JSC mtt region russian federation. MTT - Interregional Transittelecom OJSC. What kind of company is it - brief information

(O) 55.737867 , 37.66045
Year of foundation

Russia Moscow

Key figures

Vasiliev, Evgeniy Sergeevich (General Director)


▼ RUB 10.813 billion (RAS, 2011)

Net profit

▼ −636 million rub.

Number of employees

OJSC "Interregional TransitTelecom" (MTT) is a large Russian telecommunications company, backbone provider and long-distance operator. The company's headquarters are located in Moscow.


Founded in 1994. Until March 2009, 50% of voting shares belonged to AFK Sistema.

In 2009, Promsvyazkapital, represented by Synterra Cyprus Ltd. acquired 50% of MTT shares from AFK Sistema. Another 25% was purchased from the Danmax offshore. The remaining 25% stake was sold to Eventis Telecom Holdings.

In October 2012, Promsvyazcapital sold its 75% stake in Interregional TransitTelecom to the Alternativa Capital Investments fund, owned by Leonid Reiman and VTB structures.


The company changed 3 logos. The current one is the fourth in a row.

  • In 1994-2006, the logo was a hexagon with a blue edging on the edges and white in the middle, where “MTT” is written in black letters with a large first letter “T” in the middle, below the word “Interregional”, a narrow rectangular strip with the word “Transit” and the word "Telecom".
  • From 2006-2009, the logo was a left purple square with an egg and a right purple square with the word "MTT".
  • In 2009-2012, the logo was a purple smaller square with a bird and a convexity and edging were added to it; next to it, the word “MTT” was enlarged, the font changed and there was no right square.
  • From 2012 to present, the logo is a left purple square with a bird and a right purple square with the word "MTT".

Owners and management

The company's shareholders as of October 2012 are Alternativa Capital Investments, owned by Leonid Reiman and VTB structures (75% of voting shares) and Eventis Telecom Holdings Ltd. (25%).

According to Vedomosti, Alternativa Capital Investments is negotiating the purchase of the remaining 25% of MTT shares owned by Eventis Telecom.

General Director - Evgeny Vasiliev.


Interregional TransitTelecom has been providing long-distance and international telephone services throughout Russia since March 1, 2006, becoming. the first long-distance operator alternative to Rostelecom. The company connects 300 networks of Russian cellular operators with each other, as well as networks of Russian operators with 50 foreign communication networks. To access MTT services, codes have been allocated: “53” for long-distance communications and “58” for international communications.

In 1995, the board of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation instructed the Interregional Transit Telecom (MTT) company to create a common transit network for SPS-450 and SPS-900 (mobile radio networks in the 450 and 900 MHz bands). MTT built the first transit hub in Moscow.

In 1996, MTT built a second transit hub in St. Petersburg, and opened international roaming services for mobile cellular networks

In 2012, the IP telephony service built into the Agent.Mail.Ru messenger was switched to MTT power.

Performance indicators

In 2009, the total traffic in the company's networks amounted to 6429 million minutes, of which operator traffic was 5224 million minutes.

The company's revenue for 2011 was 10.813 billion rubles, net loss - 636 million rubles, revenue for 2010 - 11.322 billion rubles, net loss - 715 million rubles.

Revenue for 2009 amounted to 13.555 billion rubles, net loss - 208.5 million rubles.



  • mtt.ru - official website of OJSC "MTT"
  • youmagic.com - YouMagic official website
  • youmagic.pro - official website YouMagic.Pro

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Fewer and fewer subscribers are picking up the phone when calling from unknown numbers not included in their contact list. And this is justified. Unwanted calls, scams, debt collectors are just a small list of possible options. To find out who is calling, just register the number on the Internet and get the necessary information from those subscribers who have already communicated with the caller. Next we will talk about what kind of organization MTT OJSC is and why its managers call from different numbers.

What kind of company is it - brief information

OJSC MTT is a telecommunications organization, operator and provider with headquarters in Moscow. OJSC Interregional TransitTelecom provides long-distance and international telephone services, providing customers with a ready-made IP PBX.

The company is owned by a subsidiary of VTB Bank - Russian Commercial Bank (Cyprus) Ltd, as well as by Leonid Reiman. The company has been operating since 1994. In fact, this is the only real competitor of Rostelecom at the federal level, which has a developed network and unites more than 300 cellular operators in Russia.

Reasons for calls

The role of the caller is:

  • representatives of MTT OJSC (managers/operators);
  • third parties and organizations using company numbers.

Let's consider each of the options separately.

Company call center

Judging by the feedback from subscribers, calls from representatives of the organization are not regular. Operators periodically conduct calls to conduct surveys, the quality department is interested in customer opinions, and the like.

Recently, survey topics have caused a lot of confusion: employees may ask questions that have nothing to do with the services provided. This suggests the idea of ​​cooperation between the company and various commercial structures.

Like any other telecommunications organization, MTT OJSC makes calls for the purpose of selling/advertising services to existing users and subscribers of other operators.

It’s worth mentioning separately about imposing your services and connecting them without the user’s knowledge. There are plenty of such reviews on the forums, so listen carefully to what they tell you and analyze the answer before giving it.

Third parties and organizations

A long-distance operator is not always able to provide comprehensive information about the client and the number used, which is used by scammers, debt collectors and other companies to make calls to clients. Most often, subscribers report calls from companies such as KEF LLC, E-cabbage (pre-trial department), and Mig-credit.

In this case, calls can occur very often, including in the evening and at night, weekends and holidays. There is a possibility of silent ringing. Subscribers complain about intrusiveness and violation of the call limit law.

What to do if they call from MTT OJSC

The easiest way is to blacklist the number. However, the caller can use a non-fixed number and the calls will continue. Representatives of the organization rarely create such situations, but if this occurs, we recommend calling the company’s call center, describing the situation and filing a complaint.

  • official phone number 8-800-505-48-31;
  • email address [email protected];
  • write to the support chat via the company website – www.mtt.ru/chat/vk.

The same method works for constant calls from third parties. The support service will suggest ways to solve the problem. If this does not help, then you should submit an application to the online reception office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs using the link MVD.RF/request_main or visit the department. Single complaints against a caller are rarely considered, but if there are many of them, the case will be taken forward. Telephone “hooligans” face fines and other sanctions, which will eliminate the problem for some time.

Where do they get the numbers from?

In most cases, the caller knows some information about the subscriber: full name, year of birth, place of residence and much more. This is often used by sales departments, as well as scammers. But how do they obtain personal information?

Methods for collecting a call database:

  • exchange of customer information between partners;
  • collection of numbers of legal entities;
  • receiving data from other users and clients (for bonuses and discounts);
  • purchasing ready-made databases on the Internet;
  • collecting information from open sources (bulletin boards, forums, social networks).

In the first two cases, it will not be possible to prevent unwanted calls offering services and surveys, but in other cases everything is in your hands. Large companies value their reputation and rarely use customer data for making calls.

How to avoid getting into such a database.

  1. Close social media pages to everyone except friends.
  2. Remove the phone number from open sources or make it unreadable for the robot.
  3. Do not provide your phone number when registering on suspicious sites.
  4. Hide the ad on sites such as Yula/Avito as it loses its relevance.

The value of the database is determined by the number of “live” numbers and user data (gender, age, earnings, etc.). They are often tested by silent calls.


If you decide to pick up the phone at least once, then there is a high probability of repeated calls. To prevent this, inform the calling manager about your incapacity or minority. You can state that you don't make purchasing decisions or simply say that this is not your first and last name. We hope you have found answers to the questions about what kind of organization MTT OJSC is, why they call and how to get rid of unwanted calls when they occur.

OJSC MTT is a federal provider of intelligent business solutions operating in the telecommunications and IT market, serving thousands of corporate and millions of private clients. MTT is among the TOP 10 largest Russian telecommunications companies.

About company

OJSC MTT (Interregional TransitTelecom) is one of the largest telecommunications companies in Russia, serving thousands of corporate and millions of private clients.

Our company is already 23 years old, and MTT is an experienced player in the Russian communications and IT market. We have gone from an operator that united the very first cellular networks to a company that provides a wide variety of services at the intersection of telecommunications, IT and platform solutions. Based on the unique competencies accumulated over the years, MTT continues to create new standards and stay ahead of technological trends, turning telecom and IT services into unified and convenient tools for business.

MTT provides clients with a full range of services for the effective development of their business - from classic telecom services and cloud PBXs, which make it easy to organize telecommunications in a company, to the MVNE platform, on the basis of which MTT helps companies launch their own mobile operators. In addition, we create open APIs for developers and implement XaaS solutions for business clients. In all our services and products, we focus on quality, reliability and convenience, trying to anticipate requests and solve the most complex problems of our customers. At the end of 2016, we won the prestigious national award “Runet Award” for our contribution to the development of the Russian segment of the Internet and became “Company of the Year”.

MTT Today

Our company is over 24 years old, and we are one of the most experienced players in the domestic communications and IT market. Based on the unique competencies accumulated over the years, MTT continues to create new standards and stay ahead of technological trends, turning telecom and IT services into unified and convenient tools for business. At the end of 2016, we became the winners of the prestigious national award “Runet Award” for our contribution to the development of the Russian segment of the Internet and “Company of the Year”.


The Interregional TransitTelecom company today is one of the largest and most experienced players in the Russian telecommunications market, celebrating 20 years since its founding in 2014. According to the CNews Telecom 2013 rating, MTT OJSC is the 7th largest telecommunications operator in Russia. The company leads in traditional market segments such as traffic transit, while at the same time introducing innovative and successful services to the market, such as VoIP telephony for individuals and corporate clients, intelligent communication services, IPX services, etc.

In 2003, a large telecom operator in St. Petersburg, the Neva Line company, joined MTT, and the company also began providing GPRS roaming services to Russian operators.

year 2014

On October 31, 2014, MTT OJSC celebrated its 20th anniversary. This is an important and memorable year for the company, during which a number of breakthrough changes occurred related to entering foreign markets and opening new business areas, with continued positive growth dynamics.

The key event of 2014 was the launch of the mobile operator MTT - Russia's first federal Full-MVNO project under the Aiva Mobile brand in partnership with Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (MTS). The target audience of Aiva Mobile is the ethnic communities of the post-Soviet countries, so the first country in which the new operator was launched into commercial operation was Tajikistan. A feature of Aiva Mobile is the use of two active numbers simultaneously - Russian and Tajik on one SIM card, on any of which, regardless of the subscriber’s location, you can receive calls.

MTT concluded an important agreement in the field of LTE roaming with the German company SAP. This agreement underscores the determination of both telecommunications market participants to expand the LTE roaming operator community to provide mobile subscribers with uninterrupted global roaming coverage.

year 2013

2013 was one of the most important years in the history of the company for MTT OJSC, both in terms of forming the business structure and in relation to work in new and developing markets. In 2013, the structure of the MTT group of companies took shape, and the management company “MTT Group” was also created. The main objectives of MTT Group were to improve business efficiency and the quality of management of the activities of the group of subsidiaries of the same name and monitor the implementation of operating indicators of the group companies. The key assets of MTT Group were OJSC Interregional TransitTelecom, Audiotele, Start Telecom, Tsifroprom, MTT Oy, MTT Innovations. At the end of 2013, Synterra Media joined the group.

year 2012

The development of new services in 2012 for MTT became one of the key tasks. This year, the MTT Business IP telephony service developed at the fastest pace, continuously increasing the number of cities whose direct numbers are available to subscribers of the service. In 2012, it became possible to use numbers in Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk and other major Russian cities. MTT Business was actively developing abroad as well. It added direct numbers to Finland and all the Baltic countries, Austria and Ukraine, the USA and Germany.


For MTT OJSC, 2011 became one of the most important and eventful years in the company’s recent history. This year, projects were implemented to radically update MTT's own federal network, new products and services were launched based on the most modern technologies, and the MTT company group began to form.

During 2011, MTT's total investments in modernizing the core of the transit network amounted to more than 100 million rubles. A long-term contract for modernization of the transit network core based on Huawei equipment was signed with NPO Angstrem. Using Huawei equipment, MTT provides a full range of traffic transit services using a high-speed IP backbone. Despite the ongoing migration of the network from TDM technology to IP and significant changes in the topology of the MTT network, the company retained the ability to interact with counterparties in circuit switching mode. The same applies to transit signaling traffic.

In 2011, Evgeniy Sergeevich Vasiliev became the general director of MTT OJSC.


The year 2010 was a year of consistent expansion of opportunities for subscribers and clients of MTT OJSC and continued development of existing products. Thus, in the first half of 2010, several important agreements were concluded at once, expanding the possibilities of paying for the company’s services in various regions of Russia and in almost all prominent networks of communication stores from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. A bonus promotion was launched for owners of MTT Communication Cards with Mnogo.ru, and a co-branding project was launched together with the S7 airline. MTT communication cards in the airline's corporate colors could be purchased in all cities to which planes of one of the largest Russian air carriers flew.

year 2009

In 2009, MTT launched several new services for corporate and retail clients, the company actively developed the direction of international cooperation, and significant work was carried out on the company’s own network. A new version of the “Subscriber Portal” has been launched for private users of the “Virtual Card” and “Long-Distance and International Communications” services. In 2009, an important agreement was concluded with one of the largest networks of communication stores, Svyaznoy, which made it possible to accept payments for MTT long-distance communication services at all retail outlets in Russia without commission. A new MTTalk application for mobile phones was launched on the B2C market, with the help of which end users could make long-distance and international calls through the MTT network using the MTT Communication Cards account.


In 2008, MTT implemented international WLAN roaming in Russia, which became possible thanks to the concluded cooperation agreement with the WeRoam operator. In addition, this year MTT signed a cooperation agreement with the largest multinational telecom operator IDT on direct connection of networks and establishment of cooperation in the field of international communication services. The company has expanded its international network in neighboring countries: in Georgia (“Telecom Georgia”) and Belarus.

At the end of 2008, Viktor Albertovich Bertyakov was appointed to the post of general director of the company.


By 2007, MTT had become a recognized and prominent player in the international telecommunications market. The operator served more than half of the traffic from cellular operators of the Russian Federation to international destinations, and had stable relationships with the largest operators in the world.

In 2007, MTT OJSC entered into agreements with the Romanian national operator Romtelecom, the largest American operator AT&T. In addition, this year MTT and the French company France Telecom carried out mutual interconnection of networks in Frankfurt am Main. In 2007, MTT OJSC began to actively develop its cooperation with the public sector, while simultaneously actively expanding its geographical presence in various regions of the country. Representative offices were opened in Kostroma, Novosibirsk, Kaluga, Kursk, Primorye, Tver region, Kabardino-Balkaria, Komi Republic, Voronezh region, etc.


The year 2006 was marked by the most important event in the telecommunications industry - the demonopolization of the long-distance communication market in the Russian Federation, which allowed subscribers to independently choose an operator for calls within Russia and abroad.

It was in this year that MTT OJSC became the first operator to break the Rostelecom monopoly.

In 2006, MTT OJSC announced the acquisition from AFK Sistema of a 66% stake in the international telecommunications operator WaveCrest Group Enterprises Limited, becoming a key Russian communications operator providing services abroad for the international transit of voice traffic in mobile and fixed telephone networks.

2005 year

For the MTT company, 2005 was marked by the development of its own network throughout Russia. This year, 44 local switching centers were put into operation at once, the MTT network was able to connect regional telecom operators to the MTT transit network in each of the Russian regions. This year, the construction of a national-scale network infrastructure was completed. When creating the network, the most modern equipment was used, which made it possible to quickly introduce new services. In 2005, the networks of all Russian MTN operators (Mobile Networks) were connected to the MTT network.

Also in 2005, a promising and globally in demand WLAN roaming service (roaming on Wi-Fi networks) was launched. The organizational and technical interaction of operators in the process of providing services was worked out during the pilot zone, in which the companies ComStar-United Telesystems, VimpelCom, PeterStar and RTCOMM took part together with MTT.


The open joint-stock company Interregional TransitTelecom, completing its first decade, stands on the threshold of broad opportunities in the telecommunications business, which will be based on the requirements of the information society. This is primarily due to the active growth of the Russian economy and the country’s success in solving the task of doubling GDP. The development of industry on a new high-quality basis will require a developed infrastructure that ensures the transportation of information not only within the country, but also beyond its borders. The composition of information will also change. Along with voice traffic, the volume of data transmission will increase, which will require increasing the capacity of high-speed communication lines with more advanced distribution systems operating on the principles of new generation software-controlled networks.


In 2003, MTT entered, adding the anniversary, hundredth operator to its network. It became the DagTelecom company, which provides cellular communication services in the GSM-900 standard in the Republic of Dagestan, which was connected to the MTT transit network on January 8, 2003.

At the end of February, GPRS roaming from MTT came to Siberia. The Siberian Cellular Systems company, a subsidiary of MTS OJSC, which provides cellular communication services in the Novosibirsk region and the Altai Republic, has joined GPRS roaming services.

And on April 1, 2003, for the first time in Russia, the national GPRS roaming service was implemented. Subscribers of the companies Kuban-GSM (Krasnodar) and Siberian Cellular Systems-900 (Novosibirsk) received access to this service.


On March 21, 2002, the first regional access node to the general transit communications network was put into operation in St. Petersburg. The node is located in the building of the automatic long-distance telephone exchange of the Petersburg City Telephone Network company. On March 27, 2002, the first operator connected to the first regional access node - Telecom XXI, a subsidiary of MTS, offering cellular communication services in the GSM-900/1800 standard in the North-West region of Russia. In parallel, Interregional TransitTelecom began trial operation of access nodes in Kaliningrad and Krasnodar.

The rapid development of cellular communications in Russia led to the fact that long-distance telephone exchanges could not cope with the increased traffic. In large cities, the long-distance dialing code - "eight" - was overloaded, and most of the time the subscriber heard a busy signal. Telephone nodes of fixed networks were built without mobile subscribers in mind.

To solve this problem, it was necessary to organize interaction between fixed and mobile communication networks, as well as increase the capacity of long-distance telephone exchanges. Interregional TransitTelecom, as an enterprise acting in the interests of all operators, took on this task and developed a program for creating local switching centers (LCCs).

The local switching center has become an element of the common transit network for federal networks of the NMT-450 and GSM-900/1800 standards, designed to interface the transit network, SPS networks and the fixed PSTN network directly within the geographic numbering area.

year 2001

In 2001, Russian cellular communications celebrated the 10th anniversary of its development. The anniversary year in many ways became a milestone for the entire mobile communications industry in Russia. By the end of the year, the Russian mobile communications market became the second largest among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The percentage of operators connected to the MTT transit network has changed - out of 88 connected networks, 42 operate in the NMT-450 standard and 46 in the GSM standard. Active work with GSM operators required MTT to introduce new services. On February 7, 2001, MTT announced the commissioning of such services as “WAP access” and “WAP roaming”. Operators that did not have their own equipment to provide WAP services used the MTT “WAP access” service, providing it to their subscribers on their own behalf. Operators who owned WAP equipment willingly used MTT services to provide WAP services to their roaming subscribers.

In 2001, MTT specialists thought about a program for further expansion into the regions. Despite the fact that MTT took over the payment for operators’ access channels to the transit network, the point of connection of operators to MTT still remained transit switching centers. There were no convenient, uniform technical means for connecting operators to the transit network directly in the regions. Therefore, MTT decided to create them.

year 2000

The year 2000 is considered the beginning of the cellular communications boom in Russia. If at the end of 1999 there were less than 1.4 million subscribers in the networks of Russian mobile operators, then by the end of 2000 their number increased to 3.26 million, thus the increase was more than 180%.

By the end of 2000, according to the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, 180 cellular networks were operating in Russia. Together they served 3.263 million subscribers.

This growth in the subscriber base was primarily due to GSM networks.


In 1999, a significant event took place in the Russian cellular communications market: in the third quarter of 1999, the number of mobile subscribers in the Russian Federation exceeded 1 million. Thus, at the end of the year there were 1.370 million subscribers in Russia, served by 151 cellular mobile communications networks.

The scale of the modernized transit network has allowed MTT since 1999 to serve as a single center for operational and technical management of federal cellular mobile communication networks. MTT began to provide operators with such services as: notification of repair, configuration and repair work on telecom operator networks; notification and prompt interaction with control centers of telecom operators in case of accidents; notification about the reconfiguration of federal cellular networks; notification of numbering changes, monitoring and analysis of the quality of traffic transmission on federal SPS networks.

In 1999, the list of additional services provided by MTT included voice mail and fax transmission. Agreements for the provision of these services were concluded with 12 NMT network operators. By this time, the MTT network united operators in about 50 regions of Russia. The amount of traffic transmitted on the network grew every year by 50 - 100%.


The majority of mobile phone users in 1998 were concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and a significant part of the subscriber base was made up of foreigners who came to work in Russia and were already accustomed to using mobile communication services in their homeland.

The crisis of August 17, 1998 dramatically changed the face of the Russian market. According to the Sotovik information and analytical agency, the loss of mobile operator subscribers due to the August crisis averaged 20%, and in some regions – 50%.


In 1997, the transit network was officially recognized as an international instrument. On January 17, 1997, in Moscow, at a meeting of the heads of government of the CIS countries, an Agreement on cooperation in the development and use of cellular mobile communication systems was signed. This document provides an interpretation and definition of the term “transit network”: “A system that ensures the transfer of information via communication channels from one state to another through intermediate countries.”

In April 1997, two more transit hubs of the MTT company were put into operation - in Novosibirsk and Samara.


In 1996, the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation prepared a General Scheme for the creation and phased development of federal public mobile radiotelephone communication networks in Russia of NMT-450 standards, approved by a resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. In addition, OJSC Giprosvyaz, together with MTT specialists, prepared a Project for the creation and development of the transit network of the Russian Federation. Subsequently, the MTT network and its interaction with cellular operators developed based on the provisions of these documents.


The year 1995 was marked by the unification of cellular networks with the help of Interregional TransitTelecom. In 1995, the board of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation instructed MTT to create a common transit network for mobile radio networks in the 450 and 900 MHz bands, and the company in a short time prepared and implemented a grandiose project for the creation and development of a transport communication network of the Russian Federation.

It was this year that the construction of a network began, uniting almost all participants in this rapidly growing market. In 1995, it signed the first major contract for the supply of equipment with the Swedish company Ericsson.


The founding of the Interregional TransitTelecom company occurred during a period of rapid construction of cellular communications in Russia. The development of cellular mobile radio communication networks of the NMT-450 and GSM standards by 1994 in Russia led to the need for the emergence of a single operator that would take on the function of interaction between dozens and hundreds of companies providing these communication services. No less important at that time was the emergence of uniform federal standards according to which such interaction could take place. On October 31, 1994, the Interregional TransitTelecom company was created, designed to unite the disparate networks of numerous regional and metropolitan mobile radio operators into a single telecommunications space, to provide a global space for communication for many thousands of subscribers.

ABC -rooms of “Silver” and “Bronze” categories at extremely low prices!

The company was founded in 1994 to unite disparate networks of regional and metropolitan mobile radio operators into a single telecommunications space. In 1995, the board of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation instructed MTT to create a common transit network for mobile radio networks in the 450 and 900 MHz bands, and the company in a short time prepared and implemented a grandiose project for the creation and development of a transport communication network of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the first transit node was built in Moscow to provide a dispersed environment for the exchange of information between regional cellular networks, the second node appeared in St. Petersburg, and already in the spring of 1996, opportunities for automatic roaming of NMT subscribers using the MTT network were available in 33 cities of Russia. By the end of 1996, the MTT transit network served 25 NMT network operators. 1997 was a year of network development - the company commissioned new communication nodes, and also modernized the network to meet the needs of new technologies - GSM-1800 networks. The 1998 crisis greatly changed the landscape of the Russian telecom market and forced businesses to adapt to new conditions. Despite this, the company replaced GMTX switches with new generation switching centers capable of servicing subscriber signaling traffic of all federal standards. The scale of the transit network has allowed MTT since 1999 to serve as a single center for operational and technical management of federal cellular mobile communications networks in all modern standards. In 1999, the list of additional services provided by MTT included voice mail and fax transmission.
In the 2000s, the company followed the rapid development of the cellular communications market, which predetermined the growth of MTT into one of the largest and most important players in the industry. In 2000 alone, MTT traffic increased by more than 2.5 times. In 2001, a program for further promotion to the regions was launched. The company began building convenient, uniform access nodes to connect operators to the transit network directly in the regions of Russia. In 2002, the company began solving the problem of interaction between fixed and mobile communication networks and providing ever-increasing long-distance traffic through the creation of local switching centers (LCCs).
In 2003, a large telecom operator in St. Petersburg, the Neva Line company, joined MTT, and the company also began providing GPRS roaming services to Russian operators.
In 2004, more than 200 fragments of networks of cellular mobile operators were connected to the MTT transit network, including networks of operators providing mobile services in the IMT-MC-450 standard, and about 100 networks of fixed-line operators. The company began to orient its own network towards the use of multi-service traffic processing technologies based on the concept of next generation networks NGN (Next Generation Network). In the same year, 51% of the shares of MTT OJSC were acquired by AFK Sistema.
In 2005, 44 local switching centers were put into operation, work began on obtaining a long-distance operator license to provide services to end consumers - subscribers of fixed networks, and the WLAN roaming service, which is in demand at the global level, was launched. In 2006, a turning point event occurred for the entire Russian communications market - the demonopolization of long-distance communications. It was in this year that MTT OJSC became the first operator to break the Rostelecom monopoly. By 2007, MTT had become a recognized and prominent player in the international telecommunications market. The operator served more than half of the traffic from cellular operators of the Russian Federation to international destinations, and had stable relationships with the largest operators in the world. Since the beginning of 2008, the company has won more than 100 open competitions to provide state enterprises and organizations with long-distance and international communication services. In the same year, the company came under the control of the Promsvyazkapital group of companies. In 2009, MTT launched several new services for corporate and retail clients, the company actively developed the direction of international cooperation, and significant work was carried out on the company’s own network. In the same year, a system for routing intercity and international traffic was introduced. The year 2010 continued the trend of developing the company's services for both individuals and corporate clients.
For OJSC MTT, 2011 became one of the key years in the company’s recent history. This year, projects were implemented to radically update MTT's own federal network, new products and services were launched based on the most modern technologies, and the MTT company group began to form. The company received from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) 1 billion numbers in the international non-geographical code 883140. In 2012, MTT developed new services based on its own IP telephony platform. Online sales of an innovative solution for small and medium-sized businesses – virtual PBX MTT Business – were launched.
In 2013, the company entered a new stage of its development. The management company MTT Group was formed, the mass VoIP telephony service Beam was launched, and the implementation of new projects based on its own IP platform began. In 2013, the first contract for the development of LTE roaming services (IPX) appeared with the largest telecom operator in Russia - MTS OJSC.

MTT | OJSC "Interregional Transit Telecom": Long-distance and international communications, Intelligent Communication Services, traffic transit

I can recommend the MTT provider as reliable. What I like is the constant updating and release of new products. We recently connected to their FMC service. It is very convenient when you can quickly contact any of our regional branches using a short number. There are no interruptions in the work of the provider. Technical support is always in touch and you can contact us with any question. From the moment we began cooperation to this day, we have increased our client base by almost 45%. So I advise everyone who is planning...

We have a problem with clients. They began to complain en masse about poor quality service. We needed to identify those employees who allowed themselves to be rude. This is what we came to MTT with. We were advised to purchase SIM cards from them and connected to the call recording service. We started tracking. Literally in the first few days everything became clear. They showed the employee the recording and he had no choice but to quit. In addition, now everyone else knows that “the office writes”) and the indicators have improved significantly.

I experienced how convenient virtual PBXs are for business development. We sell building materials at retail and small wholesale. We connected the MTT business multi-line landline phone at the end of last summer. Very convenient for working with both suppliers and customers. With a larger number of lines, our call center now receives many more calls from clients and communicates with partners. We carry out advertising campaigns, keep call statistics, and analyze the work of our managers. It was necessary to connect multi-channel earlier...

I’ll start my review by saying that I under no circumstances recommend working with this company, which makes mistakes and is unwilling to admit and correct them. The essence of the problem is as follows - on November 28, 2017, the manager discovered that the virtual number that we purchased from them stopped working. After some time, it turned out that an employee of the company connected our number to another organization, without our consent, citing the fact that the number was supposedly assigned to free ones, after which a complaint was written...

We have been using MTT services for a year now, so we can sum up some results. The most important plus for us is an increase in the number of clients by 22%. To be honest, we did not expect such a result. We connected virtual telephony and a multi-channel number to: 8-800. Now we can simultaneously distribute up to 100 calls from clients. We also enabled call forwarding because we wanted to normalize the work of managers, that is, to provide them with an even load of calls. And what's most important is that we didn't have to...

We opened a new office in another region of Russia, and the question arose about telephony. We used the services of another provider, but when we learned that we would again have to buy expensive equipment, we decided to look for an alternative. We came to MTT with this problem and were offered to simply purchase SIM cards and use regular smartphones of new employees to connect. The FMC service allowed us to create a unified corporate network and include all our offices in it. Phone numbers have also been saved for the new office...

Thanks to MTT for their normal attitude towards clients who do not understand anything at all about cloud telephony issues. They told us everything, selected and set up all the necessary tools for the normal operation of our online store selling environmental products. We are satisfied with the results of using the system for a month. When we connected a toll-free number at 8800, the number of clients from the regions increased, by about 15 percent. We will continue cooperation, since we see that a virtual PBX actually helps us increase sales.

This is our second provider providing virtual PBX services. There were constant problems with the first one, but it wasn’t like there was no help from technical support, just an answer. We decided to try to connect to MTT, but they still gave us 7 days to test their service for free, which did not obligate us to anything. We tested it, now we only work with them. In terms of quality, there are standards, in terms of the services they offer, there is everything you need for normal operation. For example, recording conversations helped us get rid of...

A good cloud PBX that fully satisfies all our needs. Our sales come mainly from the website, so we connected both the 8800 number and the web widget. I would also like to highlight integration with 1C. This is simply an irreplaceable thing. Already in the process with the client, his card opens and you can see his name, what orders he made, and you understand what else you can offer him. Everything is very fast, minimal time.

Our company was faced with the urgent issue of providing a direct landline number. Friends recommended MTT Business, decided to contact them and have not regretted it yet! After the specialists installed a good multi-channel number, the number of calls to our company immediately increased, plus the connection itself was without glitches. And with the help of the company, one salesperson was caught in the act, quietly leaking information to a competitor directly from his work number! Now we are actively using the recording of all conversations and checking. Every seller knows this!