Tape in Crimea address. The largest electronics stores in Crimea

the site compiled the TOP 5 largest electronics stores in Crimea. Based on the information presented, you can quickly and without any difficulty determine the location of the nearest hypermarket and, by comparing prices, profitably buy the gadgets, household appliances, electronics and other goods that interest you.

Worth noting right away helpful advice, while in the store in front of the display window, don’t be too lazy to take out your smartphone or tablet and go to the official website of the online store of the retail chain and check how much the product costs in the online version, there is a chance that you can save from 10 to 40% of the offline price.

1. Retail chain "Foxtrot"

Foxtrot stores cover almost all cities of Crimea, from Krasnoperekopsk to Kerch.

In Simferopol alone there are 5 hypermarkets selling computer and household appliances, gadgets and electronics. Free phone support services - 0-800-500-153.

2. Eldorado stores

They are known not only in Russia, but in Ukraine, and also in Crimea. The range includes photo, audio and video equipment, computers and tablets, telephony and communication devices - in a word, everything that is usually meant by the term “electronics”. At the time of writing this material, there were two Eldorado stores located in Simferopol. The free information line operates at 0-800-300-030.

3. Comfi hypermarkets

The stores of this retail chain specialize in the sale and warranty service of supplied electronics. Wide selection on sale computer equipment and smartphones, photo and video cameras, as well as various accessories, Supplies and components. There are three Comfi hypermarkets in the capital of Crimea; telephone hotline — 0-800-303-505.

4. Walmart brand

This retail network has 14 retail space in Crimea; four branches are located in Simferopol. At Walmart you can buy any goods and components, from a regular battery to an ultra-modern tablet or laptop. A toll-free information line is open for clients: 0-800-505-103.

5. Association "Tair"

New regional (Crimean) supermarket chain household appliances. For Crimeans and guests of the peninsula, this network offers a variety of large and small household appliances, including computers, cameras and video cameras, components and much more. The distribution network is represented in Simferopol and Sevastopol, Evpatoria and Saki, as well as Kerch. Phone number for inquiries: 0-800-500-572.

About this review. the site is deliberately silent about the price positioning of the above-mentioned retail chains and their assortment, so that you do not suspect us of bias. We do not incline you to buy household appliances in any particular store - the choice is yours.

Representatives of large retail chains operating on mainland Russia declared their readiness to develop business in Crimea. They, according to the head of the strategic consulting department of IDEM (Nizhny Novgorod) Denis Zykov, will begin to enter the peninsula after the opening of the Crimean Bridge.

Movement along the transport crossing through Kerch Strait, which is being built within the framework of the federal target program for the socio-economic development of the Crimean Peninsula until 2020, will begin in May of this year - passenger cars and passenger buses will go. Trucks will be allowed to travel this December. In addition to the opening of the Crimean Bridge, according to Denis Zykov, the development of the economy of the peninsula, the emergence of Ukrainian retailers from there after the reunification of Crimea with Russia, and a large tourist flow should contribute. From weaknesses Zykov singled out only the sanctions regime, clarifying that the risks are “worth it.” According to Denis Zykov, they plan to build six new shopping centers: four - in Simferopol, two - in Sevastopol. Three more shopping centers may appear in Sevastopol - if objects that began to be built in Ukrainian times, but were then frozen, are completed. Now, the IDEM representative noted, there is a low level of competition in Crimea. If at high level There are 450 square meters of retail space per 1000 people, while in Simferopol there are now 377 square meters per 1000 people, and in Sevastopol – 183 square meters. Denis Zykov confirmed that representatives of several large retail chains during the conference actually expressed their readiness to work in Crimea, and clarified that this is not a complete list of those who are going to enter the region. “I can talk about the chains that were present at our conference - the Zenden shoe store chain, which also includes the Mascotte and Thomas Munz chains, as well as the Jeweler Center chain of jewelry stores, and the Kinodrive cinema chain. These are only those networks that were present at our conference and will develop in Crimea. We have complete information, but, unfortunately, we cannot disclose it. Unless in collaboration with shopping facilities“, said Denis Zykov, head of the strategic consulting department at IDEM (Nizhny Novgorod).

Big players without offers

In general, the peninsula does not experience a shortage of retail space for new stores, but most of such proposals, he noted, will only be of interest to small or medium business, says managing partner of the Analytical Corporate Group Ilya Pichuev (Crimea). “If we take large cities (Simferopol, Sevastopol, Yalta), in large shopping centers there are vacancies, but there are not many of them. But here it all depends on the “anchor” tenant himself, how seriously he will go. In Sevastopol, we can say that there is no rapid construction of shopping centers, and the number of operating shopping centers can be counted on the fingers of two hands. If you compare it with Krasnodar, Sevastopol is not close. Therefore, in terms of volume, we have very little vacant space. And everything that is for rent is mostly street retail: built-in premises along the main streets, which were privatized even under Ukraine. Or local centers in new buildings, around which small shopping centers have grown. Naturally, we don’t have such global shopping centers with large retail areas,” Pichuev said. He added that “very few new facilities that could become sites for retailers are being built.”

No rush to Crimea

According to the Ministry of Industrial Policy of the Republic of Crimea, there are currently seven large retail chains operating in the republic: Krymtorg-S LLC (SILPO supermarkets) – five stores; Business-Yug LLC (Furshet supermarkets) – 14 stores; LLC "PUD" (shops of the same name) - 50 stores; “Yabloko” (markets of the same name) – 15 stores, “Assorti-Crimea” LLC (Assorti supermarkets) – 12 stores, “Retail Property 6” (Metro shopping centers) – one facility; "Auchan" (hypermarkets of the same name) - one object. All these retail chains, except for “Assorted Crimea”, have remained in Crimea since Ukrainian times and have now been re-registered in the Russian legal field. According to the Russian food portal, Assorted Crimea is a subsidiary of the Assorted Product retail chain from the Rostov region. The only Russian hypermarket that openly operates in Crimea under its own name is Auchan, but it appeared in Simferopol back in Ukraine. None of the representatives of large Russian retail chains interviewed by ForPost confirmed plans to develop business in Crimea. The management of Auchan Retail Russia and Metro Cash and Carry left without comment a request about the possibility of expanding the retail network after the launch of the Crimean Bridge. The head of the press service of the DIXY group of companies, Vladimir Rusanov, told us that “the opening of Dixy stores in Crimea is not included in the company’s strategic plans for 2018, since Dixy Group is now focused on improving the efficiency of stores in the regions of presence – Central federal district, North-Western and Ural". The X5 Retail Group, which manages the Perekrestok and Pyaterochka supermarkets, Karusel hypermarkets and Express stores, is also not going to Crimea. “The decision to enter a new region is made based on the possibilities for developing logistics, the prospects for localizing work with local manufacturers and a number of other factors that directly affect the efficiency of operations. While continuing to expand our geographic presence in the Urals and Siberia, we will also continue to strengthen our presence in traditional regions – Moscow, Center, North-West,” said a representative of X5 Retail Group. Maria Babiy, deputy head of the department for internal and external communications of the Globus hypermarket chain, said that they are now also focusing on the capital region. “At the moment and in the coming years, we are focused on developing the Globus hypermarket chain in the Central Federal District. The priority destinations remain Moscow, the Moscow region and regions no more than 200–300 kilometers away from the capital,” Babiy said. We received a similar answer from the City Supermarket company, network manager“Azbuka Vkusa” supermarkets: “The “Azbuka Vkusa” chain is developing exclusively in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg. There are no plans to expand to other regions and countries.”