Equipment for the production of sushi sticks. Is it really possible to make money producing corn sticks? How much profit will the business bring?

Equipment for the production of corn sticks intended primarily for the manufacture of this food product.

In addition, using of this equipment you can make ready-made breakfasts from various cereals using the extrusion method with the subsequent addition of flavoring additives.

To reduce production costs, inexpensive products from flour and cereal production can be used as feedstock. For the production of ready-made breakfasts - crushed cereals, buckwheat, broken rice and other grains.

Complete set of technological equipment

The production of corn sticks is carried out using the following equipment:

  • extruder;
  • coating drum;
  • tunnel dryer;
  • bunker;
  • dosing machine;
  • packaging machine;
  • transportation equipment.

Extruder for the production of corn sticks

An extruder is necessary for squeezing the processed mass through the forming matrix dies. As a result of the influence of temperature and pressure during extrusion, moisture evaporates from the bundles of processed raw materials, the product increases in volume several times and dries out almost immediately.

The semi-finished product obtained after processing the raw materials in an extruder is further panned with powdered sugar and other additives or glazed with chocolate. To preheat the screw through which the raw material is fed into the extruder, the equipment for the production of corn sticks is equipped with a heating element. For support and regulation operating temperature The extruder is equipped with a water jacket and a shaft cooling system.

Draging complex

Using this equipment, various flavoring additives are dosed onto the semi-finished product. Dry and liquid components of the product are applied simultaneously. In the basic configuration, this complex includes a vibrating hopper with a level sensor, a sprinkler and dispenser, a private converter and a control system for this equipment.

Technological process for the production of corn sticks

The process of making corn sticks is carried out in several stages. First, cereal is poured into a special auger loading hopper. From here the raw materials enter the storage hopper. Next, the cereal is fed in portions into the humidifier, where the dispenser clearly measures the amount of water, thereby ensuring uniform moistening of the cereal.

After moistening, the raw material moves to the extrusion unit, in which its thermoplastic processing is carried out. The product is then given the required final shape in a molding die. Next, using a pneumatic feed, the semi-finished product is fed to the coating complex, in which liquid flavoring additives are added to the product, then the sticks are sprinkled with powdered sugar.

The equipment for the production of corn sticks is not particularly complicated. It is simple and clear to manage and use. When fully equipped, the equipment is a complete manufacturing process. As already noted, corn grits are mainly used as the starting raw material. Technological process The production of sticks is based on the method of extrusion (pushing) of processed raw materials under the influence of temperature and pressure through matrices.

The semi-finished product, which is obtained after processing the raw materials through an extruder, foams due to a significant pressure drop and chemical changes occurring in the processed mass. The finished sticks become porous, after which powdered sugar is added to them, and the product is ready for packaging.

When deciding to occupy a niche in the food products industry, it is important to choose a product that is in high demand among consumers. In addition, having limited financial capabilities, it is advisable to choose a direction in which investments will be reduced as much as possible. Products such as corn sticks fully meet all these criteria. If you buy equipment for the production of corn sticks, arrange supplies of high-quality raw materials and think through ways to sell the finished product, you can achieve high incomes.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 700,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

Corn sticks are a product belonging to the category of breakfast cereals. Recently in Russia there has been a tendency towards a significant increase in its consumption.

The popularity of corn sticks among the population, as well as the simplicity of the technology, make this business attractive for a novice entrepreneur. And the organization of the mini-workshop itself implies the production of high-quality products, packaged in bags of 50 and 150 grams. Manufacturers today have a great opportunity to launch their own food enterprise, which will quickly recoup all investments. By experimenting with flavors and packaging design, you can sell finished products both wholesale and retail.
But how are corn sticks made? And what needs to be taken into account when launching a workshop?

Process of releasing corn sticks

An important advantage of the planned business is the simple technology for the production of corn sticks. All stages of production here are carried out using special equipment, and therefore, the share manual labor reduced to a minimum.
The technology for making corn sticks involves mixing raw materials in certain proportions and further thermal and mechanical processing. But despite the simplicity of the steps, it is the product recipe that plays a big role here. The taste and quality characteristics of the sticks will ultimately depend on the ratio of the components. And since every operating enterprise keeps secret the ratio of all substances used, a qualified technologist should be hired for production, who will experiment with the recipe, and in the future will control the process of producing sticks, monitoring the input raw materials and technological regimes.

In general, the corn sticks production line processes the following raw materials:

  • corn grits,
  • powdered sugar,
  • sunflower oil,
  • salt,
  • water.

To reduce the cost of producing corn sticks, it is worth agreeing with suppliers on wholesale supplies of raw materials. And it’s great if the bases are located as close to the workshop as possible.

Workshop technical equipment

Extruder for the production of corn sticks

To start uninterrupted production of corn sticks, it is important to purchase quality equipment, meeting all norms and requirements of the food industry. There should be no problems with this, since proposals for technical equipment there are plenty on the market. And the main selection criteria here come down to an analysis of the planned sales volumes and the amount of starting capital.

The standard equipment of the line includes the following names of machines and devices:

  • mixers for bulk and liquid components,
  • dispensers,
  • sugar mill,
  • sifter

In addition to production line You will need to purchase a packaging machine. However, more expensive lines are also equipped with it.

The final price of equipment for corn sticks varies widely, depending on the type of extruder and power. For example, a line with a capacity of up to 30 kg/h, which includes a single-screw extruder for corn sticks, costs ≈500,000 rubles. More powerful lines (up to 250 kg/h), with a twin-screw extruder, will cost much more - up to 2,500,000 rubles.

It is advisable to equip a mini-workshop with low-power equipment, since at first it will be difficult to sell large batches of finished products.

A small-sized machine for the production of corn sticks will not require large areas. An area of ​​60 m2 is sufficient to accommodate the line. But in the workshop it is additionally necessary to provide premises for warehouses and staff rooms.

How much profit will the business bring?

Some time before opening your own production of corn sticks in Russia, it is important to plan distribution channels for finished products. And since the entrepreneur’s profit will directly depend on sales, we rely specifically on wholesale customers.

But this comes with many problems:

  • Large hypermarket chains, as a rule, sell only branded products.
  • Hypermarkets sometimes set fees that are unaffordable for small businesses “for the opportunity to be represented on the shelves.”

Therefore, when planning a small enterprise, it is better to try to conclude agreements with wholesale grocery stores or small regional stores.

The business plan for the production of corn sticks must also include calculations of the profitability of the enterprise. And how quickly the workshop will recoup all costs and reach “0” will largely depend on the investments made.

To register a workshop, buy an extruder for the production of corn sticks, prepare the premises for work and purchase raw materials, you will need at least 1,000,000 rubles. If you think about buying a supported production line, then 700,000 rubles will be enough. As for profit, everything will depend on the volume of output and pricing policy specific region. On average, a small package of sticks costs wholesale market 8-12 rub. The cost of the product is at least 40-60% lower.

  • How to start a corn sticks business?
  • What do you need to start producing corn sticks?
  • Documents required for organizing production
  • Requirements for production premises
  • Staff
  • Financial business plan

The correct choice of the type of business is the main factor influencing its successful promotion. If you choose food products, the probability of success is guaranteed. And if these products, moreover, are made practically out of thin air, a project that will generate profit will be guaranteed to be 100% successful. An example of this type of activity for beginners can be considered business idea for the production of corn sticks. The share of air in corn sticks is 70%! The corn mixture in it has a share of only 30%. The demand for such products is constantly high, since not only kids want to pamper themselves with tasty, aromatic, crispy sticks. Adults love them no less. The technical process of making corn sticks is not complicated, the technology has been worked out, and there should be no pitfalls. Therefore, investments in such a business will be recouped quickly, and it will definitely be profitable.

How to start a corn sticks business?

The first and most important issue that needs to be resolved very responsibly is the choice of equipment. You can get burned with low-quality equipment even at the start, since the entire operation of the enterprise opened by a newcomer will depend on its performance.

Today it is offered great amount various equipment for the production of corn sticks. You should not opt ​​for Chinese cars. Of course, good examples of such equipment are produced in China, but very often, under the guise of Chinese machines, low-quality equipment made “on the knee in the basement” is sold. You need to buy equipment from proven companies that have been working in the market for a long time. This choice will allow you to have a guarantee for the supplied equipment and the possibility of its service and repair by qualified personnel.

Western equipment can also not be considered, its prices are high, and it will take a very long time to pay for itself. Among domestic manufacturers today there are quite a few whose products have high quality and reasonable prices.

What do you need to start producing corn sticks?

The production equipment consists of stick production line and packing machine. The purchased equipment is usually installed turnkey in production by specialists from the manufacturing company. Therefore, there should be no problems with setting up a workshop for the production of corn sticks.

Raw materials:

  • corn grits;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • sunflower oil.


  • extruder with coating complex;
  • packaging machine;
  • belt conveyor;
  • mixer (cereal preparation);
  • oil supply apparatus;
  • vibrating tray;
  • dispenser with mill (for powdered sugar);
  • packaging machine.

The production of sticks can be fully automated. The quality of the product and its uniformity, taste characteristics can be ensured by the settings of the production line. It should be taken into account that such a line can be designed for round-the-clock continuous operation. The main thing is to ensure proper care of the equipment, carry out scheduled maintenance and repairs, and then you can operate it for many years.

You can choose a powerful line; in one shift it will produce up to 1 ton of finished product (about 120 kg/hour). In this case, the power consumption will be up to 30 kW hour. An extrusion line with such productivity can cost almost 1 million 500 thousand rubles.

It is still better for a novice entrepreneur to purchase a line with low productivity - up to 30 kg/hour. Such a complex will cost about 450,000 rubles. Installation and adjustment work - 100,000 rubles.

You also need to have your own transport to transport raw materials and products. To fully equip a small production facility, you will have to spend about 1 million rubles. You can achieve a stable income in about six months.

Documents required for organizing production

For launching a corn sticks production project You can register as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity . OKVED for the production of corn sticks– 52.27.39, 52.1. Before starting work, you need to obtain permission from the SES and fire department.

Licensing this type business is not subject to.

In addition, you need to draw up documents for production - develop technological regulations and register them.

Requirements for production premises

It is advisable to choose premises on the territory of existing food factories. They are well adapted for this type of activity. If there is no such production nearby, warehouse premises will do.

It is important to pay attention to good ventilation in the production area. To carry out sanitary and hygienic procedures, you need to find a room with connected communications - water, energy supply.

For a small workshop with a stick productivity of 30 kg/hour, you need about 30 sq.m., the same amount is needed for a raw materials warehouse and the same amount for finished products. It is necessary to provide a living room for workers; its minimum area must be at least 20 sq.m.


For production you need to hire required amount workers in accordance with the operating mode of the new production. If the production of corn sticks will be carried out in one shift, it is necessary to hire:

  • extrusion line maintenance worker – 2 people;
  • loader;
  • packer

If a novice entrepreneur deals with product sales issues himself, there is no need to hire an intelligent sales manager. You can also do your accounting yourself.

Financial business plan

In online stores you can buy corn sticks in bulk at an average price of 100 rubles/kg by weight. Packaged sticks are sold for 350 rubles/kg. Accordingly, the cost of a ton of manufactured products will be, depending on the type of packaging, from 100,000 to 350,000.

To make one ton of corn sticks it costs:

  • corn grits – 720 kg;
  • powdered sugar – 130 kg;
  • salt – 7 kg;
  • sunflower oil – 130 l.

It is necessary to take into account the monthly expenses for wages, taxes, creating a stock of raw materials.

The line can produce 240 kg of sticks daily. During the year, the production will produce 60 tons of products worth 6 million rubles. The business project will pay for itself in approximately 3 months. Production profitability will be 25% according to plan.

  • magnetic catchers of foreign metal objects in raw materials;
  • matrices for sticks.
  • Mounted cutting device.
  • Belt conveyor.
  • Drageing complex complete with:

    • dry ingredients dispenser;
    • dispenser for liquid components.

    Resulting product

    Products in the form of cylindrical corn sticks.

    Different tastes, sizes, colors.

    Process description

    The starting material for the production of sticks is corn grits. The production process of the final product is divided into several stages:

    1. The operator pours the cereal into the feed hopper of the auger, from where the raw material is fed into the storage hopper of the extruder.
    2. From the storage hopper, raw materials are automatically dosed and supplied to the humidifier. The piston dispenser produces precise dosing of water, ensuring uniform moistening of the cereal.
    3. After the humidifier, the raw material enters the extrusion unit, where it is subjected to thermoplastic processing in a short period of time.
    4. The cutting die at the exit of the extruder gives the product the required final shape.
    5. After the extruder, using pneumatic feed, corn sticks are transported to the coating complex.
    6. The coating complex applies dry components and adds liquid components to the product. The application of components is carried out in doses, using a dispenser of dry and liquid components.

    Description of equipment

    Feed auger

    The feed screw loads the feedstock into the extruder. From a loading hopper located at a height of 0.5 - 0.7 m, a screw transports raw materials to the height of pouring products into the extruder.

    EMT extrusion plant

    The extruder processes pre-prepared raw materials. The installation is equipped with a frequency converter for screw rotation and a turbo unit. It is also possible to install a pre-humidification device.

    The turbo unit, located in the pre-matrix space, provides:

    • pressure equalization throughout the matrix plane;
    • stable, even shape of the product;
    • increasing the service life of main components.

    The main raw material is corn grits. The percentage of added impurities is no more than 10%.

    Draging complex

    The complex applies powdered flavoring components (salt or sugar) to the products in doses. The application of dry components occurs simultaneously with the addition of liquid components.

    Stable dosed content of ingredients in products is ensured due to the fact that:

    A single-screw doser dispenses additives with an accuracy of within 2%, allowing you to fully comply with the recipe.

    The dispenser produces direct supply of additives, directly pouring components into the working area of ​​the complex.

    The sprayer evenly sprays the liquid components throughout the entire volume of the coating complex.

    In addition, the drum body has uneven edges, which eliminate the possibility of product breakage by 98%.

    The basic package of the coating complex includes:

    • vibrating hopper with level sensor;
    • dry ingredients dispenser;
    • sprayer of liquid components;
    • frequency converter that regulates drum speed;
    • complex control system.

    Listed functional features complex, constant control of component content, thoughtful design ensure ease of use and high taste of corn sticks, which your consumers will definitely appreciate!

    Extrusion Line Capacity up to 120 kg/hour* for the production of corn sticks.

    * depending on the raw materials, the technology used, and the quality of the product.

    The production of cereal sticks is based on the extrusion method, i.e. pressing the dough-like mass through the extruder dies under pressure and high temperature. The formation of the quality of cereal sticks largely depends on compliance with the technology of their production.

    The technology for the production of cereal sticks includes the following operations: sifting cereals, conditioning, making cereal sticks, preparing and applying additives to the sticks, packaging. The technological scheme for the production of corn sticks is shown in Fig. 3.4.

    Sifting cereals. Corn grits are cleaned of various impurities on a vibrating sieve.

    Important factors in the production of cereal sticks are the uniformity in size and moisture content of the cereal. For the production of corn sticks, corn grits are used, corresponding in size to the openings of two metal woven sieves with diameters of 1.2 (passage) and 0.67 mm (outflow). Larger or smaller grain sizes worsen the quality of semi-finished products, since smaller grains burn in the machine and lead to jamming of the auger and stopping the machine, and when using larger grains, a homogeneous mass will not be obtained.

    When sifting corn grits through a sieve No. 0.67, take special care to select flour, which, when it gets into the machine, can burn on its walls. Well-prepared cereal, when grasped by hand, does not leave traces of flour dust on the palm.

    The sifted cereal is mixed in a screw conditioner with salt, which is added at the rate of 1% of the total amount of the mixture.

    Conditioning. If the grain moisture content is less than 14%, conditioning is used. The cereal is moistened by adding water to the conditioner before adding salt. Sometimes salt is used in the form of a saline solution.

    The cereal is mixed with water and salt or saline solution for no more than 5 minutes, then to ensure uniform distribution of moisture, the cereal is kept in bins for 2... 3 hours. If the moisture content of the cereal exceeds the required level, it is dried. Uneven moisture content impairs extruder performance and reduces the quality of the finished product. The humidity of the cereal to start the extruder should be 22...25%.

    Making cereal sticks. For these purposes, a machine is used for molding corn sticks, which consists of a cylinder, a matrix, a cutting mechanism, and heaters.

    The machine cylinder consists of a pipe with two flanges. Inside the cylinder there is a rotating screw; in its front part there is a block of electric heaters. A matrix having 30 through holes with a diameter of 2.8 mm, located around the circumference, is attached to the front end of the cylinder. The matrix is ​​attached to the cylinder with flanges. At the front end of the matrix there are two rotating knives of the cutting mechanism.

    To supply the product into the receiving opening of the cylinder, a hopper with an adjustable damper is located above it. Before making corn sticks, the extruder is heated to a temperature of 170 ... 190 C, then the machine is turned on. From the receiving hopper through the machine feeder, the grain flows by gravity into the extruder.

    As the product moves towards the matrix, the pressure in the grain mass increases due to the gradually decreasing pitch of the screw and the transition of grain moisture into steam. At the same time, as a result of friction between the product and the working parts of the machine, the mass of cereal is heated to a temperature of 200 °C.

    Under the influence of high temperatures and pressure, the cereal in the machine turns into a dough-like mass, which in the form of thin

    streams are squeezed out through the holes in the matrix. The quality of the finished sticks depends on the homogeneity and plasticity of the mass. If individual grains of the product have not been deformed and turned into a viscous plastic mass, the finished sticks will have unwanted inclusions of such grains.

    As a result of a sharp pressure drop in the product when it leaves the machine, explosive evaporation of water occurs. Thin streams of emerging dough “explode”, increasing in diameter by 3...4 times and drying almost instantly. After some time after leaving the machine, the humidity of the product drops to 5 6%. The product leaving the machine is cut off by a rotating knife in the form of pieces 25...65 mm long, which are sent by a conveyor system to the next operations.

    Preparation and application of additives to cereal sticks. Additives are applied to corn sticks with a moisture content of 5...6% to give them different taste qualities: sugar, cinnamon sugar, vanillin sugar, sugar with peanut mass, sugar with citric acid and essence, salt with peanut mass, salt with dry garlic, etc. .d.

    The preparation of additives involves mixing additional raw materials in accordance with the recipe. Vanillin is pre-dissolved in alcohol and mixed with powdered sugar in a ratio of 1:10. Chocolate and fat glaze are processed in a tempering machine at temperatures of 30...32 and 38...40 C, respectively. Bulk raw materials (citric acid, ground cinnamon, milk powder, cocoa powder, coffee, powdered sugar, etc.) are pre-screened through various sieves with specific numbers. Vegetable oil and extracts are filtered.

    The easiest way to apply additives is to process corn sticks in a pan. Corn sticks are loaded into the cauldron and refined vegetable oil is gradually added from the measuring dispenser. After the oil is evenly distributed throughout the entire mass of the product (mixing duration is 4...5 minutes), pre-prepared additives are added to the pan. When making lemon corn sticks, lemon essence is added to the pan after adding vegetable oil, followed by a mixture of citric acid and powdered sugar.

    When making vanilla, garlic and cinnamon additives, dry mixtures are pre-prepared in a mixing machine. Powdered sugar is mixed with ground cinnamon, vanillin is dissolved in alcohol, table salt mixed with garlic powder. These mixtures are then sent to the coating kettle.

    When making sweet sticks, first add vegetable oil to the pan, mix it with corn sticks, and then add powdered sugar. When making salty sticks, ground salt is added.

    Otherwise, corn sticks are prepared with peanut additives. Corn sticks are not treated with vegetable oil before adding peanut additives. Pre-roasted peanut kernels with a moisture content of 25% are crushed on a three-roller machine to a paste-like state and a uniform consistency. The resulting peanut butter is mixed with vegetable oil and powdered sugar in a tempering machine. The mixture is gradually added to the pan, which is already loaded with corn sticks. Peanut sweet additive is added at the rate of 30% of the mass of the entire mixture. Salty peanut butter is prepared in the same way as sweet peanut butter, but salt is added instead of powdered sugar.

    To apply simple additives (powdered sugar, cinnamon-vanillin powder, salt) to corn sticks, a continuously operating cereal glazing unit is used instead of a pan.

    The technology for the production of corn figured products is similar to the technology for the production of cereal sticks and consists of preparing the cereal, conditioning, extruding and applying additives.


    How to start a corn pops business

    The sticks are packaged in cellophane bags or cardboard boxes with an inner bag of sub-parchment, 50...200 g each. To fill and pack corn sticks in cellophane bags, use an A5-KZH type filling and packaging machine (Fig. 3.5), which consists of a weighing dispenser 1 with mechanisms for filling the product, packaging machine 2 with mechanisms that form the package and heat seals, conveyor for receiving and dispensing the packaged product 3 and reception table 4. The machine has an automatic weighing dispenser. The technological diagram of the operation of the A5-KZH machine is shown in Fig. 3.6.

    The business idea involves creating a workshop for the production of corn sticks in plastic packaging, weighing 50 and 150 grams. The products will be positioned in the middle price category and sold in the region where the production is located, within one region. The main target market segment is families with “average” and “below average” income levels with one or more children. The main places of sale of products are our own outbound trade(through a non-stationary network), as well as non-chain retail in the home region.

    Assessing the potential and prospects for business development

    Corn sticks- a fairly massive food product that is very popular in Russia. According to the marketing classification, corn sticks belong to the category of breakfast cereals, the market of which in Russia is growing quite quickly - at the level of 5-10% per year. There are several factors on which the future growth of this market is based and good prospects for business development are created.

    • Firstly, consumers of corn sticks in Russia are almost all age groups of the population - although the children's target segment, of course, dominates in the market structure.
    • Secondly, we have already formed ten-year traditions of consuming this product, which also creates good prospects for the business of producing corn sticks.
    • Third, sales of this product have virtually no seasonal component - there is demand for sticks all year round, and therefore the manufacturer can count on the stability of the financial flows of its business.
      Fourthly, A significant role in stimulating demand for corn sticks belongs to the producers themselves. Actively experimenting with brands, flavors, packaging design (you still need to remember that the main target group consumers - children - are very susceptible to these parameters), the manufacturer can fuel the demand for its sticks.

    Sales channels

    As for product sales channels, they depend on such parameters as the scale of production, as well as the price category in which the product is presented. Naturally, from the point of view of proximity to the consumer, an excellent option for establishing sales is to supply food chains. However, there are some nuances here:

    • Presenters retail chains will agree to take only a branded product - known to consumers trademark, actively supported by marketing (advertising, consumer-promotion events in the hall).
    • In addition, the networks have a fairly high entrance fee.
    • It is also extremely important for chains to ensure timely deliveries, and in all chain stores.

    Therefore, promoting corn sticks through food chains only makes sense if the business is large enough and the product covers at least several regional markets. It should be remembered that on the shelves of chain stores you will have to compete fiercely with imported premium sticks that are well known to customers - in this regard, investments in marketing may turn out to be too high and not meet the expectations of business owners.

    At the same time, medium-sized, and especially small businesses of a regional scale (serving one market - city, region), offering an affordable middle and economy class product, should build sales differently. In particular, for micro-businesses it seems effective to have their own trading network(for example, the same outdoor trade in the central markets of the city). In order to ensure the sale of products on a somewhat larger scale, it is advisable to cover the city’s food stores (as well as kiosks, tents, stalls, etc.), delivering finished products to these points with our own transport.


    The technological process for the production of corn sticks involves thermal and mechanical processing of corn grits, with the addition of water and other ingredients (according to the recipe) during the preparation process.

    To make corn sticks, you will need raw materials (corn grits, salt, powdered sugar, sunflower oil), as well as drinking water. The consumption rate per 1 ton of sticks for raw materials is:

    • cereal - 720 kg;
    • salt - 7 kg;
    • powder - 130 kg;
    • butter - 130 kg.

    Equipment for the production of sticks in Russia is offered by various manufacturers, in particular the Prodselmash plant. The complete Prodselmash line includes a mixer for preparing cereals, a mill for powdered sugar, an extruder, a belt conveyor, an installation for preparing and supplying an oil suspension, a coating drum, a powdered sugar dispenser, a trestle and a vibrating tray-sifter.

    At the same time, the productivity of the line, and therefore the price, depends on the extruder options. In particular, the same Prodselmash offers three options:

    1. low-capacity extruder (up to 30 kg of sticks per hour) for mini-production sites (option cost - 443.5 thousand rubles);
    2. single screw extruder average productivity(up to 100 kg of sticks per hour) for small businesses (option cost - 2831.0 thousand rubles);
    3. twin-screw extruder E2SH-150 with increased productivity (250 kg of sticks per hour) for medium-sized businesses (option cost - 4316.5 thousand rubles).

    For a small business producing corn sticks will be enough production premises 100 m2, of which about 60 m2 will be allocated directly for the line, another 25 m2 for a warehouse for raw materials and finished products, 15 m2 for utility rooms for workers.

    No additional equipment is required for storing raw materials, as well as finished corn sticks.

    Feasibility study of the project

    Start-up investments in starting a business include:

    • Purchase of a line for the production of corn sticks with a capacity of 30 kg per hour - 443.5 thousand rubles.
    • Delivery and installation of equipment - 100 thousand rubles.
    • Repair of the premises in accordance with the requirements of the SES - 200 thousand.

      Production of corn sticks

    • Creation of inventory - 200 thousand rubles.
    • Other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

    Total starting investments the project to organize a business in the production of corn sticks will be 993 000 rubles

    Revenue calculation:

    The standard productivity of the line is 30 kg of product per hour, which, when operating in an 8-hour mode, will be 0.24 tons per shift. Provided 100% load and an operating mode of 250 days, the annual production volume of corn sticks will reach 60 tons.

    The wholesale price of corn sticks is about 5 rubles per 50 gram package, which is equivalent to 100 thousand rubles per 1 ton.

    Thus, the annual revenue will be 6,000,000 rubles.

    Reference Information:

    • The workshop reaches self-sufficiency: 3 months after the start.
    • Reach 100% productivity: 6 months after launch
    • Planned profitability: 25%
    • Return on investment: 18 months

    Experienced businessmen who have gone through fire, water and copper pipes, they say that three-quarters of success depends on the right choice, and only a quarter - from diligence. On the one hand, it is logical to be guided by the proverb “cut down the tree that you carry away,” on the other hand, “keep your eyes open.” Igor Zakharchenko, a 27-year-old Nizhny Novgorod resident, at the beginning of 2015, decided to organize his own business and began to analyze the situation. “I was painfully thinking about what to do so that, firstly, I could master what I started, and, secondly, have guaranteed demand,” the already established entrepreneur told the site’s correspondent.

    According to the businessman, it seemed that fate itself suggested the idea. Once, on another family trip to Auchan, his three-year-old daughter Alenka picked up several packs of corn sticks. Actually, nothing special happened, but after the girl, an older boy repeated the same thing, and then completely - adults came up to the shelf and also took a pack of a sweet and at the same time affordable product. And then Igor intuitively thought, why not think about his production of corn sticks. After all, there is demand if the price is reasonable.

    “The sticks were surprisingly light, even my little daughter carried them without difficulty,” Igor shared his memories. “The thought immediately came to mind that they consist largely of air, therefore, with a high degree of probability, the business should be highly profitable.”

    That evening, Zakharchenko began surfing the Internet to get an idea about this business. It turned out that intuition and logic did not let him down. Turns out, in sticks, air actually occupies up to 70% of the volume, and the corn mixture - 30%. As for potential demand, in Russia there is an average of 7 kg of edible corn products per person, and in the USA - 29 kg. As they say, until America grows and grows. But the most important thing is that the technical process has been worked out to the smallest detail and clearly does not promise any pitfalls. In other words, there were surprisingly many informative articles on this topic, and often they literally pushed the equipment.

    Under the protection of common sense and Russian law

    Igor has known for a long time that it is the rational choice of equipment that is the measure of a successful start in business. Among his acquaintances were guys who “burned out in entrepreneurship” because of frivolity, succumbing to the persuasion of sellers. Meanwhile, a review of the forums revealed a number of patterns that cannot be ignored.

    Firstly, it is advisable to abandon Chinese technology. It's not even that it may be of low quality. Be that as it may, the PRC has achieved high results, and many corporations in the Middle Kingdom value their brand. At the same time, in our market there are unscrupulous fly-by-night dealers who “pushing iron from unknown basement cooperatives” under the guise of branded Chinese equipment. “Even if the probability of this event is estimated at a fraction of a percent, where is the guarantee that this “lucky” person will not be me,” Zakharchenko decided. - This is exactly the case when you need to play it safe. God forbid it doesn’t work - you won’t find the ends. In addition, no one canceled the service. This means there must be guaranteed contact with those who produce and serve in their native Russian language. They won’t explain themselves in Chinese.”

    Secondly, it is wise not to consider Western equipment from the very beginning. Its price includes costs denominated in euros, including salaries of producers. And this automatically removes European technology from the category of paying for itself. Russian market equipment. Alas, these are the consequences of the past devaluation of the ruble. This is the same fact as snow in winter, or heat in summer.

    That is why Igor firmly decided to buy Russian equipment. “Judge for yourself,” explains the businessman, “if the equipment is broken or does not meet the stated characteristics, the entrepreneur has a good chance of suing for his costs. And legal protection in our case is the most powerful argument, or, as people say, “only I carry my head proudly in my forest.”

    Reputation as an argument

    Everyone has phobias. Even more so for novice businessmen. “My head was spinning from my thoughts,” recalls Igor. - I had some money, my parents also promised to “throw in” a couple of hundred thousand, and what was missing could be taken from the bank. So the finances seemed to be clear, but I wanted to immediately come to a working production facility. What if the technical process doesn’t work, and then - what? Catastrophe? So I suffered from insomnia at night.”

    It is clear that in the time of “His Majesty the Internet” it will not be difficult to find a website for a reputable manufacturer of Russian food equipment. Therefore, the period of doubt for Igor ended quite quickly, as soon as the aspiring businessman discovered the Russian Meal company. It turns out that this company produces not only food equipment, but also the most complex packaging machines developed by their engineers.

    Igor made inquiries, talked with knowledgeable people and came to the conclusion: “this is what we need.” The impeccable reputation of the Russian Trapeza company spoke for itself. But it is equally important that RT specialists promised to provide maximum assistance in the process of establishing a business.

    Full construction

    Of course, any business has its own nuances, and the production of corn sticks is no exception. That is why RT specialists know how important it is not to leave a businessman alone with equipment that is still unknown to him. After all, even in order to drive a car, you need to graduate from a driving school. “I explained my concerns to the managers of Russian Trapeza,” says Zakharchenko, “then I heard that equipment is not just supplied to specified period, but also installed turnkey. That is, he turned it on and started producing.”

    Here it is useful to remind you what the technical process of making corn sticks consists of and what equipment is needed for this. The main raw material, as you know, is corn grits, which is fed into the loading capacity of the screw - and then into the storage hopper of the extruder. There, the raw materials are dosed, as required by the regulations, and then sent directly to the extruder, where, in fact, corn sticks are produced. To bring her to commercial product, in the coating complex, the sticks are processed with wet components (vegetable oil) and dry components (salt, powdered sugar, vanillin).

    Let us remind you that all the process is automated, thereby ensuring the required uniformity and attractive taste. It is also important that the extruder is equipped with a turbo unit, which equalizes the pressure in the extrusion zone, thereby improving the uniformity of the product and doubling the service life of the screw and housing. In general, equipment made of stainless steel is designed for round-the-clock operation, naturally, with proper after-sales service and timely replacement of consumables.

    As for productivity, the extrusion line for the production of corn sticks is capable of producing up to a ton of finished products per shift (up to 120 kg per hour). That is we're talking about about serious production, while the total power consumption does not exceed 30 kW hour.

    Numbers as food for thought

    If you go to online grocery stores, the average price of corn sticks by weight starts from 135 rubles per kg, and packaged ones - from 350 rubles, that is, from 135 thousand and 350 thousand rubles per ton, respectively. “There is a good reason to purchase a packaging machine there at the Russian Meal. - Explains entrepreneur Zakharchenko. “This not only increases the shelf life of the product, but also its attractiveness to supermarkets and ordinary customers.”

    To make the picture more complete, we will give approximate production costs. So, for one ton of corn sticks you will need corn grits - 720 kg, salt - 7 kg, powdered sugar - 130 kg and sunflower oil - 130 liters. Taking this into account, as well as all costs, including wages to workers and taxes, Igor has a cost price in the range of 70-90 thousand rubles per ton of finished products. Therefore, the daily income of a corn cob extrusion line can reach 50 thousand rubles per shift. Impressive, even taking into account underemployment, Zakharchenko sums up.

    This margin of safety allows you to go through the most difficult initial period, when there are no commercial agreements yet, and the path to the shelves of supermarkets and stores has yet to be overcome with minimal risks.

    At the same time, the cost of the extrusion line produced by the Russian Trapeza company, including the cost of turnkey installation, is 1,500,000 thousand rubles. As a result, the break-even point for the Nizhny Novgorod guy was passed in less than six months. And now businessman Zakharchenok, despite all the difficulties of the crisis, feels like a person standing firmly on his feet. Thus, the story told is worthy of emulation. And those who follow Igor’s path will again be helped by the Russian Trapeza company.

    Alexander Sitnikov, especially for the site


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