Poultry house heating. Infrared heater for chicken coop. Preliminary preparation of the premises

Many owners of individual housing often lead subsidiary farm: growing vegetables and herbs, breeding and keeping cattle, rabbits and poultry, etc. Therefore, one of the problems that they have to solve is ensuring the protection of plants and animals from the effects of low temperatures in winter and in the off-season. Today, there are quite a lot of options for how to organize heating of a chicken coop, greenhouse, barn, the choice of which will depend on the region of residence and the financial capabilities of the owners.

Keeping chickens, ducks, and geese is the most common type of farming, allowing you to constantly receive fresh eggs and meat. And, as you know, with the onset of cold weather, poultry productivity decreases significantly. In addition, the likelihood of her becoming ill increases. Therefore, in winter it is necessary to create conditions for normal life, which are quite simple and consist of:

  • sufficient lighting;
  • proper and nutritious nutrition;
  • insulation and protection from drafts of the chicken coop.

It is advisable to dwell on the last condition in more detail.

Common methods of insulating and heating premises for animals and poultry

All existing methods of preparing utility rooms for the winter can be divided into:

  • natural insulation;
  • artificial heating.

Natural insulation of the chicken coop

Before choosing an option for heating a chicken coop, you should take care of insulating its enclosing structures, because cold and drafty walls and roof make it impractical to use any even the most effective devices.

The existing variety of heat-insulating materials makes it easy to insulate structures with your own hands. At the same time, the technology for performing work using a specific type of product does not differ from the process of covering the walls and ceilings of a residential building. A practical advice and installation features can be seen in videos constantly posted by users on the Internet.

Do not neglect the insulation of existing windows and doors, because... A significant portion of the heat is lost through the existing openings.

One of the mandatory processes when preparing premises for keeping animals and poultry in winter is the creation of deep bedding. To do this, apply a layer of slaked lime (1 kg per 1 m2) to the floor, and then about 10 cm of straw, sawdust, shavings or other natural heat-insulating material (for example, foliage, moss peat, a mixture of straw and manure). Natural composting will generate heat.

As the litter becomes compacted and moistened, it is recommended to loosen it and add new portions of material.

Figure 1 – Bedding for a chicken coop made of wood chips and sawdust

For regions with a mild climate, these measures are sufficient to ensure optimal temperature indoors, so additional heating devices are usually not required.

It should be remembered that part of the heat for heating the premises will be released by the birds and animals themselves. And for their normal functioning it is enough to maintain the temperature at 10 0C.

Artificial heating of premises for poultry and animals

In areas where severe frosts in winter are not uncommon, and the implementation of the above measures does not allow maintaining the recommended temperature regime, it is necessary to choose an option that is effective in terms of both availability and cost-effectiveness of heating the chicken coop.

This can be done in different ways:

  • electric heater (convector, oil radiator, fan heater, etc.);
  • gas-powered device (burners, heat guns);
  • infrared lamp;
  • stove equipment (“stove stoves”, “Buleryan”, specially laid brick stove);
  • water heating system.

Choosing best option, the following conditions must be met:

  • safety, incl. and fire department;
  • possibility of long-term operation;
  • ensuring that the recommended indoor temperature is maintained;
  • efficiency.

Heating a chicken coop with various types of heaters

For heating premises for keeping poultry and animals, various models of heaters can be used:

  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • infrared.

Main advantages this method heating are:

  • ease of operation of the devices;
  • possibility of use in emergency cases (in case of sudden frosts, failure of other heating systems);
  • compactness of heaters;
  • sufficient efficiency.

An important requirement when using this option is to limit the possibility of contact of birds with wires, hoses (when using gas models) and heating elements of devices. The best way to do this is to install fences made of mesh or lattice, which are easy to make and install with your own hands.

It should be noted that heating with electric heaters is a fairly expensive option, so it is advisable in emergency situations or when other methods are unavailable.

Using gas appliances is more economical, but also more dangerous. This option, as a rule, is applicable for insulating large chicken coops and requires good ventilation, as well as constant monitoring of the operation of the devices.

Infrared heaters have proven their effectiveness for heating premises for various purposes: country and country houses, greenhouses, barns, chicken coops, etc. There are several types of such equipment:

  • mobile models, usually used on a temporary basis;
  • stationary types (film, panel IR heaters), usually used for constant heating and installed in most cases on the ceiling. Installation of such devices usually does not cause difficulties, because The instructions for the devices describe the sequence of actions for installing them yourself. To obtain visual information, you can watch videos provided by specialists or ordinary people who have skills in such work.

Figure 2 – Infrared heater for heating a chicken coop

For optimization temperature regime and the operation of devices in general, the use of automatic regulators is recommended.

Stove heating of utility rooms for animals and poultry

If solid fuel (coal, firewood) is available, various stoves are often used in winter. But their operation requires compliance with a number of conditions:

  • chimney device;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • insulation of heating surfaces to protect birds and animals from burns;
  • the need to regularly add fuel;
  • constant control of temperature and combustion process.

It should be borne in mind that such equipment is quite large, so its use is not always advisable for small rooms.

Water heating of the chicken coop

In the case where the poultry keeping room is adjacent to the house, in winter it can be heated with a water circuit from an existing boiler.

At small sizes For a chicken coop, it will be sufficient to lay one or two pipes (preferably metal) around its perimeter. In large rooms it is possible to install radiators with polypropylene piping.

If you have the knowledge, experience and skills of creating a heating circuit, implementing one of these options yourself will not be difficult. Otherwise, it is recommended to contact specialists.

Heating using an infrared lamp

Infrared lamps for heating animals and birds are one of the most common and simple ways. They are characterized by a lot of advantages:

  • simultaneous provision of heat and light;
  • high productivity and efficiency with compact dimensions;

For example, one IKZK lamp with a power of 250 Watts can heat about 10-12 m2 of room.

  • directional heating - as you know, infrared devices and lamps heat specific surfaces rather than air, so their correct placement will provide heat only to the required places;
  • drying the bedding and air;
  • do not burn oxygen;
  • ease of installation, operation and replacement.

Figure 3 – IR lamp for providing the chicken coop with heat and light

Today, the most widely used infrared lamps are from the following manufacturers:

  • Philips – their line includes products with red and transparent bulbs; The lamps are distinguished by sufficient strength (they do not break if accidentally dropped and do not burst when splashed), the ability to regulate the light intensity, and sufficient durability. But the price of these products is quite high;
  • Osram - as a rule, they produce lamps with transparent capsule bulbs and mirror elements, having different wattages depending on the intended application;
  • IKZ, IKZK - are produced in transparent and red, unlike the above-mentioned models, they have an affordable price.

Red IR lamps are especially popular among poultry farmers, because... Their dim, warm light is believed to have a calming effect on chickens.

The video below provides a brief overview of similar products used in poultry and livestock farming.

To organize heating using an infrared lamp, you need to lay the wiring and install the platform with the cartridge in the required location. One of the conditions for this is the installation of a protective fence, which you can do yourself. Its presence will not only ensure the safety of the birds and the lamp itself, but can also prevent the possibility of fire if the device falls out of the socket or its bulb cracks and breaks.

Figure 4 – Protection of the infrared lamp with a mesh casing

Heating a chicken coop in winter is important event. Creating thermal comfort is considered a mandatory condition when raising poultry and is determined not only by concern for the condition of each individual, but also dictated by purely economic considerations.

Necessity of heating

Creating a favorable temperature regime is directly related to the productivity of chickens and is a necessary key to successful management. farming activities. Even a slight decrease in temperature in the chicken coop, lasting for several days, can sharply “reduce” the egg production of the bird and significantly reduce the weight gain of broiler chickens. Warmth acts as a priority maintenance condition, along with feeding and the necessary supplements. In addition, in a cold room the risk of developing colds and there is a noticeable decrease in immunity, and when the temperature drops below 5 degrees, the bird may even develop arthritis in the legs. Also, a sharp drop in temperature in the chicken coop can cause the formation of frost and increased humidity, which inevitably leads to the occurrence of infectious diseases in broilers and laying hens.

However, keeping poultry in conditions of low temperatures affects not only the health of chickens. In addition to the fact that egg production drops sharply, problems arise with hatching chickens. This is due to the fact that the embryos lack maternal warmth, resulting in a very large percentage of unhatched chicks dying. Due to the fact that the bird is forced to spend most of its calories not on gaining weight, but on heating its body, feed consumption almost doubles, which, along with a decrease in productivity, casts doubt on the feasibility of breeding chickens.

In winter, the optimal temperature in the chicken coop is 10-15 degrees Celsius. An increase or decrease in these values ​​disrupts the biological rhythms of chickens and negatively affects their general condition. To constantly monitor the temperature in the chicken coop, you should hang two thermometers. One of them should be placed near the front door, and the second should be placed closer to the ceiling near the upper perch.

When can you not heat?

To organize heating of a chicken coop, two methods are used - artificial and natural. Each of them has its own strengths and weak sides, differing from others in energy consumption, efficiency and the amount of money spent. So, for regions located in southern or temperate latitudes, the natural method is quite suitable. The main condition for using this method is the absence of a significant decrease in night temperatures and strong winds. If the temperature in an unheated room can be kept within 7 degrees, then the natural method is more rational and, when carrying out a number of heat-saving measures, can be safely used.

The first object to insulate a chicken coop is the floor. This is due to the fact that, thanks to the plumage, the bird’s body is not particularly sensitive to cold, and the only vulnerable point is the legs. That is why floor insulation must be done first. Before you begin laying the insulation, the floor surface must be sprinkled with powdered slaked lime at the rate of 1 kg/m2. The presence of lime will rid the chicken coop of fleas and ticks. Then the lime layer is covered with any heat-insulating material, which can be sawdust, fallen leaves or straw. The total layer thickness should be 25-30 cm.

The most effective means of natural heating of a room is manure. During the process of overheating, mullein releases a significant amount of heat, which is quite enough to “heat” the chicken coop during the winter. The only condition for using manure is the prohibition on removing old, already trampled mullein. In such cases, a layer of new fertilizer is placed on top, while preserving the previously laid manure.

It should be remembered that under no circumstances should extruded polystyrene be used to insulate the floor. This is due to the fact that the material has low throughput and is not able to remove excess moisture. Because of this, the room will become damp and unsuitable for keeping chickens. Concrete floors are covered with thermal insulation material and then covered with boards.

After insulating the floor, it is necessary to begin thermal insulation of the walls and ceiling. To do this, you need to plug all the cracks, not forgetting to form a small ventilation window. When building a chicken coop that is not equipped with artificial heating, double walls and a ceiling should be made. The cavities between the two surfaces are filled with foam plastic or mineral wool, and the thickness of the insulating layer must be at least 15 cm. A room constructed and insulated in this way will “work” on the principle of a thermos: the heat generated by chickens and manure will be retained for a long time, which will allow chickens can tolerate frosts down to 12 degrees. The final stage of insulating the chicken coop will be the insulation of windows and doors, which is carried out using polyethylene or thick fabric.

How to do without electricity?

The artificial heating method requires the use of heating equipment, the choice of which depends on the external temperatures, the size of the room and the financial capabilities of the farmer. Electric, gas and solid fuel appliances are used to heat flocks and chicken coops. The simplest is electric method heating, however, in case of frequent power outages or constant power surges in the network, it is better to abandon this heating method and use others.

Heat with gas

Gas heating comes in two types: convector and water. The water system works on the following principle: the heat generated during the combustion of gas heats the water in the heat exchanger to the desired temperature, after which the coolant, moving through the pipes and entering the radiators, heats the room. The essence of convector heating is that the device is devoid of pipes and has no connection with radiators; it heats up exclusively on its own, and externally resembles a large electric heater. Among the advantages of gas heating are the ability to quickly heat the chicken coop and high energy efficiency.

Disadvantages include the high cost of equipment and the need for constant human presence. In addition, when installing a gas boiler, you will need permission from gas services and strict compliance of the building with fire safety standards. This type It is advisable to use boiler equipment in large poultry complexes, where constant monitoring of the device and its maintenance will be carried out.

Potbelly stove

Heating using metal stoves is the simplest and most in an accessible way heating chicken coops. The potbelly stove has a simple design and does not require expensive maintenance or regular maintenance. The essence of how a potbelly stove works is quite simple: when burning solid fuel The metal walls of the stove become hot and begin to give off their heat to the room. The advantages of this method are low fuel cost, quick installation and ease of use.

The disadvantages include the need to comply with fire safety regulations, which obliges to carry out a set of measures aimed at preventing fire. Such measures include the construction of a fireproof pallet and the protection of nearby wooden walls from exposure to high temperatures. In addition, the use of a potbelly stove requires the constant presence of a person, which is due to the need to constantly add fuel. But the most significant disadvantage of heating with a potbelly stove is that it will not be possible to maintain a constant temperature in the room.

Diesel stove

Heating with diesel appliances is also used to heat chicken coops. Such installations are able to quickly warm up the air in the room and, unlike potbelly stoves, have a temperature regulator. This allows you to change the intensity of the flame and create the required temperature in the room. Diesel units are completely fireproof and environmentally friendly. The disadvantage of such systems is the high cost of diesel fuel, which most likely will not cover the profit received from the sale of chickens.


This type of oven belongs to air-convection ovens and is good decision problems with heating chicken coops. The devices are characterized by high energy efficiency and can operate on any fuel. In addition, Buleryans, like all convection models, are quite economical and have high power. This allows them to be used for heating large-area chicken coops on farms and farms.

Water heating

The water heating method is considered the most efficient and fireproof. If the home is heated using a water heating boiler, then the ideal option would be to connect the chicken coop to the heating circuit of the residential building. To avoid heat loss when transporting coolant from the house to the chicken coop, it is better to build a room for keeping chickens close to the house. If buildings are located remotely, pipes running along the street should be insulated.

Electrical heating

Heating the chicken coop in winter period using electrical appliances is the most expensive heating method. There are many types of electric heaters, and which one to choose, each farmer decides independently, based on his own budget, availability alternative sources heat and room volume.

  • Ventilation heater ensures constant circulation of warm air and contributes to almost instantaneous heating of the room. In addition, the device has high efficiency, is completely fireproof and ensures uniform heating of the entire chicken coop. The disadvantages of air heaters include high cost, high energy consumption, dry air and high noise pollution.

The onset of cold weather becomes a problem for the farmer. After all, not all living creatures are able to withstand frost normally. So, chickens are heat-loving creatures. If you do not provide them with decent conditions in cold weather, egg production and the general condition of the birds will significantly deteriorate. Therefore, heating the chicken coop in winter is a must.

Domestic chickens and roosters are considered heat-loving birds. Therefore, a draft or
walking through snowdrifts can lead to serious colds. And sudden changes in air temperature are dangerous due to severe stress and a drop in egg production.

A comfortable temperature for keeping laying hens is +15 degrees. It should not fall below +10 degrees. So, at +5…+7 egg production indicators are already beginning to deteriorate.

To avoid disastrous consequences, the chicken coop needs to be prepared for wintering, especially if chickens are raised in the northern region. But you shouldn’t overdo it with the temperature: if in winter it is above +18 degrees, the natural biorhythms in the birds’ bodies will be disrupted. This will not increase egg production, it will harm the birds, and the energy consumption will be quite noticeable.

Important! It is advisable to install a thermometer in the chicken coop to monitor the temperature and adjust it in a timely manner. To install the thermometer, you need to choose a secluded place so that chickens do not find and break it.

Is it possible to do without heating?

Basically heating is the only method to create chickens comfortable conditions for life. This is especially true in northern frosty regions. Without auxiliary heating in the chicken coop, the birds here can get very cold or even die.

In those areas where the climate remains temperate, you can get by with inexpensive ways to preserve heat. Birds can warm themselves, you just need to provide them with high-calorie food. The chickens will produce a lot of heat, which will remain in the room and keep them warm. But even when choosing this method, preliminary preparation is required - you need to insulate the chicken coop so as not to lose heat.

Preparing the chicken coop for insulation

But before you equip the chicken coop with heating, it needs to be prepared. Before the onset of winter cold, the room needs to be disinfected. For this purpose, various drugs are used, which may have different prices, but the same functions.

Farmers suggest using one of the following drugs:

Important! If formalin is still chosen for processing, you should move the chickens away from the chicken coop for several days and ventilate it. The optimal period is a week. During this time, the pungent smell will have time to dissipate.

Methods for insulating a chicken coop

Farming is constantly evolving, and new ways to retain heat are emerging. There are both excessively expensive ones (electric heating) and budget ones (insulation of walls with available materials). You can create comfortable conditions for birds to live in one of two ways:

  1. Natural. This method is advisable to use only in areas with a pleasant climate. As a rule, the farmer already at the stage of constructing the chicken coop provides for the function of natural heating and insulates the walls. But this method can also be used in a completed room, if the previously created insulation turned out to be defective.
  2. Artificial. It is used in cold climatic conditions, in which conventional insulation does not give any result. The easiest way is to equip the poultry house with electric heating devices. It is also the most expensive.

Important! Even at the stage of building a chicken coop, you should pay attention to the sizing of the walls, ceiling, and floor. The latter is usually a concrete covering, which freezes strongly in winter and poses a danger.

Natural insulation

If the chicken coop is just being built, high-quality insulation of all surfaces should be provided:

  • the walls and ceiling are made with double walls, insulation is placed between the skins;
  • floor: a layer of expanded clay 10-15 cm high is laid under the concrete screed.

If you have an attic, insulating the roof from the inside would be a suitable option. But first you need to make sure that it is completely sealed. To do this, the roof is covered with sheets of roofing material, which will protect from snow and rain. The joints of the sheets are coated with construction resin or other fixing compound. All cracks from the inside also need to be sealed.

Ventilation in the chicken coop - required condition for comfortable living of chickens

There are several ways to naturally insulate a chicken coop if the room is already ready. It is best to use them together to provide the birds with maximum comfort.

Artificial insulation

If chickens are raised in frosty regions, natural insulation may not be sufficient. Therefore, artificial methods have to be used. Modern market offers a lot of devices for artificial insulation of chicken coops. The most popular methods are presented in the table below.

WayDescriptionInstallation principles
IR lamps
The device looks like a standard incandescent lamp. However, inside the light bulb there is a gas - argon or nitrogen, which helps heat the room.
The method has a lot of advantages:
  • ease of use (the lamps are screwed into a regular socket instead of light bulbs);
  • radiation has a positive effect on birds;
  • high efficiency;
    can function in wet areas;
  • meet environmental requirements.

    But there are also disadvantages: the lamps are expensive, get very hot and do not last long.

  • There is a wide range of IR bulbs on the market, so you can choose a device of the required power. The device is selected at the rate of 100 watts per 5 square meters. m. poultry house. So, for a room of 25 square meters. m. one lamp of 0.5 kilowatt is enough.
    It is recommended to equip the light bulbs with an automatic thermostat. The device will maintain the temperature at the same level and turn off the lamps when necessary.
    IR heaters
    An infrared heater has a unique operating principle: it heats the surrounding objects rather than the air. As they warm up, they release heat into the air, and it spreads evenly throughout the chicken coop.

    IR heaters are either stationary or portable.

    A stationary device is ideal for a poultry house. It consists of a heating plate or coil, which is hidden under a quartz glass tube.

    The device is installed where birds cannot reach it - high under the ceiling.

    Electric heating
    Instead of IR heaters, other devices that operate on electricity can be installed. For example:
    1. Heater. A device that consists of a hot coil and a fan. The latter disperses streams of warm air throughout the room.
    2. Convector. A device with a thermoelement inside. Warm air escapes from openings in the housing. One variation is an oil cooler. Powerful heaters are used in industrial farms.
    Such equipment consumes a large amount of electricity and requires constant monitoring. And it is advisable and profitable to install compact portable devices or oil radiators in small chicken coops.
    This heating method is not recommended for use in areas where power outages are common. Due to an unexpected shutdown of equipment in winter, the entire population of birds may die. Therefore, most farmers prefer to use alternative methods.
    Gas heating
    It consists of a volumetric gas boiler and pipes that are installed around the entire perimeter of the chicken coop. The water in the boiler is heated and circulated through the pipes, causing the room temperature to rise.The equipment is very expensive and requires complex installation, so it is advisable to use it only in industrial farms. Heating small chicken coops in this way is very unprofitable.
    Stove heating
    Some farmers choose stove heating for chicken coops. These are very economical stoves that can be heated with anything.The most fire hazardous method. Stoves require constant monitoring, since the slightest ember can cause a large fire. It will be safer to install a convection oven in the chicken coop.
    Water heating
    The heating system is a water boiler in the house, the pipes from which pass through all rooms.
    It is advisable to insert pipes and connect the chicken coop to common system heating
    Water heating is the best option for a chicken coop that is adjacent to a private house. A separate heating circuit is created, which is distributed along the entire perimeter of the chicken coop. It is enough to equip a small poultry house along the contour with two metal pipes.

    The choice of a suitable heating option depends on the individual needs of the farmer and the characteristics of the farm. As a rule, the most popular methods are IR heaters or potbelly stoves.

    Important! If an electrical device has been selected as the heating system, it is advisable to provide for automatic shutdown of the device in the event of a fire. In addition, it is important to follow all safety regulations when installing the system.

    Combination of natural and artificial systems

    It is not only possible, but also necessary to combine natural and artificial methods of insulation in a poultry house. Because even the highest quality insulation of surfaces will not be able to give full results and protect chickens from frost.

    When creating combined insulation, you first need to pay attention to proper insulation of the chicken coop inside and out, and only then think about the method of artificial heating.

    Wall treatment

    Several materials can be used to insulate walls:

    1. Expanded polystyrene. Its structure is weightless slabs of foamed plastic. They retain heat well in the room, but at the same time they easily ignite and produce toxic substances during combustion. Some experts are sure that rodents can live in polystyrene foam boards.
    2. Extruded polystyrene. Plates made of this material are less prone to fire, and rodents do not breed in them. However, polystyrene does not allow steam to pass through easily, which increases the humidity in the chicken coop. This has an adverse effect on chickens.
    3. Glass wool and mineral wool. The most successful option for natural insulation. Materials are sold in the form of slabs or rolls. They are very economical, lightweight and non-flammable, and also provide good thermal insulation.

    If the coop is under construction, it may be advisable to place sheets of glass wool inside the wall. An already finished room can be insulated from the outside. Sheets of mineral wool or polystyrene are glued to the wall with special glue.

    Important! Some farmers prefer to cover the walls of the chicken coop with film to retain heat. This method cannot be used. The material will retain condensation on surfaces, which will subsequently cause the spread of mold.

    Deep litter: step-by-step manufacturing instructions

    A particularly popular option for natural insulation. The layer of litter is very dense, so the birds’ paws do not freeze. After some time, the litter will begin to give off heat due to bird feces. If you approach the organization of such bedding correctly, you can keep the room warm and clean.

    Step 1
    The floors are covered with slaked lime. For 1 sq. m. of surface, 1 kg of mixture is enough.
    Step 2
    The lime is covered with bedding material. Hay, peat, straw, coarse sawdust or something similar will do. If straw is used for bedding, it must first be chopped.
    Step 3
    The litter will begin to sag over time. To restore it, the layers need to be loosened periodically and fresh material added.
    Step 4
    When the top layer becomes significantly dirty, it should be completely replaced with a fresh one. The remains can be left until spring and used as fertilizer.

    The ideal material for bedding is peat moss. It perfectly absorbs unnecessary aromas, and after use it can serve as a fertilizer.

    Initially, the litter layer should reach a minimum of 20 cm. Over time, fresh material is added on top in a layer of 5-10 cm.

    Important! Bird waste products accumulate in the deep litter over time. They emit ammonia gas, which negatively affects the health of chickens. In order not to poison the entire livestock, uninterrupted ventilation should be organized.

    Eliminating drafts

    There should be no drafts in the chicken coop, as chickens are very susceptible to them. Due to such violations, the entire livestock may catch a cold and die. In most cases, drafts occur due to improper construction of the room. In addition, wind can blow in from cracks, doors and windows.

    It is quite easy to check the presence of a draft. You need to light a candle in the room and watch where it goes. Holes in jambs or walls are sealed with polyurethane foam. If the gaps are very large, they are filled with any insulation and sealed.

    Important! A large number of heat may escape from the coop due to improperly secured doors. The door must be tightly closed; large cracks in the jambs are unacceptable. Insulation is carried out both from the inside and from the outside.

    Video - Heating a chicken coop with an infrared heater

    Experienced farmers offer beginners some tips regarding heating chicken coops. For example:

    1. The fallen snow can be thrown onto the walls and roof of the chicken coop from the outside. It will help to better retain heat inside. However, with the arrival of spring, you need to fold it back to avoid flooding of the house.
    2. Ventilation windows are best made with double glass. A significant portion of the heat will escape through a single-pane window.
    3. It is advisable to insulate the ventilation pipe with cotton wool. Cold air will enter through an uninsulated or improperly installed pipe and warm air will escape. To avoid this, the cracks where the pipe enters the ceiling and floor must be coated with a sealing compound. If the cracks are too large, they are filled with mineral wool cubes.
    4. The ventilation pipe is equipped with a damper that will regulate the flow of incoming air.
    5. Windows must be sealed using rubber gaskets. Otherwise, heat will begin to leave the room at a temperature of -15 degrees. Thus, rubber seals for plastic windows are also applicable for insulating wooden and glass windows in a chicken coop. Rubber bands are bought at a regular hardware store and glued with superglue.
    6. Constantly moving in and out of a heated coop can cool it down considerably. Installing a vestibule door can correct this situation. It is enough to equip a heat-saving vestibule with an area of ​​0.5 square meters. m.

    Video - Heating a chicken coop in winter