paper.)

Say goodbye to the bee.

IN: Look, the butterflies also have a task for you.

(Hatching the wings of a butterfly in different directions)

IN: Guys, you completed all the tasks. Here we come to the house « Sunny bunnies» . Let's see who lives there, and I hope you will make friends with the residents of this countries. (Open the window and the children see their photographs).

Yes guys, in this one country you live in. So let us always be so kind, friendly, and cheerful with you.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in preparation for learning to read and write “Journey to the country of Abvgdijk. Sound [у], letter Ш" Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson conducted in a preparatory school group for children with special needs speech therapist Myasnikova.

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As part of the summer project “Journey of the Sun Bunnies”, together with the children, we made and designed a laptop. A laptop is a book.

Unconventional ways of working to prepare a child’s hand for writing in preschool settings Unconventional ways of working to prepare a child’s hand for writing in a preschool setting Writing is a complex skill that involves performing it subtly.

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy and writing in the preparatory group “Travel to the planet “Bukvozvukia” Program content: Educational: Consolidate acquired knowledge: sound, speech, sentence, dividing words into syllables. Learn to select the missing one.

Abstract. Using gaming techniques to prepare your hand for writing Probably every teacher working in our institution has had to think many times about the following: “What can I do.

Summary of a lesson on preparing the hand for writing for children in the preparatory group for school

Program content:

  • Continue to build children's readiness to learn to write.
  • Improve your orientation skills on a checkered sheet of paper.
  • Continue to develop visual and spatial perception, visual memory, attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills, and coordination in the eye-hand system.
  • Continue to form the correct pencil grip.
  • Continue to develop the ability to understand the learning task, control yourself in the process of work, and achieve success.
  • Develop a culture of communication and listening skills.

Materials and equipment:Silhouette of a ship (each letter of its name - “Luck” - is covered with a round sheet of white paper, a magnetic board, a set of cards for the game “Physical Education for Letters”, D/i “Silhouette and Contour”, a chest, a Card - a plate with a number of geometric shapes, a picture depicting several objects, a set of colored pencils for each child, a simple pencil for each child, a worksheet with tasks for each child.

Progress of the lesson

1. Educator.

Today I invite you on a journey through the land of cells, where we will learn to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cell. First, let's prepare for the trip. To do this, let's massage your hands

Massage. (Mutual massage of palms using massage balls)

Using chips, children are divided into pairs. Each couple is given one massage ball, with which the children alternately massage each other's palms and fingers.

2. Finger games.

“Jump rope”, “Let’s salt the soup.”

3. Practical part.

Educator. Guys, what type of transport do you think you can use to travel?

Children's answers. By water, air, land.

Educator. What water transport do you know?

Children's answers. Ship, boat, yacht, cutter, etc.

Educator. You will find out what kind of transport you and I will take on the journey if you complete the task.

Exercise 1. Connect the numbers in order. What happened?

(Picture 1 ) A simple pencil is used.

Educator. What is the name of our ship? To read its name, let's playgame "Physical education for letters"

(Hangs out the silhouette of a ship on the board).(Figure2 )

Task 2.

Consider the first row. Find and name the letter. (U)
Consider the second row. Find and name the consonant letter. (D)
Consider the third row. Find and name a letter that consists of two long sticks and one short one. (A)
Consider the fourth row. Find and name the letter that appears most often in this series. (H)
Consider the fifth row. Find and name the extra letter. (A)

Children complete the task. Then they name the found letters, observing the sequence in which they are found. The teacher reveals one by one all the letters in the word-name of the ship. Then read the name of the ship. (LUCK)

Educator . Let's pave the way for our journey to the land of cells. This is quite difficult because the ship needs to be guided past underwater reefs.

Task 3. Under my dictation, “travel” through the cells. Listen carefully, you will succeed.

"Graphic dictation"

From the point: 2 cells to the right, 2 up, 1 left, 2 up, 7 right, 1 up, 4 right, 2 up, 1 left, 1 up, 3 right, 1 up.

(Figure 3 )

Dynamic pause.

Game "Attentive Ears".

Finger gymnastics “Singing - sing along.”

Educator. Having rested, we continue our journey through the land of cells. The inhabitants of the land of cages began to draw “fences” of inclined lines, got tired and did not finish. Let's help them finish the job they started.

Task 4.

To draw them you need to connect the upper and lower corners of the cells to each other. Be careful! The heights of the lines are different, the cells will help you not to make a mistake.

Implementation of the “Childhood” program

Summary of the integrated lesson

in the preparatory school group


MADO No. 000, Perm

Software tasks:

Promote the formation of mental operations, speech development;

Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, attention;

Consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, practice solving arithmetic problems, examples;

Multi-colored envelopes,

And postcards and packages,

And I’m very happy with the parcels

I deliver to kindergarten.

I have known the children for a long time

I'm funny ……. (postman)

He gave you a letter. Let's check if our address is written on the envelope. Guys, what is the address? kindergarten? (Perm, Architect Sviyazev Street, 26) Everything is correct.

There is something written on the envelope: guess the riddle and find out who the letter is from?

What a very strange thing this is

Wooden man.

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key.

He sticks his long nose everywhere

Who is this...


You guessed it! Well done!


Hello, dear guys! I am writing to you - Pinocchio.

My dear children: girls and boys! Help me please! Find my friend Carlson. He was in a hurry to go to kindergarten, but ended up in Koshcheevo’s kingdom; in order to save him, he needed to complete 5 tasks. They are in envelopes in your group. To make it easier for you to find them, I drew a plan of your group and marked where the envelopes are located with numbers from one to five. Remember! Carlson needs to be saved on the third day of the week! Do not forget! Good luck! Pinocchio.

Educator: Are you ready to help Carlson? Then we need to hurry. Remember what Pinocchio wrote? On what day of the week should Carlson be saved? What day of the week was yesterday? What will it be like tomorrow? What day of the week is today? And according to the account, what is it? So that means today we have to save him! Let's look at the map plan and find the envelope with No. 1.


"Make a word."

In front of the children is a coded word 1-A 2-N 3-E 4-Y 5-K 6-Z 7-N 8

Educator: Before you is a coded word, to guess it you need to complete an arithmetic task.

The teacher reads the task, the child names a number, takes the corresponding letter from the table and places it on the board. Having guessed eight riddles, the children lay out the word UNKNOW.

Educator: Well done! We completed the first task. Now I suggest you play a little.

GAME “Be Attentive”


Listen to the rules of the game. If I name words with the sound “Zh” you wave your arms, if with the sound “Sh” you jump, and if these sounds are not in the words, then you just stand still.

Did you like the game? You were very attentive.

Let's now go back to our map and see where the envelope with No. 2 is located.


"Build a Rocket"

On the carpet there is a diagram - a drawing of a “Rocket” in an envelope with examples for each child. There are geometric shapes on the table with numbers drawn on them. Each child needs to solve an example, find the corresponding geometric figure on the table. Then, according to the drawing, the children assemble a rocket on the carpet.

Educator: Guys, tell me, how many triangles, squares, circles were used to build the rocket?

Educator: Well done! And you did a good job with this task. It's time to find the third envelope.


"Guess whose house"

Educator: There are three houses in front of you. What kind of diagrams are drawn on them? That's right, these are syllabic patterns.

Each child takes a picture of an animal, names it, determines the number of syllables and places it near the corresponding house.

Educator: How many words live in a house with one syllable? How many words have two syllables? How many words have three syllables?

Educator: Well done!

Now I propose to play a game with a ball.

The teacher asks questions and throws the ball to the child. The children answer.

· A home for a starling? (birdhouse);

· Walking in the evening? (evening);

· Chocolate candy? (chocolate);

· Brick house? (brick);

· Fur hat? (fur);

· Log house? (log);

· Clay toy? (clay);

· Strawberry jam? (strawberry);

· A house for bees? (hive)

· Glass vase? (glass)

Educator: It's time to look for the envelope with No. 4


"Draw the missing figures"

The assignment is printed on pieces of paper. Children perform it at tables.

At the end, a sample teacher is posted. Children exchange works and check each other's assignments.

Educator: Guys, for whom was this task difficult? And who dealt with it easily? I think we should practice more in completing such tasks.

Educator: Well done!

Now let's hurry, there's only one envelope left with No. 5


"Magic word"

There are five pictures in front of the children: Hat, Key, Cloud, Watering Can, Watermelon.

Children determine which sound comes first and form the word SCHOOL.


· How many letters are there in this word?

· How many sounds?

· How many vowel sounds?

· How many consonants are there?

· How many syllables?

· Which vowel is stressed?

The teacher calls the child, who performs a sound-letter analysis of the word.

Well done boys! So we completed all five tasks, as Buratino asked us. They completed them on time, just on the third day of the week.

Do you think the knowledge and skills you acquired in kindergarten will be useful at school? And in life, where can they be useful?

Well done to each of you!

The test is over.

Be friends with literacy and mathematics,

Accumulate your knowledge.

Let your efforts help you,

Memory, logic, attention.

Educator: Guys, where is Carlson? Let's ring the magic bell. If we did everything correctly and on time, then he will definitely appear (the bell rings, Carlson appears with a box of chocolates.)

CARLSON: Hello guys! I am so glad that you helped me and saved me from Koshcheev’s kingdom. Thank you! It must have been difficult? But you are so smart, quick-witted and brave! Thanks to your knowledge and skills, I am with you again.

Carlson offers to dance a Happy Dance with him to the music. After that, he treats the children with sweets and says goodbye.

It's time for me to say goodbye to you. Good luck to you at school!

And I will hurry to my friend Pinocchio. Goodbye friends!