A short parable about birds. Parables for children. Short parables for children

Since ancient times, many peoples have used parables as a quick and effective method instilling in children basic life concepts and values. Since the parable is a short story, the child will have enough patience to listen to it to the end. And the fascinating form and interesting, understandable characters will convey to the little fidget: what is good and evil, what is love and respect for elders, as well as many other such important things.

It is very important that the parable does not condemn the negative hero, does not ridicule his shortcomings, but at the same time still points out them, so that the child understands how to act and what not to do.

The stories behind each parable tell children, in a language they can understand, what real life and what difficulties may be encountered on this difficult path. And most importantly, in each parable you can find more than one way out of the current situation.

Unfortunately, many parents believe that at an early stage of development their child is not able to perceive parables as such. This opinion is wrong. You can start reading parables to a child from the cradle. Of course, at first he may not understand their true meaning, but at the subconscious level the trace will remain in any case.

Short parables for children

Already from an early age, parables contribute to the formation in a small person of the correct attitude towards the world, himself and his actions. It is also interesting that in the process of forming this relationship, the child begins to understand that you need to appreciate what you have.

Reading short parables gives children the opportunity to share joy and sadness with their heroes, and this, in turn, will teach the child empathy, compassion and mercy.

Good parables will relieve a child from anxious thoughts, develop confidence in his abilities, and help him give up manifestations of greed and bragging. Short parables can show a child in an accessible form that envy is bad, and if he wants something, then he needs to work for it and achieve his goal. Naturally, “work” at this age means good behavior, obedience, study, and so on.

At an early age, up to about six to seven years old, short parables are ideal for reading to children. It is easy for a child to perceive them, but at the same time the imagination draws colorful pictures and the vocabulary is enriched. You will very soon notice that it is becoming easier for the child to express his thoughts; he no longer rushes into fights in the yard so often, but tries to resolve conflict situations verbally.

There is so much deep meaning in a story that is short at first glance... Speaking in simple words, they demonstrate to the child that life is multifaceted, and dividing this or that event into good or bad is pointless. Having thought through any situation, you can turn it to your advantage, and by definition there are no hopeless situations.

Parables for children: read

We all know how beneficial it is to read books to children, especially parables. Let's figure out why. As you know, all psychologists and teachers unconditionally agree that reading parables to a child is simply necessary. Unlike fairy tales, which largely distort actual reality by the fact that their heroes are talking animals, and often completely fictional creatures, parables convey reality as correctly as possible; their heroes are completely real people, we can observe their actions every day in our lives too. In addition, many teachers believe that reading parables is appropriate even at the level of intrauterine development; perhaps this is a myth, but this practice will not bring anything bad.

Along with the already mentioned beneficial effects, reading parables to children can bring into our lives:

  • Harmony in relationships with your beloved child. Think and answer honestly the question: “How much time do I devote to the inner world of my child?” Unfortunately, the frantic pace of life, when we are forced to work hard in order to provide a decent standard of living for ourselves and our family, rarely allows us
  • have a heart-to-heart talk with your child. Often we are deprived of the opportunity to tell the child what is good and what is bad, to analyze and draw conclusions from the situation that happened in the kindergarten, in the yard, at school, and so on. All communication between modern parents and their children comes down to going to the store together to buy the next toy. Thus, many fathers and mothers calm their conscience and mistakenly believe that this is enough. But the family tradition of reading parables together in the evenings will give you much more.
  • The child calms down and receives answers to his questions. You should not think that a small child is deprived of experiences; on the contrary, he is at that age when there is confusion in his soul, and his mind is constantly working, trying to independently comprehend the secrets of the universe, naturally at a more primitive level than what happens in an adult. Help your baby! Read short parables to him, give him answers and food for further thought.
  • The child's intelligence develops. Read short parables to the little man more often at night; before going to bed, his state is relaxed, he is calm and information is perceived best. Together with your child, try to discuss what you read, listen carefully to his opinion. Please note that the language of the parables is simple and understandable; soon your baby will speak at this level too! And you will only be surprised at how reasonable he is and that he talks like an adult.
  • Instilling in a child a love of reading. Again, in contrast to fairy tales, parables tell the story of the lives of adults. Therefore, it is more interesting for children to read them rather than fairy tales. The love of reading can hardly be overestimated; moreover, it takes children away from the TV, tablet and other “flaws” of the modern age. Don’t waste time, read parables to children while they are at an early age, then it may be too late, as the child will be influenced high technology, books will be abandoned, values ​​will be distorted, and you will no longer be able to do anything.
  • Development in the child of imagination, analytical thinking and the ability to overcome situations with dignity, even the most difficult ones. Using the example of the main characters, the parable tells kids how to behave with friends and older people, as well as how to look for ways to resolve controversial issues. This is how a model of relationships and behavior with different people is formed in the child’s mind, and he begins to understand the limits of what is permitted.

Wise parables for children

No matter how trivial it may sound, the parables contain age-old wisdom that has been accumulated for more than one generation. Not many of us are able to choose words and convey the meaning of this or that edification as briefly and accurately.

Wise parables will show a child the true meaning and value of life, teach that good deeds towards other people are beneficial, and most of all, to himself. Oddly enough, children are better disposed to such perception than any adult, probably because their minds and consciousness are not yet clogged with the ideas of modern society.

Instructive parables for children

Instructive parables will demonstrate to the young explorer of the universe that everything secret will definitely become clear and that evil will definitely be punished.

The child will learn to look at his actions through the eyes of another person, as if from the outside. Over time, he will understand that before committing any act, he needs to think about whether it will harm his comrade or just a random passerby. In addition, the parable will help the child realize that some of his desires need to be relegated to the background, and some should be completely feared and fought against.

Of course, whether to read parables or fairy tales to your little one is up to you to decide. However, even at an early age, it is worth trying several ways of communicating with a child in order to help him get comfortable in a world full of contradictions, false judgments and vanity.

At the foot of a giant tree there lived a small bird. The tree was so big that the bird never saw its top. But the bird was happy. She ate sweet berries that grew on the tree, chirped, sang and was very happy. One day the sweet berries ran out and only sour ones remained. The bird tasted the sour berries, became upset, began to swear in a whisper, and became angry and crazy. But then the sweet berries grew again and the bird forgot about the sour berries, began eating sweet berries again, chirping and singing. She was happy until all the sweet berries were gone again and only sour berries were left again. And the bird ate them, got angry and cursed again.

... In general, the bird decided that it would fly around this tree and try to find more sweet berries. And she began to fly around the tree. When the bird looked at the top of the tree, which was far above, he saw a majestic, transparent, beautiful bird sitting on the top branch of the tree. The bird looked so peaceful, so radiant, so full of love, so free. The little bird felt something and said to itself that it must find out the secret of this big bird, find out why it is so happy. She doesn't look for berries, she doesn't do anything. She just sits there happy, majestic and free. The bird decided that it would fly to the big bird and find out what the secret was.

She flew up along the tree. Along the way she noticed yellow berries. She stopped and began to eat these berries, it was simply a delicacy, she had never tasted such berries before. She completely forgot about the big bird, because she was chirping, singing and enjoying herself. But, as always, everything comes to an end. The sweet berries are gone, only the sour ones remain. And the bird again swore in a whisper and again became upset. And she again began to fly around the tree in search of sweet berries. And again it happened that she looked up and at the top of the tree again she saw a beautiful, transparent, majestic bird. The little bird had forgotten about her, but now she remembered.

The bird told himself that this time she would really fly to the big bird and learn the secret of its peace. She flew again, but when she was three-quarters of the way up the tree, she saw purple berries that looked absolutely delicious. She stopped to eat some berries, which were so good that the little bird forgot about the big bird again. She was happy, she chirped and sang until the berries ran out. After that, everything began to happen as before: sour berries, sweet berries... And so it went on and on.

Finally, many years later, while flying around the tree, the little bird looked up at the big bird. At this time, she was already completely disgusted by all the berries: both sweet and sour. She was no longer worried about sweet berries, or chirping, or singing; she wanted to find peace similar to that in which the big bird was. She was determined that she would fly straight towards the big bird and this time nothing would stop her. And so it happened. The bird flew straight up, up, up, up, straight towards the big bird. When it arrived, something very interesting was revealed to her. She discovered that all this time she had been big bird. She was a big bird! She became herself!

This bird is like all of us in this world.
Robert Adams

Self-discovery through insight exercises Hall Manley Palmer

Parable of the Birds

Parable of the Birds

Once upon a time in China there lived a great and powerful emperor who generously supported the arts and crafts. He surrounded himself with painters, sculptors and other gifted artists, who competed with each other to surprise the emperor with the outstanding achievements of their genius. One of the artisans made a golden cage, so exquisite and perfect that it had no equal among the treasures of the whole world. The cage had the appearance of a temple, its many roofs were decorated with precious stones, and inside it there were many rooms with doors and gates.

The Son of Heaven was so delighted when this magnificent work was presented to him that he immediately presented the master with a jasper award and made him a prince of the empire. Then the emperor called all his hunters and bird-catchers to him and ordered them to go out into the world with nets and catch all the most amazing and beautiful birds that would come their way.

After many adventures, which can only be compared with the most intricate stories from the Thousand and One Nights, the birdcatchers returned and appeared before the emperor. They all took turns telling about their adventures and showing the birds they managed to catch. At the end, the oldest bird catcher who went hunting presented the lord with a phoenix caught on the mountains of the moon.

The emperor ordered a cage to be installed in the garden and placed one of the rare birds in each of its rooms. Then he ordered the throne to be moved into the garden and sat for hours watching the wonderful performance.

While he sat there, surrounded by mandarins and princes, a Taoist monk knocked on the palace gate. The monk was surrounded by mystery, for he did not come along the road, but descended straight from the clouds. It was the spirit. Approaching the emperor, the monk sat down and asked him where he got the golden cage. The Emperor explained to him what had happened.

Then the old man sadly shook his head and said:

Your Highness, do not set a bad example for people. Release the birds and break the cage.

The emperor was very surprised and saddened. He asked the elder to explain his words.

“You, O Son of Heaven,” continued the monk, “are a model

righteousness for all who live in your empire. You're in charge here. Your actions are the law for residents of the entire country. What is good and what is bad is judged by your behavior. You have a great responsibility because everyone looks to you as a source of public good.

This cage, built in the form of a temple, contains a threefold secret. First of all, this is a world with many rooms, in each of which someone lives. In addition, this cage symbolizes China - an empire located in the center of the world, and you, O Emperor, and your honorable subjects are like captive birds. Their state attire is the bright plumage of birds, while you yourself are a phoenix. The chambers of your palace are prison cells, temples are cages, and your sovereign affairs are a net in which you are caught. And finally, this cell is your mortal nature, and these little feathered creatures are dreams and hopes that are captivated by your flesh. All that you know in poetry, music and art, all that is beautiful that you can understand and appreciate, is captive to your mortal consciousness.

O Emperor, release the birds to freedom, and then, by releasing them, you yourself will be freed. Never hold anyone captive. If you keep these birds in a golden cage, they will stop singing. Each of them will begin to yearn and die. Life in a cage is not worth living, and therefore whoever keeps birds in cages will sooner or later destroy them.

It was very pleasant for you to catch these birds, and now give yourself another joy, show truly royal nobility and set them free.

Having finished speaking, the old monk wrapped himself in his robe and disappeared right before the emperor's eyes. The Emperor, who had knowledge of many sciences, realized that the being who had just spoken to him was not an ordinary mortal monk in a robe, but a celestial entity, the guardian of birds. Since the monk's words were the command of heaven, the Son of Heaven could not disobey them. He ordered all the cage doors to be opened and the birds released. Then he ordered the cage to be taken far into the mountains and left there with the doors open as a monument for the birds.

Some time passed, and the birds returned to the cage and built nests in it. When the emperor was tired of his worries, he climbed the mountains, sat down next to the cage and watched for hours as the birds flew in and out through the open doors of the cage. At the end of his life, he wrote a poem that reflected the understanding that he acquired as a result of contemplating the mystery.

This parable is self-explanatory, but in reality it says much more than it might seem at first glance. We live in a world in which each of us, to one degree or another, strives to dominate. We strive to imprison life in the cage of will and thinking. We talk about luck in terms of influence. We feel great to the extent that we have something. These aspirations and impulses are completely inconsistent with the ideals of the contemplative life. However, in life, the motives for our actions are so well veiled that we begin to guess about them only after many lives lived incorrectly.

The difficulty with so-called spiritual ambitions is that they inevitably impose a certain restriction on the free flow of life. It is for you specific example. Let's assume that all sincere intelligent people strive for the Truth. Everyone, for his part, strives to get closer to Reality, but each seeker consciously or unconsciously deviates from the goal.

This happens when with his ignorance he limits the very Reality that he strives to achieve.

The first disciple limits the Truth to the statement that everyone should practice yoga. The second student destroys the Truth with his opinion that one can get closer to Reality only through intensive study of chemistry. The third student limits the Truth by seeing the key to universal knowledge only in mathematics.

The fourth believes that the path to Reality lies through ascetic trials, while the fifth finds that it can only be achieved after many years of wandering around the world. The sixth destroys the Truth with the conviction that one can understand Reality only by touching sacred objects. The seventh nullifies the Truth by saying that it can be approached by studying the scriptures, while the eighth disciple believes that it cannot be understood through books.

Each of these people follows the path of his own ideas and tries to know eternity by applying his opinions to it and demanding that it be what he expects it to be. At the same time, he involuntarily begins to judge the unknown and acts in such a way that his behavior can be justified only if he is endowed with omniscience.

This does not mean that Reality should not be achieved through meditation, scripture study, mathematics or asceticism. Everyone grows according to their own understanding. Meanwhile, categorical opinions about methods of achievement dealt the same blow to philosophy as theology dealt to religion.

The doctrine of the transcendental personality suggests that the search for Reality should not be a formal exercise, but a genuine adventure in the realm of the conscious. There is no need to force your consciousness to seek the higher self. The spiritual nature of man is not like a careless schoolboy who can be forced to study. Cognition of Reality is a natural urge of the soul. We do not need to increase this urge. All that is required of us is to remove the artificial obstacles and limitations imposed on us by the physical personality.

The bird flies out of the cage when its door is open, because it is a creature born to fly. In the same way, consciousness rushes towards Reality when objective limitations are overcome.

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Moral Lessons Parable. About a bird that couldn't fly...

Once upon a time there was a bird that could not fly. Like wingless creatures she walked on the earth, although she knew that some birds fly.

One day, an egg from a flying bird accidentally fell into her nest, and she hatched it with her own.

The hatched chick began to grow and develop, but its inherent ability to fly did not manifest itself.

Sometimes he asked his adoptive mother: “When will I fly?” And the bird tied to the ground answered him: “To fly, you must be persistent in your endeavor, like all birds.” She didn’t know how to teach the fledgling chick a lesson in flying, she didn’t even know how to push it out of the nest so that it could be convinced of its abilities.

But it is strange that the chick himself did not notice this. The feeling of gratitude to his adoptive mother did not allow him to understand his situation. “If it weren’t for her,” he reasoned to himself, I would still remain in the egg.

And sometimes he said to himself like this: “The one to whom I owe my birth, of course, will teach me to fly.” It's only a matter of time, or perhaps it all depends on my own efforts, or maybe for this I need to have some kind of higher wisdom - there are no other reasons. The bird that brought me to where I am today will one day take me to the next level.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

lesson on the surrounding world in 1st grade "Birds that do not fly away"

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Parables with meaning have always been used to teach and raise children. After all, wise advice, presented in an interesting, concise and fairy tale form much better perceived and remembered. Therefore, parables for children are an amazingly effective means of learning and development. The wisdom contained in parables, presented in a simple and engaging way, teaches children to think for themselves and find solutions to problems. A good parable develops imagination and intuition in children, and also helps them think about their behavior and realize their own mistakes. These short stories will explain to children that you can always find many ways to solve one problem and that life is not divided only into black and white, bad and good.

How to help people

Teacher, goodbye. “I’m going to wander and help people,” said the young man, entering the teacher’s house.
- How long will you be leaving? - asked the teacher.
- For a long time! Maybe forever. I want to serve people and make them happier! - the student exclaimed proudly.
- You are the only man in the family, the hope of your mother and grandmother. Who will you leave them with? - the teacher was surprised.
“They will live somehow,” answered the student. - You yourself taught us that the main thing in life is to bring happiness to people.
- You are right. But you don't have to go far for this. At first make those who are near you happy, then those who are far away will come to you, - advised the old teacher.

Who has cleaner hands?

Two students came to study in the workshop of the famous sculptor. The teacher told them: “First you need to learn how to work with stone. I have a large block of stone in my yard. Plank it on both sides so that you get even planes. I will come back in the evening and look at your work.” Then the sculptor gave the students the tools and left.
- I won't do boring work. Any mason can do such rough work. “I want to be a sculptor, not a stonemason,” said one student.
“It’s not a shame to sweat at work if you take it on willingly,” said the second student and got to work.
The first student left and rested all day. He returned only in the evening, when all the work was done.
Later the teacher came and, without looking at the work, asked the students to show their hands. The first student's hands were clean and well-groomed. The second one had calluses, abrasions and stone dust all over his hands.
“I’ll wash my hands now, teacher,” he said, blushing.
“There is no need to wash your hands,” the teacher noted.
- Purity - best beauty“, - said the first student and proudly looked at his pink hands.
- The hands of a lazy person are only clean in appearance. These hands are truly clean,” said the sculptor, pointing to the dusty hands of the second student. “They worked all day and did all the work honestly.

Learn to ask

Two young jewelers came to the jewelry workshop.
- You have already received the title of master, but real mastery is achieved through experience. It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to learn,” the chief jeweler told them.
“It’s never too late to learn,” one young master agreed. He came from a family of builders, and in the school of jewelers he worked only with semi-precious stones.
“You don’t need to teach an eagle to fly,” muttered the second one. He was the son of a jeweler and from early childhood saw how precious stones were processed. His father closed his workshop due to illness. The young man dreamed of opening his father’s workshop again as soon as he got back on his feet.
Both young masters worked hard. Gradually they began to be trusted with difficult work. Both of them did an excellent job. A young jeweler from a family of builders constantly asked questions. Most often, he asked about the intricacies of making unique jewelry that old masters made. The second young master never asked. He said to his friend in surprise:
- Why do you keep asking? You are a master, not a student.
“Don’t study until you’re old, but study until you die,” the young man answered, laughing.
One day, the chief jeweler commissioned a craftsman from the builder's family to make a diamond necklace.
- Why didn’t you give this order to me? I know better how to work with diamonds! - the second young master exclaimed offendedly.
- If there are difficulties, this young man will definitely consult and will not ruin the work. And you're afraid to ask. Don't be afraid that you don't know, be afraid that you don't learn. Otherwise, you won’t become a real master,” explained the chief jeweler.

A parable for children about respect for mother

The first rich man of the city organized a celebration in honor of the birth of his son. All noble townspeople were invited. Only the rich man’s mother did not come to the holiday. She lived far away in the village and, apparently, was unable to come. On the occasion of this wonderful event, tables were set up in the central square of the city and refreshments were prepared for everyone. At the height of the holiday, an old woman covered with a veil knocked on the rich man’s gate.
- All the beggars are treated to food in the central square. Go there,” the servant ordered the beggar.
“I don’t need a treat, let me just look at the baby for one minute,” the old woman asked, and then added: “I am also a mother, and I also once had a son.” Now I have been living alone for a long time, and have not seen my son for many years.
The servant asked the owner what he should do. The rich man looked out the window and saw a poorly dressed woman covered with an old blanket.
- You see, this is a beggar woman. Drive her away,” he angrily ordered the servant. - Every beggar has his own mother, but I cannot allow them all to look at my son.
The old woman began to cry and sadly said to the servant:
- Tell the owner that I wish my son and grandson health and happiness, and also say: “ He who respects his own mother will not curse someone else's".
When the servant conveyed the words of the old woman, the rich man realized that it was his mother who came to him. He rushed out of the house, but his mother was nowhere to be seen.

Leaves and roots

The son has not visited his parents for a long time. He was a rich merchant, the owner of a huge store and lived in a big city. Every month the son sent his parents money, and on holidays - gifts. Of course, mother and father missed their son and often invited him to visit. But on weekdays the son was busy in the store, and on holidays he feasted with friends - the same noble merchants.
Everything was fine until thieves set fire to his store. The thieves were caught and put in prison, but this did not make it any easier for the merchant. His store and warehouses with goods burned to the ground.
The merchant went to the banker to borrow money to build a new store, and he said:
- I don't lend money to poor people. I don't want them to go to jail for not paying their debt.
All his friends also refused to help the merchant.
At that moment, the merchant received a letter from his father:
“Son, we heard about your misfortune. Come quickly. And from a tall tree leaves fall to the roots".
The merchant did not understand anything, but still decided to go and visit his parents, whom he had not seen for many years. Sad he entered his parents' house. The mother was busy, she didn’t know how to get her son to sit down or what to feed him, and the father brought a bag full of money. The old man gave the money to the amazed merchant and said:
- Son, here is the money you sent us, and also my savings. Don't worry, we can feed ourselves. The main thing is, don’t forget that we are your roots, and come back to us more often.

Children's parable about the most difficult task

Children are designed in such a way that they strive to learn new things every minute. They are interested in everything mysterious and unknown. But sometimes it can be difficult to understand life’s complex issues. Parables contain the age-old wisdom of generations, philosophical reflections and useful tips. Simple fairy tale language will be understandable to children. Short parables for children help develop thinking, memory and perception, being, in essence, a teacher who cultivates love, decency, peacefulness - spiritual beauty in children. The main thing is that parables tell us that life is multifaceted, spacious, and you can always find many options for getting out of any current situation.

Two ambassadors

The king sent two ambassadors on a friendly visit to the neighboring country.
“See if our neighbors are plotting war against us,” the king ordered the ambassadors.
The ambassadors were received well, accommodated in the best rooms, fed sumptuous dinners, and invited to balls.
The ambassadors returned and began to tell the king about their trip.
- Don't be afraid, king. Our neighbors are kind and hospitable,” the first ambassador said with a smile. - We were received as the most dear guests. I have never tried such dishes as there in my life: roast sea monster, apples of paradise, nightingales’ tongues in wine sauce. We were served a hundred dishes and a hundred wines, just like royalty.
The ambassador spent a long time listing what he ate and drank in the neighboring kingdom. Then the second ambassador took the floor:
- Our neighbors are plotting war. We urgently need to gather an army and strengthen the borders. Firstly, every day we were not fed according to rank. We were served a hundred dishes and a hundred wines each, so that we would eat more and look around less. Secondly, we were accompanied everywhere by a crowd of royal friends, but they were military men, judging by their bearing. Thirdly, we were shown one new weapons factory. I heard in a conversation that this was the fifth plant, and I realized that there were four more. The plant was large, larger than any of our plants.
The ambassador talked for a long time about everything he saw and heard. The king rewarded the second ambassador and ordered him to prepare for war, and the king said to the first ambassador:
- A stupid man talks about what he drank and ate, a smart man talks about what he saw and heard..

A parable for children about the ability to rejoice

Most of all, Maria loved flowers. She had a small garden near her house. What kind of flowers did not grow in this garden! They bloomed from early spring to late autumn and delighted everyone around.
Maria lived with her sick old grandfather. He could barely walk, leaning on a stick. Every morning, grandfather, wincing in pain, barely reached Maria’s kindergarten and sat down on a bench there. The old man looked at the flowers and a smile appeared on his face.
- Thank you, Maria. Looking at your beautiful flowers, I forget about pain,” the old man said to his granddaughter.
Maria laughed in response, and the flowers opened their colorful petals even wider. But one day trouble happened. It was raining with hail and wind. In a few minutes, Maria's kindergarten was destroyed. Some flowers looked as if they had been cut with scissors, others were broken. Maria wept bitterly as she removed the broken flowers. The next day the sun was shining again. The watered soil warmed up, and the flower roots remaining in it sprouted new shoots. A week later, several buds appeared on them. Maria frowned and didn’t even go into her kindergarten. To her surprise, grandfather came every morning and sat on a bench in the garden. He looked at the ruined garden, and a smile appeared on his face.
-What are you happy about, grandfather? - Maria asked him. - There are no more flowers in my garden.
- If there are flowers, rejoice at the flowers, if there are no flowers, rejoice at the buds, - the old man smiled.
Maria looked carefully at the new shoots and also began to smile. Soon Mary’s garden blossomed again to the delight of everyone around.

Who does heaven help?

People were walking through the village. They fled from a neighboring region from a plague epidemic. Many were exhausted and begged, but the villagers fumigated their houses with smoke and tightly closed the gates and shutters. Only one peasant could not stand it. He brought several bags of flour from his barn and ordered his wife: “Bake bread. I can’t calmly look at the mountain, at least I’ll help with something.” The wife began to bake bread, and the peasant came out of the gate with warm loaves of bread and distributed it to the hungry. One old man handed the peasant a bag in return and said:
- Take it, good man. I took this bag from home, but my family died and I don’t need it.
The old man took the bread, cried and moved on. The peasant was afraid of getting infected and threw the bag into the corner of the barn. The flow of refugees was enormous, and soon the peasant ran out of flour. Then he went to the mill and ground the grain stock left for planting.
- Are you crazy. How will you continue to live? - the neighbors told the peasant.
“I have a house and my family, but these unfortunate people have nothing.” Let’s pray to God, maybe he will send us food and support,” the peasant answered.
But in winter he had to bake bread half and half with grass. One day my wife was cleaning out the barn and found some kind of bag in the corner.
- Look, husband, there are some pebbles here! - the wife screamed.
- One old man gave me this for bread. These are precious stones! - exclaimed the peasant.
The peasant bought grain, a new horse and helped all the poor people in the village. When asked where their wealth came from, the peasant’s wife always answered: - To a kind person and heaven helps.

The best medicine

A misfortune happened in the kingdom - the princess fell ill. After the royal ball, the princess became sad, and a week later she fell ill. The doctors couldn't do anything. A year later, the princess became so weak that doctors feared for her life.
One day a famous doctor arrived in the city from overseas. The king invited him to the palace. The doctor came in and began to talk about his journey. At the same time, he carefully watched the princess. She didn't seem to be listening to him. The moment the doctor said the name of his ship, tears appeared in the princess's eyes. When he called the captain's name, the girl's cheeks turned pink.
- The first treatment session is over. We will continue tomorrow,” the doctor told the queen.
The next day the doctor appeared along with a young officer, in whose hands was a chest.
- This is the captain of the ship. “He helped me bring the medicine,” the doctor introduced him.
When the companions entered the princess, she screamed.
“My love, I brought you overseas gifts,” the captain put the chest at the princess’s feet and threw himself on his knees in front of her.
- Why did you tell me at the ball that you don’t believe in love? - the princess whispered.
“Because I fell madly in love with you, but I didn’t hope that you might like the captain,” the officer answered. IN
The crayfish quietly left.
- How is the princess feeling? - the queen asked with excitement.
“The medicine is working, and the princess began to speak,” the doctor answered.
- What kind of wonderful medicine is this? - exclaimed the queen.
- The best medicine for a person is a person, for a child - a mother, and for a lover - a loved one“, the doctor explained, smiling.

What is the most important thing in work?

The large royal clock stopped. It was the king's favorite watch, and he ordered the king's chief watchmaker to repair it as quickly as possible. The master disassembled the watch and saw that the silver spring of the watch had burst. A new one was carefully made based on the model of the old spring. But she didn’t want to get back into place. We gathered experienced watchmakers from all over the country.
- It's all about the composition of silver. “We all know that the recipe for making ancient silver has been lost,” one fat master said importantly.
“We need to make the spring less elastic,” the little old man advised.
- We need to make not a silver spring, but a steel one. Modern materials the most reliable,” the most learned master arrogantly remarked.
Watchmakers discussed the problem for a long time. Some suggested making a new one for the king instead of the old one; others advised inviting a famous master from another country. Only one young master remained silent. He walked over to the disassembled clock and picked up a new spring.
“Be careful, you are still young and not experienced enough,” exclaimed the chief watchmaker.
- Judge not by appearance, but by deeds. “I’ve had the title of master for three years now,” the young man answered. Then he inserted the spring into the clock and deftly turned it. Click, and the spring fell into place. The young man wound up his watch and they started walking. All their mouths opened in surprise, and someone said: - A hundred tips are no substitute for a pair of experienced hands..

Don't lie

The son was proud that his father sent him alone to the fair to sell straw hats. The young man loaded the hats into the cart and set off. At the fork in two roads, a young peasant stopped to rest. As soon as he boiled the tea, the clatter of hooves was heard, and a carriage, also loaded with straw hats, drove up to the young man.
- Hey, guy, which road will take us faster to the fair? - asked the peasant from the cart.
“Rest a little,” suggested the young man, upset that he had a competitor.
The peasant refused, and then the young man pointed with his hand to the right road that led through the field. He was lying, this road was three times longer than the forest road.
“You won’t be able to get ahead of me anyway,” muttered the young man.
After resting a little, he drove along the forest road. The young man had almost reached the fair when suddenly his horse stopped. The young man couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw that a huge oak tree was lying on the road. It was impossible to go around the tree, we had to turn back and then take the long road to the fair.
Returning home, the son upsetly told his father:
- I sold few hats because I arrived late at the fair. A tree blocked the road. In addition, there was another hat dealer at the fair. I outwitted him and sent him along the long road, but he still arrived before me.
- Remember, son: deceiving people, you deceive yourself, - said the father.
“I didn’t deceive myself,” the son was surprised.
- If you had shown the peasant the right road, he would have warned you about the tree. So it turns out that you deceived yourself,” the father explained.

Parables for children, written wisely and touchingly, serve as an excellent textbook for learning about life. Children from a very early age should know that the world, although there are sorrows and sorrows in it, is beautiful. And when they grow up, they will try to make this world an even better place, because they, raised in love and kindness, will begin to return it all a hundredfold.

Learn to rise

One people had a sign! Whoever picks a white flower on the mountain on New Year's Eve will be happy. The mountain on which the flower of happiness bloomed was enchanted. She was constantly shaking and no one could stay on her. But everyone New Year there were brave souls who tried to climb the mountain.
One day, three friends also decided to try their luck. Before going to the mountain, friends came to the sage to ask for advice.
- If you fall seven times, get up eight, - the sage advised them.
Three friends went up the mountain, all with different sides. An hour later the first young man returned, covered in bruises.
“The sage was wrong,” he said. “I fell seven times, and when I got up the eighth time, I saw that I had only walked a quarter of the mountain. Then I decided to return.
The second young man came two hours later, all beaten up, and said:
- The sage deceived us. I fell seven times, and when I got up on the eighth time, I saw that I had only walked a third of the mountain. Then I decided to return.
The third young man came a day later with a white flower in his hands, and there was not a scratch on it.
-Didn't you fall? - his friends asked.
- I fell, maybe I fell a hundred times, or maybe more. “I didn’t count,” the young man answered.
- Why don’t you have bruises and abrasions? - friends were surprised.
“Before going to the mountain, I learned to fall,” the young man laughed.
- This man has learned not to fall, but to rise, which means he will achieve any goal in life! - said the sage, having learned about the young man.

A parable about how to overcome fear

The winter was harsh and the tribe was starving. The animals seemed to have died out in the forest. The herds of deer went to where it was warmer, and the hares and birds hid. The hunters had difficulty catching any small animal. One day, hunters found a bear's den in the forest. Bear hunting was prohibited in the tribe. The bear was considered the master of all animals. The people of the tribe believed that successful hunting in the forest depended on him. When the old tribal leader learned about the bear, he said:
- We must go and kill the bear, otherwise we will all die. The owner of the forest will forgive us. Many children and women can no longer move.
It was scary to kill the owner of the forest, but several hunters, led by the chief’s son, decided to do it. The hunters added courage to themselves by dancing and wearing war paint. But as soon as the brave souls approached the den, fear shackled their arms and legs, and they ran away. Then the tribal leader ordered his son:
- You must go and kill the bear. The tribe's hunters may be afraid to break the law, but the chief's son is not.
For three days the young hunter saved up his courage and made himself a new heavy spear. Finally he made up his mind. In the evening, the chief's son came running to the camp with tattered clothes and shaking with fear.
- Son! Why didn't you kill the bear? - the leader got angry.
- I killed. But when the owner of the forest fell, the fear returned and I ran away.
- Son, you will become a good leader if you remember my words: " If you're afraid, don't do it; if you do, don't be afraid.", said the leader. Then he took the cart and went after the bear.

First piece of bread

One rich man lost his appetite and announced: “Whoever cooks something tasty for me will receive a hundred gold coins.”
Many chefs prepared various dishes for the rich man. He tried one dish after another, but they all seemed tasteless to him. One day a poor man came to the rich man and said:
- I didn’t bring a dish, but an advice: “The first piece is always delicious.”
“Nonsense, in all dishes both the first and the last piece are equally tasteless,” the rich man shouted angrily and ordered the poor man to be thrown out.
The servant took pity on the poor man and gave him a piece of bread. Then the poor man had an idea. The next morning, he disguised himself as a sorcerer, came to the rich man and reported that in the forest, under the tallest spruce tree, there was a wonderful bread that restored appetite.
“You must find this remedy yourself, otherwise it will not work,” said the poor man in disguise.
The rich man wanted to try this bread so much that he went into the forest with the sorcerer. The whole day they walked through the forest in search of the tallest spruce. When the tree was found, the rich man was staggering from hunger and fatigue, so he immediately bit off a huge piece of bread and swallowed it greedily. Then the poor man took the rest of the edge from him and said:
- You will get the rest when you admit that the first piece is the most delicious.
“This wonderful bread, yes, but people don’t have such delicious food,” said the rich man.
The poor man laughed and said that he received this little piece yesterday from a servant. The rich man had to give one hundred gold coins to the poor man.
- The first bite tastes best when it's truly the first., - the poor man laughed.

Woe is me, woe,” the husband sighed, sitting on the bench, and tears rolled down his face in a stream.
- Why are you whining all the time? - the wife got angry. - If you want to be happy, be it.
- How can I be happy if happiness does not come to me? But misfortunes fall one after another on my poor head. The harvest is not ripe, the roof is leaky, the fence is broken, and my legs hurt. “Oh, woe is me, woe,” the man cried.
Happiness heard these lamentations and took pity on the poor fellow. It decided to look into his house. Happiness knocked on the window and said: " If you want to be happy, be it".
“Wait to cry, look, something is shining in our window,” the wife stopped the man.
- Close the curtains. This light blinds me and prevents me from grieving,” the man told his wife and began to sob again.
The wife closed the curtains, sat down next to him on the bench and also began to cry. They still sit like that and complain about their miserable life. Happiness was surprised and flew away.

Seven doors

The grandson came to visit his grandfather. The old man began to ask him about his affairs, but the grandson was taciturn.
“You look tired, as if you’ve lived a hard life,” the grandfather remarked.
“You’re right, there’s nothing good in my life,” the grandson sighed.
“I have prepared a gift to dispel your sadness,” said the grandfather. - Yes, I put it in the secretary drawer and forgot which one.
My grandfather’s secretary was an old one, with many doors.
“It doesn’t matter, I’ll find him quickly,” the grandson grinned and began to open one door after another.
Soon the gift was found, and under it lay a note: " There are many doors in life, and behind one of them is a gift from fate.. The wise say: " You have to knock on seven doors for one to open."".

Master or servant

One day a rich gentleman came to the teacher and said:
“You probably don’t remember me, but I’ve remembered your lessons all my life.” “Be the masters of your feelings - will, reason, perseverance. Let them obey you,” you told us. These words helped me achieve everything.
“I’m glad,” the teacher smiled. - But why did you come again?
- Help me cope with one feeling. Life is cruel, and I often had to deprive my debtors of shelter and land. Lately, memories of them have been keeping me awake.
- Your heart is not hardened if it hears the voice of conscience. A person must serve this feeling. Be the master of will and reason, but the servant of conscience“, my student,” said the teacher.