Equipment for the production of bottled drinking water. How to open your own drinking water production company. Business plan for water bottling production

In this article:

As you know, water supplied by centralized water supply in most cities is unsuitable for drinking or cooking. In this regard, many people install water treatment systems at the point of water consumption in private houses and apartments or buy required amount purified water.

Most people prefer to buy drinking water in special containers.

As a result, high demand for natural resources creates supply, and many entrepreneurs decide to open own business for water production.

Regional production structure

IN Russian Federation consumption of bottled water is growing rapidly every year, on average demand increases by 15-16% annually. The main suppliers of natural resources captured 37% of the sales market.

Market leading companies drinking water located in the following regions:

  • Karachay-Cherkess Republic;
  • In the Stavropol Territory;
  • Novosibirsk region;
  • Lipetsk region;
  • Moscow region.

The figure below shows largest regions in Russia for the production of drinking water.

As a result, there is fierce competition in the above regions and in order to conquer a niche in the market, it is necessary to create a product with competitive advantages.

Basic requirements for the quality of drinking water and production activities

In order to produce clean water, you must familiarize yourself with the following legislative acts:

  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 N2395-1 “On subsoil”;
  • Federal Law of November 23, 1995 N174-F3 “On Environmental Expertise”;
  • Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 1992 N3314-1;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations

Before the beginning production activities permissions required:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for drilling a well in a certain area from local authority self-government;
  • Resolution from the local administration “On permission to design a water bottling plant”;
  • A corresponding license for the right to use land for groundwater extraction.

Features of drinking water production

To produce drinking water, leading suppliers use two types of natural resources:

  • Natural water obtained from environmentally friendly sources;
  • Natural water purified using special equipment or water treatment systems.

The general diagram of drinking water production is shown in the figure.

The production of purified water in a water treatment system includes the following stages of the technological process:

1. Extracting water from a well, which is carried out using a special submersible pump and underground pipeline. Thanks to special equipment, water is supplied to the water treatment area in a special large-volume tank.

2. Water purification is carried out in several stages:

  • rough mechanical cleaning - allows you to remove large mechanical impurities with a size of about 400 microns from water;
  • fine water purification- cleans the natural resource from suspended impurities of at least 1 micron in size;
  • water disinfection modern methods– can be carried out using ultraviolet radiation, chlorination or ozonation.

After control chemical composition water, a natural resource enters tanks made of stainless steel. Continuous production of drinking water is ensured through storage tanks.

3. Drinking water bottling- carried out on a specialized line, where the natural resource is supplied into separate containers of the required volume. As a rule, in factories water bottling occurs at automatic car, without human participation.

4. Containers with water are sealed and sent to the finished products warehouse. In order to protect products from counterfeits and mark the type of water, leading manufacturers put heat-shrinkable caps of different colors on the container.

Drinking water production technology

Almost all leading enterprises producing drinking water use ozonation technology.

The technology makes it possible to disinfect and enrich drinking water with oxygen. Ozonation of water is carried out before bottling and bottling the natural resource. Such purified water of a certain chemical composition and enriched with oxygen has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used for medical and preventive purposes.

The main advantage of the technology is preservative effect, allowing water to retain its properties for a long time beneficial features and the original composition.

To apply the technology in the production process, it is necessary to purchase special equipment:

  • Ozone generator;
  • Duplex automatic air dryer;
  • Thermocatalytic ozone destructor;
  • Injection pump;
  • Injectors, shut-off valves, fittings;
  • Automatic start, level sensors;
  • ORP controller with ORP sensor.

Ozonation technology allows factories to avoid chlorinating water during the technological process.

Necessary equipment for the production of drinking water

In order to organize the production of drinking water, it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

  • Well pump;
  • Coarse filter;
  • Fine filter;
  • Blow molding equipment;
  • To ozonate water, ozonation units or a set of the above equipment are purchased;
  • Sterile water tanks;
  • Filling machine;
  • Semi-automatic bottle capper;
  • Labeling machine.

There is also an automated line for the production of clean water, which consists of the following blocks:

  • Unit for deep cleaning and disinfection of natural resources;
  • Water softening unit;
  • Saturation block;
  • Filling unit for bottles, canisters, siphons.

The figure below shows a monoblock for bottling drinking water from an automated line. On it, water is poured into bottles and a label is stuck on, and the mug is also screwed on.

Business plan for drinking water production

In this case, the cost of the project includes the following expense items:

  • Purchase of land - 475.00 thousand rubles;
  • Construction of industrial premises - 71,387.73 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of main and auxiliary equipment - 55,593.29 thousand rubles;
  • Installation of main and auxiliary equipment - 3,873.83 thousand rubles;
  • Working capital - 1,112.77 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 4,719.52 thousand rubles.

All expense items were calculated taking into account VAT. The estimated cost of the investment project is 137,162 thousand rubles.

The average number of employees for organizing a drinking water production plant must be at least 33 people.

On the purchased land plot it is planned to construct buildings and structures:

  • production workshop for bottling drinking water;
  • checkpoint;
  • pumping station, the productivity of which should be 12 m 3 / hour;
  • underground pumping station;
  • car parking;
  • fire tank, the volume of which must be at least 75 m3;
  • a diesel fuel tank with a volume of 10 m3;
  • outhouse;
  • cesspools with volumes of 50 m 3, 25 m 3;
  • sites for KTPK-160/6.

The total construction area will be approximately 1790 m2.

Planned well productivity - 12.7 m 3 /hour. The capacity of the drinking water blowing machine is 1.5 liters. (3000 pcs.) bottles or 5 l. (500 pcs.) bottles. The actual performance of the machine is 85% of the nominal value. The working regime at the plant is an 8-hour working day.

The implementation of this business plan largely depends on the long-term strategy and marketing policy plant However, as a result of calculating the predicted indicators, the following values ​​were established:

  • project cost in the amount of 137,160,000 rubles;
  • the plant's payback period is 4.6 years;
  • discounted payback period of the plant is 7.6 years;
  • net present value of the plant (NPV) 19,328,000 rubles;
  • profitability index - 1,15;
  • internal rate of return of 21%.

Based on the calculated indicators, we can conclude that the production of drinking water is profitable and cost-effective when proper organization production process and successful marketing activities.

Manufacturers and suppliers. There are 110 companies in the 2020 catalog. Production and wholesale sales. Table water factories included in the exhibition list:

  • Alonka Group of Companies;
  • KavMinVody;
  • Fonte Aqua LLC;
  • Slavda Group of Companies;
  • LLC "Union Food Products";
  • Soft drink factory "Tonus", etc.

The products of the manufacturing company "Achaluki" are also popular. Enterprises extract water from wells in ecologically clean areas of the republics, territories and regions of Russia. Drinking mineral and spring water in Russia is traditionally used to improve health and treat chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum. The therapeutic and prophylactic properties of water from Zheleznovodsk and Essentuki have been confirmed. The Crimean springs of mineral and table waters are famous. The products are bottled, PET containers and glass. Possible bottling into large volume containers upon order.

New ones are introduced to the market trade marks, product names. Contact information for the production – address, phone number, website in the “Contacts” tab. Delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region, regions of the country and the CIS by transport organizations. Leave feedback about the service and purchases!

We invite bottle suppliers, health institutions, dealers, and pharmacies to cooperate. To buy in bulk, download the price list - contact the manager. Prices for large wholesale are negotiated individually over the phone!

If you have decided to start your own business in the production sector, then the idea of ​​​​selling drinking water will certainly interest you. Before we start producing and selling the product, I want to note the significant advantages and disadvantages this method earnings.

Pros of the bottled drinking water business

  • Firstly, water is a product that belongs to the group of food products. No person can go without liquid for a long time. Therefore, we can conclude that this product will always be in demand and relevant, and the drinking water business will be profitable.
  • Secondly, a big plus of this type of income is the organization of a business in almost any area. People's needs for purified drinking water are only increasing, because the quality of water supply systems is only getting worse every year. In this regard, it will soon be generally impossible to drink tap water, so the prospects for the business of producing and selling bottled water will only increase.
  • Thirdly, this type of business does not require relatively large financial investments, especially if your company will only sell drinking water and not produce it.
  • Fourthly - this quick payback. If you can compete in the market, you will soon recoup all the expenses spent on the business and receive a clean and constant profit.

Disadvantages of drinking water business

  • The first significant disadvantage is the high competition in this area. A beginner, with only one idea and desire, without money, cannot break into such a difficult niche. Many companies have been specializing in this area for a long time and have been doing this business for many years.
  • But don’t despair, you must correctly analyze the demand and level of competition in your city. Many companies sell low-quality goods; you can stay and gain a strong foothold in the market only by providing the consumer with a high-quality product at an affordable price.
  • The second disadvantage is the constant checks by the sanitary and epidemiological service of the conditions in your production and the quality of the products.
  • Solid start-up capital. To start production you will need an impressive amount of money. You can find partners, because it will be difficult to promote such a large-scale project alone.
  • In general, competition is the main disadvantage of this business; if you are confident that you can handle it, then I recommend that you try to bring this idea to life.

Drinking water production business plan

Experienced businessmen know that a well-written business plan is half the battle. Therefore on initial stage I recommend that you do just that.

What should be included in a business plan?

First, it is worth determining the profitability of the idea. To do this, analyze the level of demand and competition in your locality.

Secondly, you need to wisely distribute the available funds. To do this, you need to have clear data regarding the costs of implementing the project. All this will be displayed in the financial section.

Thirdly, this is the payback period of the business. The plan should indicate the approximate payback period for the project and the receipt of the first profit. This is necessary in order to navigate and not deviate from a clear plan of action. This item will also be of interest to investors, people who will be ready to invest in your business.

Documents for opening a drinking water production facility?

The first step towards opening a bottled water production facility is legal registration.
  • Individual entrepreneur or LLC? To begin with, it is worth registering with the tax service as self employed(in case of sale) or how entity, if you are a water producer.
  • Certificates from fire service and SES on equipment compliance with all norms and quality standards.
  • Certificate of quality used in water production (issued by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service).
  • Occupation License entrepreneurial activity(lease agreement for premises, equipment, your personal data). All documents must be notarized.

Also, in the future, you will need to draw up agreements with suppliers of water (if you do not produce it yourself), containers and other consumables.

Renting premises

Your next step towards realizing the idea of ​​water production will be choosing and renting premises.

The area must meet the requirements and standards. Everything will depend on production volumes.

The area of ​​the premises includes:

  • Place, area where water will be extracted (if this is part of the specifics of your enterprise);
  • Separate rooms for cleaning liquids and spilling them;
  • Warehouse for storing finished products
  • Room for working staff.
  • The premises must meet all SES standards.

Location. It is best to rent a room outside the city, where rental prices are much lower and you can save a lot.

It is more profitable to open a drinking water production plant in a big city, but due to huge competition, you can try to find a profitable location near small settlements.

Equipment for the production of drinking water

In order to start production you will need to purchase or rent equipment:

  • For water purification (aeration and reagent dosing system).
  • For filling into containers
  • Equipment for making bottles (of course, this equipment is not necessary, you can do without it).

As additional income you can recycle plastic bottles, having purchased the appropriate equipment for this. Watch from which you will learn all the nuances of this type of activity.

Bottled water production

If you decide to develop a business in this direction, then you will need to purchase equipment for making bottles, as well as for washing them, because the containers will be reusable.

You can see how this process happens in the video:

Water production technology:

  1. Drilling an artesian well;
  2. Water purification using special carbon or sand filters;
  3. Adjustment of mineral levels;
  4. Disinfection using ultraviolet rays;
  5. Ozonation of water
  6. Pouring water into containers

Selling drinking water as a business

Supply agreements are concluded with consumers directly, if you are a water producer. If your specialization is only the sale of water, then you first need to conclude agreements with manufacturers. It is best to choose several options and check the quality of the products. To do this, you need to request samples and conduct a water quality analysis in the laboratory. A very important criterion for any businessman is the purchase price. You need to choose the most suitable option in the price range.


If your company only supplies drinking water to your home, then the costs will be as follows:

Renting premises. You must rent a place where your products will be stored. Any warehouse is suitable for these purposes, even outside the city.

Transport. To deliver the goods, you will need to have vehicle. For these purposes, the most suitable option would be a gazelle. It is important that the car does not consume a lot of gasoline, so you should choose an economical and roomy option.

Along with the current increase in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the consumption of purified bottled water is also increasing. And since the quality of tap water in Russia is very far from ideal, many consumers today are willing to pay for a good product. And you can make good money on this trend if you open your own production of bottled drinking water. Drinking water is water that has gone through several stages of purification and filtration. The final product can be packaged in different containers - plastic, glass.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 2,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

Business in the production of drinking water is characterized by many advantages that make this niche attractive to many beginning entrepreneurs:

  • Carbonated and still drinking water is in high demand.
  • You can set up your own workshop in literally any region of our country, since there are no problems with the supply of “raw materials”.
  • This business is variable, which will allow the entrepreneur to choose the development path that is more suitable in a particular case - taking into account the available investments.
  • With well-established distribution channels, even significant investments pay off fairly quickly.

But, as is the case with any other direction, there are also disadvantages that should definitely be taken into account when drawing up a business plan for the production of drinking water:

Are difficulties not scary? Then you can open a plant for the production and bottling of drinking water.

For a novice entrepreneur starting a small workshop, it is better to buy a water bottling line, which is equipped with the following equipment:

  • Incoming water purification system (aeration and reagent dosing system).
  • Automatic filling machine.

Water filling line

In addition to the main machines, it is possible to equip the line with a machine for producing plastic bottles from special blanks. Over time, you can even buy an entire line that will process plastic waste into bottles. This way you can save significantly on the purchase of necessary raw materials.

The price of equipment for bottled drinking water, not taking into account additional machines, is at least 1,000,000 rubles. And most of the funds will be spent on the cleaning system. A supported line can be purchased for 600,000 rubles.

Sales options for finished products and profitability of the planned business

The high price of a drinking water bottling line will begin to pay off when supply channels for finished products to customers are established. And here there are 2 options:

  • Organizing your own water delivery service (this means producing water for coolers).
  • Sales of finished products to retail outlets.

The business plan being drawn up must necessarily resolve the issue of further sales of finished products, since it affects both the purchase of additional equipment and the development of a marketing policy.

Delivery of drinking water will require your own fleet of vehicles. Otherwise, even the profit will not cover transportation costs. There is real scope for activity here, since every second office today has coolers installed. And to offer potential clients favorable terms of cooperation for them, you can provide them with coolers for free use. But this is also an additional expense.

Sell ​​finished products retail outlets can be more profitable than producing and transporting drinking water to offices. But here it is important to establish wholesale distribution.

As for the profit that an entrepreneur should count on, everything is strictly individual - the main influence is exerted by the investments that the production and sale of drinking water will require. The minimum investment required to organize a workshop (purchase of equipment and its commissioning + obtaining all permits and licenses + preparing the premises for work + purchasing containers) is 2,000,000 rubles. This amount will increase significantly if we start talking about drilling our own well or organizing a delivery service. You can calculate the amount of expected profit based on what the cost of drinking water will be and how much of it will be sold to customers monthly. The price of bottled water ranges from 100-180 rubles/5 liters.

  • Recruitment

Manufacturing business mineral water has always been considered highly profitable. An endless raw material base combined with a wide selection of water bottling equipment (both domestic and foreign) make this business very attractive for investors. However, due to the saturation of the market for such products, starting a business for new players is becoming more and more difficult. In this case, the sales issue always comes first.

Mineral water bottling business

From year to year, new companies and mini-productions appear in the drinking water production market. So how profitable is the mineral water production business? We invite you to familiarize yourself with the feasibility study (business plan) for the production of mineral water at a mini-enterprise with a capacity of 12 thousand liters. water per shift.

Mineral water production technology

To begin with, let us briefly introduce the technological chain of mineral water production:

  1. Accumulation of water in receiving tanks. Mineral water from wells (300-400m) is lifted using a deep pump and supplied through pipelines to storage tanks.
  2. Filtration. Water filtration is carried out on a filter block filled with sand and filtration material.
  3. Disinfection. Water disinfection is carried out with ultraviolet rays in a UV installation.
  4. Cooling. Cooling of water occurs on a plate heat exchanger.
  5. Carbon dioxide saturation.
  6. Blowing PET bottles (1.5 l) on a special blow molding machine.
  7. Bottling and supply of finished water to the warehouse. Mineral water is bottled in PET bottles with a capacity of 1.5 liters, sealed with corks, and labels marked on the printer are glued to the bottles. Bottles are packed in shrink film in 6 pieces, placed on pallets and wrapped with stretch on a polyizer. Then the finished products are sent to the warehouse.

Where to start a mineral production business

Let's calculate the main indicators economic efficiency mini-enterprises for the production of mineral water.

Initial data:

  • Production area: 400m2
  • Type of property: rent (120 thousand rubles/month);
  • Number of shifts: 1 shift (8 hours);
  • Line capacity per shift: 12,000 liters (8,000 1.5 liter bottles);
  • Number of working days in a month: 22 days.
  • Capital costs for bottling equipment

What equipment to choose for the production of mineral water

Capital costs for the purchase of equipment for the production of mineral water will amount to 1,100,000 rubles.


Monthly payment costs wages employees will amount to 1,272,000 rubles.

How much money does it take to produce mineral water?

The production cost of one liter of mineral water is 8.94 rubles. General expenses per month will amount to 2,363,600 rubles.

How much can you earn from producing mineral water?

We will calculate the main indicators of economic efficiency of mineral water production, including the payback period for equipment.

Conclusion: The net profit of the mineral water production enterprise will be 686.7 thousand rubles per month. The profitability of production at such indicators is 29%, and the payback period for equipment (not business) is only 1.5 months. It is worth considering that such indicators are only possible subject to 100% sales of all produced products, which is 264,000 liters of mineral water per month.

  1. Privacy.
  2. Summary.
  3. Project implementation stages.
  4. Characteristics of the object.
  5. Marketing plan.
  6. Technical and economic data of equipment.
  7. Financial plan.
  8. Risk assessment.
  9. Financial and economic justification for investments.
  10. Conclusions.