Scientific journal “Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University. Scientific journal “Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University” Opinion: Modern domestic graduate school cannot satisfy the needs of the economy

Published June 7. According to the press service of the university, the “History” series has been published since 2011, coordinated scientific council Faculty of History. The publication publishes articles on methodology, domestic and world history, source studies and historiography by Russian and foreign authors, memoirs, reviews, reports on the scientific life of the region, and discussion materials.

The Psychology series, which has been published since 2012, publishes articles on the history and methodology of psychology, personality psychology, developmental psychology and acmeology, developmental, pedagogical, clinical, social, forensic and other types of psychology. The magazine also provides information about the scientific life of psychologists in the East Siberian and other regions of the country and about the achievements of practical psychologists.

Both journals are included in the Russian Science Citation Index system; an archive of the full texts of all articles is freely available on the portal of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU.

We would like to remind you that in May 2015, the updated list of the Higher Attestation Commission included the journal Izvestia Irkutsk state university. The "Mathematics" series, then the "Earth Sciences" series, the "Political Science. Religious Studies" series, "Siberian Legal Bulletin" and the "Biology. Ecology" series. At the end of 2015, the list included the series “Geoarchaeology. Ethnology. Anthropology”. Now the list of the Higher Attestation Commission includes all series of the journal "Izvestia of Irkutsk State University".

  • A representative of Irkutsk State University joined the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission

    ​The head of the department of philosophy and theology of the Faculty of History of ISU, Doctor of Philosophy Vladimir Kuybar, joined the expert council Higher certification commission under the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation in theology.

  • Universities are actively involved in the process of training technology entrepreneurs

    ​Collective image of Steve Jobs, who grew up Apple company from a startup in his garage, which has been haunting those responsible for the development of innovation in Russia for many years now. It seems that there is even a known successful scenario for his reincarnation - to grow startups in universities (although Jobs did not graduate from universities).

  • Opinion: Modern domestic graduate school cannot satisfy the needs of the economy

    Modern Russian society needs additional influx of personnel highly qualified capable of professionally engaging in research and development of new technologies. Under these conditions in last years there is an increase in influence government regulation on the processes of training graduate students and determining standards for training scientific and research personnel.

  • Biologist Maxim Timofeev about the biotechnological prospects of Lake Baikal

    Everyone agrees that Baikal is our unique national treasure, but at the state level there is still no conscious strategy for its use. Understanding of the lake’s resource potential is extremely limited: all implemented lake development strategies involve direct exploitation, and this multiplies ecosystem risks and environmental problems.

  • Scientific conference “Interdisciplinary resources of economic psychology in the formation of ethno-regional identity and positive image of the “small homeland”” was held in Irkutsk

    An all-Russian scientific conference was held at the Institute of Social Sciences of Irkutsk State University with international participation“Interdisciplinary resources of economic psychology in the formation of ethno-regional identity and positive image” small homeland”».

  • A collection of scientific papers “Intellectual Capital in the 21st Century” has been published

    ​Sociological laboratory regional problems and innovations of the Institute of Science and Research of ISU, with the participation of the Commission on Science and Education of the Public Chamber of the Irkutsk Region, a collection of scientific works “Intellectual Capital in the 21st Century” was prepared and published.

  • Conference “Russian civilization: history, problems, prospects”

    The XVIII All-Russian Youth Scientific Conference “Russian Civilization: History, Problems, Prospects” will take place on April 9 at the INRTU Technopark. The forum is organized by the Irkutsk branch public organization“Russian scientists of socialist orientation” and the “Russian Lad” movement with the support of the Irkutsk regional committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

  • The scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal has been published since 1997. The frequency of publication is 6 times a year.

    Founder: Federal state budget educational institution higher education"Irkutsk National Research Technical University" (FSBEI HE INRTU).

    Publisher: FGBOU IN IRNIT.

    Editor in Chief Kornyakov Mikhail Viktorovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Rector of Irkutsk National Research Technical University

    Doctor of Technical Sciences, Rector of Irkutsk National Research Technical University

    Deputy Chief Editor Nemchinova Nina Vladimirovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Irkutsk National Research Technical University

    Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
    Irkutsk, Russia

    Main scientific directions– research in the field of technology for producing and refining technical silicon, producing high-purity silicon by the carbothermic method; aluminum electrometallurgy; recycling of metallurgical waste.

    The most significant scientific results include the development of a methodology for physical and chemical modeling of complex metallurgical systems for the production of technical silicon; determination of the influence of technological parameters of refining silicon (metallurgical grades) by crystallization methods on the structural and electrical characteristics of experimental multisilicon samples; increasing the efficiency of primary aluminum production based on improving magnetohydrodynamic parameters, selecting raw materials for anodes, etc.

    Member of the Dissertation Council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in specialty 05.16.02 “Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals”.

    Publications 2012–2017

    • Baranov A.N., Nemchinova N.V., Anikin V.V., Morenko A.V. Recycling and disposal of fluorocarbon-containing waste aluminum production// Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University. –2012. – No. 2 (61). – P. 63-70.
    • Nemchinova N.V., Belsky S.S., Timofeev A.K. Carbothermic production of silicon in electric arc furnaces // Metal technology. – 2012. – No. 6.  P. 3-8.
    • Kondratev V.V., Nemchinova N.V., Ivanov N.A., Ershov V.A., Sysoev I.A. New production solutions processing silicon and aluminum production waste // Metallurgist. – 2013.  Vol. 57, N 5-6. – R. 455-459.
    • Nemchinova N.V., Yakovleva A.A., Leonova M.S. Distribution of impurities during ore-thermal smelting of silicon // Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University.  2013.  No. 12 (83). – pp. 230-236.
    • Nemchinova N.V., Belsky S.S., Aksenov A.V., Vasiliev A.A. Using the method of minimizing free energy to study metallurgical processes // Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University. – 2014.  No. 3  P. 151-158.
    • Nemchinova N.V., Lebedev N.V., Punishko O.A., Tyutrin A.A. Selection of metallurgical equipment to improve production efficiency [ electronic resource] // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2014.  No. 6. [access date: 09/02/2017]
    • Nemchinova N.V., Tiutrin A.A., Zelinskaya E.V. Аcid-and-ultrasound silicon refining under carbothermal technology // Metallurgist.  2015.  Vol. 59, N. 3.  P. 258-263. 10.1007/s11015-015-0094-5
    • Nemchinova N.V., Tyutrin A.A. Metallographic study of aluminum roundel samples // Fundamental Research. – 2015. – No. 3. – P.124-128. URL: (date of access: 04/07/2017).
    • Somov V.V., Nemchinova N.V., Pyavkina A.A. On methods for recycling waste linings of aluminum production electrolyzers // Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University. – 2015. – No. 5 (100). – P.155-161.
    • Radionov E.Yu., Nemchinova N.V., Tretyakov Y.A. Modeling of magnetohydrodynamic processes in electrolyzers during the production of primary aluminum // Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University. – 2015. – No. 7 (102). – P.112-120.
    • Pingin V.V., Tretyakov Ya.A., Radionov E.Yu., Nemchinova N.V. Prospects for modernizing the busbar of the electrolyzer S-8BM (S-8B) // Non-ferrous metals. – 2016. - No. 3. – P.35-41 DOI: 10.17580/tsm.2016.03.06.
    • Mamyachenkov S.V., Nemchinova N.V., Egorov V.V., Pazylkhan R.N. Review of promising methods for removing fluoride and chloride ions from solutions to prepare zinc electrolyte for the electrical extraction stage // Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University. – 2016. – No. 4 (111). – P.155–169. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2016-4-155-169.
    • Nemchinova N.V., Chernykh V. E., Tyutrin A.A., Patrushov A.E. Extraction of Zinc and Iron from Electrosmelting Dust. Steel in Translation,  2016.  Vol. 46, N. 5.  R. 368–372. DOI: 10.3103/S0967091216050090.
    • Nemchinova N.V., Leonova M.S., Timofeev A.K. Study by thermodynamic modeling of the process of obtaining metallurgical silicon using pelletized charge // Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University.  2016.  No. 7.  P. 162-171. DOI: 10.21.285/1814-3520-2016-7-162-171.
    • Yakushevich P.A., Nemchinova N.V., Gavrilenko L.V. Study of technological parameters for obtaining a carbon-containing product from technogenic raw materials of OJSC RUSAL Bratsk // Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University.  2016.  No. 8 (115).  pp. 161–168. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2016-8-161-168.
    • Shakhrai S.G., Nemchinova N.V., Kondratev V.V., Mazurenko V.V., Shcheglov E.L. Engineering Solutions for Cooling Aluminum Electrolyzer Exhaust Gases // Metallurgist.  2017.  Vol. 60, N. 9-10.  P. 973-977.
    • Aleksandrov A.V., Nemchinova N.V. The role of polymorphic modifications of dicalcium silicate nepheline cakes in the production of alumina // Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University.  2016.  No. 11 (20).  pp. 170-183. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2016-11-170-183.
    • Nemchinova N.V., Buzikova T.A. Study of the phase-chemical composition of furnace slags from silicon production // News of universities. Non-ferrous metallurgy.  2017.  No. 1.  P. 31-39. DOI:
    • Nemchinova N.V., Timofeev A.K., Salov V.M. Effect of Charge Composition on Metallurgical Silicon Smelting Indices in Electric-Arc Furnaces // Metallurgist.  2017.  Vol.60, Issue 11.  P. 1243-1249. DOI 10.1007/s11015-017-0435-7.
    • Nemchinova N.V., Leonova M.S., Tyutrin A.A. Experimental work on melting pelletized charge in silicon production // Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University.  2017.  No. 1 (21).  pp. 209-217. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2017-1-209-217.
    • Gavrilenko A.A., Baranov A.N., Nemchinova N.V., Gavrilenko L.V., Yakushevich P.A. Technology for producing low-modulus cryolite from solutions for cleaning anode gases of aluminum production // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Chemistry.  2017.  No. 10(1).  pp. 22-29. DOI: 10.17516/1998-2836-0002.
    • Nemchinova N.V., Tyutrin A.A., Sokolnikova Yu.V., Fereferova T.T. Analytical studies of raw materials and products of silicon production // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Chemistry. – 2017.  No. 1 (10). – pp. 37-48. DOI: 10.17516/1998-2836-0004.
    • Vlasov S.G., Nemchinova N.V., Zelinskaya E.V. Characteristics of an aggressive environment affecting the reliability of operation of mining equipment // Internet journal “Naukovedenie”.  2017.  No. 1 (9). (free access).
    • Zenkin E.Yu., Gavrilenko A.A., Nemchinova N.V. On the processing of waste from the production of primary aluminum at OJSC RUSAL BRATSK // Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University. 2017. T. 21. No. 3. P. 123-132. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2017-3-123-132.
    • Aleksandrov A.V., Nemchinova N.V., Tyutrin A.A. Development of an analytical methodology for assessing the quality of nepheline sinter // Metal Technologies. – 2017.  No. 7. – pp. 42-48.

    "Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University"

    • registered Federal service for supervision in the field of communications, information technologies and mass communications( Roskomnadzor): Certificate of registration of the product mass media: PI No. FS77-62813 dated August 18, 2015(Previously valid Certificates:
      And No. 0327 dated September 19, 1997; PI No. 77-13046 dated July 15, 2002;
      PI No. FS77-42847 dated November 26, 2010, PI No. FS77-47902 dated December 22, 2011).
    • included in List of leading scientific journals and publications, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published;
    • It has free access to publications;
    • registered in the system Crossref"(each article is assigned an individual index - DOI)
    • included in the Scientific Electronic Library ( eLIBRARY.RU) to create the Russian Science Citation Index ( RSCI);
    • It has "International standard series number" (ISSN): 1814-3520 (Print), 2500-1590 (Onlin);
    • included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
    • presented in electronic library"Сyberleninka";
    • included in the international catalog periodicals "Ulrich's Periodicals Directory";
    • included in the international bibliographic and abstract database EBSCO ;
    • sent to Russian Book Chamber, VINITI RAS, leading universities, research institutes of Russia and neighboring countries, and also through FSUE Russian Post by subscription.

    The publisher of the journal, FSBEI HE IRNTU, is a member of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI).

    Open Access Policy

    The journal provides open access to articles. Anyone can read, download, copy, distribute and print full text articles without financial, legal or technical barriers.

    What you can do:

    • Share (exchange) - copy and distribute material on any media and in any format
    • Adapt (create derivative materials) - remix, modify and create new things based on this material for any purpose, including commercial ones.
    • The licensor may not revoke these freedoms as long as you comply with the terms of the license.

      Subject to the following conditions:"Attribution" - You must provide appropriate attribution, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that implies that the licensor endorses you or your use of the work.
      No additional restrictions- You may not impose legal restrictions or technological measures that legally prevent others from doing anything that the license permits. CC license type supported by the journal: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

    Goals and objectives of the journal:

    The journal covers fundamental and applied research on technical sciences and provides an opportunity for scientists, specialists and graduate students in Russia, near and far abroad to publish the results of their scientific research.


    • expanding the scope of professional dialogue for Russian researchers working in the field of mechanical engineering, energy, and metallurgy;
    • creation of a communication platform to expand cooperation between Russian and foreign professional communities;
    • attracting attention to the most relevant, promising and interesting areas of scientific research on the subject of the journal;
    • formation of open scientific debate that helps improve the quality of scientific research;
    • familiarizing readers with the best world experience in the implementation of scientific developments in these areas of knowledge;
    • ensuring transparency and openness in the reflection of scientific issues.

    Magazine "Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University" » conducts peer review and accepts scientific materials for publication in the form of articles, short communications, reviews on technical sciences:

    • 05.02.00 Mechanical engineering and mechanical science
      05.02.02 Mechanical engineering, drive systems and machine parts
      05.02.07 Technology and equipment for mechanical and physical-technical processing
      05.02.08 Mechanical engineering technology
    • 05.14.00 Energy
      05.14.01 Energy systems and complexes
      05.14.02 Electric stations and electrical energy systems
      05.14.04 Industrial heat power engineering
      05.14.08 Power plants based on renewable energy
      05.14.14 Thermal power stations, their energy systems and units
    • 05.16.00 Metallurgy and materials science
      05.16.02 Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals
      05.16.07 Metallurgy of technogenic and secondary resources

    In the journal "Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University" with From January 1 to December 31, 2018, 217 articles by 557 authors were published.