Levitation at home. How to photograph levitation. How to levitate small objects

Levitation of objects is one of the most exciting and interesting species tricks. Nowadays, many illusionists can demonstrate such tricks to the public.

The principle of levitation of objects is their presence or movement in the air without visible support. This is an optical illusion that viewers experience.

How to learn to levitate objects - the main secret

Before performing such tricks, they should be carefully rehearsed. It is recommended to do this in front of a mirror or film everything on video in order to see what is happening from the outside and correct shortcomings.

Spectators should watch the process from a few meters from the stage.

You should not start your program with too complex numbers. The public should be allowed to feel the spirit of magic and enchantment. Success largely depends on how beautiful and mysterious the actions look.

How to levitate small objects?

Consider, for example, the paperclip levitation trick. To do this you will need:

  • clip;
  • thread;
  • salt;
  • water.

First you need to dilute the saline solution in a glass in a ratio of two to one. Then you need to take an ordinary thread about 40 cm long and leave it in this solution for a day.

After the thread is sufficiently saturated, it must be hung by the tip so that it hangs in a level position. After waiting for it to dry completely, you can begin demonstrating the wonders of levitation.

To do this, you need to tie one end of the thread to a paper clip and the other to your finger. Instead of a paper clip, you can take another non-flammable object, but the main thing is to calculate its weight. Show viewers that regular thread and a paperclip are used. After the thread has stopped swinging, you need to set it on fire. After combustion, invisible salt crystals remain, which help keep the object suspended.

In order to understand how to learn to levitate objects, it is not necessary have some kind of supernatural ability. It is enough to have desire, patience and willpower.

Levitation in a dream

Each of us has experienced a wonderful feeling when he levitates in a dream - a feeling of lightness, soaring above the ground or taking off after a take-off run. Seeing such dreams is a great joy. After all, after them, a person easily awakens, feels inspired and uplifted.

The main interpretation of levitation in a dream is that the person who sees this dream is growing. This means not only physical growth, but also spiritual growth.

Levitation photography involves taking two or more photographs, one of the background and the rest of objects in the scene, usually placed on a chair, stool or suspended. All photos must be taken from the same angle. For this reason, we will definitely need a tripod. The idea came up to take this photo of a super-mom levitating with house music and multitasking in the kitchen.

First you need to choose a location for the tripod. After walking around the kitchen and taking a couple of shots, I found a place to shoot. Using manual focusing and manual settings, we select the optimal parameters for sharpness and its depth. You will also need a wireless remote control remote control for the camera for ease of shooting. After everything is ready, we take a couple of shots of our kitchen, they will be useful to us as a background.

But after taking a photo with my lens with a focal length of 50 mm, I realized that there was not enough space to fit into the frame. To remedy this, I used a tripod to pan the background slightly by "stitching" the frames together. Which would give much more space in the photo. And it was a success.

Then, taking a ladder, our model, who will play the role of super-mom in the photo, climbs onto it and tries to take a levitation pose, noting that lying in such a pose on a ladder at a height of 1.5 meters from the ground is not the brightest idea. But art requires sacrifice. And everything will be fine, don't worry about her. After taking a few shots I got what I needed.


When I opened the images in Lightroom, I noticed that my cat was in the frame. And that’s good, it perfectly complements the environment, making it even more lively. Well done, kitty!

To expand the viewing angle of the photograph, as I already wrote, I had to stitch together the frames taken initially. In the images below, rectangular areas mark areas of the photo where we had to tinker to expand the space in the frame.

If I'm combining images or expanding the background, I always increase my canvas size first to give myself room to work. This way I can use the move tool and drag all my images into one document. I had to dig deeper, but everything went well.

Once I had the background to my liking, I opened the image of the model "flying" on the stairs. To bring it all together in Photoshop, I dragged the "flying" image onto the background image, selected the background layer and placed it on top and added a layer mask. Using a white brush, I painted the background back underneath my body, removing the ladder completely, being very careful not to ruin any nearby objects. It turned out like this!

I didn't plan on including any of the floating elements, but I felt there was a lack of hustle and bustle, multitasking, and chaos in the frame that I wanted to portray. I took a few seasonings and tied them on a string so that they seemed to float in the air. Using the remote control, I took a few shots while holding the condiments over the stove. They did the same with the knife, one shot holding it by the handle and one shot holding it by the blade. Next, carefully in Photoshop we remove our hands and ropes from our jars and knives, and clean everything with a soft brush.

For the effect of steam coming out of the pan. Used steam brushes for Photoshop. They are not difficult to find on the Internet. So you can insert pairs from any picture. where it is, there are plenty of photos of the couple in search engines too! This is what happened in the end! The Super-Myma effect, chaos and multitasking in the kitchen that housewives face! Exactly what is needed! Wonderful! I'm Satisfied! Experiment! and good luck in your endeavors!

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Continues to introduce our readers to the most fabulous genre of photography.

So, levitation... The topic in photography is not new, but in my opinion it is not yet so “hackneyed” that you wouldn’t stop paying attention to yourself and try to reveal it even more, perhaps by introducing something of your own, individual and characteristic. your shooting style.

For those who are not familiar with this concept, a short excerpt from Wikipedia:

“Levitation (from the Latin levitas “lightness, lightness”) is a mental or physical phenomenon in which an object without visible support floats in space (that is, levitates) without touching a solid or liquid surface. Levitation is not considered to be flight accomplished by repulsion from the air, as in insects or birds. In religion and mysticism, levitation is understood as the ability to supernaturally overcome gravity without additional devices.”

I have been fascinated by this topic for quite a long time and periodically in my works I force models to break away from reality and forget about earthly gravity. I started filming levitation correctly not so long ago. At first I simply photographed the model and already at the processing stage I came up with some idea for my work. Of course, this is much more difficult than filming everything correctly in the first place. Today I will try to talk about some of the nuances of creating such works.

I want to start with the shooting technique. Everything is quite simple, but if you want your photos to turn out realistic and “catchy” the viewer’s eye, then you need to put in a little more effort and imagination than just combining a couple of frames in Photoshop.

So, the first thing is shooting. Of course, ideally during a photo shoot it would be possible to hang the model on special slings, but, for example, I was never given such an opportunity. I highly recommend taking a tripod with you when shooting, but having one is not as important as some tutorials describe.

Using two of my photographs as an example, I will tell you how I worked on the levitation effect and share some secrets.

In this picture, the girl (model Alena Vodonaeva) seems to be hanging in the air. I wanted to convey not the flight, but precisely that moment before the flight, when there is still some connection with the surface of the earth, but there is no longer gravity. It seemed to me that the model should be “connected” with some object, in this case it was a bench that fit well into the overall interior.

Initially, I shot the original shot, without the model and the bench. Then my assistant and I tried to place a support under the leg of the bench, which allowed it to stand the way it is located in the picture; later, by combining two frames in Photoshop, I removed the support. After that, we put the model on the bench and tried to support it in the angle in which it should have stood according to my idea. But one single moment crashed everything planned. If the model actually stands on a bench, it means that her feet will in any case be somewhat pressed into the surface, and, accordingly, the weightlessness effect will be immediately lost. According to my idea, the model should only slightly touch the surface with its fingertips on which it stood a moment ago. This effect can only be achieved by hanging the model on special slings. Then I simply shot the girl in a separate frame, but against the background of the same gray wall and with the same lighting, and then I simply cut it out and put it where I wanted. Accordingly, the main difficulty was to cut out the model well and “fit” it into the main background. Here it was not so difficult to do this, because the model was initially shot with the necessary lighting. In the end, I slightly modified the light coming from the window, added steam and worked on the model's dress. I put it together piece by piece from photographs of the same set. I often lack one frame, so to create works in the fine-art style, I initially shoot a lot of source materials.

The other job (main photo) was even easier. First, the interior shot was shot. Then I put a stool on the bed and the model lay down on it the way we came up with. Yes, only two frames were combined in Photoshop, but at the time of post-processing I had to painstakingly refine those details that were “cut off” along with the stool. It was necessary to correctly “bend” the model’s back, remove unnecessary shadows, and carefully draw the hair on a graphics tablet. I added an element of some mystery with the clouds, which, like the model, “hovered” over the bed.

As you can see, quite a lot of work was done, especially at the post-processing stage, so I can immediately dispel the myth that to shoot levitation you only need a tripod and combining a couple of frames in Photoshop.

And in conclusion, I want to say that it is important not to forget about the creative side, about your individuality, and be sure, in addition to the levitation effect itself, to create your own image, your own picture, the author of which will be recognizable.

Among the many tricks demonstrated by illusionists of different levels, levitation tricks remain one of the most shocking. Indeed, few things can amaze the minds of spectators more than the spectacle of a card, a rose, or even a person, defying gravity and floating freely in the air.

The secret of levitation lies in careful preparation of the performance, sleight of hand and long training. Depending on the complexity, the tools needed for the trick can be limited to a transparent nylon thread or a copper coin, or can be complex mechanisms and devices. Therefore, before you levitate an object, you need to think about what exactly you intend to lift into the air, how many spectators you will have and what devices you will need to perform the trick.

Trick with bill levitation: the solution

This trick is best performed by a beginning illusionist. It is quite simple and requires virtually no preparation, but the audience will, without a doubt, be amazed by the sight of the bill balancing, contrary to all the laws of physics, on the magician’s finger. The main part of the bill hangs freely in the air, swaying in time with the movements of the magician's hand.

In order to amaze your friends with this performance, you will only need a banknote of any denomination and a metal coin. And, of course, sleight of hand. Take a coin and press it tightly between your palm and the base of your ring finger. This way you will be able to use other fingers without the risk of dropping it, and your “hidden” will be invisible to the audience from the outside. You can take any coin - the main thing is that it is more or less heavy.

Now take the bill and show it to the public to prove that it is real. You can allow the audience to touch or even hold it - this will not affect the outcome of the trick.

Once you have the money back in your hands, carefully fold the bill into thirds its length. The main difficulty of this stage is to quietly insert the coin hidden in your palm between the paper folds. To achieve this, you will have to practice a little in front of the mirror.

After this, all you have to do is place the folded banknote on your finger so that the coin on the edge balances its length. To achieve a greater effect, you can balance the bill a little or make a few mysterious passes with your free hand.

The secret of rose levitation

Levitation of a rose has always been considered one of the most beautiful and romantic tricks. The illusionist takes a real flower or a flower folded from a napkin, and it, obeying a slight wave of his hand, rises into the air. The rose seems to float completely freely, the audience does not see any supporting threads or other devices for levitation.

Despite its unusual nature, you can easily learn how to do the rose levitation trick yourself. In order to repeat it, you will need to prepare the following items:

  • Thin invisible thread (you can order it - inexpensively) or fishing line;
  • small button;
  • needle or tape;
  • flower.

Carefully attach the thread to your flower. For the greatest aesthetics, it is worth finding the center of gravity of the rose so that its flight looks more natural. Tie the second end of the thread to a button, which will then need to be sewn to the collar of your clothes. Now you need to figure out what to pass the main part of the thread through. You can throw it over a hook from a chandelier, a tree branch if you are outside, or simply stretch it over your own head, throwing a loose loop over the fingers of one of your hands. You should not tie the end of the thread to your fingers: in this case, any attentive viewer will be able to notice the dependence of the rose’s movements on your gestures.

This way you can control the flight of your flower with slight movements of your fingers and head. Of course, during stage performances, illusionists have the opportunity to use much more complex devices, which allows them to make the flight of a rose intricate and completely unusual. If you want to make your trick more spectacular, then you should think about a system of blocks through which you will pass a thread and, thanks to this, you will be able to move the levitated object not only vertically, but also to the sides.

If you decide to amaze your friends with your abilities, do not forget that the success of the trick largely depends on how beautiful and mysterious your actions look. You can accompany the flight of the rose with spells or mysterious gestures, or, conversely, limit yourself to only slight nods of the head. You can even pass the “magic flower” through the hoop or pass your palm over it; Of course, only if you practice well alone and learn not to touch the fishing line during the performance.

Learning to levitate is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. For example, one way can be seen in this video:

Having mastered the rose levitation trick, you can repeat it with any other small and sufficient light object– for example, a cigarette or a card.

Human levitation: deception or illusion?

Illusionists have always spent a lot of effort on developing new, increasingly shocking tricks, among which the independent flight of people is rightfully considered one of the most difficult.

The secret of the human levitation trick lies, first of all, in distracting tricks that prevent the audience from seeing what is used to lift the person into the air. Since it is impossible to stay in the air without either a propeller or an anti-gravity device, magicians have to invent all sorts of devices for levitation. An example of such a trick can be seen in a short video by the Safronov brothers, where they revealed one of their secrets.

In tricks of this type, the main role is played by a special mechanism, controlled by the magician himself or his assistant and slowly raising a lying person. It is for this reason that most stage levitation tricks use a cover that hides not only the person himself, but also the apparatus that allows him to “fly up.”

Much greater amazement of the public is caused by the flights of the magician himself, who seems to soar completely independently, not supported by anything. The stunts of David Copperfield, who not only soared above the stage, but also flew through rotating hoops and transparent boxes, have always been especially popular. The answer to this “magic” lies in the many thin invisible cables and boxes with slots into which the cables enter during “captivity.” But, of course, the main condition for a successful levitation trick was and remains the lightness and artistry of the magician himself.

How to do a levitation trick yourself

It is almost impossible to repeat the achievements of David Copperfield or the Safronov brothers at home - unless, of course, you are a brilliant mechanic who can create a levitation machine from scrap materials. However, there are many others, much more simple ways convince viewers of your levitation abilities. The most accessible of them is optical illusion, which anyone can master. In this case, you don’t even have to take off: it will be enough to convince others of this.

To perform the trick you will need only 2 things:

  • Worn-in shoes without laces, several sizes larger than your feet;
  • wide pants;

The secret of such a trick lies, first of all, in choosing the right place for the focus. Spectators, regardless of their number, should see only one of your legs: the success of your trick depends on this. The best location is 2-3 meters from the audience.

Having prepared for the trick, you need to carefully, so as not to attract attention, remove your foot from the shoe, hidden from the public. This is what you will rely on during the “flight”. Now begin to slowly rise onto your tiptoes, while simultaneously lowering your hands down or reciting “spells.” It is better to press the released shoes to the second leg so that it “rises” with you and at the same time hides the supporting leg. If you do everything correctly, the audience will see how you smoothly fly up a few centimeters above the floor and, after hovering for a few seconds, just as smoothly fall back down.

It is important! It is much easier to do such a trick with an assistant, who at the right moment will supposedly accidentally pass by you and momentarily block your actions from the public.

Video training for the levitation trick can be seen in this video:

The human levitation trick requires patience and a lot of practice in front of a mirror. To make it more effective, it’s worth remembering a few small tricks:

  • Do not warn the audience in advance about the trick: otherwise they may take a closer look and figure out your secret.
  • The easiest way to demonstrate levitation is in a dimly lit room or with music on, which will hide some of the nuances of the performance.
  • Do not stay in the air for more than 4 seconds.
  • Make sure your audience is looking at you at approximately a 45° angle and no one is standing behind you.

More tricks:

In some advanced stores you can see advertising stands that show interesting effects when something from the window or an item with a brand image levitates. Sometimes rotation is added. But even a person without much experience in homemade products can do such an installation. To do this, you need a neodymium magnet, which can be found in computer parts.

The properties of a magnet are amazing. One of these properties of being repelled by like poles is used in objects that are used as magnetic levitation trains, funny toys or the basis for spectacular design objects, etc. How to make a levitating object based on magnets?

Magnetic levitation on video

Levitation of a top over five point neodymium magnets. Magnetic Levitation, magnétismo, magnetic experiment, truco magnética, moto perpetuo, amazing game. Entertaining physics.


When the magnet rotates, levitation occurs, and if the magnet’s speed decreases, it falls from orbit... justify this effect. The interaction of magnetic fields between magnets is clear, but what is the role of rotation. You can also hold a magnet in the air using an alternating magnetic field from the coils.

Please work on the topic - flywheel generator. I think it will have useful practical applications. In addition, you filmed it in a video a long time ago, but very little and without information.

What if:
Launch this top into some kind of cube and create a Vacuum there, according to the idea there will be no air resistance and it will spin almost endlessly! And if not also to properly wind the copper and remove the energy?

Evgeniy Petrov
I read the comments, I’m surprised, what thread!? Everything there is like a magnetic top, they gave it fur. energy is the constant magnetic field of the top, when it rotates, the magnetic field also rotates, but the main thing is how! In magnets, the domains are not packed equally distributed; this is not technically possible; therefore, the passive magnet itself cannot stay on the magnetic cushion; it will take longer strong point where the difference is generally negligible, so field rotation does not allow this to be done.

Vyacheslav Subbotin
Another idea, what if you shine the laser constantly on one side? Will the rotation time of the top change due to light pressure? If you take a strong laser, you might be able to make the top not stop at all.

Nobody Unknown
An old toy... I remember this top and the plate under it with ferrite magnets, on neodymium it’s already boring, and the bottom magnet of the base was one solid plate, and not five separate magnets, only it was magnetized in a clever way...

Aligarh Leopold
Igor Beletsky, you can make a cap on which the top will land, so as not to catch it. Is it possible to add a rotating magnetic field to it to maintain rotation? for example, if you rotate its magnetic table...

Timur Aminev
Please tell us how the Earth’s magnetic field slows down the top? In the sense of what moments of forces directed against rotation arise and why.

Alexander Vasilievich
If you attach a coil above the magnet (or below it would be absolutely gorgeous!) and twist the top with it, you will get some kind of magnetically suspended motor. The thing is absolutely stupid, but beautiful. It will spin until the power source is removed))

Ivan Petrov
Well, we've already seen this. Make the magnet levitate without rotating! (and without supports and liquid nitrogen, of course).

High Elf
A scam for poor students, it could be called levitation if the magnet did not need to be untwisted. The magnet itself, on top, will slide if it is not given rotation.

Andrey Solomennikov
What if you attach a fire to the platform, and propellers to the gyroscope (Yula), so that it rotates while the fire below is burning. I don’t remember the name of the engine, but its essence is the rotation, so to speak, of a rotor using heat.

Igor, there is an idea... You don’t have a uniform magnetic field on your table, but if you make a top from several magnets and spin the table... Maybe the top won’t lose speed... What do you think?..

Anton Simovskikh
Igor Beletsky, have you figured out the physics of the process? Why is levitation possible only in dynamics? Do the Foucauldian currents that arise in it affect the stabilization of the top?

The simplest installation with a levitating object on a magnet

For this you will need: an CD box, one or two disks, a lot of ring magnets and super glue. You can purchase any magnet in a Chinese online store.

When your friends come to visit you, they will be surprised by the spectacular design that you created yourself.