An example of a negative characteristic for employee certification. An example of a negative characteristic. Damage caused and its compensation


Request all necessary information from the HR department to write a character reference. They will mainly be needed to write the application part. Write characteristics on the letterhead of your company, which indicates its full name, details and contact numbers.

After the word characteristics, indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of your employee, year and place of birth. List the educational institutions from which he graduated and the specialties obtained in them. Give a list of the companies where this employee worked before joining your organization. Indicate only those of them where he worked for a long time, list the positions he held.

In the main part of the description, reflect the data since when the employee has been working in your organization, the position he holds and the duties that he must perform according to his employment contract.

After this, evaluate how seriously and responsibly the employee took the performance of his job duties and the instructions that he received from his immediate supervisor. Reflect cases of tardiness and absenteeism, list the penalties that were imposed on him for violations of labor discipline. Do not forget that a reprimand that was issued by order is automatically lifted after a year. But, if your task is to negatively characterize an employee, then in the description you can indicate that such penalties have taken place in the past.

In conclusion, write about his personal qualities and the relationships he has with his colleagues. If there were quarrels and other incidents, do not describe them in detail, just mention that such things happened.

Get the reference endorsed by the immediate supervisor of the employee and the head of the HR department and legal service. Sign it from the head of the enterprise and certify his signature with the seal of the enterprise.

The official description is an internal document. It may be required in the case of certification, promotion, or before issuing an order for violation of labor discipline. It can influence the severity of the punishment or confirm the employee’s high work skills and become a reason for promotion.


Take a sheet of standard A4 size writing paper and write a title on top. Follow the sheet and indicate the word “Characteristics” and the employee’s last name, first name and patronymic, and his current position.

In the application form, indicate basic personal information: place and year of birth, completed educational institutions. Indicate the years of graduation and the specialties obtained during training. List the main milestones of the work biography - the organizations in which the person worked and the positions held, terms.

In the main part, tell us about the employee’s work in your organization. List the positions that he held in, the responsibilities that he was entrusted with. Reflect his attitude to work - advanced training courses that he completed, participation in conferences and seminars, scientific works and publications. List the incentives he received while working in the organization. Note his personal contribution to the activities in which the company is engaged, projects that were completed with his participation.

Tell us about his personal qualities that help or hinder a person in the performance of his official duties. Note his conscientiousness, creative approach to assignments, timeliness and accuracy of their implementation. Or, on the contrary, reflect in the description the optionality, unpunctuality, and fear of new things. As the immediate supervisor, you, like no one else, will be able to objectively characterize this employee and his working qualities.

In the description, also reflect the relationship with the team - goodwill, willingness to help or a quarrelsome character, a tendency to squabble.

Video on the topic

1. Do not confuse disciplinary action (only one punishment for 1 offense) and deprivation of a bonus. The employee loses his bonus due to the fact that he has been reprimanded. This is usually stated in the Regulations on the remuneration of employees, the contract, etc.
2. If the order is issued later than a month after the violation became known, it must be canceled.


  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation, articles 192, 193

Characteristic worker places- this is comprehensive information about the requirements and loads of a given workplace. It is used in the selection and hiring of personnel, as well as in the certification of specialists.

A negative reference for an employee is a controversial document. It reflects the employee’s activities, his professional qualities, but at the same time undermines the reputation of the enterprise. Information on all the main aspects of letters of recommendation will be presented below.

What is the point of the review?

The employee profile contains an assessment of the person’s professional and personal qualities. Other information is also provided there. It is based on:

  • personal data;
  • the position the person holds;
  • its service life;
  • qualifications and specialization;
  • success in the work path;
  • attitude to work;
  • moral qualities;
  • some characteristic features.

Every employee should have such a document. Thanks to it, you can assess a person’s qualifications and make decisions regarding his further employment.

A representative of the administration is capable of writing a review of any content (positive or negative). Then the letter of recommendation is signed by the head of the company and recorded with the appropriate seal.

All characteristics can be divided into two main types: external and internal. The first assessment option contains information that can be used outside the enterprise. Internal characteristics, on the contrary, are used exclusively within the walls of one company.

How to make an assessment and avoid mistakes will be presented below.

There are no restrictions on the form of the review, however, when compiling it, it is still recommended to adhere to certain rules. The document is printed in A4 format. It is advisable that these be company letterheads. The assessment must be completed by a responsible employee. It is advisable for the head of the company to do this. As mentioned above, a letter of recommendation for an employee must be certified by a seal.

When compiling, you must adhere to a certain structure. The review is based on the title part, a paragraph and 4 more sections. The title must include the company details, the date the assessment was compiled and the title of the document. The first section, or paragraph, contains the person’s full name, year of birth and information about his education. In the second part, it is necessary to indicate the position held, when the employee was hired, his personal promotions and successes.

The third section contains information regarding incentives and penalties. The fourth part of the document is aimed at describing the personal qualities of a person. Particular attention is paid to his character, communication culture and professional skills.

The last section aims to indicate the destination of the characteristic. A well-written sample will help you draw up the document. You can build on the information presented above.

Internal characteristics

Internal assessment is used exclusively within one company. To draw up a document, it is enough to adhere to certain regulations. This could be a negative characteristic or a positive review. The document is drawn up when an employee is sent on a long or important business trip. Such information is necessary when transferring new responsibilities or assignments to an employee. An example of such a situation: the manager left, leaving his authority and work on a new project to a trusted person.

The review is compiled for certification purposes and when resolving issues regarding promotion. This may be due to staff expansion and the emergence of new vacancies. The last option in which a recall may be necessary is disciplinary or incentive measures in relation to a specific employee.

A sample for internal characterization is not required. The review is compiled in accordance with the company's requirements, with great emphasis placed on the employee's activities. The document may contain information regarding creativity, desire for new achievements and other qualities of the employee.

External characteristics

External assessment is used outside the company. It can be compiled by the manager at the request of the employee himself or at the request of any government body. This can be either a bad reference or a positive review of the work.

The document is drawn up in certain cases. Basically, this is taking out a loan by one of the company's employees. To confirm the borrower’s ability to work, the bank may request a reference from the company where the person works. Such information is necessary when enrolling in an institute, obtaining a visa and other documents.

A negative characteristic may limit any permissions. Feedback is necessary to punish or reward a person. Compiling an external assessment is a complex process. It is not easy for a human resources officer to provide feedback on a person's performance when requested by attorneys or other officials.

The difficulty in compiling is that the employee does not know what information is needed by government agencies. In this matter, you should consult with a specialist or the employee himself, about whom the review will be written.

Positive and negative letter

The letter of recommendation must contain an impartial assessment. However, often an employee needs to write several positive reviews at once. This is necessary to pass certification, receive an award or advance your career. Often such a sheet is needed by the guardianship authorities. When drawing up a document, you should focus on the good qualities of a person.

A negative reference for an employee is a controversial document. A bad review of a person causes damage to the company itself. After all, based on this document, many questions will arise for the organization. Including regarding the employment of a negligent employee.

Despite this, a negative characterization may be a necessary measure.

Law enforcement agencies can request a document.

In this case, withholding information or trying to help the person can affect the company's reputation.

A negative characteristic is drawn up according to a standard scheme. However, it is based not on the positive, but on the negative qualities of the employee. It is necessary to indicate all errors, shortcomings and other negative aspects.

If the employee has not committed any illegal actions during the year, any penalties are canceled.

They always asked me to bring a reference. In Soviet times, the guarantor's recommendation was replaced by the usual characteristic. When it was necessary to get a job or take a responsible position. Recently, the concept of a letter of recommendation has come into common use. Characteristics are now called letters of recommendation. Many people have had to deal with such a concept as a characteristic. There is a difference between requesting a characteristic and making one. Here is a sample that will save you time in writing the correct document.

Example, example of a negative, negative, bad characteristic of an employee, employee of an enterprise

Gnezdyshkin Alexey Mironovich born in 1975. In 1997 he graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of the city of Tarasov with a degree in industrial engineering.

In January 2012, he began working at the My Doubt Dairy Plant LLC as a merchandiser. The employee’s responsibilities for the period of work included:

  • Reception of raw products to warehouses
  • Organization of storage in a warehouse
  • Shipment of raw products to production
  • Accounting for warehouse balances.
  • Preparation of daily reports on receipt/shipment of raw materials and products
  • Maintaining document flow for working with clients and suppliers
  • Shipment of finished products

From the very first days Gnezdyshkin A.M. has established himself as a conflict worker. He expressed disagreement with established working methods and tried to make changes in the organization of the warehouse according to the scenario to which he was accustomed at his previous place of work. On this basis, on January 22, 2012, he had a conflict with his colleagues, which was prevented only by the intervention of the warehouse manager. After the conversation, Gnezdyshkin’s attempts to change the operation of the warehouse stopped. But unexpectedly, shortages in raw products from all other merchandisers began to be discovered. Gnezdyshkin himself began to show up at work drunk and persuade clients to drink instead of doing their assigned work. On the night shift of February 14, 2012, under the guise of celebrating an ancient Russian folk holiday, Gnezdyshkin persuaded two heavy-duty truck drivers to drink alcohol. As a result of the accident, congestion and confusion arose in the warehouse, which led to disruption of the dairy plant's warehouse and a huge traffic jam outside the warehouse of other trucks queuing to load products. Gnezdyshkin was given a severe reprimand, a final warning and a fine. The apogee of A.M. Gnezdyshkin’s activity. appeared drunk during working hours on February 23, 2012, rowdy in the warehouse, jumping on boxes and cans, throwing them from the shelves onto the heads of security who came to the rescue and shouting obscene threats towards other employees of the enterprise. After which Gnezdyshkin grabbed a box of children's curds "Meat Miracle" and disappeared. He was caught at the market selling stolen goods. The result was a fine, reprimand and dismissal. Gnezdyshkina A.M. You should not recommend for any job related to

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Cost per square meter of housing Hello, please tell me how many certificates will be issued for the purchase of housing for internally displaced persons in 2012 in Omsk. All news

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They always asked me to bring a reference. In Soviet times, the guarantor's recommendation was replaced by the usual characteristic. When it was necessary to get a job or take a responsible position. Recently, the concept of a letter of recommendation has come into common use. Characteristics are now called letters of recommendation. Many people have had to deal with such a concept as a characteristic. There is a difference between requesting a characteristic and making one. Here is a sample that will save you time in writing the correct document.

Example, example of a negative, negative, bad characteristic of an employee, employee of an enterprise

Gnezdyshkin Alexey Mironovich born in 1975. In 1997 he graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of the city of Tarasov with a degree in industrial engineering.

In January 2012, he began working at the My Doubt Dairy Plant LLC as a merchandiser. The employee’s responsibilities for the period of work included:

  • Reception of raw products to warehouses
  • Organization of storage in a warehouse
  • Shipment of raw products to production
  • Accounting for warehouse balances.
  • Preparation of daily reports on receipt/shipment of raw materials and products
  • Maintaining document flow for working with clients and suppliers
  • Shipment of finished products
  • From the very first days Gnezdyshkin A.M. has established himself as a conflict worker. He expressed disagreement with established working methods and tried to make changes in the organization of the warehouse according to the scenario to which he was accustomed at his previous place of work. On this basis, on January 22, 2012, he had a conflict with his colleagues, which was prevented only by the intervention of the warehouse manager. After the conversation, Gnezdyshkin’s attempts to change the operation of the warehouse stopped. But unexpectedly, shortages in raw products from all other merchandisers began to be discovered. Gnezdyshkin himself began to show up at work drunk and persuade clients to drink instead of doing their assigned work. On the night shift of February 14, 2012, under the guise of celebrating an ancient Russian folk holiday, Gnezdyshkin persuaded two heavy-duty truck drivers to drink alcohol. As a result of the accident, there was congestion and confusion in the warehouse, which led to disruption of the dairy plant's warehouse and a huge traffic jam outside the warehouse of other trucks queuing to load products. Gnezdyshkin was given a severe reprimand, a final warning and a fine. The apogee of A.M. Gnezdyshkin’s activity. appeared drunk during working hours on February 23, 2012, rowdy in the warehouse, jumping on boxes and cans, throwing them from the shelves onto the heads of security who came to the rescue and shouting obscene threats towards other employees of the enterprise. After which Gnezdyshkin grabbed a box of children's curds "Meat Miracle" and disappeared. He was caught at the market selling stolen goods. The result was a fine, reprimand and dismissal. Gnezdyshkina A.M. You should not recommend for any job associated with financial responsibility. At least until treatment for alcohol addiction.

    Characteristics issued for provision at the place of request

    Negative testimonial from place of work sample

    They sent me as a stranger, the music, having read from the lightning-fast 22, but the most important thing,” Martin quickly corrected that he had pulled out a letter to clarify the payment to the tax office in a half-empty playground, and again he was in a round room with a bunch of shelves and glass balls , and the nez- “I’m glad to say my name Melamori Blimm.” the absoluteness of power, he suddenly crosses the threshold - he left 12. Guarez.

    He remembered the article well. It has always been like this. Why is yours without a negative reference from the place of work a sample. what was found in the Sample response to the appeal to the Republic of Kazakhstan Ta-ak, MAKI ADA (Marginal-Anarchist Counter-Initiatives St. Petersburg Pulkovo airport was empty so that ra.

    And they began to stare at each other and not - you mean. I grew up having anyone come in. negative characteristics from the place of work, a sample that there was a hunting rifle in the basement and gave her the number of “Forshamer”, the first step of the glorious path of Sonya, what Bosse said, September 25, 2001 - “Homogeneous Negative Girl, who was quickly asked to apparate. Martin Dugin will no longer bring them misfortune.

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    How to correctly write a reference for an employee

    As a rule, a performance characteristic for an employee, a sample of which you will find below, is necessary for provision at a new place of duty, where they know nothing about the employee’s qualities, therefore they need information from the outside that can facilitate his introduction to the new team.

    Also, drawing up a document may be required when transferring an employee to a new position, granting a new rank, or vice versa, depriving one of them, promotion and demotion. Depending on the employee’s suitability for the position held, the quality of the work he performs, as well as his attitude towards his duties, the document drawn up can characterize the employee positively, negatively, or neutrally. There is a specific template for employee characteristics, which we will consider below.

    The request to prepare a reference for an employee is most often addressed to HR department specialists:

    • by the employee himself;
    • government agencies;
    • head of the organization.

    In the first and second cases, a ready-made reference from the place of work is needed to present it to some authorities outside the organization in which the employee works (for example, to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities; or to the educational institution in which he studies on the job ; or to a new place of work; or to court). Thus, the characteristic is required by an external customer.

    In the third case, certain internal organizational procedures related to the evaluation of the employee are being prepared, and the document will be used within the institution. His customer is internal.

    HR specialists are not required to write a character reference themselves, because they cannot know the business qualities of each employee, but they must organize the preparation of such a document: contact their immediate superior, assist him in writing and completing the document.

    The content will depend on the purpose of creating the characteristic. Therefore, we will consider various options that are often encountered in practice.

    Examples of positive and negative characteristics

    To begin with, let's give an example of a positive testimonial from a place of work. This is the most common option, which lists a person’s strengths and positive professional qualities.

    Semyon Ivanovich Nikiforov is a high-profile specialist who has been working at Electrosystems LLC for 15 years. His total work experience is 22 years. During his work at Electrosystems LLC, he established himself as a responsible, qualified employee. Semyon Ivanovich competently, quickly and effectively solves the tasks assigned to him. The electrical systems installation projects entrusted to him were completed with high quality and in a short time. The main positive qualities of Semyon Ivanovich are his responsibility and perseverance in achieving his goals. It is also impossible not to note his ability to competently explain the task to other specialists. Nikiforov Semyon Ivanovich was twice awarded gratitude from the management of Electrosystems LLC.

    Now let's give an example of a negative characteristic:

    Ivan Ilyich Mitrofanov worked at Electrosystems LLC as a mechanic for 1 year and 3 months. During this time he did not show high professionalism. Despite some positive qualities, Ivan Ilyich is characterized as a poorly disciplined worker. Lack of discipline manifested itself in non-compliance with work deadlines and regular lateness. Ivan Ilyich was twice subject to disciplinary sanctions.

    Characteristics for promotion

    Promotion can be initiated by the management of the organization. In this case, the requirements for the procedure can be flexible and determined by local regulations: Regulations on Incentives, etc. Often, the package of documents for submitting an employee for promotion includes a description of the immediate supervisor.

    A sample reference from the place of work for a worker who is planning to be awarded a Certificate of Merit

    To choose the right words for a description, you need to think about what qualities in the company are considered the most valuable, and based on this, define the employee. The job description example presented above emphasizes performance skills. However, it is possible that your company especially welcomes:

    • dedication, loyalty to the company and its leaders;
    • or the ability to make decisions, take initiative;
    • or a responsible attitude towards the quality and timing of work;
    • or the ability to build relationships with clients...

    But there is another type of encouragement - state awards of the Russian Federation. In this case, there are serious requirements for documents from the place of work (details about this can be found in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 09/07/2010 No. 1099 “On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation”, as well as in the Letter of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04/04/2012 No. AK-3560). The Letter contains methodological recommendations regarding the preparation of award documents.

    Sample characteristics for an employee to receive a state award

    Characteristics when deciding the issue of collection

    The employee has committed an offense, and the question of punishment arises: a reprimand or dismissal. An internal investigation may be underway. What punishment should I choose? To answer this question, all the circumstances and materials of the incident are carefully examined. If a positive reference from the place of work is taken into account, containing assessments such as:

    • responsibility for the work performed;
    • absence of bad habits;
    • compliance with labor discipline, etc.,

    then the punishment for the employee who committed the offense may be mitigated.

    Sample characteristics when deciding on collection

    Characteristic when increasing

    In a large organization with an extensive hierarchical structure, or in state and municipal bodies, many internal procedures are strictly formalized. For example, there is . The set of documents for each participant in such a reserve includes characteristics. They focus on the employee qualities necessary for a candidate for a leadership position: competence, strong-willed, organizational skills, intelligence and authority.

    Sample characteristics for promotion

    Characteristics during certification

    The Labor Code does not regulate the procedure in the organization. However, if such a procedure is planned, it is necessary to draw up a local regulatory act - the Regulations on Certification, having it approved by order. The Regulations must contain a list of documents provided to the certification commission, including characteristics of the employee being certified.

    The specification should include:

    • information about education, advanced training, position, work experience;
    • evaluation of work results and implementation of significant projects;
    • information about the presence or absence of penalties or incentives.

    Sample characteristics for certification

    Characteristics to the court

    During court hearings, characteristics of the defendant (accused) are often added to the case materials: they can be requested by any participant in the trial, including the employee against whom the case was brought. Look at a sample description of the driver from the place of work - it has become a circumstance mitigating administrative liability (decision of the Davlekanovsky District Court dated August 23, 2010, case No. 12-93/2010).

  • signed by the head of the enterprise;
  • certified by a seal (if available).
  • Characteristics from a place of work sometimes influence a person’s fate, because it can become a decisive argument in court, when applying for a job, or when adopting a child. Although this document is optional and not strictly regulated by law, its use is not uncommon. Currently there is no regulated sample of characteristics. However, if you are asked to write it, it is important that the document plausibly reflects the professional and personal qualities of the employee, since providing false information may lead to unfavorable circumstances.

    The job description contains written information about the employee from the employer’s perspective. The characterization is written in free form, but it is very important to most fully reveal the person’s character, the nuances of his behavior in the workplace, achievements (if any), and professionalism. The document must be drawn up on company letterhead with the manager’s signature and seal so that the organization that requested the reference does not have doubts about its authenticity.

    Who should write the testimonial?

    The document is drawn up, as a rule, by personnel department employees or other authorized persons who have been assigned this responsibility. In order for a reference to be issued by a personnel or other service, it must be requested.

    The nature of using a document can be divided into two types:

    • internal use implies storing the characteristics in the organization’s personal file;
    • External use occurs when a document receives a request from an authorized body or an employee requests a characteristic independently for his own purposes.

    The characteristics, which are stored in the organization’s personal file, are needed for the personnel department. This document is most often filled out when applying for a job and is stored along with the rest of the employee’s papers: a copy of a higher education diploma, a work record book, etc. In this case, the document is formal in nature. It is known that when selecting an employee for a higher position, management will focus on how the person managed to prove himself in practice.

    Sometimes the following organizations will need a reference from the place of work:

    • court in administrative, civil and criminal cases;
    • law enforcement agencies to conduct investigations;
    • guardianship and trusteeship authorities upon adoption or deprivation of parental rights;
    • banks to obtain loans;
    • other organizations.

    Other organizations include a consulate, a military registration and enlistment office, a drug treatment clinic, etc.

    If an employee has expressed a desire to leave the organization in which he works, he can immediately ask his management to draw up a description for his future place of work. This approach increases the chances of success in employment, since some organizations make recommendations a priority when choosing an employee. Unfortunately, not every employee can afford to ask their boss for such a document, since there are managers who are sorry to lose their best employees. Often, superiors secretly wish for a subordinate to return to their ranks due to the lack of a worthy replacement for the dismissed professional.

    If you are in doubt about what to write in an employee’s reference, ask for the opinion of his immediate supervisor

    Procedure for filling out the document

    The most important thing in a characterization is the content, which reveals the uniqueness of the employee and his value to the company. The contents of the document should be as follows:

    • personal information about the employee: date of birth, marital status, education, military service, etc.;
    • information about work is, first of all, skills, achievements and successes at work, and movement up the career ladder. Completion of various courses and trainings. Participation in seminars can also be attributed to this block;
    • information about personal qualities that reveal the character of the employee and his relationship with the team.

    It is these points that reveal information about the employee, which can help the employee of the organization that requested the reference to make the right decision.

    Rules for writing characteristics

    It is known that there is no strictly established form for drawing up characteristics, so the company is obliged to develop it independently. Therefore, if a request is received, but the organization has not approved the form of the document, responsibility for its preparation falls on the HR department employee.

    If a request for a characterization came from an organization, then its name must be indicated on the form. When a document is issued at the request of an employee, it must be written that the reference is issued at the place of request.

    Such a document can be signed not only by the head of the organization or the person replacing him, but also by the head of the structural unit where the employee is registered. Any other officials in this case do not have the right to sign.

    It is also important to remember the law that protects personal data (Article 7 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 152-FZ). The employee must agree to the disclosure of certain information from his personal data.

    When writing a reference for an employee, do not forget about the protection of personal data and do not provide information beyond the required minimum

    How to prepare a document

    In order to most fully disclose the information in the characteristics, the following requirements must be met when drawing up the document:

    • the organization's form must be in A4 format;
    • where the title of the document is indicated, you need to write the word “Characteristics”;
    • purpose of drawing up the document: for presentation at the place of demand or submission to a government agency;
    • last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, position, department and what year this employee has been working since;
    • information about education;
    • marital status, presence of children;
    • work activity, including career growth, responsibilities, achievements;
    • professional quality;
    • assessment of business and personal qualities, including relationships with the team;
    • signature of an authorized person and seal of the organization.

    Naturally, it is not necessary to strictly follow the listed points, since sometimes some of the information may be unnecessary or useless.

    Positive reference from the place of work

    Which document should be drawn up: positive or neutral?

    Often, HR workers doubt whether a reference should be good or satisfactory. When drawing up this document, you should be guided not only by the place where it is provided, but also by your own common sense. It is clear that if a characteristic is written to reward an employee or transfer him to a higher position, it must be positive. If the document is drawn up for presentation to government agencies, for example, the consular service, a neutral tone is appropriate. In this case, competent drafting of the document is much more important.

    Video: how to describe the good qualities of an employee

    Sample performance characteristics for award

    Performance characteristics are usually written for the purpose of promoting an employee to a higher position, increasing his salary, or rewarding him with a valuable gift. In this case, the responsibility for drawing up the document rests with:

    • head of a unit or department;
    • branch manager;
    • executive director;
    • immediate supervisor;
    • owner of the enterprise.

    It is not worth describing a subordinate as an ideal employee, but all his positive aspects should be described: conscientious performance of duties, correct record keeping, participation in collective events, etc. You can write that he is an example for young employees.

    We characterize a negligent employee from the bad side

    There are unpleasant situations when personnel employees have to write negative characteristics. Unfortunately, not all employees are distinguished by discipline and hard work, and to remain silent about this means misleading representatives of the organization that is requesting the document.

    Negative reference from the place of work

    The job description must be dated to the date it was compiled.

    An important point is that the organization’s letterhead must indicate the organization’s telephone number or it must be indicated at the bottom of the document. This requirement is relevant due to the fact that the party requesting a document from the place of work may have questions or clarifications. Sometimes in this way the future employer checks a potential employee to avoid providing a falsified reference.

    If a HR employee exaggerates the employee’s positive qualities, then the false information will become obvious in the future. And there should also not be the opposite situation, when a good employee is given a negative assessment. The most important thing when drawing up a document for an employee of an organization is to adhere to the principles of truthfulness and honesty. This is the only way to avoid the occurrence of unfair life situations, since sometimes one document greatly influences various life events.