Opening a private enterprise yourself step by step instructions. What you need to open an individual entrepreneur - detailed instructions! Subsidies for the opening and operation of individual entrepreneurs

1.1. This document defines the policy of Limited Liability Company "" (hereinafter referred to as the Company) regarding the processing of personal data.

1.2 This Policy has been developed in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation about personal data.

1.3 This Policy applies to all processes of collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data carried out using automation tools and without the use of such means.

1.4. The policy is strictly followed by the Company's employees.

  1. Definitions

Personal Information- any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data);

operator - government agency, municipal body, legal entity or individual, independently or jointly with other persons organizing and (or) carrying out the processing of personal data, as well as determining the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data;

processing of personal data- any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data;

automated processing of personal data- processing of personal data using computer technology;

dissemination of personal data- actions aimed at disclosing personal data to an indefinite number of persons;

provision of personal data- actions aimed at disclosing personal data to a certain person or a certain circle of persons;

blocking of personal data- temporary cessation of processing of personal data (except for cases where processing is necessary to clarify personal data);

destruction of personal data- actions as a result of which it becomes impossible to restore the content of personal data in the personal data information system and (or) as a result of which material media of personal data are destroyed;

depersonalization of personal data- actions as a result of which it becomes impossible to determine the ownership of personal data to a specific subject of personal data without the use of additional information;

personal data information system- the totality of personal data contained in databases and ensuring their processing information technologies and technical means.

  1. Principles and conditions for processing personal data

3.1. The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

1) The processing of personal data is carried out on a legal and fair basis;

2) The processing of personal data is limited to the achievement of specific, predetermined and legitimate purposes. Processing of personal data that is incompatible with the purposes of collecting personal data is not permitted;

3) It is not allowed to combine databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes incompatible with each other;

4) Only those personal data that meet the purposes of their processing are subject to processing;

6) When processing personal data, the accuracy of personal data, their sufficiency, and, if necessary, relevance in relation to the stated purposes of their processing are ensured.

7) The storage of personal data is carried out in a form that makes it possible to identify the subject of personal data no longer than required by the purposes of processing personal data, unless the period for storing personal data is established by federal law, an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party, beneficiary or guarantor. The processed personal data is subject to destruction or depersonalization upon achievement of the processing goals or in the event of loss of the need to achieve these goals, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

8) The Company in its activities proceeds from the fact that the subject of personal data provides accurate and reliable information during interaction with the Company and notifies Company representatives about changes in his personal data.

3.2. The company processes personal data only in the following cases:

  • processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data;
  • the processing of personal data is carried out in connection with the participation of a person in constitutional, civil, administrative, criminal proceedings, proceedings in arbitration courts;
  • processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of a judicial act, an act of another body or official that is subject to execution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings (hereinafter referred to as the execution of a judicial act);
  • processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party or beneficiary or guarantor, as well as for concluding an agreement on the initiative of the subject of personal data or an agreement under which the subject of personal data will be a beneficiary or guarantor;
  • the processing of personal data is necessary to protect the life, health or other vital interests of the subject of personal data, if obtaining the consent of the subject of personal data is impossible;

3.4. The company has the right to entrust the processing of personal data of citizens to third parties on the basis of an agreement concluded with these persons.
Persons processing personal data on behalf of LLC Law Firm“Start” undertake to comply with the principles and rules for the processing and protection of personal data provided for by Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”. For each person, a list of actions (operations) with personal data that will be performed is determined legal entity processing personal data, the purposes of processing, the obligation of such a person to maintain confidentiality and ensure the security of personal data during their processing is established, and the requirements for the protection of processed personal data are also specified.

3.5. If the Company entrusts the processing of personal data to another person, the Company is responsible to the subject of personal data for the actions of the said person. The person processing personal data on behalf of the Company is responsible to the Company.

3.6. The Company does not make decisions based solely on automated processing of personal data that give rise to legal consequences in relation to the subject of personal data or otherwise affect his rights and legitimate interests.

3.7. The company destroys or depersonalizes personal data upon achieving the purposes of processing or in the event of the loss of the need to achieve the purpose of processing.

  1. Subjects of personal data

4.1. The company processes personal data of the following persons:

  • employees of the Company, as well as entities with whom civil contracts have been concluded;
  • replacement candidates vacant positions in company;
  • clients of LLC Legal Company "Start";
  • users of the website of LLC Legal Company "Start";

4.2. In some cases, the Company may also process personal data of representatives of the above-mentioned personal data subjects authorized on the basis of a power of attorney.

  1. Rights of personal data subjects

5.1. The subject of personal data whose data is processed by the Company has the right to:

5.1.1. Receive from the Company within the time limits provided for by law the following information:

  • confirmation of the fact of processing of personal data by LLC Legal Company “Start”;
  • on the legal grounds and purposes of processing personal data;
  • about the methods used by the Company for processing personal data;
  • about the name and location of the Company;
  • about persons who have access to personal data or to whom personal data may be disclosed on the basis of an agreement with LLC Legal Company "Start" or on the basis federal law;
  • a list of processed personal data relating to the citizen from whom the request was received and the source of its receipt, unless a different procedure for providing such data is provided for by federal law;
  • about the terms of processing of personal data, including the periods of their storage;
  • on the procedure for a citizen to exercise the rights provided for by the Federal Law “On Personal Data” No. 152-FZ;
  • name and address of the person processing personal data on behalf of the Company;
  • other information provided for by the Federal Law “On Personal Data” No. 152-FZ or other federal laws.

5.1.2. Request clarification of your personal data, their blocking or destruction if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing.

5.1.3. Withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data.

5.1.4. Demand the elimination of unlawful actions of the Company in relation to his personal data.

5.1.5. Appeal against the actions or inaction of the Company in Federal service for supervision in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications or in court if a citizen believes that Start Legal Company LLC is processing his personal data in violation of the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” or otherwise violates his rights and freedoms in a way.

5.1.6. To protect your rights and legitimate interests, including damages and/or compensation moral damage judicially.

  1. Responsibilities of the Company

6.1. In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, the Company is obliged to:

  • Provide the subject of personal data, upon his request, with information regarding the processing of his personal data, or legally provide a reasoned refusal containing a reference to the provisions of the Federal Law.
  • At the request of the personal data subject, clarify the processed personal data, block or delete if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing.
  • Keep a log of requests from personal data subjects, which should record requests from personal data subjects to receive personal data, as well as facts about the provision of personal data in response to these requests.
  • Notify the subject of personal data about the processing of personal data if the personal data was not received from the subject of personal data.

The following cases are exceptions:

The subject of personal data is notified of the processing of his personal data by the relevant operator;

Personal data was obtained by the Company on the basis of federal law or in connection with the execution of an agreement to which the subject is a party or beneficiary or guarantor.

Personal data was obtained from a publicly available source;

Providing the subject of personal data with the information contained in the Notice of processing of personal data violates the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.

6.2. If the purpose of processing personal data is achieved, the Company is obliged to immediately stop processing personal data and destroy the relevant personal data within a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of achieving the purpose of processing personal data, unless otherwise provided by the agreement to which the subject is a party, beneficiary or guarantor personal data, another agreement between the Company and the subject of personal data, or if the Company does not have the right to process personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data on the grounds provided for by No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” or other federal laws.

6.3. If the subject of personal data withdraws consent to the processing of his personal data, the Company is obliged to stop processing personal data and destroy personal data within a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of receipt of the said withdrawal, unless otherwise provided by an agreement between the Company and the subject of personal data. The Company is obliged to notify the subject of personal data about the destruction of personal data.

6.4. If a subject receives a request to stop processing personal data in order to promote goods, works, and services on the market, the Company is obliged to immediately stop processing personal data.

6.5. The company is obliged to process personal data only with the written consent of the subject of personal data, in cases provided for by Federal Law.

6.7. The company is obliged to explain to the subject of personal data the legal consequences of refusal to provide his personal data if the provision of personal data is mandatory in accordance with Federal Law.

6.8. Notify the subject of personal data or his representative about all changes concerning the corresponding subject of personal data.

  1. Information about the measures taken to protect personal data

7.1. When processing personal data, the Company takes the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution of personal data, as well as from other unlawful actions in relation to personal data.

7.2. Ensuring the security of personal data is achieved, in particular:

  • identifying threats to the security of personal data during their processing in information systems ah personal data;
  • application of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems necessary to fulfill the requirements for the protection of personal data, the implementation of which ensures the levels of personal data security established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • the use of information security means that have passed the compliance assessment procedure in accordance with the established procedure;
  • assessing the effectiveness of measures taken to ensure the security of personal data before putting into operation the personal data information system;
  • taking into account computer storage media of personal data;
  • detecting facts of unauthorized access to personal data and taking measures;
  • restoration of personal data modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to it;
  • establishing rules for access to personal data processed in the personal data information system, as well as ensuring registration and accounting of all actions performed with personal data in the personal data information system;
  • control over the measures taken to ensure the security of personal data and the level of security of personal data information systems.
  • assessment of the harm that may be caused to subjects of personal data in the event of a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data, the relationship between this harm and the measures taken aimed at ensuring compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data.

Step 1 of 5

Individual entrepreneur registration

Select print

Open a bank account?

Submission of documents

Note: notarization of documents is not required; an additional state fee of 800 rubles is paid.

Select print

Open a bank account?

Opening an account with a partner bank is free!

Submission of documents

Note: an additional state fee of 800 rubles and notary services are paid.


After submitting this form, the selected parameters will be sent to us for processing, along with your contact information. Our manager will contact you immediately after processing your application.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs - preparation of documents

The main difficulty in the process of registering a business is correctly filling out a set of documents to ensure guaranteed passage with the registration authority. Our lawyers will take on this task and prepare a complete set of papers for the tax authorities. The service includes detailed advice on individual entrepreneur taxes and the registration procedure, as well as an individual entrepreneur stamp, subject to free opening of a current account in one of the partner banks.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs on a turnkey basis

To save time, you can order the submission of documents by power of attorney with the “Turnkey IP Registration” service. Individual entrepreneur registration price with submission and receipt: 5,000 rubles. + notary expenses + state duty. It is advisable to use this type of service if it is not possible to submit an application yourself and receive significant savings on notary costs, which amount to about 5,000 rubles. (certified by: application, copy of passport, power of attorney, copy of power of attorney). The seal is produced free of charge if you open an account with a partner Bank, also free of charge.


Documents for opening an individual entrepreneur

In order for our center’s specialists to begin the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur, they will need copies or scans of documents containing the following information:

  1. Copy of passport (first page and address page)
  2. TIN number
  3. Types of activities: main and optional additional. In free form or in the form of OKVED2 codes
  4. Phone number to indicate in the application (mobile is possible)
  5. Selected taxation system (if necessary, selected as a result of consultation with our specialist)

You can order by mail:

Individual entrepreneurship is one of the most common forms of doing business. A person who has become an individual entrepreneur is an individual who has passed state registration - this means that he has the right to legally engage in entrepreneurial activities. Opening an individual entrepreneur at the initial stage is the optimal solution to reduce the costs of creating and maintaining a business.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages individual entrepreneurship.

Advantages of IP:

  • favorable taxation (when using the simplified tax system, patent, UTII, no tax on dividends);
  • the possibility of applying the Patent taxation system;
  • possibility of exemption from Trade fee(with PSN);
  • individual entrepreneurs have more simple procedure discoveries;
  • minor fines;
  • there is no need to register a branch;
  • ease of doing business (minimal paperwork, simplified reporting);
  • work experience and the right to social benefits.

Prohibitions on registration as an individual entrepreneur:

There are a number of conditions under which an individual does not have the right to register an individual entrepreneurship:

Main stages of registration of an individual entrepreneur

Stage I. Preparation of documents and opening of an individual entrepreneur.
  • Selection of activities and suitable system taxation.
  • Collecting and filling out documents (application to the Federal Tax Service on form P21001; OKVED selection; state fee for registration of individual entrepreneur status - 800 rubles; notification of transition to the simplified tax system or patent (if necessary). Additionally, you need to prepare a copy of your passport. We recommend this stage complete remotely by exchanging data via e-mail or other means of communication, which will save time and reduce the number of trips to the office.
  • Going to the administrative body to register an individual entrepreneurship. Individual entrepreneurs can only be registered with the tax office at their home address. In the absence of permanent registration, it is allowed to submit documents for temporary registration, i.e. at the place of stay. You can submit documents to the tax office either personally or through an authorized representative. A power of attorney for submitting documents to the territorial tax office will require a notarized one, as well as an Application with a copy of the individual entrepreneur’s passport. In case of personal submission, documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs are not certified by a notary. It is possible to send a set of completed documents remotely by post in a valuable letter with a list of attachments or in the form electronic documents with digital signature.
Stage II (optional). Making a seal

This procedure is not at all necessary, but most entrepreneurs decide that such an attribute is necessary. The printing can be manual or automatic, ink-filled or multi-colored - there is no clear guide to the content and design (however, there are details without which they will not open a bank account if you decide to use printing on a bank card - these are OPF, full name, OGRNIP and place location of IP). Any other information, such as TIN, OKPO or website address, can be added additionally.

Stage III (optional). Opening a bank account and purchasing a cash register (CCT).

You should go to the bank with a Certificate of Registration individual entrepreneur, Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, TIN, passport and stamp. Some banks ask to provide individual entrepreneur statistics codes, although this document is excluded from the list necessary documents to open a current account. From May 1, 2014, the obligation to notify funds about the opening/closing of accounts is canceled; clause 1 of part 3 of Art. 28 Federal Law No. 212 “On Insurance Contributions...” Notifying the tax office about opening a current account is also no longer required; paragraphs 1 and 1.1 of Article 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which established such an obligation, have been repealed.

The cash register is issued at retail trade and cash sales, if the simplified tax system is 6%, the simplified tax system is 15% or OSNO. If you use UTII and a Patent, you don’t have to buy a cash register. When providing household services The population needs to use either a cash register or a BSO under any tax system.

Legal center ─ quick registration of individual entrepreneurs

At first glance, it may seem that registering an individual entrepreneur is a simple procedure and does not require much time. To some extent, this is true, but when it comes to important documents, communication with officials and representatives of the tax inspectorate, the help of professionals will not hurt. Employees of the Fiolent Legal Center are ready to provide support to individuals when registering individual entrepreneurship at any tax office. A set of documents for submission to tax authorities in the regions can be prepared and sent to you by e-mail. Competent lawyers will advise on this issue and help you quickly prepare a complete package of documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs and subsequent procedures.

We know what needs to be submitted to the tax authorities, how to open a bank account, and we can recommend financial institutions with minimal fees. Our employees design and produce stamps; clients do not have to search for specialists in this profile. Obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur with the help of our professionals becomes a simple task.

Other services of the Fiolent Legal Center that an individual entrepreneur may need:

  • legal advice on issues labor legislation;
  • professional accounting services;
  • optimization of taxation (registration of a single tax (UTII), patent, transition to a simplified taxation system, etc.);
  • judicial protection;
  • printing services (printing leaflets, business cards and other printed materials);
  • creation and promotion of websites.

Fiolent Legal Center ─ competent advice from professionals. Take the first step on the path to success: register as an individual entrepreneur with the help of our employees and start making a profit from your own business.

Free consultation on registration and taxes of individual entrepreneurs. Contact us at the bottom of the page, or in the group.

Study various types entrepreneurial activity is possible only after state registration. Individuals are given the right to register their enterprise as an individual enterprise.

Its location address is the IP registration address as individual. Unlike, there is no need to submit documents confirming the actual location of the enterprise.

When creating an individual entrepreneur, you do not need to define its name. The name is the proper name of an individual.

The list of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur is reduced to a minimum by law.

As part of the package of necessary documents, you must submit:

  • an identification document, that is, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The passport is also accompanied by a photocopy of all its pages;
  • application for registration completed by established by law form P21001. As a rule, the document is filled out on ready-made form by hand. This can also be done on a computer with subsequent printing of the prepared text;
  • a photocopy of the taxpayer identification number (TIN), issued by the Tax Inspectorate to an individual before the start of the registration procedure;
  • receipt of payment of the established state duty. The document is presented in its original form.

Submission of an application for registration by a person under the age of majority is accompanied by a notarized consent from parents or guardians to grant him the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity.

Documents with similar powers may include a marriage certificate or a decision of a judicial authority recognizing a citizen as fully capable.

In addition to the documents, a notice of the possible application of a special tax regime is attached.

Filling out an application for opening an individual entrepreneur

The application is completed in accordance with the currently valid form. For citizens of the Russian Federation it is provided mandatory filling sheets 1 and 2 with appendices A and B. Foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons, are required to submit sheet No. 3.

Filling out an application included in the list of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur is the most labor-intensive process.

This document must contain the following information:

  • information about the entrepreneur as an individual, as well as his passport information;
  • place of registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • species codes economic activity which will be carried out by the entrepreneur.

In accordance with the approved rules for drawing up a document, when filling it out manually, the letters fit into separate cells. Colored ink cannot be used in this case. The document printed on the printer is signed with the original signature of the applicant.

The numbering of sheets in the upper right corner is mandatory. The numbering of sheets must be two-digit and begin with “0”, for example, “02”.

A common inaccuracy is the incorrect spelling of a contact phone number. When specifying a city number, the city code is written down, if available cell phone– operator code. Both codes must be indicated in parentheses.

The application is signed personally by an individual in the presence of an inspector accepting documents for registration.

Selecting the type of activity of an individual entrepreneur

Appendix A, which is part of the package of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur, indicates the codes of the types of activities that the future entrepreneur intends to engage in. Codes are determined according to the reference book - the All-Russian Classifier of Species economic activity(OKVED).

Each code must include at least four digits. An entrepreneur must be aware that conducting activities that do not comply with the approved codes is subject to an administrative fine equal to 5,000 rubles.

Determining the type of activity of a future individual entrepreneur must be treated very responsibly. Changing the code or introducing other codes entails additional time.

The best option is to include as many activities as possible in the document. You should not include in the list of planned species those that are not permitted for individual entrepreneurs, as well as those requiring the acquisition of a special license, except in cases where it is planned to conduct licensed activities.

A careful approach is also required when planning the use of special tax regimes. There is a clearly limited list of types of economic activities for which special regimes can be used.

If the intention to use them is not declared in form P21001, then the transition to them is impossible even if a notification is submitted, since a change in the taxation regime is possible only from the beginning of the new year.

Notification of the planned type of taxation and TIN

Before registering an individual entrepreneur, you need to decide on the type of taxation that the entrepreneur will apply in.

If you plan to use a special regime, then you must notify the regulatory authority - the tax office at your place of residence.

Thus, documents for opening an individual entrepreneur must be supplemented with a special notification, the submission period of which is limited to five days from the date of registration. The notification is submitted as part of the package of documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Special regimes, the application of which must be notified to the Federal Tax Service, include:

  • simplified taxation system ();
  • a single tax on imputed income ();
  • single agricultural tax (UST).

The patent system also applies to special regimes, but the right to use it comes only after payment for the patent.

In the absence of an application from the taxpayer to apply special regimes, the general system taxation (OSN).

In accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, individual entrepreneurs are individuals. If a future individual entrepreneur has already received his TIN, like any other individual, then he must present a copy of the document confirming its receipt upon registration. If he has not received a TIN, then this must be done before submitting a package of documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Registration and receipt of documents when opening an individual entrepreneur

When preparing documents for starting a business, abbreviations are unacceptable. When preparing documents yourself, you need to ensure that there are no errors in any of them.

The presence of typos, blots, or data inconsistencies leads to resubmission of the package of documents.

Upon receipt of a package of ready-made documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur, you should, if necessary, register with. This registration is subject to availability. If an individual entrepreneur does not plan to hire employees, then registration with these funds is not required.

Documents for registration are submitted by the individual himself or his representative acting by proxy. The representative must present a power of attorney during registration, which specifically lists his rights, for example, “the right to receive registration documents of the individual entrepreneur V. M. Petrov.” In this case, a copy of the applicant’s passport must be submitted in a notarized form.

The modern way to submit documents for registration is to complete them online. In this case, the documents must be received by the entrepreneur personally or through an authorized representative.

Competent preparation of documents and knowledge of legal requirements allow you to carry out registration in the shortest possible time. Repeated submission of documents increases the period allotted by law for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Ideally, if there are no comments, the entrepreneur receives the finished documents within five working days after submitting the registration application.

To generate documents for individual entrepreneur registration, you can use the free online service directly on our website. With its help, you can prepare a package of documents that meets all the requirements for completion and legislation of the Russian Federation.

This step-by-step instruction describes the procedure in detail. With its help, you will get the most complete idea of ​​how to open an individual entrepreneur in 2020, save your time searching for the necessary information, and also learn about free online services that greatly simplify the process of registering an individual entrepreneur.

1. Select the method of individual entrepreneur registration

There are two ways to open an IP:

  1. Self-registration of individual entrepreneurs. A fairly easy procedure, which consists of preparing several simple documents. In addition, budding entrepreneurs will gain valuable experience interacting with tax officials.
  2. Paid registration of individual entrepreneurs through a specialized company. Suitable for those who want to save their time and do not want to delve into the process of government registration of individual entrepreneurs on their own.

How much does it cost to open a sole proprietorship?

Register an individual entrepreneur yourself

Note: Some of the above expenses can be returned if you are registered with the employment center as unemployed.

Paid to open an individual entrepreneur through a specialized company

The cost of paid registration of an individual entrepreneur depends on the region, but usually ranges from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. The state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur is not included in this amount. Services for making a seal and opening a current account may sometimes not be provided or may require an additional fee.

Comparison of self-registration and paid registration of individual entrepreneurs

Registration method Advantages Flaws
Self-registration of individual entrepreneurs

Useful experience in preparing documents and communicating with government agencies.

Saving Money on paid services legal companies.

Possible refusal of registration due to errors in prepared documents. As a result, there is a loss of time and money (800 rubles).

BUT, if you follow these instructions and carefully prepare documents, the risk of refusal is reduced to 0.

Paid registration of individual entrepreneurs through a law firm

The registrar company assumes the risk of refusal of registration.

Preparation, submission and receipt of documents from the tax service are possible without your participation.

Additional expenses.

Transfer of personal data to third parties.

You will have a poor understanding of the individual entrepreneur registration procedure.

2. We select OKVED activity codes

Before preparing documents, you need to select codes for the types of activities that you are expected to engage in from the OKVED directory.

On practice OKVED codes It is customary to choose with reserve. Even if you are not exactly sure whether you will engage in this activity or not, it should still be included in the list. According to them you won't have to additionally pay taxes and submit reports, since these factors directly depend only on the chosen taxation system. However, if necessary, you can always add OKVED codes after opening an individual entrepreneur.

Although the law does not establish any restrictions on the maximum number of OKVED codes, it is not recommended to indicate more than 57 of them in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur (that much can be placed on one sheet). At the same time, you can only indicate OKVED codes consisting of at least 4 digits.

One of the selected codes must be selected as main. In fact, only the right to apply reduced rates when paying insurance premiums for employees depends on it (provided that the individual entrepreneur officially has employees and this type activities will generate at least 70% of income).

note, you cannot conduct business without indicating the OKVED code, as it may be equated to illegal entrepreneurship.

Free consultation on individual entrepreneur registration

3. We prepare the necessary documents

Application for registration of individual entrepreneur

The application in form P21001 is the main document required for registration of an individual entrepreneur (download the form). Detailed instructions instructions for filling out, as well as application samples for 2020, can be found on this page.

Be careful to sign the application at the stage of preparing documents no need. This will need to be done when submitting documents in the presence of a tax inspector (notary - if you register an individual entrepreneur through a representative).

Most often, individual entrepreneur registration is denied precisely because of errors made when filling out the application. To avoid finding yourself in a similar situation, we recommend filling out an application through specialized free services.

Receipt for payment of state duty

In 2020, the state fee for registering individual entrepreneurs, as in 2018, is 800 rubles. You can generate a receipt, as well as pay for it online, using this service on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. There you can print it out in paper form and pay at any convenient Sberbank branch.

Keep your receipt confirming payment. You will need it when checking documents at the tax office. In general, you are not obliged to keep it, but not all inspectors of the Federal Tax Service know about this, so it is better in such a situation to play it safe and take the receipt with you.

Application for transition to simplified tax system

It is very important to choose the correct taxation system, since the amount of taxes paid and the number of reports submitted will depend on it.

Most beginning entrepreneurs are recommended to use the simplified taxation system (STS), since it can be used to engage in almost all types of activities, and it is the easiest to understand and profitable to use.

5. Submit documents to the tax office

The collected documents must be submitted to the registering Federal Tax Service at the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur or at the temporary registration address, if the entrepreneur has . You can find out the address and contact information of your tax office using this service.

If a future individual entrepreneur submits papers personally, he needs:

  1. Submit a set of documents to the Federal Tax Service officer.
  2. In the presence of an employee, sign the application for registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  3. Receive a receipt confirming the delivery of documents (with a signature, seal and the date when you need to come for the completed documents of the individual entrepreneur).
  4. Take one copy of the notice of transition to the simplified tax system with the date, signature and seal of an employee of the Federal Tax Service (it may be required to confirm your transition to the simplified tax system).

For filing papers through a representative or sending by mail it is necessary to certify and submit an application in form P21001 and a copy of all pages of the passport from a notary. Additionally, the representative must make a notarized power of attorney. When sending documents by mail, they must be sent by a valuable letter with a list of the contents and a notification to the address of the Federal Tax Service.

6. We receive documents of a registered individual entrepreneur

On the date indicated by the inspector, you need to come to the tax office yourself to get the completed documents (in 2020 this should not exceed 3 working days). You must have your passport and receipt with you. The representative will additionally need a power of attorney.

Note: if you cannot come to pick up the documents on the specified day, they will be sent by mail.

If registration is successful, the inspector must issue you:

  1. USRIP record sheet (with OGRNIP number).
  2. TIN certificate (if you didn’t have a TIN before).

Some Federal Tax Service Inspectors may additionally immediately issue:

  • Notification of registration with the Pension Fund of Russia ( Pension Fund);
  • Notification of assignment of statistics codes (from Rosstat).

Necessarily check the information in the received documents. If you find errors, immediately contact the employee who gave you the papers to draw up a protocol of disagreements. If errors were made due to the fault of the registering tax office, they must correct them promptly and free of charge.

note, from January 1, 2017, the Federal Tax Service stopped issuing a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs in paper form. Instead, the tax office now draws up a Unified State Register of Entry Sheets in form No. P60009, which has the same legal force, as well as the previously issued state registration certificate.

Note: if you plan to officially hire employees, then you no longer need to register with the Pension Fund as an employer. From January 1, 2017, the application procedure for registration has been canceled for individual entrepreneurs. Registration and deregistration with the Pension Fund of Russia can be carried out on the basis of information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs and it is not at all necessary to submit additional documents (letter dated January 31, 2017 No. BS-4-11/1628@).

To register with the Social Insurance Fund, an individual entrepreneur must submit an application for registration as an employer no later than 30 calendar days from the date of hiring the first employee.

To register an individual entrepreneur in your name, you will need to prepare several documents of a certain type for the tax authorities.

Documents for opening an individual entrepreneur

To assign an individual the status of an individual entrepreneur, you will need only 4 documents (and in some cases even 3): an application for registration of a person as an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001, an application for transition to the simplified taxation system (simplified taxation system), a receipt for payment of the state duty and a copy of the passport .

You can prepare a complete package of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur automatically using this.

Application for registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur. It consists of four sheets; forms to fill out can be downloaded from the Internet. The first two pages indicate the personal data of the individual (full name, registration address, passport details, etc.). The third sheet should contain information about the type of activity of the future entrepreneur. It is written in code form in accordance with All-Russian classifier types of economic activities.

The last form is a receipt confirming the accuracy of the specified information and directly an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Receipt for payment of state duty. It can be found on the Internet at in electronic format and easy to fill out according to the sample. All the necessary details are listed on the Federal Tax Service website in a special section dedicated to state registration and accounting.

Application for transition to the simplified tax system. Such a document will allow the entrepreneur to pay less taxes than under the standard system. Simplification is most typical for small or medium-sized businesses.

This application is prepared in two pieces. It is not necessary to submit it when registering an individual entrepreneur; this can be done within 30 days from the date of assignment of the status of an entrepreneur. But it’s better to do everything right away to avoid further paperwork and additional trips to government agencies.

A copy of the passport is the final document that is required to begin the process of considering an application to register a person as an individual entrepreneur. As a rule, it is enough to provide two main spreads - with personal data and information about registration. But sometimes they may ask for copies of all pages containing any information.

Where to register an individual entrepreneur

When all the documents described above have been collected, they must be taken to the tax office located at the place of registration of the individual who wants to become an entrepreneur. Along the way, you should go to any Sberbank branch and pay the state fee. This particular bank is listed for a reason - other organizations simply do not accept such payments.

A week after successful receipt of documents, you will need to visit the Federal Tax Service again to pick up a registration certificate.