Motivation letter for the position of director of an institute example. How to write a motivation letter: personal experience. The motivation letter should be diplomatic

One of the fundamental points for successful admission to a foreign university is a correctly and accurately compiled motivation letter . With its help, convincing the admissions committee that you are a worthy candidate for admission to the university will be much easier.

Where to begin

So, you have already prepared the documents for admission to the university, and now you need to write a letter of motivation that will set you apart from other applicants and give you a chance to enter the university and implement your plans for the future. First, you need to think through the content of the letter, make a list of questions that will need to be answered in the letter.

  • Briefly tell us about yourself. What motivates you? What is most important to you? What results have you achieved? If you consider yourself purposeful, then show this based on specific life examples. For example, how you managed to achieve certain results in the field of activity that interests you most.
  • What exactly interested you in your chosen field? Probably in future profession you were attracted to something specific, for example, experiments, impressions, discoveries.
  • What is your choice of university based on? Study the history of the university you plan to enroll in. Which professor's teaching attracts you the most? What subjects will you study at university? Perhaps only at this university is it possible to obtain certain unique knowledge?
  • Describe your professional tasks for the near future. How will studying at this university allow you to develop in the future? Will acquiring this specialty continue what you have already started?

Correct text structure

So, let's divide your motivation letter for studying abroad into three blocks: introduction, main block and conclusion. The first describes the author's academic life, where he studied, practiced, his goals, profile. The main block is short description the author's motivation for studying at this university. Finally, indicate your planned place of work and the country where you would like to apply your knowledge.

How to write a motivation letter for admission to a foreign university

To begin, answer the previously prepared questions orally. Record all your ideas on a voice recorder. Then write down all your ideas for visualization. Then you can break them down point by point.

Point 1. Introduction

You need to immediately attract the reader with your main and most exciting idea, which you will later reveal in more detail.

Point 2, 3, 4: Main part

Here you need to reasonably describe your idea, supporting its relevance with facts. Surely, you know a lot of examples from life that prove the value of your idea.


  • The main idea, the idea is repeated and intensified. Add optimism, confidence, draw a connecting line between the beginning and the conclusion;
  • The text should not be overly formal, the main task convince the reader of your sincere intentions, add personality;
  • It is best to move from generalized phrases and sentences to specific examples, name names famous people, in the area in which you plan to develop, who are role models for you;
  • The most convincing thing is always sincere words and intentions, don’t lie;
After the text is written, you need to look at it again.

1. Pay attention to the structure and connections between all points of your letter;

2. The letter must be sincere; do not overload it with unnecessary emotions. The text carries a piece of your personality;

3. All paragraphs must be written in the same style;
4. Read the text again and remove all unnecessary things; the main idea should be clearly visible;

5. Will your letter be of interest to the admissions committee? From the first proposals?

6. Your motivation letter should stand out from the rest, describing your best thoughts, main ideas;

7. It is advisable that your letter is read by a person with knowledge of spoken English or German;

8. Look for the most interesting things, express your thoughts beautifully, reformulate sentences, reread, rewrite the letter.

Language of presentation

If the program in which you plan to study is English-language, then the motivation letter for the master’s program must be in English. If you are applying to study at a German-language university, then you need to write a letter in the language of the country where the university is located. Take translation as seriously as possible, since you need not just to write words, but to convey to the reader the meaning of what you wanted to write.

Universal motivation letter Exists or not

All educational institutions are unique, with completely different training programs. That is why do not send the same motivation letter to several universities at once. You can leave unchanged only the block with personal information, information about work, practice. The motivation letter should be drawn up in accordance with the specifics of the university. can serve as a skeleton for writing your unique essay. This is just a visual, small hint for the author.


Be as careful as possible when editing your finished essay. Any mistake will be considered as negligence in writing the letter. Proofreading the text and its final revision may take several days. Do not waste your time, perhaps this will be a decisive plus in your favor. Editing is carried out step by step.

1. Checking the document for integrity;

2. Checking for the presence of a logical connection between all blocks of the letter;

3. A minimum of adjectives that express excessive emotions;

4. The motivation letter should not be too long; two A4 pages will be enough;

5. Unified style of text in the letter;

6. Text checking by a professional English language.

The result of such editing will be a deservedly positive review, as well as the admissions committee’s interest in such a competent applicant.


The best opportunity to finally convince the admissions committee of a foreign university that you are the most worthy candidate for admission is to write a unique motivation letter. Prove that you are active and capable of participating in student social life, achieving academic success, and are a great fit for studying at this particular university.

But still, try to eliminate the most common mistakes in your letter.

1. Do not repeat what you wrote in the application form again.. You have already filled out the application form for admission to the chosen university. Your motivation letter is a chance to open up and show the admissions committee your individuality. Do not repeat information known about you;

2. Standard motivation letter. Such a letter will not set you apart from the crowd. It is necessary to reasonably answer the question of what exactly attracts you to this university. Imagine that you are in the shoes of the admissions committee. What arguments will help you choose one or another candidate for admission?

3. The beginning of the letter is not interesting. From the very beginning, try to express your thoughts in such a way that
s and further reading of the letter fascinated the selection committee. Develop your thoughts smoothly. Describe a specific situation in your life.

4. All statements are superficial. Avoid common words and phrases. Support each of your statements and ideas with facts, examples from life, and personal experience.

6. Bad check. The written text must be carefully checked, because every mistake made can affect the decision of the selection committee. Proofread your letter carefully, preferably several times.

7. Poor attempt at a joke. People's opinions do not always coincide. Perhaps the admissions committee will find your joke inappropriate.

8.Try to be yourself. Don't exaggerate your knowledge and talents. Write the truth about yourself. Reality will best reflect the real situation and your personality.

9. The issue has not been resolved. The application contains instructions that detail what your motivation letter should be about. These are the instructions you must follow. Be careful.

10.Don't put it off until the very last moment. A hastily written letter is unlikely to be of high quality and will fully reveal all your talents. Think over your essay in advance, re-read it, perhaps fresh thoughts will come to you.

Video review: “How to write a motivation letter”

Make sure your motivation letter looks attractive and aesthetically pleasing in appearance. It must be error-free, clearly printed, signed, and have the correct address of the sender and recipient.

In my work preparing essays with students applying for master's programs abroad or applying for grants, I see that almost everyone struggles with the same things and makes almost the same mistakes.

Therefore, I decided to collect everything in one article so that you can avoid these mistakes and make your process of preparing a motivation letter as easy and effective as possible.

How to start writing

Almost everyone who sits down to write a motivation letter is horrified to think about where to start and what to write. In fact, this is absolutely normal, because usually you will be writing this kind of letter for the first time, and at the same time, you need to write the letter to yourself, which is also quite unusual. But there are a few tricks that help “start” the process.

1. Speak the text

This is a technique that usually causes surprise, but it helps a lot. Instead of sitting down at the computer and trying to squeeze out some sentences while looking at a “blank sheet”, just speak your approximate text into the recorder.

It is clear that “communicating” with the phone is also not very comfortable, so imagine that you are talking with a good friend, to whom you are telling why you need to go to a master’s program and what you want to get from this study.

I’m 100% sure that you definitely won’t have any problems telling your friend why I’m applying for a master’s degree abroad!! The only problem is when you sit down to write a letter. Therefore, with the help of this technique you will greatly facilitate your task of writing a motivation letter.

Answer a few questions out loud and record them on your voice recorder:

— Why do I want to study for a master’s degree abroad?
— Why do I want to study in my chosen specialty?
— Why did I choose a specific university/business school?
— What do I want to do after finishing my master’s degree (as if anything is possible)?

I repeat - say it as if you were telling it to a friend. This is how you get the most sincere and personal answers.
This is incredibly important because most letters sound very formal and impersonal, and there is nothing that makes them stand out from the crowd of essays.

After you have “spoken out”, write down your answers in the document - and now you already have the basis of the text, on the basis of which it is much easier to build a logical and juicy motivation letter.

2. Create a structure

It is much easier to write an essay if you have a plan and an understanding of what and where you are talking about. To begin with, you can create the simplest structure to have some kind of framework for the letter. Then you begin to gradually fill each part, and only then look at what and where to change, add, or remove.
Working on your letter this way is also much more effective because if you have the inspiration to write about your achievements right now, you can do it right away without wasting time thinking about where it’s best to write.

Examples of letter structure:

Option 1 (I - you - we)
- about yourself and your achievements
— Your program perfectly matches my desires/ambitions
— My potential + studying in your program will be a win-win for everyone

Option 2 (yesterday - today - tomorrow)
- I have already learned a lot in a certain area
- now I want to gain new knowledge
- as a result I will be able to achieve this/do this
— Your program is ideal for my tasks

Option 3 (what - why - for what purpose)
— What do I want to study (specialty)
— Why is this specialty relevant and why do I want to study it?
— How will your program help me with this?
— What results do I expect to get?

(Examples of the structure are given based on the presentation of DAAD and Campus France on the preparation of documents for study scholarships.)

And you can look at the article with auxiliary phrases for faster and easier writing of a motivational essay.

Writing process

Again, since almost everyone writes this type of letter for the first time, it is difficult to understand in advance how to best organize the entire process. Here are some tips that will greatly simplify your work with a motivation letter.

1. Write first, edit later

Very often it is difficult to write simply because beautiful, logical phrases do not form in your head, and you just don’t want to write. So, this is exactly why everything is so difficult.

Break the whole process into 2 stages.

At first, you just write - as you think, as it comes to mind, regardless of how “clumsy”, unfinished or illogical the phrases are. Your task at this stage is to prepare the basis - ideas and thoughts in written form. If you try to correct and refine phrases as you go along, then you will write a page-length letter for a week instead of one day.
And only when you have a more or less complete text, start correcting phrases, sentences, building logic, etc. You will see how much easier it is to edit text when it is already on paper, and not just in your thoughts.

2. Write short sentences

Another feature that is present in almost all motivation letters is long sentences with several participial and participial phrases, each of which takes up almost a paragraph. Such sentences very often lose their meaning and are often simply constructed incorrectly. That is, logically they seem to be correct, but in English no one would ever say that.
What is your goal with your letter? Make sure that your reader (that is, the admissions officer) actually reads the letter inside and out and becomes interested in your profile. And maintaining attention when reading very long phrases is almost impossible.
Therefore, write short sentences, one thought per sentence. The reader's attention will be on your side!

3. Be specific

Successful motivation letters are distinguished by specific examples in support of any statement. In most letters you can often see something like “I took part in many different projects ana events at my University. It is important for me to be an active person,” and then there are sentences about something completely different. Such general statements add absolutely no weight to your letter simply because it is completely unclear what you mean. What exactly did you participate in? And why is this so important to you? And even if you think that you have already listed all these activities in your CV, you cannot expect that the admissions officer will necessarily refer to your other documents while reading the letter. Write in such a way that any reader of your essay will not have questions about what you are stating. If you indicate something, give a specific example.

4. Write immediately in English

The fact that the text has been translated from Russian into English is usually immediately obvious, because it is very difficult to avoid the feeling of translation. Phrases and sentences in Russian are constructed completely differently than in English, and when translated, very often the Russian construction is retained, replacing only the words with English ones. And this immediately gives the impression of some kind of incompetence.

What to do if the language is still “not enough” to write an essay in English? Then I advise you not just to translate the text, but to convey the meaning of phrases and sentences. That is, do not transfer the Russian construction into the English version, but convey the meaning into the text in English. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid the impression of translation and plus, of course, if you apply for, then all these corners can be smoothed out very well.

5. Check your text several times

Very often, your own mistakes (and even simple typos) are completely invisible and the Word program can also miss them. And this is very critical. Even if you have a superbly polished text with strong ideas and advantageously presented information, if there are errors in the text, this immediately spoils the impression. For the admissions officer checking the document, this is not a sign of how “busy an applicant” you are, but a sign of negligence and disrespect for basic document requirements. To prevent this from happening, I highly recommend a convenient online service Grammarly, with which you can check the text as completely as possible and identify spelling, grammatical and a number of other errors.

Now that you know how to quickly and efficiently prepare a motivation letter, start writing!

Are you preparing your admission documents yourself? Do you want examples of successful emails?

Then you will need systematic advice and proven recommendations for preparing a motivation letter for a master's degree abroad.

Instead of spending days and hours trying to figure out how to write each section of the letter (what should be included in the motivation letter, how to start effectively, what should not be written about in principle...), you can take a manual where all these points are already spelled out .

And your task is to really just sit down and read the manual while simultaneously preparing the first draft of the document. You will not need to look for templates on the Internet, think how applicable this is to your situation, and in general, whether these examples are suitable for applying to a master’s program abroad, and not for work.

For best result it is advisable to imagine that communication occurs with best friend, who is told all the delights of studying abroad.

  • After listening to the recording, it will become clear what theses will form the basis of the essay.
  • Correct structure of the text A motivation letter, like all statements, should consist of three blocks: introductory, main and final description. The first part of the essay provides specific information about the author's academic life. The place of study, practice, name is indicated here master's program, the purpose of studying in this specialty and why this profile is attractive to you. The main block is motivational. Description of a university program that can provide the necessary skills in a specific field of activity, thanks to which the applicant will be able to achieve the goals described in the introductory part.

Motivation letter to the university

Phrases that can be used in the body of the letter:

  • I am particularly interested in this job, as... - I am interested in getting this job, as...
  • I would like to work for you, in order to... - I would like to work in your company
  • My strengths are... – My strengths
  • I would say that my only weakness / weaknesses are… . But I am looking to improve in this / these area/s. - I can say that my only weak side is... But I'm working on it
  • I would be well suited to the position because... - I consider myself a suitable candidate for this vacancy because
  • My area of ​​expertise is... – I specialize in
  • Even under pressure I can maintain high standards.

Motivation letter: example, sample


After graduating from school, I had a desire to get an education in the economic field and enter one of the most prestigious universities in Europe. Since childhood, I have loved to read. At the age of 10, the completely non-children’s book “The Financier” fell into my hands quite by accident, and to the surprise of my parents, I did not let it go. Back then I couldn’t even imagine that this book would have such an impact on my views and dreams.

2. Justification of interest in a particular discipline or specialty The next part of the motivation letter should contain a clear justification for the choice of this area of ​​study. It can contain both a description of your previous experience and indicate your desired professional prospects in the future. I would really like to get an education in economics at Charles University.

Motivation letter


How will studying at this university allow you to develop in the future? The acquisition of this specialty will continue what you have already started? Correct text structure So, let's divide your motivation letter for studying abroad into three blocks: introduction, main block and conclusion. The first describes the author's academic life, where he studied, practiced, his goals, profile. The main block is a brief description of the author’s motivation for studying at this particular university.

Finally, indicate your planned place of work and the country where you would like to apply your knowledge. How to write a motivation letter for admission to a foreign university First, answer the previously written questions orally. Record all your ideas on a voice recorder. Then write down all your ideas for visualization.
Then you can break them down point by point. Paragraph 1.

An example of a motivation letter for studying abroad - in Russian for a master's degree

    The introduction is the part of the letter that should make the reader read your letter. Make it interesting: use quotes, a description of a life event, an unusual fact.

  • The conclusion is an equally important part of the letter. The conclusion should leave a positive impression of what you read.

    In conclusion, there is no need to summarize each paragraph, but you can present the problems proposed in the letter from a different angle, connect them with more global problems or describe your goals and motivation more fully.

  • Edit the letter in several stages. First, just write the text, after a day or two you should read it, and later, proofread it in detail for grammatical and spelling errors.

How to write a motivation letter for studying abroad.

You should pay special attention to writing a motivation letter to a university. Despite the fact that writing a motivation letter is a creative process, there are a number of principles and unspoken rules for writing it. A well-written motivation letter can be a decisive factor in admission to a particular university in the Czech Republic.


Below are samples of a motivation letter and tips for writing it: 1. Biographical facts You should start your motivation letter with facts from your personal biography. A personal story, like nothing else, can show your sincerity when writing a motivation letter.

My own experience gives the letter emotionality and sincerity. (Full name, place of birth, education received, social experience.) Example: Good afternoon, My name is Olga Ivanova, I was born in Russia, in the city of Moscow.
To order a motivation letter, click on “ORDER A MOTIVATION LETTER” and fill out the form. After receiving your application, we will immediately contact you and inform you of the cost of the service and possible payment methods. As a rule, applicants associate admission to Russian universities with writing various types of tests, memorizing answers to questions on various subjects, and interviews with members of the admissions committee.
However, there are completely different admission criteria for admission to foreign universities. In foreign universities, the emphasis is on checking the depth of knowledge of the applicant and his professional suitability. Proficiency level assessed foreign languages and degree of motivation.

In addition to the basic documents required for admission, most Czech universities require applicants to write a well-written motivation letter in Czech.

Sample motivation letter for studying in Russian

In most cases, a properly formatted motivation letter is 50% of the way to getting into your dream university. That is why you should not take its writing lightly. A motivation letter is a 1-2 page essay in which the candidate describes his interests (academic), experience, goals, life position and achievements. A motivation letter can tell you a lot about the author:

  • firstly, the selection committee will be able to get an idea of ​​the candidate’s personality, his ability to think critically, and analyze the situation
  • secondly, about the candidate’s ability to logically, coherently and grammatically correctly express his thoughts in writing

Agree, based on the letter, you can draw certain conclusions about a candidate who dreams of a diploma from a world-famous university - that’s why you need to write a motivation letter.
But practice shows the opposite: nine out of 10 people, when planning to write a self-presentation, are faced with the problem: what to present and where to start? Experts who help students write a motivation letter for graduate school offer several tricks that help start the process:

  1. Ask questions: “Why do I need to study abroad for a master’s degree?”; “Why do I want to become a student at a particular university?”; “Why do I need the chosen specialty?” and “What will completing a master’s degree give me?”
  2. The listed questions should be spoken out loud and answered orally, while trying to record the entire speech on a voice recorder.

The most common mistakes when translating a motivation letter into English are the coordination of tenses in complex sentences, incorrect word order (translation requires restructuring of the sentence), misuse the only and plural during translation. This is not a complete list of possible mistakes when translating a motivation letter into English. Therefore, it is better to improve your Writing skills with the help of quality resources and advice - and write a motivation letter in English. A sample motivation letter in English can help you write your own letter. You can find examples of motivation letters in English on the portal

This is just a visual, small hint for the author. Editing Be as careful as possible when editing your finished essay. Any mistake will be considered as negligence in writing the letter.

Proofreading the text and its final revision may take several days. Do not waste your time, perhaps this will be a decisive plus in your favor. Editing is carried out step by step. 1. Checking the document for integrity; 2. Checking for the presence of a logical connection between all blocks of the letter; 3. A minimum of adjectives that express excessive emotions; 4. The motivation letter should not be too long; two A4 pages will be enough; 5. Unified style of text in the letter; 6. Text checking by a professional in English.
In the Western world the question alternative sources energy is given much more attention than in Russia, unfortunately, so I expect to make a tangible contribution to the development of this sector in my home country. To achieve my goal, I plan to build a career in companies that are world leaders in the energy sector: Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil or British Petroleum. It seems to me that the most suitable option is to start working in a team of internal consultants: this way I can gain comprehensive experience, learn all the functions and features of this business. My interest in this topic and determination will help me in a few years to lead this team and stimulate the development of alternative energy sources in Russia.

The purpose of the motivation letter (Statement of purpose) is to introduce yourself to the potential educational institution you want to enroll in, the employer you want to work for, etc. It is a reflection of your personal qualities and intellectual abilities.

Educate yourself and then present.

One of the biggest problems candidates have is that they are generally unable to take a deep look at themselves and their motives from an analytical perspective.

Members of selection committees tend to favor interesting, innovative, insightful texts that clearly show that the author has gone through a process of careful thought and self-analysis.

Stand out

The commissions are looking for something not only analytical, but also individual. This means you need to communicate some information that you rarely share with others, and also evaluate your personality more critically than usual. This approach is key to successfully writing a motivation letter.

Exercise. Before you sit down and write your essay, you need to answer the basic questions below.

1. What is special, unique, distinctive or impressive about your biography? What details of your life (personal or family, your achievements or the achievements of people under your management) will help to better understand you and distinguish you from other applicants?

2. How long ago did you become interested in what you are doing now? What was the reason for this interest? What factors stimulate your interest? Why are you convinced that you are suitable for this field? This does not mean that you should, for example, write an essay on the topic “Why I want to become a lawyer.” Instead, talk about what experience strengthens your decision to go to law school.

3. How did you hear about this grant, training, etc.?

4. If you worked while studying at university, tell us what you learned while working (for example, acquired management skills) and how work contributed to your personal growth.

5. What are your career goals?

6. If you have gaps or, conversely, sharp rises in your performance, then you need to explain them.

7. Do you have experience in overcoming difficulties (economic, physical, family)?

8. What personality characteristics do you possess that could increase your chances of success in this field? How can you demonstrate them?

9. What skills (communication, leadership, learning, etc.) do you have?

10. Why do you consider yourself the most suitable candidate among all the others?

11. What are the strongest arguments you can make in your favor?

Tell a story

Be truthful and provide only the facts, but approach writing the letter like writing fiction. Remember that you need to write an interesting, lively story to leave your competitors behind. A motivation letter should be memorable. One of the worst tactics you can use in your letter is to put pressure on the admissions committee. Many candidates actually do just that.

Describe your life carefully (if necessary, ask friends and family for help), especially regarding aspects of your personality and experiences that may prevent you from getting the job you want.

Discover new facets

If you're an ordinary person, you may not have had any bright, memorable events in your life, so finding a way to make your letter interesting and memorable can be difficult. Finding the right viewing angle is a vital task. Brainstorm ideas that highlight your personality, experience, and goals.

Focus on the first paragraph

Remember that when writing a cover letter, the most important thing is the introduction or, if there is none, the first paragraph. This is where you either completely capture the reader's attention or lose it. When you tell a story, from the very first words you try to tell the listener the most important details of the story, as well as those that are of greatest interest to him.

Tell me who you are

Admissions officers want to get an idea of ​​who you are, why you are special, and what makes you different from other candidates. They will be interested in your candidacy and want to know more about you if your letter is not similar to a thousand similar ones that they have read before.

It happens that a motivation letter is written perfectly from a literary point of view, but it lacks energy and assertiveness, and it is these qualities that the commission pays the most attention to. Remember to pay attention to equally on what you say and how you say it. Be careful in choosing what you tell the admissions committee.

Whatever you choose to tell the admissions committee will be highly reflective of you because it will show them your priorities and what you consider truly important. A motivation letter is also often a projection of your judgment, so be careful and think carefully about everything you write. Think again about yourself and your past, analyze your experiences and opportunities to develop a strategy.

Consider what you would say if the panel gave you five minutes to answer the question: “What is the most important thing we should know about you?” This exercise will force you to think in the most appropriate way for working on a motivation letter.

Don't make the mistake of trying to guess what kind of candidate the admissions committee is looking for, and don't try to write what you think the committee wants to hear. Such tricks are extremely obvious to people with experience in selection and can greatly harm you.

Be picky. Do not provide irrelevant facts, and do not try to answer every question in as much detail as possible - your judgment may be questioned.

Try to maintain a positive and optimistic tone. Overall, you want your writing to be filled with confidence and enthusiasm.

Be specific and use details where necessary.

Please adhere to any restrictions (format, word count, etc.) Do not allow your work to be rejected on technical grounds.

Be meticulous. (As you read, pick apart every word and let others read it. Let them be just as critical.)

If educational institution wondering why you decided to enroll with them and not another school, take the time to do a little research to understand what makes it different from the rest. If joining this institution means a geographic or cultural change for you, this may be a fact worth mentioning.

Don't repeat the same information several times. Do not include in the letter what is already in the attachments.

Avoid clichés. For example, a medical school applicant who writes that he is interested in science and wants to help people around him can hardly claim originality.


I provide the following information about myself: in 1997 I graduated from Kazan State Pedagogical University with a degree in History and History of Religions and became a teacher. All this time I have been working in my specialty.

I consider the main professional goal to be achieving high results in various types pedagogical activity. This requires the development and improvement of competencies through self-education, self-development, an active life position, and achieving consistency.

Thanks to hard work, I achieved significant professional success, gained experience, knowledge of pedagogical technologies, and expanded my professional horizons. This was largely due to the desire to learn myself and teach others. IN last years I am the head of the regional methodological association of history and social studies teachers of the Kaybitsky municipal district, a municipal tutor for subject teachers on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, and a certifying expert.

I consider mentoring the most important means increasing the effectiveness of the educational process.

A tutor can satisfy the special educational request of a teacher, student, or parent, providing support in learning new things.

He himself must possess and develop professional and personal competencies. Do I have them? What tasks do I set myself for their development?

I cultivate in myself what is necessary for the successful implementation of teaching activities.personal qualities, such as a common culture, a friendly attitude towards people, self-organization. I take a humanistic position towards students and pay attention to the student’s personality. I try to be a model of ethics and general culture for those around me, I am learning the ability to perceive the inner world of students. I think it is very important for the effectiveness of learning that in the lessons there is a low level of anxiety among students and a stable psychological environment, the ability of the teacher to remain calm in the most unforeseen situations, and to show resistance to stress.

IN areas of setting goals and objectivesIn pedagogical activity, it is important to be able to formulate and justify the goals and objectives of one’s own pedagogical activity. The goals and objectives of the classes are formulated on the basis of both regulatory requirements and age and individual characteristics students. I strive to methodically correctly and competently set the goals and objectives of the lesson, consistently distribute the educational material, and solve all the pedagogical tasks stated during the lesson. I use developmental learning technologies that allow me to achieve the required level of acceptance of students’ goals.

I have a good level of training in the implementation of competencesensuring students' motivation to implement educational activities . I have motivation skills, I have necessary knowledge for this. I stimulate interest in the subject at the level of vivid examples from the content of the subject, using interdisciplinary connections. I include elements practical significance material for students, transforming normative tasks into personally significant ones. I use positive motivation (approval, praise). I am able to create situations of success for students with different levels of proficiency. educational material. I use comparison with past personal results to motivate students. The main concern for me is active creative cognitive and Practical activities students. A good level of motivation of students is indirectly proven by performance indicators.

In the field of provisioninformation basis for activitiesI have the knowledge and skills that meet the requirements educational standards. On high level I know the basic content of the subject being taught. In December 2015, I completed 98% of the Unified State Exam assignments in history. I present the material being studied logically, in an easy-to-learn form that is understandable to students of varying abilities. I actively use opportunities interactive learning via the Internet, I administer the virtual elective “History for everyone”, the community of teachers “History and social studies teachers, unite!” in the “Electronic education in the Republic of Tatarstan” system. This expands the educational space and allows you to solve educational problems through inclusion in new types of activities. To help students, a collection of presentations, video materials, audio materials, creative works students.

Students actively participate in extracurricular activities in the subject, attend a historical club, and the military-patriotic club “Podvig”, which I lead.

In the field of implementationprograms and pedagogical decision makingI consider myself quite competent. I purposefully update methodological and didactic materials and actively engage in self-education.

I pay great attention to methodological work. I regularly participate in teacher councils, seminars, and conferences at the district and republican levels.

Competence in the fieldorganization of educational activitiesis expressed in the ability to organize creative educational activities of students; formulate ways of joint professional activity and cooperation; implement control and correction of educational activities. I accompany pedagogical assessment with argumentation, showing students their successes and shortcomings, and use the method of mutual assessment.

I believe, that modern teacher must have a creative attitude towards organizing interaction with students, a desire to demonstrate methodological mastery in their activities, a responsible attitude towards their responsibilities, and the ability to show a creative approach to solving various pedagogical problems.

Only a teacher who works to develop his own competencies can become a mentor for students and teachers.