Minesweeper. Mine sweepers: history and modernity How a sea minesweeper works

A minesweeper is a special-purpose ship whose task is to search, detect and destroy sea mines and guide ships (vessels) through minefields.

By displacement, minesweepers are divided into sea (displacement 660-1300 tons), base (up to 600 tons), raid (up to 250 tons), river (up to 100 tons). According to the principle of operation, they are divided into minesweepers themselves and minesweepers-mine hunters.

Marine (squadron) minesweeper- a class of warships with a displacement from 600 to 1300 tons, designed for search, detection, trawling at sea depths from 25 to 150 meters and the destruction of sea anchor and bottom mines, as well as for guiding ships (vessels) through minefields in the near and far maritime zone. Minesweepers of this type were fast (for traveling together with the fleet or its individual formations), seaworthy (for working at sea during a storm) and with a large range (for trawling in areas remote from their home bases). They had acoustic and electromagnetic stealth. In addition, they could be used to lay active or defensive minefields. The main weapons of sea minesweepers were different kinds trawls, search engines and miner swimmers. To protect against enemy ships and aircraft, as well as to destroy mines, minesweepers were equipped with artillery systems and depth charges.

Basic minesweeper- a class of warships with a displacement of up to 600 tons, designed to search, minesweep and destroy mines in bases, coastal areas and the near sea zone (50 miles), as well as guide ships (vessels) through minefields and lay minefields. In addition, minesweepers were used to protect the water area and were divided into minesweepers themselves and minesweepers. Basic minesweepers were armed with various types of ship trawls, special search apparatus, cord charges and demagnetizing devices, and for protection - with guns and machine guns.

Raid minesweeper- a class of warships with a displacement of up to 250 tons, designed for searching, trawling and destroying sea mines in roadsteads and dispersed basing areas with bottom depths of up to 80 meters, as well as laying minefields in coastal zones. There were actually minesweepers and minesweepers. The weapons of raid minesweepers were various types of trawls, special search devices, cord charges and demagnetizing devices, and for protection - guns and machine guns.

River (boat) minesweeper- a warship with a displacement of up to 100 tons, designed to search and destroy small-deep mines on inland waterways (rivers, lakes, canals and reservoirs), as well as in roadsteads and harbors. It was equipped with boat (lightweight) trawls for use at shallow depths. The boat was armed with anti-aircraft heavy machine guns, small arms machine guns, depth charges or mines.

The main weapons of the minesweepers themselves were various types of trawls. Contact trawls are, as a rule, strong chains with a number of knives attached to them and a diverter-deeper at the end. With their help, mines were cut off and pop-up mines were shot. Acoustic trawls are designed to detonate mines with acoustic fuses, simulating the acoustic pattern of passage large ship. Electromagnetic (solenoid) - similar to acoustic, imitated electromagnetic radiation goals.

In accordance with this, requirements for acoustic and electromagnetic stealth were imposed on the minesweeper. To achieve this, the minesweeper hull was made of non-magnetic materials (wood, plastic), the dimensions and draft were limited, demagnetizing devices were installed, damping and sound insulation of mechanisms, and non-cavitating propellers were used. Preventative measures were also applied - periodically, or before trawling, the ship’s physical fields (primarily acoustic and magnetic) were measured and reduced. In addition, the minesweeper was used in modes that minimized induced fields, in particular low speeds, to reduce noise and dynamic pressure.

The emergence of minesweepers and mine hunters was caused by the improvement of mine fuses, which reduced the reliability of etching. Therefore, a logical development of combat trawling was proposed: not to use trawls, but to search for and destroy mines with demolition charges. The main weapons here were search engines or miner swimmers.

During the war, a number of British bomber aircraft were converted into minesweepers. German aircraft underwent similar modifications. To combat magnetic mines, they were equipped with large conductive rings and separate engines with generators to create a powerful magnetic field. The disadvantages of such systems, in addition to complicated piloting, were that with overly sensitive mine fuses, they could detonate directly under the aircraft, which was forced to fly above the very surface of the water. In addition, only mines at shallow depths could be destroyed this way.

Ships, both specially built and converted civilian and military vessels of other types, took part in the war. Thus, more than 1 thousand minesweepers were built in Great Britain on the basis of trawlers, drifters and whaling ships. Half of the minesweepers of the USSR consisted of converted trawlers, cargo and towing ships. During the war, minesweepers of our own construction various types used by 23 countries.

Approximate number of minesweepers used in the war by country and type (excluding captured and transferred/received)

Countries Types of minesweepers/dead Total
Marine Basic Raid River
1 2 3 4 5 6
Australia 54/3 54/3
Argentina 15 15
Bulgaria 17/1 17/1
Brazil 3 2 5
Great Britain 296/41 1033/219 436/40 1765/300
Germany 216/100 34/18 329/159 45/23 624/300
Greece 4/3 10 14/3
Denmark 6/2 10/1 16/3
Italy 2/1 37/21 3 42/22
Latvia 3/2 3/2
Lithuania 1/1 1/1
Netherlands 8/5 20/20 26/8 54/33
Norway 2 6 8
Poland 6/4 6/4
Romania 1/1 1/1
USSR 42/10 44/18 244/45 29/1 359/74
USA 284/33 476/20 72 832/53
Türkiye 3 2 5
Finland 7 4/2 25/2 36/4
France 86/56 86/56
Sweden 14 5/1 24 43/1
Estonia 1/1 1/1
Japan 37/31 22/11 59/42
TOTAL 929/218 1656/290 1279/359 182/37 4046/904

In addition to the above data, the United States transferred 22 sea and 152 road minesweepers to Great Britain, 7 base and 5 road minesweepers to Greece, 1 sea minesweeper to Spain, 34 sea and 43 road minesweepers to the USSR, 31 to France, and 4 road minesweepers to Norway. The UK transferred 9 minesweepers to Belgium, 7 base and 5 raid minesweepers to Greece, 12 minesweepers to the USSR, 14 to France. Germany transferred 4 raid minesweepers to Romania. In addition to minesweepers, 114 obstacle breakers served in Germany. Germany used 41 captured minesweepers, Italy - 11, USSR - 13, Japan - 12.

The appearance of what at first seemed to be universal means of combating mines ahead of the ship's course required the creation of very expensive mine-resistant ships of a new class - minesweepers-mine hunters and their latest mine-fighting weapons, the basis of which is reusable self-propelled underwater vehicles (SUVs). In addition, this led to the creation and introduction of special channels into bottom mines, causing the detonation of mines from the physical fields of the underwater vehicle and its destruction, which turns out to be economically beneficial, given the higher cost of a launch vehicle compared to a bottom mine and the incomparable numerical ratio of bottom mines and launch vehicles .

In addition, by the beginning of the 1980s, the combat capabilities of mines had increased many times over, including the depth of deployment, multi-channel and multiple action of fuses, difficulty of detection (dielectric materials of the hulls, silt, etc.), secrecy of deployment ( submarines, aviation). Particularly dangerous in this regard was the anchor mine adopted by the United States in 1976 with a deployment depth of 500 - 1000 m, posing a serious danger to submarines.

Scheme for laying a mine (container with a torpedo) Mark 60 CAPTOR

Therefore, in the late 1970s - early 1980s, there was an urgent need to create a new generation of mine-sweeping ships with the most widespread use automation and remote control, with improved living conditions and increased navigation safety. More attention has also been paid to environmental issues.

The first studies on the creation of a new sea minesweeper were carried out in the 1970s. The design of the ship began at the Western Design Bureau (chief designers N.P. Pegov and V.S. Sergeev) in 1972, then, according to one of the options, the installation of a minesweeper helicopter on the ship was studied. However, even without this, the ship’s displacement increased to 1150 tons, and power plant remained the same under Project 266M. At the same time, a low-speed power unit and a bow thruster were additionally installed.

Sea minesweeper project 12660

The armament of this ship includes a new mine action complex to search for bottom, near-bottom and anchor mines along the course, as well as contact and non-contact trawls. The minesweeper was equipped with the most advanced mine-sweeping weapons: a mine destruction complex with a self-propelled homing anti-mine torpedo projectile "Cobra" and a self-propelled anti-mine projectile - a torpedo for cutting mine-repairs "Gyurza" according to the target designation of the ship (both projectiles were created at the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor"), self-propelled remote-controlled seeker-destroyer "Ketmen", seeker-destroyer "Halibut", electromagnetic and acoustic trawls, mine detection sonar "Kabarga", etc. The ship's combat equipment consisted of a 76-mm AK-176 cannon, a 30-mm AK-630M assault rifle with a system fire control "Vympel" and MANPADS "Strela-3".

The deep-sea hydroacoustic towed searcher-destroyer of bottom mines "Halibut" began to be developed at the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor" in 1976. In comparison with the Luch-1 finder, in the new product the detected objects had to not only be indicated by markers, but, if necessary, destroyed directly during the towing process. The GAS for the seeker was created at the Morfizpribor Central Research Institute. Soon, work on the entire Halibut system was transferred to the Ural branch of the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor" (chief designers Kh.Kh. Davletgildeev and V.I. Gul), created on the basis of the SKB machine-building plant named after. K.E.Voroshilova. The seeker-destroyer was tested and adopted by the Navy in 1985, but due to shortcomings in the sonar system, it did not enter mass production.

The development of the new GASM "Kabarga", modifications of which were installed on raid and sea minesweepers of the Navy, was completed in 1990 by the Breeze Research Institute. However, in terms of the level of secondary information processing and interaction with mine action weapons, it is practically no different from previous station models.

At the same time, after the appearance of effective ship mine detection stations of the Kabarga type in the USSR Navy in the 1980s. Work continues on the creation of self-propelled mine seekers and destroyers. In 1989, the second generation self-propelled remote-controlled seeker-destroyer STIU-2 “Ketmen” was adopted by the fleet, working on the target designation of a ship's sonar mine detection station at depths of up to 100 m. It was developed by the Ural branch of the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor" (chief designer A .A.Kazin).

STIU-2 provides search at a speed of up to 3 knots and destruction of bottom and anchor mines ahead along the course of the minesweeper ship. A charge was placed on the detected mine (there are two of them on the device with an explosive charge of 130 kg each), and after the STIU retreated to a safe distance, the mine was detonated.

Model of a self-propelled remote-controlled seeker-destroyer STIU-2 “Ketmen”

The construction of Project 12660 ships has been carried out at the Sredne-Nevsky plant since 1983. The ships were built from low-magnetic steel to combat deep-sea anti-submarine mines of the Captor type and to provide mine countermeasures to ships and transports in remote sea areas. The lead minesweeper "Zheleznyakov" was built at the Sredne-Nevsky plant in 1988. The dimensions of the ship required, when removed from the slipway in the workshop, to increase the opening of the workshop gate, and the launching device could withstand the maximum loads at the time of launching. Deliveries were late new technology, which complicated and delayed the installation work.

The two ships “Zheleznyakov” and “V. Gumanenko” that entered service are significantly superior in mine action efficiency by several times. Construction of the third ship's hull was stopped due to lack of funding.

The creation of Project 12660 ships is a whole era in Soviet shipbuilding. They became the first sea minesweepers of the USSR Navy, capable of conducting mine action ahead of the course and fighting modern deep-sea mines. The experience gained during their creation and use is invaluable in the further design of mine defense ships.

According to the MTSh shipbuilding program of project 12660 (known in NATO as Gorya) it was supposed to build much more than was possible. Already during the testing process, it became clear that the project was very complex and the ship turned out to be large. And besides, it broke up Soviet Union, different times have come and defense funding has sharply decreased. Therefore, it was decided to build new sea minesweepers in the hull of the well-proven MTSH project 266M, but with new means of searching and destroying mines, which were not supposed to be as expensive as project 12660 “Rubin”.

Modern approaches to mine action

In recent decades, a significant technological breakthrough has been the creation of minesweepers. Only the leading maritime powers and countries with high level industrial development, mainly through the implementation of the principle of interstate cooperation.

The modern concept of mine action, known as , is based on the active use of hydroacoustic weapons of mine-sweeping ships to search, detect and inspect all stationary underwater mine-like objects found within the specified boundaries of water areas.

Based on the results of the survey, mine-like objects classified as mines must be plotted on an electronic map (entered into a data bank) and destroyed, and information about foreign objects (sunk ships, industrial debris, large stones, noticeable folds of the bottom, etc.) must be also entered into the data bank to identify acoustic contacts during subsequent search operations in these waters.

The basis of the mine-anti-mine weapons of modern ships of this type are hydroacoustic mine-detecting stations, mine-anti-mine remote-controlled devices and automated systems mine action management.

As is known, the leading position in the construction of modern minesweepers and mine detectors and the creation of the main components of their mine action weapons is occupied by companies from the UK, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA. IN last years they were also joined by companies from Japan, Sweden, Norway, South Korea, building minesweepers with mine-resistant weapons supplied in whole or in part by companies from the above countries. Most states are not able to build such ships and are forced to purchase them from exporting countries.

In an effort to keep up with the leading maritime powers, in the 1990s, enterprises defense complex Russia prepared proposals for the modernization of mine-resistant ships; then, for export to Russian minesweepers of type 10750E and 266ME, it was proposed to install mine-hunting stations MG-89M, MG-991, MG-992M and MG-993M, self-propelled remote-controlled underwater vehicles for additional search and destruction of mines ( ROV) “Ropan-PM”, “Route”.

In the promotional materials of the Western Design Bureau, it was noted that meeting modern requirements is facilitated by the installation on a ship of Project 266ME and the use of a mine detection system (Propelled variable depth sonar - PVDS) with a receiver-emitting system located on a self-propelled remotely operated vehicle (ROV), which provides detection , identification and classification of mines far ahead of the ship. The range of the GASM in this case is not limited either by the interference generated by the ship or by the hydrological conditions of the sea. Destruction of mines after detection can be carried out by a device of the same family, which has the function of a mine destroyer.

As specialists from the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor" once noted, the creation and development of means for searching and destroying mines will be a priority in the development of anti-mine weapons. New trends in this direction are seen in the creation of self-propelled hydroacoustic mine detection stations with variable immersion depth of their receiving and emitting antennas, anti-mine disposable projectiles - destroyers, towed mine detection stations as part of unmanned carriers.

In addition, the use of seemingly traditional mine action with the greatest effectiveness requires the use of modern technologies. The latter was clearly noticeable during a visit to St. Petersburg by a permanent mine-sweeping formation of the NATO Regional Command North at the end of 2004. Almost every ship had advanced means of space communications and navigation.

In addition, all ships in the group of minesweepers were equipped with special devices for remote search for mines. For example, a Belgian minesweeper (displacement 595 tons, length 51.5 m, crew 46 people) had two self-propelled remote-controlled underwater vehicles for searching mines PAP 104 (working depth up to 200 m), a mine detection sonar station, etc. necessary equipment and equipment. It, like the Dutch M857 Makkum, was created according to a joint Franco-Belgian-Dutch development.

M857 Makkum

Even the oldest ship that came to the Neva is the Polish minesweeper Czajka (tail number 624, displacement 507 tons, length 58.2 m, crew 49 people) of the Krogulec class (type 206FM), built in 1967 in Gdynia, despite its advanced age meeting NATO standards, it had two small-sized underwater vehicles for searching mines of Polish design.

German mine detector Pinguin B3. Demolition charges are attached under the body.

The enemy. We will talk about it in the article.

Some terminology

According to their operating principle, minesweepers are divided into sea, base, raid and river. Trawls are also divided into acoustic, contact and electromagnetic. Acoustic ones are designed to detonate acoustic mines, simulating the sound of a ship passing. Contact trawls are the simplest in design and consist of a chain with knives that cut off the mine-holding cables, after which the floating charge is destroyed from the side of the minesweeper using machine guns or small-caliber artillery. Electromagnetic ones create an electric field that simulates a passing ship, and are used against magnetic mines. In the photos of minesweepers you can also see installations of depth charges, with the help of which the minesweeper can perform the functions of a submarine hunter.

The birth of minesweepers

With the advent of a new type of weapon - sea mines - in the arsenals of the fleets of the largest maritime powers, the question arose of searching for and neutralizing them. Mines have become the main means of defending naval bases and disrupting enemy sea communications. The age-old “shield-sword” question was successfully resolved for the first time in the Russian Navy. Mine minesweepers received baptism of fire in 1904 during the Russo-Japanese War. The combat experience of Russian minesweepers was thoroughly studied in other countries, which resulted in a sharp increase in the number of minesweepers in active fleets during the interwar period.

The Second World War

Second World War gave a sharp impetus to all types of weapons, including warships. Mine sweepers became better protected and armed, and could perform other tasks:

  • landing troops;
  • shell the coast;
  • escort transport convoys;
  • evacuate troops.

The most advanced were German minesweepers, whose crews received Chest sign"Minesweeper". After the end of World War II, the old minesweepers were engaged in demining the seas for a long time, giving up their combat post to new ships that used advanced shipbuilding experience.


The basic concept of a modern minesweeper was formulated in Great Britain in the 1960s. The ship, equipped with a powerful acoustic radar, searched for mines, and if they were found, it released an uninhabited underwater vehicle that was engaged in further search and examination of the discovered object. He destroys mines with an anti-mine device: bottom mines by applying a demolition charge, contact mines by cutting the anchor cable. This one received the name minesweeper-mine detector (TSCHIM) in the world fleets.

Since the 1970s and 1980s, almost all the world's minesweepers have been SCALE, either newly built or converted from old minesweepers. Trawls now serve a secondary function. With the widespread use of broadband mines installed at the very bottom, with an impressive target detection range and a torpedo or missile warhead, a modern minesweeper needs to have a deep-sea trawl to work at a short distance from the ground.

With the growth of the characteristics of commercial hydroacoustic stations, especially side-scan locators, it became possible to use them to search and destroy mines, which dramatically increased the productivity of mine action forces. In ports and areas, near naval bases, advance inspection began to be carried out, as a result of which all objects resembling mines are entered into a catalogue. This makes it possible in wartime to immediately identify new objects, which, in the overwhelming majority, will be mines. All this increases the effectiveness of mine action forces and ensures safe exit from ports and bases.

The development of mine countermeasures, which began in the West in the 1960s, led to an increase in the effectiveness of these forces. It is also noteworthy that the fight against mines is increasingly moving away from “highly specialized” actions, becoming a whole complex of activities, involving various forces and means.

During Operation Shock and Awe (the US and allied military invasion of Iraq in 2003), Iraqi minelayers disguised as merchant ships were captured by Allied Special Operations Forces, more than 100 Iraqi mines were discovered and destroyed by divers and uninhabited submarines devices. As a result of these actions, the Allies suffered no casualties from Iraqi mines, allowing American ground forces to achieve complete success.

Modular mine action systems

Recently, the rapid development of mine countermeasures forces has resulted in the use of modular mine countermeasures systems (MAS). Equipped with these systems, warships and submarines can now independently combat mines without the need for minesweepers. The most interesting MPS is the uninhabited underwater vehicle RMS AN/WLD-1. A semi-submersible, remotely controlled vehicle with a towed side-scan locator is capable of independently searching for mines for quite a long time at a great distance from the carrier ship. The US Navy currently has 47 such devices.

Landing and mine-sweeping ships Part 2 Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

Sea minesweepers pr. 266 - 41 units

Basic tactical and technical elements

Displacement, t:

Standard 519

Full 560

Main dimensions, m:

Largest (according to KBJI) 52.1 (49.0)

Maximum body width (according to design height) 9.4 (9.4)

Average draft 2.65

Crew, people (including officers) 56 (5)

Autonomy in terms of provisions, 7 days

Main power plant:

Type diesel

Quantity x DC type - total power, l. with 2 x M-503 - 5000

Number x type of propulsors 2 x crankshaft propellers

Quantity x type - power

EPS current sources, kW 2 x DG - 200 each + 1 DG - 100

Travel speed, knots:

Largest 16

Economic 12

Cruising range 12 knots, miles: 1500


Mine protection:

Number x type of contact trawls 1 x BKT or PST-1 or MT-1D

Quantity x type of acoustic trawls 1 x AT-3

Quantity x type of electromagnetic trawls 1 x TEM-2

Micron trawl control equipment

Cord charges ShZ-1 or ShZ-2 (length up to 2200 m)


Number of stern bomb releasers 2

Number of standard trolleys 6

Ammunition 36 GB BGB

Number of min 9

Artillery complex:

Number of guns x barrels (type guns) 2x2-30 mm (AK-230)

Ammunition 4200 rounds

SUAO "Lynx" (MR-104)

Number of AU x barrels (AU type) 2x2-25 mm (2M-ZM)

Anti-aircraft missile system:

Name "Strela-3"

Number of PU x guides (PU type) 1x2 (MANPADS)

Ammunition 20 ZR


Mine detection sonar "Lan" (MG-69)


Navigation radar "Neptune" or "Don-M"*

Identification station "Nichrome"

RTR station "Bizan-4B"

Active jamming station "Tulip"

* After modernization.

Morskoy TSCHK pr. 266

Marine TSCHK pr. 266 (MT-62). summer 1987

The sea minesweeper pr. 266 was designed by TsKB-363 (Western Design Bureau) under the leadership of N.P. Pegova. TTZ for the development of the ship was issued in 1956. Preliminary design developed in 1957, and technical project approved in 1957

The ship's hull, with an elongated forecastle and a double bottom throughout, was divided by watertight bulkheads into nine compartments. In order to reduce the magnetic field, it was made of low-magnetic steel* and had a demagnetizing device (both with general ship windings and local ones, compensating the magnetic fields of the largest mechanisms and equipment elements) with an automatic current control system and an attachment for compensating eddy currents arising when pitching. To reduce the acoustic field on the ship, sound insulation of noisy equipment, vibration-damping coatings for the foundations of noisy mechanisms, soundproofing inserts in pipes and shaft lines, as well as air shielding of low-noise large-diameter propellers that had a relatively low rotation speed were provided. Protection of ships from non-contact mines with electrical channels of contactors was ensured mainly through the application of a dielectric coating on the surfaces of all parts in contact with sea water, as well as electrical insulation of bottom-outboard equipment, shafting, trawl mechanisms and trawl parts from the ship's hull. Compared to its predecessors - TSchK pr. 254 and pr. 264 - the magnetic field of the ship pr. 266 was reduced by more than 40 times, and the acoustic field by almost half.

The main engines were located in echelon and controlled remotely. The search for anchor mines ahead along the ship's course was ensured by the mine detection system, and the detection of floating mines in the daytime and at night was provided by special electronic equipment. For ease of operation of the mine sweeping equipment, it was equipped with hydraulic drives and had automatic remote control. The trawls were serviced at different times or in combinations using two KBG-5 hydraulic crane beams and a winch. They made it possible to sweep modern mines at depths from 25 to 150 m. Mines could be destroyed by cord charges (IU3-1 or ShZ-2 up to 2200 m long). The ships could accept a second set of minesweeping equipment for overload. The minesweepers were adapted to operate in conditions where weapons of mass destruction were used and had a remotely controlled water protection system. In 1963–1971 in Khabarovsk (at the Khabarovsk Shipyard) and in Leningrad (at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard) for Soviet fleet 41 TShchK pr. 266 were built. The first two ships of the Khabarovsk Shipyard (MT-86 and MT-53) differed from the serial TShchK by a different superstructure configuration and the presence of a sighting column for fire control of the 30-mm AK-230 AU. In addition, instead of KBG-5 crane beams, they used crane beams with electric drives (similar to those that were available at TSCHK pr. 257D and pr. 257DM).

Until 1968, ships entered service with the PJ1C Neptune navigation system, which was replaced by the Don radar during operation or mid-term repairs. At the same time, all TShchK pr. 266 were armed with two 25-mm 2M-ZM AU. Four ships were built for export on Project 266E. Three of them were transferred to Egypt, and one to Vietnam. Project 266 ships began to be withdrawn from the fleet in the second half of the 80s, and currently (as of January 2007) none of them are in service. The main disadvantage of MTShch pr. 266 was the lack of means of searching and detecting bottom mines, as well as gusty rolling.

Komsomolets of Belarus (serial number 980, until 1976 - MT-217). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:; November 7, 1964 Member of the Baltic Fleet. In 1990, it was removed from the fleet lists and transferred to OFI for disposal.

* According to some data, for the first time in the practice of world shipbuilding.

MT-159(factory no. 981). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 07/04/1964 Member of the Baltic Fleet. In 1990, it was removed from the fleet lists and transferred to OFI for disposal.

MT-62(manager N-982). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 5.11.1964 Part of the Black Sea Fleet. In 1989–1991 was removed from the fleet lists and transferred to OFI for disposal.

Marine TSCHK pr. 266 (Alexander Kazarsky), 2002

Longitudinal section of the marine TSCHK pr. 266:

1 - crane beam; 2 - TEM-2 trawl retractor; 3 - winch-view; 4 - trawl view; 5 - 230 mm AU AK-230M; 6 - turret compartment of the 30-mm AU AK-230M; 7 - vestibule (fence of spent cartridges); 8 - corridor; 9 - team canteen (service point medical care); 10 - fan enclosure; 11 - signalmen's cabin; 12 - signal bridge; 13 - AG1 radio direction finder; 14-AP radar "Lynx"; 15-AP station "Nichrome"; 16 - spotlight; 17-AP radar "Neptune"; 18-room of the HF blocks of the “Lynx” and “Neptune” radars (after modernization of the “Don-M” radar); 19 - sighting column of the SUAO; 20 - navigation bridge; 21 - running and navigation room; 22 - spare parts storage rooms; 23 - skipper's and painter's storeroom; 24 - forepeak; 25 - chain box. 26 - bilge compartment; 27 - refrigeration vehicle room; 28 - vestibule; 29 - refrigerated; 30 - dry provisions pantry; 31 - antenna of GAS "Lan" (MG-69); 32 - shaft of the lifting and lowering device (LOD); 33 - sonar compartment; 34 - forward crew cockpit (for 18 people); 35 - gyropost; 36 - diesel fuel tanks; 37 - nasal MO. 38 - diesel oil tanks; 39 - bow post for power generation and control of the power plant; 40 - aft MO; 41 - aft power station and power plant control; 42 - pitch change mechanism compartment (PMC); 43 - aft crew quarters (for 20 people); 44 - boiler water tank; 45 - mine store; 46 - wet provisions pantry; 47 - tiller compartment; 48 - chemical storeroom.

Gaff(factory No. 983, until 1976 - MT-205). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:; 02/11/1965 Member of the Baltic Fleet. On March 1, 1993, the minesweeper was excluded from the fleet lists and put into storage. On May 12, 1994, it sank after a fire. Subsequently, the ship was raised and dismantled for metal in Tallinn.

MT-47(factory no. 984). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 05/30/1965 Member of the Baltic Fleet. In 1992, it was removed from the fleet lists and transferred to ARVI for disposal.

MT-63(factory no. 985). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:; 12/20/1965 Member of the KFL. In 1994, the ship was excluded from the list of the fleet and transferred to ARVI for disposal.

Arseny Raskin(factory no. 990). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 1965 Became part of the Northern Fleet. In 1990, it was removed from the fleet lists and transferred to ARVI for disposal.

Vice Admiral Kostygov(factory No. 991, until 1976 - MT-73). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:; 12/30/1965 Member of the Baltic Fleet. On March 1, 1993, it was removed from the lists of the fleet and put into storage. In 1994, in Tallinn, the ship was dismantled for metal.

Evgeniy Nikonov(factory No. 992, until 1976 - MT-94). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:; 01/21/1966 Member of the Baltic Fleet. On March 1, 1993, it was removed from the lists of the fleet and put into storage. In 1994, in Tallinn, the ship was dismantled for metal.

MT-6(factory no. 993). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 10/5/1966 Part of the Northern Fleet. In 1992, it was removed from the fleet lists and transferred to ARVI for disposal.

Alexander Kazarsky(plant No. 994, project 266). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 08/30/1966 Part of the Black Sea Fleet. In 1995, the minesweeper was put into reserve, and in January 1996, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

MT-72(factory no. 995). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 09/30/1966 Part of the Northern Fleet. In 1993, it was removed from the fleet lists and transferred to ARVI for disposal.

Photo by S.A. Spirikhina

Marine TSCHK pr. 266 (MT-253), summer 1993

Marine TSCHK. Project 266 (MT-86 and MT-53 after replacing the Neptune radar with the Don radar)

Longitudinal section of the marine TSCHK pr. 266 (MT-86 and MT-53):

1 - crane beam; 2 - TEM-2 trawl retractor; 3 - winch-view; 4 - trawl view; 5 - 230 mm AU AK-230M; 6 - turret compartment of the 30-mm AU AK-230M; 7 - sighting column of the SUAO; 8-tambour; 9-corridor; 10-team canteen (medical aid point); 11 - refrigeration machine room; 12-signal cabin; 13-room of the HF radar units “Lynx” and “Don-M”; 14-AP radio direction finder; 15-AP radar "Lynx"; 16 - spotlight; 17-AP station "Nichrome"; 18-AP radar "Don-M"; 19-way bridge; 20 - spare parts storage room; 21 - periscopic sight; 22 - running and navigation room; 23 - radio communication room; 24 - skipper's and painter's storeroom; 25 - forepeak; 26 - chain box; 27 - storerooms; 28 - bilge compartment; 29 - textile pantry; 30 - hydroacoustic compartment; 31 - GAS MG-35 antenna; 32 - GAS MG-89 antenna; 33 - shaft of the lifting and lowering device (LOD); 34 - forward crew cockpit (for 28 people); 35 - gyropost; 36 - fresh water tanks; 37 - nasal MO; 38 - diesel fuel tanks; 39 - bow post for power generation and control of the power plant; 40 - aft MO; 41 - aft power station and power plant control; 42 - pitch change mechanism compartment (PMC); 43 - aft crew quarters (for 21 people); 44 - boiler water tank; 45 - mine store; 46 - wet provisions pantry; 47 - spare fresh water tank; 48 - tiller compartment; 49 - chemical storeroom.

Boris Safonov(factory no. 996). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 11/15/1966 Part of the Northern Fleet. In 1992, it was expelled from the fleet and transferred to ARVI for disposal.

MT-18(factory no. 997). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 01/07/1967 Member of the KFL. In 1994, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

MT-179(production no. 998). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 01/18/1967 Member of the Baltic Fleet. On March 1, 1993, the minesweeper was excluded from the fleet lists and put into storage. In 1994 in Tallinn it was dismantled for metal.

MT-163(production no. 999). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 02.1967 Part of the Black Sea Fleet. In 1989–1991 was removed from the fleet lists and transferred to OFI for disposal.

MT-253(factory no. 970). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 07/31/1967 Part of the Northern Fleet. In 1988, the ship was put into reserve, and in 1994, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

MT-209(factory no. 971). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 08/30/1967 Member of the Baltic Fleet. He was a member of the Baltic Fleet. In 1991, the ship was put into reserve, and in 1994, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

Ivan Maslov(factory no. 972). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 10/7/1967 Part of the Black Sea Fleet. In 1995, the minesweeper was excluded from the fleet lists due to the poor technical condition of the hull and mechanisms and transferred to ARVI for disposal.

MT-219(factory no. 973). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 01/05/1968 Part of the Black Sea Fleet. In 1988, the ship was put into reserve, and in March 1993, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

Grigory Vakulenchuk(factory no. 974). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 06/12/1968 Part of the Black Sea Fleet. In November 1992, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

Pavel Malkov(factory no. 975). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 12/31/1968 Part of the Northern Fleet. In 1992, the ship was put into reserve, and in March 1993, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

Ivan Sivko(factory no. 976). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 07/09/1969 Part of the Northern Fleet. In November 1991, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet and handed over to OFI for disposal.

Alexander Sokolov(factory no. 901). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 08/31/1969 Part of the Northern Fleet. In 1993, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

Afanasy Matyushenko(plant No. 902, project 266). Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard:;; 1969 Member of the KFL. In 1996, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

MT-86(factory no. 50). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 1963 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1989, the ship was put into reserve, and in November 1991, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to OFI for disposal.

MT-53(factory no. 51). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 12/31/1964 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1989, the ship was put into reserve, and in 1990, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to OFI for disposal.

MT-58(factory no. 52). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 08/07/1965 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1990, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet and transferred to OFI for disposal.

MT-27(factory no. 53). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 06/30/1966 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1989, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet and transferred to OFI for disposal.

MT-80(factory no. 54). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 12/12/1966 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In November 1991, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet and handed over to OFI for disposal.

MT-82(plant No. 55, project 266). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 11/12/1967 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1989, the ship was put into reserve, and in November 1992, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

TSCHK pr. 266 after modernization associated with the replacement of the Neptune radar with the Don radar and the installation of two. 25 mm AU 2M-3M

MT-238(factory no. 56). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 1967 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1990, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet and transferred to OFI for disposal.

MT-242(factory no. 57). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 09/30/1968 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1990, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet and transferred to OFI for disposal.

MT-193(plant No. 58, project 266). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 1968 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1989, the ship was put into reserve, and in November 1991, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to OFI for disposal.

MT-200(plant No. 59, project 266). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 1968 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1989, the ship was put into reserve, and in November 1992, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

MT-208(plant No. 60, project 266). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 1969 Became part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1990, the ship was put into reserve, and in April 1994, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

MT-263(plant No. 61, project 266). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 06/26/1969 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In March 1993, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

Vice Admiral Sabaneev(factory No. 62, until 1976 - MT-257, project 266). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 12/12/1969 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In March 1993, the ship was removed from the lists of the fleet and handed over to ARVI for disposal.

SHT-221(plant No. 63, project 266). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 1970 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1989, the ship was put into reserve, and in November 1991, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to OFI for disposal.

Shichman Pavlov(plant No. 64, project 266). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 01/01/1970 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1989, the ship was put into reserve, and in November 1991, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to OFI for disposal.

Tire(plant No. 65, project 266). Khabarovsk Shipyard:;; 1971 Part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1989, the ship was put into reserve, and in November 1991, it was removed from the fleet lists and handed over to OFI for disposal.

From the book Russian saboteurs against the “cuckoos” author Stepakov Viktor Nikolaevich

Sea “devils” Special mention should be made of the actions of special sabotage units of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet (KBF) in the northwestern direction in 1941. First of all, this is due to the formation of a company on August 11, 1941 at the Intelligence Department of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet special purpose

From the book The Truth about the Great Patriotic War. The Red Army is the strongest! author Oganesyan Karen

Chapter 7 Battleships and minesweepers The fleet must turn and will turn, like the entire workers' and peasants' army, into the most attacking fleet. Flagship 2nd rank N.G. Kuznetsov. At one time, official communist historians loved to scare ordinary people with powerful navy,

From the book Soviet Air Force against the Kriegsmarine author Zablotsky Alexander Nikolaevich

“Aunt Yu” with a “mouse tail” German minesweeper aircraft on the Eastern Front “At 09:02 in the Danzig Bay north of the Hela lighthouse, two Yak-9 aircraft (leading - senior lieutenant Kuzmin) discovered one minesweeper Yu-52... Considering the value of the aircraft - minesweeper, our pilots

From the book Scythia against the West [The Rise and Fall of the Scythian Power] author Eliseev Alexander Vladimirovich

Sea Scythians The expansion of the so-called “peoples of the sea” is often associated with the Trojan War, although it is possible that this expansion itself preceded the great war. Be that as it may, but in the 13th century. BC e. The Mediterranean was subjected to a powerful invasion by some northern

From the book Seahorses and Sea Kings author Akunov Wolfgang Viktorovich

Sea horses and sea kings Wolfgang Akunov The people of full countries are brave, Great is their God alone, the sea is gloomy. Aria of the Varangian Guest. Forward, forward, people of Christ, people of the Cross, people of the king! The battle cry of the Norwegian king Olav the Saint. Translated into Russian

author Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

Sea minesweepers pr. 266M and pr. 266ME - 31 units Main tactical and technical elements Displacement, t: - standard 745 - full 800 Main dimensions, m: - largest (according to KBJI) 61.0 (56.0) - maximum hull width (according to KBJ1) 10.2 (10.0) - average draft 2.9 Crew, persons. (including officers) 68

From the book Landing and mine-sweeping ships Part 2 author Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

Sea minesweepers pr. 12660 - 2 units Main tactical and technical elements Displacement, t: - standard 1070 - full 1228 Main dimensions, m: - maximum length (according to KBJI) 67.8 (60.0) - maximum hull width (according to waterline) 11 ,0 () - average draft at full displacement along the fairing

From the book Landing and mine-sweeping ships Part 2 author Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

Basic minesweepers pr. 257D - 20 units, pr. 257DM - 41 units. etc. 257V - 1 unit Main tactical and technical elements Displacement, t: - standard 246 or 254 1* - full 260 or 270 1*Main dimensions, m: - largest (according to KBJ1) 40.5 (38.8) - width largest hull (according to KBJI) 7.7 (7.6) - average draft, m

From the book Landing and mine-sweeping ships Part 2 author Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

Basic minesweepers pr. 1252 - 3 units Main tactical and technical elements Displacement, t: - standard 300 - full 320 Main dimensions, m: - maximum length (according to KBJI) 42.9 (39.0) - maximum hull width (according to waterline) 8 .25 (7.85) - average draft, m 2.14 Crew, persons. (including officers) 37

From the book Landing and mine-sweeping ships Part 2 author Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

From the book Landing and mine-sweeping ships Part 2 author Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

Raid minesweepers pr. 1258 and pr. 1258E - 55 units Main tactical and technical elements Displacement, t: - standard 88.3 - full 91.3 Main dimensions, m: - maximum length (according to KBJI) 26.1 (24.2) - maximum hull width (according to waterline) 5.4 (5.3) - average draft, m 1.38 Crew, persons. (incl.

From the book Landing and mine-sweeping ships Part 2 author Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

Raid minesweepers pr. 10750 - 9 units Main tactical and technical elements Displacement, t: - standard 131 - full 135 Main dimensions, m: - largest (according to the waterline) 31.5 (28.8) - maximum hull width (according to the waterline) 6, 5 (6.0) - average draft, m 1.53 Crew, persons. (including officers) 14

From the book Landing and mine-sweeping ships Part 2 author Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

River minesweepers pr. 12592 - 4 units Main tactical and technical elements Displacement, t: - standard 61.5 - full 64.0 Main dimensions, m: - greatest (according to waterline) 25.0 (24.6) - hull width greatest (according to DWL) 4.5 (4.5) - average draft 0.94 Crew, people. (including officers) B

From the book Landing and mine-sweeping ships Part 2 author Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

Air-cushion minesweepers pr. 1206T - 2 units Main tactical and technical elements Displacement, tons: - full 121.0 Length, m: - maximum 30.7 - maximum hull width 13.2 - height of flexible fencing 1.5 - draft at full displacement 1.1 Crew, persons. (incl.

From the book Landing and mine-sweeping ships Part 2 author Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

Basic minesweepers - wave guards pr. 1256 - 2 units Main tactical and technical elements Displacement, t: - standard 386.0 - full 473.0 Main dimensions, m: - largest (according to KBJ1) 47.0 (43.0) - hull width deepest (according to KBJI) 8.7 (8.0) - average draft 2.36 Crew, persons. (incl.

From the book “Three-story” American by Stalin [Tank M3 “General Lee”/“General Grant”] author Baryatinsky Mikhail

Tanks-minesweepers To break through minefields, Chrysler tried to create a special minesweeper T1. A trawl consisting of dual disc rollers and a separate pressure roller was attached to the M3. But this machine did not have any advantages over the English Scorpion trawl,

) through minefields.

They are the main component of the mine-sweeping forces of the Navy of the armed forces of individual states of the world.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 3

    Innovative fiberglass minesweepers of Project 12700

    Fiberglass minesweeper "Alexander Obukhov - the first in Russia (photo, video, details)

    The Russian Navy showed for the first time a robot ship



In connection with the emergence of a new type of weapon in service with the fleets armed forces many states - a sea mine, retaliatory measures were also required to successfully solve the eternal “sword-shield” problem, and for the first time it was successfully solved in the Russian fleet. Minesweepers were first used by the Russian fleet in Port Arthur in 1904

The emergence of minesweepers and mine hunters was caused by the improvement of mine fuses, which reduced the reliability of mine sweeping. Therefore, a logical development of combat trawling was proposed: not to use trawls, but to search for and destroy mines with demolition charges. The main weapons here are search engines or miner swimmers. The conditions for their use are becoming more important, although the requirements for reducing the physical fields of the mine detector remain.

By 2000, the world's fleets had 60 minesweepers, 181 minesweepers, one squadron of minesweeper helicopters (22÷24 vehicles).

Aviation equipment can also be used as minesweepers. Thus, during the Second World War, a number of British Air Force bomber aircraft were converted for these purposes. At the same time, a number of German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Junkers Ju 52 aircraft underwent similar modifications. To combat magnetic mines, they were equipped with large conductive rings and separate motors with generators to create a powerful magnetic field. The disadvantages of such systems, in addition to complicated piloting, were that with overly sensitive mine fuses, they could detonate directly under the aircraft, which was forced to fly above the very surface of the water. In addition, mines could only be destroyed at a very shallow depth this way. Currently, US Navy MH-53E helicopters are actively used as minesweepers.


  • contact - which are usually strong chains with a number of knives attached to them and a retractor-deeper at the end; with their help, mines are cut off, pop-up mines are shot;
  • acoustic - designed to detonate mines with acoustic fuses, simulating the acoustic pattern of the passage of a large ship;
  • electromagnetic (solenoid) - similar to acoustic ones, they simulate the electromagnetic radiation of a target.

In accordance with this, the minesweeper is subject to requirements for acoustic and electromagnetic stealth. To satisfy them, measures are taken:

  • Constructive. The hull of the minesweeper is made of non-magnetic materials (wood, plastic), the dimensions and draft are limited, demagnetizing devices are installed, damping and sound insulation of mechanisms are used, and non-cavitating propellers are used.
  • Preventive. Periodically, or before trawling, the ship's physical fields (primarily acoustic and magnetic) are measured and reduced.
  • Tactical. The ship is used in modes that minimize induced fields: low speed, to reduce noise and dynamic pressure, movement, if possible, along the Earth's magnetic lines, etc.