How to apply chicken manure as fertilizer in the fall. How to dilute chicken manure to feed plants. Ways to use chicken fertilizer

Chicken manure is often used as fertilizer by owners of small subsidiary farms— gardeners are trying to more often abandon fertilizers based on chemical components in favor of organic matter. Chicken manure is often used to feed fruit trees, various shrubs and vegetable crops, which is especially convenient if you have your own chickens on your property.

However, fertilizing the beds chicken droppings should be used with caution, as you can “burn” the plant. First, it is better to familiarize yourself with the ways of using natural fertilizer, and we will talk about this today.

Fertilizers such as chicken manure contain nitrogen and potassium in high concentrations, which are several times higher than in mullein (cow manure). Chicken droppings also contain phosphoric acids, which are necessary for plants.

The droppings of other poultry are also used as fertilizer, but chemical composition It is chicken waste products that occupy a leading position.

Table 1. Composition of bird droppings

LitterWater, %Nitrogen, %Phosphorus, %Potassium, %Calcium,%
Chicken56 2 1.5 0.8 2.5
Goose76 0.56 0.55 0.9 0.8
Duck55 1 1.3 0.6 1.6

Beneficial properties of chicken manure

Thanks to scientific tests, it was revealed that chicken manure has a huge number of beneficial properties:

For many gardeners, the main advantage is that fertilizer can be purchased at a low price. If you have your own chickens, you get it for free.

Important point! You can use organic matter for seedlings only if the seedlings have 2-3 leaves.

Methods for preparing chicken manure fertilizer

There are several main options for using chicken manure:

  • granulated;
  • liquid;
  • rotted compost.


If you have a small garden plot, it is better to purchase ready-made granular fertilizer. The advantage of granules is that they contain all the same useful microelements, but do not have the strong smell of excrement, because they are dried using special equipment in production. You can buy granules at any gardening store, but they are more expensive than fresh manure.

A similar fertilizer can be made at home. For such purposes in summer time years, a very thin layer of chicken manure is placed on the film. It is advisable to place this film on a hill where direct rays of the sun fall (preferably on the roof).

The average drying time for such fertilizer is 14-16 days. When drying, it is necessary to stir the litter regularly.

The excrement must be completely dry, so it should be securely sheltered from the rain. At the final stage (3-6 days), the litter is mixed with crushed peat or wood shavings - this will retain more nitrogen in its composition.

The prepared fertilizer should be stored in a place protected from moisture. Place it in a dry wooden box with holes for air.

Liquid fertilizer

It is liquid fertilizer that is most often made at home. For such purposes, take a deep container made of metal or plastic, and then prepare fertilizers using one of the following methods.

Table 2. Traditional step-by-step method for preparing liquid fertilizer

Step one: the litter is combined in one container with water in equal proportions, then thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.
Step two: close the container with a tight lid and leave it in the sun for 5-7 days.
Step three: upon completion of fermentation, the mass must be thoroughly shaken again.
Step four: the fertilizer should be diluted with settling water in a ratio of 1:30. The exact ratio will depend on the intended use.

The main disadvantage of this fertilizer is its shelf life - it will need to be used within 60 days.

Therefore, some gardeners prefer not to leave the container in the sun, but to store it in the shade. In this case, the fertilizer will be ready for use only after 14-21 days, but the shelf life of such a mass reaches 6-7 months. But not all gardeners can tolerate leaving this barrel on their property for a long time, because the fertilizer has a very pungent, unpleasant organic smell.

Even when preparing the feeding mass and subsequent dilution, you have to use thick rubber gloves and a protective mask.

Touching chicken manure fertilizer without gloves is a mistake.

The finished liquid mixture is diluted with water in an amount of 10-30 liters. It is worth noting that to fertilize trees, you should take a more concentrated mass, while when fertilizing plants in beds, liquid manure will need to be diluted with water to the maximum.

To produce the fertilizer described, you need to wait time, and some gardeners need to get a nutrient mixture for plants as quickly as possible, so they use a quick method of preparing fertilizer.

To speed up the ripening of the fertilizer, place a metal container in the sun on a hot day and fill it one-third with chicken droppings, then fill it with water to the brim and stir vigorously. This mixture will need to be shaken every day.

Due to the fact that the metal is very hot and the container is constantly exposed to the active sun, intense fermentation is observed. In addition, this process can be accelerated by adding a little yeast to the container. After just three days you can use the mixture for its intended purpose. As in other cases, the fertilizer is diluted with clean water before use.

There is another method for making liquid fertilizer from chicken manure. It is used for plants that do not tolerate acidic soils.

The manufacturing method has the following sequence:

  1. Chicken droppings are poured into a bag made of cotton fabric, after which it is tied with a tight knot and poisoned into a container of water (you should take one part liquid to two parts manure).
  2. After 48 hours, the bag of droppings should be removed from the water. Add 20-30 liters of water to the remaining liquid mass.
  3. Then you should leave this liquid for another week. After the fertilizer has fermented, it can be used for its intended purpose (in its pure form).

You can make the preparation of fertilizer even simpler - you need to prepare the fertilizing using a quick method in an iron container and use it completely, and then pour about 15 liters of liquid into it. The water should turn light brown before it is used. This is allowed to be done several times in a row.

Chicken coop litter

Often they prefer to use poultry house litter as fertilizer. It contains not only chicken droppings, but also hay.

If you plan to use this litter to feed plants, then you should not line the floor of the chicken coop with sawdust, because they do not contain useful components. It is advisable to use peat and various herbs instead of sawdust, and if desired, you can add a little wood ash to the litter - it will complement the effect of droppings and plant waste.

– a useful and economical purchase, it lasts for at least 3 years if the operating rules are followed, and its shelf life is unlimited.

Usually, within 12 months, the litter in the chicken coop is compacted - when one layer becomes dirty, another is laid on top. As a result, its thickness per year averages 55-60 centimeters. Then these layers are removed and put into a compost pit so that the mass is rotted and becomes homogeneous, and sometimes they are immediately used for the following purposes:

  1. Mulching shrubs.
  2. Tree feeding. Litter is applied to the tree trunk in an amount of 1.5 kg per tree.
  3. Fertilizer of vegetable and melon crops. The litter is mixed with soil and laid out on the beds.

The litter does not contain a high concentration of chicken droppings, but even in this case it should not be used in its pure form and applied to the roots of plants - it is necessary to add water.


Compared to other types of natural fertilizers, compost does not emit unpleasant odors, which makes its use and storage much easier. However, do not forget that this is a highly concentrated fertilizer, so it should be applied to the soil carefully.

To prepare compost you will need to dig a hole in the soil. The length does not matter, but the width should be about 250 centimeters and the depth - 150 centimeters. You should not dig a deeper hole, otherwise it will be inconvenient to scoop out the fertilizer from the bottom.

Creating a compost pit is a rather labor-intensive process that will take time, but you only have to dig the hole once and it will last for many years.

The bottom layer of the pit is lined with dry grass, and then laid out:

  • chicken droppings;
  • straw;
  • wood shavings;
  • peat.

The sequence of these layers does not matter much, but it is worth considering that chicken droppings are laid on the bottom after dry grass, and the layers are completed with peat. If desired, you can add various weeds, table scraps, vegetable peelings, and even leaves and tree branches and paper to the compost pit.

The top of the filled pit is covered with waterproof material, which helps the fertilizer to ripen faster. In addition, thanks to this shelter from the pit, there is no smell. After 40-60 days, the compost can be used. Such rapid ripening times are due to the fact that the lower layers begin to release heat, and as a result, the rest of the mass begins to overheat.

You can also add the following components to the compost pit:

  • phosphorus;
  • Ammonium nitrate.

However, it is important to take moderation into account, because excessive amounts of fertilizer will only harm the roots.

Features of using chicken manure

Despite the fact that the litter contains a large number of useful microelements, it is used strictly in certain quantities. Otherwise, the fertilizer can severely damage the root system of any plant (especially when used fresh).

It is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Liquid fertilizing is applied in the spaces between the rows of beds. Watering the roots with such a mixture is strictly prohibited.
  2. Many gardeners prefer to feed the plant after rain or heavy watering. This way, the liquid contained in the soil will dilute the fertilizer.
  3. It is advisable to feed plants in cloudy weather or in the evening.

Important point! Fertilizers can be used no more than 4 times per season.

Feeding with droppings in autumn

If there are heavy soils on the site, fertilizer is applied precisely in the autumn season. Manure is spread over the surface and then the soil is dug up. During the winter months, the droppings will have time to decompose into useful microelements that will feed the plants in the spring.

For such purposes, they take a kilogram of droppings per hundred square meters of land; the consistency should be taken into account - the raw “product” is much heavier). It is evenly distributed over the area where the beds will be formed in the spring.

Adding litter in spring

In the spring, light soils are usually fertilized, and then the garden is dug up and beds are formed. Fertilizer should be distributed in the same proportions as in the previous case. Some gardeners prefer to pre-mix clean droppings with dry grass.

Video - How to use chicken manure?

Disadvantages of using chicken manure

There are several main disadvantages of using chicken manure as a fertilizer, and based on this, gardeners need to take into account the following nuances:

Let's sum it up

Using chicken manure will allow you to get a good harvest, but it is important to follow moderation and not disturb the concentration of fertilizer in the soil. Otherwise, even a beginner can handle preparing healthy mixtures. Good luck!

Video - How to make fertilizer from chicken droppings

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


When you invest so much effort from spring to autumn on summer cottage, I definitely want to rejoice at a good harvest. Find out useful information on how to use chicken manure as fertilizer for berries, flowers and vegetables. The methods of its use given below will give you the opportunity to enjoy the results of working in the beds.

What can you fertilize with chicken manure?

This substance organic origin it is very accessible for use and produces the most beneficial effect on plants. If you use chicken manure as fertilizer, it can easily replace more expensive purchased products. Its mineral composition is optimal in terms of the ratio of microelements in order to feed most garden crops. Thus, bird manure contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, and other valuable elements. The diversity of the composition optimizes the growth of seedlings and helps to obtain a rich harvest.

If you add a solution of chicken manure to the soil, the beneficial elements easily reach the root system of the plants and are well absorbed. Due to its organic nature, the fertilizer does not create a high concentration of salts and is not washed out of the soil so quickly. Such beneficial qualities of the product obtained as a result of the vital activity of birds make it possible to use it in the cultivation of various vegetables, root crops, berries and even fruits. This manure will be useful when growing:

  • potatoes;
  • Luke;
  • garlic;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • strawberries;
  • raspberries;
  • under garden trees.

How to breed chicken manure to feed plants

The main thing you need to know before using such fertilizer is that this manure in fresh, wet form can severely burn plants, so to use it correctly you need to follow a few simple rules. Find out more about how to dilute chicken manure to feed plants, if you have this fertilizer in dry, wet or granular form.

How to prepare an infusion

If you plan to use chicken manure as a fertilizer during the growing season of plants, and not just apply it before digging the soil or planting seeds and seedlings, it is recommended to make a concentrated solution. It will then need to be added to the water when watering the plants. Preparing the infusion is very simple: fill a container (for example, a bucket) halfway with manure and top up with water. The resulting solution must be left to stand for some time in a warm place. Once the liquid has fermented, it can be further diluted to feed crops.

The described solution, prepared in a 1:1 ratio, can be used within a couple of days. Due to its high concentration, this infusion does not decompose; it can be prepared in the spring and gradually used until the fall. Immediately before feeding the plants, the concentrate is diluted in a ratio of 0.5-1 liters of solution per 10 liters of water. It is better to fertilize after rain, when the ground is wet, or to water the beds an hour and a half before such a procedure.

Granulated chicken manure: instructions for use

If there is nowhere to get bird manure in its natural form, a convenient way would be to use it after processing. Such a product in the form of granules is easy to find on sale. Chicken manure, as a fertilizer, acquires a number of advantages after processing. The thermal effect produced guarantees the absence of helminth larvae and weed seeds in the dry concentrate. The granules are compact, odorless, and also have a long shelf life. Compared to raw poultry manure, which is heated in a compost heap, quickly losing nitrogen, valuable microelements are retained in this form for more than 0.5 years.

Such processed manure can be used in dry form, but care must be taken that the roots of the plants do not come into direct contact with the granules. To do this, the product must be scattered in the spring on the garden bed at the rate of 100-150 g per 1 square meter. m, or apply 100-300 g under bushes and trees. It is convenient to make liquid fertilizer from such a concentrate. For this purpose, prepare a solution in the ratio of 1 part granules to 50 parts water - this is used to add seedlings when planting. To feed adult plants, granulated litter is diluted in a higher water ratio of 1:100.

How to properly dilute dry chicken manure

If you don’t have time to make an infusion, fertilizer from bird manure can be prepared in more in a fast way. How to dilute bird droppings for feeding so that you can immediately add them to your plants? It is necessary to reduce the concentration of manure in the solution so that the roots do not get burned. To do this, dry manure is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:15 or even 1:20. To feed the plant, water it with 0.5-1 liters of the resulting liquid. It is not recommended to increase the concentration of the solution or the frequency of such watering, otherwise you risk either burning the plants or their fruits will contain a lot of nitrates.

How to fertilize your garden with chicken manure

Poultry manure replenishes the deficiency of many microelements in the soil, thereby improving the yield and taste of plant fruits. Chicken manure, as an organic fertilizer for garden beds, should be used in the fall, after harvesting. For this purpose, fresh poultry manure should be slightly moistened and evenly scattered on the ground at the rate of 3-4 kg per 5 square meters. m. The layer of litter should be uniform; wood ash, sand, and compost can be added to it. The fertilizer should lie until spring, until the beds are dug up - this way, over the winter, the beneficial substances from the manure will be evenly distributed in the soil.

Video: how to use chicken manure as fertilizer

It seems like a simple thing to use such organic matter in your gardening work, but there are some nuances here. To make full use of the beneficial qualities of this fertilizer, watch several stories below, where experienced summer residents tell in detail how to prepare fertilizer from chicken droppings. From the video you will learn the features of using such a product for different plants, and how this manure affects the yield of strawberries. Information on how to use this fertilizer when growing roses will be useful to everyone who grows these beautiful flowers.

Chicken manure can be called one of the most affordable fertilizers for summer residents. After all, city dwellers have cows in country houses don't hold. As for chickens, many people raise them in their dachas. Meanwhile, their manure is superior in nutritional value even to cow manure.

It is also worth using as a fertilizer because it contains a sufficient amount of phosphorus and nitrogen. When this type of manure is applied to the ground, these substances are completely absorbed by plants. After all, chicken manure is an organic fertilizer, which means, unlike mineral fertilizer, it is “living”. Phosphorus, which is part of it, does not form any compounds with soil components.

It is also good to use chicken manure as a fertilizer because it contains useful substances such as boron, zinc, copper, cobalt, etc. It also contains bioactive components auxins, which help accelerate plant growth. Such manure is used both in dry and diluted form. Both methods are quite effective.

So, let's take a closer look at how to use chicken manure. Many summer residents advise feeding their plants three times a season. In the spring, at the beginning of the growing season, that is, in May-June, in the summer during the flowering of vegetable and fruit crops and during active fruiting, in order to maintain its intensity.

Chicken manure must be used correctly as fertilizer. Most often, mash is made from it. To do this, fill the barrel a third, and then add water. The resulting mixture should stand for about 2-4 days. At the same time, it needs to be stirred constantly. To speed up decomposition, you can add a special preparation “Tamir” or “Baikal M”. (1 tbsp per bucket of water). After the fertilizer is ready, it is diluted 1 x 3 or 1 x 4 with water and applied to the beds at the rate of one and a half liters per square meter.

Many summer residents have repeatedly noted that a week or two after applying the manure, the plants begin to rapidly develop and bear fruit. That is, it simply gives them a colossal impetus to growth. So chicken manure as a fertilizer is certainly useful, and it is certainly worth using it in this capacity, if possible. Literally all plants nourished by it become powerful, strong, beautiful and healthy in appearance. With such care, the harvest will be plentiful, and the fruits themselves will be tasty and healthy.

Some summer residents also use chicken manure in dry form. This method is more universal and easier to implement. Let's look at how to fertilize a garden with chicken droppings without soaking it. This method is used at the end or beginning of the season. The litter can be used either whole or crushed. All you need to do is add it to the soil for digging. In this case, the amount of manure is calculated so that it is approximately 500 g per square meter.

Chicken manure as a fertilizer is nutritious, contains a huge amount of useful substances and microelements, is easily absorbed by plants, is accessible and easy to use. Although this type of manure is inferior in some respects to horse and cow manure, it is extremely beneficial for plants.


Chicken manure is suitable as a fertilizer for many crops. But nightshades will be especially happy about it. It is difficult to choose the best organic fertilizer for tomatoes.

Norms for introducing bird droppings under:

  • In spring, 3-4 kg/m² is added in the form of dry compost;
  • Throughout the entire growing season, 5-6 liters per m² are added as an infusion.

But there is a subtlety here that you need to pay close attention to - watch the foliage of the tomatoes. If, after fertilizing, rapid growth of green mass begins, the leaves become too fleshy, the stems become too thick, then you should stop. Signor tomato received too many nutrients and began to use them for other purposes, to the detriment of the upcoming harvest.

In this situation, you need to take a break for at least ten days, and then carry out only foliar feeding with natural organic matter. To prepare the optimal composition, you can dilute the ash with water. Thanks to the elements it contains, the fertilizer will help normalize the metabolism in the plant.


This culture is very responsive to feeding. To get a good harvest, you need to carry them out several times a season.

The first feeding is carried out at the 2-3 leaf stage. During this period, all the nutritional needs of young plants will be satisfied by ready-made mineral fertilizers, such as double superphosphate.

The second feeding is carried out with chicken droppings. Potassium sulfate is added to the finished humus and diluted with water to obtain liquid fertilizer. The dilution rules are standard - the resulting solution should have the color of weakly brewed tea.

It is best to add this mixture to the soil before the cucumbers begin to bloom. It will stimulate the formation of ovaries, and the number of barren flowers will be minimal.

Not all vegetables can fully meet their nutritional needs with bird droppings alone. , for example, it is necessary to additionally feed with potassium chloride, in a ratio of 1:10 (potassium/litter). And this example is not isolated. top scores for all crops (vegetables, berries, cereals), are achieved with a reasonable and competent combination of mineral and natural fertilizers.

Store-bought chicken manure

If you don’t have birds in your summer cottage (not counting the rare crows and jackdaws that apply fertilizers pointwise and in insufficient quantities), then you can use a ready-made product that is commercially available. This is hot-dried chicken manure, or peat fertilizers, also made on the basis of this organic matter. For example, you can buy such mixes as “Pixa”, “Roossis”, and some others.

Unlike natural products, they do not contain harmful microorganisms and have permanent staff. The range of application of these ready-made fertilizers is much wider than that of their progenitor. Recycled industrially Chicken manure can be used to soak seeds before planting, water seedlings, apply to any type of soil in the spring, and provide fertilizer throughout growth.

Another type of this fertilizer that you can buy in the store is . It has a number of advantages over the natural product. It is convenient for transportation, does not smell, and does not contain weed seeds, larvae, or worm eggs.

  1. This chicken manure can be used to fertilize all types of plants and is immediately ready for use.
  2. Granules can be applied to the soil in dry form, from 100 to 300 kg/m2, or diluted with water.

Which bird excrement can be used as fertilizer?

Pigeon droppings

This fertilizer has been familiar to gardeners in the middle zone for a long time. The rules for using pigeon droppings are the same as for chicken droppings.. It cannot be used fresh, but can be infused, soaked, or composted. For fertilizer, it is advisable to use manure only from domestic pigeon coops, where the birds are fed natural grain mixtures.

It is not advisable to use urban pigeon droppings, although it is easily accessible (you can gain a couple of centners in the attic of any high-rise building). The fact is that these birds feed mainly in garbage dumps, and, accordingly, their waste contains great amount harmful substances.

Quail droppings

It is believed that chicken manure is the most useful fertilizer. But that's not true. There are less common fertilizers that are more effective superior to chicken manure.

For example, this is the waste of quails. They are very economically profitable, since a bucket of manure comes out per bucket of feed. This fertilizer does not contain worm eggs, because the body temperature of quails is higher than that of chickens, and, for example, it kills the salmonulosis bacteria. Therefore, the eggs of these birds can be eaten raw.

Quail droppings are less toxic than chicken droppings and contain more organic matter. due to the feeding habits of these birds.

Goose droppings

It has a different composition from chicken. This feature is due to the fact that the goose is a waterfowl, and its diet includes many different elements of plants from bodies of water. For example, mud, duckweed, etc. This makes his droppings similar in composition to guano, seabird waste.

It is healthier than chicken, as it contains more microelements and is more easily absorbed by plants. Macroelements are contained in this fertilizer in a different proportion than fertilizer obtained from chicken manure.

Differences in the use of bird droppings from different types birds are insignificant. Pigeon, goose and quail droppings are somewhat better in consumer qualities than chicken droppings, but they are almost impossible to buy.

In connection with the above, primacy remains with chicken manure. It has a number of disadvantages, for example, increased toxicity, the inability to use it immediately after receipt, and an unpleasant odor. But this fertilizer is a storehouse of useful substances, and surpasses other types of manure in their quantitative content. Using chicken manure as fertilizer, you can achieve high, constant yields from all types of plants.

Many gardeners have heard that using bird droppings as fertilizer is very useful. And for those who already have a poultry house on their property, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Moreover, bird droppings are incredibly beneficial for soil and plants, containing large quantities nitrogen and other trace elements. Preparing and diluting bird droppings in the required proportions for various fertilizing in the city is much easier and faster than fresh manure or compost, which requires infusion for six months to a year or more before it can be applied to the soil. Chicken manure is the most accessible, especially for those who raise chickens on their country plot. You can also easily purchase granulated chicken manure from gardening stores.

We will tell you how to use chicken manure as fertilizer, give practical recipes and tips. It is especially needed in the spring, when our plants need nitrogen. It is thanks to nitrogen that green mass grows on all plants. But here it is important not to overdo it with the use of bird droppings and other nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Excessive amounts of nitrogen in the soil will cause plants to become fattened. They will grow a large green mass, but will stop bearing fruit.

Pros of using chicken manure in the garden

Chicken manure has been used as a fertilizer in gardening and farming since ancient times. About him beneficial properties has been known for a long time to confidently assert that this type of fertilizer is one of the best. The most obvious advantages over other types of fertilizers are:

  • Availability. In any village you can find both an industrial poultry farm and private chicken coops, where you can buy bird droppings for your garden at a very attractive price, if not for nothing. Within the city, bird droppings are also easily accessible; they can be purchased in stores that have everything for the garden.
  • Utility. Poultry manure, especially chicken manure, outperforms manure in terms of the balance of microelements and substances beneficial to the soil in its composition. Moreover, it contains much less harmful microorganisms than any manure. In terms of nitrogen and phosphorus content it is not inferior mineral fertilizers and vitamin complexes.
  • Ease of use. Making your own from droppings is quite simple. In addition, it does not take much time, and the unpleasant odor quickly disappears, something that manure does not boast of. You just need to follow the instructions and our recipes on how to use chicken manure as fertilizer.

There is only one drawback of bird droppings - it cannot be used in its fresh, pure form. The saturation of the substrate with nutrients is so strong that fresh droppings will kill any plant.

Fresh chicken manure can be used in its pure form only for heating greenhouses in the spring. In all other cases, it needs to be diluted and tinctures prepared so that the concentration of the droppings does not burn the plants.

How to use chicken manure as fertilizer

Preparing raw materials for use in the garden is very simple and the process will take only two to three months.

  • For those who have their own poultry house, it is enough to install a tray in it to collect droppings and fill it with peat or sawdust.
  • In an area, preferably in the shade or under a canopy that protects from direct sunlight, install a barrel or organize a place for a compost heap.
  • Place droppings in a barrel or pile, alternating layers with organic food waste, peelings or freshly cut grass.
  • Over the course of two to three months, add water, maintaining constant humidity and stirring. The resulting compost is immediately ready for use.

Bird droppings as fertilizer how to use

The resulting substrate after infusion is deprived of harmful microorganisms, and the concentrate of nitrogen and phosphorus is reduced to a level safe for plants. Compost can be diluted with water in the proportions of 1.5 kg of substrate per 1 liter of water and the resulting slurry can be used for watering strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers. Without additional dilution with water, the substrate is used as a top dressing, during the growing season in the spring season, or added to the soil for growing shrubs, flowers, and fruit trees. Can be mixed with peat or combined with other types of fertilizers at your discretion.

How to use chicken manure

1. Compost with chicken manure. This organic fertilizer is applied as the main fertilizer when digging the soil in spring or autumn. Compost is applied evenly over the area and then dug into the bayonet of a shovel.

It is also added to planting holes at the rate of 2-5 kg/10 sq. m. When planting trees, shrubs and any other seedlings, sand is added to holes fertilized with bird droppings and mixed thoroughly to protect the roots of the plant from burns.

2. Infusion of fresh chicken manure . There is nothing difficult about how to prepare fertilizer from chicken manure. You will need to dilute 1 bucket of fresh chicken or any other bird droppings in a barrel with 10 - 15 buckets of water. Mix everything well and let it infuse for 1 - 2 days.

This infusion is used to water trees and shrubs. Add 1 bucket of tincture per 1 square meter to the tree trunk circles. meter for an adult fruit-bearing tree, 1/3 bucket for young seedlings. Under fruit and berry bushes, such as currants and gooseberries, add 0.5 buckets of chicken manure solution per 1 square meter. m. Here's how to fertilize your garden with chicken manure.

3. Stock solution of fresh chicken manure.

How to breed chicken manure to feed plants:

  • Fill a 10 liter bucket or any other container 1/3 full with fresh chicken droppings,
  • fill it to the top with water,
  • mix the solution and leave to infuse for 3 - 5 days.

This solution from chicken manure is concentrated and is applied into grooves 2-3 cm deep, which are dug along the edge of the crown of the fruit tree. Grooves can be made on 2 - 4 sides.

4. Secondary solution of fresh chicken manure.

How to make fertilizer from chicken droppings for watering trees or shrubs

  • take 1 part of the fermented mother liquor;
  • dilute it in 10 parts of water;
  • Apply the resulting fertilizer from chicken manure to the tree trunk circles - 1 bucket of solution per 1 square meter for an adult tree, 0.3 - 0.5 buckets of tincture with manure for fruit-bearing bushes. This feeding of trees and shrubs is carried out with moderate watering, and then the soil in the tree trunk circles is mulched with peat, dry grass or.

5. Chicken litter. It is possible to use chicken manure as bedding under trees and shrubs in the garden. It is evenly scattered in circles around the trunk, then allowed to dry for 2 - 3 days, and then watered. The concentration of nitrogen in chicken litter is small, so it can be used in the form of such fertilizers 3-4 times per season.

Chicken manure in granules

For many summer residents, it is easier to purchase bird droppings in granules. than to collect it, especially if you don’t have your own poultry house. Fertilizers in granules can be used without soaking them. What’s much more convenient and faster is that you don’t need to bother with preparing solutions. The granules can also be crushed.

Chicken manure granules how to use:

  1. For example, apply when digging, under a shovel or plowing the soil with a walk-behind tractor in spring or autumn. Apply 500 grams of manure in granules per square meter or 15 kg of dry fertilizer per 1 hectare of land where vegetables will grow. After digging and adding chicken manure in granules, the area is watered.
  2. Granules can be added to the holes when planting seedlings. This method of applying organic fertilizer requires care. The granules need to be placed at the bottom of the hole and soil should be added so that the roots of the seedlings do not come into contact with them.
  3. Locally applied to the tree trunks of fruit trees and shrubs in the garden.
  4. Chicken manure in granules is used for irrigation. In a large container, for example, a barrel, dilute the granules in water in a ratio of 1:25, unless there are other recommendations on the pack. Leave for 2 - 3 days. Then apply it to the beds and under the trees.

How much and what type of chicken manure to apply to the plants.

Name of culture litter
dry bedding natural humidity from compost heaps or pits
cereals 3-4 8-12 7-9 18-22
potato 3-4 9-13 8-10 20-24
fodder root crops 5-6 12-16 9-12 25-30
vegetable crops 6-8 20-25 12-17 30-40
berry 8-10 20-25 17-20 40-50
fruit 10-12 25-30 20-25 45-55

Composition of chicken manure

  • organic substances – 62%;
  • nitrogen – from 1.5% to 5%;
  • phosphorus – from 1.8% to 5.5%;
  • potassium – from 1.5% to 2%;
  • iron – 0.3%;
  • calcium – 1%;
  • magnesium – 0.3%.
  • manganese – 340 mg;
  • sulfur – 40 mg;
  • zinc – 22 mg;
  • copper – 3.0 mg;
  • boron – 4.4 mg;
  • cobalt – 3.3 mg;
  • molybdenum – 0.06 mg.

The unique composition of chicken manure makes it possible to provide plants in the garden with high-quality nutrition during the growth period. Chicken manure as a fertilizer is suitable for many crops: vegetables, grain plants, berries, fruit trees. Fertilizing from manure is especially good for cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplant. For onions, garlic and spicy herbs, fertilizing from manure does not play any role. It is worth noting that when granulated chicken manure is added, the amount of nitrates in fruits does not increase.