Who is exempt from on-the-job training? About organizing an internship. The importance of internships for young professionals

Beginning of the form

Occupational safety inspections

Internship at the workplace: how to apply correctly?

Valery SHEVELEV, Head of the HSE Service, CJSC Udmurtneft-Burenie

Key issues

Why was an on-the-job internship invented?
How to apply for an internship?
Is it possible not to do an internship?

What is an on-the-job internship invented for?

To understand why an internship was invented, you need to look into the regulations governing this process.
The obligation to conduct an internship is assigned to the employer by law. The employee must be trained in safe working methods, given instructions and on-the-job training ( part two art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The need for an employer to conduct on-the-job training for employees entering work in harmful and dangerous working conditions is discussed in part three Article 225 Labor Code. The same requirement is contained in more detail in clause 2.2.2 The procedure for training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations 1 .

To this it must be added that Rostechnadzor approved Regulations on the organization of training and testing the knowledge of working organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision 2 . This is intended to reduce the risk of employee injury or occupational disease.

Please note that briefings And internship similar in purpose. Both procedures are designed to give the employee an understanding of how to safely perform their duties. And both are carried out before work begins.

However, there is also significant differences. First of all, it's duration. While the orientation can be completed within a few minutes, the internship takes at least two shifts. The specific duration depends on the profession and does not exceed 14 shifts 3 .

Briefing, as a rule, is a theoretical course on the algorithm of an employee’s actions, sometimes with demonstration of practical examples. An internship is the performance by an employee of his duties under the supervision of a mentor, temporary work activity to gain work experience or improve his qualifications in his specialty.

How to apply for an internship correctly

Like any type of occupational safety training, the internship must be properly formatted. This is necessary for a number of reasons. Firstly, so that inspectors cannot punish the employer for failing to train their employees, and secondly, so that the employee himself cannot make claims if he receives an injury or illness due to his own negligence.

Minimum required list documents when applying for an internship looks like this:
internship regulations;
internship program;
internship order;
order for permission to work independently.

First of all needs to be formalized Internship Regulations. The process of developing this document must be approached very seriously and scrupulously. After all, it describes in detail the rights and responsibilities of the trainee and mentor, the terms and procedure of the internship, responsibility and other features associated with the internship.

As an example for constructing a document and filling it out, you can take RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12“Guidance document. Regulations on improving professional skills and training of drivers" 4 .

As a rule, the first two sections of the document contain general provisions, goals and objectives of the internship. In the following sections, you need to establish the procedure for completing an internship and admitting an employee to work, and the internship procedure for individual professions (categories of employees).

Regulations on the internship (extract)


CJSC "Udmurtneft-Burenie"

Maslennikov E.P. Maslennikov

on worker training and permission to work independently

in the Closed Joint Stock Company "Udmurtneft-Burenie"



3.1. The head of a structural unit in an employee’s application for employment, in an application for transfer of an employee from one profession to another, or in an application for transfer of an employee from one structural unit to another or from one structural unit to another must indicate the name of the structural unit in which he will work newly hired (transferred) worker, last name, first name and patronymic of the internship supervisor from among the specialists and last name, first name and patronymic of the mentor from among the workers.

3.2. The HR service, together with the labor protection service, must check the competence of the internship leader and mentor proposed by the head of the structural unit, and also determine the specific duration of the internship.

3.3. Information about the established duration of the internship, the last name, first name and patronymic of the internship supervisor, the last name, first name and patronymic of the mentor, the name of the structural unit where the employee will undergo the internship must be indicated in the order of employment (transfer) (Appendix 1).

3.4. An experienced worker who has worked in his profession for at least three years, has high professional qualities, has stable performance indicators, the ability and willingness to share his experience, has a systematic understanding of his area of ​​work, has communication skills and flexibility in his work can be appointed as a mentor. communication, has no violations of labor and production discipline, and has a rank not lower than that of a trainee.

3.5. All newly hired workers associated with the operation of a hazardous production facility, as a rule, undergo an internship for 14 shifts. All newly hired workers who are not involved in the operation of a hazardous production facility undergo an internship for 2–12 shifts.

The duration of the internship for workers of Udmurtneft-Burenie CJSC is set individually depending on the level of professional education and the length of service of the employee undergoing the internship, taking into account Appendix 2.

3.6. When a worker is transferred from one structural unit to another or from one structural unit to another, and if the worker’s profession does not change, but only the safety requirements at the new workplace change (the previous nature of work, type of equipment, etc. changes), the worker must undergo an internship for a period of one to three shifts.

If there is a break in work by profession for more than 12 months, workers undergo an internship to restore practical skills for a period of one to three shifts before being allowed to work independently.

It is allowed, in agreement with the labor protection service and the trade union committee, to transfer workers who have worked in their profession for at least three years from one structural unit to another or from one structural unit to another without undergoing an internship, if the safety requirements at the new workplace do not change (the same nature of work, type of equipment, etc. is maintained).

3.7. The list of working professions of Udmurtneft-Burenie CJSC, which are exempt from on-the-job training, is indicated in Appendix 3.

3.8. In exceptional cases, when a large number of employees are hired or transferred to one structural unit at the same time and if it is impossible to assign a mentor to each newly hired employee, it is allowed by order to assign one mentor from among the specialists to several interns.

3.9. A newly hired worker must arrive at the structural unit with a copy of the order for admission (transfer) to work, which must be kept by the head of the structural unit until the end of the internship.

3.10. The assignment of an intern to a mentor is made by the head of a structural unit in the Personnel Internship Journal at the workplace (Appendix 4), which must be located in each structural unit.

The head of a structural unit must make the necessary entries in the Personnel Internship Log at the workplace in strict accordance with the order of employment (transfer).

If it is impossible to maintain a personnel training log at the workplace by the head of a structural unit (great distance of the production facility from the location of the office of the structural unit, lack of transport links, etc.), it is allowed to fill out the mentioned log by the head of the structural unit.

3.11. At the end of the internship of an employee (whose profession or type of work is controlled by Rostechnadzor), the head of the structural unit prepares a memo in the form of Appendix 5, which indicates information about the internship and attaches a knowledge test protocol. After agreeing on the memo with the industrial safety and environmental protection service, the head of the structural unit forwards it to the personnel service.

3.12. The personnel service, on the basis of the memo mentioned in paragraph 3.11 of the Regulations, prepares an order for the admission of an employee (whose profession or type of work is controlled by Rostechnadzor authorities) to work independently. The employee must be familiarized with the order of admission to independent work against signature.

3.13. The internship supervisor is personally responsible for the employee’s completion of the internship at the workplace.

3.14. During the internship, the mentor must:

– familiarize the trainee with technological operations and diagrams;

– train the trainee in safe techniques and conditions for accident-free and safe work;

– provide training in emergency response skills.

3.15. During the internship, the intern must:

– carry out only the work assigned by the supervisor or mentor of the internship, having previously undergone daily briefings on labor safety;

– study and understand the requirements of instructions on industrial safety and labor protection by profession and type of work, instructions on fire and environmental safety, safety rules and their practical application in the workplace;

– study and assimilate technological schemes;

– practice clear orientation in your workplace;

– acquire the necessary practical skills in performing technological operations;

– study the techniques and conditions for accident-free, safe and economical operation of equipment;

– acquire skills to act in emergency situations;

– acquire first aid skills.


4.1. Internship and admission to independent work of electrical technical personnel is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations and the requirements of PTEEP.

4.2. After completing an on-the-job training, operational and operational-repair personnel undergo duplication (admission to duplication is issued by order of the structural unit (Appendix 6). After duplication, an employee from among the operational or operational-repair personnel may be allowed to work independently. The duration of duplication ranges from 2 to 12 work shifts. For a specific employee, it is established by the decision of the knowledge testing commission for the electrical safety group, depending on the level of his professional training, length of service and work experience.


It should be noted that for enterprises not controlled by Rostechnadzor, the requirements for organizing internships and allowing an employee to work independently may be slightly different, but the algorithm will remain the same.

There are some features of conducting internships and allowing electrical technical personnel to work independently. This issue also needs to be covered in the Regulations.

Approximate content The provisions might look like this:
1. Introductory provisions.
2. Goals.
3. Objectives.
4. Scope.
5. Validity period and procedure for making changes.
6. Terms and definitions.
7. Designations and abbreviations.
8. The procedure for internship and admission to independent work.
9. Features of internship for electrical technical personnel.
10. Links.
11. Applications.
Internship program determines the order And time internships in a specific profession, typical actions that an employee must learn, the amount of theoretical knowledge he must receive, the procedure for conducting control checks during the internship, etc.
Before sending a specific employee to an internship, an order must be issued. Its form is not approved by law, so each employer can use its own version.

The order indicates the grounds for the internship and its duration, lists the employees who must undergo the internship and their mentors.

Example of an order for an internship:

(ZAO Udmurtneft-Burenie)


About the internship of a newly hired employee

In accordance with Articles 212 and 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 “On the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of the organization”, clause 7.2.4 of GOST 12.0.004-90 “Organizations of occupational safety training. General provisions”, in order to consolidate theoretical knowledge, rules, norms and instructions on labor protection and industrial safety, acquire practical skills for the safe performance of work stipulated by the employment contract


  1. Send Tikhon Matveevich Koshelev for an internship during the period from August 18, 2014 to August 25, 2014 (6 work shifts) as an assistant driller for production and exploration drilling in division 20000-CITS/20100-Project “UDMURTIA”/20106-Well preparation area/ 20109.

  2. Appoint senior drilling foreman P.I. Krivosheev as the internship supervisor.

  3. Appoint drilling master V.M. Simonov as a mentor-instructor.

  4. At the end of the internship, test the knowledge and skills of T.M. Kosheleva.
CEO Maslennikov E.P. Maslennikov

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Koshelev T.M. Koshelev 08/18/2014

Simonov V.M. Simonov 08/18/2014

Krivosheev P.I. Krivosheev 08/18/2014
The results of the internship are recorded in the workplace briefing log.

The internship ends with passing an exam. Only after this the employee can be allowed to work independently. Admission is issued by order.

If an employee fails to pass the exam, he is not allowed to work, which is also formalized by order.

Closed Joint Stock Company "Udmurtneft-Burenie"

(ZAO Udmurtneft-Burenie)


About permission to work independently

In connection with the internship, Kosheleva T.M. in the drilling crew of the drilling foreman V.M. Simonov. and subsequent testing of knowledge in the main profession, as well as readiness for independent work
1. Allow Tikhon Matveevich Koshelev from August 26, 2014 to work independently as an “assistant driller for production and exploration drilling” in the drilling team of drilling foreman V.M. Simonov.

2. Entrust control over the execution of the order to the senior drilling foreman P.I. Krivosheev.

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Koshelev.T.M. Koshelev 25.08.2014

Simonov V.M. Simonov 25.08.2014

Krivosheev P.I. Krivosheev 25.08.2014
Is it possible not to do an internship?
Internship is mandatory only for workers employed in harmful and dangerous working conditions, as well as in cases where this requirement is established by separate regulations. For example, for drivers who transport passengers or work at hazardous production facilities. There is no way to do without an internship here. If the employer does not carry it out, he risks being fined in the amount of 30 000 before 50 000 rubles For heads of organizations the fine will be less - from 1000 before 5000 rubles ( Part 1 Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

From January 1, 2015, penalties for violating labor laws will increase significantly. Thus, for admission to work without the necessary training in labor safety (and internship is one of the types of training), the head of an organization and a private entrepreneur will face a fine of 15 000 before 25 000 rubles, for an organization - from 110 000 before 130 000 rubles ( Part 3 Art. 5.27.1 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) 5 . There is something to think about.

If the enterprise does not have harmful or dangerous production, then organizing an internship is an internal matter of the employer.

Answers to your questions

Do I need an internship for a janitor?

Our housing office conducts a special assessment of working conditions. If janitors are found to have hazardous conditions, will they need to undergo training?
Olga VOROTOVA, chief engineer (Irkutsk)

As strange as it may sound, if you follow the letter of the law, you will have to do an internship. Provide two internship shifts for janitors. This will be enough to master the working methods.
Do I need instruction if I still have an internship?

Is it necessary to conduct training on labor safety in the workplace before the internship if the internship still covers the entire scope of training on safe work performance?
Viktor GAVRILOV, occupational safety engineer (Saransk)

Yes need. Instruction must be carried out before starting work. Its purpose is to warn the worker about the dangers that he may encounter while working. And an internship means performing one’s duties under the supervision of a mentor, that is, it is already a job. In the workplace briefing log, first a note is made about the completion of the briefing, and then about the internship.
Do I need to obtain a license to conduct an internship?

A license is required to conduct occupational safety training. Do I need to get it for an internship as well? What if employees undergo an internship with an employer?
Valery NAYMUSHIN, occupational safety specialist (Perm)

No, you do not need to obtain a license. The fact is that an organization does not need a license to train its employees. It is necessary only for those organizations that specialize in training third-party workers. Therefore, despite the fact that internship is part of occupational safety training, the employer does not need a license for this.
Remember the main thing
1The requirement to conduct an internship is mandatory only in cases where the employee’s work is associated with harmful and dangerous factors.

2The duration of the internship ranges from 2 to 14 shifts.

3Completing an internship is necessary so that the employer can avoid a fine, as well as protect itself from the unreasonable demands of the employee if he is injured.

4 The internship regulations are one of the main documents in the organization, on the basis of which the internship is carried out. Its design must be approached seriously and scrupulously.

5If you do not conduct an internship, the organization and its leader may be fined.
The material was sent to us by the magazine “Occupational Safety: Simple and Clear”, 2014, No. 9.

What is an internship according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? How to apply for it and what is the procedure for completing it? Read our article, download samples of all necessary documents

From this article you will learn:

Why and when do you need an internship?

What is an internship? The concept of “internship” is extended and can only be applied to a limited number of workers. For a number of categories of workers, mandatory training in safe work methods is provided before starting work. As well as testing the acquired theoretical knowledge through examination and practical testing - internship.

It is important to understand that this procedure can only be applied to training future workers in the field of labor protection employed in harmful or dangerous working conditions. This is a principled position, which is enshrined in relation to internships in Part 3 of Art. 225 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

During training, the employer, by teaching newcomers how to work safely, reduces the risk of industrial accidents and accidents in the future. After listening to the theoretical part, the candidate for the vacant position is given an on-the-job internship. And only after that it is possible to conduct an assessment of knowledge in the form of an exam.

The list of harmful and dangerous production factors is given in the List approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n. This List contains such factors and work as:

  • work at height;
  • work related to the operation of electrical installations;
  • work underground and underwater;
  • work in certain climatic conditions;
  • work associated with exposure to chemical, biological and other substances;
  • other jobs.

These provisions are most often summarized in a local regulatory act called the “Regulations on Internship”.

Before allowing a candidate for a vacant position to work under the supervision of a mentor, he must be employed in accordance with all the rules.

Step 1. Official employment of the candidate:

  • familiarization with the company’s labor regulations and the collective agreement;
  • signing an employment contract;
  • issuance of a hiring order;
  • filling out the Personal Card T-2.

Step 2. Issuance of an internship order.

The employer will have to develop the text of the order independently, because there is no unified form. The text must indicate:

  • Name and position of the intern;
  • Name and position of the mentor;
  • internship duration;
  • deadlines for passing certification based on the results of training;
  • responsible persons for the execution of the order.

Step 3. Conducting certification based on the results of training. The final exam is conducted in accordance with the requirements of clause 9.6 of GOST 12.0.004-2015.

Step 4. Drawing up an order for admission to independent work based on the results of the certification.

If the results of the certification are unsatisfactory, then dismissal is possible under clause 3 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - inconsistency with the position held based on the results of the certification. If such dismissal occurred within no more than 5 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the contract, then neither the hiring nor the dismissal is recorded in the work book.

Internship procedure

Together with the publication of the order on the internship, its program is also adopted. As a rule, it is an appendix to the order. The program specifies its duration, as well as the internship schedule in shifts.

If the duration of the internship is no more than one month, then the program is drawn up for each working day (shift) separately. For a longer training program, it is advisable to split the period into weeks.

At the workplace, a newcomer should be met by a mentor who will not only show and talk about the equipment used, but also teach safe methods of its operation. Upon completion of the program, the trainee is examined to determine the degree of mastery of the working profession.

On-the-job training program for all blue-collar occupations

The internship program is subject to local regulations for the organization. It is developed by the head of a structural unit with the participation of the labor protection department. Thus, if we are talking about an internship, for example, for electrical engineering personnel, the chief engineer’s service will draw up a training plan.

There is no standardized model for a workplace internship program. It is drawn up according to the rules of office work that are adopted in a particular organization. It is important that at the beginning of the document all necessary approval visas are indicated: by the head of the organization and the trade union (if there is one). The approval date, the date of the trade union committee meeting and the protocol number are indicated.

The program begins with an explanatory note, which lists all the supporting documents and the duration of the internship. It is important that both professional standards and the manufacturer’s operational documentation for the equipment used are used.

Next comes the general part. It indicates the training objectives, the exact name of the production processes, and the requirements for the trainee. The skills that the employee must master are listed, and the outcome of the internship is indicated - passing the test for admission to independent work.

After this, the immediate training plan is described. Traditionally, it is compiled in the form of a table, noting opposite each topic the number of hours or shifts required to master it. It is advisable to include the maximum number of hours in the internship program for blue-collar professions, and adjust the training time based on the qualifications of a particular employee. The mode and pace of training remain in the competence of the teacher-mentor.

Duration of internship

At the moment, the internship period is set by the employer, but in general it cannot be more than 6 months. For some professions, legislation may establish a different duration of on-the-job training. Thus, the training period for notaries is at least 1 year (Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 29, 2015 No. 151)

The duration of the internship should be set taking into account the level of education and experience of the employee. The more experienced the employee, the less time he will need to master the work process.

So, for experienced workers and junior service personnel, the period can range from 3 to 19 working days (shifts). An employee without experience can spend from 1 to 6 months on an internship.

For management personnel, the period is at the discretion of the employer, but in practice it rarely exceeds 1 month.

Number of internship shifts in the workplace

When calculating the internship period, it is necessary to count the number of internship shifts at the workplace, and not calendar days from the date of employment. Thus, the period of work under the guidance of a mentor cannot be less than 3 shifts.

Depending on the complexity of the work performed and the level of the newcomer, the number of shifts may be increased.

Internship payment

No matter how long the internship lasts, it is subject to payment. Since our intern is officially employed and an employment contract has been concluded with him, there should be a salary. Its size is specified in the contract.

It is worth noting that the salary for an intern is set lower than for a qualified employee. Payments are made according to the labor code 2 times a month. During the internship, fixed-term employment contracts are most often concluded, which are transformed into permanent ones if the certification results are positive.

Labor relations between employers, managers and subordinates are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, namely the Labor Code. This Federal Law No. 197 contains rules for hiring, information on the performance of one’s job duties, information on the provision of vacation or sick leave, and also contains data on the rights and responsibilities of employees and managers.

By the way, you can find out whether leave for a wedding is required under the Labor Code

When hired to a new workplace or transferred to another position, the employee must undergo a probationary period. During this period, the employee is closely monitored by the manager. At the end of the internship, the manager makes a decision on hiring the employee for a new position or dismissing him. The testing period is specified in the employment contract.

Law No. 197 (Article 70) contains provisions on passing an employment test. The text of Article 70 reads:

  • the employment contract may contain an internship clause;
  • if the employment contract does not contain a clause on completing a probationary period, then this means accepting the employee for the position on a permanent basis;
  • During the probationary period, the employee is obliged to comply with the norms of Russian labor legislation.

When applying for a job, it is beneficial to include an internship clause in the contract:

  • for the employer the benefit lies in testing the skills, abilities, and responsibilities of a potential employee, which allows him to hire only high-quality personnel;
  • for the employee, the benefit is that during the test he will be able to determine whether a given position, company, salary, team, and so on is suitable for him.

Grounds for assigning a probationary period

According to the labor law, when certain categories of citizens are hired, an internship is not established. The rules concern:

  • citizens who passed a competition to fill a particular position;
  • women with small children under 1.5 years of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • minors under 18 years of age;
  • citizens with higher or secondary vocational education. Provided that the education was received in institutions that have passed state accreditation. Also, this employment is the first job; the job seeker applies for the position within a year after completing the educational process. If more than a year has passed after graduating from an educational institution and a person is applying for a job, then he is not exempt from completing an internship;
  • citizens transferred to a new job from another company, taking into account the preliminary agreement of employers;
  • employees who have entered into an employment agreement for a period of no more than two months;
  • other persons in accordance with the norms of Russian laws.

For the rest of the population, internship is at the discretion of the employer.

How is it paid?

Many citizens are interested in the question of how an internship is paid and is it paid at all? Article 21 of this law specifies the rights of citizens when applying for a new job. One of the paragraphs of this article states that every person, when applying for a job or completing a probationary period, has the right to count on timely payment. According to the law, labor must be paid in accordance with the position held, the qualifications of the employee, the complexity of the work process, the quantity and quality of work performed.

Based on the provisions of this law, we can conclude that internships when applying for a job must be paid in accordance with the law. The probationary period for a new employee can last a long time, so his work must be paid so that the person has funds for his needs.

In accordance with this law, the employer has the right to set lower wages during the probationary period. But the amount paid cannot be lower than the minimum wage established by law (minimum wage).

Maximum term

According to the law, a probationary period is appointed by the decision of the employer (manager). There is no provision in this law (Labor Code) for mandatory internship. If an employer, when hiring employees, establishes a rule regarding the completion of an internship, then the period of completion is also set at his discretion.

Article 70 of this law contains provisions on the maximum duration of an internship. The deadlines are different for management positions and for staff.

By law, the maximum internship period is 6 months for the following positions:

  • enterprise managers;
  • chief accountants;
  • heads of structural divisions;
  • heads of branches, representative offices, subsidiaries, etc.;
  • deputy managers.

According to the law, For all other positions, the maximum internship period is 3 months. The exception is the situation when the employment contract was drawn up for a period of 2-6 months, then the probationary period cannot be more than two weeks.

It is important to know! According to the law, actual absence from work is not taken into account during the internship period. Even if the absence is due to temporary disability.

Procedure for registering an employee for an internship

Initially, the manager must decide whether to establish a trial period or not. If a decision has been made to introduce an internship into the work process, then everything needs to be documented.

Step-by-step process for applying for an internship:

Stage 1 - the head of the company creates the Regulations on the internship. It must contain information about the probationary period - terms of completion, rights of the employee and manager, responsibilities of the employee and director, payment, further actions after successful completion of the internship.

Stage 2 - conducting an interview with a potential employee.

Stage 3 - procedure for drawing up and signing a fixed-term contract with a potential employee.

Stage 4 - passing the probationary period.

Stage 5 - drawing up an expert opinion on the professional suitability of the employee.

Stage 6 - making a decision on the further employment of the employee, or on his dismissal in accordance with the law.

To apply for a probationary period, According to the law, a person needs to bring to the HR department:

  • application for a particular position.
  • work book;
  • educational documents;
  • copy of passport.

When applying for an internship, the employer and potential employee must be familiar with the provisions of the labor law. You can download the latest edition of Law No. 197 of the Labor Code at

On-the-job internshipis a legally established obligation of the employer, while there is very little information in the law itself about the procedure for carrying out this event. Our article will tell you about all the nuances of conducting an internship - from issues of establishing procedures in the internal documents of the organization to the procedure for registering it in relation to specific employees.

What is a work placement and how long does it last?

Labor legislation, without defining on-the-job training, mentions this event in several articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, for the first time the term “internship” appears in Art. 59 of the said normative act as one of the grounds for concluding a fixed-term employment contract. Also in Art. 212, 214 and 216, the requirements for the employer to carry out an internship are defined as one of the elements of the labor protection system and ensuring a safe working environment. Finally, internship is mentioned in Art. 225 as one of the stages of education in the field of occupational safety.

In the general understanding of this word, internship means activities to gain work experience or improve qualifications, or work in a specialty for a certain time to decide on the advisability of enrolling an intern on the staff. At the same time, it implies training of the employee in the process of work.

ATTENTION! Internship should be distinguished from similar procedures:

  • probationary period upon admission to the workforce;
  • training;
  • practices;
  • briefing.

The duration of the internship is determined by the employer, based on legal requirements. So, GOST 12.0.004-2015. "Interstate standard. System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General Provisions" establishes requirements for mandatory internship of workers and junior service personnel for 3-19 shifts.

Duration of internship for various categories of workers

For some specialists, internship in their specialty is a necessary element of entering the profession and is prescribed in the relevant regulatory documents. It is necessary, for example, for specialists involved in:

  • notarial and legal activities;
  • arbitration department;
  • driving passenger vehicles.

Internship in notarial affairs is determined by the “Fundamentals of legislation on notaries” dated February 11, 1993 No. 4462-1. In particular, Art. 19 of this act establishes that the internship is carried out for specialists who want to pass the qualification exam to obtain a notary license, and lasts 1 year. The duration can be reduced by decision of the Ministry of Justice together with the Federal Chamber of Notaries (but not more than six months).

The duration of the internship at the Bar is determined by Art. 28 of the Federal Law “On advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation” dated May 31, 2002 No. 63-FZ and ranges from 1 year to 2 years. Internship in this field is required to become a lawyer.

The duration of the internship for becoming a member of a self-regulatory organization of insolvency practitioners is established by this organization taking into account clause 2 of Art. 20 of the Federal Law “On Bankruptcy” dated October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ. This article defines a minimum internship period of 2 years, with the caveat that the duration may be increased by internal documents of the SRO.

Don't know your rights?

With regard to the internship of drivers of passenger vehicles, the requirements of industry legislation apply - Regulations RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12 of the Ministry of Automobile Transport of the RSFSR 1986. The conditions for internship by such specialists are determined by sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the said document and range from 1 days to 1 month, depending on the vehicle the driver will drive and the category of his driving license.

Who is exempt from internship at work?

The Labor Code, establishing in Art. 212 the employer’s obligation to conduct an internship at the workplace does not provide for any exceptions. However, too general a formulation sometimes requires reference to subordinate regulations and industry legislation.

Thus, the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of Russia “On approval of the procedure for training in labor protection ...” dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 in paragraph 2.2.2 establishes that the employer guarantees training for employees employed in work with dangerous or harmful working conditions , safe working methods with on-the-job training (that is, we are talking only about those working in harmful and dangerous conditions). Since the Labor Code takes precedence over ministerial decrees and does not contain exceptions from the requirements for employers regarding employee internships, we can conclude that internships for newly hired team members in one form or another are necessary in all organizations.

Further analysis of legislative documents also allows us to conclude that, for example, the following may be exempted from internship:

  • employees with at least 3 years of work experience in their specialty, moving from one workshop to another with the same nature of work and type of equipment, if such a decision on exemption from internship is made by management (clause 1.4.12 of the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations, approved. by order of the Ministry of Energy dated January 13, 2003 No. 6);
  • lawyers who wish to acquire the status of lawyer and have at least 2 years of experience in law (Clause 1, Article 9 of Law No. 63-FZ).

Regulations on internship, sample

All the nuances of conducting an internship for members of the workforce must be determined by a special internal document of the organization - the regulations on the internship. This document is developed taking into account the requirements of the law, the specific working conditions of the enterprise or individual employees, the specialties of employees, the direction of activity of a particular organization and other significant circumstances, after which it is agreed with the responsible employees of the departments and approved by the head of the organization.

A standard internship clause may include the following sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Requirements for professional qualifications and skills of the employee.
  3. Reason and procedure for the internship.
  4. Procedure for applying for an internship.
  5. Procedure for admission to work after completion of the internship.
  6. Specifics of internships for certain categories of workers (if such a section is needed).
  7. Procedure for carrying out control activities.
  8. Persons responsible for conducting internships and fulfilling the requirements of the position.
  9. Features of payment for internship time.
  10. The procedure for checking an employee and recording the results of an internship.

A sample of such a document can certainly help in developing your own internship regulations. You can download a detailed example of an internship clause that complies with the requirements of current legislation on our website.

How to arrange an internship at a workplace?

To apply for an internship at the place of work of a specific employee, the following documents will be required (minimum set):

  1. The internship regulations are an internal document of the organization that defines the general issues of conducting this event.
  2. An internship program is a document that defines the procedure and duration of an internship for a specific profession or position. In addition, the internship program may include:
    • standard actions that an employee must learn during the internship;
    • the scope of theoretical skills that the trainee must master;
    • procedure for conducting examinations;
    • other conditions for the internship.
  3. An employment contract between an employee and an employer.
  4. An order for certain employees to undergo an internship. There is no unified form for such an order, so it is drawn up in the form usual for personnel records management of a particular enterprise. Such an order usually states:
    • reasons for the internship;
    • duration of internship;
    • employees who need to undergo internships;
    • instructors-mentors.

    The order is signed by the head of the organization. All members of the labor collective mentioned in the order also sign it, confirming that they have read the provisions of the document.

  5. Order on admission to independent work at the end of the internship. Such an order is issued based on the results of examination examinations. If an employee does not pass the exam, then he will not be able to work independently (a separate order may be issued about this).

How to pay for an internship?

When accepting an employee for an internship, the employer must remember that their employment relationship must be formalized through the conclusion of one of the contracts:

  • unlimited labor;
  • urgent labor;
  • civil law (for example, a contract).

The conditions for remuneration of the employee during the internship must be specified in the contract. In this case, the internship must in any case be paid at least in the amount of the minimum wage. The only exceptions are student interns sent for internships by educational institutions.

It is advisable to combine the internship and probationary period so that payment for the internship can be made at the rates that are provided for employees on a probationary period.

In conclusion, it remains to be said that a properly prepared and executed internship allows employers to assess the professional capabilities of the accepted employee, and gives the employee the opportunity to gain the necessary skills and knowledge directly in the area of ​​​​work where they will subsequently work independently.

An event during which a job applicant or student receives practical skills and specific training is called an internship. It is necessary when applying for a job with hazardous working conditions, before drawing up an employment agreement with young specialists without work experience, as well as when hiring employees in large corporations, the success of which depends on the coherence of work activities. The time spent in practice allows the employer to evaluate the applicant, and the applicant to make the right decision about applying for a job in the proposed position.

On-the-job internship

What is an on-the-job internship?

Internship precedes hiring as a staff member. It is carried out to familiarize yourself with working conditions, the specifics of functional responsibilities, as well as the general procedure for labor protection, safety and fire safety, relevant for the position for which the applicant is applying. It is not only students and newly arrived employees who are trained. The event is also relevant for professionals who need retraining in an area in which they do not have a sufficient level of knowledge and experience.

Legislative norms define internship as a mandatory procedure for applicants for vacancies that involve performing professional duties in harmful and dangerous working conditions. Familiarization with the nuances of a profession at a particular enterprise is possible only after the potential employee has undergone introductory training. In many companies, an internship is associated with a probationary period. In both situations, the employee performs job duties, but during the internship he also learns.

What is an internship

Internship is not required for every employee applying for a job. The professional responsibilities of some specialists do not require prior familiarization, since all stages of work are carried out using similar technology at various enterprises. The need for an internship is determined by the internal administrative documentation of the company.


Depending on the purpose, organization and conduct of the internship, there are several types:

  • basic;
  • special;
  • general.

A basic on-the-job internship involves the direct performance of job duties by an intern under the supervision of an experienced specialist appointed by the practice manager. Each trainee's operation is recorded in a special journal. After the event is completed, exams are scheduled, based on the results of which the employer decides on the advisability of including the applicant in the workforce.

A special internship is relevant for technical specialties that require training in the nuances and specifics of work in a specific workplace. During training, attention is paid to the rules for performing technological operations and using equipment.

Each type of internship has its own sample order for internship at the workplace.

General practice is to become familiar with the basic rules and regulations of labor protection and technology for safe conduct of activities when performing production tasks. The result of the knowledge test indicates the acquisition of safe work skills. It is the basis for obtaining permission to work independently.

Registration procedure

The procedure for internships in the workplace is not sufficiently regulated by labor legislation. It reflects the only recommendation about the need to sign a fixed-term contract with trainees. All other documents regulating the relationship are drawn up in accordance with the order of the employer.

After passing an interview with the head of the department and making a decision that the applicant is suitable for them, the applicant for the position is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the position. If the applicant agrees to cooperate according to the proposed scheme, then he needs to fill out an application for admission to an internship, which will be the basis for concluding a fixed-term contract and issuing an order to enroll the intern.

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Internship order

To regulate internships at an enterprise, you can draw up a separate regulation, the sections of which will reflect the principles of conducting the event, the procedure for determining wages during this period for the intern and for the person whose duties are charged with his training. It is recommended that the document include a list of employees who must undergo an internship, as well as a sample on-the-job internship program.

There is no unified form of paper, so the employer has the right to draw it up at his own discretion. Most HR specialists involved in the development of such documentation adhere to a single position, which involves the inclusion of sections in the provision:

  • practices;
  • name of the internship workplace;
  • the procedure for remuneration during the internship period of the intern and his supervisor;
  • documents defining the rights and procedure for the applicant’s activities.


The relationship between an employer and an employee is formalized by an employment contract. The trainee is not a full-fledged employee, since, due to insufficient knowledge and experience, he cannot independently perform job duties. Relations between the parties are regulated by signing a fixed-term employment contract. It defines the terms of the internship, but does not reflect the obligations of the company director to hire the person after completion of the internship. The document may indicate the conditions for renewing the contract upon completion of training and upon successful testing of knowledge and acquisition of practical skills necessary to perform the duties of a certain position.


An order for admission to an internship is issued after receiving the consent of the applicant and writing a corresponding application. The document must reflect information about the appointment of the head of the internship, the timing of its completion, as well as the position for which it is carried out. A sample order for an internship at the workplace must be prepared in advance by a personnel specialist. This solution will allow you to quickly create a document by using a template.

Training and practice program

Internship plan

Regulatory sources do not provide for a unified form of the internship program. It will be different for each specialty and for each business entity. The enterprise must develop specific internship programs for blue-collar professions. Their sections must include provisions of the internal documentation of the legal entity for which they are being developed.

When introducing new technologies, as well as when it is necessary to work on purchased equipment, the practice program can be drawn up on an individual basis by agreement of the supervisor and the trainee. In this case, the head of the practice may not be an employee of the enterprise, but a representative of the seller of the product, the use of which needs to be trained.


The trainee has the right to claim wages. The amount of remuneration is determined by the norms of Labor legislation, according to which it cannot be less than the minimum wage. The rate established for the internship period is significantly less than that of specialists operating under an employment contract. Payment is made one-time after completion of the internship.


The duration of the internship for applicants for a position is determined by labor legislation, and for students - by an agreement with the educational institution. The standard number of on-the-job internship shifts ranges from 3 to 10 working days. However, for some specialties this time for training is not enough, which is taken into account under another article.