Who is a manager and what qualities should he have? Qualities a good manager needs for a successful career Qualities a manager needs to develop

Today the word “manager” is used very often, but not everyone knows its true meaning. Many managers interpret it in their own way and apply it where it is not entirely appropriate. So who is a manager and what qualities should he have?

A manager who has certain powers and can independently make decisions regarding the activities of the company is usually called a manager. This person must have many qualities, but the essential ones are independence and the ability to bear responsibility. They help optimize workflow and effectively use people management techniques.

Who are the managers?

You need to understand the basic subtleties in order to figure out who can be called a “manager”. This profession is quite multifaceted. Managers also include:

  • Organizer of the labor process in a separate unit.
  • Administrator of any level.
  • Head.

Hierarchy of management

A company may face tasks of different levels, therefore the managers who solve them must have certain skills. Every company needs several managers. The organizational structure consists of several management levels. They are usually divided into high, middle and low. Depending on the level at which the manager occupies his position, his responsibilities are determined.

First line managers

This is the largest group in any company. Here, a manager is a person who is directly responsible for the use of resources and the implementation of assigned tasks. This group may include site foremen, chiefs and heads of departments, as well as other employees whose responsibilities include solving operational and tactical problems.

Middle group managers

What is a middle manager? Its representatives are the connecting element between immediate and senior management. They supervise the work of lower management and convey all information to senior management. This group includes: heads of departments, directors of branches and managers of individual projects.

The nature of their work depends on the field in which they work. This can be a solution to both strategic and tactical problems. But in general, the responsibilities involve collaboration with lower and senior management.

Senior representatives

What is a senior manager? It depends on what the company does. But in any case, this category is the most influential in any organization. This includes directors and their deputies. They are the ones who determine the main direction for the development of the organization and make the final decisions.

Management roles

The position of a manager depends on what place he occupies in the organization and what power he has over other employees. Relationships between units can be represented as roles and behaviors.

  • Interpersonal roles. What does a manager do? He can act as an intermediary at various presentations and events. Employees in this category are empowered to train people, hire them, and direct them to achieve goals. Activities can be both within the organization and outside it.
  • Information roles. The main function is data collection. Based on the information received, it is necessary to clearly understand the current state of affairs.
  • The role of the distributor. Managers have a responsibility to communicate information to employees and senior management. Data transfer outside the company is also possible.
  • Making decisions. In this role, managers coordinate and control the activities of employees, solve emerging problems, and find ways to overcome obstacles.

What skills should managers have?

A manager is a person who is required to possess three types of skills that are considered basic: analytical, communication and technical. The latter are needed at the lowest level; they determine a person’s ability to perform a certain job. The remaining skill groups are necessary for all units.

Additional qualities

When thinking about who a manager is, you need to understand that his activities are more likely to be of a complex creative nature than of a narrow focus. In the process of work, he has to make decisions based not only on his knowledge or skills, but also learn to listen to his own intuition. Sometimes it is she who helps find a way out of the current situation.

What is a good manager? This profession is quite difficult. Working with people is always difficult, because a lot depends on mutual understanding. A manager must be able to clearly formulate his thoughts and be able to communicate with others. For collaboration to be effective, it is necessary to apply not only traditional methods, but also creativity and artistry.

How to become a specialist?

What should a manager know? The profession requires you to master the basics of management, be able to structure the process, keep in touch with other employees and be able to interact with people.

The manager must clearly understand the main goals of the organization and report on their achievement. Therefore, good managers have a wealth of knowledge in various fields.

To achieve heights in your career, you must not only understand what a manager does, but also constantly improve. A good manager:

Manager's responsibilities

The main functions of a manager may differ slightly depending on the area in which the activity is carried out, but the main responsibilities are the same:

  • Organization of work within certain boundaries.
  • Management of people and departments.
  • Administrative activities.


10. The tenth function of management is to ensure the competence and discipline of all personnel, all officials of a given organization in their daily work activities.

11. The eleventh function of management activities is to exercise control over all divisions of a given organization, ensuring the orderly and effective interaction of its elements with the help of normative (including legal) regulation.

12. The twelfth function of management activities is the creation of a favorable climate for the successful work of all employees of the organization, contributing to the achievement of high results in the activities of this organization.

What personal qualities should a manager have?

Personal qualities that contribute to high efficiency of professional management activities are as follows:

1. Activity.

2. Initiative.

3. The pursuit of knowledge and a high level of intellectual development.

4. The ability to listen to others and use their opinions to correctly determine how to solve a problem.

5. The ability to establish business contacts with employees, regardless of their position.

6. High level of self-confidence.

7. Innovative approach in making management decisions.

8. Ability to work quickly and hard, adapt to a changing situation.

9. The ability to manage yourself and others.

What professional qualities does a manager need?

For successful management activities, along with personal qualities, professional qualities are important. In different areas (business, marketing, sales of goods, work with personnel, etc.) they may differ from each other, but the most significant of them, necessary for any area of ​​management work, come down to the following:

1. Having the required level of education and qualifications.

2. Constant improvement and updating of your professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

3. The ability to organize an effective solution to the intended tasks with the involvement of a minimum number of performers.

4. The ability to choose the main, priority areas in the activities of an organization (company, bank, etc.)

5. The desire to support and develop creative creative work in the team of employees.

6. The ability to clearly formulate the tasks and goals of the organization, and speak convincingly in front of an audience.

8. High degree of identification with the organization’s team.

9. The ability to purposefully influence the improvement of professional activities of employees.

9. What performance qualities should a manager have?

The presence of these personal and professional qualities, the ability to actively and purposefully apply them in professional management activities allows the manager to significantly improve the quality of performance of everyday work. These qualities are:

1. Strict and impeccable performance of official duties.

2. The ability to distinguish the main thing in your work from the secondary.

3. The ability to take risks and identify risk areas in the process of accepting and implementing business projects and plans.

4. Ability to cope with intense work rhythm.

5. The ability to show objectivity and integrity in any situation.

6. The ability and ability to formulate clear goals and objectives of the organization.

7. Ability to form and develop effective working groups.

8. Knowledge of modern management approaches and the ability to apply them in practice.

The ability to mobilize people and rally them around oneself to achieve a set goal.

What skills should a manager develop?

One of the first requirements for a modern manager is to develop the ability to manage himself. Whatever field of activity a manager works in - business, banking, marketing, education or culture - his work is complex, multifaceted, difficult, full of excitement and sometimes stress. Therefore, every manager must develop the skills to treat himself as a unique management resource, i.e. so as to constantly maintain a high level of productivity and efficiency of your professional work. This presupposes not only a high level of professionalism, the ability to use modern information technologies and other qualities that we have just described, but also self-confidence and self-control in any, even the most critical situation, the ability to always concentrate, mobilize one’s knowledge, competence, will and energy to solve the problem that arises.

The second most important skill that an effective manager must master is the ability to always be a proactive leader in everything. A person always makes a certain choice in his activity, but a leader differs from a non-leader in that the former always makes his choice: 1) consciously; 2) active; 3) purposefully; 4) is able to convince others of the correctness of the choice made; 5) knows how to mobilize the efforts of other people to achieve the chosen goal. A non-leader most often seeks to postpone the choice until “later”, if the choice is difficult, to evade it or shift it to others. He reasons something like this: maybe circumstances will change and you won’t have to choose, and if you do make a choice, then it’s better to do as others do, like everyone else. Keep your head down, let someone else choose, and we will join them. The ability to make the right choice of goal and means of achieving it, and then purposefully act in the chosen direction is called projectivity. Proactivity is the ability to actively choose a goal, the means to achieve it, adequate goals, to subordinate one’s aspirations, thoughts, feelings, actions to the chosen goal, to show initiative and activity and to be responsible for oneself, for the actions of one’s followers, for the implementation of the set goal and tasks to be solved.

The third skill every successful manager must master is: “Begin with the end in mind.” This means that a manager in his aspirations and actions should not be guided by momentary considerations and successes, but be guided by a long-term goal setting, take as a starting point not today’s achievement, but that goal, albeit distant, for the sake of which a group of followers or an organization is created, a direction is chosen actions. Based on this approach, you should make plans for your life.

The fourth skill that a manager must master can be formulated as follows: “Keep your priorities straight.” This skill is a natural consequence of the first and second skills, based on initiative and imagination, and means the application of independent will and effective self-organization in practical activities. A person who is guided by this skill actively acts to achieve a set goal, and does not serve as an object of action, knows how to correctly plan his time and all his life activities.

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Currently, manager is one of the most popular and highly paid professions. To understand why it is so in demand, you should understand what is meant by the word “manager” and what qualities this person should have.

Who is a manager and what are his responsibilities?

A manager is a person who holds a permanent position, is vested with certain powers and has the right to make decisions in certain areas of the company's activities.

In other words, the term “manager” does not have a clear and specific definition. It could be:

— Organizer of specific works;

— Head of the enterprise or its department;

— Administrator who organizes the work.

A person who wants to achieve some success in this field must know what the most important qualities a manager should have.

Essential qualities for a good manager.

The most important quality for this position is vitality. A person who has this quality can successfully cope with any stressful situation and will be able to quickly recover from failure. It is worth remembering that a manager is a person who, like no one else, must have great fortitude to build a successful career.

One of the main qualities of a successful manager is empathy. This term means a competent assessment of the situation and the ability to put oneself in the place of another person. This quality helps to quickly find the right decisions and allows you to predict the actions and actions of another employee.

An equally important feature is ambition. This quality allows the manager to successfully complete the work he has begun and always achieve his goal.

Essential skills for a successful manager.

A good manager should know and be able to do a lot. But experts highlight the basic qualities and knowledge that are necessary to build a career. These are communication, technical and conceptual skills. Let's take a closer look at these three important qualities.

– this is the ability to work with people and, with their help, successfully solve problems. It is communication skills that are decisive for ensuring the prosperity of an enterprise. As a rule, mastery of communication comes with time, but this skill requires constant improvement.

Technical prowess– these are qualities that help to quickly and effectively solve assigned tasks. For example, the ability to use the latest technologies and tools to perform specific work.

Conceptual skills is a person’s ability to correctly evaluate and perceive an organization as a single organism. A good manager must be able to process data, think systematically and organize the company’s activities.

Terms that a manager should know.

A good manager must know the specifics of the profession and the terms that will be encountered every day. The main ones that you need to understand and remember:

  • verbal communication;
  • delegation of authority;
  • Conflict Management;
  • organized efforts.

Verbal communication is the ability of two people to communicate and find a common language. Through the right communication process, a good manager must be able to convey information to his interlocutor and make sure that he understands it.

Delegation of authority- This is the transfer of some of your powers to each other. A manager can transfer his functions to another employee to achieve his goals and improve the efficiency of the organization in general.

Conflictology is a whole science that helps to quickly and without consequences prevent an impending conflict and resolve an existing one. When people wonder what qualities a person who wants to make a career in management should have, the skill of conflict management immediately comes to mind.

For a company to operate successfully, it is necessary to ensure that no conflicts arise within it. Then nothing will distract employees from the work process and will increase the efficiency of completing assigned tasks.

Strength and success

Strength is organized knowledge, expressed in rational actions.

No effort can be considered organized until the people involved have coordinated their knowledge and energy in a spirit of perfect harmony. Lack of harmonious integration of efforts is the main reason for almost every business failure.

The source of any power is organized effort.

Strength and success are practically synonymous! One follows from the other. Thus, anyone who has the knowledge and ability to develop power through the principle of harmonious unification of efforts between individual minds- or by other means - can achieve success in any profession and reasonable endeavor.

The astute manager not only understands the importance of the law of organized effort, but also develops his strength on its basis.

A manager is a very interesting and multifaceted profession that requires constant improvement and advanced training. If you want to become a successful manager, you need to gain the necessary knowledge and learn new skills.

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The work of a leader has many attractive aspects: it provides great opportunities for personal development, gives a person dignity, and is exciting and exciting. A manager often has to solve complex problems in critical situations and uncertain prospects.

In the past, they tried to select people with pronounced dictatorial habits for the position of managers, since the workers were mostly a submissive, poorly educated, faceless mass and coercion was considered the best way to deal with them.

Under these conditions, the manager’s formula for action was: “business is business, work without reasoning.”

With the understanding that workers should not be forced to work, but encouraged, the requirements for managers have also changed. Their main advantage was the ability to play the role of the head of the family, who treats his subordinates in a fatherly manner, acting according to the formula: “firmness, but justice.”

All this, of course, helped to remove many problems and, above all, the antagonism between workers and managers.

The crisis situations that increasingly shook the Western economy demanded new qualities from managers. Just getting along with people was not enough - interaction had to be ensured by a reliable material base, which was created by reliable uninterrupted sales of goods. This also required the manager to have brokerage skills.

And finally, today, companies have grown so much that sole management has become almost impossible. In addition, managers have added many external functions, including interaction with partners, trade unions, government and political figures. Each direction was handled by an independent manager, so the head of the corporation became an organizing manager, whose main responsibility was to coordinate the activities of a group of managers.

In order to successfully implement his professional functions, a manager must:

Possess certain knowledge and skills;

Have appropriate personal qualities;

Be guided by ethical standards;

Have the skills and abilities to manage effectively;

Overcome limitations of self-development.

These are the components of the manager's model. Let's consider each of them separately.

Manager knowledge and skills. All over the world, the modern manager is perceived as an effective, innovative leader. And for this, he must know the patterns of functioning of a market economy, the theory and practice of modern management, forms and methods of motivating people, the theory of organization and methods of modeling organizational business structures, methods of comprehensive analysis of the results of an organization’s activities. The manager must know the current legislation and the basics of legal regulation of management in various sectors of the national economy and its spheres.

A manager must be able to think outside the box, find the necessary solutions in conditions of high risk; carry out business design, develop, adjust and implement a business plan; carry out marketing research, forecast the development of the organization taking into account the needs of the market; be able to control yourself.

Personal qualities of a manager. Among them are:

Broad outlook;

Professionalism and creative approach to work;

Initiative, ingenuity;

Self-confidence, determination;

Communication skills, desire to work in a team and with a team;

Self-control, stress resistance;

Psychological ability to influence people;

Responsibility, moral reliability;

Internal need for self-development;

Belief in your abilities and success.

Manager's ethical standards. The word "ethics" translated from Greek means habit, custom, rules of behavior. Ethics deals with the principles that define right and wrong behavior. Ethics is divided into theoretical (philosophical) and practical (or normative). Practical ethics substantiates moral principles, ideals, and norms. The ethical standards of a manager are influenced by two types of factors: factors associated with the corporation (traditions of the corporation, schools of management, charter and regulations of the company, legislation), and factors associated with society (traditions of the country, material and spiritual culture of society, public opinion).

The manager in his activities is guided by generally accepted rules and regulations:

Follow fair competition practices;

Do not use "dirty money";

Keep your promises and follow your word;

Don't manipulate people;

Be demanding, but not insult dignity;

Show good manners and manners.

Skills and abilities to manage effectively. Management efficiency is influenced by:

The ability to manage oneself;

Emphasis on continuous personal growth;

The ability to make unpopular, but justified decisions according to the situation; professionalism manager staff energy

Skills and persistence in problem solving;

Ability to influence others;

Ability to train and develop the skills of subordinates.

Limitations of a manager's self-development. Among these shortcomings we note the following:

Inability to manage oneself;

Unclear personal goals and values;

Lack of problem solving skills;

Lack of creativity;

Inability to influence people and train them;

Misunderstanding of management features and processes.

Modern economic life is characterized by the growth and complexity of the processes and problems occurring in it, the constant struggle for markets, resources and profitability, problems of using hired workers, stress and uncertainty in the work of organizations, and the “washing out” of traditional values. Therefore, the requirements for a modern manager are growing. He is required to be able to effectively manage himself and his time, clarify his personal values ​​and his own goals, support his own growth and development, solve problems quickly and effectively, respond flexibly to changes in the situation, use modern management techniques and approaches in relation to his subordinates, create and develop groups of people who can quickly become innovative and effective at work.

First of all, this is a personal desire to occupy a high position, which not everyone has, and, accordingly, a willingness to take on the associated responsibilities, responsibilities, and risks. It is believed that a successful leader has an almost magical ability to be in the right place at the right time. Such a property does not fall from heaven, although in a certain sense it, like talent, is a gift from God. But talent without work is nothing, so a leader must constantly and persistently strive forward, despite any obstacles, persistently moving towards his own goal.

Finally, an applicant for leadership at a high level must, by the age of 35, have accumulated significant experience in performing various functions and “matured” as a major leader. Western experts define the duration of such maturation at 5 - 7 years, i.e. The rapid rise of your career should begin at 27 - 28 years old.

Life is not easy for leaders. On their way, they encounter many difficulties, the main one of which, by universal recognition, is the leadership of subordinates. In second place is the planning of the company's activities and in third place is the dismissal of employees. Among others that did not make it to the “podium”, we can note the problem of managing one’s time, delegation of authority, financial “wilds”, decision making and conflict resolution.

There are two psychological types of leaders: “players” and “open”. The former look impressive, reliable, and flexible in appearance. They know how to “show off”, and therefore quickly change positions, following exclusively their interests. In fact, they do not know how to work with full dedication and do not cope well with problems.

"Open" leaders are not as visible, but they are consistent; they take on any of the most difficult cases, strive to conscientiously delve into everything, thereby gaining lasting trust and respect for a long time. They are also flexible and act taking into account circumstances, but they do not live for today, but are focused on the future. They are the true leaders who have unquestionable authority among their subordinates.

Subordinates are impressed by a leader who takes responsibility, boldly makes decisions, and honestly admits mistakes. The growth of authority is also facilitated by tolerance for people’s weaknesses that do not interfere with work.

Authority takes a long time to gain and is lost quickly. And the main reasons for this are inactivity and reinsurance. Errors have practically no effect on authority - no one is immune from them, and it is not difficult to correct them if desired.

Typically, an authoritative leader is a leader by nature. But what to do if it is not there? It is possible, even temporarily, to put a smart, well-trained specialist in charge of the business. And in order to accurately select such a person (leaders appear on their own!), you need to know the qualities that must necessarily be inherent in him. There are three groups of such qualities: personal, professional, organizational and business.

Personal qualities primarily include honesty and decency, which always presuppose compliance with the norms of universal morality, modesty and fairness towards others. A leader must try to understand his subordinates, see them as individuals worthy of respect, be able to understand their behavior, be humane and care about people, strive for cooperation, while taking into account the interests of everyone.

A manager must be principled in all matters, be able to withstand pressure both “from above” and “from below”, consistently and firmly stand his ground, not hide his views, defend to the end the values ​​that he professes, and help others acquire these values through personal example, and not moralizing, to firmly keep your word.

The work of a manager is extremely difficult, and therefore one of his most important personal qualities should be good health, which helps to be energetic and resilient, courageously endure the blows of fate, and successfully cope with stress; To maintain good physical health, you need constant training, balanced loads that involve changing types of activities - after all, rest does not lie in idleness, but in switching to another job. It is necessary, therefore, to rationally distribute strength and energy between all your affairs in order to achieve success in each, but you cannot accustom yourself to constant stable loads and from time to time destroy the usual patterns of action, because when a breakthrough is required, the exhausted leader will no longer be capable of it .

However, physical health alone is not enough for a manager. He must also be an emotionally healthy person, otherwise he simply cannot withstand all the overloads that fall on his head.

Therefore, you need to form positive emotions in yourself ahead of time: empathy, which makes a person humane; excitement, stimulating activity, interest and curiosity, helping to move forward and explore new areas of activity; confidence that adds solidity.

Making management decisions requires managers not only to have qualifications, but also to have emotional maturity, which is expressed in the ability and readiness to meet acute situations halfway, to successfully cope with them, and not to make an unsurvivable tragedy out of the defeats that are inevitable in the life path of any manager.

A modern manager must actively combat his own shortcomings, develop a positive attitude towards life and work, create a “healthy” environment by promoting and training people, revealing their abilities and talents; at the same time, there is no need to be afraid of losing authority - in most cases, employees pay for such an attitude towards them, on the contrary, with recognition and gratitude.

Another group of qualities needed by any manager is professional. This is competence, i.e. system of special knowledge and practical skills. It can be special and managerial. This is culture - general, technical, economic, legal, informational, psychological and pedagogical. A number of other points are also important. First of all, a modern manager is distinguished by a good knowledge of reality, both internal and external, an understanding of the goals of the company and his division, the ability to see problems, highlight the most significant aspects of them, and be receptive to novelty and changes. This is impossible without having above-average mental abilities, the ability to analyze a situation, create and critically evaluate various plans and programs, make decisions, take responsibility for their implementation, work hard and persistently for this, be energetic and decisive.

However, a leader must not only be well trained and highly educated, but also a creative person. He is required not only to believe in his own creative abilities, but also to appreciate such abilities in others, to be able to mobilize and use them, overcoming all obstacles encountered along the way. To do this, you need to be persistent, feel the need for change, be able to break with traditions, perceive new ideas and innovative solutions, and systematically use them. A creative leader typically works with groups using brainstorming techniques, encourages the free expression of emotions and ideas, and continually learns, including from their own mistakes.

Creativity is unthinkable without the ability to find information and share it with subordinates, to listen to others no matter who they are, to be open with colleagues, to seek feedback, not to isolate yourself from what threatens established views on the world, while calling everything into question, understand the position of others, find people everywhere who are of at least some interest to the company.

But the most important thing for a manager is to grasp everything on the fly, to link newly acquired knowledge with old knowledge, to have the skill and ability to learn both on and off the job, increasing competence, but avoiding one-sided specialization. Training usually begins from the moment you take office and never stops.

The next group of qualities of a manager that define him, strictly speaking, as a manager are organizational and also business ones.

They reflect the level of organizational culture of the manager, his knowledge of the technology of management work: selection, placement and use of personnel, development of norms, standards and regulations, personal plans and plans for the activities of departments, services, operational plans and schedules of events, bringing tasks to performers, instruction, management, control.

Organizational qualities include, first of all, determination. The nature of modern life requires clear and reasonable goals from the manager. Without them, he may lack firmness and determination, miss good opportunities, and waste time on trifles. Since everything in the world is changing, in order to stay afloat, the manager must adjust these goals. But determination is not only about setting goals, but persistently striving for them. This is what distinguishes a manager from other employees.

Another organizational quality that should be inherent in a manager is efficiency. It lies in the ability to clearly and timely set tasks, make informed decisions, control their implementation, and be prompt and orderly in actions and deeds.

An important organizational quality of a manager is energy, that is, the ability to infect people with confidence, the desire to act through logical suggestion, personal example, and one’s own optimism.

A manager must have discipline and self-control. Without this, he will neither be able to call others to order nor control their activities. Therefore, a manager must control his emotions and moods, study the emotions of others to find an approach to their behavior, and also control the discipline of subordinates.

A distinctive feature of a manager should be increased efficiency, the ability to work hard, without, however, sacrificing oneself and without becoming a “work addict” (in leading companies it is considered bad form for senior managers to linger in the office after the end of the working day or take work home).

You need to save your energy for what’s important, not waste it, and be able to rest, including during business trips. The manager must be sociable, contactable, i.e. sociable, focused on the outside world, showing interest in others. He must be able to win people over, listen and understand them, and convince them that he is right.

From the point of view of contact, several types of leaders can be distinguished.

Firstly, those who spend most of their time, approximately 2/3, on their subordinates and only 1/3 on external relations.

Secondly, those who devote approximately equal time to both.

Thirdly, those who only have vertical contacts with superiors and subordinates, but do not want to get to know colleagues at their level.

Fourthly, those who avoid all contacts altogether. The first and second types of leaders are good for operational management, the fourth - for strategic management. The third type of leader does not generally meet the requirements for modern managers.

An important trait of a manager is realism. He must be able to correctly assess his capabilities and the capabilities of his subordinates, their actions, and not have his head in the clouds, then it will not be so painful to fall if he fails.

A good manager is characterized by healthy optimism and confidence.

It is impossible to lead people without self-confidence. Confident people know what they want. They never take shortcuts. Their views on issues are always clear and clear, and they strive to ensure that everyone knows about these views, and therefore freely express their point of view, ensuring that they are heard and understood, but at the same time respect other people and their opinions.

A good leader must be able to ensure employee ownership of the work. To do this, it is necessary to properly encourage people, turn any, even the most tedious work into an exciting game, looking for non-standard approaches and unknown facets in solving a problem, and flavor their actions with a certain amount of adventurism to make them even more attractive. He must take into account the desire of his subordinates to achieve a certain position in this world, know their ideals and contribute to their implementation.

But the most important thing is that a manager must have the ability to lead, organize and support the work of a team, and be ready for action and risk. He must be able to determine the scope of his official powers, the ability to act independently of management, encourage people to obey, get rid of ballast, and help those who remain become themselves, and not crush them under themselves. To do this, the manager must have tolerance for the weaknesses of people that do not interfere with work, and intolerance for everything that interferes with the successful solution of the tasks facing him and the team. It must be borne in mind that there does not exist, and will not exist, a manager who has universal abilities and acts equally effectively in any situation.

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It is no secret that in companies, employees are divided into two categories: those who make decisions and manage all business processes, and those who implement these changes. The former are called leaders, and the latter - executors. This article will discuss what personal and business qualities a leader must have in order to direct the company to growth and prosperity.

Leadership qualities are the same for both corporate executives and small department heads. This is what helps you cope with assigned tasks, successfully build a career and relationships with others.

The main components of a successful leader are three categories of qualities:

Personal (psychological) qualities - with the help of them they gain respect and authority among subordinates and superior colleagues;

Business qualities - the ability to organize work and distribute responsibilities, leadership, communication skills, the ability to persuade, initiative and self-control;

Professional qualities are a good specialized education, erudition, competence in one’s profession, high learning ability, as well as the ability to plan one’s work.

Let's consider the main personal and business qualities of a leader. I would like to emphasize that the points listed below are more applicable to managers in international companies with a well-organized business management system, clear goals and standards.

1. Systems thinking is the basis of the personal qualities of a leader. In the process of practical activity, it is necessary to be able to think - to identify in advance possible difficulties and ways to overcome them. The skill of systems thinking helps to cover all aspects of the matter and influencing factors.

2. Ability to make decisions. Leaders face a myriad of challenges every day, and they must do so based not only on their understanding of the situation, but also on their personal values ​​and principles. If personal values ​​are not clear to the leader and others, they will be perceived in a distorted form.

As a result, the effectiveness of making and implementing management decisions will decrease. A leader who is unable to define his goals cannot achieve success in management activities and is limited by this vagueness.

3. Creative thinking. The ability to think outside the box, combining the benefits of accumulated experience with original, innovative management methods. The skill of developing non-standard management decisions is required in conditions where alternative courses of action are unclear or questionable.

4. Result-oriented. A successful leader quickly reacts to changes in the situation, independently makes effective decisions under time pressure, consistently and purposefully achieves his goal, separating the important from the unimportant, without drowning in routine.

5. Ability for self-analysis, a sober assessment of one’s actions, the ability to make maximum use of the positive experience of others. A person must understand the role of a leader in an organization and be able to see the impact he has on the organization.

6. Communication skills. An effective leader builds a communication system in the organization, receives reliable information and evaluates it effectively. Any manager spends a significant part of his working time on communication. Therefore, an important professional quality for him is the ability to carry out business communications with people, regardless of his own emotional assessments.

He must control his behavior - a negative attitude towards someone cannot influence the nature of the business relationship with him, and a positive attitude towards an employee works as an additional incentive to increase activity.

7. Leadership. The manager encourages employees to participate in discussing problems and is able to abandon his point of view if it is proven that it is not effective. Expresses only constructive criticism to subordinates, trying to help them show themselves better professionally.

Provides them with as much freedom as possible for official actions, while allowing compromises, but without being unprincipled. A competent leader inspires affection.

8. Stress resistance. A modern leader must have a high resistance to frustration and be somewhat cold-blooded. Those who do not know how to manage themselves, deal with conflicts and stress, and use their time, energy and skills effectively are limited by this inability and cannot manage other people.

9. Constant self-development. Professionalism is a self-increasing value. The leader is called upon to be an example of increasing the level of his theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and general cultural growth. It is extremely important to systematically demonstrate to them good mastery of the technology of intellectual self-expression when developing management decisions.

10. Responsibility for your actions and delegation. In other words, the leader sets an example for others. The standards used to evaluate the quality of work should be the same for everyone. The leader shares with his subordinates both the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat.