Latest releases of 1c configurations. How to return the button for inactive counterparties in the Purchases\Sales Book

Despite the fact that the new version of the 1C technology platform, version 8.3, has been on the market for quite some time, many enterprises and private entrepreneurs, for a variety of reasons, still use previous versions, in particular 8.2. It would seem that 8.2 is just the previous version, but information, for example, how to install an update for 1C 8.2, has become increasingly difficult to find lately. This request, by the way, is not entirely correct, and here’s why: the latest current release of the 8.2 platform was released at the beginning of 2013, as can be seen in the screenshot from the official 1C user support website.

A latest versions Old editions of 1C Accounting generally work only on the 8.3 platform, and updates for 1C 8.2 are not available.

Therefore, there is no point in telling how to update the 8.2 platform (due to the fact that there is no update history), and users, as a rule, mean the process of updating configurations on the 1C 8.2 platform, such as Accounting, Salary, Trade Management, etc. d.

Therefore, in this article we will look at updating the 1C database on platform 8.3 using the example of the Enterprise Accounting version 2.0 configuration. The edition is considered old, but is still supported by 1C due to a fairly large number of users.

So, first of all, to update the configuration, we need to understand which configuration release we have installed. To do this, we need to launch the configuration in any mode and select* in the main menu:

*Or press the button "i" at the top right side of the screen.

We will see a window with configuration information:

At the top of the window we see the version of the 1C platform on which our configuration is running. Below it is information about the configuration (name, edition, release number). It is the configuration release (indicated in parentheses) that we need. The fact is that each 1C configuration update is intended for specific releases.

Next, we need to understand which release we can update the configuration to. To do this, go to the 1C user support site ( We must have a login and password for the site. If not, then in the form for entering your login and password there is a “Register a new user” button.

Next, go to section 1C: Software updates – Download software updates – Typical 1C configurations for Russia – Enterprise accounting, edition 2.0. We will see a list of configuration releases available for download.

As we remember, we have Enterprise Accounting release In the “Version Update” column we see configuration releases to which the update can be installed. We were lucky. The latest configuration release at the moment is suitable for updating from our release. This means that we can update directly to it, bypassing intermediate versions.

Select the desired release and click on it. On the next page we see a list of materials available for download. We are interested in the “Update distribution” item.

We are interested in the Setup.exe file. We launch it by double-clicking and get into the configuration installation program.

In the next window we will be asked to select the location for installing the configuration templates. You can choose it at your discretion. The main thing is not to forget where you will install the templates.

The update template is installed, and we enter our database. It must be launched in configurator mode.

Having entered the database in configurator mode, the first thing we must do is unload the database. This must be done so that in case of errors, when an update occurs, power outages or other emergency situations, we can restore the database from the archive.

To do this, in the main menu, select the item “Administration” - “Download infobase”.

The program will ask you to specify the download path. We specify the path*, after which the uploading process begins. It can take, depending on the power of the computer and the size of the database, from a minute to 7 – 10 minutes. The fact that the database is currently being unloaded is indicated by the inscription in the lower left corner:

After the upload is complete, the following window will appear:

As you can see, both during the upload process and in the message about its completion, the path that we specified is displayed. One nuance must be taken into account: during the unloading process, as well as during the updating process, no one should be in the database except us.

The preparations are complete, which means you can start directly updating the database configuration. Let's go to the main menu. We are interested in the submenu “Configuration” - “Open configuration”. A configuration window that looks like this opens:

Again go to the menu “Configuration” - “Support” - “Update configuration”.

The program will offer to find a template to update or specify its location manually.*

*In essence, they are no different, but searching for updates may take some time, depending on the size of the hard drive on which we installed the template. Therefore, we will specify the path to the templates manually.

Specify “Select update file” and click “Next”.

The program will prompt you to specify the path to the file containing the update. We indicate the path to the folder where we installed the template, and in the folder with the template, select the file “1cv8.cfu”. Click “Next”.

The next window will contain general information about the update. After reviewing, if necessary, proceed to “Continue updating”.

The program will provide brief information about which configuration is being updated, from which release and to which one. Click "OK".

As the update progresses, a percentage bar will appear in the lower left corner several times to indicate progress through certain update steps.

We wait until the following window appears:

Click “Yes” (otherwise, why would we even bother with the update?).

The program will display a window for reorganizing information. It displays information about changes/adding metadata objects during the update process.

We are waiting for the inscription to appear in the lower left corner:

It means that the update in configurator mode has been completed. Until this inscription appears, any manipulations with the database other than those described above will be impossible.

The update is complete and we are moving on to launching the database in enterprise mode. This action can be performed directly from the configurator by pressing the F5 key or the button in the upper left corner:

In Enterprise mode, the first window that will appear is:

Select “I confirm the legality of receiving the update in accordance with the above conditions” (otherwise the update will not be completed and the program will close) and click “Continue”.

We wait until the message “Update” appears at the bottom of the service message window. information base completed successfully." This will mean the successful completion of the process. The program will display a window with a list of changes, which you can study or close immediately.

We're done and can start working on the updated database version 8.2.

The 1C:Enterprise software system includes a large number of software products. Moreover, almost all products are periodically updated. A user working with a licensed version of the program has the opportunity to receive updates. In this article we will describe what updates there are, what they are called and how they differ. This and other interesting materials for 1C:Enterprise users are posted in the next issue of Information Technology Support (on the ITS disk).

Getting updates

Installing updates

How to update your program?

This information is necessary in order to understand how and which parts of 1C:Enterprise need to be updated, and also so that when contacting the 1C technical support service, the user can accurately report which software product he is working with. Knowing which updates are installed significantly increases the effectiveness of the consultation.

First of all, we note that 1C:Enterprise consists of a platform (system part) and various configurations. The platform is always supplied ready-made and cannot be changed by the user. The configuration is also supplied ready-made, but can be changed by the user (except for basic versions). Most 1C:Enterprise software products include a platform and one or more configurations. Some configurations are sold separately and require the user to have another product that includes the platform to operate.

The platform and configurations are updated independently, meaning platform and configuration updates are released at different times and have different numbers. However, in some cases it is necessary to update both the platform and the configuration. This circumstance is usually specified in the instructions for updating the configuration.

Getting updates

There are several ways to receive updates.

Most effective method- this is a subscription to the ITS disk (Information and technological support disk). The disk (CD_ROM) is released once a month and contains, in addition to large quantity methodological and regulatory reference material, current updates - both configurations and platforms. An ITS disk subscription includes delivery of the disk and installation of updates. For subscribers of the ITS disk, the opportunity to receive configuration updates from the 1C website is also being introduced.

Updates can be obtained from 1C partners. The possibility and conditions of updates should be discussed with the specific partner organization.

Registered users can also receive updates directly from 1C.

Installing updates

Installation of new versions of the program is performed quite rarely and is described in detail in the attached documentation.

Installation of platform releases is similar to the initial installation of the program. The update is a regular distribution (a program recording intended for installation) - the same as in the delivery kit or a special distribution from the ITS disk. Installation from a regular distribution is no different from the initial installation, and installation from the ITS disk automatically finds the program installed on the computer and performs the installation. When installing a platform release, it does not matter which release was installed before.

Updating configurations (editions and releases) must be performed according to the instructions. For standard configurations, installation instructions are issued during the installation of a new edition or configuration release. The configuration also includes a description of the changes made in this release or edition. Updating the configuration should be done very carefully. It is recommended to make a backup copy of the infobase before performing the update. When installing configuration updates, you should adhere to the sequence in which releases and revisions are issued. Since information may be converted when installing each release, you should not skip releases for a more correct update.

There is a section on the ITS disk with detailed recommendations for updating configurations.

What is a "version" of a program?

In the 1C:Enterprise software system, the concept of “version” refers to the platform. A version is a kind of “generation” of a program system. A new version is released every few years and is a significant development of almost all the capabilities of the system. The current version of 1C:Enterprise (as of April 2001) is version 7.7. All products released since the release of this version are also named by the name of this version. For example, 1C: Accounting 7.7 includes the 1C: Enterprise platform version 7.7 and the standard configuration developed for this version. Configurations developed for previous versions can be used with this version, but only after performing a conversion (conversion of the configuration itself and data).

The version number is indicated both on the box and in the book. In the program itself, you can view it in the “Help - About the program” mode - in the top line of the dialog. For version 7.7 it should say "1C:Enterprise 7.7...". Next, there may be a clarification of the platform option, for example, “for SQL”.

Note that the word “version” in 1C:Enterprise is also used to designate a delivery option, for example, “basic”, “network”, “standard”, “for SQL”, etc. However, the version in this sense does not affect the update programs are precisely delivery options software product(delivery options were described in more detail by us in No. 1 “BUKH.1S” for 2001, and are also contained in the “Differences in software products of the 1C:Enterprise program system” section of the ITS disk).

What are "editions"?

The concept of "Edition" in the 1C:Enterprise program system is applied to configurations. New editions of configurations are developed on average every six months and are the development of a specific configuration. In new editions, the range of tasks solved by the program is expanded, new features are introduced (documents, reference books, reports), algorithms and external design are improved. In some cases, the release of new editions is due to significant changes in legislation that require a restructuring of accounting mechanisms. The new edition, as a rule, has new documentation. In addition, the new edition usually contains a description of the differences for users of previous editions. When switching to new edition a specific installation procedure is required, which may be performed with or without data conversion depending on how the configuration evolves.

The revision number is usually not included in the name of the product itself, but is indicated in the title of the book that describes working with a typical configuration. In the program itself, the revision number can be viewed in the "Help - About the program" mode. After the word “Configuration” there is the name of the configuration and the revision number.

In some configurations, the revision number may not be displayed in About mode. In addition, for some configurations (for example, “Salaries + Personnel”) the concept of editorial is not used.

What is a "release"?

The term "release" (from the English "release" - "release") is used in the computer industry to refer to a program update that is slightly different from the previous one. In 1C:Enterprise, the concept of “release” is used to denote the current update of both the platform and configuration. Accordingly, there are platform releases, and there are configuration releases. The release is not a significant development of the program. Releases are mainly related to the correction of detected errors or changes made in accordance with published regulations.

Updating a platform release is quite simple. No data conversion is performed in this case. Updating the configuration release is carried out according to the attached instructions. Depending on the changes made in the release, data conversion may or may not be required during the update.

Release numbers are not printed in documentation or any other printed materials. Release numbers can be viewed in the program itself in the "Help - About the program" mode. The platform release number is displayed in parentheses to the right of the platform name and version number, and the configuration release number is displayed in parentheses to the right of the configuration name and number.

In some configurations, the release number may not be displayed in the "About" mode.

Where can I get information about new updates?

The release of new versions of the platform and configuration editions is usually covered in the press, at joint seminars and other marketing events. Information about the release of a new version or edition can be found in the news on the 1C website ( Of course, this information can be obtained from partners involved in the sale and support of 1C software products.

Releases are usually not covered in the press. Information about configuration releases is regularly published on the Internet resource for accountants Information about releases can also be obtained from the technical support department of 1C.

In this article I will tell you how to update your existing configuration on the 1C 8.2 or 8.3 platform. For example, we will update the configuration of 1C Enterprise Accounting 8.2. The update is carried out in several ways: from the ITS disk, from the website, from the program itself. For the basic version of the configuration, only the second and third methods are possible. Let's look at them all.

Before updating the configuration, you must create a backup copy of the infobase! After you make a backup copy, you need to test and correct the information base and only then proceed with the update.

The configuration update files look like this:

Here we are interested in the setup.exe file, let's run it and install the update files:

Let's take a closer look at this installation step. The update files are installed in the 1C update templates directory. Only then are they used to update the configuration, i.e. By installing these files you will not update your database, this is a preliminary stage.

The default template directory is created in the Windows user folders, but I prefer to create this directory in the folder with the 1C program. I'll explain why. After updating the configuration, these files are no longer needed, and the easiest way is to remove them from there rather than delve into user folders.

This is a purely practical question, rational use of free space on your disk. You can safely install updates to the default directory. If you do install in a different directory, then you need to know the following. You must make sure that the program sees your template directory; to do this, run 1C again:

Select the “Settings” menu

Here we can make sure that the directory you selected is present in the 1C settings. If everything is in order, click further in the installation process.

We are waiting for the installation to complete.

If you are not interested in the description of the 1C update, uncheck the box and click “Finish”. The update template is installed.

Let's launch the 1C program:

Select the configurator launch mode.

The configurator opens.

Let's find out our configuration release. To do this, select “About the program” from the “Help” menu.

Here we can see the following information of interest to us:

The version of the 1c Enterprise platform - in this case It is written about how to update the platform.

The mode is file, which means that you have a regular file database, and not a 1C Enterprise server.

And what we need is Configuration, namely the name and version of the release - in this case

Now we know what configuration release we have. Let's continue.

To be able to update the 1C configuration from the configurator, you need to open the configuration for editing. Click “Open configuration”.

After the configuration has opened, you should pay attention to the lock next to the configuration name. If it is, then your configuration matches the supplier's configuration, i.e. typical 1C.

If there is no lock, your configuration has been partially or completely deprecated to allow changes to be made. The procedure for updating such configurations differs from what is described in this article. We will consider the option when you still have a lock.

Select “Update configuration” from the Configuration => Support menu

Here you need to remove the bottom checkbox, because it is designed to search for updates on the Internet and click the “Next” button.

Here we see a list of available updates from the template catalog. There are two updates on my list. Why? The fact is that you can update the configuration by skipping one or more releases, if possible.

There is a milestone update in my template directory. We'll skip it. You need to select the top update highlighted in bold and the word update must be present.

Select the release we need and click “Finish”.

Here we see that you can update the configuration to from 5 previous releases. Click “Continue update”.

We see from which release and to which the update will be made. Click “OK”.

The answer to the program question is “Yes”.

In this window we see which configuration objects have been added, changed, etc. Click “Accept”.

By opening the menu item Help => About the program after completing the operations, we can make sure that the release of our configuration has been updated.

Updating the configuration from the website

To update the configuration from the site, you must have a valid ITS subscription. The basic version does not require an ITS subscription. Updating from the site occurs by downloading the update distribution and installing it.

So, we will assume that you have a login and password to access the site. If they don’t exist yet, see the article “Self-registration of users using a PIN code.” Open any browser you have and enter the name of the site in the address bar:

We go to the site, enter your username and password and click “Login”:

We find ourselves in the summary information section:

Scroll down and find the section “Enterprise Accounting, Edition 2.0 for Technology Platform 8.2”. Click on the name of the configuration. If you have a different configuration, look for it in the list.

A list of available releases opens. We are interested in the latest one, in this case We also see that this release is an update to version This means that it is not necessary to install intermediate releases. Click on the latest release number.

In the window that opens, we see that “The current version of the configuration is intended for use with a version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 system not lower than” This means that if the version of your platform is lower than the one indicated, you need to update it. How to do this is written here. Click on “Update distribution”.

After downloading, we have an update file.

Unpack it to the directory you need:

Updating the basic configuration of 1C 8.2 or 8.3.

The basic configuration is updated from the program itself: menu Tools => Configuration Update. To update, you need a login and password from the site

Before updating, the program automatically creates a backup copy of the database, but I recommend either immediately finding where it was made (By searching the system disk for files with the dt extension) and moving it to the folder with archive copies, or making a backup copy manually through the configurator.

Nowadays, 1C programs (accounting, ZUP, UT, KA) are a kind of standard for maintaining management, accounting and other types of accounting. This software is installed at all enterprises that are switching to full automation of accounting. Employers require knowledge and skills to work with this particular program. If questions arise related to the automation system (cost, balances, etc.), as a rule, enterprise employees resort to the help of the 1C database.

Today, quite often, users are faced with questions about what 1C company software products are (1C: Enterprise, 1C: ZUP, etc.), their structure, as well as operating principles. In addition, everyone is interested in which version of the update needs to be installed so that accounting at the enterprise is kept in accordance with the law.

Let's start in order.


Any version of the 1C: Enterprise software product (ZUP, accounting, etc.) has the following structure:

  • Platform;
  • Configuration.

The technological platform is the “engine” of the program. It is he who creates the user interface, provides input, storage, and provision of data. The platform makes it possible to develop updates for the 1C: Enterprise program (ZUP, UT, etc.) and carry out previously developed operations in the workplace. Today there are several functioning platforms, such as 7.7, 8.0., 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, and the latest platform 8.4 is planned to be released. You can work on any edition of the platform. The choice depends on the management of the enterprise. But version 8.3 is considered the most relevant for users.

The platform needs to be updated if the configuration release is updated, in other words, new features appear that will only work with the new platform.


A configuration is an application solution (update) that is designed to perform specific tasks. Updating a 1C software product is a specific set of reference books (for ZUP this is normative base, which is responsible for personnel management), constants, documentation, journals, reports and other objects related to accounting in the enterprise. All these elements are intended for entering and processing data necessary for the user.

There are two types:

  • Typical. These configurations are created by 1C company developers and all of them can be found on the company’s official website. As a rule, these configurations are of higher quality. They use only optimal solutions to assigned tasks, and quickly correct errors that arise during the work process;
  • Atypical. This type is usually created by partner companies. Non-standard configurations can be developed for a specific industry, taking into account its characteristics (industry-specific) or for a specific company. When choosing atypical configurations, you need to understand that 1C partner companies usually have a high staff turnover. It is for this reason that one configuration can be written by several different developers. Hence the instability of work, freezing of the program, etc.

At the moment there are many configurations:

  • UT, etc.

Each specific configuration has its own release and its own edition. For example:

  • The ZUP 2.5 configuration will work under a platform that has version 8.2 and higher;
  • The ZUP 3.0 configuration will work under a platform that has version 8.3 and higher.

Moreover, each specific release of “1C: ZUP” will work normally only with a specific release of this platform.

The configuration has to be updated to comply with the law when submitting reports and keeping records.


The creators of the 1C software product continuously monitor changes legislative framework, accounting methods, trade accounting, as well as forms for submitting reports to the relevant authorities. This is done so that the user is always aware of events.

The result is this active work are configurations, as well as forms of regulated enterprise reports, the use of which makes it possible to keep the software product up to date.

Timely updating of the 1C program helps you avoid troubles that may be caused by non-compliance of the accounting system with current tax and accounting legislation. In order to find out the 1C releases available in your software products, you need to open the program and select the “Help” tab in the menu, then click “About the program”. The following window will appear:

Remember: you can install a new platform without an updated configuration, but you cannot install an updated configuration without a new platform.

If we draw an analogy between “1C: Enterprise” (1C:ZUP, 1C:UT, etc.) and other systems, then all 1C company software products can be compared with any operating system installed on your computer (this is a platform option) and various programs which you use Office, Total Commander, Skype, AdobeReader (these are configuration options).

After launching the help, you have the opportunity to find out everything about the version of the program you have installed. You will be able to see not only the path where your database was installed. But using the brackets on the right, you can find out the edition of the platform and release of the software product that is installed on your computer. Eg:

  • The brackets at the top ( indicate which edition of the 1C: Accounting 8 software product and platform was installed for operation;
  • The brackets at the bottom ( shows: 2.0 is the configuration version, 23.9 is where, 23 is the current release, and 9 is the build number.

A release is a program update that is intended to change the current working version software on the user's computer. The 1C company constantly releases new releases (versions) of configurations. The main difference between a configuration edition and a release is that most often, the release does not contain any major changes, for example, in the structure.

The main reason for the release of new releases are changes in the current tax and accounting. Unlike outdated releases, the release of an updated version is a further development of the capabilities available to you in the configuration installed on your computer. A new edition is written, as a rule, for two serious reasons: it is a generalization of the experience of using the configuration and a reflection of significant changes in the current legislation - in this case, making changes to the configuration is a necessary measure.

Version: 7.7.
Revision: 1.3.
Release: 180

Example 2

Version: 8.2.
Edition: 2.0.
Release: 18.1

"Version" of the 1C program

In the 1C:Enterprise program system, the concept of “version” refers to the platform.
A version is a "generation" of a software system. A new version is released every few years and is a significant development of almost all the capabilities of the system. The current versions of 1C:Enterprise are version 7.7, version 8.2.
All products released since the release of this version are also named by the name of this version. For example, 1C: Accounting 7.7 includes the 1C: Enterprise platform version 7.7 and the standard configuration developed for this version. Configurations developed for previous versions can be used with this version, but only after performing a conversion (conversion of the configuration itself and data).

The version number is indicated on the box of the 1C software product.
In the program itself, you can view it in the “Help - About the program” mode - in the top line of the dialog. For version 7.7 it should say "1C:Enterprise 7.7...". For version 8.2 it says “1C:Enterprise 8.2...” Then there may be a clarification of the platform option, for example, “for SQL”.
Also, the word “version” in “1C:Enterprise” is also used to designate a delivery option, for example, “basic”, “network”, “standard”, “for SQL”, etc. However, the version in this sense does not affect the update programs are precisely options for delivering a software product.

"Edition" of the 1C program

The concept of "Editorial" in the 1C:Enterprise program system applies to configurations. New editions of configurations are developed on average every six months and are the development of a specific configuration. In new editions, the range of tasks solved by the program is expanded, new features are introduced (documents, reference books, reports), algorithms and external design are improved. In some cases, the release of new editions is due to significant changes in legislation that require a restructuring of accounting mechanisms. The new edition, as a rule, has new documentation. In addition, the new edition usually contains a description of the differences for users of previous editions. When migrating to a new edition, a specific installation procedure is required, which can be performed with or without data conversion, depending on the nature of the configuration evolution.

The revision number is usually not included in the name of the product itself, but is indicated in the title of the book that describes working with a typical configuration. In the program itself, the revision number can be viewed in the "Help - About the program" mode. After the word “Configuration” there is the name of the configuration and the revision number.

For some configurations (for example, “Salaries + Personnel”) the concept of editorial is not used.

"Release" of the 1C program

The term "release" (from the English "release" - "release") is used in the computer industry to refer to a program update that is slightly different from the previous one. In 1C:Enterprise the concept of “release” used to indicate current update both platforms and configurations. Accordingly, there are platform releases, and there are configuration releases. The release is not a significant development of the program. Releases are mainly related to the correction of detected errors or changes made in accordance with published regulations.

Updating a platform release is quite simple. No data conversion is performed in this case. Updating the configuration release is carried out according to the attached instructions. Depending on the changes made in the release, data conversion may or may not be required during the update.

Release numbers are not printed in documentation or any other printed materials. Release numbers can be viewed in the program itself in the "Help - About the program" mode. The platform release number is displayed in parentheses to the right of the platform name and version number, and the configuration release number is displayed in parentheses to the right of the configuration name and number.


Current releases of 1C programs can be found at: