Scientific project on the topic of robotics. Robots education creativity. What are LEGO robot competitions?





Bakharev Daniil,

Bezgodov Sergey,

6th grade


Puchkova Tamara Anatolevna,




1. What is a “robot”…………………………………………………………………………………………

2. The first robots…………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Types of robots………………………………………………………………………..

4. Laws of robotics………………………………………………………………...

5. Comparison of NXT and EV 3 robots……………………………………………………….

6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………..

7. List of used Internet resources …………………………………………

Appendix 1. Types of robots…………………………………………………………

Appendix 2. Our participation in robotics tournaments……………………….


In our daily life - at school, at work, at home, we are surrounded by great amount technical devices: TV, washing machine, mobile phone, computer technology and much more. But some 30-40 years ago people managed without a television, not to mention the fact that the only way to transmit information was letters and telegrams. Every year science develops, research does not stand still. More and more new technologies are being invented. I love watching this progress. That's why I became interested in robotics. This industry will develop very quickly in the world.

One day at school we were asked to participate in a robotics tournament. We were very passionate about assembling robots and were able to learn how to program them. And we began to study them.

Robotics, it seems to us, is precisely why it is interesting - it combines many sciences - here you need to know computer science, understand physics, biology, mathematics. When constructing a robot, thinking, logic, mathematical and algorithmic abilities, and research skills develop.

Target project work- attracting interest to scientific and technical creativity, technology, high technology.

Z luck- master the basics of programming and assembling robots based on NXT and EV 3 processors.

Relevance- be a technically competent specialist and in the future become a programmer, work in the IT field. And, later, perhaps we will be able to create a unique robot that will help people in difficult living conditions or dangerous professions or even be sent into space to explore other planets!

    What is a ROBOT?

Word "robot" was coined by Czech writer Karel Capek and his brother Josef and first used in Capek's play R.U.R. ("Rossum's Universal Robots") in 1920. It described the process of assembling robots by the robots themselves in a factory.

In Czech, “robota” means hard work, hard labor, corvee.

The hero of the play, engineer Ross, managed to invent a complex machine that could perform all the work of a person. The author called this humanoid machine a “robot.” The robots had complete external resemblance to humans and could do any kind of work. The demand for them was so great that the plant soon switched to their mass production. The owners of robots began to replace them with living people in factories and factories. But one day the robots attacked the people and killed them all. People on Earth ceased to exist, and their place was taken by intelligent automata...

This ending to the first play about robots left a deep imprint on the souls of the first viewers and shaped society’s negative attitude towards them for many decades. However, technology continued to develop, and people continued to build robots regardless of emotions.

    The first ROBOTS

The first thoughts on creating robots arose even before our era: in the middle of the 3rd millennium, the Egyptians invented “thinking machines” - priests hid inside statues to give predictions and advice.

And in the 50s of the 19th century, drawings of a humanoid robot made by Leonardo da Vinci, around 1495, were found. The drawing showed in detail a mechanical knight who could sit, spread his arms, move his head, and open and close his jaws. According to his plans, the work of the arms should have been controlled by a mechanical programmable device in the chest, the legs should have been controlled using a handle that set in motion a cable connected to the legs. Before the advent of industrial robots, it was believed that robots should look like humans.

One of the first robots was built by the American engineer Wensley in 1925. The author gave him the name Mr. Televox. Televox had the ability to hear and carry out several different orders given by a person using the sounds of a whistle. By giving varying numbers of repeated whistles, Wensley could force the robot to open the windows, close the door, turn on the fan and vacuum cleaner, and turn on the lights in the room. Televox was not only a hearing and speaking robot. He could do some household work, replacing the housekeeper. Using whistles, you can give the appropriate order, and a mechanical servant will heat up dinner. How will he do this? Very simple. When leaving home, the housewife must put the pot and pans with food on the electric stove. The televox will then automatically turn on the stove to the mains.

Industrial robots were the first to be invented. In 1980, the Central Research and Development Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics (TsNII RTK) was created in the USSR and the first pneumatic industrial robot MP-8 with position control was invented.

Talented people stood at the origins of robotics. The son of a professor of Slavic studies, a native of Russia, Norbert Wiener received his PhD degree from Harvard University at the age of 18!

The appearance of Norbert Wiener's book "I am a Mathematician" shocked the whole world like a powerful explosion. It was she who proclaimed the birth of a new science - CYBERNETICS. Wiener was a wide-ranging scientist.

The word robot has firmly entered our lives.

    Types of ROBOTS

During their development, robots have experienced evolution, both in terms of use and functionality.

First generation robots are robots with program control, designed to perform a specific, tightly programmed sequence of operations dictated by the corresponding technological process.

Second generation robots– these are “sentient” robots designed to work with non-oriented objects of arbitrary shape, carry out assembly and installation operations, and collect information about the external environment using a large number of sensors.

Third generation robots- these are the so-called intelligent, or intelligent, robots, designed not so much to reproduce the physical and motor functions of a person, but to automate his intellectual activity, i.e. for solving intellectual problems. They are fundamentally different from second-generation robots in the complexity of their functions and the perfection of the control system, which includes elements of artificial intelligence.

By area of ​​use, robots are divided into kinds:


  • medical,


  • security robots,


    robot toys,


    as well as androids and cyborgs.

There are robots for entertainment too. Every year it holds a robot football tournament using simplified rules. Robots can also play chess. World champion Garry Kasparov lost to a robot in a chess match.

    Laws of Robotics

Robotics has its own laws.

They were invented by the American science fiction writer, biochemist, author of about 500 fiction books, Isaac Asimov.

When creating robotics, one must be guided by the rules according to which a robot cannot harm a person, even if he is inactive; The robot's task is to obey human orders as long as they do not harm people. Human-friendliness should be the main thing in robot programming:

1. A robot must not harm a person or, through inaction, allow a person to be harmed.

2. A robot must follow human orders, except for orders that contradict the first law.

3. A robot must take care of its safety, unless this contradicts the first and second laws.

    Comparison of NXT and EV3 robots

Program block The EV3 Brick serves as the control center and power station for your robot.


3 interactive servos. Three interactive servomotors are equipped with built-in speed sensors that control the motor power, measure and set different rotation speeds, ensuring high precision of the robot's movements.

Large motor (x2) Allows you to program precise and powerful robot actions.
Medium motor. Maintains accuracy, but the resulting compactness and responsiveness come at a cost to power.

Distance sensors

Ultrasonic distance sensor Helps the robot measure the distance to surrounding objects, avoid obstacles and respond to the movement of other objects.

IR sensor. An infrared sensor is a digital sensor that can detect infrared color reflected from solid objects. It can also detect infrared light signals sent from a remote infrared about the lighthouse, which remotely controls the robot, and can also be used as a tracking device for robots.

Light and color sensors

Light sensor. Allows the robot to respond to changes in illumination and surface color.

Color sensor. Recognizes seven different colors.

Color sensor. Recognizes seven different colors and determines the brightness of light.

Sound sensor

The sound sensor allows the robot to respond to sounds of varying volumes - you can program the robot so that its actions depend on the readings of the sound sensor.

Touch sensors

Two touch sensors give the robot the ability to “sense” obstacles around it. You can program the touch sensor so that the robot's actions depend on whether the sensor button is pressed or released. Allows the robot to respond to touches, recognizes three situations: touch, click and release.

Software Interface


We believe that we have achieved our goals and objectives. We have mastered the simplest basics of programming, and we hope that we have attracted the attention of students at our school to robotics.

Robots in the future will simplify our lives, make it more comfortable and accessible. We will be able to explore the universe and penetrate, with the help of automated, programmed systems, places where humans can never reach. Robots will always be needed by people with disabilities, as well as those people whose professions involve risk. Robots will build houses and cars. Stop pollution environment, because new technologies are practically waste-free.

All over the world, serious research is already underway related to the global risk of creating an artificial superman. But people will create it! And maybe we are.

Second generation robot

Third generation robot

Appendix No. 2 Our participation in robotics tournaments

Municipal government general educational institution

secondary school No. 24 r.p. Yurts

Master Class

Formation of meta-subject results through the project method using the LEGO constructor

Teacher: Shcherbeleva Polina Vladimirovna


r.p. Yurts - 2016


  • demonstrate

practical skills of students

schools in robotics


  • develop information culture.


1. Attracting the attention of the younger generation to engineering professions.

2. Development of children's interest in scientific and technical creativity, technology, high technologies, development of algorithmic and logical thinking.

3. Identification of talented youth and their further support in the field of research work and technical creativity.

4. Creating conditions for motivating schoolchildren to scientific and creative activities in spatial design, modeling, automatic control robots.

5. Popularization and development of robotics as one of the areas modern technologies in children's education.

6. Development of students’ ability to creatively approach problem situations and independently find solutions.

7. Development and implementation of innovative content in the educational environment in the research, scientific, technical, design and engineering areas.

Junior group (first year of study)

Project "Robot Movement"

along the black line"

Project stages:

  • Study the blocks movement, sound, screen, cycle, switch, wait and their settings;
  • Move the robot along the line in the MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 program using the blocks movement, sound, cycle, switch, wait;
  • Combine previously compiled programs into one and search for and move the robot along the line in the MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 program using the blocks movement, sound, cycle, switch, wait;
  • Creating a field for the project;
  • Debugging the program.

Middle management group (first year of study)

Project "Robot Mathematician"

Project stages

  • Construct a robot by adding a light sensor to it;
  • Learn how to calibrate the light sensor;
  • Detect a feature by a robot in the MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 program using the blocks movement, sound, cycle, switch, wait;
  • Move the robot along the line in the MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 program using the blocks movement, cycle, switch, wait;
  • Count black bars and display the response in the MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 program;
  • Combine previously compiled programs into one and carry out a search, movement of the robot along the black stripe and calculation of results in the MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 program using the blocks movement, counting, cycle, switch, wait;
  • Creating a field for the project;
  • Debugging the program.

Middle management group (second year of study)

Project “Robot – Draftsman”

Project stages

  • Study the blocks movement, screen, cycle, switch, wait and their settings;
  • Design a robot;
  • Creating a field to demonstrate the project;
  • Use a ruler to mark the direction of movement of the robot;
  • Move the robot on the field from point to point in the MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 program using the blocks movement, cycle, switch, wait;
  • Combine programs into one and move the robot across the field in the MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 program using the blocks movement, cycle, switch, wait;
  • Debugging the program.

Project "Robot on laboratory work in physics"

Project stages

  • An inclined plane was constructed;
  • We fix the dynamometer;
  • We install the engine to move the dynamometer along an inclined plane;
  • We hang the load on the dynamometer;
  • Study the blocks movement, cycle, switch, wait and their settings;
  • We program the robot;
  • We launch the program for testing;
  • We enter the received data into the NXT main computer;
  • We check the data output program.

Senior group (second year of study)

Project “Smart heating on the Arduino platform”

Project stages

  • Explore the Arduino start kit;
  • Formulate a project plan
  • Schematic representation of the project;
  • Prepare parts for assembly;
  • Assembling modules and programming in the Arduino environment in java;
  • Program testing and troubleshooting;
  • Placement of lighting in the office;
  • Debugging the program.

Master class results


− systematized and generalized knowledge for the successful implementation of the operating algorithm of the assembled robot;

− learned to program robots.


− created our own robot and managed to program it

Communication :

Developed communication skills when working in a group or team.

Personal :

We developed memory and thinking, and got the opportunity to study robotics in senior years.


Modern children live in an era of active informatization and robotics. According to the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the strategy for the development of the information society in Russian Federation for 2017 - 2030" the Program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" was approved. Main end-to-end digital technologies included in the Program: components of robotics and sensors; neurotechnology and artificial intelligence; etc. The main goals of the direction concerning personnel and education are: creating key conditions for training personnel in the digital economy; improving the education system, which should provide the digital economy with competent personnel.

Of course, the state and modern society have an urgent need for highly qualified specialists with high intellectual capabilities. Therefore, it is so important, starting from preschool age to form and develop technical inquisitiveness of thinking, analytical mind, to form personality qualities designated by federal state educational standards.

Therefore, an important task of preschool education today is to develop in the child an interest in inventive and rationalization, research activities, to technical creativity.

Psychological and pedagogical research (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Wenger, N.N. Poddyakov, L.A. Paramonova, etc.) show that the most effective way the development of children's inclination towards technical creativity, the emergence of a creative personality in the technical field is the practical study, design and manufacture of technical objects, self-creation children of technical objects that have signs of usefulness or subjective novelty, the development of which occurs in the process of specially organized training.

But, unfortunately, the opportunities of preschool age in the development of technical creativity are not being used enough today.

Training and development in preschool educational institutions can be implemented in educational environment with the help of LEGO constructors and robotics, which contribute to the development of children's design and technical abilities. By constructive and technical abilities we mean the ability to understand issues related to technology, the manufacture of technical devices, and technical invention. These skills are important in the development of imaginative thinking, spatial imagination, the ability to represent an object as a whole and its parts according to a plan, drawing, diagram. An effective tool in solving this problem is the use of children's technical design, which makes it possible to implement almost all the principles set forth by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education for the organization of preschool education.

The relevance of LEGO technology and robotics is significant in light of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, since:

  • are an excellent tool for the intellectual development of preschool children, ensuring the integration of educational areas (Speech, Cognitive and Social-communicative development);
  • allow the teacher to combine education, upbringing and development of preschool children in the game mode (learning and learning in the game);
  • form cognitive activity, promote the education of a socially active personality, develop communication and co-creation skills;
  • combine play with research and experimental activities, provide the child with the opportunity to experiment and create his own world, where there are no boundaries.

Having a developed understanding and interest in technology and robotics, children will be able to find worthy use of their knowledge and talents at subsequent stages of education.

A laboratory has been created at the BU "Soviet Polytechnic College" for the specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education on the basis of the Raduga Medical Educational Institution in the city of Sovetsky. As part of the activities in which the project “Implementation of LEGO - construction and robotics in educational process kindergarten, as a means of introducing technical creativity and developing initial technical skills."

Statement and justification of the problem of an innovative project

In the actual practice of preschool educational institutions, there is an acute need to organize work to arouse interest in technical creativity and initial technical skills. However, the lack of necessary conditions in kindergarten does not allow us to solve this problem fully. Analysis of the institution’s work made it possible to identify contradictions that formed the basis of this project, in particular the contradictions between:

  • The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, which indicate the active use of constructive activities with preschoolers, as activities that contribute to the development of children's research and creative activity and the insufficient equipment of the kindergarten with LEGO constructors;
  • The need to create an innovative subject-development environment in preschool educational institutions, including one that promotes the formation of initial technical skills in preschoolers and the lack of a program for working with children with new generation construction sets;
  • Increasing demands on the quality of a teacher’s work and insufficient understanding by teachers of the influence of LEGO technologies on the personality development of preschoolers;

The identified contradictions indicate the need and possibility of introducing LEGO - construction and robotics in the educational process of kindergarten, which will create favorable conditions for introducing preschoolers to technical creativity and the formation of initial technical skills.

Project implementation timeline:September 2017 - August 2018.

Objective of the project : introduction of LEGO construction and robotics into the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Project objectives:

  • Ensure the targeted use of LEGO constructs in the educational process of kindergarten:
  • Organize targeted work on the use of LEGO construction kits in preschool educational institutions;
  • Develop and test an additional technical educational program “LEGO CONSTRUCTOR” using programmable LEGO construction sets for children of senior preschool age;
  • Develop an effective, specialized educational environment for primary technical creativity in order to support the diversity of childhood;
  • To increase the IT competence of teachers through training in LEGO technology.
  • To increase the competence of parents in the development of primary technical creativity through involvement in joint educational activities with children and the implementation of parent-child projects.
  • To develop a mechanism for introducing LEGO construction and robotics as an additional educational service.

Novelty The project is to adapt new generation construction sets: Lego Wedo, programmable construction sets into the educational process of preschool educational institutions for children of senior preschool age.

Hypothesis: We assume that organizing classes in Lego construction and robotics in preschool educational institutions contributes to the formation of scientific, technical and creative potential in children, and the acquisition of practical skills in assembling robots of various modifications.

Research methods:

  • Theoretical: analysis of psychological and pedagogical works on the research problem;
  • Empirical: observation of children’s activities in the classroom, studying the products of children’s activities; pedagogical experiment (ascertaining stage);
  • Interpretive-descriptive: qualitative and quantitative analysis of research results.

Theoretical significanceis that knowledge on the problem of developing constructive-model and initial technical skills in children of senior preschool age is systematized and generalized.

Expected practical significance project:

Solving the tasks set in the project will make it possible to organize conditions in the kindergarten that will facilitate the organization of creative productive activities of preschoolers based on LEGO construction and robotics in the educational process, which will allow the laying of initial technical skills at the stage of preschool childhood. As a result, conditions are created not only for expanding the boundaries of a child’s socialization in society, intensifying cognitive activity, and demonstrating one’s successes, but also laying the foundations for career guidance work aimed at promoting engineering and technical professions.

As a result of mastering technical creativity programs, preschool children develop holistic ideas about the modern world and the role of technology and technology in it, the ability to explain objects and processes of the surrounding reality, gain experience in constructive and creative activities, experience in cognition and self-development.

The implementation of the goals and objectives of this project will increase children’s interest in choosing professions that are relevant for the further development of our country and the region in particular.


The main idea of ​​the project is to implement a broader and deeper content of educational activities in kindergarten using LEGO constructors.

The implementation of the project idea using LEGO technology takes place in several directions.

Within the framework of the mandatory part, the general educational program Preschool educational institutions are expected to implement direct educational activities using LEGO constructors, starting from early preschool age (age category from 3 to 7 years). The consistency and direction of this process is ensured by the inclusion of LEGO construction in the regulations of the educational activities of the kindergarten, and is implemented within the framework of educational field“Cognition”, section “Construction”, based on methodological developments M.S. Ishmakova “Design in preschool education under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.”

LEGO - construction begins at the age of three: children of the second junior groups LEGO DUPLO construction set was proposed. Children get acquainted with the main parts of the LEGO DUPLO constructor, methods of fastening bricks, and children develop the ability to correlate the results of their own actions in constructing an object with a model.

IN middle group(from 4 to 5 years old) children consolidate their skills in working with LEGO constructors, on the basis of which they develop new ones. At this age, preschoolers learn not only to work according to a plan, but also to independently determine the stages of future construction and learn to analyze it. A form of work is added - this is design according to plan. Children experiment freely with building materials.

IN senior group(from 5 to 6 years old) constructive creativity is distinguished by its content and technical diversity; preschoolers are able not only to select parts, but also to create structures according to a model, diagram, drawing and their own design.

IN preparatory group(from 6 to 8 years old) developing the ability to plan your own construction using LEGO construction sets becomes a priority. Particular attention is paid to the development of children's creative imagination: children construct from their imagination on the proposed topic and conditions. Thus, buildings become more diverse and dynamic.

Construction is one of the favorite types of children's activities. Distinctive feature Such activity is independence and creativity. As a rule, construction ends with play activity. Children use the buildings created by LEGO in role-playing games, in theatrical games, they use LEGO elements in didactic games and exercises, in preparation for learning to read and write, and familiarization with the world around them. So, sequentially, step by step, in the form of a variety of playful, integrated, thematic activities, children develop their design skills, children develop the ability to use diagrams, instructions, drawings, develop logical thinking, and communication skills.

Stage 1 - “Beginner” for children 5-6 years old. Children get acquainted with the unique possibilities of modeling buildings in the LEGO - WeDo program. Organization of educational activities, on at this stage, is built in individual and subgroup forms of work with children;

Active training of teachers in LEGO technology, both through course preparation and the organization of training workshops, master classes, open classes etc.

And also the opening of a LEGO center. The LEGO Center is a kindergarten classroom equipped with educational robotic construction kits for assembling a robot by young children without computer programming skills (to bring the robot to life, special cards are used to program the robot).

Office zoning involves:

The first part is for the teacher-organizer, where you can store methodological literature, plans for working with children, required material for classes; teacher's desk.

In the second part (along the perimeter of the office) there are shelves for containers with construction sets.

In the third part (center of the office) - for conducting joint activities with children and parents. Interactive whiteboard and computer for demonstrating video material, technological process, mastering the basics of programming.

Table 1. Project implementation schedule



Event name

Brief specific description of the content of the event


Expected results


Identifying the problem, creating a regulatory framework


Studying the possibilities of introducing educational robotics into the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Analysis of the state of the specialized educational environment for primary technical creativity, identification of the problem.

Development of an innovative project.

September - October 2017.

Study and selection of regulatory documents

Studying the possibility of introducing “initial technical creativity” into the educational process

Analysis of existing conditions, organization of initial logistics and technical support for the Center

November-December 2017.

Plan approval. Formation of the program additional education on design using Lego constructors (with applications of long-term thematic planning for 2 age groups; a number of lesson notes).

Organization of initial logistics for the LEGO Center.

Project approval

Setting goals, objectives, developing a project implementation plan

Main (implementation)

Creation of a resource base for working with children in this area

Creating an environment that ensures the satisfaction of the needs of children, parents, teachers in developing interest in engineering and information technologies, research and design activities

January - May 2018

Organization of a Center for Primary Technical Creativity at a preschool educational institution, using Lego constructors.

Use of organizational and semantic resources of the developing educational environment

Organization of forms of work with students on technical creativity.

Practical implementation of experimental activities: organizing the work of the LEGO Center, summarizing and analyzing the intermediate results of the experiment; implementation of adjustments to the experimental program.

Increasing the effectiveness of work on developing constructive abilities.

Using a variety of forms when working with parents

Implementation of child-parent projects, conducting master classes on working with children.

Increasing parents' competence inissues of developing children's interest in technical creativity

Final (summarizing)

Systematization and generalization of the results obtained, their statistical processing; presentation of the results obtained.

Conducting events for preschool teachers educational organizations. Dissemination of work experience through the media, professional Internet sites.

June August


Using the experience of MADOU "Raduga" in preschool educational organizations.

Required resources used in the project:

  • Kindergarten students;
  • Kindergarten teachers;
  • Parents of pupils;
  • LEGO is a center equipped with new generation construction sets.

At the moment, the implementation of the first organizational stage of the project “Introduction of LEGO - construction and robotics in the educational process of kindergarten, as a means of introducing technical creativity and the formation of initial technical skills” has been completed:

  • A research problem has been identified and a normative base project;
  • Developed working programm additional education in design using Lego constructors for children of senior preschool age for the 2017 – 2018 academic year;
  • The material and technical base has been formed (Interactive whiteboard SMART board, desktop computer, 10 laptops, 10 basic sets Lego Education WeDo, Lego WeDo software).

To implement the II Implementation Stage of the project, 2 groups of 10 children aged 5-7 years were formed. Classes are held 4 times a week in a subgroup of 10 people, duration 30 minutes.

To date, according to calendar and thematic planning, training took place in three stages:

1. Acquaintance with the LEGO Education WeDo constructor and assembly instructions, studying the technology of connecting parts.

2. Assembling simple structures according to the sample.

3. Introducing children to the programming language and icons, as well as the rules of programming in a computer environment.

Work is planned to improve the models proposed by the developers, creating and programming models with more complex behavior.

Assessment methods

  • Conducting a performance study through final assessment material, summarizing and analyzing the intermediate results of the experiment, which includes a study of students’ technical creativity;
  • The interest of preschoolers in design, activity in design activities, participation and interest of parents in joint creative activities;
  • The equipment of the LEGO center will allow us to determine the quality of the achieved results of experimental activities, determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the work, identify difficulties and problems, which will generally ensure a positive result of the experiment.

The main objectives of performance researchexperiment is to identify the pedagogical effectiveness and social consequences of this experiment at the stage of its implementation and dissemination of the results, as well as the accumulation of examples of advanced pedagogical experience.

By the pedagogical effectiveness of an experiment we mean obtaining the results planned in the experiment with a minimum of negative consequences or costs, i.e. the degree of achievement of the planned results, the correspondence of the actual educational results achieved to the efforts made.

Main objectives of performance research:

  • Selection of a system of indicators and measures on the basis of which the study of the effectiveness of educational achievements will be conducted;
  • Conducting systematic surveys of the same experimental group in order to identify the dynamics of changes in the values ​​of the main indicators of the quality of educational achievements.

The achievements of the planned learning outcomes will be used as criteria for the effectiveness of the experiment; maintaining children's health.

But when implementing this project, like any other experimental activity, one can foresee some risks , which you should pay attention to:

1. Insufficient funding;

2. The lack of partnerships with parents can lead to parents’ disinterest in joint creative projects.

Methods for eliminating risks.

1. Search for potential project partners, establishment networking in the direction of technical creativity of students, which involves further training in this direction and joint creative projects;

2. Intensifying parents’ activities on the problem through active forms of interaction, systematically informing about the success of preschoolers, expressing timely gratitude ( Thanksgiving letters, information at stands, preschool educational institution website, etc.);

To implement the additional educational program at the Raduga Medical Educational Institution in Sovetsky, the following was done:

An office is equipped with an interactive whiteboard and a desktop computer for the teacher. To conduct classes, each student was provided with one set of Lego Education WeDo constructor and a computer for programming. A comfortable, favorable, safe environment for children has been created. It is equipped diverse collection LEGO constructors: different in design orientation, multifunctional or used to create specific models. There are containers for parts, folders with samples of buildings, and stands with samples.

LEGO-type construction kits for education are designed in such a way that a child, through an entertaining game, can gain maximum information about modern science and technology and master it. LEGO-type construction sets are intended for both independent and group and subgroup educational activities. Using a visual and effective method, children were introduced to the design properties of LEGO parts, the possibilities of their fastening, combination, design; children mastered the design elements and software. The classes consisted of two parts: in the first part, the classes studied theory, repetition of knowledge from the material covered or familiarization with unstudied issues, in the second - creating models and completing tasks according to the proposed scheme, or according to one’s own plan. When studying methods of fastening bricks, children develop the ability to correlate the results of their own actions in constructing an object with a model.

Methodology for organizing classes with children of senior preschool age.

At the first lesson, each child is given an L-shaped figure made from construction set parts and told: “This is an unfinished construction of something. I started building, and you guess what I wanted to do and finish it.” Children first examine the figure, turn it over, sometimes several times; some of them take other smaller parts and put them on it, etc. And only after such “practical” thinking (and it is important for the teacher not to rush the children to answer) they name what, in their opinion, the teacher began to do. And then, by completing the given foundation, children create different, usually structurally simple designs: airplane, bench, house, etc. The teacher approves of the children’s decisions, and then says that she started making not an airplane, nor a bench, but something else. This surprises children. The teacher asks you to think about what it could be. Children begin to either rebuild their model, modify it, or disassemble it and construct it again. As a result, children can create several different designs on one L-shaped base.

In the following classes, other figures can be given as the basis of an unfinished structure: T- and U-shaped, as well as long thin and short thick bars, made up of several parts of the designer. The tasks are repeated.

After just a few lessons, children act more confidently, and some of them offer 2-3 design options at once. At the same time, the given figure remains the basis, which children complement to obtain new design. In other words, children master the method of “objectifying” the base as a way of constructing an image of a future structure. Children also begin to use a given figure not only as a basis, but also as a part of a new design. For example, a long block is a pipe of a large steamship or a pole on which carousels are supported, etc. This suggests that the idea (image) is constructed by “incorporating” a given figure not as a basis, as it was before, but as an element of the overall design. And this is an indicator of a higher level of development of imagination and creativity.

Working with parents

The role of parents in the development of constructive abilities of preschool children is important. Thematic exhibitions on LEGO construction were held at MADOU, during which children together with their parents created buildings using given topic(for example, “Cities”, “Gifts”, “Sights”) and brought them to MADO in order not only to demonstrate their creation, but also to tell what they created, where they got the sample from and what exactly attracted them to the topic.

Also, open educational situations were held for parents, where they saw how educational activities were carried out using construction sets like LEGO, and helped children create models. The inclusion of families of students in the educational activities of the MADO expands the space and unites the interests of teachers and parents.

Table 2. Project performance indicators

Criteria for evaluation

Doesn't name details, can't match the name with the form

Names only the main details

Knows the name of all parts, easily correlates the name with the shape

doesn't know the model, their components and operating principles

names models, their components and operating principles with the help of a teacher

knows the models, their components and operating principles


Cannot assemble the program to the constructor model

Programs the constructor model with the help of a teacher

Independently programs the constructor model

Design according to sample

Can't design according to sample

Constructs according to a model with the help of a teacher

Constructs according to a model without the help of a teacher

Design according to the scheme

Cannot design according to a diagram

Constructs according to a diagram with the help of a teacher

Constructs according to a diagram without the help of a teacher

Cannot design according to one's own design

Designs according to his own plans with the help of a teacher

Designs according to his own plans without the help of a teacher

Indicators: “Low level” - from 0 to 4 points (range of interests in this species activities are quite narrow, fragmented); “Intermediate level” - from 5 to 8 points (the child has creative abilities and strives for self-education, craves knowledge in this area); “High level” - from 9 to 12 points (the child is erudite, has diverse value orientations, constantly strives for knowledge).

Table 3. Intermediate results of the experiment. Subgroup No. 1


Child's full name

Designer parts name

Knowledge of models, their components and operating principles


Design according to sample

Design according to the scheme

Design according to your own plans

Final result, level of assimilation

Dyrin Matvey


Krasnoperov Artem


Predit Valeria


Sushinskikh Milan


Korepanov Denis


Komkov Ivan


Savinykh Elizaveta


Erlikhman Artem


Smolnyakov Nikolay


King Alexey


Figure 1. Diagram of intermediate results of the experiment. Subgroup No. 1.

At this stage of the project, based on the intermediate results, we can say that the average level development of constructive-model skills in children of senior preschool age. One student has a low level of mastery due to infrequent attendance, visual impairment and absent-mindedness in class. Two students have a high level of mastery of the program; they easily master the program on a given topic and create models according to their own ideas. Most children show great interest in the process of creating objects, it becomes more focused and lengthy.

Purposeful and systematic teaching of design to preschool children contributes to the formation of the ability to learn, achieve results, gain new knowledge in the world around them, and lay the first prerequisites for educational activities.

The creation of problem situations influenced the development of research, experimental, and design skills of preschool children and contributed to the improvement of their social and communication skills.

It is important that this work does not end in kindergarten, but continues at school. Design and robotics are a new and innovative area of ​​work. Thereby attracting the attention of children and parents. An excellent opportunity to give a child a chance to show constructive and creative abilities, and for a kindergarten to introduce as many preschool children as possible to technical creativity.

Conclusion :

As a result of successful implementation of the project, it is planned to achieve the following results:

1. Creation of new conditions for the learning and development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions, through the organization of a targeted educational process using LEGO construction, as part of the implementation of the main part of the kindergarten educational program.

2. Development and implementation of an additional educational program in preschool educational institutions in technical design.

3. Expressed activity of parents in joint educational activities with children to introduce them to technical creativity.

4. Increasing interest and competence in the use of programmable LEGO constructs among teachers of preschool educational institutions.

As a result of generalizing the work on the project, it is expected to obtain the following products that can be used in the work preschool institutions and institutions of further education:

1. A program of additional education in design using LEGO constructors (with applications for long-term thematic planning; a number of lesson notes);

2. Lego center model (with methodological recommendations on organizing work in the Lego center: rules of work in the Lego center, an algorithm diagram for working with Lego constructors, technological maps for assembling design models, workbook preschooler in educational robotics;

3. Joint parent-child projects, master classes.

The implementation of the project is significant for the development of the education system, since promotes:

  • Ensuring work within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • Formation of the image of a children's educational institution;
  • Parents' satisfaction in educational services DOW.

Development prospects

Solving the tasks set in the project will make it possible to organize conditions in the kindergarten that will facilitate the organization of creative productive activities of preschoolers based on LEGO construction and robotics in the educational process, which will allow the development of initial technical skills at the stage of preschool childhood. As a result, conditions are created not only for expanding the boundaries of a child’s socialization in society, intensifying cognitive activity, and demonstrating one’s successes, but also laying the foundations for career guidance work aimed at promoting engineering and technical professions.

Possibility of using the project.

The project is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, teachers of additional education as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and all interested parties.


  1. A. Bedford “The Big Book of LEGO” - Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014 – 256 p.
  2. M.S. Ishmakova “Design in preschool education under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard” - IPC Mask, 2013 - 100 p.
  3. Lykova I.A. Construction in kindergarten: educational and methodological manual for the partial program “Smart Fingers”. - M.: Publishing House “Tsvetnoy Mir”, 2015. . – 176s.
  4. E.V. Feshin “Lego - construction in kindergarten” - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2018 - 136 p.
  5. S.A. Filippov “Robotics for children and parents” - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2013. – 319s.
  6. Yu. V. Rogov “Robotics for children and their parents” ed. V. N. Khalamova - Chelyabinsk, 2012 – 176 p.


Abstract to the program of additional education on design using LEGO constructors

The Robotics program was developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

Relevance of the programis as follows:

Demand for the development of a broad outlook in older preschoolers, including in the natural sciences;

Absence methodological support formation of the foundations of technical creativity, initial programming skills;

The need for early scientific and technical professional orientation. The program meets the requirements of the direction of municipal and regional policy in the field of education - the development of the fundamentals of technical creativity of children in the context of modernization of education.

Novelty of the programlies in the research and technical orientation of training, which is based on new information technology, which contributes to the development of information culture and interaction with the world of technical creativity. The author's translation of ideas into automated models and projects is especially important for older preschoolers, who have the most pronounced research (creative) activity.

Children's creativity is one of the forms of independent activity of a child, during which he deviates from the usual and familiar ways of manifesting the world around him, experiments and creates something new for himself and others.

Technical children's creativity is one of the important ways of forming the professional orientation of children, promotes the development of a sustainable interest in technology and science, and also stimulates rationalization and inventive abilities.

The purpose of the program is development of technical creativity and the formation of scientific and technical professional orientation in children of senior preschool age using robotics.


  • to form primary ideas about robotics, its importance in human life, about professions related to the invention and production of technical equipment;
  • introduce to scientific and technical creativity: develop the ability to pose a technical problem, collect and study the necessary information, find a specific solution to the problem and materially implement your creative plan;
  • develop productive (construction) activities: ensure that children master the basic techniques of assembling and programming robotic devices;
  • to form the basis for the safety of one’s own life and the surrounding world: to form an idea of ​​the rules of safe behavior when working with electrical equipment, tools necessary when constructing robotic models
  • cultivate a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results;
  • to develop cooperation skills: working in a team, in a team, in a small group (in pairs).

The program is based on the following principles: enrichment of child development;

building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as individualization of preschool education); assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations; supporting children's initiative in productive creative activities; introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state; formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in productive creative activity; age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics).

Characteristics and features of the development of technical children's creativity

Technical children's creativity is the design of devices, models, mechanisms and other technical objects. The process of technical children's creativity is conventionally divided into 4 stages: formulation of a technical problem, collection and study of the necessary information, search for a specific solution to the problem, material implementation of the creative plan.

In preschool age, children's technical creativity comes down to modeling the simplest mechanisms.

Children's creativity, as one of the ways of a child's intellectual and emotional development, has a complex mechanism of creative imagination, is divided into several stages and has a significant impact on the formation of the child's personality.

There are three main stages in a child’s creative activity:

  1. Formation of the plan. At this stage, the child has an idea (either independently or suggested by a parent/educator) to create something new. How younger child, the more important is the influence of an adult on the process of his creativity. IN younger age only in 30% of cases are children able to realize their idea; in the rest, the original idea undergoes changes due to the instability of desires. The older a child gets, the more experience he gains in creative activity and learns to turn his original idea into reality.
  2. Implementation of the plan. Using imagination, experience and various tools, the child begins to implement the idea. This stage requires the child to be able to use expressive means and different ways creativity (drawing, applique, crafts, mechanism, singing, rhythm, music).
  3. Analysis creative work. It is the logical conclusion of the first stages. After finishing the work, the child analyzes the result, involving adults and peers in this.

The influence of children's creativity on the development of a child's personality

An important feature of children's creativity is that the main attention is paid to the process itself, and not to its result. That is, creative activity itself and the creation of something new are important. The question of the value of the model created by the child recedes into the background. However, children experience a great uplift if adults note the originality and originality of the child’s creative work. Children's creativity is inextricably linked with play, and sometimes there is no boundary between the process of creativity and play. Creativity is an essential element of the harmonious development of a child’s personality; at a young age it is necessary, first of all, for self-development. As a child grows up, creativity can become the main activity of a child.

Planned results of the program implementation

- the child masters robotic construction, shows initiative and independence in the LEGO WeDo programming environment, communication, cognitive, research and technical activities;

The child is able to choose technical solutions, team members, small group;

The child has a positive attitude toward robotic construction, various types of technical work, other people and himself, and has a sense of self-esteem;

The child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint construction, technical creativity, and has skills in working with various sources of information;

The child is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of self-confidence, tries to resolve conflicts;

The child has a developed imagination, which is realized in different types research and creative-technical activities, in construction games and design; according to a developed scheme with the help of a teacher, launches programs on a computer for various robots;

The child knows different forms and types of creative and technical games, is familiar with the main components of the LEGO WeDo construction set; types of movable and fixed connections in the constructor, basic concepts used in roboticsdistinguishes between conditional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms;

The child has a fairly good command of oral speech, is able to explain a technical solution, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, construct a speech statement in a situation of creative, technical and research activity;

The child has developed large and fine motor skills, he can control and control his movements when working with Lego constructors;

The child is capable of volitional efforts when solving technical problems, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in technical competition, in relationships with adults and peers;

The child can follow the rules of safe behavior when working with electrical equipment and tools necessary for constructing models;

The child shows interest in research and creative-technical activities, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, and tries to independently come up with explanations for technical problems; inclined to observe, experiment;

- the child has basic knowledge and basic understanding of robotics, knows the computer environment, including a graphical programming language, creates working models of robots based on the LEGO We Do constructoraccording to the developed scheme; demonstrates the technical capabilities of robots, creates computer programs for various robots with the help of a teacher and launches them independently;

- the child is capable of making his own creative and technical decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills, independently creates his own models of robots based on the LEGO We Do constructor; creates and runs programs on a computer for various robots independently, knows how to adjust programs and designs.

Cognitive development.

Study of the process of motion transmission and energy conversion in a machine. Identify simple mechanisms operating in the model, including levers, gears, and belt drives. Introduces more complex types of motion using cam, worm and ring gears. Understanding that friction affects the movement of the model. Understanding and discussing test criteria. Understanding the needs of living beings.

Creation and programming of operating models. Interpretation of 2D and 3D illustrations and models. Understanding that animals use different parts of their bodies as tools. Comparison of natural and artificial systems. Using software to process information. Demonstrated ability to work with digital tools and technology systems.

Assembly, programming and testing of models. Changing the behavior of a model by modifying its design or through feedback using sensors.

Measurement of time in seconds with an accuracy of tenths. Estimation and measurement of distance. Mastering the concept of a random event. Relationship between diameter and rotation speed. Using numbers to set sounds and to set how long the motor will run. Establishing a relationship between the distance to an object and the distance sensor reading. Establishing a relationship between the position of the model and the readings of the tilt sensor. Using numbers in measurements and in assessing quality parameters.

Social and communicative development.

Organizing brainstorming sessions to find new solutions. Teaching principles collaboration and exchange of ideas, study together within the same group. Preparing and conducting a demonstration of the model. Participation in group work as a “sage” to whom all questions are addressed. Becoming independent: distribute responsibilities in your group, show a creative approach to solving a given task, create models of real objects and processes, see the real result of your work.

Speech development.

Communicate orally using special terms. Using interviews to obtain information and outline a story. Description of the logical sequence of events, creation of a production with the main characters and its design with visual and sound effects using simulation. Use of multimedia technologies to generate and present ideas.

Techniques and methods of organizing classes.

I Methods of organizing and conducting classes

1. Perceptual emphasis: verbal methods, visual methods, practical methods

2. Gnostic aspect: illustrative - explanatory methods, reproductive methods, problematic methods (methods of problematic presentation) are given a part of ready-made knowledge, heuristic (partially search) there is a greater opportunity to choose options, research - children themselves discover and explore knowledge.

3. Logical aspect: inductive methods, deductive methods, productive, concrete and abstract methods, synthesis and analysis, comparison, generalization, abstraction, classification, systematization, i.e. methods as mental operations.

4. Managerial aspect: methods academic work under the guidance of a teacher, methods of independent learning work for students.

Program modules.

Why do people need robots? (introduction to robotics)

The main subject area is knowledge in the field of natural scientific concepts about robots, their origin, purpose and types, rules of robotics, design features. Children get acquainted with a short history robotics, famous people in this field, various types of robotic activities: design, programming, competitions, preparation of video reviews.

Module. How to teach a robot to move? (basics of programming)

The main subject area is natural - scientific ideas about assembly and programming techniques. This module is used as a reference material when working with the assignment set. It is also studied in separate classes to introduce children to the basics of constructing mechanisms and programming. The melon module forms children's ideas about the relationship between programming and movement mechanisms: - what happens after starting and stopping the program cycle? How to change the value of program input parameters. What functions does the program blocks perform?

Module “Funny Mechanisms”

The main subject area is natural science concepts. During the classes, children get acquainted with belt drives, experiment with pulleys of different sizes, straight and cross belt drives, and explore the influence of gear sizes on the rotation of the top. The classes are devoted to studying the principle of operation of levers and cams, as well as familiarization with the basic types of movement. Children change the number and position of cams, using them to transmit force.

Module "Zoo"

The module reveals to children the understanding that a system must respond to its environment. In the Hungry Alligator activity, children program the alligator to close its mouth when a distance sensor detects “food” in it. In the Roaring Lion lesson, students program a lion to sit, then lie down, and roar when it smells a bone. The Fluttering Bird activity creates a program that includes the sound of flapping wings when the tilt sensor detects that the bird's tail is up or down. In addition, the program includes the sound of bird chirping when the bird leans and the distance sensor detects the approach of the ground.

Module “Humanoid robots (androids)”

The module is aimed at developing mathematical abilities. In the “Forward” lesson, they measure the distance a paper ball flies. In the “Goalkeeper” lesson, children count the number of goals, misses and saved balls, and create an automatic scoring program. In the Cheering Fans lesson, students use numbers to evaluate quality indicators to determine the best result in three various categories. Much attention in the program is paid to the development of children's creative imagination. They are no longer designing according to finished sample, but according to one’s own imagination, sometimes turning to a photograph or drawing. Often children have a desire to remake toys, buildings or make new ones. The LEGO construction kit and its LEGO WeDO software provide an excellent opportunity for a child to learn through personal experience.

Organizational support for program implementation

The program involves organizing joint and independent activities once a week with a group of children of senior preschool age. The activities provided for by the program can be organized both on the basis of one separate group, and in mixed groups consisting of students from the senior and preparatory groups.

Brief information about the group

Children of senior preschool age

The form of classes is subgroup, individual.

Year of study – 1.

Number of classes per week – 4 classes of 30 minutes.

Material and technical support

Modern robotic systems include microprocessor control systems, motion systems, equipped with advanced sensor support and means of adaptation to changing conditions external environment. Models are widely used in the study of such systems. One of the first construction sets with which you can create programmable models is the LEGO WeDo kit - a construction set (a set of mating parts and electronic components) for creating a programmable robot.

The program involves using the basic sensors and motors of the LEGO WeDo kit, as well as learning the basics of programming in the LEGO WeDo environment.

To organize you will need:

Interactive board; laptop; projector; LEGO WeDo PervoRobot constructor - 10 pcs.; LEGO WeDo PervoRobot software, which includes:

The set includes 158 elements, including a USB LEGO switch, a motor, a tilt sensor and a distance sensor, allowing you to make the model more maneuverable and smart.

LEGO® WeDo™ FirstRobot software (LEGO Education WeDo Software).

Thematic planning

for additional educational activities "Robotics"

January-February 2018





Main content of the activity





Form of work



Introduction to Robotics

Safety briefing. The use of robots in the modern world: from children's toys to serious research developments.

Cognitive - research

Cognitive development

Speech development






Lego WeDo constructor

Introduction to LEGO Education WeDo

Familiarity with the main components of the design environment. Developing the skill of distinguishing parts in a box, the ability to listen to information from the teacher.

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development






Lego WeDo constructor

Study of construction parts and types of their connections. The strength of the connection is the stability of the structure. Practical work No. 1 “Building a LEGO Education WeDo set”

Develop the skill of orientation in details, their classification in accordance with the specifications attached to the designer, the ability to listen to the teacher’s instructions. Introduction to the principles of creating structures.

Cognitive - research

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development






Lego WeDo constructor

Programming and design. Motor and axle.

Familiarization with the toolbar and functional commands; compiling programs in design mode. Getting to know the motor. Building the model shown in the picture.

Cognitive - research

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development






Control sensors and motors using WeDo software. Cross and belt drive. Decrease and increase speed

Structure and course of the program. Sensors and their parameters:

Turn sensor,

Proximity sensor.

Introduction to belt and cross drives. Construction of the model shown in the picture. Comparison of these types of transmission. Introducing ways to reduce and increase speed

Cognitive - research

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development






Lego WeDo constructor, computer, projector


Introducing the First Steps to Pulleys and Belts

Give knowledge that the pulley mounted on the motor axis begins to rotate. The pulley rotates the belt. The belt rotates the second pulley.

Cognitive - research

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development






Lego WeDo constructor, computer, projector

"Dancing Birds"

Know the rules safe work. Know the main components of LEGO construction sets. Know the design features of various models, structures and mechanisms. Content: students become familiar with belt drives, experiment with pulleys of different sizes, straight and cross belt drives.

Cognitive - research

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development






Lego WeDo constructor, computer, projector

Introducing the first steps of "Proximity Sensor"

Give an idea that a distance sensor tracks the distance to an object and reports it to the computer.

Cognitive - research

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development






Lego WeDo constructor, computer, projector

"Hungry Alligator"

Know the design features of various models, structures and mechanisms; Know the computer environment, which includes a graphical programming language. Contents: During the lesson, children program an alligator to close its mouth when a distance sensor detects “food” in it.

Cognitive - research

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development






Lego WeDo constructor, computer, projector

Getting Started with Tilt Sensor First Steps

reports the direction of tilt. It distinguishes six positions: “Nose up”, “Nose down”, “On the left side”, “On the right side”, “No tilt” and “Any tilt”.

Cognitive - research

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development






Lego WeDo constructor, computer, projector

"Unsinkable sailboat"

Know the design features of various models, structures and mechanisms. Know the computer environment, which includes a graphical programming language. Know how to use created programs. Contents: during the lesson, children build a model, program and play with the model, and successively describe the adventures of Max, who was caught in a storm.

Cognitive - research

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development






Lego WeDo constructor, computer, projector

Design according to your own plans

Consolidate acquired knowledge and constructive skills, the ability to create a plan and implement it.

Cognitive - research

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development






Lego WeDo constructor, computer, projector

"Monkey Drummer"

Know the design features of various models, structures and mechanisms. Know the computer environment, which includes a graphical programming language. Contents: the lesson is devoted to studying the principle of operation of levers

Student projects in robotics

A schoolchild's overwork is often associated with incorrect posture, and if measures are not taken, the curvature of the spine will ruin the student's life for many years. Inattention now leads to problems in the future: incorrect posture is not only unsightly, but also harmful to health, leads to pinched nerves, damage to the vertebrae, and interferes with proper development and work internal organs. What measures can he take? We will try to answer this question for you today. Primary school students cannot maintain a sitting posture for more than 5-7 minutes. At the same time, static endurance in schoolchildren is low, body fatigue develops relatively quickly, which is associated with age-related characteristics of the motor analyzer. This explains the relevance of the topic of the research project “RoboHolder robotic stand for e-book, as a means of preserving the health of students." Therefore, the topic of health care today is very important for consideration.

11.11.16 14-46-01

We, as future engineers, understand that the future of science lies in the merging of scientific disciplines and lies in their implementation. Our project is based on the relationship between biology and robotics. We have brought to life a model of a plant that moves behind the sun or other light source, so that we can observe the process of heliotropism without harming real living plants. Together with the biology teacher (Kalugin S.G.), we chose a plant whose movements we will demonstrate (Sunflower). From various sources of information we learned that during the flowering period, sunflowers face their inflorescences towards the sun. We started designing and programming with the support of a robotics teacher (Grishko K.E.) and saw how well we were able to implement the task when creating a “sunflower robot” at the first stage of our research work. Demonstration of the heliotropic motion of the "sunflower robot".

11.11.16 14-46-58

13.11.16 14-36-59

We would like to present a group project: The Smart Greenhouse Project. Project “Smart Greenhouse” A significant part of our country are happy owners of dacha plots and many of them would like to have greenhouses at their dacha. Due to the fact that the dachas are remote from the housing, it is difficult to maintain the required temperature conditions, in simpler terms - open the greenhouse in the morning and close it in the evening. There is a need for a device that would regulate the air temperature in the greenhouse in an autonomous mode. Let's look at the common and beloved tomato. Let's talk a little about the design and modeling of a smart greenhouse: Presentation: Watch the presentation "PRESENTATION_Prototype of a smart greenhouse based on LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3.pptx". The greenhouse model was assembled by Dima Kozyrchikov and Sasha Roshchin. The intelligent filling of the smart greenhouse is the educational set ev-3, namely the ev-3 block, a large motor that ensures the raising of the window, a medium motor that rotates the fan blades, a temperature sensor, and a light sensor. We learned from the Internet that the optimal temperature for germination of tomato seeds is 26 degrees Celsius. Let's demonstrate how our smart greenhouse can protect our germinating tomatoes from overheating. To demonstrate the phenomenon of overheating, we use an ordinary incandescent lamp. In our greenhouse, thanks to the greenhouse effect, the temperature quickly rises above the permissible value of 26 degrees. The window automatically opens and the fan starts working, which significantly speeds up air circulation and smoothly lowers the temperature to an acceptable value. There is a problem!!! Tomatoes at different stages of development require different temperatures!!! Let's simulate the thermal regime for tomatoes!!! It is necessary to simulate the following conditions: From sowing until the appearance of cotyledons and leaves (20-22 days), a temperature of 24-26 °C is required. From the moment the cotyledons and leaves appear until the formation of buds, a temperature of 20-22 °C during the day and 16-18 °C at night is required ( 20-22 days to 52 days approximately). From the moment the buds form until the tomatoes ripen, a temperature of 17-18 °C during the day and 16 °C at night is required. The timing of the transition from one stage to another may vary depending on the variety and soil composition. The smart greenhouse automatically switches from one thermal mode to another after human confirmation. For notification, a message is displayed on the screen and a voice message. We see the prospect of developing the project in creating a similar functioning smart window device that can be used in real greenhouses. Thank you for your attention! !! Watch the video "Protection of the project" Watch the presentation "PRESENTATION_Prototype of a smart greenhouse based on LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3.pptx" Watch the project "Prototype of a smart greenhouse based on LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3.docx"

13.11.16 14-40-09

Presentation of the project “Studying the processes of formation of a conditioned reflex and dynamic stereotype using the robot model “Pavlov’s Dog” based on LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3.” Hello, dear conference participants and judges, I am a student of the Oshchepkova school in the working village of Pyshma Zemnukhov Danil would like to present to your attention a scientific research project “Studying the processes of formation of a conditioned reflex and a dynamic stereotype using the robot model “Pavlov’s Dog” based on LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3.” I would like to present to you the interim results of a long-term research project. The idea of ​​modeling the processes of formation of a conditioned reflex came to me while reviewing the material for the 8th grade course “Human Anatomy”. A significant part of the students found it difficult to understand the processes of formation of conditioned reflexes. This experiment is quite difficult to carry out, since it is necessary to attract animals, and it requires quite a lot of time. I expressed a desire to create a model of a robotic dog on which Pavlov’s experiments could be carried out to study the conditioned reflex. Subsequently, in the process of studying the material, I came to the conclusion that by studying the mechanism of formation of the conditioned reflex it would be possible to model a dynamic stereotype and training. After consulting with biology teacher S.G. Kalugin in a biology lesson, I went to robotics teacher K.E. Grishko to bring my ideas to life. I set the following goal and defined tasks. Goal: creating a dog model, studying the processes of formation of conditioned reflexes through modeling physiological processes using the LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 educational constructor. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were put forward: 1. Study the theory of classical conditioning by I. Pavlov 2. Get acquainted with the concepts of conditioned, unconditioned reflex, dynamic stereotype 3. Summarize the data obtained, present them in their final form to create the “Pavlov’s Dog” model and write programs . 4. Assembling a dog model from the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 construction set, writing a program. 5. Studying the key concepts of physiology using the “Pavlov’s Dog” model: conditioned reflex. 6. Defending the project in front of an audience; 7. Systematization of the experience gained for subsequent work) When studying non-hereditary behavior programs, the classic food conditioned reflex is considered. Let's look at it briefly. The dog, located in the chamber and in the pen, was automatically given food (an unconditioned stimulus), then the appearance of food began to be preceded by a “conditioned stimulus” or “conditioned signal” in the form of a bell, a flash of a light bulb or the sound of a metronome. The dog's reaction to an unconditioned stimulus in the form of food is accompanied by an unconditioned reflex secretion of saliva. The presentation of an unconditioned stimulus after a conditioned one during an experiment is called “reinforcement.” If, during the development of a conditioned reflex, reinforcement is used that corresponds to the animal’s existing motivation (for example, food reinforcement in a hungry animal), then it is called “positive.” As a result of the experience, the dog begins to respond to the “conditioned stimulus” as to the “unconditioned stimulus (food)” by secreting saliva. So, let's take a look at the results. I offer you a demonstration of the “formation of a conditioned food reflex using the robot model “Pavlov’s Dog” 1. “Pavlov’s Dog” stands in one position, when an object approaches (we simulate food intake, an unconditioned reflex) it opens its mouth (we replace the salivation reflex due to the impossibility of fulfilling ) is an unconditioned reflex. 2. Before the object approaches, turn on the bright light (the robot reacts to the approach of the object by opening its mouth), strictly observing the sequence of first turning on the bright light, then approaching the object. If the sequence is followed by turning on the light before an object approaches from 3 to 8, the robot begins to react to the light as to an approaching object and open its mouth earlier. (The classic experiment of I. Pavlov was modeled. Before eating, a light bulb is lit. The release of saliva during feeding is an unconditioned reflex. With repeated repetition, saliva is released on the light bulb - a conditioned reflex). 3. Destruction of the formed conditioned reflex (inhibition). Let us consider on the basis of the formed reflex of opening the mouth to the light (analogy of Pavlov’s salivary reflex). External braking. “Pavlov’s dog” has a formed “reflex”. When you press a button on the robot’s body (we simulate the effect of a stimulus on the dog’s skin), it stops opening its mouth to the light (under the influence of a new stimulus that acts simultaneously with a conditioned signal. An external stimulus that is stronger is dominant; painful irritation of the dog’s skin will sharply slow down food conditioning reflexes). At this stage, we have successfully completed the task of modeling the formation of a conditioned reflex; then we plan to improve the program and achieve maximum reliability and program even beyond the limits and conditioned inhibition of the conditioned reflex. It is quite simple to prove the adaptive significance of the reflex using Pavlov’s Dog. After the “reflex” is formed, the model begins to react in advance, thereby increasing the likelihood of more successful actions. If the reflex loses its relevance, or a stronger stimulus appears, then the “conditioned reflex” is destroyed without preventing the body from acting adequately to environmental conditions. The result of the project, initially an interest in the subject of biology and a stock of knowledge and skills in robotics helped us make a robot that will help in studying the formation of conditioned reflexes. In the process of research work, we identified prospects for the development of the project - In the near future, we will improve the program to implement the dynamic stereotype. In the future, using the principle of implementing a conditioned reflex, we will simulate dog training. Work has begun, we hope to present you a model of “Pavlov’s Dog” in the next academic year, capable of simulating training. Thank you for your attention!

13.11.16 14-48-09

Slide 1 Hello, Modeling and manufacturing of a smart hood for rooms with high humidity based on the Arduino programming language and Amperki conductors. Slide2 The bathroom is a room that is constantly exposed to high humidity and temperature changes - as a result, mold and mildew can easily settle in it. The main method of control is room ventilation. Ventilation can be either natural or forced. If natural ventilation is installed at the construction stage of the building, then a forced ventilation system can be implemented at any time. Slide3 Let's consider the types of turning on the hood: 1. It turns on together with the light in the bathroom with one common switch. But a hood is usually only needed when taking a shower, when the humidity in the bathroom is high. This means that the rest of the time the electricity is wasted. To ventilate the bathroom after a shower, you also have to leave the light on. Again, unnecessary energy consumption 2. Manually turn on the hood fan during or after taking a shower. A separate switch is needed. Inconvenient. You may forget to turn off the fan if you leave it on to ventilate the bathroom after taking a shower. In general, this approach to the matter is not very correct, since in this case the room is ventilated only when there is a person in the room. Slide3 As a result, the problem arises: How to most effectively organize a hood for rooms with high humidity while saving energy. Having thought about this problem, I found a solution; it will be about how, through simple manipulations, to automatically turn on the ventilation in the bathroom so that it does not turn into a steam bath and continues to delight us with cleanliness and freshness. The goal of my project: Creating a model of a smart hood for rooms with high humidity based on the Arduino programming language and Amperki conductors. You can see the tasks on the slide! An automatic hood differs from an ordinary one only in the presence of electronics that control its operation. Such devices are either equipped with a shutdown timer (they turn on, like an ordinary hood, using the switch key), or special sensors that control the humidity in the bathroom. As soon as it exceeds the permissible value, the fan turns on, after the humidity returns to normal, it turns off. Such hoods are ready-made, but you can modify an already installed one. As an example, we provide a module-based solution:. To solve this problem, the following modules were selected: *digital humidity sensor; Necessary equipment can be seen on the slide: Digital temperature and humidity sensor DHT11 interface 1WIRE is a module built on a digital humidity sensor DHT11 operating via a 1Wire interface. The connection diagram turned out to be simple. It can be seen in the sketch below: How to check the operation of the entire system: using a hot shower, raise the humidity in the bathroom, monitoring the readings on the display, at 41% the hood fan should turn on. Turn off the shower. After a few minutes, when the humidity drops, the fan will turn off. Demonstration of the operation of the circuit in humidity control mode: Now the bathroom is not afraid of fungus, mold and there will be no excessive consumption of electricity. Perhaps someone would like to implement this decision. Or maybe he will offer his own?

14.11.16 17-24-40

One of the key directions that our society is heading towards is preserving health and introducing new technologies. What could be better than a person who monitors his own working conditions, especially if we are talking about us as schoolchildren. Using this “RoboRomashka” analyzer, any schoolchild will be able to independently control their “habitat environment” and, if necessary, change it. If the level of illumination or temperature deviates from the norm, “RoboRomashka” will give a signal, simulating the alarm. What should encourage the student to engage in independent activities to normalize learning conditions. For example, in winter period It is quite difficult to control the temperature in the office. Despite the established ventilation procedure, the temperature in the classroom rises above normal, and such a device could encourage the children to be more attentive to ventilation and, if necessary, make independent decisions. The problem of the study is that sometimes the teacher or the students forget to ventilate the classroom or take into account the lighting in the room where the students are studying, this contributes to deterioration of health and also affects the performance of students during class hours. Goal: based on the MINDSTORMS Education EV3 microcomputer and LEGO construction kit parts, create an analyzer of lighting conditions and classroom air temperature. In addition, create data recording in a separate computer to track the rational use of electric lighting and temperature conditions in the office.

16.11.16 17-32-55

The most famous of the IRC clients is mIRC; thanks to its simple and effective command system, many scripts have been written for it, which also allow you to execute wide range actions. Bots and mIRC bots are used for various games in channels - “Mafia”, “Quiz” and others. The problem with the study is that neither post nor telegraph allowed real-time communication, and were not available in the home environment. Object of study: the “Local Chat” program that allows you to transmit text messages in real time. Subject of research: transmission of a text message in a secure local network using VB 6.0 program. The goal of the project: to create a local chat for instant exchange of both simple and secure messages. Project objectives: 1. Consider the history of the emergence of local chats and applications general purpose for local network users 2. Study the Visual Basic 6.0 software environment. . 3. Write a “Local Chat” application. 4. Test the product at the Oshchepkovskaya Secondary School. Hypothesis: if you choose the right algorithm for local chat, messages will be sent instantly via a secure channel. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references. The introduction reveals the purpose and objectives of the research, defines the object and subject of the research. In conclusion, the main conclusion of the work is drawn.

05.03.17 18-33-39

The work of Elizaveta Pulnikova is devoted to the creation, based on the VB 6.0 programming language, of a local chat as one of the effective means of transmitting text information in educational institutions. The relevance of this topic is beyond doubt. With the development of information technology, global communications have become possible. The historical “pre-computer” predecessor of chats was, of course, the telephone. Neither mail nor telegraph allowed real-time communication, and were not accessible at home. The invention and spread of local chats around the planet caused a real revolution in the means and methods of communication. The main purpose of creating a network chat is the instant exchange of both simple and confidential messages. This explains the relevance of this topic. Elizaveta has done serious work on studying this project, Elizaveta independently studied the VB 6.0 programming language, this is a high-level language with a graphical interface, it is also important that this language is not studied in school curriculum, that is, this is a kind of hobby in programming. Based on a conversation with a student: “I really wanted to write a program that would really be useful. Knowing the PascalABC programming language and already certain programming logic, I decided to implement the Local Chat program for myself.” The program is called “Network Chat” and consists of two modules: 1 server. 2. Client. Designed for people who do not know PCs well, software does not require any instructions for use and is understandable on an intuitive level. The interface is very convenient and visually pleasing. In her work, Elizaveta describes in detail the research step by step and on specific examples shows the solution to the assigned problems. The project under review is a serious and interesting job. It is made on high level, contains a number of findings of interest. The material in the work is presented consistently and clearly. The conclusions and findings are correct. I believe that Elizaveta Pulnikoyva’s research project can be presented at a scientific and practical conference and deserves high praise. Project manager: Grishko Konstantin Evgenievich, teacher of computer science and ICT MBOU PGO "Oshchepkovskaya Secondary School" January 20, 2017

06.03.17 20-33-03

Pulnikov Rodion's work is devoted to modeling and manufacturing a smart hood for rooms with high humidity based on the Arduino programming language and Amperki conductors. The relevance of this topic is beyond doubt. The bathroom is a room that is constantly exposed to high humidity and temperature changes - as a result, mold and mildew can easily settle in it. The main method of control is room ventilation. Rodion figured out how to most effectively organize a hood for rooms with high humidity while saving energy. The project is about how to use simple manipulations to automatically turn on the ventilation in the bathroom so that it does not turn into a steam bath and continues to delight you with cleanliness and freshness. Currently, smart hoods are not produced in Russia, since there is no technology and precise factories; there are foreign ones, but they are very expensive and difficult to install. This explains the relevance of this topic. Rodion has done serious work on studying this project, he independently studied the Arduino programming language, this is a high-level language at the C++ level, javaScript is also important and the fact that this language is not studied in the school curriculum, i.e. it is a kind of hobby in programming. Based on a conversation with a student: “The very idea of ​​the project arose when Tretyakova’s teacher N.M. In a physics lesson, I explained in theory the material on the study of conductors and current. Also at our school there is a club on Arduino robotics, where computer science teacher K.E. Grishko. leads this circle. In this circle, I learned that I can assemble and program it the way I want. Got an idea to do something useful?! At the same time, this knowledge that I will receive in project activities, will help me in my future studies at a technical college.” In his work, Rodion describes in detail the research step by step and uses specific examples to show the solution to the problems. The project under review is a serious and interesting work. It is executed at a high level and contains a number of conclusions of interest. The material in the work is presented consistently and clearly. The conclusions and findings are correct. I believe that Pulnikov Rodion’s research project can be presented at a scientific and practical conference and deserves high praise. Project leaders: Tretyakova N.M., physics teacher. Grishko K. E., teacher of computer science and ICT MBOU PGO "Oshchepkovskaya Secondary School" January 20, 2017

06.03.17 20-34-05

In the 21st century, people are becoming more and more mobile. People move in urban environments on foot and by transport for tens of kilometers from work to home, to their place of study. A modern person constantly needs to have dozens of vital things at hand, from communications - a mobile phone, to medicines (a first aid kit). For a healthy man it will not be special effort moving a bag weighing 8-12 kilograms, for women this is a difficult task, for a person with disabilities or a child this task is actually not feasible. The most striking example is the severe contradiction between physiological abilities younger schoolchildren and the weight of their backpacks. According to physiological standards, its weight should not exceed 10% of body weight. And with a student’s low weight, school supplies take up 2.5-3 kg, making it impossible to put non-removable shoes and other necessary things in the backpack. I set the following goal and objectives. Goal: creating a model of a multifunctional modular device. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were put forward, presented on the slide (do not read), it: 1. Study the experience of creating multifunctional devices. 2. Analyze social requests modern society propose options for completing modules of the assistant robot (conduct a mini social survey). 3. Summarize the data obtained, create a model of a robot assistant. 4. Explore the possibilities of creating LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 construction sets and writing programs in the LabVIEW environment. 5. Assembling a robot assistant model from the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 construction set, writing a program. 6. Approbation of the assistant robot model. 6. Defending the project in front of an audience; 7. Systematization of the experience gained, for subsequent work I conducted a study, namely a survey of 55 respondents. The respondents were students in grades 8-9. They were asked multiple-choice questions that suggested their own answer. 1. Is it always convenient for you to carry all the necessary things with you in a bag or backpack? Yes/No 2. Would you like to have a device that can transport your things? Yes/No 3. What additional functions would you like to include in the device? 1) a cell for charging a phone or laptop 2) a compartment for storing food and drinks (thermos) 3) a compartment for clothes and replacement shoes 4) a compartment for transporting a pet 5) Availability of a built-in audio system 4. Which form of protection is more convenient for you: 1) a lock with a key 2) a lock with a password 5. Would you buy an assistant device for yourself or for elderly relatives? Yes/No The following results were obtained during the survey: First question. Of the 55 respondents, 50 (90%) consider it uncomfortable to carry all the necessary things in a bag. Second question. Of the 55 respondents, 55 (100%) wanted to have a robot assistant. Third question. Of the 55 respondents, 55 (100%) voted for the placement of the charger, 40 (72%) for the placement of a compartment for storing food, 55 (100%) for the placement of a compartment for clothes and spare shoes, 25 (45%) for the placement of a pet carrier. , 55 (100%) respondents voted for the presence of a built-in audio system. Fourth question. Of the 55 respondents, 50 (90%) voted for placing a lock with a password, 5 (10%) voted for a lock with a key. Fifth question. Of the 55 respondents, 54 (98%) would be willing to purchase a similar device. The survey results showed that the creation of such a device is quite relevant. Since we do not have the funds to create this device, we will create a model reflecting the main features based on the educational construction set Lego 3. We see one of the tasks of this work as potentially attracting investors to finance the creation of this device. According to rough estimates, creating a full-size model will cost approximately 25 thousand rubles, including the purchase or tailoring of a travel bag - the case, equipping it with an intelligent filling based on Orduino, as well as a thermos compartment and an external battery. Due to lack of financial resources, we create the prototype from a Legoy 3 construction set. The shape of the robot resembles a cart with a box located on top, divided into separate compartments, described above. Subsequently, in the real model, the role of the box will be performed by fabric material. Sensors are placed on the body to ensure that it follows the owner and successfully avoids obstacles. There are 4 relatively large wheels on the bottom surface of the robot. The front two wheels are driven, the rear ones are freely rotating. In the front part there is an extendable handle for loading the robot into a vehicle or overcoming curbs or curbs (there is no need to lift the robot; the owner pulls out the handle and rolls the robot on the rear wheels like a travel bag). When moving, the robot follows the owner at a short distance (half a meter); in our model, this distance is reduced to 15 centimeters. When the owner stops, the robot catches up with the owner and groans to his right. When an insurmountable obstacle appears, the robot beeps and the owner transports it in the same way as a travel bag. As a result of working on the project, we created a model of the assistant robot “Electronic SanchaPanza”. We have identified a real need to create such a robotic assistant, especially for schoolchildren, the elderly and people with disabilities. We conducted a mini-social survey, confirming the need to create such a device. We found out what it needs to be equipped with (charger, thermos, storage space for clothes and shoes, audio system). We constructed a model, programmed it in accordance with the required actions, borrowing types of movement from living nature (movement of a wolf pack). One of the results of our work is the public presentation of our product, which may serve as a start-up in the creation of devices that simplify life for people with disabilities.

09.12.17 10-37-36

Slide number 2. The history of clocks goes back more than 4 thousand years, a person is able to keep track of time, but in modern fast-paced life, when event is adjusted to event, it is difficult for a person to rationally allocate time. Slide number 3. On modern stage a person needs a device that is not only capable of measuring time, he needs an assistant who can give advice on how to organize his day taking into account the needs of his body. And it is especially difficult to solve this problem if this device should arouse interest. We have set the following goal and objectives. Slide number 4. Goal: to create a model of a “biological clock” device that can help a person (school student) organize his day in accordance with his biological rhythm. The tasks are presented on the slide (do not read) Object: using the educational constructor LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 in project activities. Slide number 5. In my work I looked at the evolution of watches. From the most primitive sundials to the invention of the Breguetourbillon. During the existence of watches they were characterized by different functions starting from accurate time measurement, but a device that helps a person adhere to his need for rest and ability to work effectively. I think it is important that the watch meets the needs of a person, helping him correctly distribute his time in accordance with biological rhythms. The body lives according to its own individual schedule - the biological clock. And these watches are the most accurate and consistent. Let's try to figure out what happens to the body during the day, pay attention to the slide Slide No. 6. How does our internal clock work, at least throughout the day? Here's their move: 7 am. At this time, the body’s immunological defense increases sharply. The chance of infection through contact with viruses is minimal. 8 am. We had a rest. The liver has completely freed our body of toxic substances. etc. on slide Slide No. 7. So, based on the available information about human biological rhythms, we will try to create an optimal routine that will help to comply with the “biological clock”. So let’s describe our robot “Biological Clock”. Our “biological clock” robot has a microcomputer display on which basic information will be displayed and voice commands will also be given. This device is desktop, mobile enough so that you can take it with you. The robot's voice commands are advisory in nature and are in the form of funny quotes from your favorite cartoons. For feedback there is a button - a touch sensor. The device contains temperature sensors (monitors room temperature (from 20-25 degrees Celsius), a light sensor that controls sleep and wakefulness (presence of light from 6.30 to 22.00). Slide No. 8. Let's create a daily routine for middle school students for the period summer holidays, when it is difficult to adhere to the daily routine. 1. Getting up - 7.00. melody. 2. Time of morning hygiene - 7.10. etc. on the slide. As a result of working on the project, we created a model of the “Biological clock” robot, which should help the schoolchild in during the summer holidays, maintain the correct daily routine. Slide No. 8. I think the main advantage is that the student will react positively to familiar phrases from his favorite cartoons. When creating this project, I became acquainted with the history of the creation of watches, became acquainted with the concept of human biological rhythms, as well I selected quotes from the best cartoons so that the robot's alerts would not be boring. I analyzed and applied all the information received when assembling and programming my robot.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 3

Educational project

"Robotics - the first step towards discoveries"

Salkina Svetlana Nikolaevna


1 qualification category

MBOU secondary school No. 3



Project abstract

Robotics is an applied science that deals with the development of automated technical systems.

Robotics relies on disciplines such as electronics, mechanics, and programming.

Robotics is one of the most important areas of scientific and technological progress, in which the problems of mechanics and new technologies come into contact with the problems of artificial intelligence. Active participation and support of Russian and international scientific, technical and educational projects in the field of robotics and mechatronics will speed up the training of personnel, the development of new scientific and technical ideas, and exchange technical information and engineering knowledge, implementation of innovative developments in the field of robotics in Russia and around the world.

Humanity is in dire need of robots that can extinguish fires without the help of an operator, independently move through previously unknown, real rough terrain, and perform rescue operations during natural disasters and accidents. nuclear power plants, in the fight against terrorism. In addition, with the development and improvement of robotic devices, the need arose for mobile robots designed to meet the everyday needs of people: robot nurses, robot housekeepers, etc. Specialists with knowledge in this area are in high demand. Therefore, the introduction of robotics into the educational process and out-of-class time is becoming increasingly important and relevant. The main equipment used when teaching children robotics at school is LEGO construction sets.Mindstorms.

LEGOMindstormsis a constructor (a set of mating parts and electronic components) for creating a programmable robot.

Constructors LEGOMindstormsallow you to organize educational activities in various subjects and conduct integrated classes. With the help of these kits, you can organize highly motivated educational activities in spatial design, modeling and automatic control.

The main task modern education– create an environment that makes it easier for the child to realize his or her own potential. This allows him to act freely, exploring this environment, and through it the world around him. The new role of the teacher is to organize and equip an appropriate educational environment and encourage the child to learn and act.

New paradigm education, implemented by the Federal State Educational Standard, is a transition from an information-broadcast school to an activity-based school, which develops in students the competencies of independent navigation through mastered subject knowledge when solving specific personally significant problems. A modern person must be mobile, technically literate, and ready to implement innovation in life. In the future, a robotics course at school can become one of the most interesting ways to study not only computer technology and programming, but also the entire world around us.

Studying the “Fundamentals of Robotics” creates the prerequisites for the socialization of students’ personality and provides the opportunity for continuous technical education, and mastering computer technologies with the help of Lego sets and other robotic constructors is the path for schoolchildren to modern promising professions and successful life in the information society. Of course, robotics classes will not lead to the fact that all children want to become programmers and robot builders, engineers, and researchers. First of all, classes are designed for general scientific training of schoolchildren, the development of their thinking, logic, mathematical abilities, and research skills. The robot does not grade or assign homework, but makes you work mentally and constantly.

Children are tireless designers, their creative abilities and technical solutions are original. Schoolchildren learn to design “step by step.” Such training allows them to move forward at their own pace, stimulates the desire to learn and solve new, more complex problems. Any recognized and appreciated success leads to the child becoming more self-confident.

During the classes, the communicative activity of each child increases, the ability to work in pairs and in groups is formed, and creative abilities are developed.

Robotics is exciting! The world does not stand still, it is always evolving, and who knows, maybe my students will create a nanotechnological device or a new robot of the 21st century.

Objective of the project:

    creating conditions for studying the basics of algorithmization and programming using a robot, developing the scientific, technical and creative potential of the student’s personality by organizing his activities in the process of integrating initial engineering design and the fundamentals of robotics.

Project objectives:

    master the programming environment;

    develop creative abilities and logical thinking of students;

    develop the ability to build a hypothesis and compare it with the result obtained;

    develop imaginative, technical thinking and the ability to express your ideas;

    develop the ability to work according to the proposed instructions for assembling models;

    develop the ability to creatively approach problem solving;

    develop the ability to express thoughts in a clear logical sequence, defend your point of view, analyze the situation and independently find answers to questions through logical reasoning;

    master the skills of conducting experiments;

    involve schoolchildren in cooperation and co-creation.

Characteristics of the target audience

“Impulses, will, and also desires are inherent even in newborn children, while prudence and intelligence appear in them only with age.”


The project “Robotics - the first step to discovery” is being implemented in the 9th grade of secondary secondary school(students age 14 – 15 years).

Adolescence is a special period in a child’s life; it is not without reason that it is called a protracted crisis. The most striking feature of this time is personal instability, which complicates the lives of both the teenagers themselves and the adults around them. Instability manifests itself primarily in emotional lability associated with rapid physical growth and physiological changes.

In order to develop the cognitive activity of students, it is necessary to take into account the formation of interest in the process of cognition individual characteristics child.

During adolescence, significant changes occur in mental activity. This special age status is associated with a change in the social situation of adolescent development - their desire to join the world of adults. In this regard, it is characteristic of a teenager to develop self-awareness and self-esteem, interest in himself as an individual, in his abilities and capabilities.

A teenager’s attention is characterized by volume and specific selectivity, becoming voluntary and intentional. The child is able to maintain stability and high intensity of attention for a long time. Attention becomes a well-managed, controlled process and an exciting activity.

The teenager’s memory capacity increases due to the logical comprehension of the material, the completeness, consistency and accuracy of the reproduced material increases, and memorization of abstract material becomes acceptable.

An important feature is the formation of active, independent thinking. The ability to think deductively and theoretically is demonstrated, and a system of logical statements is formed. A teenager is able to think independently and creatively, compare, and make deep conclusions and generalizations. The interests of the student play a significant role in the learning process. The interests, motives, and needs of adolescents are dynamic and very unstable. They show a willingness to master the area of ​​knowledge they are interested in. The educational interests of adolescents are at the stage of development and formation. A teenager’s personal success in studying a particular subject is also of great importance.

The most significant role in the formation of a positive attitude of adolescents towards learning is played by ideological and scientific content. educational material, its connection with life and practice, the problematic and emotional nature of the presentation, the organization of search cognitive activity, giving students the opportunity to experience the joy of independent discovery, equipping adolescents with rational methods of educational work, which are a prerequisite for achieving success.

Another form of expression of learning motives is the presence of educational interests. Academic interests are usually selective. Learning interest depends on how connected the material is with extracurricular interests, how clearly and understandably the teacher presents the material, and how active and varied the teaching methods are.

All these features contribute to the targeted perception of new, modern teaching tools.

Implementation period

The project “Robotics - the first step towards discoveries” is designed for 1 year.

general characteristics training course

“The true goal of enlightenment is not to provide people with a certain amount of information on various sciences, but to awaken a creator, a spiritually active personality in every person - and this is happiness.”

M.V. Lomonosov

The program lasts 35 hours and is adapted to the ConstructorMindstormsEV 3.

Lego provides students with the opportunity to acquire important knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of creating, programming and testing robots. The "brain" of robot Lego M indstormsis a microcomputer LegoNXT, which makes the robot programmable, intelligent, and capable of making decisions. You can also use a Bluetooth wireless connection to communicate between your computer and the NXT. The NXT has three output ports for connecting motors or lamps, labeled A, B, and C. The NXT Program feature allows you to directly program the NXT unit without accessing a computer. Sensors receive information from a microcomputerN X T.

The Lego constructor and its software provide an excellent opportunity for a child to learn from his own experience. Such knowledge makes children want to move along the path of discovery and research, and any recognized and appreciated success adds self-confidence. Learning occurs most successfully when the child is involved in the process of creating a meaningful and meaningful product that is of interest to him. It is important that the child builds his own knowledge, and the teacher only advises him.

There are a lot of robots in the world around us: from the elevator in your house to the production of cars, they are everywhere. ConstructorMindstormsEV3 invites children to enter the fascinating world of robots and immerse themselves in the complex environment of information technology.

The software features a user-friendly interface that allows the child to gradually develop from a beginner to an experienced user. Each lesson - new topic or new project. Models are assembled either according to technological maps, or due to the imagination of children. As projects are mastered, competitions are held between robots created by groups.

At the end of the year, in the creative laboratory, groups demonstrate the capabilities of their robots.

The following stages of training can be distinguished:

Stage I – initial design and modeling. A very useful stage, children act according to their ideas, and let them “invent the wheel”, it is their bicycle, and it would be good for everyone to invent it.

At this stage, the guys still know little about the possibilities of using different methods for improving models; they build as they see them. The teacher’s task is to show that there are ways to make models similar to children’s ones, but faster and more powerful. Every child has the spirit of an athlete in him, and the question arises: “How can I make my model win?”

This is where you can start the next stage.

Stage II - education. At this stage, the guys assemble models according to the diagrams, try to understand the principle of connections in order to use them later. The diagrams present very intelligent solutions that would be a good idea to memorize. The models turn out to be the same, but the creativity of children allows us to move away from standard models and make changes when creating programs, so competitions should be accompanied by a discussion of the changes made by the children. Children create programs and defend their models. There will be no repetitions in defenses must.

Stage III – practical design. Having learned a lot of new things during the training stage, the children get the opportunity to apply their knowledge and create complex projects.

The range of possibilities of their models is greatly expanding. Now competitions and conclusions based on the results of the competition are appropriate - which model is stronger and why. How much the mechanisms invented by mankind make our lives easier.

During the autumn holidays, visit the children's festival “The Magic of Science and Creativity”.

During the winter holidays, an excursion to the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after. R.E. Alekseeva. Graduates by specialty"Robots and robotic systems» specialize in the development and operation of robots and robotic systems.

Students will present a demonstration of their projects at the school Scientific and Practical Conference “First Steps in Science.”

The project “Robotics - the first step towards discoveries” will allow students to take part in competitions in robotics and intelligent systems “Welcome to the Future”.

When developing and debugging projects, students share their experiences with each other, which very effectively influences the development of cognitive, creative skills, as well as the independence of schoolchildren. Thus, LEGO, being an additional tool when studying a computer science course, allows students to make decisions independently, applicable to a given situation, taking into account the surrounding features and the availability of auxiliary materials. And, what is important, is the ability to coordinate your actions with others, i.e. - work in a team.

Methods to achieve the goal

    development and implementation of the “Robotics – the first step to discoveries” program;

    various forms of organizing classes: workshops, laboratory workshops, training sessions, competitive events;

    interactive teaching methods that promote critical thinking and student engagement different kinds activities;

    methods active learning aimed at modeling the subject and social content of educational activities;

    laboratory-practical control and self-control;

    creating a situation of success.



Name of equipment


Approximate cost

LEGO M indstormsEV3 to 8 students – full set of equipment (for students)

RUB 119,790

LEGO M indstormsEV3 personal – full set of equipment (for teacher)

RUB 37,040

Light sensor EV3 45506 (the most necessary competitive element)

RUB 8,100

Rechargeable batteryEV3 45501

RUR 24,720


RUB 189,650

Risk analysis

    discrepancy between students’ motivation to use robots and educational tasks;

    possible lag in the level of responsibility of individual students for the results of their own education compared to expected results.

To minimize these risks, it is necessary to properly intensify educational and motivational activities through the targeted use of information technology.

Expected results

After completing the training course:

The student will know:

    design, controls and displayEV 3;

    sensors EV3;

    servomotor EV3;

    program interface Lego Mindstorms EV3;

    basics of programming, program blocks.

The student will be able to:

    structure the task and draw up a plan for its solution;

    use techniques optimal performance on the computer;

    extract information from various sources;

    create information processing algorithms;

    set a problem and see ways to solve it;

    develop and implement a project;

    conduct installation work, adjustment of components and mechanisms;

    assemble a robot using various sensors;

    program the robot.

Everything described above should allow school graduates to formulate information competence, use the acquired knowledge when studying other subjects, and create a developing educational environment in class and extracurricular activities in computer science, which will lead to an increase in the quality of students’ knowledge.

Graduates of the school in the future will be able to demonstrate their skills, possibly while working at our city-forming enterprise, OJSC VSW.


The modern course of school informatics with the inclusion of robotics is the “growth point” of informatization of education; it, like no other subject, is aimed at preparing students for life in the information society.

The processes of training and education do not develop a person by themselves, but only when they have activity forms and contribute to the formation of certain types of activity.

This learning strategy is easy to implement in the LEGO educational environment, which combines LEGO sets specially designed for group lessons, a carefully thought-out knowledge system for children and a clearly formulated educational concept.

However, the course “Robotics - the first step to discovery” is not something that is written once and then lives in its finished form. It may change from year to year. Continuous modification of the materials in this course is a natural process. This is a requirement of the time, because information and computer technologies, everything connected with them, are experiencing explosive development.

Involving schoolchildren in research in the field of robotics, the exchange of technical information and basic engineering knowledge, and the development of new scientific and technical ideas will create the necessary conditions for High Quality education, through the use of new pedagogical approaches and the use of new information and communication technologies in the educational process. Understanding the phenomenon of technology, knowledge of the laws of technology, will allow a school graduate to meet the demands of the time and find his place in modern life.

List of references and Internet sources

    Catalog of sites on robotics - useful, high-quality and most complete collection information about robotics. [ Electronic resource] - Access mode: free.

    Komarova L. G. “Building from LEGO” (modeling of logical relationships and real-world objects using the LEGO constructor). - M.; "LINK - PRESS", 2001.

    FirstRobot LEGO® WeDoTM - a book for teachers (Electronic resource).

    Bukhmastova E.V., Shevaldina S.G., Gorshkov G.A. Methodological manual “Use of Lego technologies in educational activities” (work experience of the interschool methodological center in Asha) - Chelyabinsk: RCC, 2009. - 59 p.

    Grigoriev D.V., Stepanov P.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical designer - M: Prosveshchenie, 2011 -People. Ideas. Technologies;

    –Robots and robotics;

    Robotics and Education