Coordination Committee against UEC. Category: Films of Galina Tsareva. What are you working on now?

This man decided to “make a joke” and ridicule the supposed “sectarians” who supposedly “groundlessly” fear that when biometric data is removed from banks, people will be given the SIGN OF THE ANTICHRIST! This “joker” is either spiritually blind, or - even worse! - quite consciously works for the forces of Evil! His “ridiculing” seems to be simply intended to lull people’s vigilance: ...

Signs of the Apocalypse: Construction of the electronic concentration camp continues! One well-known retail chain is introducing a system for paying for goods using... A FACE! So far through biometrics, and then through a LASER DRAWING applied to the forehead?!! The same technology is being adopted in the Moscow metro! (Video)

This is not only about purchases at the Magnit retail chain. Moscow has begun testing a facial recognition system for... entering and traveling the metro! This was reported by the Nesobyanin telegram channel. At the Oktyabrskoye Pole station, cameras have indeed appeared on the entrance turnstiles that can record who is entering: theoretically, they can be connected to a neural network that...

Dear brothers and sisters! Galina Tsareva's website, due to certain circumstances, has moved to another address! The following announcement was posted on it: ATTENTION! OUR SITE WAS BLOCKED BY ATTACKERS! OUR SITE WAS BLOCKED BY ATTACKERS! NOW OUR SITE ADDRESS: + + + From the Editors of the online publication “Monomakh” we express our extreme regret in connection with...

The time has come, about which the Holy Martyr Hermogenes, Bishop of Tobolsk and Siberia spoke, that “The Anti-Christian kingdom will arise before the accession of the Antichrist himself and will last for unknown how many years. It will prepare the way for the coming of the Antichrist... True Christians will live completely separately, not subject to any open laws... True Christians of the end times will literally reject all civil laws.” In the Basics...

Russia and CERN signed a new cooperation agreement. This is an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation in the field of high energy physics and other areas of mutual interest between the government Russian Federation and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) was signed by the heads of delegations of the Russia-CERN Committee in Geneva. This was reported to TASS by the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science...

Signs of the Apocalypse: Augmented Reality Show Using 5G! On March 23, 2019, "fire-breathing winged dragon" was broadcast live on sports channels! How the technologies of “miracles” that will accompany the appearance of the Antichrist in the world are being tested, and how they are connected with the “Blue Ray” project, which we have written about several times! (Video)

Operator cellular communication V South Korea applied augmented and virtual reality, such as "eSpace", a hyperspace platform that can copy the real world into virtual space, and the “T-real platform”, where augmented reality components can be easily created and combined. All these technologies are directly related to the Blue Beam project, about which we have repeatedly ...

The new film by Orthodox director Galina Tsareva tells what changes will occur in the DNA of people who have accepted the mark of the Antichrist. Why will a third helix be built in DNA? What is the “Mark of the Beast” itself and what role will it play in all this? electromagnetic radiation fifth generation - 5G?..

Taking biometric parameters of the iris through dark glasses is IMPOSSIBLE! BE CAREFUL! WHEN BIOMETRIC SCANNING, they do not read the pattern of the iris, but APPLY A LASER TRAINT ON THE FOREHEOD! This is exactly what Galina Tsareva is trying to prove when, in the video materials offered in the first story, she draws attention to the fact that the scanning...

We live in an era of global scientific revolution, and the pace of scientific and technological progress is constantly increasing. Over the past few decades, humanity has acquired more scientific knowledge than in all previous history. But where will this knowledge lead people? Let's try to figure it out. In 2007, the “Strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation for the period ...

Like nanoparticles located environment, in particular, in the atmosphere, penetrate the human body and what is the threat? Why do they “get stuck” in places where the body is inflamed and remain there for a long time? Why do nanoparticles cause nanopathologies and also contribute to the formation of blood clots? Who creates vaccines with... nanoparticles? Nanoparticles are the real...

Video from the channel "Tyler Durden" the mark is a new generation chip consisting of living cells that functions naturally. When applied using barcoding under the guise of biometrics, this chip is not visible to the eye, but is recognized by a scanner. The brain begins to act as a bio-transmitter, and in fact, is a bio-processor. A person with such a chip-inscription...

Here is a statement from the site’s creators: “Attention! Attention! The attackers made a clone of our site, which is located at This is a fraudulent site, we have nothing to do with it or the materials published there. Complaints will be sent to the hosting provider of this site and to Roskomnadzor.” Be careful and vigilant: Galina Tsareva’s real website is located at...

Fragments of Galina Tsareva’s meeting with the Orthodox community (2015). At this meeting, the issues of universal identification of the population, the dangers of obtaining biometric documents, newest ways microchipping of people, reasons for the total collection of information about each individual, as well as some other important problems.

Currently, housing construction has stopped in many regions of Russia. If in 1986-1990. About 80 million sq.m. were commissioned annually. housing, and this was considered insufficient, today half as much is being introduced. In 2004, sq.m. On average, apartments in Russia became more expensive by 26%, and in Moscow - by 45%. Average...

The film talks about the terrible consequences of vaccines. The composition of vaccines (mercury salts, formaldehyde and aluminum) and possible post-vaccination complications are analyzed. Facts are presented that allow us to look at the other side of the vaccination “coin”. In our country, a criminal tradition has developed to vaccinate everyone, which leads to disastrous results (healthy children have already become an “anomaly”), 80-85% of children with diphtheria turn out to be “correctly and ...

A documentary about what modern progress in the field of electronics brings with it! Namely, what will the new international passports bring with them, which have already entered into force in Russia! Discussion of the bills “On personal data”, “On information, information technology and protection of information" (round table of the Communist Party faction of the State Duma of Russia, February 6 ...

After a serious illness, R.B. Love dies. Her life does not end there - her soul goes to the afterlife. She saw heaven and hell, and the Lord Jesus Christ, by whose grace she was sent back to earth to tell people about everything she saw. Original title: “Message from Heaven” Year of release: 2009 Genre: Documentary Country: Russia Director: Galina ...

The Trap is a documentary film about the so-called “Western values”, about juvenile justice, which is advancing from the West to Russia, and about the imposition of so-called “tolerance” on us, which is nothing more than a violation of all the commandments of God. Humanity has suddenly gone crazy: European states, regardless of geography, are competing in child abduction technologies...

November 16, 2012

In May, letters from V.N. Pashkova were sent to our church, as to most churches in the Moscow diocese. from the address 117535, Moscow, PO Box 50 (possibly in other churches from other senders). They contain a call to join the ranks of the Coordination Committee against the implementation of the Universal Electronic Card (UEC), committee chairman G.I. Tsareva. Remembering the passions that were boiling around the introduction of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), we decided to sort out the situation.

Galina Tsareva’s activities are quite extensive. Now Galina Tsareva is the chairman of the Coordination Committee against the introduction of a Universal Electronic Card ( UEC) in Russia and a film director at the Slovo studio. Over the past few years, as a director, she has produced more than a dozen films on the most pressing and topical issues of our time: “The Truth about Vaccinations,” “Pandemics of Lies,” “Russia under the Hammer,” “Corruption,” “Transgenization - a Genetic Bomb,” “Russian the cross or the Truth about abortion”, “Total control”, “No to the electronic concentration camp”, “Good disobedience or bad obedience”.

The Internet provides enough information, which in some places is difficult to understand, but there is something that is known reliably. Galina Tsareva, candidate of philosophical sciences, in the 90s, together with her husband, headed the Association of Spiritual Unity “Golden Age”, which was mainly engaged in the publication of occult literature (E.P. Blavatsky, Ramacharaka, A. Besant, etc.), but at the same time had “ its goal is to influence the spiritual atmosphere of our society, directing it towards stabilization, survival, revival of all the best traditions of culture and spirituality of the past, human transformation and the construction of a worthy future. The Golden Age has always been considered the century of the triumph of spiritual knowledge in the synthesis of traditional religions and the best non-traditional esoteric and mystical teachings. Our Association aims to spread the spirit of these traditions and teachings.” .

But this is all in the past, and we are most interested in its current activities, centered around the implementation of the UEC. The Coordination Committee against the introduction of the UEC, chaired by G. I. Tsareva, in addition to creating films on relevant topics, is engaged in sending out letters with an appeal to “join our ranks!”

The first page of the letter contains an appeal to those “who do not want to live in an electronic concentration camp” to “put aside all matters”, “put aside fears” and “get down to business” so as not to soon become “chipped slaves”, followed by a signature and a Sberbank current account , as well as a Yandex wallet “for donations”.

The next page reveals to us the worldview of the author of this message, an image that gives a general idea of ​​the so-called “conspiracy theory”: on top - “MASTERS”, below - “SLAVE”, and between them various social and government agencies(police, banks, education, etc.). The description adds only one element - UEC, as the only access key on the part of the “slave” to obtain public material goods and a method of manipulation for the “master” who has the opportunity to take these benefits at any time by destroying the key. The author sees the next stage in this control system as “chipping the population” with reference to the “Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry of Russia for the Period until 2025” and the experience of several thousand Americans ( True, if we bother to read the above-mentioned Strategy, we will not see a word there about microchipping the population, but for the author this does not matter, because there is a link, and only a few will become familiar with it - Ed.). At the same time, in order for the author’s expectations to coincide with the text of the book of Revelation, emphasis is placed on the fact that “the chip, usually, is sewn into the right hand” and thus, as it were, an equal sign is put between the chip and the seal of the Antichrist (although this is not directly stated). Thus, the TIN, Muscovite card, pension certificate and UEC become in the mind of the letter’s author a direct path to accepting the seal of the Antichrist.

The most comprehensive and schematic teaching of the Church about the “seal of the Antichrist” is conveyed in the article by Abbot Andronik Trubachev “Patristic interpretation of the biblical concept of the “seal of the Antichrist”. In this article, considering the main interpreters of the Apocalypse, such as Archbishop. Andrew of Caesarea, Rev. Ephraim the Syrian and St. Irenaeus of Lyon, Abbot Andronicus speaks of the different understandings of the term “seal of the Antichrist” by the holy fathers. Even the same holy father (Irenaeus of Lyons) speaks both about the possibility of a literal fulfillment of the prophecy in the form of a seal (stamp), possibly depicting the number or image of the Antichrist (his name), and about its moral content in which “the right hand is active life according to the commandments of God, the knowledge of the truth of God.” Such ambiguity in interpretation does not allow us to speak with confidence about the format in which this seal will be presented to us. The interpretation of the three sixes itself is twofold. Some holy fathers (for example, Andrew of Caesarea), using the symbolism of the number 6, say that: “if there was a need to know his name, then, as some teachers say, the seer would have revealed it, but the grace of God did not deign for this destructive name to be written in Divine book. If you examine the words, then, according to Hippolytus and others, you can find many names, both proper and common nouns, corresponding to this number. Proper, for example: Lampetis (“lampetio”), Titan (“titan”), Latinnik (“latinos”), also Venedikt (“venediktos”), which means blessed, perhaps in imitation of the one blessed Christ; common nouns: bad leader (“what odigos”), ancient envious (“palevaskanos”), truly harmful (“aliphos vlaveros”), unrighteous lamb (“amnos adikos”). These names will be used by those who rejected the seduction of the one for whom the shameful serves as glory,” on the other hand, “the forerunner and squire of the Antichrist ... will try to put on everyone the mark of the disastrous name of the apostate and seducer on the right hands in order to take away the power to do good deeds, as well as on forehead, to make those who are deceived bold in deception and darkness.” Thus, the idea of ​​the number “666” also remains ambiguous, as does the judgment about accepting the seal of the Antichrist, which may not consist in the introduction of digital media into the right hand and forehead, but in the sinful acts and thoughts we commit every day, which testify about apostasy from Christ.

The next page contains excerpts: from the report of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill and the definition of the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 2011, which speaks of the need to “have an alternative” and “voluntariness in relation to use” electronic documents“including UEC”; from the definition of the Council of Bishops in 2008, which speaks of the inadmissibility of invading a person’s private life and collecting data about him without his knowledge and good will; from the address of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church dated October 6, 2005 on the need for an alternative and the voluntary nature of adopting an identification system. It is interesting that the final two paragraphs from the last document are not quoted: “Orthodox Christians are called upon to remember that the acceptance or non-acceptance of new documents, including those containing electronic information about the natural properties of the human body, should not be a reason for condemning some Christians by others, for sowing confusion and schism in the Church. The thousand-year experience of life in Christ testifies that the Lord protects the inner freedom of a Christian, no matter what conditions he finds himself in, for “The Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Cor. 3:17)."

As we see, in these documents (you can read them in full by following the links) there is no hint of the sinfulness of accepting a TIN or UEC or the need for an Orthodox Christian believer to refuse them. It speaks only about a person’s fair opportunity to exercise his freedom through acceptance or refusal of electronic media (and nothing more) and about the moral impossibility of coercion on the part of the state in this matter.

And finally, the draft document “On the position of the Church in connection with the emergence and prospects for the development of new technologies for personal identification”, published on the website of the inter-council presence, speaks of “the danger of total control and management of citizens and society” and “the danger of a biased attitude towards a person based on his religious, political or other views, even discrimination on ideological grounds”, as well as “the danger of mandatory appropriation identification code, turning it into an irreplaceable, lifelong and posthumous attribute, forcing it to be used as the main identifier of a person in his relationships with the state, social and commercial institutions,” in which the position of a person as an individual is actually leveled. The document expresses a similar attitude about the inclusion of human biometric parameters in the document: “possible abuses here are obvious - from discrimination in hiring to outright blackmail.”

The conclusion states the following: “The consent of citizens to the use of electronic accounting tools must be informed, with a mandatory explanation of all the consequences of the decision made. Citizens wishing to use these tools must be guaranteed knowledge of the content of electronic records, as well as the ability to change the content of these records or delete them in cases where otherwise not provided established by law public safety requirements. Documents issued by the state should not contain information, the essence and purpose of which is unclear or hidden from the owner, as well as symbols that are blasphemous or morally questionable, or that offend the feelings of believers.” This characterization of modern processes occurring in society speaks, first of all, about the desire of the Russian Orthodox Church protect your flock from thoughtless consent to the imposed system of relations between the state and society and from “deliberate” rejection of this system for religious or other reasons. The Church stands for the protection of personal freedom and moral values, the main thing is that this freedom does not lead a person to temptation, which can be caused by the imposition of a mystical background to current events.

The next page contains an application form “to refuse the Universal Electronic Card,” which, however, does not contain a request not to issue an electronic card to a specific person, but to “cancel Federal Law No. 210-FZ “On the organization of provision public services“, and the applicant introduces himself “as an Orthodox believer and a citizen of Russia.” At the same time, for some reason the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Federation Council, His Holiness Patriarch, Governor of the region and many other people who have nothing to do with this process.

But the most interesting is the last paragraph, in which the author of the letter answers the rhetorical question of “many”: “why are there no references to our spiritual beliefs, the demands of our faith in statements against the contested law.” The answer is obvious: because faith does not require it. But the author suggests something different: “This aspect was left untouched so as not to confuse different grounds for bringing a claim, with the hope that that part of our Church that is called upon to protect us from committing sins - our hierarchy and priesthood - will realize the sinfulness of taking a number instead of a name. After all, it cannot but become obvious to our hierarchy and priesthood after familiarizing ourselves with the materials of the process, the fact of the mystical background of the introduction of a system of “electronic” population with an “electronic” government. After all, the basis for the effectiveness of the Antichrist system is coercion to accept, wear, present and respond to a number, in fact - anti-baptism with the naming of a digital name. It is absolutely obvious to us that the law in question belongs to the galaxy of laws that implement the “mystery of lawlessness” in our country.”

A statement like this says a lot. Tsareva and the activists of the group calling for the abolition of the UEC do not agree with the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church on this issue and act without the blessing of the Church, which is why they do not talk about the need to abolish the UEC in connection with religious beliefs. Despite this, the author of the letter sees the implementation of UEC as a “fact of mystical background”, which is clearly stated literally on the next page “SEAL OF THE ANTICHRIST = UEC (UNIVERSAL ELECTRONIC CARD)”, and also provides several fantastic ways to implement of this project, which the authors themselves express as “assumptions” with reference to anonymous sources in the leadership of the intelligence services. The words “a well-known specialist”, “meeting with one of them”, “he is obliged to notify” give the letter a mystical background but, alas, do not add weight: no person - no responsibility, and then you are allowed to say whatever you want. A reference to the dubious prophecy of the youth Vyacheslav Chebarkul, whose anti-church veneration is comparable to the veneration of Tsar Ivan the Terrible and Grigory Rasputin, completes this fantastic opus.

Thus, the lines of the letter (by G. Tsareva and the activists of the movement to abolish the UEC) are aimed at introducing panic into the souls of people (especially Orthodox Christians) in order to distract from the main thing - life in Christ, which, first of all, consists of confession and reception of the Holy Mysteries, and not tossing around in anxiety, condemning the government, the Church and people. By their fruits you will know them (Matt. 7:20).

At the same time, every Christian must be able to firmly give an answer about his hope, which is based on the Gospel and has reinforcement in the canons of the Church, when he is required to renounce Christ in exchange for any benefits, including those provided by electronic media. While there is no such requirement (and the acceptance of cards is carried out on a voluntary basis and there is the possibility of refusal, despite Tsareva’s attempts to convince us otherwise), a person has the opportunity to realize his own freedom through accepting or refusing the UEC, which is equal and equally possible for a believing Christian, as and for any other member of society.

We ask you to be attentive in assessing the information indicating the approach of the time of the Antichrist, the seal of the Antichrist, checking your point of view with the testimony of the Church.

Http:// contains a lot of information in a similar style about both the TIN and the UEC.

From the editor: We are publishing one of the articles by Tsareva Galina (chairman of the Coordination Committee against the implementation of the UEC, candidate of philosophical sciences, director of famous films: “The Era of Technotronic Dictatorship”, “Russia under the Hammer” and many other documentaries that reveal to us the “signs of the times”).

A delegate from the Kostroma Old Believer community, E.I. Barsukova, asked to involve Galina Ivanovna Tsareva for a report as an expert on issues electronic identification as a completely competent person. She was refused, citing the fact that outsiders cannot be invited to speak at the Council, although the modern preacher of the “temperance theory” V. G. Zhdanov, who is not a believer of the Russian Orthodox Church, was invited to the 2009 Council of the Russian Orthodox Church and gave an extensive report. time, even in the Russian Orthodox Church MP is considered sectarian and non-Orthodox.

Few people now understand that before our eyes, a super-totalitarian technotronic dictatorship unprecedented in the history of mankind is being built, where the laws of control of cybernetic systems are transferred to human society. A system of total control is being built all over the world, a network society is being built, in which each person becomes a node and element of the network and will have to live by the rules that the owners of the system will set for him.

According to Galina Tsareva, total control over people is now taking place in all directions: personal identification systems are being introduced using electronic cards, retinal scanning, fingerprints, lip reading, gait analysis, and implanting microchips in the human body. And, first of all, this is control over all actions, movements, as well as the income of each citizen. Any portal social network collects information about you, and any self-updating program installed on your computer is a potential security hole. There is a total collection of personal data for each person, which will be disposed of at the discretion of the powers that be.

In 2003, a meeting took place in Geneva at top level on issues of the global information society, where it was said that an “electronic government” is being created in every country in the world, which will be built according to uniform international standards on a single information and software platform. “Electronic governments” of individual countries should form a single global system with an “electronic population” subordinate to it. The so-called “operators” will have absolute power over the “electronic population”. And it is quite obvious that a person will be forced to carry out the will of the owners of the control system. Cash will be abolished, so those who do not accept this system will become outcasts and will not be able to “buy nor sell,” as written by the Evangelist John the Theologian in the Apocalypse.

Now in Russia a Universal Electronic Card (UEC) is being introduced - an ideal tool for total control, which should include all information about a person in in electronic format and perform the function of a multi-document: passport, driver’s license, pension, insurance, medical policies, and will also be a means of payment. With the help of the map, as its creators plan, it will be possible to obtain state, regional and commercial services in electronic form using infomats, personal computers equipped with a reader, mobile devices. The universal card will also be accepted in the subway, buses and other types of transport; all you need to do is present the card to a contactless reader. Make an appointment with a doctor, check accrued taxes or fines and pay them immediately, check the status of your pension account, and even sign an electronic document with your special electronic signature- at first glance - it’s convenient, and everything is presented as “achieving progress”, “reducing queues”, “improving the quality of life”. But this is only at first glance. Galina Tsareva warns: in fact, final goal this entire program is the construction of a hitherto unprecedented global dictatorship, which has never happened in the history of mankind and there is no need to talk about any democratic society at all.

How will the system work? The creators promise security and secrecy of operations, and the magnetic stripe and chip will only contain the name and insurance certificate numbers, and even then in encrypted form. All other data will be stored on secure servers of the respective government agencies. But the Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, Igor Shchegolev, openly stated that an electronic card is the key to all personal characteristics of a person. And if the card is inserted into the appropriate device, then data about the person is consolidated from all the information arrays that can be scattered across different servers. In fact, this is a single database. And since a chip is inserted into the card, it is possible to remotely, even from space, unauthorized data about its owner. And since both computers and software If ours is foreign, then all information about citizens will smoothly flow overseas or to Brussels into the Beast computer, and this already leads to the loss of the country’s sovereignty.

The owners of databases about people will be foreign companies and banks that will sell us access to social services– health, education, social security and others like paid service provided under the seller's terms and conditions. It turns out that private organization will receive complete information about Russian citizens and will be able to do whatever they want with it.

With the creation of a unified personal data database, conditions arise for the unauthorized sale of this data to criminal structures, as well as for electronic fraudsters. One fine day a person may find out that he is no longer the owner of his apartment, dacha, car, because someone got into the database and changed the records of the property he owned, or took money from his card, took out loans in his name. You can lose your children and even your own identity, provided the card is blocked if you become objectionable to the electronic government.

In addition, the card will contain all the information about your health status, medical history, information about your condition internal organs, blood type, so anyone can become a victim of organ hunters. Knowing literally everything about each person: his interests, passions, social circle, political views - you can manipulate the person in your own interests.

The implementation of universal cards will continue with the introduction of microchips implanted into humans. Official documents of the Russian government already speak about this. So “Strategy for the development of the electronics industry in Russia until 2025”, signed by order No. 311 of 08/07/2007, says that micro and nanoelectronic devices should be implanted into the human body and brain for direct communication with global control networks such as the Internet. We quote: “Nanoelectronics will integrate with biological objects and provide continuous monitoring of the maintenance of their vital functions. Built-in wireless nanoelectronic devices that ensure constant contact of a person with the surrounding intellectual environment will become widespread; means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with the objects around him will become widespread, vehicles and other people. The circulation of such products will exceed billions per year due to their widespread distribution.”

By order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia No. 909 dated November 8, 2009, medicines and vaccines with nanochips will be produced. And the European Group on Ethics in Science and the Development of New Technologies wrote in Conclusion No. 20: “ Modern society came face to face with the changes to which the human essence must be subjected, through the various electronic devices, subcutaneous chips and smart tags. They must be constantly able to receive and transmit signals from time to time allowing movement, monitoring habits and contacts to be monitored and assessed. Implants in the human body can play a major role in health matters and can even lead to enhanced biological and mental capabilities. Extrapolated into the future, this logic could lead to a transformation of the human race."

Billionaire founder of Sun Microsystems Bill Joy in 2000 boldly made public the consensus pact reached by the world's elite that by 2030, through chipization, humanity should be completely enslaved and turned into controlled slaves, and there should also be a mass extermination of the world's population. , except for the world elite and its servants. The European Union has allocated two million euros for the introduction of UEC in Russia. The goal of this project is the dismantling of the Russian state and the transfer of power to foreign commercial structures. Today we're talking about about the seizure of power on Earth by a handful of people with the aim of establishing complete world domination, with the construction of a single supranational global community.

Galina Tsareva

On March 5, the Moscow City Court, chaired by Judge Kazakov M.Yu. considered the application to recognize Moscow Law No. 8 “On the Universal Electronic Card” as invalid. It was joyful to see that by the beginning of the session the building of the Moscow City Court had gathered a large number of Orthodox citizens who decided to support our stated demands with their presence.

It is noteworthy that auditorium No. 606, in which the hearing took place, designed for a maximum of 20 people, was not ready to receive everyone, which made the MGU administration noticeably nervous, which did not expect such an unprecedented “turnout” of visitors. We asked to be provided with a larger hall, to which the judge said: “And if a million of you come, will we have to provide a stadium?” Our request to organize a live broadcast of the hearing in the foyer was also refused.

In addition, we were refused to conduct video filming, because... the prosecutor stated that she did not want her personal data to become available to unknown sources. We were also refused to invite specialists in the field of electronic technology, although the court agreed to invite a specialist from UEC OJSC. The MGU apparatus has actually admitted its inability to ensure the implementation of the right of every citizen who wishes to directly observe the progress of an open process, as required by procedural legislation.

However, about two hundred people filled the sixth floor lobby. I would like to note that their presence, as well as the fervent prayers of those Orthodox people who could not come to the meeting, were clearly felt not only by our applicants, but also by the court and the defendant’s parties - representatives of the Mayor’s Office, the Moscow City Duma and the Government of the Russian Federation, who could not clearly argue your objections to the applicants’ arguments, and generally clearly state your position on a number of questions raised.

The applicants justifiably referred to the fact that the rights of citizens in relations regulated by the “Law on the Universal Electronic Card” are protected by Civil Legislation (the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights). Civil Legislation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 76), is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. Thus, Law No. 8, issued at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (Moscow), was adopted in excess of the powers of the legislative body of the constituent entity of the Federation (Moscow City Duma) and is therefore inoperative from the moment of its adoption.

In addition, the applicants presented to the court convincing evidence that Law No. 8 violates the rights of citizens to intangible benefits(such as life, health, personal dignity, privacy, etc.), the protection of which is regulated by the Federal Civil Legislation, in particular, the same Civil Code (Article 150), the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the Law on information protection, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and, most importantly, the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Representatives of the interested parties (the Moscow City Duma and the Moscow government) in their objections referred exclusively to the provisions of the odious federal Laws “On the provision of public services” No. 210-FZ and Federal Law on the protection of personal data No. 152, which, by the way, was already modified in 2011 (Law 263-FZ) to meet the needs of the same Law 210-FZ.

In particular, as amended by Law 263-FZ, the Law on Personal Data no longer provides for the obligation of the operator to seek the consent of citizens for the collection, processing and transfer of personal data for the purpose of providing public services. Moreover, even a citizen’s refusal to process his personal data has lost its decisive significance for the operator. There is a feeling that this entire legislative structure, the logic of its construction and adoption is similar to an attempt to introduce into the traditional legal field some new, foreign, alternative legislation that builds upon itself and cross-references itself.

By the end of the meeting, there was a feeling that judge Kazakov M.Yu. already has at its disposal enough information necessary to make a decision, from which it follows that by the start of the meeting on 03/12/12 it will already be ready. In addition, at the beginning of the meeting, applicant Karkavidov A.K. demanded the recusal of the judge due to the fact that the judges of the city of Moscow are financially and otherwise dependent on the government of the city of Moscow, and therefore cannot objectively consider a case in which the mayor of the city of Moscow is an interested party. Of course, understanding the specifics of the current situation and objectively assessing the significance of this decision for those in power, we are not too delusional that Law No. 8 will still be repealed. But, on the other hand, if God is with us, then who is against us?!

The feeling after the trial was joyful because we managed to tell the truth. On our part, there were questions of a nature that were impossible for our opponents to answer honestly, and they fussed in every possible way or avoided answering. They were unable to clearly argue their objections to the arguments of the applicants and their representatives. It was clear that the opposite side was aware of the correctness of our arguments, and it did not find a single argument, at least within the framework of this meeting, that could refute our position. After the parties presented their arguments, the hearing was suspended by the judge until March 12, 2012 “due to the expiration of the Court’s working day.”

The Coordination Committee calls on all Orthodox Christians not to weaken their prayers during the entire break in the hearing and ask them to come to the next court hearing, so that there will be not 200 of us, but ten thousand, so that the authorities and the media will pay attention to us, so that they will see that we are not just “a bunch of marginalized people,” as they call us, but citizens of their country who do not want to live in an unconstitutional state and go against their Christian conscience. By the way, we invited Father Vsevolod Chaplin to speak on behalf of the Church in defense of Orthodox citizens who do not want to live in an electronic gulag. Father Vsevolod refused to come or send a representative to the court hearing.

The next meeting will take place on March 12, 2003 in room 606 of the Moscow City Court building. Address: Moscow, Preobrazhenskaya Square metro station, Bogorodsky Val, 8. The meeting starts at 9.00

Chairman of the Coordination Committee against the implementation of the UEC Galina Tsareva


Representatives of religions about the UEC

Representatives of religions express concern about the introduction of electronic cards

On March 24, 2011, during a hearing in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the topic “The problem of citizens’ refusal of means of electronic identification and ensuring their rights,” representatives of traditional religions of Russia expressed common concern in connection with the large-scale project for the introduction of universal electronic cards (UEC), the implementation of which in the country could begin as early as 2012, reports Patriarchia.Ru.

According to the Church Bulletin, the public hearings were attended, in particular, by the Bishop of Saratov and Volsky Longin, the first deputy chairman of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia, Mufti of Chuvashia Albir Krganov, and the permanent representative of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia in Moscow Sanjay Lama Andrey Balzhirov.

The round table was chaired by the chairman of the Synodal Department for Relations between Church and Society, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, who initiated the hearings.

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church again emphasized that the state must preserve the opportunity to choose and legislate and ensure traditional forms of citizen registration on an equal basis with electronic ones. “People who do not accept electronic cards should not be discriminated against, including when receiving medical care and social benefits,” noted Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin. In this regard, Orthodox activists public organizations made a number of proposals to amend the current legislation.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', in his report at the Council of Bishops in February of this year, also touched upon this problem. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church then stated: “The Church understands the position of people who do not want to be subject to control, which allows for the collection of comprehensive information about their private life, and in the future can be used to discriminate against citizens on ideological grounds.”

As the first deputy of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims stated at a hearing in the Public Chamber, “Muslim believers also ask questions on this topic.” A. Krganov emphasized that such projects at the federal level must necessarily undergo wide public discussion.

In turn, Sanjay Lama Andrei Balzhirov expressed concern that commercial structures will be involved in the preparation and maintenance of universal electronic cards. According to him, there is a real danger of hacking of electronic storage media, when all the data on a particular person becomes available to attackers, which gives rise to “the possibility of fraud, blackmail and the use of these technologies for extremist purposes.”

Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Alla Gerber, like other participants in the hearings, called for ensuring that citizens’ choice of one or another form of recording their data is exclusively voluntary.

The hearings were attended by representatives of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Moscow Government, scientists and human rights activists, as well as representatives of OJSC “Universal Electronic Card”. In this format, discussion of issues of human rights protection in connection with the development of new electronic technologies passed for the first time. Also for the first time, the agreed position of representatives of various religious communities in Russia regarding the introduction of new electronic documents in the country was announced.

Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, commenting on the main results of the discussion to the Orthodoxy and World portal, noted: “The very fact of the meeting of representatives of public organizations concerned about the introduction of electronic technologies with representatives of ministries and departments that work in this area was important.”

According to Father Vsevolod, representatives of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Government and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund reported that when introducing the UEC, the principle of voluntariness will be observed and people who do not accept the card or refuse it will not be disadvantaged, in particular, when receiving social benefits.

The Chairman of the Synodal Department expressed the hope that these assurances from government agencies “will be documented and can be used by people who would like to communicate with government or other institutions that control the receipt of social benefits without accepting an electronic card.”

The introduction of the MIRACLE CARD is a big step towards the transition to this payment system.
2. Since it is hard to believe that such a hasty introduction of these cards is so necessary at the moment for our economy and poor population, the conclusion arises that this law was initiated by the Washington or Brussels regional committee.
This version is also supported by the fact that the European Union allocated 2 million euros for these purposes, and Europeans, as we know, know how to count money.
It is also planned to purchase all equipment, including chips, from foreign companies.
3. Imagine that all your important documents, insurance, money are collected together in this
map. As many assume, in the future more and more services and documents will be integrated into the card and it will be impossible to exist without it.

Question: can we, with our level of trust in the state and its “life-improving reforms and innovations” towards us, like a flock of sheep, silently agree to such conditions?

We thought they were in such a hurry because there was corruption
part of the law? No, not at all. Everything is much cooler.

UEC applications summarize all personal data, even indicating
“risk group” and other information about a person that he is not even aware of
guesses. It was announced that upon adoption of this law, the authorities would be the first
will be engaged in collecting information to create a database on all
residents of Moscow (12 million). Can you imagine? This will be a single database
where ALL data on ALL citizens will be stored: registration, transactions with
real estate, medical history, blood type, vaccinations, benefits,
accrued salary, photo, address, credit history, social
behavior... Everything, everything, everything.

I don’t doubt for a second that in a week this database will be free
sale, which will allow you to choose who - the victim of the crime, who - the organs
for transplantation, and to whom children for pedophile “adoption”. But
something else is even much worse. The electronic card is “fastened” to the system
“electronic government”, which is made with money from the European Union,
which allocated 2 million euros. According to the Constitution, we do not have such a body
“electronic government”, which is discussed in the law, but it is ALREADY
done! Moreover fully in foreign elemental and
software base, for foreign money and foreign specialists.
This is at least dangerous, it is a leak of information about the operation of all systems
states and about citizens abroad, to our opponents. Where is our
safety? Even America abandoned such a system, citing
in that if the elements are produced abroad, this allows
foreign countries to hack the system. Or besides us this question is already
no one is interested? Is this stupidity or high treason?
It turns out that we are all being sold out, and in bulk?