Personal and business qualities and competencies characteristics. Characteristic. Personal and business qualities (competencies). University of Economics and Finance

What the personal competencies of employees include, how to create conditions for the development and formation of social and personal competencies - read about this in the article.

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What are the competencies and personal qualities of employees

Today, there is a need in society for specialists who have not only deep knowledge in a certain field, professional skills, but also relevant personal competencies and qualities.

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The competency-based approach is understood as a priority orientation towards set goals or vectors, these are:

  • high level learning ability;
  • self-determination;
  • self-actualization;
  • socialization;
  • development of individuality.

The main unit for assessing the quality of learning outcomes is competency and competency. In the psychological literature, both concepts are viewed ambiguously. This is due to the complexity of the overall professional activity structures. It is worth considering that different fields use different theoretical research approaches.

Competencies and personal qualities are considered in the form:

  • the appropriate degree of formation of the social and practical experience of a certain subject;
  • adequacy in implementation job responsibilities and requirements;
  • high level of training in special and individual programs;
  • forms of activity.

Personal competencies are the ability to do something well, with the maximum level of efficiency, with a high degree of self-regulation, a high level of self-esteem, with speed, to change relevant circumstances and the external environment.

Psychological, internal and potential formations, , are considered as personal factors. Directly, competence is understood as a meaningful generalization of empirical and theoretical knowledge, which is presented in the form of principles, concepts and meaning-forming provisions. Competence considers generalized methods of all actions performed that help to perform productively. .

TO basic competencies These are those that all people possess, regardless of their professional affiliation. TO professional competencies refers to the ability and readiness to perform appropriate actions in accordance with the requirements, methodological organization, solving all assigned tasks, and subsequently self-assess the result of the activities performed.

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How to ensure the development of personal competencies

The formation of professional and personal competence and the development of communication skills are influenced by the use of developmental psychodiagnostic methods and trainings. It must be taken into account that psychodiagnostics allows , study the characteristics of personality structure, self-attitude, self-esteem, ways of changing negative qualities. Trainings improve and develop positive personality traits and allow you to correct negative ones.

The development of personal competencies occurs through the use of project methods that help integrate the acquired knowledge when studying various disciplines.

When performing professionally oriented tasks, the following increases:

  1. level of interest in professional activity;
  2. speed of adaptation, techniques are most important to apply in the process of adaptation of new personnel.

Individual and collective forms of training are developed by HR specialists. If it is necessary to develop the personal qualities of employees, it is rational to use psychological training that helps them master and determine which method of behavior is most productive when a particular situation arises.

It is necessary to take into account that when developing personal competencies, collective forms of education and training have the greatest effect. The number of interpersonal and social connections between employees increases. This increases cohesion, mutual assistance and understanding, teaches you to understand and listen to your interlocutor and take into account the opinions of others. By stimulating business and professional communication, communicative competence also develops.

Creative tasks contribute not only to learning, but also to the integration of skills and knowledge acquired through vocational training. The direction of such a process develops , increases the overall focus of all processes labor activity.

How is the formation of social and personal competencies carried out?

The formation and development of social and personal competencies is inextricably linked with the development of basic and professional. In psychology, special attention is paid to education and development in the formation of the human psyche. They do not deny the role of heredity in the development of certain qualities.

The training is aimed at stimulating personal development. Upon receipt vocational education self-awareness and accelerated personality development occur. Moral and aesthetic feelings develop, character stabilizes. It is during this period that they are laid social functions: civil, professional and labor.

The process of developing social and personal competencies takes a lot of time and includes the following types of competencies:

personal or personal, which is expressed in the preservation of mental and physical health, self-knowledge, self-development, desire ;

communicative, helping to master the skills of oral and written communication, ensuring readiness to cooperate, mastery of interpersonal and professional communication techniques;

information, including mastery of multimedia technologies, understanding of the possibilities of their application, development of a critical attitude towards all types of information.

The structure of personal competencies includes such qualities as:

  • organization;
  • learning ability;
  • responsibility;
  • self-control;
  • realization of personal potential;
  • call of Duty;
  • self-planning;
  • the need to realize internal potential;
  • tolerance;
  • tolerance;
  • humanity, etc.

Systems thinking, a systematic approach to problem solving.



The energy potential of the leader must exceed the potential of the staff or be equal to it.

High learning ability. Constant self-learning.

Flexibility, ability to respond quickly and adequately.

Making decisions.

Self confidence. Without this, leadership is unthinkable.

Analytic skills.

Mobility, active lifestyle.

3. Managerial and social competencies

Self-control, emotional balance and stress resistance.

The ability to control oneself in any situation is very highly valued.

Focus. Can achieve a goal by mobilizing the forces of the team and his own.

Reliability in relationships with subordinates. Development of team loyalty.

Decisiveness and responsibility. Prompt decision-making and willingness to bear responsibility for it are one of the important qualities real leader

Delegation of powers.

Organizational skills.

Ability to manage time.

Sociability, ability to work with people. Must be a sociable person, able to find an approach to any employee, able to identify motivating factors for each employee.

4. Strategic and cultural competencies

Entrepreneurship, willingness to take reasonable risks.

Creativity. These are creative abilities required quality leader. It is this trait that distinguishes a leader from an administrator.

The ability to make the most of employees through proper staffing and effective motivation.

Large-scale thinking, the ability to see the consequences of steps and make predictions.

Commitment to the company's mission and strategic goals (clear understanding of them, demonstration of appropriate behavior, etc.).

Demonstration of certain values: high ethical standards - in behavior, in supporting the company’s values, in fulfilling the norms of corporate culture.

Job description- a document regulating the production powers and responsibilities of an employee.

Job descriptions are developed by the head of the unit for his direct subordinates. Job descriptions are developed in accordance with the regulations of the unit. A set of job descriptions covers all functions of the department and evenly distributes the workload between employees, taking into account their skill level. Each job description contains an unambiguous definition of what this work different from all other works.

Typical structure The job description allows you to:

Rationally distribute functional responsibilities between employees;

Increase the timeliness and reliability of task completion by introducing quantitative indicators of frequency, labor intensity, duration and calendar dates for their implementation;

Improve the socio-psychological climate in the team, eliminate conflicts between managers and subordinates;

Clearly define the employee’s functional connections and his relationships with other specialists;

Specify the rights of the employee;

Increase the collective and personal responsibility of employees for the timely and high-quality performance of functional duties.

To create a quality job description, it is necessary to deeply study the processes and work that must be performed for a given position (or at a given workplace), and then determine the requirements for the employee who will occupy this position, for his knowledge, skills, experience, i.e. draw up a personal specification .

Related information:

  1. III. Learning new material. Personal UUD: implementation of functions of self-control of the process and results of activities.

It can be quite difficult to separate what should be classified as personal and what should be classified as business qualities in a resume. If you are talking about character traits that relate to work, then they can safely be classified as the latter. Examples of business qualities for a resume will help you figure out what and how best to enter into this column.

Popular options

Most often, the following business traits appear in the requirements of employers and resumes of applicants:

  • ability to work independently;
  • determination;
  • assertiveness, result-oriented;
  • communication skills;
  • determination;
  • organizational skills;
  • fast reaction,
  • increased performance;
  • ability to make decisions;
  • love of planning;
  • oratory;
  • the ability to formulate your thoughts;
  • diligence, ability to complete tasks, ability to follow instructions;
  • tact, politeness, tolerance.

It is not necessary to list everything you know business qualities person. You only need to include in the resume you provide what suits you best.

Connection with professions

You need to choose business qualities depending on the requirements for the vacancy for which you are applying.
For example, when sending a resume for an open managerial position, you need to carefully select your words. You can indicate the following business qualities:

  • desire to work, develop and learn, responsibility, communication skills, stress resistance;
  • flexibility, ability to adapt, organizational skills, public speaking skills;
  • tolerance, loyalty, ethics, honesty, ability to work in any conditions and in different teams;
  • logical thinking, the ability to highlight important things, professional flair, the ability to analyze and see the future.

For technical specialists, analysts, economists, accountants, and office clerks, it is better to focus on other qualities in their resumes:

  • pedantry, attention to detail, dedication, accuracy;
  • perseverance, ability to retain necessary information in memory, analytical mind;
  • foresight, ability to collect and analyze data, accuracy, focus on results;
  • scrupulousness, punctuality, ability to plan and organize the work process, analytical skills.

If the position involves active communication with people, then the following qualities will be priority:

  • communication skills, the ability to see the client’s problem, collaborate, find an individual approach;
  • collectivism, love of teamwork, sociability, efficiency, ability to negotiate;
  • easy adaptation, ability to work under stressful conditions, competent speech, energy, organization;
  • politeness, tolerance, knowledge of ethics business communication, decency, honesty, dedication.

But this example is not ready-made template. It’s better to make a selection from several options so that the given characteristic reflects your qualities in the best possible way.

The article presents the results of a study of the personal and business qualities of the head of an organization. The study was conducted on the basis of a service enterprise - Exterior Plus LLC in Belgorod. Using psychodiagnostic techniques, the severity of the personal and business qualities of the head of the organization was analyzed, on this basis recommendations were proposed aimed at increasing his productivity management activities. Personal qualities; business qualities; head of the enterprise; service sector

Introduction . Currently, the problem of studying the personal and business qualities of a leader is quite relevant and significant. The activities of the head of any enterprise involve the performance of a wide range of responsibilities and actions, including preparation and decision-making, development of technological management schemes, implementation of management influences and interaction with subordinates, performance of many additional operations that accompany management activities, and the formation of the microenvironment of the organization. It should be noted that the role structure of activity involves the execution by the manager of a wide range of responsibilities and actions, including preparation and decision-making, development of technological management schemes, implementation of management influences and interaction with subordinates, performance of many additional operations that accompany management activities, and the formation of the microenvironment of the organization. A functionally complete system of psychological characteristics of a leader is the minimum necessary set of characteristics that is sufficient to describe a generalized psychological portrait of the leader’s personality and allows one to form a description of all other psychological characteristics, which can thus be described as a combination or consequence of the characteristics that form a functionally complete system.

The specificity of a manager’s work is that he solves economic, production, technical and social problems primarily in organizational aspect, influencing the people who must directly solve these problems. Within the framework of certain legal norms, the manager must take initiative, develop the initiative of the management team, workers and, accordingly, bear full responsibility for his own actions and their results. From an information point of view, the work of a manager is collecting information, transmitting it, processing it, organizing feedback, etc. The process of transforming information has its own laws, which also determine the nature of his work.

Managerial work is a type of labor activity to perform management functions in an organization, the purpose of which is to ensure the focused and coordinated activities of the work collective to solve the problems facing it.

The work of managing people presupposes that the manager knows his subordinates and employees well, their interests not only at work, but also in life. And the better a manager knows his employees, the more opportunities he has to achieve success in his professional activities. The job of a leader is that he exerts his influence on everyone individually and on the team as a whole. Consequently, the main qualities of a leader include the need to be an example and support for employees; it is from him that subordinates take an example of how to plan and organize their work and how to act effectively. A leader must be charming, sincere and approachable.

It is possible to determine whether a person is suitable for successful activities in a certain work field by analyzing his professional qualifications. The success of an enterprise directly depends on the personal and business qualities of its leader. Business skills include not only the ability to conduct business and acumen, but also the professional competence of a person in a leadership position. Personal qualities of a leader is a concept that includes wide range characteristics. This includes the moral side, mental health, and worldview. The business qualities of a manager are, first of all, his skills and abilities to find the most optimal way out of the current situation, the ability to find the simplest and shortest path to achieving the desired goal.

Various aspects of the problem of business and personal qualities of a leader are considered in the studies of the following scientists: Arkhangelskaya O.V., Gamidullaeva B.N., Toktybaeva S.A., Yakushenko G.S. and many others.

The object of the study is Exterior Plus LLC, Belgorod. The subject is the personal and business qualities of a leader.

Goal of the work. The purpose of this study is to assess the personal and business qualities of the head of Exterior Plus LLC and develop recommendations for their improvement.

Materials and methods of research. It is possible to use various psychological methods, on the one hand, for self-assessment of qualities, and on the other, for assessment from the outside (in our case, this is the assessment of the manager by his subordinates). To achieve the research goal, the following psychological techniques were used:

  • “Personal qualities of a leader”;
  • “Communicative and organizational skills” (COS);
  • “Motivation for success” (T. Ehlers);
  • “Self-Assessment Test of Stress Resistance” (S. Cohen and G. Willianson);
  • “The leader through the eyes of his subordinates” (Ya. V. Podolyak).

This diagnostic material was taken from teaching aid psychologist D. Ya. Raigorodsky. The first four methods were offered to the head of the organization, and the last method was offered to his subordinates. Methods forms were prepared for each participant in the experiment, and in their free time, each of them could answer the proposed test questions. Not a single employee took time off from work. After summing up the results of the experiment, the results obtained were communicated to the head of the company.

Thus, the “Leader’s Personal Qualities” test, used for self-assessment of a manager’s personal qualities, allows us to identify the severity of the following scales:

1. Level of social morality.

2. Level of spiritual maturity.

3. Level of emotional maturity.

4. Level of social intelligence.

The “Communication and Organizational Abilities” test allows you to identify the level of formation of these qualities. It should be noted that in this case, by communicative abilities we understand the abilities of an individual, ensuring the effectiveness of his communication and psychological compatibility in joint activities. Expression levels can be: low, below average, medium, high and very high.

The second scale is organizational abilities, by which we understand the ability of a leader to organize himself and others. Expression levels are the same as the previous scale. Low organizational skills indicate an inability to lead. A manager who cannot achieve practical results from his subordinates is limited by a lack of leadership ability. With high organizational skills, the manager is able to “charge” the team members with energy and knows how to optimally organize the work process.

“Motivation for success” (T. Ehlers) is a test that allows you to identify how motivated the examinee is to achieve success. Using this test, you can determine the following levels of motivation: low, medium or high.

“The leader through the eyes of his subordinates” (Ya. V. Podolyak) is a technique that is used to evaluate the qualities of a leader by staff. Using appropriate questions, three parameters are assessed in the attitude of subordinates to the leader and the degree of their compatibility is determined:

1. The manager’s competence, his professional skills.

2. The emotionality of the leader, his ability to show sensitivity and kindness, attention and humanity.

3. The manager’s demandingness and fairness, his ability to interact with subordinates.

Research results and discussion. Let us present an analysis of the research conducted using selected psychodiagnostic techniques. The study consisted of two parts:

  • testing for employees;
  • testing for the head of the organization.

Thus, the results of the “Personal Qualities of a Leader” test are as follows:

  • the level of social morality is expressed at an average level and amounts to 15 points;
  • level of spiritual maturity - high (26 points);
  • level of emotional maturity is average, 18 points;
  • the level of social intelligence is also average (19 points);
  • The integral assessment showed that the studied personal qualities of the leader are expressed at an average level.

Let's present the test results on a graph (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Results of a study of the personal qualities of a leader

Fig. 1. Research results of manager's personal qualities

Thus, the results of this test showed that personal qualities are expressed mainly at an average level, the most pronounced was the “spiritual maturity” scale. This indicates that in order to increase the effectiveness of his work, a manager needs to develop his personal qualities.

Analysis of the results of the “Communication and Organizational Abilities” test showed the following:

  • communication skills expressed at an average level, with the coefficient being 0.6;
  • organizational skills are also expressed at an average level, the coefficient is 0.62.

These indicators indicate the level of development of the manager’s business qualities. Let us present the results obtained after processing the data from the “Communication and Organizational Abilities” methodology on the graph (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Results of the study of the manager’s communication and organizational abilities

Fig. 2. Research results of manager's communicative and organizational abilities

Thus, based on the results of this methodology, we can conclude that the head of Exterior Plus LLC has communication and organizational skills at a fairly good level. Thus, an average level of communication skills means that he is a talkative, sociable person (especially if he is in a circle of people he knows), and he does not limit his circle of acquaintances. Average level organizational skills are characteristic of a person who, in extreme situations, can organize himself and convince his colleagues (subordinates) to make decisions. Undoubtedly, these abilities are necessary in management activities. Thus, in a study by Yakushenko G.S. It was revealed that for 90% of managers and 80% of candidates, the sphere of communication is significant, and an orientation towards cooperation and interpersonal interaction is also expressed.

The third technique proposed to the manager is the “Motivation for Success” test. The result of this test was 22 points, which indicates a high level of motivation for success. The director strives to achieve his goals and is ready to overcome any obstacles.

The latest technique for a manager is the “Self-Assessment Test of Stress Resistance”. In this case, it was revealed that the level of stress resistance of the leader is above average, which is a positive point in the analysis of his personal qualities. The director of the company can cope with emerging stress in a timely manner and knows how to prevent it.

Every manager must be able to manage himself and communicate with himself as a unique and invaluable resource. Those leaders who do not know how to manage themselves (correctly deal with conflicts and stress, effectively use energy, time, skills) are limited by their inability to manage themselves.

At the next stage of our experiment, a survey was conducted among the company's employees. 11 people took part in the survey. They were asked to answer the questions of the “Leader through the eyes of subordinates” test. The test results revealed the level of development of the following qualities in a manager:

  • competence, skill of a leader;
  • emotionality, the ability of a leader to show kindness, attention to his subordinates;
  • demandingness and fairness of the leader.

The results obtained are shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Results of a study of leadership qualities

Fig. 3.Researchresultsofmanager's qualities

As can be seen in Fig. 3, according to the employees of the organization, the quality of a leader such as “competence” is more pronounced (6 points out of 7 possible), in second place is “emotionality” (4 points out of 6 possible), “demandingness and fairness of the leader” - in last position (3 points out of 6 possible, only 50%). The overall score was 13 out of 19 possible, or 68.4%, this indicator indicates the professional rating of the manager and the relationship between the manager and the team.

Conclusion . So, the study of the personal and business qualities of a leader allows us to draw a number of conclusions:

  • according to the results of the test “Personal qualities of a leader”, it was revealed that the personal qualities of a leader under study are expressed at an average level;
  • analysis of the results of the test “Communication and organizational skills” showed the following: communication skills are expressed at an average level, with the coefficient being 0.6; organizational skills are also expressed at an average level, the coefficient is 0.62;
  • a high level of motivation for success of the enterprise manager was revealed; he strives to achieve his goals and is ready to overcome any obstacles;
  • the level of stress resistance of the manager is above average, which is a positive point in the analysis of his personal qualities; the director of the company can cope with emerging stress in a timely manner and knows how to prevent it;
  • The “Leader through the eyes of subordinates” test showed that employees of the organization believe that the quality of “competence” is more pronounced in the leader, “emotionality” is in second place, and “demandingness and fairness of the leader” is in the last position. This indicator indicates the professional rating of the manager and the relationship between the manager and the team. It can be assumed that the rating of the director of the company is at a level above average, which needs to be increased, for example, by engaging in self-improvement and self-development.

Thus, the business and personal qualities of the head of an enterprise are complementary factors that contribute to the productivity of management activities. A competent combination of personal and professional qualities by a manager helps to achieve the expected result more quickly and efficiently. To become successful, the head of an enterprise must have a set of certain personal and business qualities and constantly work towards their improvement. The presented methods and assessment tools allow us to differentiate the professional and business competence of a manager.

Ivanov showed himself with positive side as efficient, attentive and responsible. In terms of his work style, Ivan is inclined to work in a team, easily gets into contact with new people, is sociable, neat and attentive.

I believe that Ivan has clearly expressed leadership qualities and is able to show a creative approach to solving non-standard problems.

Report quality

The report prepared by Ivan has practical value for our company, which indicates the ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.

The results of his study of our company’s motivation system deserve special attention. His recommendations for changing the structure social package used in the work of the department.

Overall, I can characterize Ivan as an excellent worker and a promising employee.

Based on the results of his practice, Ivan was offered the position of compensation specialist.

Grade _______Great _______ Signature ____________________

Full name, position: Sadovsky Anatoly Petrovich, chief

(head practices from the enterprise)

HR Department of MRK LLC

Tel. __ 555-55-55 ___

Card of differentiated and integral assessment of the student for practice

Evaluation card of the Student(s)_____________________________________________ (full full name) for _________________________________________ practice (type of practice)
Indicators taken into account Score in points
1. Assessment for completing the internship. 1. Attendance at the practice site; characteristics of the student by the internship supervisor from the organization. 2. Complete implementation of the practice program, calendar plan practice and individual assignment 2. Assessment for the practice report and its defense. 1. Evaluation of the head of practice from the department of the content of the report and its design. 2. Evaluation of the student’s performance at a seminar, conference with the results of practice (for the fourth year). 3. Defense of the report on practice at the methodological commission of the department.
Final grade:

Date of completion __________________________

Responsible for practice at the department _______________________

(full full name, signature)




"St. Petersburg State

University of Economics and Finance"


about completing _____________________________________ internship

(industrial, pre-graduation)

student(s) of ___ course ________ group

(Full Name)

Name of place of practice ______________________________ __________________________________________________________

Practice manager from the organization _______________________


Head of practice from the department __________________________


St. Petersburg – 200 __ g.


GOU VPO St. Petersburg State

University of Economics and Finance


about completing ____________________ internship

(type of practice)

students of the ________________ course in the 20____/____ academic year

Faculty ________________________________________________________________________________

Departments ________________________________________________________________


I. Organization of practice:

1. Date and number of the minutes of the department meeting to approve the internship program _______________________________________________

2. Dates for holding organizational meetings of students_________________________________________________________

3. Who conducted and attended the student meeting______________


II. Practice locations*:

III. Progress of the practice.

1. Number of students undergoing internship:

Understudies: __________________

Trainees: __________________

On paid

Workplaces: ______________

Other: ______________________

(specify what exactly)

2. Completing the program and individual assignments.

(The sequence of work performed, their compliance with the practice program and individual assignments. In case of failure to complete certain points of the program, indicate which specific points were not completed, the reason for their failure and what measures were taken by the department)_______________________________________________________

3. Characteristics of places of practice from the point of view of their compliance with the direction, specialty, type of practice (according to the heads of practice and students) ____________________________________________


4. Research work of students during the internship period:

(Topic of research work; number of participants ( examples - topic, surname); efficiency of using students in research; research connection theses and abstracts; participation in other works).______________________________________________________________


5. Monitoring the progress of practice.

(Forms of control taken. Identified cases of violation of discipline (with examples); Measures taken by the department in case of absences, tardiness, breaks in practice, absence from practice) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Work of practice leaders from the department and from the organization:

(Organizational work; participation in consultations, seminars; final conference on practice (time, composition, method of conduct, evaluation); conclusions and proposals. Analysis of student management by enterprise employees (qualification, attention, assistance in collecting materials, involving students in the production life of the enterprise (institution)), etc.;) ___________________________________


Results of the practice

1. Results of report protection.

Reasons for no-shows: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________